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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1448774 No.1448774[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Best retro RPGS ever???

>> No.1448783
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Best villain for sure

>> No.1449345

But what about Final Fantasy Tactics

>> No.1449349

Sometimes I think most people here only played FF6 and Chrono Trigger.

>> No.1449351

Best retro rpg is either Final Fantasy Tactics, Baldur's Gate, or Suikoden 2.

>> No.1449359


Everything you play after those two games will only result in disappointment.

>> No.1449361
File: 82 KB, 437x600, UltimaVBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It saddens me that people only think of fucking JRPGs (and [off topic on /vr/] modern shit WRPGs that basically want to be JRPGs anyway) when you say RPG.

Here, you want a fucking best retro RPG?

Play this.

>> No.1449362
File: 15 KB, 256x223, eotb1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this.

>> No.1449364
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Or this.

>> No.1449365
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Or this.

>> No.1449370

If you lack the skills to form your own opinion.

>> No.1449367

Any gameshark /codebreaker codes for FFVI GBA?
Just one to get sure Locke always could get rare steals, I'm on the floating continent and you can steal Genji Gloves from Dragons, but the son of a bitches keep giving me potions when I try to steal.

>> No.1449368
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Or this.

>> No.1449382

Its pretty stupid that japan's rpgs get so much praise when in 99% of the cases the games are much simplier (less choices for exploring, character building, and strategy) than the more advanced western rpgs. Seriously its not unheard of for a first time player to never die on their first run through a jrpg. Its a non debatable point that western rpgs have more complex dungeons, overworlds, stat mechanics that lead to more real strategy, and are more difficult. They succeed because they are extremly easy to understand and extremly pretty (even the best wrpgs have the art direction of mud).

Meanwhile japan's real strength in strategy rpgs is rarely mentioned outside FF tactics (which would probably never be remembered if it didnt have the FF brand name on it). Theres actually a lot of depth to games like fire emblem, disgaia or vandal hearts. Controlling dozens of units, lethal combat where units can be permanently killed in a single round, combat results that take into account the position of nearbye units and terrain. Thats where the real complexity is. Those don't get praised as the height of japanese rpgs. No its going to some game made by square where all you do is select 'attack' and 'heal' every round while navigating a dungeon thats AT BEST a straight line with a few treasure chests hidden behind invisible walls.

>> No.1449384
File: 9 KB, 640x400, 1239287125_dungeonmaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better than dungeon master

>> No.1449387

The original SNES version? No way. It's fun, but hot damn it's broken as fuck. I destroyed the final battle by spamming heal with everyone but Terra and using Terra with gem box to double cast ultima.
It's fun, got a pretty good story, but combat is too god damn easy, it just lets you walk all over the game. I didn't have to grind ever first time I played.

>> No.1449392

DM wasn't on SNES first.

>> No.1449398
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Op is my nigga

>> No.1449397


>> No.1449406


>doesn't mention FEDA

>> No.1449412

What are you talking about? EOTB was 1991 on computer and 1994 on SNES. Dungeon Master was 1987 on computer and 1991 on SNES.

And why are you bringing up SNES in the first place? We're just talking about RPGs, and none of the other games posted in that cluster were SNES games either.

>> No.1449408

>Meanwhile japan's real strength in strategy rpgs is rarely mentioned outside FF tactics

It's because a lot of people interested in JRPGs are brain dead and can't handle anything beyond the most simple strategies and mechanics. The fact that Wiegraf is considered a major roadblock is terrible. At least things have somewhat improved over the years. I'm completely baffled how Fire Emblem 4 ever got a reputation for being one of the hardest games in the series.

They're not really noteworthy for their gameplay. The last couple of bosses in SMT1 can be auto-battle'd in seconds.

>> No.1449430
File: 283 KB, 1178x1600, dr dreggerfall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is beautiful even though it's a completely glitched mess.

>> No.1449438

All Elder Scrolls games are horrible. That one adds eye burning visuals to the mix.

>> No.1449468


>glitched mess

It's not so bad these days with the latest patch and the third party fix or two.

>> No.1449609

Y'all niggas hating on JRPGS never got down and dirty with Dragon Quest 3 have you? God tier RPG right there.

>> No.1449661 [DELETED] 

>people praising wrpgs

Seriously? I haven't heard any more autistic comment than that. Who could like something like Ultimas or those shitty "3D" dungeon crawler bullshit. Character customization? Don't make me laugh. Those are pathetic excuses for games.

It is reason why those kind of wrpgs don't exist anymore. They are shit and nobody plays them. It is hundred times more appealing to play jrpgs. So much variety in enviroment, not just crappy dungeons all day and generic medieval setting.

>> No.1449746
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Why does it matter?

>> No.1449764
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>They succeed because they are extremly easy
I really dislike how most JRPGs are not challenging at all. If they're trying to push the story more than anything, they should have made a VN instead.

>> No.1449769
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What do you have against dungeon crawlers?

>> No.1449771

Yeah tactical RPG's are awesome. That's a genre I really wish would catch on in the west. Fire Emblem, Farland Story, Langrisser, Ogre Battle, and FFT all kick ungodly amounts of ass.

>> No.1449775

A lot of people complain about the spaghetti dungeons in Daggerfall, but fuck them, Daggerfall got it right. Dungeons aren't tourist attractions. They're ugly, brutal, hellish labyrinths that only the most brave and/or foolish adventurers would ever set foot in.

>> No.1449804

>Who could like something like Ultimas or those shitty "3D" dungeon crawler bullshit.

Japan. Wizardry was probably the biggest influence to RPGs in Japan, not only was it popular, it also introduced them to western fantasy and is why early japanese RPGs are set in that setting such as the Dragon Quest games and the early Final Fantasy titles.

>> No.1449816

>Who could like something like Ultimas or those shitty "3D" dungeon crawler bullshit
I will find you.

>> No.1449972

I suppose this is the best place to ask without starting a new thread.
What Final Fantasy should I play next after finishing the first? I really liked its simplicity and exploration.
I'm halfway through FFII and not really digging the leveling up system or most of its enemies in general - is the rest of the series like this, or is it just anomaly within the franchise like Zelda II?

>> No.1449987

Rest of the series are traditional RPGs. Well, as traditional as they could be, seeing as Square reinvented FF with each game in the series.

If you don't like it, move on to 3.

>> No.1449997

daggerfall is legendary

despite being so buggy its unwinnable unless patched, there is still an ass tonne of things to do

>> No.1450007 [DELETED] 

hi /v/
you're both funny and pathetic

>> No.1450013

Thanks anon, I'll try 3 out, I'm guessing 2 was just a one off

>> No.1450017

>I really liked its simplicity and exploration.

Wasn't 1 almost completely linear, like most of the other games?

>> No.1450039

Nostalgia goggles.

>> No.1450069

Probably the worst argument in the history or criticism.

>> No.1450108


>> No.1450113

Not that guy but, Chrono Trigger and FF6 are not that fucking good. Are they fun games? Yeah. Good enough to "make everything pale in comparison"? Fuck no.

Besides, FF5 is better than both and it predates them anyway.

>> No.1451861

Relax duder

>> No.1452074

>there is still an ass tonne of things to do
Uh... besides dungeon diving, doing random quests and following the main story, what else?

>> No.1452078

not if you play Phantasy Star IV

>> No.1452079

TES is garbage.

>> No.1452083

>or those shitty "3D" dungeon crawler bullshit.

>hating on Wizardry

you fucking dick! I'll rip you a new one ffs.

>> No.1452085

>ITT: /vr/ acts like /v/

please don't.

>> No.1452089
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>It is hundred times more appealing to play jrpgs. So much variety in enviroment, not just crappy dungeons all day and generic medieval setting.
I realize this is bait, but...

>> No.1452097

Definitely not as fun as call of duty... newfag

>> No.1452125

The golden days of /vr/ is over.

>> No.1453709
File: 30 KB, 600x340, breath-of-fire-3-psp.613373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breath of Fire III

>> No.1453736

I recommend you tu play the remakes on PS1 or GBA instead.

>> No.1453742

FF 2 has a pretty unusual level up system, but it's also pretty eassy to crash it. Play the remake on the gba or gba emulator, level up your non-main charachters, finish the game and enjoy the extra dungeon. Then, you could either play the original ff3 on the nes, with fan translation, or the DS remake, although i've heard the second one changes the plot a little bit. Then get to the glorious FF4 on the SNES.

>> No.1453746

PS1 version of FF2 is just as broken as the original. Stick with the GBA or PSP versions. They got pretty extensive rebalancing and bug fixing. It's still clumsy, but much less so.

>> No.1453956

There goes the board

>> No.1454125 [DELETED] 
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That Wrpg butthurt

Look, I'm sorry that nobody except you, your Dragonlance reading faggot squad and some basement dwelling D and D shits, ever gave a shit about Baldur's Gate and that Ultima shit, but that's the way it was and is. The best thing you dicksplashes can do is gum up a reto RPG thread through shit posting and same faggotry. Throw yourself into traffic and die in obscurity, like your precious 90s wrpgs.

>> No.1454131
File: 6 KB, 249x202, 1393932758727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He called the niggaz dicksplashes

>> No.1454183

Regarding 4-6, are the GBA ports any good, or should I just stick to SNES?

>> No.1454202

>butt hurt fag doesn't know Ulitma inspired the first jrpgs

>> No.1454205


I do, I just don't care.

>> No.1454213

The early Ultima games still blow, though.

>> No.1454215

First part of FFVI was very linear and the second part was like a watered down SaGa game. It was a let down after hearing how great it is.

>> No.1454242

Man, I love Dungeon Master but I just can't seem to like EotB. It feels so sterile and generic.
Like all Westwood games.

>> No.1454290 [DELETED] 


>complains about shitposting and faggotry
>shitposts and acts like a faggot

>> No.1454304



>complains about shitposting and faggotry
>shitposts and acts like a faggot

But seriously.
What kind of ridiculous genre loyalty is that?
Are you really so petty as to think you're superior to anyone else just because you like a kind of game more?
>lololol kill urself
Embarrassing post all around.
Did you fall in here from /v/?

>> No.1454349

The saddest thing is that people are actually seriously responding to posts like this one.

I agree with that. You should try Knightmare and Captive.

>> No.1454381


>The saddest thing is that people are actually seriously responding to posts like this one.
Try not to be such a condescending piece of shit.

And would you rather have people casually shitpost constantly without being called out on it?

>> No.1454386

Baldur's Gate II is probably my favorite older rpg.

Super Mario RPG, short but sweet.

Live a live, Seiken Densetsu 3, Final Fantasy Tactics.

Those are my big ones. Still, BGII at the top. BG is great as well.

>> No.1454398


wRPGs are boring cliched hackneyed shit to me.

I won't ever like the clichéd stupid Tolkien lite shit in Elder Scrolls or Ultimate or whatever kind of dogshit you fancy playing and will happily side with a JRPG instead.

so sue me. fuck off with your western superiority complex.

>> No.1454402


dungeon crawlers are boring samey shit.

>> No.1454410


You REEK of /v/. Get out.

Get out.

>> No.1454462

Not him but isn't "being called out on it" the entire point of shitposting?
I mean posts like the above example are so full of stupidity and ignorance, if there is any kind of information in that post it's deliberately made up bullshit to bait responses stating the obvious. The rest is just meaningless drivel and insults.
It's not even funny, it's just garbage in written form, no one should reply to such posts because it kills all meaningful discussion and makes the threads revolve around the same childish nonsense and misinformation again and again (see: /v/).

On topic: Anyone played Black Crypt?

>> No.1454484

>And would you rather have people casually shitpost constantly without being called out on it?
Yes, you idiot. Why do you think people shitpost?
>Anyone played Black Crypt?
I did. Found it kind of boring and the control scheme was rather odd, although admittedly the dungeon design was clever and the game is rather difficult (in a good way).

>> No.1454951

The Answer is clearly Mother 2 Earthbound
Just stay away from starmen.net

>> No.1455362

>than the more advanced western rpgs.

more advanced? don't make me laugh. this usually comes along for the sake of them being extremely clunky, unapproachable and generally needlessly unforgiving while completely sucking it dry of any fun it could have been.

JRPG > WRPG imo. besides, Japan released way more retro RPGs than the west on a grand scale so I guess they had a bit more training when it comes down to game design done right.

>> No.1455381

>dungeon master

Never got past the 2nd level because of the hard-hitting monsters. Also, awkward controls and spell casting.

>> No.1455391

>besides, Japan released way more retro RPGs than the west

You sure about that?

>> No.1455591

prove me wrong if you can. I'm eager to learn. To me it certainly seems that way.

>> No.1455598

This is CRPG Addict's master game list for DOS RPGs. There's an odd JRPG here and there (Ys, Rance) but it's mostly just WRPGs.

>> No.1455625

there is a shitload among them I've never even heard of but mostly because I don't know Apple II as a platform which seems to be the most cited platform on that list

>> No.1456201

I still like JRPGs but nowadays I try to speedrun them or play them low-leveled instead of doing casual play.

>> No.1457224
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Chrono Trigger.

>> No.1457243
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>> No.1457247

The only correct answer.

>> No.1457264
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Get the daedric equipment, raise in social status, join the guilds, grind, stuff like that.

Back then, the devs didn't presume that the player would need constant new experiences, being a character in a huge open world was anustwistingly amusing. Besides, you wouldn't expect every single hill and inn of High Rock to be crammed with surprises, would you?

If you do need constant new experience, you have to make it with a smaller world, like Final fantasy or Chrono Trigger's. You can't have both quantity and quality.

>> No.1457267

>bit more training when it comes down to game design done right.
If anything, they were training how to get it wrong. But seriously, the way they mix up battle and character creation systems between games is so random and thoughtless that arguing they've improved over time makes no sense.

>> No.1457453

That's not ADOM

>> No.1457471

>Back then, the devs didn't presume that the player would need constant new experiences, being a character in a huge open world was anustwistingly amusing
>If you do need constant new experience, you have to make it with a smaller world, like Final fantasy or Chrono Trigger's. You can't have both quantity and quality.
Or I could play a Might & Magic game or Wizardry 7 and experience both.
>Besides, you wouldn't expect every single hill and inn of High Rock to be crammed with surprises, would you?
I'd expect at least one of them to be.

>> No.1457502

by a gameplay point of view, I agree: FFV's job system si just too fun. Finding broken combos to rape the game with is really entertaining and has a great replay value.
In terms of Plot/characters/aesthetics(which are fundamental elemnts of JRPGs), FFVI and Chrono Trigger are easily the best of the best.

>> No.1457560

There are surprises, just not everywhere, because you have to work to find stuff

And the two games you mentioned don't have a world that even comes close to the sheer fucking size of High Rock/Hammerfell, of course their world will be more interesting.

>> No.1457563
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Final Fantasy IV and Phantasy Star IV

>> No.1457572
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>> No.1457619
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menzobrenzen was good too.

>> No.1457657

>And the two games you mentioned don't have a world that even comes close to the sheer fucking size of High Rock/Hammerfell, of course their world will be more interesting.
TES1&2's worlds are all quantity above quality for the sake of marketing. What's the point of having hundreds of square miles of flat land with nothing there? If the point was to conjure some realistic feel, then it fails because a humongous flat land with nothing but trees that you can walk straight through is anything but realistic. I'd rather play Frontier: Elite, at least in that one it actually feels like being in space.

>> No.1457662
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Look, I like Kefka, but he works more as a supplemental "force of evil" to drive things. The series has had more effectively presented, complex, and relatable villains since.

I know it's an easy example, but Sephiroth really blew him away, not just as a character, but as a thematic element.

>> No.1457670

Agreed Kefka pretty much did FF6

>> No.1457674

The repetition was glaring even at the time.

Every TES game is unimpressively designed, and not just by modern standards.

>> No.1457736

DQ3 is decent but it sure is no Wizardry

>> No.1457835

What's with this western obsession with ugly males?

>> No.1457840


>> No.1457912

>I'm completely baffled how Fire Emblem 4 ever got a reputation for being one of the hardest games in the series.
What the fuck? I hope that was a typo and you meant Fire Emblem 5. I really liked the first half of FE4 but it wasn't too hard, especially after the generation skip where you can solo the game with one unit.

>> No.1458025

FE5 is crazy hard. 4 is super easy.

>> No.1458054

You mean men who don't look like trannies, a la every JRPG ever made?

>> No.1458090

>fuck that desert tho

>> No.1458094

It's for self-inserting.

>> No.1458101
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>> No.1458813

>I play RPGs for the imaginary tits
Not everything has to be fanservice, nerd

>> No.1459162

>Not everything has to be fanservice, nerd

That's why we are on /vr/ and not on /v/ /vg/.
It's hard to find a modern JRPG without tons of fanservice these days.

>> No.1459187

Nope, people used to think FE4 was one of the hardest games ever made.

Let that sink in for a minute.

>> No.1459234


>> No.1459808
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>> No.1460518

Downloaded & played it for first time ever (a patched edition) within the last year or so. Set up WASD controls, etc. I find it totally impressive and don't understand the hate. Granted, (1) it's difficult as cunt while (2) the interface takes some getting used to, but (1) is true with most /vr/ titles I pick up & play for the first time, and (2) with PC games in particular.

>> No.1460565

really? No mention of the lufia games? Im still waiting for a game based around Arek the Absolute

>> No.1460652
File: 1.66 MB, 3100x1600, RPGclassificationV3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this chart earlier. Since people are talking about jrpgs and wrpgs, I thought I may as well post it and get your thoughts.

>> No.1460654

The 3D view blew me away as a teenager.

>> No.1460657

>these don't exist
Wouldn't some of the latter butchered by the Japanese wizardry titles count?

>> No.1460659

Wizardry titles go in the Dungeon Crawler category.
Originally, CRPGs and Dungeons Crawlers were in the same category, but most people weren't happy about that when I posted the image.

>> No.1460663

That's retarded and borderline autistic. Never post it again.

>> No.1460678

concepts that show you are retarded
wrpg and jrpg refer to quasi-styles. There are games made by westerns that have the japanese style and games made by japanese that have the western style. Its the equivlent of trying to classify all metal music in the world as 'british metal or american metal'

crpg isn't a genre its a fucking description of the hardware it operates on. You might as well have a '3dsrpg' section

'hur its an action game with level ups' might as well include bayonneta into the mix because you can raise her health and magic stats! all action games have rising numbers dumb ass. The only reason we have the 'action rpg' title is to denote action games that have atmispheres similar to rpgs.

dungeon crawler is a design philosophy that focuses almost 100% of the game on combat and mazes. Its not a fucking genre, just a lose term.

Why dont you make us a list classifying racing games for us (combat racing vs normel racing, europian racing games vs japanese racing games, realistic racing vs scifi racing, etc) you autistic fuckhead

>> No.1460693

I'm not as butthurt as that other guy but honestly you shouldn't bother making such a picture. The selection of games you made don't show a real understanding of the genre, so why bother?
and on top of that like half aren't even retro.

>> No.1460761


This anon gets it

>> No.1460780


>The repetition was glaring even at the time.

This. It's not a modern complaint. As somebody who actually bought it off the shelf with the holographic big cardboard box and all I can say that it was widely recognized for a lack of authentic content even then.

It also corrupted hard drives out of the box. I had to eventually make a separate partition for it. Fuck Daggerfall. I played the hell out of it

>> No.1460789


The feeling of naively descending into a Daggerfall dungeon and crawling out alive a real week later is still one of the most exhilarating experiences I've ever gotten out of a CRPG. I know some consider it bad design but for me it was worth it having to fight against the cruelty of its bizarre labyrinths. One time I even had to spend hours building my climbing skill on demand just to get out of a nearly unwinnable situation where I fell down some chute with doors lined around it.

Good old Daggerfall.

>> No.1461214

Lufia 3 is one of my all-time favorites.

>> No.1461218

>Lufia 3

The GBC one? Yeah, it was great. Awesome monster designs, too.

>> No.1461427

I played the shit out of dragon warrior monsters. Also not sure if GBA counts as retro but golden sun and GS the lost age were fucking baller

>> No.1461465

>not sure if GBA counts as retro

You know you're supposed to read the rules and the sticky before posting here, right?

>> No.1461518

It just says sixth generation consoles aren't retro. Besides, GBA is 13 years old. I don't see how that could be considered not retro

>> No.1461530

>any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier

Now you're just too stupid to be here.

>> No.1461541

Ok, sorry that I wanted to talk about a platform that was released 2 years after the arbitrary date that serves as a cut off for retro

>> No.1461549

Yeah, you should be. Go to /v/ if you want to talk about the GBA.

>> No.1461592

People here are really anal about little details like this. It's getting worse here every day.

>> No.1461605

Sorry the world doesn't revolve around you kid. If you have nothing to contribute to a retro gaming board then go to the general video games board.

>> No.1461613

Because then the PS2 would qualify, faggot. And there's absolutely nothing "retro" about the PS2.

>> No.1461618

Except that no one on /v/ wants to talk about the GBA. They're too busy talking about shitty modern games and how femenists are the devil. You don't have to be such an asshole.

I really don't understand it. I also don't understand how the Dreamcast is considered retro but the rest of 6th gen isn't. There's absolutely no reason for it, its just an arbitrary distinction

>> No.1461627

>no one on /v/ wants to talk about the GBA

Complete horseshit. /v/ often has good GBA and Golden Sun threads.

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what you think about the cutoff date. You can either abide by it or you can be an idiot shitposter, which you've done a great job of so far.

>> No.1461632

Except I did contribute, I posted a GB game no one had mentioned.

What's "not retro" about the ps2? Retro doesn't mean "only consoles with pixelated graphics"

Mant to quote

>> No.1462096

the golden days were the first seven days. Now we've been silver and turning rapidly into shit