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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1383464 No.1383464[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So we all know that right now we're in the middle of a retro game boom. The question is, will the bubble burst or will the ridiculous spike in price of old games stay the norm?

>> No.1383474

Bubble is gonna burst soon. You're starting to see common as fuck games going up in price with fewer and fewer people falling for it.

I give it 2 years tops.

>> No.1383487

the biggest impact that it had I think is that now places like thrift stores which would have never checked the prices on old games are starting to do so.

I found a copy of bubble bobble part 2 for $1.98 at a used bookstore near my house back in 2008. Now that same bookstore wants 17 dollars for a Mario Bros/Duck Hunt cart.

>> No.1383503

I just use emulators and a controller. Why would I buy games that I already bought as a kid?

>> No.1383647

and then there's this guy

>> No.1383759

some people like to collect hardware.

some people don't.

>> No.1383771 [DELETED] 

Seems we're in a boom/bubble for anything according to poorfags who can't afford it. It's so much fun to watch kids squirm to save up their pennies and bitch about the prices they have to pay for NES games while I pick up newer stuff for next to nothing and will sell it for $100s in a few years when the next batch of suckers discovers "let's play" youtube videos.

>> No.1383792

Reseller/speculator scum detected

>> No.1383796


Holy shit you are so fucking cool.

Do you have a newsletter I could subscribe to in order to learn the secrets of being a cunt who is clearly full of horseshit?

>> No.1383818

There will never be a bubble for games made in the last 10-12 years.

>> No.1383827

In the past few years, I've seen crap NES games go from a $1-$2 each to roughly $5 each; and this is just for crap games nobody wants.
It appears venders are starting to view carts as collector's items and racking up prices. After this generation's adults who were kids when NES/SNES were huge get older, have kids, and run out of storage space, then we will see these games become cheaper.

Though I hope I'm wrong.

>> No.1383832
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>mfw the thrift store near me is starting to do this because more and more resellers are gutting the store of anything good (not just games, literally anything good)
>15 bucks for SMB Duck Hunt

So fucking dumb. The only reasonable places you can find old games anymore are thirft stores who haven't caught on or dont care, or garage sales.

One can argue craigslist as well, but anything posted on the internet for a decent price goes so fast your head will spin

>> No.1383864
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That's the actual price I paid for it at Gamestop. It had to be back in 2003-2004 though. I don't feel like digging them all out, but I bought Dr Jekyl, Mr Hyde, Friday The 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, and 1 other game from them back when they sold retro. Kind of wish they'd sell them again but I know they would be higher than eBay.

>> No.1383878

jesus christ why

but it's true, I got battletoads/double dragon for SNES from the game crazy by my house for 89 cents back around 2002 or so. Also got megaman X there for 10 bucks and turtles in time for 15. they also had Earthbound there for a while at 40, I remember not buying it because I was 14 and 40 bucks was a lot of money.

>> No.1383881

how can you be sure of this? there are already games for PS2, DS, wii and the like that fetch over a hundred bucks. Who's to say in 15 years all the kids who grew up with PS2 won't want to start collecting all the games they grew up playing?

>> No.1383889

I want you to be able to REALLY see the pic. I just don't resize.

>> No.1383892

>Didn't clean my carts then
>Don't clean them now

>> No.1383907

29 cents? Bargain!

>> No.1383912

I will if they're really bad, but if they have a little dust or something on them, I don't freak out and scrub them with a toothbrush or give them an alcohol bath. I usually clean the contacts and make sure it's working. I have a Tom and Jerry cart for NES that some little asshole felt it was necessary to color the cart black with sharpie. That took a good while to clean off. I don't get OCD aspie with my collection.

>> No.1383920

Some kids are born assholes. Writing your name on a cart is one thing. But colouring it? Why do so many little pricks insist on doing it?

>> No.1383925
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It was a big bundle that I got. T&G was bad but there was a Tiny Toons cart that was mangled. Looked like someone chewed on it and took a dremel or something to it.

>> No.1383930

Meant T&J

>> No.1383935

Some smaller dev houses like Wisdom Tree are running new production batches of their NES and SNES cartridges. Can't wait to see that take off as a trend, and drive down prices.

>> No.1383939

I would love it if more devs did this.

>> No.1383941

>took awhile to get old permanent marker off a plastic cartridge

Allow me to tell you my secret.

Use a new sharpie to write over the old then use rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab to wipe it off and use the other side to soak it up. If the area is large use a cotton ball or old sock covered in rubbing alcohol. I use 97% (3% water).

>> No.1383947

>I don't get OCD aspie with my collection.
Doesn't that make you feel a little out of place here?

>color the cart black with sharpie
Silly kid. Everyone knows Tom & Jerry is a blue cart.

>> No.1383953

I'll have to keep that in mind. Who knows what else some little shits have done.

No not really. Just a normal collector.

>> No.1383957

I hope it bursts soon. Thrift shops and swap meets aren't as fun anymore.

>> No.1383958

>In my 10-12 years on this earth I have only seen one bubble so there will never be another one.

>> No.1383992

It can't happen soon enough, all these hipster need to gtfo my hobby

>> No.1383996

When will the bubble of "When will the retro bubble burst?" threads burst?

>> No.1384000
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They mad