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File: 25 KB, 320x240, 1393882021902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1444196 No.1444196 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite start-up screen, and why is it pic related?

>> No.1444305


too bad the US Saturn had almost no games

>> No.1444308

Probably this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-wXWvPM3Ng

The Saturn one's pretty snazzy though.

>> No.1444309

Is my all time favorite. The Dreamcast runs a close second.

>> No.1444340


Japanese one is better

>> No.1444389



>> No.1444423

It's not hard to have the best retro start up, most consoles didn't have a start up
Gameboy gets mine though

>> No.1445032 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1445048

ST-V is best.

>> No.1445081

Though that is a close second, this will always be in my heart http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ycxmRZ66-kI

>> No.1445095

PS1. Just heard it recently. Been like 15 years. The FEELS.

>> No.1445104

The nostalgia I just experienced when listening to the playstation 1 startup was intense!

>> No.1445106

I still remember when I first got my Dreamcast. That day was amazing.

>> No.1445135


Although, I would say that the Japanese lettering with the US blue and silver Saturn logo would be the ultimate.

The Neo Geo CD start up is excellent too.

>> No.1445250

>implying it isn't this

>> No.1445297

Dude, what?

If it's any sega console it will be genesis.

>> No.1445381

The US one just sounds more timeless in my opinion.

>> No.1445382
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>> No.1445391
File: 281 B, 320x224, Tmss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think this really qualifies as a startup screen.

The Saturn and DC both have memorable startup screens. The Naomi one is simple but nice too.

>> No.1445392


>> No.1445424


>> No.1445429

That's not a startup screen. That's just the Sega logo on one of the Sonic games.

>> No.1445440

you have my vote
after viewing all the embeds, this one give me the most feels
but then, it was my first

>> No.1445446

I'm pretty sure that's what he was talking about. The "SEGA" voice sample was used more than once.

>> No.1447151
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>> No.1447158

There really is something about that PS1 startup screen...it just sounds so warm and inviting.

>> No.1447173

That reminds me, the Master System version of that is pretty great: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y__7MBPt78E

And then there's the Japanese version... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0zW1ZfuS6E

>> No.1447203

Looks like the only one fond of the N64 start up

>> No.1447210

I gotta admit I fucking hate the SEGA voice sample

>> No.1447249

Not /vr/, but

>> No.1447319

Do it right and post the unadulterated versions:

>> No.1448839

>dat CRUNCH CRUNCH of the disc drive


>> No.1448864


>> No.1449067

Never forget.

>> No.1449073

It's not a startup screen though. It doesn't show that when you start up every game on the console.

>> No.1449087

ma nigga! the feels when I hear the Q-sound boot hits me right in the feels. Mega CD, Dreamcast and PS1 are good ones as well.

>> No.1449103
File: 159 KB, 500x281, bweeeooom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a .gif

>> No.1449113
File: 374 KB, 240x160, GBA Startup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That Ding

>> No.1449123
File: 61 KB, 245x212, Say Gah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gtg fast

>> No.1449128

Sega-CD. Just sounds fuckin' cool.

>> No.1449134
File: 918 KB, 480x360, Gamecube Startup Screen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a .gif for you

>> No.1449153

Either US Saturn or this


>> No.1449163

this is wonderful

>> No.1449168


>> No.1449172

I really enjoyed this Capcom logo in PS1 titles. Makes me wanna replay Mega Man Legends.


>> No.1449181


>people in the comments keep saying "omg sonic retro music!"
>don't know what that means but it is probably a faggot youtuber
>music is from Space Harrier


>> No.1449203
File: 13 KB, 640x448, space-harrier-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1449221

It's kind of a bummer that the Vita/PS4 don't have a boot screen. They just flash the PS logo at boot, and that's it - no jingle or nothing.

It would be cool if they let you pick legacy boot screens in the future, but I seriously doubt they'll do that.

>> No.1449830

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbdCKo9oa3o always my favorite.

>> No.1449834


Sony doesn't even acknowledge it, just hear how neutered the startup sound for the PSN rereleases is.

>> No.1449839

I like to play my RETRO games on this so it counts ok..


>> No.1449865


>> No.1450168

>m-muh Dino Crisis

>> No.1450630
File: 44 KB, 300x223, bateman fucking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That isn't retro yet, but...

>those console noises in the background

>> No.1451736

Anyone know what kind of synthesizer was used for the PS1 sound?

>> No.1451753
File: 1.16 MB, 320x240, dreamcastboot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was the sound I hate after hearing it so many times, it ended pretty nicely but that fucked up start was too much after awhile.
also this is the definitive startup, it never get's tiresome.

>> No.1451835

you'll never get the innocence of that time back anon. never.

>> No.1451882
File: 98 KB, 702x541, 1350927453987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW getting a disc read error on my PS2 for the first time

>> No.1451886

I've never had a saturn, so my only experience with it is an emulator. So now every time I see that start up screen all I can remember is horrible fucking lag for the damn thing to do anything and how pain in the ass and somewhat buggy it is.

>dat music

Probably the only system boot I care even with the abysmal load times. Text while loading was a good move.

>> No.1451916
File: 1.51 MB, 357x296, KflSBhL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite console of all time. It'll be a sad day if/when my OG dies and I lose my saves ;_;

>> No.1452003

Buy one of dem memory cards, bro!

>> No.1452502

I think I have one of them laying around somewhere. The problem is you can't transfer some game saves like the Ninja Gaidens and DOAs because Tecmo had a hard-on for copy-protected saves.

>> No.1452518

Gotta love all those effects.

>> No.1452527
File: 6 KB, 277x182, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contibutan with my favorite


>> No.1452871

But it's not, the sound is especially grating. The Dreamcast boot screen is by far my favorite, the GBA's is my second.

>> No.1452873
File: 271 KB, 680x918, trashed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the sound is especially grating

>> No.1452905

Man, I loved that little handheld. It's a shame it had an early death like the Dreamcast.

I remember looking forward to the Megaman game it was gonna get that a magazine talked about, only to later find out it's import only...

>> No.1452910
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, by far:

Why? It's probably the first game console start-up screen. The fact that the system had lasted so long made it a prominent and relevant startup screen longer than anything else has. Combination of catchiness, minimalism, "looks professional", nostalgia and the fact that people still see it today. It's just there and always has been there.

>> No.1452949
File: 25 KB, 600x450, The_Seat_Grab_III.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1452951

And there's no vocals, but you can clearly sing along. "Ne-o ge-o, From S-N-K!"

>> No.1453062

I was about to call you crazy until I rewatched it:

>Neo-Geo logo transforms as the first 4 notes play

>SNK logo only appears while the last 3 notes play

>> No.1453138

>no one bothered to post the link

>> No.1453198
File: 17 KB, 240x312, 1372896404493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw if the microsoft logo didnt show up immediately

>> No.1453229


>> No.1453283

sounds like a 5 year old playing with an electronic keyboard

>> No.1453290

>space harrier tune
>as jap master system startup
f-for what purpose

>> No.1453370

This Konami logo
The sound got stuck in my head.

>> No.1453395


>> No.1453972

There's nothing more magical than a console startup sound that you grew up with. Start up sounds from consoles that you didn't grow up with being in a close second.

>> No.1454096

That's when you knew you were gonna play a good fuckin' game.

>> No.1454326
File: 49 KB, 640x360, 0_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1454329


These are easily my favorites, and are the best in my humble opinion

>> No.1454343

How has nobody mentioned this one yet?
I don't have a Famicom Disk System, nor a Famicom in general, but goddamn it, I want to get both JUST to hear that jingle.

>> No.1454348

The first Xbox had the very best imo. I would also say dreamcast had a good one.

Can't call it Xbox 1 now since Microsoft went full retard so I guess its referred to as the Xbox Hueg now right?

>> No.1454351

Here is the video.


Even the menu looks great.

>> No.1454426

It's a close tie for me between the PS1 and Sega Dreamcast, but I'll give it to the PS1 because of the games.

I don't get how Sony went so wrong, the PS2 "splash screen" looked and sounded creepy like every game was going to be horror. The PS3 was completely forgettable, and the PS4 is so boring.

>> No.1454440


>Never said what kind of start-up
>Implying this doesn't beat everything

>> No.1454561

>implying that beats anything

>> No.1454619
File: 47 KB, 426x341, 1367712380328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I ran into that problem too, so I just saved whatever I could. I think there were even a few PS2 games that were copy-protected like that.

>tfw my MKDA/MKD/MKA save files with like ~100 h invested into them are not backed up in any way

Can't you just buy like a USB flash drive and use it for data storage? I think the system will need to reformat it for the Xbox format or whatever, but afterwards, couldn't you just theoretically load NG from the HD and then immediately save to the flash drive?

>> No.1454626

u wot m8

>> No.1454642



>> No.1454660

I love the PS2 startup! All the floating lights and stone pillars and airy sounds. It gives me a really mystical feel.

And it makes soothing ocean noises if you leave it on the main screen.

>> No.1454694

MK games are the only ones I've seen to have a save protection. Couldn't care less as I've just beat them for the sake of doing so.

>> No.1454749

Mortal Kombat? I'm pretty sure I've downloaded save files for PS2 Mortal Kombats so that friends and I could use all the characters in VS without beating Arcade mode over and over.

>> No.1454771


That's not soothing. Are you crazy? that's not soothing at all. Do you know what kinds of horrors live in the ocean that we know about?!

>> No.1454786 [SPOILER] 
File: 121 KB, 366x687, Mother.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1454798
File: 27 KB, 638x369, spiderarena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me like a year of on-and-off playing to unlock everything in MKDA. Aside from the very end where I had to grind for onyx and diamond koins, I had a blast doing it. MK is my favorite franchise of all time, so reading through all of those little developer commentaries and looking at long-forgotten concept art of things left on the cutting room floor was endlessly fascinating to me. It was like being locked up in a toy store.

It's such a shame that the Krypt in MK9 was so soulless in comparison.

>inb4 not retro

>> No.1454830
File: 20 KB, 250x149, 2041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in the day I got by with shareware discs. The apogee logo is made of good feels.

>> No.1454924
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>> No.1454984

My nigga

>> No.1454987


Loved this one.

>> No.1455174
File: 12 KB, 256x40, SegaCD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Da na na na, na na na... da na na na, na naaa naaa na na...

>> No.1455228

Okay, that was kinda cute once you get over the initial heart attack.

I remember what it was like at the MKO boards once the first Krypt footage was released. Everyone was losing their shit over how HOLY SHIT GUISE DO YOU HEAR HOW THE KRYPT IS NOW A WHOLE COUNTRY!1!

The actual unlockables themselves were so bland, though.Those little developer comments added so much life to the game.

>> No.1455279

>initial heart attack

Previous filename was my reaction the first (and every subsequent) time that happened. Totally agree that the unlockables were bullshit - the real unlockables were DLC.

>> No.1457275 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 502x387, 1387722523252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a sonygger nostalgia'd all over the place near me

>> No.1457328
File: 66 KB, 200x150, saturnani.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, the Saturn bootup was so much better than the Sony one. The Playstation had two triangles moving a bit on a diamond. The Saturn had your TV reverse-explode into billion flying fragments that all piled together to form a screen-blinding Saturn logo.

And don't get me started on how much better the Saturn cd player was, holy shit.

>> No.1457409
File: 30 KB, 500x374, 1344627245920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This blast of nostalgia
Thanks for reminding me how awesome Capcom used to be. I think I'll go drink myself into a coma now.

>> No.1457528

Oh god the feels. Come back to us, Konami!

>> No.1457541

These were my comfys as a kid.

And this one as I got into emulators.

>> No.1457785


>> No.1457956

>yfw you put in a cartridge and it didn't ding

>> No.1458004


Couldn't find the actual start-up but the old Capcom startup in the SNES-era brings back old cozies

>> No.1458126
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>> No.1458450
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>> No.1458451
File: 81 KB, 304x224, neo geo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1458465


>> No.1458471

>It's probably the first game console start-up screen.
Famicom Disk System was earlier.

>> No.1458474

And even if it weren't, the Sega Master System, Genesis and the Game Boy all had one before it.

>> No.1458494

Did the Genesis have the TMSS screen before 1990?

You're right about the SMS, though. I'm used to playing those on my Genesis so I never saw the BIOS screen.

>> No.1458610

Dreamcast and Xbox