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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 7 KB, 512x448, zsnes512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1462285 No.1462285 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best way to emulate Super Nintendo games? I prefer using ZSNES

>> No.1462289

bSNES/Higan or SNES9x-Next.

>> No.1462293

Well, I guess that's /vr/ material, huh.

>> No.1462297
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>> No.1462304
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>> No.1462306
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>> No.1462314

I only use ZSNES because I want to keep the authentic emulation experience.

>> No.1462316

You had one job.

>> No.1462332

Only if you use the 0.150 ver, OP. Then you can call yourself a true retrogamer® dude.


>> No.1462356

What. The. Fuck.

>> No.1462367

I've used all of them over the years. I usually switch between them when the one I'm using starts to annoy me. Right now I'm pretty happy with BSNES.

>> No.1462376

Those sound effects are like the 100% authentic (it said it on the cart) Mario/Sonic adventure game my uncle brought back from China in the 90s

>> No.1462383
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>> No.1462386

RetroArch bsnes core, CRT monitor

>> No.1462407

I knew about emulation 12 years ago, Zsnes was the very first emulator I used, been using it since then and never had a problem.

>> No.1462429
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Does anyone know what emulator they use on here?


>> No.1462443
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Exactly this, haha. I carried around 1.4 MB floppy disks with ZSNES and a zipped selection of ROMs during high school (graduated '03). (Floppy disks were obviously outdated at that time, but so were the PCs there). Off-hand, I know that ZSNES does something weird on one of Sabin's flex moves or whatever, like when a character vertically moves off-screen during battle, but otherwise no problems. The ability to adjust fast-forward speed, hot-map the fast-forward function to a key, and hot-map turbo buttons to other keys is great. Useful in JRPG dungeon slogs when either there's cursor memory, or else you can just win battles using everybody's basic fight command. For most non-boss battles during the last third of Chrono Trigger, I could just hold down fast-forward and A-button turbo, and they were over in 5 sec.

>> No.1462503

>What is the best way to bait /vr? I prefer using ZSNES

>> No.1462560

I use SENSZ, its better. try it out OP

>> No.1462960
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I know that /vr/ shits on zsnes but I still run it for nostalgia purposes.

>> No.1462990


>Win 98
>Boot to MS-DOS

>> No.1462998

What separates snes9x next from the normal one?

>> No.1463026

I've always used ZSNES, but now that I'm using a Windows 8.1 laptop I'm looking for something newer. Probably one of those 64bit emulators or that thing called Retroarch.

I might try figure out how to wirelessly connect my ps3 controller to my laptop so I can play this stuff on my TV with an HDMI cord.

>> No.1463058

It's a proprietary Flash-based emulator.

>> No.1463070


>> No.1463089

So, just tiny little details?

>> No.1463145

bluetooth? or is that just for ds4

>> No.1463154
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>> No.1463167
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>> No.1463186
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I use it because I like the UI, and that's really about it. I've seen /vr/ shit on people for that, like, saying anyone who uses ZNES is only using it for the UI, but I don't see how that isn't a valid reason.

If I care about total accuracy, well, I still own all my shit from back then, and it all still works. I can just play it on my old 80s TV. It's not hard.

>> No.1463226


Seems to me it has been a while since you used emulator and now prefer bitching about them on bards because you are bored

>> No.1463232



After I posted that I found out I could just hook my ps4 controller up to my laptop and use it right away. It is soooo much less of a hassle to play games now because I don't have to deal with motionjoy or some other annoying process to get a ps3 controller to work with this thing. If I can figure out how to get the ps4 controller to connect with bluetooth I'll be freaking set.

>> No.1463771


>> No.1463803

>win battles using everybody's basic fight command
>hold down fast-forward and A-button turbo, and they were over in 5 sec

The killer feature of emulation, right here. Random encounters every two steps? Miles of backtracking? Repeated, unskippable cutscenes? Fuck 'em, I have a Tab key.

>> No.1463813


>> No.1463902


Oh, goodness. What happened to Tetris Attack?

>> No.1463906


For a group of people into retro stuff, people sure do seem to hate retro UIs around here. I constantly see ZSNES catch flak for its "90s interface".

>> No.1463938
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Jesus fucking Christ. It's uncanny how much some of those noises sound like the horns of cars and trucks. It's like you took a laptop and started playing Tetris Attack in the middle of an intersection.

>> No.1463939
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ZSNES can not into emulation. It doesnt reproduce the function of anything and its attempt at imitation is sad frankly.

>> No.1463942

That UI was shit even when it first came out sorry to burst your bubble. Whats to like about that gimped ui though?

>> No.1463950

It's easy to navigate and looks nice.
The snow effect is pretty cool, as well.

>> No.1463961

9x was always easier to navigate because it looked like any other program you ran on windoes. The mouse also skates around like its on fuckin ice in their UI

>> No.1464089

It plays SNES games.
What do you want from your SNES emulator anon?

>> No.1464096

zsnes always worked fine for me and i like the interface/low cpu usage. if i cared about 100% perfect emulation i'd go play my super nintendo.

>> No.1464365

next is a speedhack version based on older snes9x code. only intended for low-power devices, it's much less accurate than mainline snes9x and i have no idea why the guy would suggest it unless he saw "next" and just assumed it was an improved fork like an idiot

>> No.1464372

plebs like you are what killed games

>> No.1464436

bsnes/higan is better in my opinion

>> No.1464490

zsnes still got best "tv mode" and you can make many adjustments to it

>> No.1464492

it's funny because he's skipping basically a plebeian job

>> No.1464551

I'm not getting anything valuable out of watching some dialogue three extra times, or by pressing x to win more slowly than necessary. Those are just dead zones between gameplay that's challenging and story information that's new.

Argue all you want about accuracy, input lag, filters, save states, whatever. But don't tell me I have some kind of moral obligation to spend the finite leisure time in my finite life being bored.

>> No.1464647

>don't tell me I have some kind of moral obligation to spend the finite leisure time in my finite life being bored.
No, that was exactly my point. If you find the games that boring you should be playing something else.

People who don't like a game/genre should keep away rather than forcing their way through and then proceed to complain about the "boring" bits they had to suffer. Widespread feedback like that has turned most of the modern big-budget output into challenge-less, streamlined piles of shit.

>> No.1464769


It has SuperFX overclocking too.

>> No.1464970

>said I hate forced cutscenes
>said I hate streamlined "mash X to win"
>said I just want the challenging gameplay

>Widespread feedback like that has turned most of the modern big-budget output into challenge-less, streamlined piles of shit.

Sorry guys, it was all my fault.

>People who don't like a game/genre should keep away rather than forcing their way through

I used to, but emulation has unlocked the fun in games with fastforwardable slogging.

>> No.1464986

May be a strange question, but are there any mods, or something, that let you play as Luigi first in the All-Stars games? I hate having to select 2 player and then kill mario off every time.

>> No.1465006

do other emulators have graphics enhancement like zsnes does?

>> No.1465008


actually people should just play what they want how they want without other people that have no investment in the situation sperging out about it.

>> No.1465020
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>mfw retards still using zsnes due to the fucking ui

>I don't see how that isn't a valid reason.

wrong retard

there's a libretro frontend that mimics zsnes ui so that you tryhards can play bsnes using zsnes ui

there is no reason for you to use garbage like that emulator

>> No.1465021
File: 12 KB, 378x301, laughing-breaking-bads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are actually shilling this piece of shit

my fucking SIDES.

>> No.1465023
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>zsnes always worked fine for me

>> No.1465026
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>does retarded shit like using zsnes
>wow stop having an opinion about my intelligence muh freedoms


are you fucking kidding me faggot

>> No.1465029

I kind of like ZSNES interface, even if I never use the emulator anymore. Maybe it's just because it was the first emulator I ever used, and for some reason its blue/purple filter and orange cursor still seems like a magical entity to me.

It also taught me what directories were, back in the day.

>> No.1465034


knock yourself out

>> No.1465042

How about you answer the question?

>> No.1465047
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>do other emulators have graphics enhancement like zsnes does?
>can other emulators do what little zsnes can do?
>does zsnes have anything exclusive to it?
>does zsnes have any worth at all

>> No.1465053

I still use ZSNES because I know some neckbeard here has killed himself over it, either via heart attack or by hanging himself.

Feels good man.

>> No.1465054 [DELETED] 

explain in what way are graphics enhancement features are better on other emulators

>> No.1465058
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>> No.1465059

explain in what way are graphics enhancement features better on other emulators

>> No.1465062

install retro arch retard

go on /vg/emu and ask about it

>> No.1465070

this explains nothing

>> No.1465075


>> No.1465103

going to keep on using zsnes solely because it annoys neckbeards

>> No.1465112

i aint even annoyed, i don't emulate snes. i just don't get a lot of excuses to post this video

>> No.1465118

Bsnes if you have a decent computer that can run it. Snes9x if you are using a toaster.

>> No.1465154

From the sounds of it he's playing exactly that. You can beat modern Final Fantasy games by moving and doing the equivalent of press A.

>> No.1465161


>tfw Player2 signs on shortly after you get offline

God damn it

>> No.1465187
File: 180 KB, 721x812, 1394691841792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im just trying to help you seem like less of a horrible white noise /vr/ loser, man. dont get all greentexty on me.

>> No.1465218

have you ever seen real tittys?
i mean, in person?

>> No.1465563
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>> No.1465576
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Tina you fat lard, come get some dinner!

>> No.1465617 [SPOILER] 
File: 419 KB, 899x522, 1393949269804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will you faggots chill the fuck out? Final Fantasy was always casual as shit.