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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 142 KB, 1024x768, Radiant-Silvergun-Game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1410891 No.1410891 [Reply] [Original]

So /vr/, here's what I don't understand about Radiant Silvergun

While you're "fighting" the Stone-Like in Stage 1 (in 100,000 BC) in Story Mode, who are the voices you hear? Are they the people you knew back on Earth before the Stone-Like wiped out humanity? Is it Guy and the captain after they were both killed in battle against the Stone-Like? What are they even telling you? To not give up?

shmup general I guess

>> No.1411175

Never even pay attention to the story in any shooter games tbh, so I dunno.

Also, local game shop charging £70 for this. Fuck that shit. That is what chipped V-saturns are for ;-) (well mine is a v-saturn, doesn't have to be a v saturn of course)

Also the game is over hyped, there are a shit load of games emulated in mame that wipe the floor with this.

>> No.1413084

Not sure about that, but I tried playing this again a bit ago. Why are there so many weapons?!

>> No.1413102

>Never even pay attention to the story in any shooter games tbh, so I dunno.

I'm with you. I never know or care why I'm doing it. I just want to shoot things.

>> No.1413119 [DELETED] 


>> No.1413131

>Also the game is over hyped, there are a shit load of games emulated in mame that wipe the floor with this.

Forget MAME, there's better shmups on the Saturn. I respect what Treasure did with RS but this game is vastly overrated and overpriced.

>> No.1413194
File: 154 KB, 320x224, 1392687084923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never been HUGE into shmups. I played all of Treasure's and completed Gradius 3 so I've got some experience under my belt.
Just recently started Thunder Force IV. I only picked it up because I heard the soundtrack beforehand and it was amazing. I love it, been addicted to it for the last few days. Was this an underrated gem or am I missing something about shmups?

>> No.1413210

Likely missing something, because Thunder Force games are usually considered on the easier side of things. Definitely not to say they're bad, they're fun as hell, but usually the harder or more involved games get talked about more

>> No.1413227

>Thunder Force games are usually considered on the easier side of things.

III certainly, but not IV. That one is pretty damn challenging.

>> No.1413229 [DELETED] 

Welcome to /vr/, I assume you're new, since you have no idea what you're doing.

>> No.1413258

Quick question: I'm red/green color blind (it's a wonderful condition, I would wish it on every game dev), which makes it infuriating to play some shmups. What are some color blind friendly shmups?

>> No.1413396

I suppose the first choice is Ikaruga, which releases on Steam tomorrow. Its entire color scheme is limited to black(purplish) and white.

See if this video does anything for you:

>> No.1413459


>> No.1413476
File: 27 KB, 240x320, Battle Garegga 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Battle Garegga. Even if you're not colorblind, it's still impossible to see half the bullets.

It's still also one of the best and most intense shmups ever made.

>> No.1413479


I can't help but feel that's mostly due to the pointlessly huge vertical screen length that only serves for you to miss powerups or get blindsided by incoming enemies more often. Also, Blade not revealing if you're doing any damage or not on bosses.

>> No.1414731

And the original arcade versions are Emulated in mame. Are you stupid?

>> No.1414738
File: 717 KB, 957x645, ikaruga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's finally here! 2 more hours and I'm free to play it all night

>> No.1415068

Shame they shat all over it with DRM. What a fucking waste.

>> No.1415407

my frame rate went to shit in windowed mode. don't know if it's the game or my video card

>> No.1415408

yeah, otherwise people might pirate it, which never happened with the original version.

>> No.1415457


I was saying that even in the library of Saturn shmups there's better ones than RS, let alone in the wealth of shmups that can be emulated in MAME. What does your comment even have to do with what I said?

>> No.1415485

I care less about the DRM and more about the lack of co-op play over the internet. Should've included GGPO or something with it.

>> No.1415564
File: 94 KB, 480x640, 2014-02-18 21.45.05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been debating if I should sell my copy. How much you think I can get for it? Seems like I'd be lucky to get $200 for it these days. Considering its been $200 for about the past 10 years, that sucks.

thank god I was able to get my copy for $100

>> No.1415654

You should give it to me for safekeeping.

>> No.1415659

It just blackscreens on me. There went a tenspot.

>> No.1415997

old post, but if you're still around... as a colorblind individual who's played a lot of shmups, my recommendation is to dispel any notion of finding colorblind-friendly shmups. not so much because they don't exist but rather because you'll be excluding the vast majority of the best games.

as long as you aren't opposed to trying before buying, just drop a few credits on a new shmup every so often and try to keep an open mind. it sucks, but i'd rather be frustrated with portions of doj than not play doj.

no. espgaluda should be played in overheat and it's extremely difficult for me to see the bullets in overheat.

>> No.1418059
File: 8 KB, 234x215, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i could play puzzle fighter. Fucking green and yellow blocks

>> No.1418065

I got this and its my first shmup its hard as hell

>> No.1418147
File: 404 KB, 400x600, 11440196 - 提督、お久しぶりです!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The voices are not talking to, nor are related to, the characters. They're just random lines that further show why the Stone-Like wants to reset the world. Word on the net is that it's also a stealth commentary on the gaming industry, and how executive meddling ruins things for everyone.

>> No.1419026

Can RSG be emulated on some platform?
Please don't tell me my only option is SSF.
I'd rather eat an aligator than dealing with that emulator.

>> No.1419064

They are just generic "voices out of time". They don't belong to specific characters.

>> No.1419070

I don't know what is it with people saying they can't figure out SSF, I've had it set up and working fine since 2006.

Now if you want an emulator that is a bit like wrestling with an alligator, try setting up MESS instead.

>> No.1421801

If SSF hasn't changed for the last 5 years - and I am not motivated to go check myself - it was a pain to setup, ran awfully bad: stuttering, freezes, etc and the interface was shit.

Of course, if it's the only thing, I'll have no other option than to mess with it, but if possible, I like my emulators practical and efficient. Like PPSSPP for instance.

>> No.1422434
File: 180 KB, 816x1080, 1219623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yup, exactly correct.


>> No.1423791

Hello shmyp thread! What are you playing today? I found a copies of Castle Shikigami 2 and 3 today, pretty happy about it

>> No.1425161
File: 138 KB, 1024x768, WallPaper_Shinra[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ikaruga duh.
Might play some Thunder Force on genesis which I haven't played any.