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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1414129 No.1414129[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the best SNES game and why is it Super Mario World 2?

>> No.1414130

>not Mega Man X

>> No.1414134

You are both wrong because the best SNES game is objectively Terranigma.

>> No.1414138

Hi, OP.
You have fantastic taste. I always tell this to people and they don't agree. I also think SMW2 is the best 2D Mario of all time. Yoshi's Island DS was a huge disappointment though.

>> No.1414143

Too easy.

>> No.1414154

>winning the bonus game gives you 10 1ups

it is very easy. Art and sound are great though.

>> No.1414162

>I play games for the art and sound

>> No.1414169

>Muh story book graphics
>Muh sub-Super Mario World gameplay

Nah nigga. SNES has at least 20 better games.

>> No.1414175

>only 20

>> No.1414176

Hey, I didn't want to make OP feel too bad.

>> No.1414179

when did I say that? I was criticising how easy it is, but also pointing out that it's a great achievement visually, and had good music.

>> No.1414186

I feel like it was really waste to let Arino play this.
It's far too easy, there is like no challenge at all.

>> No.1414194
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>> No.1414197

It has plenty of challenge if you go for all the collectables and secret levels.

In fact, this game's difficulty is pretty average. It's not very hard but there's plenty of easier platformers around. Why you'd single this one in particular out for not being challenging enough, I can't understand.

>> No.1414202

>not Super Metroid

Too mainstream now?

>> No.1414204

What? It's basically a worse Terranigma.

>> No.1414205

The collectibles are more tedious than challenging.

>> No.1414210

Because it's not, Yoshi's Island is an insanely SLOOOOW game with mediocre platforming, it just has pretty graphics and music.
The game blows most of its more interesting level gimmicks in the first world as well.

I still think it's a great game but it's overrated as fuck.

>> No.1414213

Yeah, nah.

>> No.1414218

It's even slower than Super Mario World which was already slow as fuck unless you were in a level where you could use the cape.

>> No.1414223

This is the dumbest shit I ever read.
Yoshi Island isn't even a real 2D Mario game and it's supposed to be better than SMB3? Hah. Yoshis controls feel so goofy compared to the tightness Mario offers.
Being a game full of gimmicks doesn't help it either.

>> No.1414236

yoshits island is actually one of the worst snes games

>> No.1414239

>game is shit because it controls goofy
That would be a nice point if it meant anything.

>> No.1414241

Fuck you op, it's a shit game.

>> No.1414242

Yoshi island started this whole gimmick over substance thing. I generally dislike all Yoshi games.

>> No.1414246

As far as games with subpar platforming but pretty graphics and music go, I do enjoy it more than Donkey Kong Country, but that's really not saying much.

>> No.1414247

This, marked the point nintendo went to utter shit and I gave up on.then.

>> No.1414248

>not slow
Are you serious?
Everything moves extremly slow so you have tons of time for every jump. Maybe you should replay it.

>> No.1414253

>yoshis island
>even decent
fucking disgusting

>> No.1414259

How much of a fucking pleb can you be, op?

>> No.1414262

Every time I think of some supposedly "classic" SNES game I remember how much more fun I could be having on NES or Genesis.

Best SNES game is probably SMW, and even that sucks because of cape flying. SMB3 is better. NES is the only good Nintendo console.

>> No.1414263

>le wacky hipster game

>> No.1414267

How the fuck can you enjoy a baby game more than something with a decent challenge?

>> No.1414271

DKC is just Mario with much worse controls.

At least Yoshi's Island is something different and unique.

>> No.1414278

>DKC is just Mario with much worse controls
Maybe you should play DKC before talking about it

>> No.1414279
File: 42 KB, 720x480, 1377222866452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never even played this game, and already I think this thread is shit. And I thought this was a more civilized place than /v/. Actually it is to some extent, yet there are some exceptions few and far between...

>> No.1414281

You still jump on enemies to kill them, you collect bananas instead of coins, you collect KONG instead of dragon coins, except the sprites are gigantic and the camera is zoomed in so you can't see ahead of you.
Not that the level design was any good anyways, aside from maybe the mine cart levels and some barrel sections.

>> No.1414282

>yoshits island fans gone
guess the plebs got blown out, heh.

>> No.1414290

Yes the game is still a platformer with collectibles. That doesn't make it just like Mario.
What did you dislike about the level design? How far did you even play?

>> No.1414298


>> No.1414305

DKC was a mediocre platform game which made it huge due to the gimmick of using pre-rendered cgi graphics. It also started that entire stupid fucking trend in the mid-90s (of using cgi pre-rendered sprites). That and Killer Instinct.

>> No.1414306

Name a few good platformer.

>> No.1414315

It's just one retard posting over and over trying to drag the thread down.

>> No.1414323
File: 7 KB, 249x251, 1284180423565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visually pleasing animation is a gimmick. Got it.

>> No.1414324

OP claimed that Super Mario World 2 is the best SNES game. What the fuck do you guys even expect?
Never played the game but still feel the need to post? Looks like you belong to /v/.

>> No.1414336

SD3 is vastly superior

>> No.1414342

Had he asked for our favorite SNES game, this thread would be different. He could have posted any game like he did and would get different people that agree/disagree with him, but in the end he is just asking for trouble. I would even consider it shitposting.

This way to start a thread is really popular on /v/ by the way.

>> No.1414348

>pre-rendered cg graphics
>inherently bad

plenty of games with it look great, i.e mischief makers, and, well, DKC

>> No.1414354

>OP claimed that Super Mario World 2 is the best SNES game.

Yet it was still possible to avoid OP's faggotry and have a good(or even a semi-decent) thread about SNES games.

>Never played the game but still feel the need to post?
Yes. Is that a bad thing?

>> No.1414358

If the OP is a gigantic faggot the chance of a good thread is low.
>Yes. Is that a bad thing?

>> No.1414360

>baby crying sound
Ruins the whole fucking game worse than kiddy kong.

>> No.1414361

>What the fuck do you guys even expect?

Ignore it because you're not going to convince him he was wrong to have enjoyed it as much as he did and there's no reason anyone should care if someone on the Internet really likes a dull platformer you don't. Bad opinions happen all the time.

>> No.1414363
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Nah, OP is employing a light-hearted way of saying, "Let's talk about our favorite SNES games. Mine's Yoshi's Island, and I'll be happy to talk about that one with anybody interested." No way he could've anticipated the deluges of shit.

>> No.1414365

He clearly wanted to start some kind of circlejerk.

>> No.1414391

As if that's something new here.

>> No.1414398

My biggest complaint about Yoshi Island is the difficulty. There're good easy games out there but in this case I feel like it's breaking the game apart. I'm saying this because when I started to warm up to this game it was already over. Had some challenge kept me occupied I'm sure I would love this game.

>> No.1414410


>> No.1414415


this isn't big rigs man.

>> No.1414436

Two of the stats are useless due to bugs; nothing you do affects your evasion and critical hits refer to the wrong memory address (making them have less than one in a million chance and cannot be changed even by spells whose only job is to do so). Equipment variety other than just defenses they provide are useless due to a bug. A number of abilities are useless due to a bug. Oh look, character customization is now nearly meaningless and there's no choices in what stats to progress.

Magic is unavoidably busted because the cast times tick down both during other spell/item animations and during time spent in the ring menu. Magic is severely underpowered, possibly even pointless if you take away those bugs by refusing to issue further commands even though that's the most natural way to play with them. The intended result might have been to chain-cast spells by having the timer tick down during spell animations, and NOT in the ring menu, but in order to do this you are opening the ring menu and abusing that bug incidentally anyway.

Attacking at the same time as someone else causes your hits not to register. Kevin's werewolf form is buggy in the extreme and you can't avoid abusing it unless you just don't play the character or tediously avoid night time.

Buffs override each other in absolutely senseless ways.



>> No.1414446

But the game was fun, last half of the game is fucking glorious.

>> No.1414459

I've never understood the love for this game. I just find it so frustrating to play.

I think I'm pretty far into it too so I really can't see it getting any better. I think I've done 1 or 2 dungeons since getting that horrible looking dragon.

I don't know if there are better action RPGs on the Super Nintendo, but I know there are far better games.

I'm also not interested in SD3 if it's at all like this.

>> No.1414463

Go to bed, trihex.

>> No.1414472

Sometimes I dream of how fun this game could have been. The option of maxing agility and luck for evasion and crits would have been just enough to make the combat interesting and varied.

At least debuffs and beatings still worked I guess.

>> No.1414475


I didn't notice any of what >>1414436 said when playing, and I guess that just exposes my casualness, but the game was still god damn fun and beautiful

>> No.1414513

I have to agree with these, I'll admit though, the slow pace would definitely not have bothered me if I had played it on Super Nintendo first instead of Game Boy Advanced. I think slow gameplay can actually work pretty well for consoles, especially the game sort of encourages you to take in the scenery.

What I can't forgive is the way the collectables were designed. They encourage you to get full scores on everything, while at the same time designing the levels with lots of one-way paths and trial and error secrets. These kind of things can be pretty standard in platformers, but the levels are SO LONG it just discourages exploration.

Soul Blazer had better Gameplay and writing. Terranigma's only improvement was in cutscenes that look bad by today's standards.

>> No.1414532
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>YI sucks now
Well it was fun while it lasted.

>> No.1414536

>at least
Those are literally opposites.

>> No.1414579

You are all wrong the best game is clearly TMNT 4

>> No.1414585

Agreed, OP. It's the whole reason I got an SNES.

>> No.1414683

>my autism can't handle different opinions!

>> No.1414915

it just gets over rated really hard because it looks good

>> No.1414934

Maybe, but you have to admit that it had some rather original mechanics for a platformer, and does an excellent job of integrated difficulty selection: it is fairly easy to just clear the game, but if you go for all 100%, it can be quite difficult and it rewards you well, with unlimited bonus games and fun, hard levels that are perfectly suited for the types of people who would achieve the requirements needed to unlock them. It also has some pretty awesome music, not to mention fun bosses that you look forward too. It is quite neat to see how they change regular enemies into giant beasts, each with a unique and often surprising fighting method (I mean come on, push-of-war with Shyguys over a huge potted ghost, shrinking and fighting in Prince Froggy's stomach, or ramming pegs up Raphael's ass on the moon are just classic)

>> No.1414942 [DELETED] 

Grow up you manchild losers. Get over your fucking 'SNES' jesus christ.

- from /sp/

>> No.1414945

This. I had the misfortune of buying the GBA version. The graphics aren't as good, and without them the game is just incredibly underwhelming.

>> No.1414958

the best game is your mom, OP
i love playin dat pussy on the hardest level lol

>> No.1415027

Yeah, it isn't saying much since Mario usually has underwhelming bosses, but the ones in YI's are really neat.

>> No.1415034 [DELETED] 

/sp/ a shit

>> No.1415071

Yoshis island is a great game, contrarian faggots gtfo. Your thoughts and opions are not unique or special. Your taste in games is shit.

>> No.1415074

Awww shit! Here we go again.

>> No.1415130

As much as I can respect differing opinions, this obsession with shitting on popular classics is getting on my nerves.

>> No.1415150

Not him, but it shouldn't be encouraged.

You probably aren't playing it with two good friends.

>> No.1415160

>Not him, but it shouldn't be encouraged.
And I agree.

>> No.1415435

I don't like it, but what do you expect from a thread that starts with
>this is the best game ever, suck it

>> No.1415449

>Your thoughts and opions are not unique or special.

Yeah no shit, a lot of people don't like a bad game, stop the presses.

There are a lot of popular games that /vr/ loves though. It's a shame that people don't like the same games you do, oh well.

>> No.1415689

>everybody bitching that the game is too easy

I see someboard has never played the extra levels

>> No.1415691

Timeless art direction, silky smooth platforming, clever and varied level design, fresh gameplay mechanics that are utilized in various different ways. But fuck all that it was easy and cute so full on pleb game...

Honestly, personally, I think it's better then SMW and I fucking love SMW.

>> No.1415695

I still remember how jarring it was to get to world (5? I think?) where the difficulty finally ramps up to that of a normal platformer. The early parts (the first 85% of the game, really), which are the most interesting visually and have the coolest designs are facerolly.

>> No.1415696

I got 100 on Endless World of Yoshis on request, it didn't make the rest of the game worthwhile and it didn't fix the controls

>> No.1415750

Well, just a question for curiosity: Despite this being an N64 game, did you think Yoshi's Story was kinda better?

>> No.1415806

Great art style, catchy music, fantastic gameplay hook, and immaculate level design.

>> No.1415850

I liked the actual health meter and direct egg aim but fruit collection and hitting one level per world was pretty bad. I wouldn't call it better but I don't really get how people can adore YI and slam YS when they're both so similarly insubstantial.

>> No.1415876

Yoshi's Story has iffy art design, is an N64 game using sprites (so it looks like shit by default) and the music is absolutely atrocious.

>> No.1416406

This must be bait, the game looks beautiful and has great music and sound design.

>> No.1416506

I'm surprised by all the nay sayers in this thread. Yoshi's Island may not be the best SNES game overall, but I'm pretty sure it's the best platform game ever made.

Considering when it was released, it's like a final farewell to classic 2D Nintendo gameplay. The visual effects are just great, it's one of those games that will always look good no matter how old it gets because of it's style. The gameplay is fantastically well-tuned - yes, it may be easy to complete with <100% secrets, but you can't deny the way Yoshi moves around and interacts with the environment is really superb.

Also it has a wonderful Koji Kendo soundtrack.

I would be interested to hear other anons share what they feel is the best 2D platformer ever made, if it's not this

>> No.1416524

It's still one of Squares' best and leagues beyond SoM. Screw you.

FFVI was a buggy mess and people consider it a classic, so what?

>> No.1416542
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Because it's Kirby Super Star

>> No.1416569

>This thread

What happened to you /vr/? You guys used to be so chilled. The last place on 4chan to have a decent conversation with other posters.

>> No.1416572

Pfffft. What the hell was so different aside from a bit of a colour wash out with the fuzzy's?

>> No.1416578

Klonoa 2 is my favorite platformer. It's 2.5D and not retro but it's perfection.

>> No.1416596

I thought everybody loved A Link to the Past...

>> No.1416632

I don't really like 2D zelda except for Minish Cap.

>> No.1416631

There was one SNES RPG game that would give me great nostalgia if I could just remember the name. It was a simple adventure, I think you had four characters and it was typical encounter and fight increasingly difficult creature battles, gain experience etc. I know, it sounds so generic! It could be anything, but I used it to escape a really bizarre time in my life (>implying my life is now un-bizarre).

>> No.1416642


It's the most important game in the series but it's a bit too slow and clunky for me nowadays.

>> No.1416651

You spoiled rotten brats.

>> No.1416664

I'm really getting tired of Zelda, there are just too many games and only very few do something significantly different.

>> No.1416685

Yoshi's Island is actually a terrible game for the SNES and sort of a breeding ground for the "novelty" gamers we know today.

Slow, pointlessly expansive, power ups that don't do anything of value to the experience, bad controls, and a punishment system that does nothing but break the pacing.

Oh but the graphics look nice on my tube TV! The music is good! The, uh....

>> No.1416717


I always preferred Link's Awakening over ALttP.

>> No.1416807

The only version of this I've played was the GBA one and I thought it was great

>> No.1416808

>OP is about to make you his bitch

>> No.1417538

What did everyone think of Super Mario 2, the one where you choose between Mario, Luigi, Toad and Peach?

>> No.1417540

Go to bed Koizumi.

>> No.1417559


>> No.1417626
File: 123 KB, 452x320, Axelay_SNES_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the SNES isn't exactly known for SHMUPS, but nobody's mentioned a SHMUP yet? Let me fix that by stating my personal favorite SNES game: Axelay.

>> No.1417660

I liked it better than the first one.

Better than Yoshi's Island as well.

>> No.1417661

I think its the best Mario game on the NES. Probably one of the best mario games period.

>> No.1417669

That game was exceptionally meh. Can't be arsed playing through it again.

>> No.1418306


i like secret of mana

soundtrack is better, the colors, the atmosphere of the game, light hearted story well jointed story

third game feels like a chore, bland colors, lots of repetition, disjointed, grimdurk story (disjointed SaGa elements bleh)

>> No.1418536
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SNES games basically looked like this.

>> No.1418709
