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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1405905 No.1405905[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

can somebody recommend me some of the BEST jrpgs? no wrpgs. I'm a sucker for anime themed games. just have a certain charm. any console is fine. I appreciate the help in advance.

>> No.1405910
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not sure what you mean with "anime themed games"? But Phantasy star 4 got anime style drawn cuts scenes, if thats what your looking for

>> No.1405912

Ys 1-2, cause if you cant jump, might as well lose the attack button

>> No.1405913


2nd disc suffers from huge budget issues though, but it's still great.

>> No.1405917

bought that recently. might as well pop it in.

>> No.1405920

All of Phantasy Star has anime cut scenes.

Dragon Quest tends to be the go to JRPG since it's what all JRPG hope to be. All of them are simple but enjoyable. Story is basic but has a lot of heart and makes you feel like you really on a grand adventure.

>> No.1405921

Super Mario RPG

>> No.1405928

Chrono Trigger, lead artist Akira toriyama of Dragon Ball fame. The SNES version is the original and the DS version has updated graphics. The Playstation One version actually has animated cut scenes by the same guys who did Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, but the load times between battles will piss you off.

Ys (I nonporous it as in the letter E, plural) is a great series but high difficulty. There are a few available on Steam and they run well on lower end computers.

Phantasy Star was a JRPG series before it became a quasi-MMO on the dreamcast.

Persona. It more or less is Anime: The Game. If you like slice of life, murder mystery or JRGS, the series is perfect. (Also check out Persona 4 it is fucking awesome even though it's irrelevant to this board as it is a PS2 game.)

>> No.1405930

Ds versions has the animated cutscenes too.

>> No.1405941
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Princess Maker 2
It was made by Gainax, an actual anime studio, known for classic anime like Evangelion, Nadia, Gunbuster, Wings of Honneamise, the Daicon shorts, Otaku no Video and so on

>> No.1406080

And some pretty good extra content designed by the original team.

>> No.1406083
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>> No.1406086

Lunar:sssc for psx and it's sequel lunar 2 eternal blue haven't been mentioned yet and are great games. Fun and easy battle system that has some depth when you use all,the options without being crazy complicated. Anime concerned and a story that is cliched but in a fun way.

>> No.1406113
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op here thanks for the reccomendations. and I' not sure if princess maker is an rpg or not so I might just skip that one.

>> No.1406163

How do you define RPG?

>> No.1406173

I hope this doesn't turn into a bad argument =| the way "I" myselfy personally define an jrpg by gameplay and style mostly. princess maker seems more like raising a child then anything else I know there is stats and everything but what about the cool boss battles and monsters? sorry I don't think it would work for me. But it was a pretty cool suggestion =]

>> No.1406184
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if you don't know it already. It's not really anime themed but I guess it's a jrpg and it's well made and funny and shit

>> No.1406183

You can go out adventuring and enter combat tournaments. The difference to other games is that you don't have to.

>> No.1406192

oh goodness I have wanted to play earthbound but the cartridges cost an arm and a leg. well, now might as well be the time to shell out some money to buy it. I have heard creepy things about the last boss though =O

>> No.1406202

I didn't realize battles were a part of it. i'll have to check it out.

>> No.1406206

Dragon Quest V and VI

>> No.1406243

Ys games are not JRPGs, they are action/rpgs. Princess Maker is not a JRPG either, it's a subgenre of life sim.

>> No.1406250

thanks for the help.

>> No.1406274

It's a SRPG, but I highly recommend Vandal Hearts. Also, Valkyrie Profile is great.

>> No.1406284

Don't spend an assload buying Earthbound, just emulate it. If you really have to play it on a console, put that money towards a flashcart.

>> No.1406292

my laptop has pretty high resolution so emulation just look's horrid and blocky. might as well see about a flashcart. I never used to support emulation but I'm not paying 200$ for one game. that's crazy.

>> No.1406302
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>> No.1406308

castlevania is more an action adventure game isn't it?

>> No.1406312

(kind of like dragons crown)

>> No.1406646
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Best RPG for PSX, It even was going to be the original FFVII, and I have to say that It surpasses FFVII by far in most aspects.

>> No.1406863
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If you like JRPGs that borrow elements from anime (themes, designs, etc), Tales of Phantasia PSX and Tales of Eternia are pretty nice. Especially Eternia due to how fluid the combat is. Phantasia PSX was never released in English and has two full translation patches, and while Eternia's English dub isn't what I'd call great, it has a certain charm to it since the voice actors at least try, and it isn't that bad for a first attempt at English dubbing a game in the series. Not a lot of anime style cutscenes in them compared to later games in the series though.

>> No.1406919
File: 9 KB, 299x168, Suikoden2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suikoden 2 is what you are looking for OP. Best JRPG made in my humble opinion, and I played alot of them. Play Suikoden 1 first if you really want the full shabang.
Also worth mentioning, Azure Dreams, it's more of a dungeon crawler (well, one dungeon, a tower, and one town, you get money and monsters to breed and take with you in the tower, use the money to get popular in the town, and get girlfriends). It's not a great game by any means, but very, very addicting.

>> No.1406960

No. Xenogears is good, great even. But it falls short in so many aspects and the 2nd disc is fucking bullshit.

You don't have to play it fullscreen, or you can just scale the resolution. Can you even in to computers?

>> No.1406962

>2nd disc suffers from huge budget issues

I really wish people would stop perpetuating this stupid and baseless rumor.

>> No.1406984
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From OP image, I thought this was going to be a discussion of the greatest pre-rendered cutscene in history.

>> No.1406998
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>> No.1406997

I believe its been added to the Wii Virtual Console if you have access to a wii. From what I've seen VC games have pretty decent emulation.

>> No.1407003

Pretty sure Earthbound on the Virtual Console was WiiU only, not the original Wii.

>> No.1407037


[Nostalgia intensifies]

>> No.1407070


Where's this from?

>> No.1407118

Boku no I can't google.
Soul Reaver.

>> No.1407126
File: 355 KB, 1286x1000, azure_dreams_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if anyone's mentioned Azure Dreams, but it's pretty good. It's not great, and it suffers from a lot of design flaws, but it's simple and fun.

It's basically a sort of Dungeon Crawler where you try to tame monsters, climb a tower to the top, as well as build up your home city and have the town girls fall in love with you.

>> No.1407157
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Legend of the Dragoon
4 discs long, great and memorable characters, and the a glorious combo system
defenitelly the most fun (or at least challenging) combat system in any jrpg I've played

>> No.1407164

where can I buy new sealed ps1 games? I don't trust used ones. and I remember playing legend of dragoon a while back need to finish it.

>> No.1407167


Well, have you played through:

Final Fantasy 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12?


I could go on, but this seems to be a good enough jumping off point.

>> No.1407179

dunno, but I believe there are ways of playing burned games even without a modchip, and you can get the game from TPB

>> No.1407186

ebay, but prepare for butt rape

>> No.1407261

Mother series

>> No.1407352

Final Fantasy 5, 6, 7 I guess
Chrono Trigger
Live a Live
Paper Mario
SMT (Persona if you want shit gameplay in exchange for shit waifus)
Fire Emblem (Tharcia/Genealogy/Mystery of the Emblem are some of the better ones)
Dragon Quest (Most of them)
Phantasy Star 4
Tales games, Symphonia is usually considered the best, but there are others

>> No.1407354

also Super Mario RPG

>> No.1407358

One more note, your personal prefrence for Final Fantasy probably varies. 7 is the most popular because it was most people's first RPG from what I've seen, 1 and 2 are pretty tough unless you do a remake, 3 and 4 are good but not the best. 5 has an awesome job system. 6 is a great story, and awesome characters, the gameplay is also great. 8 and 9 are devisive both are pretty good, and get too much shit for not being 7. 10 is widely considered great, and has a sequel, X-2. 11 is an MMO, and I'm not sure if it can still be played. 12 I've never played. 13 is shit, so is 13-2, and 13-3 (not retro). 14 is alright but nothing special. For spinoffs, Tactics is fantastic, and FFTA is pretty good too, there's also a few PSP tactics. Crystal Chronicles for Gamecube isn't retro, but if you have some GBAs and friends it's fantastic.

>> No.1407424

call of duty

>> No.1407426

>FFVIII was my first
>will always have special place in my heart among FFs
>later learn it's considered one of the worst
>not a single fuck given

>> No.1407436

>anime themed games

What does that even mean?

>> No.1407447

I'm guessing he meant "styled", as in anime art, and maybe anime-esque story/characters
my first was VI
It's second place behind V

>> No.1407616

So what actually happened then?

Make sure to provide a source.

>> No.1407619 [SPOILER] 
File: 173 KB, 500x699, mkr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic Knight Rayearth on Sega Saturn.

>> No.1407620

>That moment when I accidentally click spoiler image...

>> No.1407626
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First thing that came to mind, even though it isn't a traditional JRPG.

>> No.1407627
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>> No.1408048

>my daughter is presenting her stuff to me

>> No.1408086

THIS times a million.

>> No.1408087

It's more like a Zelda game

>> No.1408090 [SPOILER] 
File: 106 KB, 640x1005, 197149_88496_front[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoah how dare you

>> No.1408091

Breath of Fire series is pretty great, first two are on SNES and GBA(II is also on Virtual Console), and III-IV are on PSX.

I've only played 1 and 2, but they're both nice JRPGs.

>> No.1408895
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>> No.1408906

If you've got a PS2 or PSP, get Mana Khemia.

>> No.1408963

I always had a crush on Rinoa. My first love, really. I'm 24 and have a qt azn girlfriend now, but when I played ff8 recently my heart just melted. I hate nostalgia, I think the happiest time of my life was when I wrapped myself up in the ff8 lore and imagined how great it would be to be Squall.

Fuck growing up ;__;

>> No.1408964

mah nigga

>> No.1408970

what's wrong with it? not cookie-cutter enough for you?

>> No.1409189

I became sad when I saw a video of the ending when I was older and read a comment explaining it. The first time I played it I thought he was just remembering his past adventures because I wasn't paying much attention.

>> No.1410283

Alundra is a AAA game, one of the best games for PSX, looks like zelda, plays like a plataformer sometimes , good story. There's Parasite Eve too or Grandia.

>> No.1410375


>somebody else who 'gets' Dragon Quest

Thanks m8

>> No.1410391

I hear people saying "DQ plots are super basic and nothing special" all the time, which surprised me when I actually got to play the games and enjoy the plot a lot..