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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1430598 No.1430598[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can someone record themselves playing super mario bros. and the 1up trick?
Or find a video that meets the following requirements:
>no talking over it and no overlays like text or logos added
>decent quality video, full screen with no zoom in or mario-follow
>has to show pre-footage of the non shell-jumping part for about 10 seconds
>has to be a non-stop shell-jumping combo for about a full 30 seconds
>can't fail and break the combo once you start getting 1up's
>acceptable to fail and break the combo if no 1up's have been gotten yet
>after a shell-jump combo for 30 seconds, need footage of completing the stage
I need it to make a stupid video. It's appreciated if anyone wants to do it.

>> No.1430692

what's in it for me?

>> No.1430701

I never really figured out how you do the 1-up trick.
It's frustrating because I can't clear that one NES Remix challenge where you have to do the 1-up trick.

>> No.1430705

I'm working on it. Give me some time.

>> No.1430750

I dunno what it is, man, but I can't get it to go continuously for 30 seconds. Dunno if it's the emulator or what. I used to be able to do this all the time and maybe I could if I moved my computer to my NES and rigged my capture card up, but that's too much hassle, sorry.

>> No.1430768

Forgive my use of a tripcode.
Using it to identify as OP.

What's it in for you for posting here?

I'm sorry.

Thanks bro.

That's ok. At least 20 seconds is fine too.
Just for a longer period than the 10 seconds or
so that can be found in other videos.
Your longest run may be fine too.
Maybe try posting your best combo.

Thanks for the replies and effort, everyone.

>> No.1430770

Literally the best I've been able to get out of it for the past twenty minutes of trying is 5~6 seconds.

Would doing it on 1-1 of Lost Levels count? I can do that one easy.

>> No.1430791
File: 22 KB, 87x191, welp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has to be the original super mario bros. and heavily preferably level 3-1.
Thanks anyway.

Also there's a /v/ thread here that's gonna 404 by the time I get back.
Before the internet detectives point out the obvious.

Be back in a few hours or so. Thanks anyway everyone.

>> No.1430806

Don't help this faggot.

>> No.1430809

>wombo combo video

>> No.1430813

Would if I could, but Merchantube flags every game video I upload, so fuck it.

>> No.1430826

Holy shit it'd all be for this shit? Yeah fuck it, I'm gonna stop trying. It's very difficult to get the combo to go for 10 seconds let alone 30 seconds in the original SMB. Much easier to get going in SMBDX (which is why that version is on youtube a lot) or in Lost Levels due to the modified shell-bounce physics.

It's easy enough to set up anyway; OP could do it himself and waste his own time instead of everyone else's.

>> No.1430846

here you go op, it's still uploading to dropbox


>> No.1430854
File: 1.47 MB, 332x352, Stephen-Colbert-I-Told-You-So.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-you too...

>>wombo combo video
>Holy shit it'd all be for this shit? Yeah fuck it, I'm gonna stop trying.
>It's very difficult to get the combo to go for 10 seconds
>let alone 30 seconds in the original SMB.
>Much easier to get going in SMBDX
>(which is why that version is on youtube a lot)
>or in Lost Levels due to the modified shell-bounce physics.
>It's easy enough to set up anyway; OP could do it himself
>and waste his own time instead of everyone else's.
>It's stupid. I don't really wanna talk about it.
>If some thought it was stupid then they would be less likely to help.
Told you so!!!

Well, you shouldn't have asked then.

>It's easy enough to set up anyway; OP could do it himself
>and waste his own time instead of everyone else's.

If it's so easy then do it.

>banned for playing videogames

I never said you had to upload it to youtube.
I'm not uploading it to youtube.

>> No.1430860

I said it's easy to SET UP. And no, I'm not gonna waste tons of time doing hundreds of attempts just for some stupid le epics maymay video. You can waste your own time instead of everyone else's.

>> No.1430869

Starts at 0:45, best i could d->>1430846
well, wasn't that a waste of time.

>> No.1430872

I like how you keep talking about "wasting someone else's time" yet you keep coming back to post in this thread. Clearly, you ain't got a lot of time to waste.

>> No.1430873

I hope you're not the OP because that would make you look like a big hypocrite too

>> No.1430875

valuable time to waste*

>> No.1430878

Must include 10 seconds of of the stage prior to the trick, must go on for 30 seconds of unbroken 1-ups. You don't fit OP's criteria.

And his criteria is so harsh because he wants to sync it up to an EPIC MAYMAY sound clip from a le epic video. He admitted it in the /v/ thread. Show's over, let's all move along.

>> No.1430882

Just loop the video until it fits the length of the audio clip you're going to slap in.
I'd say it's not hard, but you'd just tell me to make the video for you.

>> No.1430883

Having a thread auto-update on the side that I glance at every so often isn't a waste of my time.

Actively trying to do what may be an impossible SMB trick (at least for 30 fucking seconds) all for an epic meme video is.

Here OP, here's a savestate all set up for you: https://mega.co.nz/#!vsh3BI4Y!VjWX_Ey7tyzNQggbSWCdtpKF0pLRo5Vmy00UeTjkx0o

It's at 3-1, saved about ten seconds-worth ahead of the trick spot. Reload and repeat over and over until you get it.

>> No.1430886

I'm curious as to why you're making the video in the first place.
Is this for a cheap laugh from your school friends? To impress a girl?

>> No.1430919

>I said it's easy to SET UP.
Easier said than done. If it's so easy then do it and post it.
>And no, I'm not gonna waste tons of time doing hundreds of attempts
>just for some stupid le epics maymay video.
"LE EBIN TROOLES xD". what is satire
>You can waste your own time instead of everyone else's.
It's better to spend time actually do something,
then to waste time just complaining.

Thank you.

>wasting time
>on the internet

>Must include 10 seconds of of the stage prior to the trick, must go on for 30 seconds of unbroken 1-ups. You don't fit OP's criteria.
Thanks I guess. I don't know. I'll take a look at it.
>And his criteria is so harsh because he wants to sync it up to an EPIC MAYMAY sound clip from a le epic video.
You're also posting an EPIC MAYMAY and a le epic post. What's your point?
>He admitted it in the /v/ thread.
Thank you captain obvious.
He's shitposting and making le epic maymay posts.
He admitted it in the /v/ thread.
Haha. See that? I can point out the obvious, too.
They guessed correctly and I said "yeah...that's it".
What do you expect me to do?
>Show's over, let's all move along.
If you don't like it then leave, Anon.

>Just loop the video until it fits the length of the audio clip you're going to slap in.
Doesn't work. It ruins the point and effect of the video.
>I'd say it's not hard, but you'd just tell me to make the video for you.
If it was made like that it would be a shit video that made no sense.
Even more so than it is originally.

>> No.1430921

>Having a thread auto-update on the side that I glance at every so often isn't a waste of my time.
>Actively trying to do what may be an impossible SMB trick (at least for 30 fucking seconds)
About 30 seconds. 20 seconds or almost 20 seconds or so is fine.
As long as you can.
>all for an epic meme video is.
Says epic meme poster.
>Here OP, here's a savestate all set up for you: https://mega.co.nz/#!vsh3BI4Y!VjWX_Ey7tyzNQggbSWCdtpKF0pLRo5Vmy00UeTjkx0o
Frankly I don't trust you but I may take a look at it. Thank you.
>It's at 3-1, saved about ten seconds-worth ahead of the trick spot. Reload and repeat over and over until you get it.
I don't think I can do it but I"ll consider it. Thanks.

I make videos for myself all the time. I have no friends.

Taking a look at these now. Thank you very much.

>> No.1430968

>easier said than done
Not really. Warp directly to 3-1 after 1-2. Unless you're seriously so bad at SMB that you can't beat the first two stages. It took me literally a minute to make you that savestate and it's the savestate I was using to try try try try try try try again to do your impossible trick. I don't know why you don't just settle for one of the games where it's actually possible, like SMBDX (which has loads of videos already out there of the trick exceeding 30 seconds).

>"LE EBIN TROOLES xD". what is satire
>You're also posting an EPIC MAYMAY and a le epic post. What's your point?
>Says epic meme poster.
stop. your credibility is going further and further down the tubes

>> No.1430994

>Not really. Warp directly to 3-1 after 1-2.
>Unless you're seriously so bad at SMB that you can't beat the first two stages.
>It took me literally a minute to make you that savestate
I mean to do the trick.
>and it's the savestate I was using to try try try try try try try again to do your impossible trick.
Thanks for trying.
>I don't know why you don't just settle for one of the games where it's actually possible, like SMBDX (which has loads of videos already out there of the trick exceeding 30 seconds).
It's not the same. It's not the effect I'm going for. But thank you.

>le epics maymay
>epic meme
stop. your credibility is going further and further down the tubes

You saying "le epic maymays" is the same thing the video is doing.
The video is left open to interpretation.
But it is mocking it for how stupid it is,
not indulging in it or encouraging it.
Tho, some say "le ironic shitposting" is just shitposting.
Or it's funnier if you see it then on paper.
Or before you're meta about it and have a pre disposition to hate it.
Since it's not a surprise anymore.
Also I liked the video before it was "maymay" status and before it was cool.

No wonder I don't talk to anyone anymore.

>> No.1430995

This isn't really too far in the combo frankly. I'm sorry.
This needs a little more time before and time after.
Like about 5 or 10 seconds more at the beginning.
And maybe when you get to the next stage pause there.
I don't know. I guess I should've specified that. I'm sorry.

Now I'm being picky.
I realize it's being a dick to demand everyone to do stuff for me.
I thought it'd be fun and no one would get mad at videogames. I'm sorry.

I'll attempt to do it myself.
If I fail then I'll probably just use the mediafire video.

Thank you very much for the help, everyone.

>> No.1431015

guy who posted the first vid here

yes thats the joke. the combo is impossible in the original so i gave you a shit vid for your impossible request

why do you think there isnt already a video of this

>> No.1431030
File: 260 KB, 256x224, midoinitrite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1431084

>No wonder I don't talk to anyone anymore
>Keeps fucking talking
>Needs to up his meds

>> No.1431137
File: 626 KB, 1525x1946, 1352258380750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry more bitch nigga.

>> No.1431145

That's good but it needs to be a video of the original with sound effects.
And for a longer period of time.

I actually made a video of myself attempting to do it.
But the video comes out over 1gb or looks like absolute shit.
I tried a web search but got a bunch of people linking to other threads
which have 404'd without quoting them or being useful or help.
So I'll ask for suggestions from the experts here.
What's the best settings for decent video and low file sized video?
I'm using nestopia and my comps a little slow.
So it'd take long to test all the settings.

>> No.1431158


>> No.1431167

k den

>> No.1431191


best you're gonna get

>> No.1431195

Alright I made a 6:11 long video with these settings in nestopia:

>movie player >file... >Super Mario Bros. (Japan, USA)4.nsv
>record >[playing game] >stop
>export to avi... >Super Mario Bros. (Japan, USA)4.x.avi
>choose video codec >compressor: cinepak conec by radius
>compression quality: 100 >[v] key frame every 15 frames >data rate 300 KB/sec

It's 104628KB in size and the video quality is pretty decent, I guess.

>> No.1431202
File: 312 KB, 425x320, Reggie_shrug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my failed attempts.


It would've been a better idea
to use the more iconic super mario in retrospec.
Instead of fire super mario.

As you can see, I can't really do this.

>> No.1431204
File: 16 KB, 320x224, G-32XCinepakPromo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1431205

That or the small mario. Mushroom or non mushroomed.
Also my comp is slow as hell and it takes a while to make the avi video.

Alright. I'll take a look at it. Thanks.

>> No.1431209

It's an internet forum where only "retro" videogames are allowed.

It's like we're all in 1994.

Also cinepak seems to be working the best out of the options it gives so far.

What do you recommend I use?

>> No.1431212

nobody can. it can't be done in the original smb.

>> No.1431216

h.264/mpeg-4 AVC

>> No.1431226

To be honest,
this 1 is near perfect.
His combo lasted for about 14 seconds which is fine.
So I guess anything going over 10 seconds or so is good.
It just needs like 10 more seconds at the beginning
and like 40 more seconds at the end.
So they basically did it but I gave bad requirements.

>> No.1431228

Nestopia's only options are:
>Microsoft Video 1
>Intel IYUV codec
>Helix I420 YUV Codec
>Cinepak Codec by Radius
>Xfire Video Codec
>helix YV12 yUV Codec
>ffdshow Video Codec
>Full Frames (Uncrompressed)

>> No.1431231
File: 60 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New requirements:

>no talking over it and no overlays like text or logos added
>decent quality video, full screen with no zoom in or mario-follow
>has to show pre-footage of the non shell-jumping part for about 20 seconds
>has to be a non-stop shell-jumping combo for about a full 10 seconds
>can't fail and break the combo once you start getting 1up's
>acceptable to fail and break the combo if no 1up's have been gotten yet
>after a shell-jump combo for 10 seconds, need footage of completing the stage

>> No.1431241

Wow. Lost levels looks really interesting, cool, and different.
It's a shame Japan didn't release it in America.
You can really see it as an in-between between smb1 and smb3.
With the sound effects, graphics, and everything.

It kind of needs to specifically be mario 1, 3-1,
and mario small or large and non fire. I'm sorry. Thank you.

>> No.1431256

Try doing "ffdshow video codec", that should let you choose from more modern codecs you have installed. Otherwise if that doesn't work install the xvid codec and use that if you want to do it directly, if all else fails the best practice would be to encode it uncompressed (which will use a fuckload of hdd space), then compress that video with something else.

All of the codecs in that list are windows-95-old and beyond obsolete/inefficient

>> No.1431265

why does your dumb meme video need such specifics

did you tell your friends at school that you did it and now you need to prove it or something

>> No.1431401

what do you dorks use for recording

>> No.1431417

fraps since im not stupid

>> No.1431426

Does fraps work for Nes stuff?
Didn't even work for zsnes for me.

Also, is it better than built in recording on the emulator

>> No.1431432

you need to use an emulator that supports opengl

>> No.1431436

I figured; I just wasn't aware there was an NES one.

How's the delay on those?
For me, emulation of anything before an N64 or DS has troublesome delay.

>> No.1431440

This here is a fine damn video.
60 frames per second and pixel perfect sharpness.

This 19k gif thanks you

>> No.1431445

what. none? maybe get a not shit computer

are you op

>> No.1431446
File: 19 KB, 256x240, BrowserPreview-10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS 19k gif thanks you

>> No.1431462
File: 21 KB, 256x240, BrowserPreview-11.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cut this to 50fps, since that's what gifs are capable of, which means the speed is probably more accurate now

>> No.1431478
File: 196 KB, 500x448, 1393384260340.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1431536

>Try doing "ffdshow video codec",

Here's a comparison of ffdshow and cinepak codec:
>ffdshow video codec
>colors messed up

>cinepak codec by radius
>colors not messed up

>that should let you choose from more modern codecs you have installed.
There's a lot of settings but I'm not really sure what to do.
>Otherwise if that doesn't work install the xvid codec
I'll consider it... not sure if I have it already.
>and use that if you want to do it directly,
>if all else fails the best practice would be to encode it uncompressed
>(which will use a fuckload of hdd space),
>then compress that video with something else.
Yeah even compressed I had like an over 1GB video with 1 of the codecs.
Honestly I kind of broke my last computer doing a lot of heavy encoding,
and would like to avoid that now.
I could upload it to youtube and have it encode the raw video,
but the upload would take a long time.
But heck it could probablymake the current cinepak video smaller.
You just need to search and find 1 of the many ways to download it.
But youtube banned me and I don't feel like dealing with them right now.
>All of the codecs in that list are windows-95-old and beyond obsolete/inefficient
Well for now it's the best I got so.

>why does your dumb meme video need such specifics
My dumb meme video needs such specifics to be semi-decently punctual.
>did you tell your friends at school that you did it and now you need to prove it or something

>asking me what I use for recording
I'm flattered.
I usually use obs or "open broadcaster software"
but in "local recording" only mode instead of for live video broadcasting.
But I didn't feel like changing its settings just for this
so used nestopia's built-in recorder thing.
I never really used fraps but that's good too I guess.

>> No.1431540
File: 747 KB, 472x323, 1353886523790.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know.
Yeah, it might be your comp or too many background programs running.
How can they be OP if OP posted a video here:
and they asked OP for a video here:
Tho I suppose it's possible OP asked OP what OP uses for recording.

It really is a good video. And 1 of the "best" videos submitted so far.
Even if it was crap quality: they still go for like 14 seconds.

Looks good. Good job, Anon.


>> No.1431628
File: 79 KB, 516x403, 1393387413005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conversing in /vr/.gif

>> No.1431672

"Screencaping" is very popular nowadays isn't it?
Again, I'm flattered. thank you.

>> No.1431676

The point was how many of your replies were to me, showing that it's like 3 people in here.

Wasn't anything against you

>> No.1431675
File: 28 KB, 571x473, questover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I used the footage here:
for my dumb meme video. It's worked bretty good.

Thanks for the help, everyone.

>> No.1431762

Oh ok. No offense taken.

I actually like /vr/ because it's slower and kind of like slow boards.
I like fast boards because you don't have to monitor the thread all the time.
But I like slow boards because you don't have to worry about 404'ing as much.

>> No.1431765

I made the videos now in poor quality.
I used another youtube account, uploaded it to there,
downloaded it at like fmt=18 or like 480p,
and saved it in windows movie maker at 320x240p and 4:3 at 29.97fps,
since windows movie maker can not into any video
that is not exactly 4:3 or 16:9 resolution.
So there's some leter boxing on the left and right.
Mostly because I'm poorfag, my current comp is shit,
and it would take a lot of cpu power, lagging, and waiting
if I were to use something like sony vegas or adobe premiere etc.

>> No.1431776
File: 90 KB, 301x484, 1333559311646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know no 1 asked for it but here's a link to the dumb meme videos anyway.

Here's the cut video by itself.


Here's the dumb le EPICS MAYMAY video.


>> No.1431778
File: 71 KB, 500x700, thank you!.jpg 1370498625751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to go now. I may lurk but may not be able to post as much.

Thank you very much for the help, every Anon, /vr/, everyone.

>> No.1431793

Alright dropbox is being a shit so here's the mediafire mirror links.

This is the cut video by itself:

And this is the dumb le EPICS MAYMAY video:

Thank you very much, everyone.

>> No.1431807

Ok so mediafire is also being a shit and lagging out the video.


dumb le EPICS MAYMAY video:


>> No.1432339

You people are fucking stupid for replying to and being the servant of some tripfag.

>> No.1433136

You people are fucking stupid for replying
and being the servant of some legionfag.

>> No.1433141

I never wanted to have a tripcode.
"LE EBIN TROOLES xD" were impersonating me on /v/
to derail the thread and turn it into a shitposting hivemind.
So, I had to make a tripcode to respond and answer questions.
If you do a web search you'll find this tripcode hasn't been used
in any threads other than these.
Which is how tripcodes are supposed to be used.
As sometimes necessary user id's for the thread more or less.

>> No.1433142

You're a douche.

>> No.1433315

y-you too...

>> No.1435556

why do you linebreak constantly? your posts are obnoxious to read because you create messes of text.

>> No.1435712

well why the fuck not?

Why do you not capitalize constantly? Your posts are obnoxious to read because you create messes of text.

i save stuff to notepad and if i save or copy paste it sometimes it ends up looking like this which is even more obnoxious and line breaking with an extra space each line than the line breaking. if you use word wrap it wraps the words but messages up the text. if you use no word wrap then it's a pain to use the bottom scroll wheel since it's kept in a small window

>copy paste message
>doesn't break the message
well... maybe it's fixed in windows 7 notepad or broken in xp...
either that or it breaks when i don't want it to
and doesn't break when i need it to...

i do it because some things like browsers don't have word wrap
when viewing a raw text file.
>try text files in browsers
>word wrap apparently works in every browser now

...i guess i do it out of habit then.

being /vr/, shouldn't you like line breaks every few lines?
it's like playing
a "retro" videogame
with a small screen
resolution that
doesn't have a lot
of room for text

>errrrrrrybody criticizing every little way i talk on the internet
k den

>errrrrybody is too focused on how it is written, not what is written

>be anon
>someone imitates you and shitposts
>everyone falls for the most obvious troll ever
>everyone shitposts
>every time

>use a tripcode
>receive flamers and warrers

there's just no pleasing you people, is there?

>> No.1435729

You can take the gif, sync the sfx and make the last part where he gets the 1up loop continously.

>> No.1435737

Jesus, I was on your side but this post makes you look like a whiny little brat. Fuck off.

>> No.1435772

Nice shitpost

>> No.1435880

I really shouldn't, but since I have nothing better to do I'll humor you:

Why not? Because your posts are annoying to read. pretty simple. I don't know why you don't just type directly into the post box to begin with.

The only 'shitposting' against you was on /v/, which should be expected since it's /v/. But instead of ignoring it like you should, you let it get to you and started throwing a tantrum. /v/ eats that kind of shit up.

You aren't getting shit on because you use a tripcode, by the way. You're using it for its intended purpose. You're getting shit because you're clearly either a kid or a manchild. You came in here asking for help on a project, which was fine until you started acting really demanding and pushy in response to people trying to tell you that your request isn't feasible. That's not how you treat people when you want them to take time out of their lives to do something for you. That's how a little bratty child would act. People even gave you savestates and instructions on how to do this task yourself and you got all uppity about that, too. This is why people got mad at you; your attitude and how you treat others is atrocious.

And you also let it get to you when people shit on your video idea for being a dumb meme video. You knew from the get-go that this wasn't going to be something people would like, so I don't know why you were so surprised and upset when people didn't like it.

>> No.1436427 [DELETED] 

as could you. easier said than done.
not using super mario bros. 1 for nes is not the effect i'm looking for.
also faking it is also not what i'm looking for.
i'm looking for some authenticity.

holy fuck cry more faggot.
You call yourself masc yet here you are bitching like a women, grab a hold of your balls if there's anything left of them if they haven't fully inverted into a vagina and stop whining like a 5 year old girl.

>Nice shitpost
Right back at you.

>> No.1436431 [DELETED] 

y-you too...

>Because your posts are annoying to read. pretty simple.
lol, did you get offended? >>>leddit
>I don't know why you don't just type directly into the post box to begin with.
well why the fuck not?

>The only 'shitposting' against you was on /v/, which should be expected since it's /v/.
/vg/ is 1 letter off. clearly, it's not just /v/. it's all of the internet
>But instead of ignoring it like you should, you let it get to you and started throwing a tantrum. /v/ eats that kind of shit up.
get out then
niggas throwin tantrums and shit

>You aren't getting shit on because you use a tripcode,
they focus on the tripcode instead of the post
>You're getting shit because you're clearly either a kid or a manchild.
you're either a nigger or a sandnigger.
>You came in here asking for help on a project,
why is this a thing?
i was just making video "oc" casually like anyone would make picture oc
>you started acting really demanding and pushy
[citation needed]
>in response to people trying to tell you that your request isn't feasible.
in response to their shitposting.

>> No.1436435

>That's not how you treat people when you want them to take time out of their lives to do something for you.
that's not how you treat people when you talk shit but can't take it.
>That's how a little bratty child would act.
that's how a fucking hypocrite would act.
>People even gave you savestates
1 gave me a savestate. they talked shit and i thanked them. you're welcome.
>and instructions on how to do this task yourself
easier said than done. you said yourself it's unfeasible.
might as well ask the experts instead of wasting time.
>and you got all uppity about that, too.
[citation needed].
>This is why people got mad at you;
they got mad at me because i wouldn't tell them what it was for
then told them what ti was for.
they got mad at me because someone imitated me, trolled everyone,
and they never got over it.
they got mad at me because i had to use a tripcode because of this.
this is self-evident in the /v/ thread.
>your attitude and how you treat others is atrocious.

>get flamed, abused, and insulted
>remain polite and thank them anyway
>your attitude and how you treat others is atrocious.
Well, fuck you too, Anon.

>And you also let it get to you
>when people shit on your video idea for being a dumb meme video.
i never let it get to me when people shit on my dumb meme video.
i was using playful lad banter to lighten your mood and stop the rage,
not to seem bitter and make you rage harder.
similar to how when /b/ was full of cancer in 2008
and cancer would make posts like "cancer here".

>You knew from the get-go that this wasn't going to be something people would like, so I don't know why you were so surprised and upset when people didn't like it.
I told you from the get-go that I didn't want to say what I working on because people might not like it and refuse to help me, so I don't know why you were so surprised and upset when you didn't like it.

>> No.1436440

what the hell is wrong with you

>> No.1436464

What was the point of this thread

>> No.1436472

I don't want to imagine all the idiots this video is going to attract to /vr/.

>> No.1437425

nothing's wrong with me! :DDDDDDDDd
Whats the point of this post
>video for self mocking the idiots
>going to attract people to old videogames
k den

>> No.1437427

>delete my posts for responding to flamers
>not deleting the original flamers posts

fucking hypocrites

>> No.1437428

as could you. easier said than done.
not using super mario bros. 1 for nes is not the effect i'm looking for.
also faking it is also not what i'm looking for.
i'm looking for some authenticity.

holy fuck cry more faggot.
You call yourself masc yet here you are bitching like a women, grab a hold of your balls if there's anything left of them if they haven't fully inverted into a vagina and stop whining like a 5 year old girl.

>Nice shitpost
Right back at you.

>> No.1437434

y-you too...

>Because your posts are annoying to read. pretty simple.
lol, did you get offended? >>>leddit
>I don't know why you don't just type directly into the post box to begin with.
well why the fuck not?

>The only 'shitposting' against you was on /v/, which should be expected since it's /v/.
/vg/ is 1 letter off. clearly, it's not just /v/. it's all of the internet
>But instead of ignoring it like you should, you let it get to you and started throwing a tantrum. /v/ eats that kind of shit up.
get out then
niggas throwin tantrums and shit

>You aren't getting shit on because you use a tripcode,
they focus on the tripcode instead of the post
>You're getting shit because you're clearly either a kid or a manchild.
you're either a nigger or a sandnigger.
>You came in here asking for help on a project,
why is this a thing?
i was just making video "oc" casually like anyone would make picture oc
>you started acting really demanding and pushy
[citation needed]
>in response to people trying to tell you that your request isn't feasible.
in response to their shitposting.