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1425018 No.1425018[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1425019


>> No.1425025
File: 20 KB, 326x352, what anchor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Iris gets a giant Mech to fight you in
>mfw years ago

>> No.1425026


>> No.1425030
File: 950 KB, 224x184, Sigma portrait - Megaman X4 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Prepare to become space DUST-TT!!".

>> No.1425041


>> No.1425052


Could somebody tell me which one is making the "errrr" sound is at around 20 seconds? Either it is General's thinking noise or Sigma is slurring his speech.

>> No.1425073

That's General.

>> No.1425079

I can hear it now. What an awkward overlap.

>> No.1426882


X4 is one of my favorite Mega Men games.

Is it just me, or is X5 terrible? Played Grizzly Slash, Shriver (Flying Pony thing) and the music (aside from the boss theme) is terrible and the bosses are slow with very easy patterns. Does it get better?

>> No.1426902

X4 was such a piece of shit.

>> No.1426920

Man, I am so glad I bought the PS2 Megaman X collection.

Them snes prices are ridiculous and everything after x3 is shit anyways.

>> No.1426952

this. 1000x this.

Only problem with the anniversary collection is with x3, all of the stages are remixed. Always. I fucking hate remixed versions of old soundtracks. Most are garbage.

>> No.1426954

X5 has a leveling system for the bosses where they become harder as the game goes on. Grizzly and the Skiver probably seemed so slow and easy because you were fighting them at level 4 or whatever.

>> No.1426962

One day I will finish Command Mission. It just seemed so bland it did not promise to get better.

>> No.1426976


Hm, makes sense I s'pose.

>> No.1427006



Was Magma Dragoon actually dubbed, since he's blatantly Akuma?

>> No.1427014

>giant mech
Bitch please,Goliath is a better thing than Iris pussy bitch nigga armor
>that sad feel when you wont fight Goliath Mech vs Mech
fucking Capcom

>> No.1427038

It's not just the remixes that bother me in the CD ports of X3 but the fucking AWFUL sound effect mixing. Charging your weapon gets really annoying fast. Also they fucked up the dialogue skipping. In the SNES version you could press Start and skip everything ultra fast but Start does the same thing as holding any other button in the CD versions.

>> No.1427042
File: 231 KB, 422x531, DoubleJelloMan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of his attack names where removed. Most of the bosses had that as well.


>> No.1427198

>everything after x3 is shit anyways.

No, X3 is easily the blandest game in the entire series. You just like games to be as dull and uninteresting as possible.

>> No.1427218

X3 might have been a step down after the first two games but it's not full garbage like the games after it.

>> No.1427284

X4 and X5 are both better than X3.

Why do people hate X5 so much? It's a step down from X4 to be sure, but there's nothing truly wrong with it besides having to play Duff McWhalen's stage 3 times if you want everything.

>> No.1427331
File: 7 KB, 198x175, fate being sealed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fate is sealed.. I have, nochoice

>> No.1427346

I think X3 had some neat shit. The Ride Armors, the Chips, switching between X and Z, stuff with Vile, and all that.

But it just kind of didn't all fit together if that makes sense? Like two great tastes that kind of cancel each other out and you don't taste anything, it's just bland and uninteresting.

>> No.1427348

X4 was pretty much the beginning of the end of the franchise. The Resident Evil 4 of MMX. In the sense that, the X series obviously needed to change to become more relevant (kinda like RE) and made a change. A very good change. The jump to the Playstation. Refined mechanics. Zero as a playable character. Animated cutscenes.

From here though, thinks just kinda went on the steep hill. Every new game from X5 onward tried to reinvent itself too much, and became too narrative driven in some of the lamest ways possible, all leading up the the game that pretty much killed all interest in the series. (X7)
Which is a shame because X8 was pretty decent

It's weird to think there's more bad/mediocre games in the X series than there is good ones.

>> No.1427358

>X5 onward

Bah. Meant X4 onward. X5 is where they really showed "What the fuck do we do?"

>> No.1427368

Yeah, X3 had too much going on in terms of collectibles and secrets. Zero should have been more thoroughly implemented, or just have gotten his own set of stages (perhaps some events that come up when certain stages are completed). It does seem like stage design suffered due to how much stuff was packed into the game.

>> No.1427389


>> No.1427408

I think my favorite was "I'M GONNA RECYCLE YOU!"

>> No.1427483

>The Resident Evil 4 of MMX
Unlike X4, RE4 is actually a good game.

>> No.1427525


I kind of disagree; they're are similar = fairly good games with things that flawed the franchised.

Sage for no giving any lines, i mean; what i'ma posting for?

>> No.1428157


Luckily the Zero series was GOAT.

>> No.1428165


Oh. I agree. The Zero series should have really been the swan song for Mega Man games. It'll be hard for games to ever really top those.


>> No.1428578

That's a really good one. This one, too.


>> No.1428615
