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1445692 No.1445692 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or does this character make no sense at all? Where does he come from?

>> No.1445710

He's from FF5. You find him in jail (like you do in FF6) and you can free him or leave him. If you free him, he rewards your stupidity by jacking treasures before you can get them.

In FF6 he grabs a Gold Hairpin relic and tries to take Mog hostage. If you want the Gold Hairpin, you can get it in exchange for the opportunity to recruit Mog.

Fuck Mog, my bitches need to look pretty.

>> No.1445881

You can get golden hairpins from enemies if you wait a bit, but Mog's dances give you elemental attacks AND free healing for no MP cost.

>> No.1445909

Feh. Relm Sketch Bug every day. 255 Paladin shields, Gem Boxes, Economizers, Experience Eggs, Dirks, Strikers, Ultima Weapons, and Illuminas.

>> No.1445923

And like 3,000 Dirks as well.

>> No.1445939

It's insane how fun the game is but it's one of the buggest games ever made that's still 100% playable. It's even bugger than FF1 and that was bugged up the ass.

>> No.1445956

Star Ocean snes is still buggier.

>> No.1445962

alongside Gen 1 Pokemon

>> No.1445968

I love how you think that in a game where you regularly walk into other people's homes and take their things unopposed, the idea of someone else in the game also doing so "makes no sense"

>> No.1445991

I wouldn't say Gen 1 of Pokemon was really buggy just was really imbalanced. Like how Psychic was massively powerful and so they had to add 2 types in Gen 2 just to balance it all out. Unless you are talking about missing no.
Every time I tried to play it something happened that crashed my emulator. So you might be right but I never played it far enough to really see any bugs.

>> No.1446008

Star Ocean 1 was actually a game released on it's early BETA stage.
It crashed even on cartridge form and the best way to know when a crash was coming was when the game's music stopped playing.

The emulation also added a new bug, the battles playing at twice speed (that didn't happened if you played the cartridge)

The PSP port fixed everything but also changed the artstyle and fucked up several characters, such as making Perisie (a preteen loli catgirl who believed herself to be pretty and sexy) into a busty teen who was actually everything what she claimed to be (thus, killing that comical aspect of the character)

>> No.1446015

So all the problem I'm having on the fan translation are problems the cartridge had? Sad I kept getting to the past but around that time the game stops and crashes. I reset and 10 or so minutes crashes again. I didn't want to play the PSP because of the art style. Felt it was too "animeish" Like how Phantasy Star for the Master System went from kind of anime looking to full blown anime in the PS2. Feel they keep doing it and it just doesn't look right to me.

>> No.1446053

Saving and then reloading will fix the crashing issues for a while. (Using savestates will NOT)

>> No.1446063

I know since I had to do that but after the 5th time I just quit. I enjoyed the game but I just couldn't stand having to reset all those times.

>> No.1446084

It's funny how, even after Ultima 4, this isn't much of a consideration in most RPGs.

>> No.1446102

I'd like to take this opportunity to talk about how incredibly long winded star ocean 2 is, especially in the beginning. The pointless formalities and introductions mean you'll be arsing around for two hour before you even see any consistent action.
"Hello Mr Claude, would you like me to show you to the village? ok this is my house, now my mother has to meet you and give a 3 minute introduction, now you can meet the mayor, lets get to know about the mayor!" on and on and on and on. Dragon Warrior is also guilty of this, but at least you're given full control and exploration of the world.

The game really picks up nicely on disk 2, but honestly fuck Expel.

>> No.1446105

No Mog means on Umaro.

>> No.1446104

Even though I always saved him, Gold Hairpins found their way into my party more often than Mog.

>Open thread about obscure FF character
>Hey guys Star Ocean sure had bugs, amirite?

>> No.1446107

>Final Fantasy VI

Your problem has been identified, OP.

>> No.1446106
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>> No.1446115

I think it's mostly because Final Fantasy is talked to death here. People like to try to talk about other things. I mean how often have you seen people talking about Star Ocean.
I'm normally fine with really long opening. As long as I feel somewhat invested in the world they are setting up. Dragon Warrior VII was pretty amazing in that way. A couple of hours of you wondering around as the characters and world is expanding. Yeah it's kind of slow but sometimes slow openings are needed. People nowadays try to pack so much into a game at once that it never gives you time to really get invested in what you are doing.

>> No.1446193

In FF9 a few places try to make you feel bad by labelling the loot ___'s lifesavings. If I remember right in FF8 if you steal from one guy he won't let you use his healing spring.

>> No.1446209


No...you get them both in Ruin...getting Mog in World of Balance is just for fun and to get him to water dance.

>> No.1446221

>No Mog means on Umaro.

And nothing of value is lost?

>> No.1446263

>not using Umaro in the Fanatics' Tower

>> No.1446271

Real men use magic, like it's supposed to

>> No.1446351

Smart men use Moogle Suits and Charms.

>> No.1446542

That's a real problem with most modern RPGs. They try so hard to make it relatable and build up this world, but it's so tedious. One reason I love NES RPGs is because there's no dicking around - you enter town, talk to the five peon residents, buy a sword, sleep, and you're back on the road.

>> No.1446694
File: 162 KB, 711x1000, 200px-Ff6umaroart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


egg zackley bubba.

Rage Ringed Bzerked Umaro cleaning that house up like a motha fucka.

>> No.1446746

I'm fine with world building and taking it's time. It's nice when they give a nice introduction to each city or something. It's when they slow everything down around the half way mark with tedious scavenging or other shit right before a major plot line.

>> No.1447206

Umaro is also very very useful for the Colosseum. He will only Attack/Blizzard (if you equip that item). Put a Snow Muffler on and his defense is excellent.

Other characters run the risk of usually doing something really dumb, especially later in the game as you learn more spells.

>> No.1447724

>Soul Spiral
Every fucking time

>> No.1448535


seriously. i was using like other characters instead of umaro and they would just do random attacks....so if you know 50 spells then actually attacking is like a 1/51 chance. they will use like antidote and osmosis and your sitting there going...ATTACK YOU FUCK FACE!

Umaro is the best.