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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1421508 No.1421508[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does /vr/ feel about AVGN? I like it.

>> No.1421514

Liked the things I have seen but I don't really give a shit.

>> No.1421520 [DELETED] 
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Fuck all talking heads, always and forever.

How about the only video game reviewers allowed on /vr/ have to be from 1999 or earlier?

JK I would rape Kate Botello to death if I knew I could get away with itv/

>> No.1421526

We've had this thread probably upwards of fifty times now, what more is there to say?

>> No.1421528

Feels neutral, man. I don't really care about what he does, but can respect that he does a pretty good job at it.

>> No.1421530

I'd like to point you towards the latter half of global rule 7.

>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or saged it, or another post, is also disallowed

>> No.1421532
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Shit, my newfaggotry is showing...

>> No.1421536

I like him and think some of his reviews are really funny, but the problem is people who didn't grow up playing the games he's reviewing assume he's being 100% serious about everything. Also the episodes where he's fighting shit like Bugs Bunny are pretty fucking stupid. The episodes with his guitar player are cool though.

>> No.1421541

Ah but I didn't report it. I'm merely assuming that others already have.

Also I hope AVGN dies.

>> No.1421546

The rule doesn't specify you personally reporting it, only you replying that you did.

>> No.1421547

I'm glad to welcome new troopers but let me take this opportunity, before this thread is deleted, to encourage you to discuss games here, not pathetic wannabe niche internet celebrities.

>> No.1421556

As internet celebrities go, I like AVGN and find his reviews pretty enjoyable.

>> No.1421554

>pathetic wannabe niche internet celebrities
Fuck you, James' a cool guy.

>> No.1421571

>new troopers
>AVGN has been discussed here since the first month

I don't even.

Probably a reason he's known.

>> No.1421578

To everyone that's going to post. Just don't. Please just don't. Whether you like him to hate him just let this thread die so we can stop having a new thread about him every day.

>> No.1421582

Ergo anyone seriously replying to one of these threads is obviously a neophyte and needs to be warmly directed to more /vr/ efforts.

>> No.1421584

I like AVGN, especially the series of Halloween episodes. It reminds me of being a controller slamming, NES playing youth. I find him funny overall and he seems like a cool guy, though I admit that what he does isn't amazing comedic genius, just something that feel like "Oh nice, a new AVGN, there's a fun way to waste 10 minutes on the internet." The movie seems like it will be kinda stupid to be honest, and not funny-stupid, just stupid-stupid.

>> No.1421589
File: 71 KB, 522x648, 1385839959054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like him, but he tries too hard to be funny. I started doing videos last week because I want to do serious reviews. But it is too late to cash in on internet fame. I just hope that I can talk about vidya with people in this way...

>> No.1421590

Early pioneer in a now tired genre. I understand that it was a side project for him which ballooned to a main project. Although successful, it looks like he got bored of it after a while. He's been wanting to retire it or relegate it again to side project. It looks like his movie's in post-production.

>> No.1421761

You know, I wonder if these things could potentially cause someone an epileptic shock.

>> No.1421784
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>too late to cash in on internet fame
i know that feel bro, seeing others make thousands being retarded and playing vidya online makes me pissed, pissed that i didn't do it first

>> No.1421787

Stop bumping this worthless garbage thread. Please just put it out of its misery.

>> No.1421790


fucking hell stop the pain