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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1465116 No.1465116 [Reply] [Original]

I have no nostalgia over the PS1 because I had a N64 & Sega Saturn at the time, and didn't get any Sony system till 2005 (PS2).

Tell me yarns of your nostalgia for PS1 so I can tangentially live it.

>> No.1465170

It's a pretty shitty console.

>crappy early 3D graphics that look like vomit
>all those shovelware RPGs like Final Fantasy ICXII
>those shitty camera angles from early 3D

It's solely for nostalgiafags.

>> No.1465176

Why are you even here, aside from the obvious trolling?

>> No.1465189

>you not liking my opinions means that im trolling

N64, PS1, Saturn ALL look like ASS. That early 3D generation is horrible.

>> No.1465190

You still haven't answered the question. You're trolling, still.

>> No.1465191

Because there's no 2d games on those consoles. ESPECIALLY not on the Saturn. Back to /v/ faggot.

>> No.1465198
File: 596 KB, 728x523, smash bros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a nostalgiafag could think this is good graphics.

>> No.1465196

Your own family generation is currently looking like ass.

>> No.1465202

Good enough.
Can you tell what's happening? Yes.
Does it run well? Yes.

>> No.1465204

i didnt have those feels either, op. had a N64, sold it. little brother got a saturn, i loved it.
have many nostalgic feels for saturn

>> No.1465212

>Can you tell what's happening?
Some paper machete polygons are screwing each other as two other polygons with different colors are coming in to join
>Does it run well?
Dem notorious slowdowns

>> No.1465209

n64 was the worst console ever.
that was the exact moment nintendo jumped the shark

>> No.1465220

Let's see... I was born in '88, so a lot of these memories are me as a kid. Nothing too interesting, really, just some general memories of stuff I loved from when the console was new-ish.

Holy shit, Resident Evil series. Games can be scary? They were so fun to play when you didn't know everything beforehand, and also great to enjoy with a friend. I think my first one was 2, though I'm not sure on that. I think I played both as a kid at some point. I definitely remember playing 2 on a trip to see family out of state. I may have brought my PS with me to play it if memory serves. Still have the RE2 promo shirt from back then, too.

Double transforms in X4. HOLY SHIT. How can they show something like this in a MegaMan game!? I remember thinking how hardcore this game was. I mean, come on, Zero says damn in the first level! Now it does seem like a hokey game (but honestly, Double's transformation is still pretty awesome).

MK Trilogy. I was kinda interested in fighting games as a kid, but seeing so many playable characters in one game back then was quite awesome.

Lunar: SSSC looked so awesome, too. I remember being enthralled with the enemies and dragons.

Silent Hill was great fun, too. It is hard to remember what it was like to see a game that fuced up for the first time. I don't think I had ever seen anything quite like it, and my horror-loving kid self ate it up.

>> No.1465259

>this is good graphics

Wow. You don't even know basic grammar. I'm totally going to take your opinion seriously now.

Stop fagging up the board.

>> No.1465274

>resorting to ad homonim

>> No.1465310

>still fagging up the board

You're like someone who goes to a concert for the sole purpose of complaining about how much the band sucks.

Do yo seriously have nothing better to do?

>> No.1465359

Play Metal Gear Solid.

>> No.1465441

I have a playstation like in ops picture. How can I play burnt CDs on it? Is it even possible? Thanks guys

>> No.1465481

You'll need a modchip.

>> No.1465491

I try so hard to nostalgia about psone gaems but they look so terrible now. Ff7 and 8 and crono cross were god tier when I was a kid but I can barely play them nao. Same with games like jumping flash, loaded, cool boarders and twisted metal. I have more fun playing SNES and n64 games. Idk why.

>> No.1465490

Or he could you know do the disk swap trick. Well done for giving him shorty advice.

>> No.1465495

Lel look like ass. Are you avn tho?

>> No.1465501

>B-but old vidya look like shit
>It's solely for nostalgiafags
Where the fuck do you think you are?
0.001/10 for making me reply.

>> No.1465513

3rd party games.

>> No.1465564
File: 17 KB, 590x639, 1394636890373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay scratch that fucking shit. i just played tony hawk 3 for the first time on the ps and holy shit it is glorious. the mixture of god tier music with pulling off massive trick combos is fucking great. shit is transcendent. i remember now why i played the first two so hard. that fucking sound track and those perfect controls. mfw.

>> No.1465582

Graphics aren't something that should be compared in older systems. As long as you don't pay attention to the quality and have enough imagination to know whats going on, you're fine. I'm playing through FFVIII right now and it looks normal. I don't have nostalgia over these games (I grew up in a game-restricted house) but they still look relevant. Its because of games like crysis that you fags appear, claiming that good graphics are needed over quality mechanics and smooth gameplay.

>> No.1465602

All the people who never shut up about 1080p and 60 frames per second sound to me like princesses who ring a bell at 2 AM to call their maid and tell her they can't sleep because the bed is inclined 2 centimeters to the left, or because they hear a dog barking one kilometer away.
Graphics fags are insufferable faggots, and more similar to audiophiles than video game fans.

>> No.1465603

the ps1 and n64 versions of THPS3/4 are gimped, you should really play the PC version instead, theres actually still people playing thps3 and thug2 online.

>> No.1465881

>thinking n64 and ss top ps

underage detected

this board could not be at a lower level.

>> No.1465886

crysis had quality mechanics and smooth gameplay.
you should have said crysis 2/3.

>> No.1465892
File: 47 KB, 500x311, Tomb-Raider-TRAVIS-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PS1 was the first real experience I had with 3D. There had been some computer games before that like Doom or Arctic Fox, but their graphics were so simplistic that it still looked kind of 2D.

I remember playing Tomb Raider for the first time and actually finding it really hard to adjust to. It was like I had to learn to look at games in a whole different way, and at first it was really uncomfortable. But once I got used to it, I was hooked.

To this day, that first Tomb Raider game is one of the most amazing video game experiences I've ever had. And now the series is an Uncharted rip off. Life is sad sometimes.

>> No.1465895

>Worse than 3DO
>Worse than Jaguar
>Worse than Virtual Boy

Come on troll friend, are you even trying?

>> No.1465941
File: 312 KB, 1067x1600, Nubiles_GamerGirl_005-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the whole CD add-on debacle in the early 90s, plus the fact I was supposed to be some mature high schooler had me leaving behind video games - for the new fad of CCGs, mind you.

Anyway, one of the guys I played MTG with was a bit older than me and he got a PSX at release. His mom just died so he was trying to keep busy. I would sit in his basement smoking weed and chasing his Mr Grimm around with Darkside for hours and hours. I was amazed by not just the 3D graphics but the adult themes.

Then after I graduated, I started spending all my time at my fat girlfriend's house. My fat best friend ended up being her roommate and since I was a poorfag I convinced him to buy a PSX that Christmas, the Christmas of Resident Evil and Tomb Raider. I believed again.

Soon after that I took a job at Babbage's with the first friend. Between that, arcade dominance and being major players on the MTG scene we were mall rockstars. This was the mid 90s, remember. Superman got killed and nerds were cool for the first time. Single girls hung out in comic shops looking to hook up.

So anyway, we started wingmanning for each other and throwing 151 rum parties all the time with high school chicks - goth sluts, nerd birds and those that fell between which were a lot back then. It wasn't too long before we had a couple we were fucking on the regular.

So of course I needed to get my own place (fat girlfriend wasn't going to last much longer). By that time, I had all three systems, a job that let me check out all the brand new games for free and paid for a bottle of Baccardi in the freezer and a sack of weed in the coin box of one of my six arcade machines at all times. Needless to say, my place was a popular hangout.

The N64 was essentially a Goldeneye machine. Used only during drunken parties, with Mario Kart occasionally making a drop in. The Saturn was my personal other girlfriend that pretty much only I played.


>> No.1465956
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Anyone who dared to pick up one of her gorgeous first party arcade sticks and challenge me at X-Men vs Street Fighter got toyed with like I was a killer whale and they were a seal.

The constant, however was the Playstation. EVERYONE played it ALL the time. Close friends played it on non-party nights, I played it, my hot new girlfriend played it when she wasn't sitting on my lap getting wasted and rubbing her pussy on my dick between rounds of other-room fucking (I didn't even have a bedroom door then). The Playstation would be spinning when I went to work in the morning and still spinning when I got home at night. The other two systems might have gotten dusty from time to time but no dust on that Playstation! It was the entertainment cornerstone (along with stolen cable from the old man in the apartment next door).

In hindsight, that time in my life was not without its problems of course but even all things considered it was a hell of a way to spend my youth. What have you twenty year olds' PS3s done for you?

>> No.1465983
File: 34 KB, 400x324, tenchustealthassassins-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair the new TR was pretty good and the sequel will be much better

PS1 was the best time in gaming for me, tons of great game ideas popping up from resident evil, crash bandicoot, twisted metal, tenchu, tomb raider, metal gear solid, final fantasy.. there were just a massive range of cool games coming out all the time.

>> No.1465991

The thing I loved about the PS1 was the MSRP of most games was 50 bucks. Not all over the place like N64.

>> No.1465993

>chasing his Mr Grimm around with Darkside for hours and hours.

Ohh god, I spent SO many hours playing TM2 with my buddy. We would do the same thing, not even try to beat the levels just race around constantly. Infinite turbo cheat was the best.

I get that it's a good version of what it's trying to do. It's just that what it's trying to do didn't feel at all like Tomb Raider to me. Also I despise Uncharted more than almost any other game I have ever played. So even that type of game done amazingly isn't going to interest me.

>> No.1466096

I had a n64 so not too many ps1 memories.There was a few times I got to borrow a ps1 and we mostly played smackdown which was amazing at the time.It seemed like the ps1 was more advanced compared to n64 and I remember kids older than me and some of their dads played ps1 only so it sort had a cool factor to it which is probably why I switched to playstation when ps2 came out.

>> No.1466261

>What have you twenty year olds' PS3s done for you?
I didn't buy one yet so nothing. PS1 and PS2 gave me some great times though.

>> No.1466346

>video game experiences

this. so much.

the whole point is not about the game itself but about the experience it provides, and let me tell you post-32bit fags that the jump from 16 to 32bit, from 2d to 3d is something you will not know, unless some matrix-like console that plugs into your brain is invented.

>> No.1466376

When I was like 11 I kept letting the frog kiss me in Crash 3 because it constantly gave me a boner. Go try it out OP it may work for you too.

>> No.1466451

Metal Gear Solid. Played to completion every week until the first Xbox came out.

Those are my memories of the PS1.

>> No.1466465

Me and 3 other kids crammed into my best friends bedroom taking turns playing Cool Boarders every day during the summer one year.

Going to my friends house during the release week for FF7. Watching him start in Midgar all the way up to the intense chase at the end as you ride out on the wicked motorbike. That was a magical experience. Hadn't seen a game with that large of a scope before. Good time to be a child.

Monster Rancher. During the bus ride home one of the kids had the booklet that came with the game. We were all totally blown away that you could put in any unrelated CD and unlock a new monster.

>> No.1466481

>Paper machete

>> No.1466502

PS1 was the preferred console of my father's stoner friends. When me and him were at the house alone we would usually play Spyro, Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, Crash Bash, etc.

One time it was me and Ed, my father's roommate. He convinced me to play through a part of the first disc of Dragon Valor, which, in his words, was on "two fucking discs man! it's huge!"

Yes, it was fun. However it became boring very quickly, and Ed passed the fuck out. I'm soon to replay the whole game on an emulator because it seemed like a game I'd really like right about now.

>> No.1470059
File: 55 KB, 376x212, 474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not ready.

>> No.1470334
File: 2.10 MB, 1280x961, OOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1473506

Is she wearing a diaper?

Someone gift Ego a box of thongs to give to her or something, poor guy

>> No.1473514
File: 201 KB, 740x1110, 1395011347248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, just punky drawers.

>> No.1473516

Thank god it's censored, I don't think I can handle that lewd Donkey Kong machine.

>> No.1473518

Oh wait, its not Egos wife.

Carry on

>> No.1473530

Wouldn't want to get sued right? Or maybe they asked Nintendo for sponsorship without knowing DK belongs to Ikegami.

>> No.1473535

I can get you images of the PCB if you're into that sort of thing.

>> No.1476660


>> No.1476930

>crash bandicoot
>gran turismo
>crappy early 3D graphics that look like vomit

i think it's time for you to leave

>> No.1476940
File: 156 KB, 366x550, 1386485328735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those games look fucking terrible.

>> No.1477130

gr8 b8, I r8 it 8/8

>> No.1477151


>metal gear solid
>wipeout 3 se

yeah ok bud