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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 360 KB, 551x653, 1392960665074[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1420248 No.1420248 [Reply] [Original]

Oh shit...

>> No.1420261

>Someone states the obvious

Oh shit...

>> No.1420275

SNES version is more fun and has tighter controls and better gameplay

Genesis version has better animation and a sword

>> No.1420280

That's a single person's opinion, and he probably prefers the one that he wasn't forced to playtest thousands of times because it's fresher to him.

>> No.1420287

If Mikami said it then it must be true

>> No.1420289
File: 87 KB, 640x904, genesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say superior Genesis versions?

Yes I know the Sega CD and Windows versions are the best

>> No.1420302

>That's a single person's opinion
Dude,that single person is the damn designer of the game

>> No.1420303

I don't understand why people even compare these two games as if they're ports of the same game.

That being said, I've always preferred the SNES version, but going back on a replay, neither of them are really all that great, and I have no idea why this is such a heated subject on the internet.

There are better Disney games on both systems.

>> No.1420308 [DELETED] 

>Did someone say superior Genesis versions?

Isn't that true for every SNES/Genesis multiplat? And doesn't that also go for tangentially related games, such as HC v Contra 3, Bloodlines v CV4, GnG v SGnG, etc?

Why do people say the SNES was the best console of all time when the SNES apparently had the better games?

>> No.1420310

>Did someone say superior Genesis versions?

Isn't that true for every SNES/Genesis multiplat? And doesn't that also go for tangentially related games, such as HC v Contra 3, Bloodlines v CV4, GnG v SGnG, etc?

Why do people say the SNES was the best console of all time when the Genesis apparently had the better games?

>> No.1420319

>Isn't that true for every SNES/Genesis multiplat? And doesn't that also go for tangentially related games,

no and no.

>> No.1420329

It seems like if a game existed for the Genesis and the SNES, the Genesis version was always better in some regard. For example, Thunder Force 3 vs Thunder Spirits. Even games that are similar, same applies, ie Contra 3 vs Contra Hard Corps.

>> No.1420328
File: 153 KB, 758x482, battlemania2-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the majority of the youtube gaming community grew up with Nintendo consoles (or is pretending they did to seem hip).

Genesis overall had a superior library (just not as many JRPGs). Master System was also a fantastic system that was technically superior from a design standpoint and may of done better in America if Nintendo hadn't had an illegal stranglehold on the gaming market at the time. In all honesty I wish there were more good Sega and PC gaming youtube personalities out there.

>> No.1420334

If Master System was so great, why were multiplatform titles generally better on the NES?

>> No.1420337

Rock and Roll Racing is, without any doubt, better on the SNES. The music sounds awful on the Genesis, and cuts out whenever the announcer speaks.

>> No.1420338

Wut? The only multiplatform games between the SMS and NES were shitty ports of Sega games by Tengen.

Multiplatform wasn't really a thing during the NES era aside from PC versions.

>> No.1420343

First, the NES had a monopoly in Japan, which according to Japanese business laws, is completely legal. And the SMS only had one thing over the NES; it could display more colors. Its CPU was about the same strength; strangely enough, a 4 MHZ Z80 is about as powerful as a 2 MHZ 6502. They both flickered at the drop of a hat, SMS has lower video resolution (192p vs 224p), SMS cannot flip sprites, no true DPCM support, and godawful square waves that had to be used as basslines.

It might've done well, but in a world where Nintendo didn't enforce a monopoly, chances are the NES would've been more popular anyway. It was an easier console to develop for, and it had Mario.

>> No.1420341

Some games were worse on Genesis (mostly a loss of sound or color) but quite a few were superior.

Also, Genesis got the better Contra, Castlevania, Turrican, and Adventures of Batman & Robin.

>> No.1420358

>shitty ports of Sega games by Tengen

None of the Sega games on the NES were developed by Tengen, surprisingly. In fact, they were developed by actual Japanese studios.

Alien Syndrome = Sanritsu
Fantasy Zone = Pixel
Shinobi = Cyclone System

>> No.1420359

This is a great example. It sucks though, because if Tim Follin (who did the SNES soundtrack) had also done the Genesis soundtrack, you can bet it would've sounded a lot better. Although maybe the sound engine used in that game would've been limiting no matter who did the soundtrack. The sound engine used in Time Trax would've been a big improvement.

>> No.1420362

I think Tengen did Afterburner, which is bad. But its bad on the Master System, too. And not that hot on the Genesis, honestly, either.

>> No.1420369


Only the 32X version was good.

>> No.1420372

I think you're right. The Famicom AB seems to have been done by SunSoft, but it uses drums and snare DPCM samples, which isn't what they usually used.

Hell, a lot of Sega games had some sort of involvement from Sunsoft.

>> No.1420383

Its a shallow game designed to attract arcade players with stunning graphics. Only the 32x could handle those (and it still runs at half the framerate).

The worst has to be the Sega CD version, though. Its not even Afterburner. They just slapped that title on a G-loc game and put in some Afterburner remixes as music.

>> No.1420385

>Its a shallow game designed to attract arcade players with stunning graphics.

Isn't that every Sega game? Don't get me wrong, Sega was more along the lines of engineers and technicians, and really only knew how to make impressive software.

>> No.1420389

>generally better on the NES?
California Games
New Zealand Story
Wonderboy(same game as Adventure Island but with more stages)
Alien 3
Alien Syndrome
Double Dragon(debatable but did NES have 2 players?)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

All better on the SMS

>> No.1420407

the saturn version is the definitive version and the game might not be very deep but its sure a rush.

>> No.1420424
File: 44 KB, 379x525, sparkster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same thing happened with Sparkster.

Same name, different games, superior one on Genesis.Super Nintendo didn't even get the amazing Rocket Knight Adventures though.

>> No.1420428

>New Zealand Story

While the SMS one looks nice and almost arcade perfect, I'd rather downgrade the graphics and indulge in Tim Follin's music than listen to that nightmarish SMS music.

>> No.1420431


>shit colors
>poor framerate
>shit sound FX
>no music

>better than the NES

>> No.1420434

None of the games you listed are even the same game.

Jesus, if you're going to say that the Genesis had superior versions, at least list versions that are the same, like Street Fighter 2 Turbo.

>> No.1420438

A designer of the game, not THE.

>> No.1420485

>Double Dragon(debatable but did NES have 2 players?)

actually that's not debatable. the NES version blows the SMS version out the water. and the NES version did have 2 players.

>> No.1420501

I'm fairly certain the Genesis got some crappy lazy ports, and I think Assault Suits Valken/Cybernator is better than Assault Suit Leynos/Target Earth (although... Ranger X...), but for the most part you are absolutely correct.

>> No.1420506

>ie Contra 3 vs Contra Hard Corps

that's just your opinion. alot of Contra fans (myself included) prefer 3 over HC.

>> No.1420512

A lot of Contra fans (yourself included) are wrong.

>> No.1420513

He said the animation was better, which it unquestionably was. But the game itself was a comon Western mascot platfotmer mess of the time, complete with sprite size, camera slide, floaty physics and questionable collision detection. It was a much worse game.

>> No.1420527

I prefer Hard Corps by far (I don't even like Contra 3) and I think you can go fuck yourself for being a faggot.

A lot of people DO prefer 3 over HC. I don't have the numbers and don't care about the numbers in regards to who likes which game more, but I can at the very least tell you that his feelings about the two games are no uncommon.

>> No.1420534
File: 7 KB, 580x530, 1392973054364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sprite size
Look at this image and see that you are a fucking idiot.
Also keep in mind that the Genesis had a larger resolution.

>> No.1420538

I like how you accuse him of not knowing what he's talking about when you didn't even bother to read his post.

>> No.1420546

Can't you see the MD sprite is three times bigger, you crazy imbecile?

>> No.1420551

I read his post. He's clearly suggesting that the Genesis version's sprites are too big and that that's one of the reasons the SNES version is better.
But, taking a glance at reality, as seen in that image, the player sprites are about the same size in both games. SNES is even a bit taller. Genesis is wider, but the entire screen is wider by 64 pixels on the Genesis, so hey.

Nah, it's less than twice as wide. Open up whatever image editor you prefer and see how stupid you've been for yourself.

>> No.1420554

>I read his post. He's clearly suggesting that the Genesis version's sprites are too big and that that's one of the reasons the SNES version is better.

No he didn't. Read his post. He mentioned camera, hit detection, and floaty physics.

>> No.1420559

It's more than two times the size. Clear your goddamn eyes. The sword is a part of the player character sprite, too - it's self-evident, but I feel that, with you I'd need to point this out.

I did in fact say that sprite size is one of the problems, which it is. There's a reason why, say, Mario was always that tiny - and that reason is called GOOD DESIGN and NOT GRAPHICS WHORING.

>> No.1420564
File: 12 KB, 366x413, 1312695060611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the NES version did have 2 players.

The most notable difference the NES version has from the arcade game is the omission of the arcade's two players cooperative game mode.
Due to technical limitations of the NES that were not worked around, the game can only generate two enemies on-screen to confront the player and both enemies are the same character. Additionally, weapons cannot be brought to the next fight if the original enemy carrying it is defeated.

Due to the Master System's technical capabilities, this version featured graphics improved over the NES version, using brighter colors and displaying up to three different enemies on-screen. The game retains the two-player co-op mode (including the final face off between both players) and has level designs that were closer to the arcade game. This version features the character of Jeff, the second stage boss from the arcade version (who was replaced by Chin in the NES version).


>> No.1420561
File: 7 KB, 400x1031, you continue to not be correct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I am addressing none of those things, which is why I specifically quoted "sprite size", and nothing else, and made an image showing how he was clearly wrong about the sprite size.
What about this is too hard for you to grasp?
Am I not allowed to point out bullshitting when I see it unless I go through the trouble of replying to every other point the person is trying to make?

Alright, fine. Since you're having so much trouble using an image editing program, I'll do it myself.
>The sword is a part of the player character sprite
Jesus dude, his right foot clearly goes further than that. Get it together.

>> No.1420568

So, your own efforts should have shown you that the sprite is clearly much wider. According to your diagram, two times wider exactly. Why do you sound like you've proven ME wrong?

>> No.1420572

>this version featured graphics improved over the NES version

really? really? here's a side by side video of the two versions, if you think the SMS version looks better you should make an appointment with an optometrist ASAP.


>> No.1420579

Space Harrier is lots of fun and has more going for it IMO. But you're right, Sega's late 80s-early 90s arcade success was mostly about pushing the envelope technically and mostly not about game design. Just look at Galaxy Force 2 -- it's fucking amazing for 1988, and still looks great today, but as a game it's just sort of meh.

>> No.1420581

Well, the NES looks better, but SMS undisputably has higher quality graphics indeed.

>> No.1420583

>Genesis game better than SNES one.
You don't need to type articles on the obvious.

>> No.1420596

Are you dense? I said the sprite was wider twice myself.
And it's clearly less than twice as wide. Use your eyes. I've already done all the legwork of image editing. All you have to do is muster up the strength to click on a thumbnail and move your eyelids out of the way. Surely you can manage this.

Let's make some comparisons now.

The Genesis sprite is 50 pixels tall and 37 pixels wide.
The SNES sprite is 53 pixels tall and 20 pixels wide.
These numbers obviously shift around a bit (more so on the SNES since sometimes Aladdin does things like run rather than stand up straight which make him notably wider), but I'll be nice and use these values.

The Genesis game is 224 pixels tall and 320 pixels wide.
The SNES game is either 212 or 216 (I'll use this value) pixels tall and 256 pixels wide.

The Genesis sprite takes up 22.3% of the vertical space on screen, 11.6% of the horizontal space on screen, and 2.6% of the total space on screen.
The SNES sprite takes up 24.5% of the vertical space on screen, 7.8% of the horizontal space on screen, and 1.9% of the total space on screen.

This is what you are so upset about, less than 1% of the screen. The difference is minimal at best.

I return to my original claim that you had no idea what you were talking about when you said "sprite size".

>> No.1420604

>A lot of people DO prefer 3 over HC
I didn't say they didn't.

There's also a lot of people that prefer Castlevania IV to Bloodlines, or Sparkster (SNES) to Rocket Knight Adventures, or the SNES version of Earthworm Jim to the Genesis version, or Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts to Ghouls 'n Ghosts, or Super Turrican to Mega Turrican, or SNES shmups to Genesis shmups, and I think all of those people are horribly wrong as well.

>> No.1420606

I'm calling you out because not only are you not disproving him, you aren't even arguing against points that he was making.

>> No.1420607

>and I think all of those people are horribly wrong as well.

Why don't you just get it out of your system and say that your taste is "objectively right"? All you're posting are opinions, which was his point in the first place.

>> No.1420610

Here's his post:
I eagerly await you slapping your forehead in consternation as you realize he did in fact talk about sprite size.

There's also this post from the man himself:
Clarifying that he did mean what I said he meant.

What I said he meant, in case you've forgotten:
>He's clearly suggesting that the Genesis version's sprites are too big and that that's one of the reasons the SNES version is better

What is wrong with you?

>> No.1420615

>I eagerly await you slapping your forehead in consternation as you realize he did in fact talk about sprite size.

I never said he didn't.

>What is wrong with you?

You should probably ask yourself that question.

>> No.1420618

>All you're posting are opinions, which was his point in the first place.
It's hard to tell, since he seemed to think I was saying no one actually prefers Contra III.
Otherwise, why would he have said "A lot of people DO prefer 3 over HC", as if I didn't already know this?

>> No.1420621
File: 68 KB, 516x417, 1323083732521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for proving my point.
The SMS Double Dragon has superior graphics and colours, features two players, multiple enemies of different kinds on screen, truer to the arcade original.
Sorry Anon that you never had the experience of playing 2 player Double Dragon as a child with your best friend, making it to the end and then battling eachother to the finish to win the girl.
Just look at those glorious 3rd stage SMS graphics compared to the dull shit on the NES.

>> No.1420623

>I never said he didn't (talk about sprite size)
>you aren't even arguing against points that he was making (one of which was sprite size)

>>What is wrong with you?

>> No.1420625

>It's hard to tell

Considering he used the word "opinions" in his post, you have to be pretty damn dense to miss the point.

>> No.1420626

I think you'll notice upon looking back at the original post, sprite size was mentioned, but not in a negative light.

So yes, what is wrong with you?

>> No.1420628

>Sorry Anon that you never had the experience of playing 2 player Double Dragon as a child with your best friend, making it to the end and then battling eachother to the finish to win the girl.

This just in: The only versions of Double Dragon that exist are the NES and SMS versions.

PS: Double Dragon 2 (both arcade and NES) kick the shit out of any version of DD1.

>> No.1420634


>I did in fact say that sprite size is one of the problems, which it is.







>>>>>What is wrong with you?

>> No.1420635


Damn, nigga, 4chan arguments are not that serious.

>> No.1420642
File: 13 KB, 515x314, jerc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only versions of Double Dragon that exist are the NES and SMS versions.
I guess you played the fantastic C64 version instead?
Nobody mentioned DD2, but it's cute how you're grasping at straws after being proved wrong.

>> No.1420643

>Considering he used the word "opinions" in his post
But he didn't.
I can appreciate that the concept of opinions is part of his argument, but don't fucking lie.

Also, consider the context. He wasn't saying "people have different opinions, get over it" he was explaining to me that there are in fact people who prefer Contra III to Hard Corps, as if I didn't already know this, where the concept of opinions is obviously going to be present.
Let me quote his post for you, maybe you've just forgotten the contents of it.
>A lot of people DO prefer 3 over HC. I don't have the numbers and don't care about the numbers in regards to who likes which game more, but I can at the very least tell you that his feelings about the two games are no uncommon.

>> No.1420645

>Nobody mentioned DD2, but it's cute how you're grasping at straws after being proved wrong.

I'm not even the same guy, you stupid avatarfag.

>> No.1420647

>But he didn't.

ORLY? See here:

>that's just your opinion. alot of Contra fans (myself included) prefer 3 over HC.

>> No.1420653

Anon, please.
>>1420527 and >>1420506 are two entirely different people (either that or I've been taken for a ruse cruise).
Notice these very important things they said:
>alot of Contra fans (myself included) prefer 3 over HC
>I prefer Hard Corps by far (I don't even like Contra 3)

>>1420527 did not say "opinions".

I'm also not even the person >>1420506 is replying to.

>> No.1420652 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 200x173, 1303144038381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not even the same guy but you dun goofed and gave no valid rebuttal.

>> No.1420658

If you follow the conversation, he keeps posting with images of Costanza. It's avatarfagging.

>> No.1420660


Not even that guy, but yeah, it's certainly possible, and it's explicitly against the rules. Check it out for yourself.
>13. Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts.

>> No.1420672 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 250x250, george9000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting Costanza is avatarfagging

>> No.1420682 [DELETED] 
File: 530 KB, 647x671, 1316349043920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next we wont be able to post Bateman pics, coz yaknow, avatarfagging.

fucking newfag rulefag retards

>> No.1420680

I said absolutely nothing about Costanza images.
I merely pointed out that avatarfagging is possible and is even against the rules.

I would agree it's a bit had to classify Costanza images as "avatarfagging", especially with how ubiquitous they are, and how they're basically synonymous with "I think that thing you just said is the dumbest shit", which comes up a lot on 4chan.

>> No.1420718

>Isn't that true for every SNES/Genesis multiplat
No. In fact, in my experience it's the exact opposite. Genesis almost always got inferior ports or remakes.
At best, the Genesis version would be the same, but with inferior music due to the Genesis' inferior sound hardware, as is the case with B.O.B.

In some cases, Genesis got downright screwed over. Take Sunset Riders for example. The Genesis version is an absolute joke - it's not even the same game as the original, much shorter and impossibly hard due to bad design.
To be fair, in that case the SNES version is pretty bad too compared to the original arcade version, but it is still much better than the Genesis version - it is at least basically the same game for the most part, with some alterations.

>> No.1420750

Genesis Sunset rider looks by far better than the SNES one it's not even funny, I know that the other has more content but it looks like something a metrosexual designed.

>> No.1420756

I disagree, but regardless gameplay and content is far more important than visual appearance.

It's kind of a moot point though, since both versions are garbage compared to the original arcade version. The SNES version just happens to be a far more faithful port.

>> No.1420762

Is there a way to emulate the original arcade version? I've always loved Sunset riders and wouldn't mind replaying it but with a very good version.

>> No.1420763

Yes, MAME runs it fine. I've been playing it quite a lot lately. It's awesome.

>> No.1420764

Mikami probably haven't played the game entirely.

Don't worry, Mikami, your final boss is actually a final boss, not like the Genesis version's joke.

But he's right, the sprite animation on the Genesis are better, and the sword is cool (althought he hitbox detect sucks, though), but overall, having played both games and completed them as a kid, I always prefered the SNES version because of better controls, better design and a real final boss fight.

>> No.1420767
File: 63 KB, 1112x462, snowden5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snowden is playing NES Aladdin at nesbox.com and doing pretty well

>> No.1420771

Cheers man gonna look into it.

>> No.1420773

Have you guys read the entire article? The designer of Genesis' Aladdin prefers the SNES one, hah.

>In an email to Polygon, Perry responded to Mikami's preference for the Genesis Aladdin and offered his own diplomatic opinion on the hotly contested old-school argument.

>"I'm really biased as we made the original game and got Disney to deliver the animation," he said. "So I'd flip the quote, 'If I didn't actually make the Genesis version I'd probably buy the SNES one.'"

>> No.1420816

I'm a hardcore Genesis fanboy but I gotta side with the SNES version of Aladdin. As far as presentation goes the Genesis one totally wins but from the gameplay one the SNES version is superior. The big issue with the Genesis version is you have to land dead center on the platforms or else you fall through them which causes a lot of bullshit deaths and makes the section pictured in that article far more annoying than it should have been.

>> No.1420854
File: 4 KB, 215x285, 1351806752646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this board
20 years later and this discussion is still huge can of worms

Also I'll just leave this here:

>> No.1420856

Seriously, this is one of the stupiest debates I've ever seen. I prefer SNES over Genesis (still I love Genesis for games like Dynamite Headdy and Ristar) but I always found the Genesis version of Aladdin superior and I excepted that everyone else had the same thought, expecially since the Genesis version was more popular (I don't remember anyone talking so favourable about the SNES version). Seems that /vr/ proved me wrong.

>> No.1420864


That's because a lot more people have played the Genesis version, iirc it had a bundle with the Genesis too.

Basically, general concensus is this:

-Genesis has better sprite animation and is more loyal to the movie
-SNES has better gameplay and level design

Both are good for differen reasons, I personally prefer the SNES one just because I had more fun playing it, but I won't lie, the Genesis version had the eye candy factor.

>> No.1420889

I'll disagree. Genesis version has a great variety, wackiness and made with so much passion (expecially for a license game) while SNES version was your average platform game.

>> No.1420917
File: 203 KB, 500x438, Aladdin006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I disagree, the Genesis version is mostly your average standard platformer while the SNES version has better mechanics (plays like a fast-paced prince of persia of sorts, and momentum-based platforming is needed in later levels, best example the genius level where in many times you can't even touch the ground, you just need to time your jumps very well and bounce your way through). Genesis version also has an abysmal hitbox detect with the sword, and platforming is also rather loose (you will fall in a lot of platforms if you don't land EXACTLY in the middle of it, while on the SNES you can climb on the edges, like the real aladdin would do).

And the crucial factor for me is the final boss, the Genesis final boss is a complete joke, while the SNES offers a full-screen sized boss that actually require you to follow a pattern to beat, instead of just mindlessly throwing apples like in the Genesis game.

I still give the Genesis version its credit on the awesome sprite animation, and it's by no means a bad game, the SNES version is rather dull-looking in comparision.

>> No.1420954

>giving a shit about the Genesis version when it's just a technically inferior port of the DOS/Amiga version


>> No.1420992

Just played the Genesis version. It's fun but the sword suck ass, the bosses are easy as fuck and the jumps aren't precise enough. The level design is pretty good though.

>> No.1421016

Genesis version came first, then it was ported to Amiga and DOS with better graphics and soundtrack (expecially soundtrack) yet it lacked some stages, graphic elements and the animation was downgraded. Same shit happened with Lion King (SNES version was the superior version).

>> No.1421330

>Genesis or SNES version of Alladin
>not the NES version
>specifically the bootlegged NES version


>> No.1421332

The Genesis version is the original, and the DOS/Amiga version is just a ridiculously cropped version of that.

>> No.1421518

Genesis one is for graphics fags.
SNES one is for gameplay fags.

>> No.1421525

Actually, he is right.

>> No.1421521


>> No.1421529


>> No.1421534

Guys,you should consider the real reason of why the SNES is considered the best console by some audience,they grew with Squaresoft and third party games,not nintendo games
it was always Squaresoft games and third parties what sold Nintendo,that's why the PS1 was a success

>> No.1421537

>it was always Squaresoft games and third parties what sold Nintendo,that's why the PS1 was a success


In this post you overlook both the SNES and PSX library in favor of one company.

>> No.1421549

Our Genesis only came with one controller, but our Super nintendo had 2

So super nintendo games were better in our house.

Unless you wanted to plug in an atari joystick and play as tails.

>> No.1421553

my point is that nobody loved Nintendo[and the ones that did,grew out of those games] and Aladdin on SNES was inferior

>> No.1421559

Hard to say, but his opinion, as has been pointed out, is probably plagued by something that I think is common in artists: you grow to hate what you worked on, and small flaws that you can't figure out how to fix to your satisfaction overshadow the redeeming qualities - the flaws are inexcusable. Flaws in the works of others, while noticeable, do not necessarily overshadow the good points since the viewer doesn't have a vested interest in the work and hasn't spent countless hours critiquing it like he has his own production. Most decent artists who aim for improvement are often perpetually mildly dissatisfied with most things they make.

>> No.1421565


>> No.1421595

>Guys,you should consider the real reason of why the SNES is considered the best console by some audience
I like SNES for the same reason I like Genesis, the first party games. Sure, there are some great third party games on both, mostly by Konami, Acclaim, and Capcom, but the best games ended up coming to Genesis from Sega (Sonic 2, Phantasy Star IV, Golden Axe) and to SNES from Nintendo (Yoshi's Island, Sim City, Zelda: Link to the Past)

The PS1 was a success because Nintendo was doing their own thing and their biggest competitor royally shat the bed on every front. Sega didn't even manage to get what would've been a pretty good Sonic game out because of their Japanese branch's retardation. Sony just spammed TV ads, threw money at Namco and Psygnosis, followed in Nintendo's footsteps with the Dualshock, and crossed their fingers.

>> No.1421593

>At best, the Genesis version would be the same, but with inferior music due to the Genesis' inferior sound hardware, as is the case with B.O.B.

Correction, it was american developers using shitty GEMS sound drivers instead of SMPS or good ones, i tough we were all over this!.

>> No.1421605

>And the crucial factor for me is the final boss, the Genesis final boss is a complete joke, while the SNES offers a full-screen sized boss that actually require you to follow a pattern to beat, instead of just mindlessly throwing apples like in the Genesis game.

Also the shitty camera on Genesis

>> No.1421609

It sometimes got inferior ports or remakes (some notable exceptions include NBA Jam, Mortal Kombat, Lemmings, Final Fight's port on Sega CD, and The Terminator) but when it did get something exclusive from third parties like with Castlevania: Bloodlines or Gunstar Heroes, they both ended up better than their counterparts on Nintendo.

>> No.1421616

>tighter controls

Shame about those graphics on level 3 though, right?

>> No.1421637

I prefer the GBA version.

>> No.1421675

Shut up and get back to that level I need designed.

>> No.1421771


It's completely subjective though, I can't really decide between Blodlines or IV, but ultimately I'll go with IV (that's not to say Bloodlines isn't absolutely fantastic too, though, it's really hard to pick between these 2).

What would be the counter part of Gunstar Heroes on the SNES?

>> No.1421874

Contra. Gunstar Heroes really highlights that the level of activity on the screen is something that just can't be done on SNES without massive slowdown.

>> No.1421906
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>being a graphics fag and not a gameplay fag on /vr/

>> No.1421932

Indeed. The platforming in the Gen version was cheap and no thought went into making it challenging as opposed to frustrating.

>> No.1421987


gensis getting rekt

>> No.1422024

>23 years later
>Still fighting over SNES vs. Genesis

There's really no excuse to not have both consoles.

>> No.1422037

>implying snes vs genesis won't live on for eternity even after everyone has 3D printers and can just print both systems and all the games

>> No.1422068

It's really sad isn't it?

I love being an idort and not trying to fight console wars that have been over for nearly 2 decades.

Niggas in here getting mad about SNES and Genesis games. Meanwhile, I play them.

Not the Aladdins, though. Neither one is very good.

>> No.1422091

Heck, I played both back in 1994. Both machines had games the other couldn't even touch.

Ultimately I like the Megadrive better because I prefer fast arcade style action and most SNES games were slow as molasses. There are some real gems on the SNES too though (Yoshi's Island, Chrono Trigger, a few nice Pinball games, best ever port of the original Sim City, etc...)

>> No.1422096

>not having both consoles and still fighting over which one is better
>not playing Aladdin

>> No.1422837

With collecting, I prefer Genesis because it has some decent ports of arcade games and I prefer Sega's first party lineup.

I like them both, but ultimately, it's apples and oranges, as are the two versions of Aladdin, and I don't know how you can be dumb enough to think one is better than the other and somehow have the mental capacity to hook up and operate either a Genesis or a SNES.

>> No.1422864

>I don't know how you can be dumb enough to think one is better than the other

personal preference?

>> No.1422939

>I like them both, but ultimately, it's apples and oranges, as are the two versions of Aladdin, and I don't know how you can be dumb enough to think one is better than the other
It doesn't matter that they are different. If someone find one of the games is boring or awful for reasons they can cite but enjoys playing the other game for reasons they can cite, obviously they are going to think that one game is better. How exactly is that supposed to be a problem?
Would you really take issue with someone saying that Super Metroid is better than Bubsy 3D, just because the games are very different?

>> No.1422960

>Would you really take issue with someone saying that Super Metroid is better than Bubsy 3D, just because the games are very different?
No, but people are arguing like it's some kind of debate when in reality it's all preference. That's the part where people are being stupid.

>> No.1423059

I was always a sega fan over nintendo. The snes version of aladin was much better though. It just feels well made and rounded off. i was really looking forward to giving the mega drive version a try after i played the snes one at a friends house. It was a very dissapointing experience lol.

>> No.1423079


>dat classic bobby texas twang

>> No.1423087

Platforming >SNES
Level design, graphics, sfx and music > genesis

>> No.1423113

>Neo geo in Id headquaters.
Holy shit

>> No.1423121

It's mainly due to the Genesis fanbase never getting over the fact that Nintendo continued on while Sega kinda fizzled out, which resulted SNES games being more remembered, thus 'winning' in a way.

Seriously, the two games are highly different. The real preference is based on what kind of game you prefer. And in truth neither game is truly great.

Also in truth, the Genesis fanbase appears to have lower standards than the SNES one.

>> No.1423134

>music > genesis

God, no.

>> No.1423137




>> No.1423153

>Also in truth, the Genesis fanbase appears to have lower standards than the SNES one.
Stop being retarded, dude.

>> No.1423168


There are people who actually think Vectorman is even in the same league as Mega Man X. What he said is absolutely true.

>> No.1423178


I pretty much see the contrary, most of SNES userbase is hipsers that never experienced before all the GBA remakes and just go with the popular choice.

Appreciating SEGA games and other console's games shows a better understanding of retro gaming as a whole than those faggots who only play ALTTP, Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, Earthbound and Final Fantasy

>> No.1423180

I've never heard of anyone ever saying that.

I know this is an Aladdin thread so it's fucked by default, but you're just stirring up shit.
>hurr hurr Genesis fans have worse taste
not said, but implied:
>if you disagree you have bad taste

>> No.1423183


I'm talking about this specific game.

Also, we already know that the SNES chip was more capabla, that still doesn't deny the awesome and distinctive sound Sega's chip achieved, when used properly, it just beat SNES all the way.


>> No.1423182


I don't know if it's funny or incredibly sad that you just used the word hipsters in this context and then proceeded to write the rest of your post.

Are you even aware of the things you say yourself?

>> No.1423185

hipsters as the urban trend that exists now are just a bunch of retards who think they are alternative but are not much more than the most generic and plain people.

For them being hipster is playing nintendo games, because the mainstream is COD, but they're just doing it as a pose, so they don't care about it really nor invest much time on it.

>> No.1423187

Typical generalizing. I notice in so many of these arguments the Genesis fanbase relies heavily on the idea of "This Genesis game you've never heard of is better than this popular SNES game! But you've never played it cause only Sega fans can understand and appreciate other games, unlike the Nintendo fanbase!" Which might I mention sounds like the very definition of hipster.

It's a lot of assumptions to make. Ones that rely on that very idea because without that you are left with the reality that maybe, just maybe, someone could genuinely enjoy the SNES library more.

Also the fact that you are trying to imply the SNES userbase as underaged makes you look desperate to discredit it. I understand it's easier cause Nintendo continued on as a first party and thus has a lot more of it's games still available. Still, your logic is highly flawed, especially since a 'hipster' would be more inclined with the games the general public would be less likely to be aware of. That is, the games that haven't been made as readily available (but still are due to emulation of course).

And which system would that apply more to now?

>> No.1423189

>when used properly

On that note, I'd like to say right now that I am glad that both SNES and Genesis had their own exclusive Yuzo Koshiro jams



>> No.1423190
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>most of SNES userbase is hipsers that never experienced before all the GBA remakes and just go with the popular choice.

This made me realize I'm probably too old for 4chan now (28) and many kids here started with a N64 or a PS2, and see the SNES as some kind of super duper hipster retro old console they got to know thanks to the GBA ports at first, as you say. They also probably see the Sega consoles as some exotic old stuff from before their time... they never got to play Sega games while Sega was still in the hardware console market. Feels really weird.

I could never see the SNES or Genesis as hipsters consoles because, to me, they are as mainstream as it gets, but I guess I'm just stuck in the past...

>> No.1423201

>Typical generalizing
Right, and the person he was replying to wasn't generalizing in the slightest.

If your concern actually had anything to do with generalizations, and not just that he likes a different old console than you, you'd be calling everyone idiots instead of just him.

...And then in the very next sentence you go on to make generalizations.
Great job, dude.

>> No.1423208

daily reminder that genesis people hold up sparkster and altered beast as some sort of timeless classics
I hate going through genesis "gems" just so I can say I've played them. most are woefully mediocre and doesn't hold a candle to the best snes titles
also robot farts

>> No.1423210


Control your tits, bro. I'm not saying the SNES or Mega Drive is better than the other, I like both, and with only two of them they made the best generation of console gaming.

But the truth is that Nintendo games, thanks to being rethrown continuously to your face with re-releases, remakes, rehashes, revamps and sequels and they having a major speaker thanks to Nintendo being alive and still producing good games, it's much easier to get into if you're going to collect or get into retrogaming.

That's why the N64 emulator works 100 times better than the Saturn one, considering both of them are pretty weirdly built consoles. That's why Nintendo games and consoles are always more expansive, they're what every cool kid wants to collect, not the shitty SEGA they barelly have heard of, or PC/DOS or Amiga, or Atari, or TurboGrafx, or Commodore, or Spectrum. Everyone except Sony and Nintendo are the underdogs of retrogaming now, and they are overlooked by the major public.

That's why I say some 15 year old who is a sega don't mix with Sonic autist fan usually would deserve more respect than the surfer/skateboarder/applefag/Starbucks dweeler that thinks hes cool playing N64 and SNES.

>> No.1423216


So again, "why do these people only like popular stuff, they are all hipsters unlike me who prefers obscure things".

>> No.1423221


>deserves more respect

dude, we're just a bunch of nerds talking old vidya, noone of us deserve respect, or all of us do.

>> No.1423220

>that genesis people hold up sparkster and altered beast as some sort of timeless classics
No I don't.
Now, Rocket Knight Adventures on the other hand... That's a different story.

>> No.1423226


because being a hipster that always seeks to be different only reaches shallow levels. They are not hipsters inside a small niche, they are hipster because they listen to indies, they practice "extreme sports", they are vegetarian, shallow liberals, and they play retrogames (aka Nintendoes). They are hipsters for the mainstream, not for you and me. Again, it's not like they ever are gonna invest much time on it to get into shit, so they only reach the entry level.

That's why the indie video game market is filled with pixel graphics, is not only because it's easier to develop, it's because it appeals to these faggots who only do these kind of things as a pose.

>> No.1423236


guess what, I haven't played it. I'll play it later and get back to you


you read a lot into the fact that people prefer obviously superior games like megaman x, wild guns and super metroid

>> No.1423250


The MegaDrive/Genesis was more of a home for arcade ports or arcade styled games than the SNES, and that was its strength. It was and is a great console that is, for me, on par with the SNES. That said, Altered Beast is fucking dog shit and I haven't a clue why people laud it except maybe for nostalgia.

>> No.1423254

I own both and have owned both since they released. The two libraries are kind of incomparable. They both have a wealth of strengths and weaknesses. Genny dominated early on, but towards the end of the console cycle SNES had the better games, without a doubt. Your Master System comments are just stupid though. Look at the Sega Mark III library compared to NES in Japan. The NES library dominates it in every way shape and form Without this "stranglehold". Maybe Sega should never designed a superior system with the worst controls ever. That dpad? Those arcade sticks for left handed people? WTF? That is some serious asshat fanboyism at its finest. Master System GTFO. Alex Kidd in Hi Tech World is still the shit though.

>> No.1423259

Has he actually beat the game though? It takes a major nosedive in quality when you get to the palace levels. Then the final boss is absolutely abysmal. In gameplay terms, the SNES version is much better.

>> No.1423261
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I'll assume you're trolling, but just incase please observe the picture attached to this message.

>> No.1423265

contra hard core was awesome the first time I played it, when it was called Gunstar Heroes. Contra 3 is superior by a country mile and actually was the last good game in the series. Hard Corps would be good if all I owned was a genesis.

>> No.1423268

>le superior nintendo gaems xD

please, no hipsterfags plays Megaman or Metroid, they don't even know what those are nor want something with that level of difficulty.

>> No.1423272

>towards the end of the console cycle SNES had the better games, without a doubt
No, I don't think I can agree with this, unless what you mean is just that toward the end the Genesis stopped getting support altogether due to SEGA Japan's stupid decision to kill the console off worldwide in 1995, leaving Nintendo to gain back all sorts of lost ground with good new SNES games being put out as late as '97 and '98.

>> No.1423301

>Contra 3 is superior by a country mile
It's slower paced, usually has less going on on-screen at any given time, has less levels and bosses, less impressive graphics, crappy overhead mode 7 wankery levels, a horizontal resolution only 4/5ths that of Hard Corps (kind of matters with games like this), and lacks the branching paths and multiple unique playable characters that Hard Corps brought to the table.
Regardless which game you prefer, you're a moron if you can't see why people might prefer Hard Corps.

>Hard Corps is like Gunstar Heroes
>that means it's irrelevant
Seeing as Gunstar Heroes is arguably the best run n gun game ever made (it isn't in my opinion but you could easily make a case for it)... that's just about the dumbest thing I have ever read.
Whether you realize it or not, what you've done is compliment the game, not insult it.

>> No.1423318


is this some kind of backhanded compliment where you're saying that I'm a true gamer that enjoys the good kind of snes games? :3c
to be fair, genesis probably has the hardest ones. not sure which titles on the snes stacks up to hard corps or dynamite heddy in terms of difficulty
and I'm not sure if I've ever encountered the kind of retro hipster you're talking about, it just sounds weird

also which ghost/ghouls n goblins/ghosts is the best or most difficult? I've finished the nes, snes and arcade ones and I like the snes version the best just because of how it controls and looks. is the genesis version worth a playthrough?

>> No.1423325

Link to article or didn't happen.

>> No.1423397


I'm not that much of a hardcore genesisfag either, i'm pretty much an idort, but I was speaking about my personal experience.

Haven't played any other than the SNES one, and this freeware homage for the PC recently. It's pretty good, give it a try. http://www.locomalito.com/maldita_castilla.php

>> No.1423634

>SNES homage

>Also, Gryzor87 composed the music emulating the Yamaha YM2203 sound chip, so that the game has real arcade sound.

If anything, this would pay a closer homage to the Genesis, what with the Yamaha emulation (even if the MD uses a 2612) and the whole arcade game port thing that was used in the Genesis' early life.