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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1415760 No.1415760 [Reply] [Original]

Snes vs GBA
Best version for playing on android
nostalgia shit counts

>> No.1415768

GBA is lower resolution and has those annoying sfx from the N64 game.

>> No.1415771

>Best version for playing on android

neither. why would you ruin the experience of playing one of he best games ever by playing on a fucking android device. stupid stupid stupid

>> No.1415776 [DELETED] 

on da go solution, thats why i ask, the gba version looks bigger on the screen than the snes version, i suppose because was adapted for a handheld

>> No.1415812

same apply to yoshis island?

>> No.1415820

Oh shut the fuck up. No one asked for your retro game elitism. Calm your spergtits.

>> No.1415826

OP wants to play an action/adventure game with a fucking touch screen as an input device.

That's like trying to draw a circle on an Etch-A-Sketch with a broken knob.

>> No.1415832

Not him, but are you fucking retarded? There are alternatives to touch screen, such as; bluetooth controllers, wired controllers, bluetooth keyboards, wired keyboards, bluetooth mice, wired mice, so on and so forth. It isn't as fucking limited as you try and make it.

>> No.1415847

>Calm your spergtits.

underage b& detected

>> No.1415859

If you have access to a controller, why would you be playing LttP on a phone or tablet in the first place?

That defeats the sole purpose for those devices, mobile computing in places where laptops aren't ideal.

>> No.1415865

Maybe he got a tablet as a gift, and is too poorfag to buy a laptop, so he's using what he's got.

I mean, he's gotta be poorfag, he's emulating SNES.

>> No.1415882

All GBA re-releases had the most annoying sounds from the N64 titles shoe-horned in, and they play constantly (like every time you jump, attack, or whatever your most common action is).

I wouldn't recommend any of them.

>> No.1415935

>why would you play a console game on a portable system
Because the Samsung Galaxy S III is a powerful emulation device, there are controller mounts that allow for portable gaming by mounting directly to the phone, and the controllers are designed to fit in your pocket; and being able to play DOS games on the go with a portable keyboard is appealing. Not to mention that setting up a phone to put in a little gaming is much easier than lugging around a laptop, or a tower, because you would already be carrying around your phone anyways. Its like you are just shitting on all portable consoles because you can play some of its ports at your fucking house, only a phone is a master system that can play more games with less limitations.
>has to be a poorfag for not supplying resellers with money they don't deserve
you have a point here, but anybody with a brain would pick free games over paid games so long as they were exactly the same.

>> No.1416754

buy a game boy advance micro, its tiny with a great screen and buttons, i got mine for 15$ and couldnt be happier

i used to emulate everything on my phone, but after trying the gba micro im never going back. it is such a huge step up

at this point i have already finished mother 3, link to the past, minish cap, and metroid zero mission, and currently playing metriod fusion and ff6

>> No.1416768

Almost all ports/remakes on Nintendo handhelds are worse. They always manage to butcher it in some way, usually in a visual sense. Chrono Trigger is a rare exception.

>> No.1416774
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>enter Zelda thread
Why am I not surprised?

>> No.1416805
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>> No.1416909

All I see here are opinions.

>> No.1416932

i have used my s3 with a gameklip ps3 adapter thingy on long road trips and shit.

it's absolutely the best portable gaming machine ever (except maybe my ds lite with acekard/ezflashiv)

>> No.1416949
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That second screenshot isn't from the gba version though

>> No.1417071

Honestly, just use a computer emulator. If you want it to be portable, get a laptop.

They have USB controllers that are shaped like SNES ones, use those

>> No.1417080


No. Just no.

>> No.1417091

Original flavor, primarily because Link doesn't yell every fucking time I swing the sword.

>> No.1417094

Why were SNES port colours so washed out on the GBA? Mario World was the same.

>> No.1417101

They had to be brightened because the original GBA screen was notoriously dark and nigh impossible to see until the SP came out.

>> No.1417117

I don't know what there is in this matter for Alttp, but FF456 have sound and graphic restoration patches that make them arguably equivalent to their SNES counterparts, not to mention additional content and better translation.

Why was FF4 remade for DS -AND- PSP and not FF5 or 6 who get godawful iOS/Droid ports ; _ ;

>> No.1417120

>Almost all ports/remakes on Nintendo handhelds are worse.

Except no. The FF games have better translations and more in-game content.

>> No.1417126

>better translation

More like boring horseshit.

>> No.1417132

you should try -just- a little harder, i don't think that's quite enough yet.

>> No.1417137

>Oh shut the fuck up. No one asked for your retro game elitism. Calm your spergtits.

wait, is this /v/?

>> No.1417141

Sorry let me reiterate, i'm not trolling, those translations sucked all the life out of the character dialogue.

>> No.1417145

Not retro. Take this to /v/.

>> No.1417148

It's a comparison between a /vr/ console and a non /vr/ one. Where should it be discussed? In neither board? This is ridiculous.

>> No.1417151

what faggot at Nintendo thought it was a good idea to put in those awful sound effects.

>> No.1417158

In /v/ where you can talk about retro and non-retro, duh.

>> No.1417162

>inb4 autists on /v/ tell us to take it to /vr/
don't be like them

>> No.1417165

But they're wrong and we're right. This discussion belongs on /v/, not /vr/.

Holy fuck, kids. Logic just isn't your thing, is it?

>> No.1417174

$15? Nice! Where did you get it from? I can't seem to find them anywhere online for less than $70 with shipping.

>> No.1417176
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SMBA4 is the best version of SMB3

>> No.1417179

Too be honest, Final Fantasy IV got probably its best translation to date on the GBA. And so did VI. inb4 >muh woolsey charm
But yeah, they had some dumb shit in it, eg. they made Guy from FFII into a retard and Faris into a stereotypical pirate.

And back on topic...
The GBA version has better inventory (bottles divided into individual items, you keep the shovel etc.), and supposedly it's easier to control Link. However, Link now makes retarded sound whenever he swing his sword. The Ice Palace dungeon was also changed.
There's also the whole Four Sword Palace, but you're never unlock it anyway (unless you use cheat codes or somehow get linking properly to play Four Swords).

>> No.1417180

Link to the Past on the GBA is still /vr/. Its the same game as the SNES original, but with some new (mostly shitty) stuff added.

>> No.1417184

It's a garbage handheld. Unless you have baby hands, get a AGS-101.

>> No.1417185

>but they're wrong and we're right
on the basis of an arbitrary rule that "everything ulterior to muh not 2000 is not retro" ?

We prefer to come here to discuss it because we hope /vr/ isn't like /v/. It's not like we're cluttering catalog space with PS3 discussions, we're comparing ports of games that were released on /vr/ consoles.

I understand the need for rules but blind enforcement isn't a solution.

>> No.1417192

I've been looking for one to add to my collection. I have every GBA model except the Micro.

>> No.1417203


Except they didn't. IV was better translated on the GBA and had more flavor than the SNES version and the translation for FFV has a lot more humor and is loads more flavorful than the Anthology translation.

This is also ignoring the point of MORE CONTENT

>> No.1417204
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I would have sold you mine a while ago.

>> No.1417206

>ugly new portraits
>playing games on the GBA

Yeah, no thanks. SNES version is still better.

>> No.1417212

>ugly new portraits
What does this have to do with gameplay or a translation?

>playing games on the GBA
There's nothing wrong with the GBA...and you don't need to play the games on a GBA if you don't want to (emulators, game boy player)

>SNES version is still better.
Based on?

>> No.1417216

>believing FF4 is better on the SNES
>only the music is lacking and can be patched

>> No.1417217

Nice! Love the design of the Micro, myself. I used to have one back when it came out. But then I got a DS Lite a little while later and sold it. Oh how I wish I could have stopped myself from doing that.

>> No.1417218

Final Fantasy IV and V are objectively better on the GBA than the SNES.
Final Fantasy VI is subjectively superior on the SNES.

>> No.1417221

Just get out, kid. You're too young to even be talking about retro.

Seriously, can we make the minimum age to post on /vr/ 30 or something? Weed out the dumb kids that think their fucking childhood that happened almost no time ago is actually "retro"?

>> No.1417220

5 and 6 were fine, but that glitched mess of a port with a completely broken battle system that was FF4 on GBA? You've got to be kidding.

>> No.1417225

>Not getting the European edition that had everything fixed.

>> No.1417226

I like how you didn't even read his post.

>> No.1417234
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How the fuck care? You'll be bored before reaching the first temple. Go back to your flappy shit

>> No.1417239


>> No.1417303

So basically if I'm not 30 i'm not allowed to like and discuss "retro" games? I do hope i'm not turning into an old geezer like you as soon as 30.

I come here because I like games that are discussed here. On what exactly do you base the assumption that my opinion on a game is less valid than yours?

I actually owned a NES when I was a child. My age does not prevent me from having an opinion on the games I played. Even if I hadn't owned this console, it wouldn't.

I'm not some random kid who likes NES and SNES games because of pixels or scanlines or chip music, I like and discuss these games as a whole, because I played them and they blew my mind.

So yeah, maybe you feel you have the right to belittle younger people who discover older games because you discovered them first, or because they were actually part of your childhood, or your late teens, but guess what, nobody cares about my childhood, nor yours. All I care about are the games I discovered and played.

If we followed your statements, ports are a bad thing because they actually allow younger generations to discover older games, in a variety of cases, some very good ones?

If you think retro is special because it's old, you belong here even less than you think I do. You're the one who's egotistical trying to keep your childhood from fading away, but it will, and in a few years time, PS2 games will be considered "retro". They'll play the same, and you'll feel yet older. Good luck with that.

>> No.1417310
File: 47 KB, 360x433, confession_bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually like the sound effects on link and yoshi in their respective ports

>> No.1417315


You're the only one acting like a child here.

>> No.1417325
File: 574 KB, 1920x2148, comparisionALTP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check yourself

>> No.1417326
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Yoshi's island for the lolz

>> No.1417350

I like Yoshi's sound effects in the port and I quite like the controls as well
The color washout is unbearable though

>> No.1417360

>people still convinced you can't use a controller on mobile
>b-but it defeats the purpose if you do!!!!

So does using a controller on a laptop then. Same fucking thing. The only difference is my phone is even more portable and natively has Bluetooth for controllers so I don't need wires. Keep living in the stone age bitch niggas.

>> No.1417368



Plus my phone has tv-out so It's like a portable emulation box that I can take anywhere and instantly play just about any game up to 5th generation.

It's awesome to head over to a friend's house, plug my phone into the tv, and get into some Mario Kart or Wrestlefest.

>> No.1417374

Yeah, I don't get people suggesting laptops. Laptops are portable in the sense that you can pick it up and take it anywhere but not so much in regards to how well you can use it in another place. A phone is much better for video games on the go.

>> No.1417417

Why the filter?

>> No.1417727

in a local video game shop, the guy didnt know the value of what he had
he had like 13 of them, i bought all of them, took 1 for my own, and sold the rest online :DDD

>> No.1417839

I do know for LTTP and Minish Cap have settings to darken the screen so it isn't washed out. Many titles made after the Game Boy Player came out have these settings

>> No.1417918
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>dem filters

>> No.1417923

>implying filters don't look decent on yoshi's island

>> No.1417954

I'm not really a big fan of sprites (And text especially) looking like it was drawn by Michael J Fox.

>> No.1417961

They really fucking don't.

>> No.1420175


And jaggies look so much better

>> No.1420364

because niggas be playing on public transportation

>literally proletarian

>> No.1420368

let me just fill up my pockets with a beeper while i'm at it too

>> No.1420414

they do just deal with it

>> No.1420416

So could someone list the differences between the different versions of the first party Nintendo games that were originally on the NES/SNES and then later ported to the GBA please?

>> No.1420439


i automatically want to bash skulls when i see filters. hideous.

>> No.1420458
File: 36 KB, 957x639, smb2 wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smb3 and smw are just better on gba.
they went a little too far with smb2 american though. pic related.

also not familiar enough with yoshi's island to know if the gba port is better.

>> No.1420492

I really don't understand how people play GBA/SNES games on their phones. I don't have anything against it. I just don't understand how they do it. I tried downloading a GBA emulator for my Android phone and I just can't get used to the touch controls and the lack of any sort of tactile feedback when pressing the virtual buttons.

Tried playing LTTP like this, died in the intro dungeon half a dozen times before I gave up. And this is a game I could beat in my sleep on the SNES.

How do people do it? I literally can't play without buttons. Is it something you just get used to over time? Is there an easier game I should start with to acclimate myself to the controls?

>> No.1420497


Every single snes to gba port went like this:

>lower resolution
>messed up colors
>poorer quality audio
>extra content

That's it.

>> No.1420507

Attaching a controller to a phone is ridiculous. Holy fuck, the controller alone is bigger than the psp and weights more. Some people say they use Wiimotes to play on phones. Just fucking ridiculous.

Use phones to play turn-based games outside, PSP to play all games, and a 12 inch laptop for universal portability.

>> No.1420510

Only teenagers who grew up textan' and smartphoning can do it. I don't care, though, original controllers all the way.

>> No.1420529

I think the Wii controller or other small bluetooth controller would be an elegant solution. Especially if you have a phone case that has a kickstand.

>> No.1420536

>Use phones to play turn-based games outside, PSP to play all games, and a 12 inch laptop for universal portability.

A controller on a phone is a lot more portable than a laptop.

I think some of you people are missing the point as to why people want to take things with them. It's a lot easier to lay back on a couch or bed with a phone than it is a laptop. Not to mention some of us have places where a laptop isn't the best place for gaming (like a long bus/train ride). There's nothing ridiculous about it.

>> No.1420540

>A controller on a phone is a lot more portable than a laptop.
But much less compatible. A laptop can run anything, while only a handful of Android emulators would work well with a handful of controllers.

If you want a real portable gaming device, you should buy a PSP. They're dirt-cheap. Emulation on the cellphone is not only ridiculously unwieldy and ridiculous looking with a controller, but also drains the battery EVEN FASTER due to active bluetooth connection.

>> No.1420542

>If you want a real portable gaming device, you should buy a PSP.

Shouldn't you just buy something that's actually made for emulation instead

>> No.1420543


like a pc

>> No.1420547

We're talking about portable things, because not everyone wants to sit in front of a PC all the time to play games.

There are handheld devices that emulate better than a PSP.

>> No.1420556
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/vr/ is truly dead

>> No.1420560
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And if you want better colors, use gba-real-colors.cg. It reduces the saturation while also NOT greying out the image or dulling blacks.


Take that make a text file and save as .cg

Works in:

>> No.1420571

Game Boy Micro's tiny screen gave me a headache

>> No.1420582

>I think some of you people are missing the point as to why people want to take things with them.
Remember that you're on /vr/. Most people here probably don't even leave their houses.

>> No.1420832


>> No.1420953

Just put your TV and consoles next to the shitter and you're all good.

>> No.1421080

This guy knows what he's talking about.

>> No.1421461

odd, I've never minded the sound effects.

>> No.1421482

Does a psp/vita emulate gba and snes games well enough that I can't tell the difference in input lag?

>> No.1422341
