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1414374 No.1414374 [Reply] [Original]

What does /vr/ think about the infamous water temple?

>> No.1414378

its my favourite one in the game. Great Bay Temple is slightly cooler though

>> No.1414379

It's not as hard as everyone makes it out to be, but it isn't well designed

>> No.1414380

It was really boring and tedious.. I don't think it's half as hard as people make it out to be.

>> No.1414382

In a slow game of slow shit, it's the slowest.

>> No.1414383

Most of the difficulty is a result of poor interface design with having to switch the boots all the time. It's more of a chore than difficult.

>> No.1414386

I did however like the boss. The miniboss is just stupid, though.. The coolest room in the game and it was wasted on that.

>> No.1414395

It's not hard, it's just really tedious. Really shitty music, poorly made miniboss (though memorable as fuck) and mediocre actual boss. Not even visually interesting. It's far from godawful though.

Love the last room where you have to hookshot up the spiked platforms that go down into the never-ending hole though.

The fact that it's by far the worst part of the game and it isn't even really bad speaks wonders for how great and polished OoT is.

You want a shitty water level in a Zelda game, there's always Great Bay Temple.

>> No.1414403

>Great and polished

Let's not say things we can't take back, anon.

>> No.1414404

Just bewilderment at its infamy.

>> No.1414402

you only think its stupid because you know how to cheese it

>> No.1414405

>really shitty music
>worst part of the game
>hating on Great Bay Temple

m8 I'll fight you

>> No.1414406

It's far moreso than every other 3D Zelda game. And you really can't be retarded enough to say OoT isn't a great game. Only hipsters looking to be SO COOL AND CONTRARIAN do that.

>> No.1414408

Like the tadtones quest, everyone makes a storm in a teacup out of it.
You know what's really fucking bullshit? Air's Rock in Golden Sun 2.

>> No.1414409

The entire Great Bay segment of Majora is completely terrible aside from the beaver race minigame.

Great Bay Temple is my least favorite dungeon in the entire series aside from MAYBE the one you do over and over in Phantom Hourglass.

>> No.1414407

Well it's horseshit if you try and do anything other than cheese it or spam fairies, so yeah. It's stupid. You are delusional. It's exactly like the same boss from Zelda II.

>> No.1414413

Correction: The Zora egg fetch quest you have to do to get there sucks, it's even necessary in the speedrun. The actual dungeon is excellent. Same story with the other three main dungeons where you get the stupidity of Deku Palace, Goron baby and bottom of well.

>> No.1414414

There's no "fair" fight though because the collision detection on Dark Link is terrible, half the time your hits bounce off him or just go through him, and he can choose to be invincible whenever he wants.

>> No.1414417

>the entire segment
>apart from the beaver race

.. what ARE you?

>> No.1414416

I think the dungeon is complete garbage. The miniboss is the worst of the 3D games, the boss is the worst of the 3D games, it's overly complex, it has even worse music than Snowhead, it's ugly to look at, getting to it is a pain in the ass.

That entire portion of the game must have been purposefully engineered to be "that" part of the game. The one where someday I'll feel like replaying MM, then I'll remember Great Bay and go play something else instead.

>> No.1414419

Great Bay is really cool besides the dumb boss.

>> No.1414431

The only thing good in Great Bay is the ridiculously out of place "last words" Mako gives you when he dies. Because in a game as unfun and depressing as MM, having a fish man's last gasping breaths involve LEAPING UP and slamming a fishbone "guitar" while screaming out random "OW!" "BABY!"s and tells you his life story is the closest thing to a smile you'll get from the game.

>> No.1414434

Well I'll accept that you don't like it but I can't understand hating that and not hating the OoT Water Temple.

Tadtones is legitimately terrible though.

>> No.1414437

I don't find it as difficult as everyone always complains it to be and over all its just an alright dungeon.

You know what part I do hate in Oot though? Jabu Jabus belly. Holy carp I want to kill myself in that level.

>> No.1414438

what is it with you people and hating anything in zelda that isn't a dungeon? oh no, you had to do something story-based in an adventure game, whatever next?

>worst miniboss & boss

how exactly?

>bad music
this is always a complaint people have with OOT and MM. the music is atmospheric/ambient, its not supposed to be catchy or anything.

>> No.1414440

I think Zelda is a dogshit franchise that has been shoved down my throat by legions from kotaku and reddit long enough.

>> No.1414441

i always remember my friend playing it at his house and going crazy trying to do it. when i did it i thought it was pretty simple compared to forest and fire which i still struggle with.

>> No.1414445

With the Water Temple, I think that it's just not good. I'd say it's just BARELY qualifying as bad. It's not really enjoyable but it doesn't make me want to kill myself. With Great Bay, I feel like when I FORCE myself to play it (the only way I can play it) I feel like I'm shooting a staple gun at my scrotum while shoving broken glass in my ears. It makes me want to die.

Wart is one of the hardest bosses of the 3D Zelda games. Not for any good reason.
His battle is nothing more than a pure war of attrition where you repeatedly constantly fire arrows at him and hope you have enough fairies/milk. That's it. You just tank hits and shoot arrows. It's shit.

Gyorg is infamously terrible and by now is widely renown as one of the worst bosses of the whole franchise, 3D or otherwise. It's not hard to see why, you're on a tiny ass platform over water, the fight depends on lock-on yet your lock to him constantly breaks, he's nearly impossible to see because he's small and dark in a small and dark room, UNDERWATER. Complete piece of shit fight.

I get that the music is supposed to be ambient. But there's good ambient music and bad ambient music, the Forest Temple and Fire Temple theme were far better than Snohead or Great Bay's themes.

>> No.1414458

I never got the big deal about it, yeah it's a little annoying too have to keep swapping in and out of your inventory but it's not hard.

I was really confused when I got the internet and started hearing people talking about it like it was Ghosts n Ghoblins or something. As a kid I was stuck in the forest temple far longer than I was in the water temple, not that that says much about me

>> No.1414460

Reddit and /v/ casuals don't know how to view the map I guess.

>> No.1414462

Ocarina of Time is alot of things, polished is not one of them. It's one of the most broken games ever made.

>> No.1414465

>not for any good reason

I don't remember it being how you described it. I remember it gets tough when he starts charging at you but thats about it. I thought it was a great translation of the Alttp boss to 3D. The Gecko boss was harder, also.

>Gyorg is infamously terrible

Nah, he's infamous as being the hard as fuck. But you're also doing it wrong. You know how it has those cutscenes of him spitting out little piranhas? Thats because you're supposed to go in the water and fight him with your Zora form's magic shield. Its not really bullshit at all.

>bad ambient music

well, opinions and shit.

Of course, I'm just defending MM because its my favourite 3D zelda, so I'm just as biased as you.

>> No.1414467

Yeah if you're a fucking speedrunner and you abuse glitches.

In terms of the actual overall design and pacing it shits all over the other 3D Zeldas.

>> No.1414470

MM is my second favorite 3D Zelda, I thoroughly enjoy every other part of the game that isn't Great Bay, Great Bay just makes me want to kill myself.

If they actually just removed it from the game entirely and it only had 3 dungeons, I would legitimately like it more than OoT. That's how much I hate Great Bay.

>> No.1414468

It's infamous.

The main problem is just the clumsiness of the menu process fro switching boots, and how the dungeon hinges on you changing boots a lot.

>> No.1414473

The crouch stab, a normal part of combat is has no damage value associated with it and is completely exploitable. as child link you can kill bosses in one cycle with it. This is not a glitch, it's a broken game mechanic and it is not difficult or understand or perform.

>> No.1414474

"Broken" is a bit of an overstatement. You are just nitpicking to death because OoT is popular.

>> No.1414478

Again, "broken" is quite a bit to say. From a coding standpoint yeah it's a huge mess, but the game is completely functional and far better designed than the other 3D Zeldas.

>> No.1414476

I'm not nitpicking. I love the game. But it's broken as hell.

>> No.1414481

Not with that text speed it isn't.

>> No.1414483

I love how broken the game is just because it lets you delinearize the game some, like how you had some freedom to play the ALttP dungeons.

>> No.1414486

You spend more time doing tutorials and listening to story in Skyward Sword than you do being a child in Ocarina of Time. So the text can't be that bad.

The characters, aside from Gaebora, and maybe the first meetings with Raoru and Zelda, don't have much to say.

>> No.1414487

I never had trouble with it since I first played it when I was around 11 years old. I didn't even realize people disliked it or found it tedious until I read about it on the internet many years later. Maybe it's the people who never grew up playing older games, because Zelda 1-2 are a whole other level of difficulty compared to the rest of the series (but still quite manageable).

>> No.1414496

You forgot any cutscenes with Zelda, Great Deku Tree/Sprout, Sheik. Also Skyward Sword lets you skip some of it in Hard difficulty.

>> No.1414772

Sh8 b5+3

>> No.1415131

It's an alright dungeon, just made annoying thanks to OOT's menu design and altering the water levels with a song instead of a switch. It's much less time consuming on 3DS.

>> No.1415149

i think most of the people that says it was tiresome thinks so because they were emulating in on PJ64 and the menu was slow as fuck

>> No.1415243

Most of the game is about healing/helping people and making them happy, surely that should bring you a smile?

>> No.1415590
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The people that complain about Water Temple have clearly not played Oracle of Ages.

>> No.1415686

That temple was hell.

>> No.1415701
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It's really slow, and a chore to play through. But I looooove the design

>> No.1415703
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here we go

>> No.1415705
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>Recently started up OoA again after taking a break
>Stuck in the middle of that dungeon

Life is suffering

>> No.1416238

>The crouch stab, a normal part of combat
Not really. Unless you're some weird person who prefers untargetable attacks that you can't move while performing.

>completely exploitable.
>it is not difficult or understand or perform.
...if you have read up on how it works. It's not something you'll just stumble across by playing the game.

>> No.1416246

Yeah, I don't remember ever having particular troubles with Zelda games, except for Zelda 2 which is actually a rather difficult game. Maybe I just don't remember very well. I guess I just thought Water Temple was boring.

>> No.1416386


I have, but it took me a few seconds.

>> No.1416412

The reason why I dropped OoA. Seasons is by far my favourite 2D Zelda.

>> No.1416432

The first time I played the water temple when I was a kid I didn't know you could get the zora tunic... It actually isn't that hard without it, you don't have to be underwater for that long.

>> No.1416803
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Yeah you know it's a pretty good job

>> No.1416875

I never understood why everyone hated the Water Temple. I think it's amazingly designed. I like how the entire dungeon is basically one big puzzle. It all has an amazing atmosphere.

Also, switching the boots is lame but it's not THAT bad. I dont think its any worse than having to play the elegy of emptiness in stone tower a bunch of time (plus equpping masks to do it)

>> No.1416880

Switching boots and playing the shitty ocarina. You can't forget the ocarina (which yes, is also the reason Stone Temple Pilot Tower sucked)

>> No.1416890


But you only have to change the water level like 5 times...and they're a good time apart so it never felt tedious to me.

>> No.1416928

Never had a problem with it, even as a kid without a strategy guide

The music and design is really excellent in my opinion, perfectly captures an aquatic atmosphere

>> No.1416951

I agree, I didn't think, it was hard, I thought it was just mind numbing to change the water level all the time.

nevertheless it was a fun temple

>> No.1416991


wind waker's the superior 3d zelda

>> No.1417014

It has the illusion of difficulty, its just tedious if anything and disorientating cause everything looks the goddamn same. The puzzles themselves, are standard difficulty.

>> No.1417017

Forest temple did my head in more

>> No.1417037

It's difficulty is blown WAY out of proportion.

It's not even fucking hard. Just a bit tedious.

>> No.1417061

Tedious tedious tedious tedious tedious tedious

That's all people say about the Water Temple. Switching the boots is a bit tedious but I think people blow it out of proportion. What's hilarious is I often see people say "It's not hard, just pretty confusing and annoying", as if difficulty can only be hard to survive and not hard to figure out.

No, I don't think it was that hard. But it's a great temple in my opinion. I feel like people love to shit all over it just because of how "infamous" its become to people who dont know any better.

>> No.1417063


>> No.1417068

I've never seen anyone call it hard.

>> No.1420008

I know plenty of people who call it hard.

Even some people I know who put that whole 'hard-core gamer' front on.

>> No.1420018

I had more problems with Forest and Fire Temples than Water one.

>> No.1420048
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On the 3DS remake it was actually fantastic because switching the boots on and off wasn't a nightmare. To be honest, I never beat it on 64.

>> No.1420054

>I feel like people love to shit all over it just because of how "infamous" its become to people who dont know any better.
Indeed. Ditto for Navi. I don't think the people who complain about things like that have even played the game.

>> No.1420069

The only problem I found with it was finding the keys. I don't know if I used them in the wrong order or what, but everytime I play through it I'd constantly be running around looking for this one key. The fact that the temple is very samey doesn't help.

Never found it to be "hard", but the frustrating parts do stick out a lot. I dislike the Fire Temple a lot more, mostly because it feels very long.

>> No.1420815

If I wasn't playing it on an emulator for the first time that didn't pőroperly show some textures, I would have easily finished it without looking up a walkthrough.

That fact that this part is infamous for its difficulty just goes to show you that people have been casuals since the nineties.

>> No.1423275
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OoT is fucking buggy mate, I unintentionally found at least 2 glitches on my first playthrough. It's still a great game, but to call it "polished" made me lol a bit.

>> No.1423281
File: 67 KB, 441x705, 1392599836682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start new game in oot
>get kokiri sword
>do the sidestep trick to get to hyrule field
>run to hyrule castle
>temple of time
>do the side hop + jump sword attack to get through the door
>get master sword
>start doing forest temple 10 minutes into the game

guys OoT is polished I swear

>> No.1423290


corrected in Nintendo 3DS.

Ocarina of Time 3D is the superior version and the one everyone should play of this game. Period.

>> No.1423293

I honestly loved the Water Temple. It's atmosphere was unique and its challenge was memorable.

Also I love how the Dark Link battle starts with your reflection disappearing once you cross the island. I feel like most people don't realize it.

>> No.1423295


the glitches add to the mystery.

>> No.1423296
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People always complain about the Water Temple but I find the Fire Temple to be the more confusing one.

>> No.1423303



Aren't they supposed to be?

They're puzzles!

>> No.1423305

>Playing OoT
>Not playing OoT how developers intended

Are you fucking shit? Why do you play a game and deliberately use glitches that you would need to have a prior knowledge of in order to make use of?

The game is polished for what the developers intended.

I mean, if this is your argument, no game is truly polished as there's game breaking glitches in all games.


>> No.1423308

>You want a shitty water level in a Zelda game, there's always Great Bay Temple.
>Great Bay Temple

Aside from the boss, Great Bay is easily one of the best Zelda dungeons ever. Incredibly well thought out and intricate.

>> No.1423316

Not hard, in fact I found it to be the least dangerous of all the dungeons in OoT. Pretty much any dungeon in Majora's Mask is way harder than the water temple.

>> No.1423320
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>The game is polished for what the developers intended.

No shit, that's the same with every game you retard. OoT was a badly coded game, and the developers were inexperienced code monkeys who couldn't seal the remaining gaps.

It was still a good game, though.

>> No.1423331

forest > shadow > water > light > fire

well bottom > deku > jabu jabu > dodongo cave > ice cave

>> No.1423343

Puzzles ruin good Zelda dungeons.

>> No.1423346

If this is a serious complaint, then this is what is wrong with the Zelda fanbase. Complaining about puzzles and story based quests in a fucking adventure game.

>> No.1423367
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I agree that Great Bay temple is the worst part of Majora. But the fucking BEAVER RACE GAME? NIGGA YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS

>> No.1423798

That dungeon is just as overrated as the water temple. It's just time consuming/annoying the first time you do it but not really much more difficult than the other dungeons

>> No.1424048
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>> No.1424067

>Amount of games like Zelda 1
>a small handful, because octoroks scare Aonuma

>Amount of Zelda games like OoT that focus on tedious slow block pushing puzzles and other gimmicks
>Too many to count

>> No.1424080


This. Navi wasn't as annoying as everyone make him out to be.

Ezero, on the other hand...

>> No.1424085


I bet you think Puck from Berserk is a girl, too.

>> No.1424112

does navi have a different voice in the japanese version? considering she speaks english and stuff...

>> No.1424114

probably. Lot's of japanese games have bits and pieces of English.

>> No.1424128

all of the dungeons in oot are shit, they all follow the same cookie-cutter design
mm has the most inspired dungeons in the series

>> No.1424137

i fucking hate N64.
the end

>> No.1424159


I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.1424167

smile pls go

nobody even listens to you anymore

>> No.1424179
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go on.

>> No.1424260
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>inexperienced code monkeys

>> No.1424296


>> No.1424757
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>made the buggiest, most glitch-ridden game on the n64

>still thinks nintendo knew what they were doing

>> No.1424784

It's that sweet spot of glitchiness where you won't notice them during normal play but you can snap the game into tiny pieces if you know what you're doing.

>> No.1425107

Only part of the game I dread playing through.

>> No.1425112

>replay OoT recently
>decide not to use guide for this temple
>spent all fucking night into the morning running laps before realizing I had to bomb the wall inbetween the bottom and top floors to get the last key I needed

I felt so retarded

>> No.1425137

when it first came out ocarina of time was one of the easiest games I had ever played.

Its pathetic that people are having any sort of difficulty with it.

>> No.1425145

Zelda 1 had some bullshit secrets that couldn't be solved without some guide

>> No.1425147

I think it's the "buggiest and glitch-riden" because it's immensly popular and then people try to do everything to find anything.

I bet that some of the more obscure n64 games have about the same amount if not more bugs and glitches.

Just because you saw some video of some guy glitching from deku tree to the ganondorfs tower collapsing doesn't mean other games aren't buggy.

>> No.1425156

nobody cares about this game. beyond mario 64 and goldeneye, fuck the n64.

yeah i said it.

>> No.1425167

>Banjo kazooie/tooie
>Mystical ninja starring goemon 1 and 2
>Majoras mask

And to some extent
>Diddy kong racing

>> No.1425197

I remember when I first beat the game when it came out it did my head in, I was missing one small key and fuck me could I not find it. Now I have it all memorized and it isn't so bad.

My friend recently got it for the 3DS and I had to beat this temple for him. He isn't the brightest man.

somehow he couldn't beat Volvagia either. Me and this guy go waaaaay back and I love him like family but fuck me is he stupid

>> No.1425431


I have a best friend who's the same way. He's a genius on guitar and speaks well but he sucks at problem solving. Known him for over 10 years and he's like a brother but man, sometimes I swear...

I've never understood people getting others to do parts on games for them though. If I did that and then continued on to beat the game I can't imagine I would feel any sense of accomplishment knowing I only did 95% of it.

>> No.1425435


Are you implying no-one has said it before you? Anyway, there's plenty of great games on N64. It's nobody's problem but yours if you disagree.

>> No.1425445

My first time playing through it was hell. Pretty sure I got stuck at some point and ended up completely starting over with a new save. Second time through wasn't so bad. Nowadays it's just a bad memory from my childhood, not much more.

>tfw beating Morpha for the first time

That shit was indescribable, son.

>> No.1425447

It's easy. People say it's hard because they don't know how to use the map and compass

>> No.1425459

Only part that tripped me up was that I didn't notice there was a tunnel under the block that floats up in the central tower when you change the water level. Once I found that it was smooth sailing.

>> No.1425464


The triforce hunt is the worst section of any 3D Zelda and WW feels like half a Zelda game. Replace the hunt with a dungeon or two and you're onto something.

>> No.1425471


The glitches are fun. It's like in Super Metroid or Super Mario 64. I especially love seeing how people exploit them for speedruns.

>> No.1425472


Also, the PlayStation was my first console.

>> No.1425485

Is dark Link, really dark Link?

Think about it! You go into a room of mirrors and reflections, and suddenly your reflections comes alive and mirrors your every move.

Wouldn't mirror Link be more accurate?

>> No.1425495


What mirrors?

>> No.1425505

I think he meant the reflecting pond.

>> No.1425541

the enitre room is covered in mirrors. when you shatter mirror Link, the mirrors in the room also shatters.

>> No.1425749

Wrong. It fades away.

>> No.1426715

Speaking of Dark Link, was I the only one that was disappointed that you couldn't fight him again in the 3DS version like you could the other bosses? Granted, he was just a mini boss, but damn if I didn't have fun fighting him.

>> No.1429549

I don't actually remember anything about it, and therefore assume I didn't have much of a problem with it.
I remember those fucking Redeads a lot better than I do the Water Temple.

>> No.1429597

But that's wrong. There's no mirrors, just a reflecting pool.
There's also the false image no walls, looking like an endless expanse of fog.

The only thing you got right is that your reflection comes alive and attacks you, as you can see it in the water as you first run through the room, but as soon as you hop on the small platform in front of the door it disappears and you find Dark Link spawns on the small island.

And when you defeat him the whole illusion disappears and the room becomes normal.

>> No.1430063

OoT is popular enough that people have literally looked through its entire code to find glitches to break the game for speedrunning purposes. You'd be able to do much the same thing with other games, they just aren't popular enough for people to obsess over them to such an extend.

>> No.1431847

Fucking die you homo pussy

>> No.1431851


>> No.1431857 [DELETED] 
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please be b8in'

>> No.1433470

No game is 100% polished, every game has glitches. And alot of the glitches that those guys use were found with disassemblers and the like. You can take a disassembler to any game and find just as many holes.

>> No.1433561

It is completely possible to verify a game's code. It's generally not economical, but I'm sure at least one game's code has been properly verified. Please refrain from making "for all" statements, as they are generally not true in real-world situations.

>> No.1434070

Use Biggoron's sword and just go to town on him. No tricks needed if he can't get inside your reach.

>> No.1434090
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>> No.1434109


polished programming by early 3D standards yeah

seriously name one n64 game that doesn't have major glitches

>> No.1434114

stone tower temple is the only good dungeon in majora's mask

>> No.1434232

This is the one I always miss.

>> No.1434626

The game is about watching all your efforts be completely futile, as you rewind the clock. No smiles involved.

>> No.1434628

honestly I have way more trouble with jabu jabu's belly in oracle of ages

>> No.1434648
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but that's why it's so great

>> No.1434654

it's not hard if you don't rush like a retard, but it is bad designed, hence, why many people had trouble with the dungeon

>> No.1434861

Water Temple is not a hard temple.
Great Bay Temple, on the other hand...

>> No.1434867

more annoying than hard.

Finding all those switches...

Still today I get lost in this temple

>> No.1434879

Here's a brief history of the public's view on The Water Temple.

>People play Ocarina of Time
>They note that the Water Temple is extremely obnoxious because you can't map the iron boots, which you have to equip and unequip very frequently, to a single button. Instead, you have to go into the menu, find the boots, select them, and then exit the menu.
>This takes way too much time and it's a pain in the neck.
>People who haven't really played much Ocarina overhear people who have complaining about the Water Temple and assume that it must be a really difficult part of the game when it's really just annoying because of a flaw in game design.
>The whole running joke of 'The Water Temple is super hard' begins.
>Ocarina of Time is remade on the 3DS, but this time you can map the iron boots to a touch screen command. This eliminates the temple's biggest problem and makes it much more fun.
>People who never played the N64 game think the Water Temple is supposed to be ultra-difficult play the 3DS version and assume they must be really, really good at videogames since they pass it pretty well without realizing that they didn't have to deal with the annoyance of the iron boots.

So yeah. The Water Temple ain't difficult, it's just that OoT's item system can be annoying.

>> No.1435105

You forgot the awful ocarina to switch water levels part

>> No.1435936

I played OoT on the GC, did they already fix something there?
I heard it was more tedious to change boots in older versions, don't know about the details though.

>> No.1436006

3 times in the whole dungeon right?

>> No.1436076
File: 811 KB, 1920x1080, 1393554983457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great soundtrack, great atmosphere, great graphics.

>> No.1436119

am i the only one who found the water temple to be simple as fuck? to be honest, I felt the forest temple was the most annoying temple. Spirit was my favorite. shadow was the shortest. fire was... eh. it's actually probably my least favorite, although volvagia is cool as shit.

>> No.1436131

The first time I played the Water Temple, I got stuck a couple times but I eventually found out what to do by checking everywhere. Every other time after that it's been a breeze.

>> No.1436134

Water temple was pretty easy, I liked it.
>forest temple was the most annoying temple
It's pretty much my favorite dungeon in any Zelda game, I enjoyed every second of it.
I loved it, especially the music.

The boss fight was shit though.

>> No.1436136


>> No.1436976

Spirit temple was the only temple I got stuck on, because I had forgotten a key as young link or something like that.

>> No.1438150
File: 104 KB, 800x445, youre_not_supposed_to_be_here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any reason to do that dungeon as child Link?

>> No.1438281

Same here. Wasn't hard, though wasn't good.

>> No.1438296

>really shitty music

I will cut you m8

>> No.1438301


prefer these



>> No.1438336

Water Temple was honestly one of my favorites. I just really like underwater dungeons and whatnot a lot, like the underwater city in super mario 64.

>> No.1438349

>It's exactly like the same boss from Zelda II.
That's the idea.

Clearly, no one cares about OoT. Clearly.

Can confirm. I've never beaten WW, because of the Triforce hunt. I got bored about half way through about 2 years ago and haven't played it since. I still stand by it being the last good game in the series, though. Everything aside from the Triforce Hunt was pretty cool, imo.

You forgot how easy it is to overlook some of those keys.

>> No.1438556

You really should get around to beating the game, the last dungeon is pretty cool and you're missing a bunch of Ganondorf being a dick. Play the HD remake if necessary as it streamlines that quest.

>> No.1439604

If I had the power to have everyone in the world listen to one song at the same time for 24 hours, it would be this, would be fun to see people freak out.

>> No.1439678


ganon's tower in wind waker is hardly a dungeon

>> No.1439752

What else would you call it?

>> No.1440241

Beat it when I was 7 in one sitting. It's not hard.

>> No.1440358
File: 103 KB, 263x793, Running_Man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I beat you by 1 second!
This fucking faggot.

>> No.1440370
File: 936 KB, 500x281, 1378532049016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't beaten the running man

>> No.1440401

I never knew it was hard or annoying or anything until it became a meme. When I was playing it it was just another temple, but kind of more cool because at the time being able to walk underwater and shit and the puzzles and the music was still cool and novel and 3D Zelda was fucking spectacular.

>> No.1440445

Easily the worst part of the game. Not because it's difficult, but because it's poorly designed (I don't care what anyone says, having to go into the pause menu every 5 seconds to equip/unequip the iron boots is NOT good game design).

>> No.1440453

Goldeneye is overrated and a terrible game and the only reason it was so popular was because it was the first console fps.

>> No.1440485

Never find it hard, just boring.

I got stuck far longer on Forest.

>> No.1441004

Nowhere near as hard as people claim. Though its layout is admittedly confusing for newer players.

>> No.1441019

>the first console fps
No, it was actually a port of Wolfenstien 3D.

>> No.1441021

And to add a note, I'm saying it in terms of what's the first console fps.

>> No.1441023

It's frustrating and I dread it every time. But it's not as hard as people make it out to be. Having to keep opening the menu to take the iron boots off and on gets grating after awhile. They should have let you put them onto a button in the first place.

>> No.1441036

>countering bait with more bait

>> No.1442547

Not difficult at all. The only thing that is annoying about this dungeon is that you have to load the menu every few second to equip/unequip your boots. And really the only annoying thing about it was the slow loading times in between entering and exeting the start menu. Otherwise this temple was fine and could be beaten relatively fast.