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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1463992 No.1463992 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /vr/.

My cousin is a shitsucking casual Xbot achievement hunter.

But when we watched AGDQ he lamented that he didn't understand a lot of the older games, and showed interest in playing them. So on summer break I plan on making him play old games, either alone or in co-op, to give him a better understanding of enjoying games without having little numbers attached to meaningless tasks.

So I'm here asking for a list of games you think everyone should enjoy at least once.

I haven't thought too much, but I was thinking SMB/3, Castlevania, DKC/2, Battletoads, some of the Mega Man games, MMX, MGS, etc.

I'll probably emulate most of what I don't have, so shoot at me anything you think is worth playing.

>> No.1464008

River City Ransom maybe? Or those Kunio sports games?

>> No.1464012

Make him play quake 2 first since it is easy and runs on modern computers without source ports.
Then quake 1 and duke nukem 3D. There, he will understand the moment where the games divided in extreme graphics and extreme interactibity, it is a crucial point in the time to learn about when we talk about games.
And keep getting him in older and older games, making it progresive.

>> No.1464059

I like your idea, but I'd sit him down with the first Half Life first, then Quake 2.

>> No.1464069

>Half life 1
I don't know. It is a good game, but I'd put it after Quake 2 because of, you know, there you are ussing some sort of ice shoes.

>> No.1464085
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>River City Ransom maybe?

Too much grinding.

But yeah, starting with co-op beat'em ups is a great idea. Start with something fairly straightforward like SOR and work your way up to Golden Age Capcom goodness.

Pic extremely related.

>> No.1464091

Metroid, Metroid II and Super Metroid, natch.

DKC3 as well, make the faggot 101% it.

Final Fight, Streets of Rage games, the classic Genesis Sanics.

Classic SNES RPGs such as FFIII/VI, Illusion of Gaia, all the classic Zelda games, Japanese Mario 2.

Castlevania 1, Castlevania III (JP) and Rondo of Blood.

MegaMan 1-6, Mighty Final Fight, MSX Metal Gear 1, Metal Gear 2, NES Snake's Revenge, GBC MGS: Ghost Babel.

And Mad City which is the japanese and more enjoyable version of The Adventures of Baiyou Billy, which now has an english patch translation for all endings, since the american version only had 1 ending.

Anon OP I'm curious, what device you gonna use to emulate? I ask because I think Wii is great for Zapper games, including the aforemented Mad City.

>> No.1464097

Contra, Super C, Hard Cops for Co-Op.

Dark Stalkers games for fighting stuff.

Ninja Gaiden 1, 2 and 3 on NES.

>> No.1464101
File: 224 KB, 406x489, 1368834231093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GBC MGS: Ghost Babel
>The Adventures of Bayou Billy

Mah nigga of all niggas.

>> No.1464109

Don't go too hard on him
I'd recommend showing series or a genre that he's familiar with or has heard of
I'm not sure what Xbots usually play, I believe shooters or american games would appeal to him cause y'know, Xbox does exactly that
Doom is pretty simple and very easy unless it's on ultra-violence, i'd recommend that

>> No.1464119
File: 11 KB, 293x219, 1393041724065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dis nigga. You too my nigga of all niggas.

I'm glad to see someone with taste here. Bayou Billy and and Ghost Babel need more love.

>> No.1464136

Ease him in via the SNES/Genesis. A large NES injection might be lethal for those who haven't developed tolerance.

>> No.1464148

>Ninja Gaiden
this'll castrate him

>> No.1464146

Have to go with Streets of Rage 1 and 2, Turtles in Time, maybe TMNT 3 for the NES if you have an emulator that lets you turn sprite flicker off.

>> No.1464151

Fuck no, not Quake 2. That game is boring ass(the campaign, not the deathmatch). Quake is much better.

>> No.1464156

Me again. How about Cadillacs&Dinosaurs and Captain Commando?

>> No.1464162

>asking for a list of games you think everyone should enjoy at least once.

any Genesis Sonic game, seriously.

>> No.1464174

Duck Hunt

If he's a Halo nut, Metroid so he learns what's real exploration and not just run and shoot.

>> No.1464208

Probably the Wii. It's all set up for it anyhow.

I planned on starting with SNES/genesis, unless there is a good set of Saturn/64/PSX. Die hard arcade would probably go over well.

He owns like 5 360s (one European) and an Xbox one, but he does have his old GBA stuff. He loves the halo though. It shouldn't be too hard to go back because he did have a GC, when we get together we drag friends and family into mario kart double dash and billy hatcher and melee.

IIRC we did play some Timesplitters together. Probably a good ease into older PC shooters.

Metroid is for a while later. He's kind of extremely bad at platformers (Mario 3d world isn't that hard man) and I can't imagine what would happen if I put him through that without experience or a guide. Maybe I can have him play my copy of dudetroid on 360. That was easy enough.

Keep em coming, he's on spring break next week so I might try to bring over some coop games.

>> No.1464212
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Hell yeah, C&D is the perfect game to bond over.

If you're seriously gonna sink your teeth into the Capcom beat'em ups, go Captain Commando > King of Dragons > C&D > Knights of the Round > The Punisher > Armored Warriors > AvP > Battle Circuit in order of complexity/GRAPHEX/general batshit insanity.

Plus Tower of Doom/Shadow over Mystara, if you're feeling adventurous or have a passing interest in D&D.

>I'd recommend showing series or a genre that he's familiar with or has heard of
This is a good idea, but if the point is get him familiarized with classic vidyas, try to pick games that show how different a genre used to be compared to what it is now.

Within the limits of an FPS genre, Serious Sam is about as far away from fucking codblops as you can get it.

>> No.1464217

Retro Arch Wii (I know that name is cancer, but please follow me on this) runs various arcade games, CPS1 and CPS2 very well, so if you want arcade there's that for an option.

Sonic CD and Popful Mail might prove interesting too.

>> No.1464230
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We just had a GB thread on here not even a week ago. I did my best to shill it as much as I could, of course.

>Ease him in via the SNES/Genesis. A large NES injection might be lethal for those who haven't developed tolerance.
I agree. I really doubt an xbot would be able to appreciate the original Zelda or Metroid. If you're gonna go that far back, showcase the best that the NES was capable of. TMNT3, Batman: RotJ, NGIII, Shatterhand, CV3, etc.

>> No.1464337

I dunno if it's quite what you're looking for, but how 'bout easing him in to the "old" stuff by playing some "classic" Guardian Heroes via the 360 port together? That is, "original" graphics and "original" gameplay. I know, it's got the dreaded achievementrophies, but I think if your cousin can take to playing the game, you'll have an easier time with some of the older beat-em-ups and whatnot.

IMO, playing together makes most any vidya enjoyable.

>> No.1464375

Planned on it. The 360 port of guardian heroes is one of the only reasons I have my 360 still.

He's not dumb so I'll try those near the end, if anything just to get him to understand why they are timeless. He's going to be helping me in developing a game over the next few years after I transfer into his uni, so I'm hoping this also broadens his understanding of what makes a good game good and why I designed and added things the way I did.

Man, AvP is fantastic. I'm a beat em up buff so that will be a fun time for me, hope he enjoys them like I do. Wish DFO was still around so I could get him to try that with me.

Also not so much retro, but how was Double Dragon Neon? I have that from PS+ and it might make a good play through to start.

>> No.1464386

Double Dragon Neon is pretty fun. I think it suffers a bit from "forced" RPG elements (the Sosetsuken mixtapes), though, and the grognard in me wishes that I could grapple and knee / headbutt enemies in the game, but it's a pretty good beat-em-up nonetheless.

I found it a much better game than Scott Pilgrim, for what it's worth.

>> No.1464463

That's worth a lot because I rather enjoyed Scott pilgrim, flawed as it was.

One more question before I get back to work. Streets of Rage Remake, better than genesis originals or play those instead?

>> No.1464479

Wait, I lied, one more.

Anyone have ideas for 360 games in the style of older genres or remakes? Like Shadow Complex, or the Guardian Heroes remake? Achievement ability will make it easier to have him sit down and get acquainted with genres he isn't used to. May as well use that to my advantage.

Disc based or arcade both work.

>> No.1464484
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Remake took everything that was ever good about the SOR trilogy, mashed it all together and polished to a mirror shine.

But to really appreciate its beauty, you really ought to play the originals first.

>> No.1464502

Games have always been about little numbers attached to meaningless tasks. Holy shit you're one big retard.

>> No.1464514

Kirby's Adventure is good for shit suckers

>> No.1464529

For PC: StarCraft, Diablo, Doom, Myst. They represent the biggest genre classics imo.
NES: Wizards & Warriors, Guardian Legend, Shatterhand, Krazy Kreatures, Zelda.
PS1: Rayman, Twisted Metal, Crash Bandicoot, Heart of Darkness, Tekken...

>> No.1464546

If you could bring him to play for a good while, Chrono Trigger and Skies of Arcadia are two of the best RPG experiences ever conceived, and unmentioned in the thread as of yet as far as i could see.

>> No.1464550

I think that much was obvious from the rest of the OP and his attitude towards other people.

>> No.1464570

SORR is a fucking masterpiece.

>> No.1464601


That's because CT is more overrated than KISS
Tell him to play Suikoden 2

>> No.1464791

>making him play old games

Making him play old games won't MAKE him interested if he already isn't. He'll just associate old games with boredom and forever rant about how old games are shit (because he's played them).

>> No.1464810

I wouldn't be doing it if he wasn't interested.

>> No.1464851
File: 149 KB, 891x694, tmntarcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, then.

Just stick to the iconic games. Consider MAME for original Arcade versions as opposed to inferior console ports.

>> No.1464867

>TMNT arcade
>inferior console port

nigga you what

>> No.1467497


where's DOOM?

>> No.1467501

I think dat nigga was implying to make him play TMNT Arcad instead of TMNT II: NES.

Although I think he should show his cousin the NES version as a footnote of vidya history, for years it was the only official console port.

>> No.1467509
File: 216 KB, 1002x778, simpsonsarcadetwoplayerversion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think dat nigga was implying to make him play TMNT Arcad instead of TMNT II: NES.

I'm dat nigga and yes. That's what I meant.

>> No.1467512

>Simpsons Arcade game

My Nigga. OP should also play Sunset Riders with his cousin, the original arcade version.

>> No.1467568

But the NES version is better than the arcade original.

>m-muh two extra levels
>muh Baxter Stockman

>> No.1468990

I think I still have my older brother's copy of that. It was the first game I tried to clean and if I recall correctly, works perfectly. Going to use real hardware as much as I can, so that sounds like something I'll do over the arcade version.