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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1383016 No.1383016[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I think I'm ready to give up this hobby.

How do you guys deal with this shit?

>> No.1383019

that flea market guy has been reseller scum for the past 15 years
I've lived in melbourne FL most of my life

>> No.1383026


Never been to Melbourne, but now I have one less reason to go.

The flea markets in the Orlando area suck ass, too. All the thrift stores have their stock bought out by the resellers, who in turn gouge their prices to obscene amounts.

Example: Hobby Spot in Orlando wants $80 for Super Metroid.

I'm just so sick of this. And sick furthermore of the fact that there's nothing I can do. I work full time and go to school part time. I don't have time to find good deals like reseller jackoffs and NEET primates do.

>> No.1383029

I use flash carts/chipped systems.

>> No.1383034


Shit drives me fucking bonkers

Of course people putting up their listings see these and contact these fuckers instead of actually selling them.

I've considered putting up a similar ad then doing what I can to get the games in the hands of actual players, maybe try to sell them for what I payed + shipping or something. Or hell, if there's something I want in the lot, paying for it and giving out the rest to interested parties for free.

>> No.1383035


Call me anal; I can't stand those splash screens.

And besides, I like collecting the genuine article. I collect to play. It's an even mix of fun and vanity.

>> No.1383036

>I can't stand those splash screens.


>> No.1383048


Don't flash carts usually have a splash screen wherein you select the game you want to play? Like one of those "100 in 1" deals?

>> No.1383054

That's not a splash screen. That's a menu.

A splash screen would be like a picture of the flash cart's logo with some cool jazzy music behind it before you get to the menu.

>> No.1383068


All the same, can't do it.

>> No.1383071


>> No.1383073



>> No.1383075


4chan isn't even trying anymore. You just type "autism," expecting to get a rise out of someone.

If you want to make someone mad, you need to do better than cliched and misused insults like that.

>> No.1383089

Not him, but I don't think it's supposed to be bait. He's simply stating a fact.

>> No.1383096
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>> No.1383103

I don't. Play games instead.

>> No.1383109

I am Sega mustard race so I rarely have to deal with that shit. Only issue I got is no one fucking owns any Sega games where I live so I have to resort to ebay most of the time but the games are still pretty cheap unless it's the Saturn which I just burn the super expensive games on a disc.

>> No.1383115


They're doing it with Sega games now, too. Shadowrun, Phantasy Star, Shining Force. It's a fuckin' epidemic.

>> No.1383119

Of course he isn't trying. Because he's right. You don't need to try when you're right. Bitching about a menu to select games before playing them with the convenience of not swapping out a ton of carts and losing space is autism. If he actually gave two shits about playing the game itself he wouldn't care but he doesn't. He's afraid of a menu system, that's about as anal as you can get. He didn't even bitch about the rare games with different mappers, he bitched about perfectly working games on actual hardware because he'd look at and select from a menu.

>> No.1383126
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I feel bad for anyone trying to collect now. The glory days were the late 90s and early 00s. You would find dozens of good NES carts at thrift stores and garage sales for $1-3 or maybe $5-10 in box. You'd see bags of loose 2600 and Coleco carts for $3. I have a complete Earthbound (who really cares, though), a Tengen Tetris, and complete Phantasy Star II -- you will never see that stuff at garage sales again.

I don't really have a crazy huge collection, but I have pretty much everything I ever wanted. There's no way I could buy this stuff today without spending hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars. It's insane. I used to really enjoy the thrill of the hunt, looking for out of the way pawn shops and second hand shops. Now you go to a Goodwill and there's a couple dozen copies of Madden or some NBA games sitting on a shelf, maybe a boxed Gamecube game behind a glass counter, selling for $39. There's no fun in it anymore.

I think it was on a recent Back In My Play podcast, a guy was talking about finding a yellow, sun-bleached Earthbound box at some shitty ass flea market. The seller wanted $160 for it. Shit's sad. The last genuinely good time I had collecting was going to a "retro" gaming expo and laughing at the prices resellers were trying to get for stuff like NES Contra or any 16-bit RPG. Not to even get into the scammers selling reprinted boxes or newly burnt eproms... yeesh.

>> No.1383131


Not him, but you have no idea what you're talking about. You're just looking to pick an Internet fight, aren't you?

>> No.1383150


EEPROM might be the way to go. Been looking into that a lot, but now that more people are getting wise to that, more people are doing it. buyicnow is consistently sold out of TSOPs, and the repro sites are consistently beefing up their stock. Doesn't take a genius to see what's happening.

>> No.1383156

Stop going to craigslist, that's the first step.

Second is to stop thinking you can get Nintendo games pre-gamecube for a few dollars. That ship sailed a long time ago.

Start collecting Genesis/Megadrive, PlayStation, Saturn, Dreamcast and you'll find things are exactly the way they were in the "good old days".

>> No.1383159

>I work full time and go to school part time. I don't have time to find good deals like reseller jackoffs and NEET primates do.

>boo hoo, I should get things as cheap as the people who put in hours of their own personal time to find deals.

Either cough up the cash or spend your weekends fruitlessly browsing your local yard sales and pawn shops when you could have been playing.

Ever hear of opportunity cost?

>> No.1383165


Yeah, but for once this one is apt. It fits the new definition perfectly.


You're anal.

>> No.1383173


It interferes with muh authentic experience. I get where he's coming from, and it does bother a slight little bit (because I am prone to being autistic about these things myself in many ways).

But you know what, I got over that shit. I think it just takes a few years of fucking around with the various options to play before you get so god damn tired of it that you don't care anymore.

I wouldn't trade my flash carts for any game.

>> No.1383176

I'm sorry but "collecting to play" is horseshit.
If you want to play games there are plenty of ways to do that for cheap or for free.
If you want to collect, be prepared to pay the unreasonable prices and spend significant amounts of your time looking for deals.

>> No.1383178
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Would have responded seriously, were it not for your childish remark.

So how's /v/ doing these days?

>> No.1383180


So...download some ROMs?

I don't understand why you people here push yourselves so hard. If you can't have it, you just can't have it. It makes no sense to me. You are buying this for more than shoving on your shelf, right? Because if you want to play it (even on actual hardware) you have the avenues to do it.

>> No.1383182


"Collecting" here infers a mindless compulsion to collect for its own sake.

"Collecting to play" here infers collecting for the sake of actually playing the games in question.

>> No.1383184

>were it not for your childish remark.

I dunno if that's you or not, but the guy he responded to made a childish remark, so I'm not sure why you're trying to take the high ground here.

>> No.1383187

His response may have been immature but he is right. It's damn near impossible to find anything good these days so you may as well just go on ebay and buy whatever you want if you really want to play it because complaining about how hard it is to find a good game at a decent price like they were back in 2002 isn't gonna get you the game.

>> No.1383189

You know what hurts even worse?

Knowing that when these guys finally go out of business because they can't sell Earthbound for $200, they'll hock all their retro merchandise into a dumpster and go find another hobby to exploit.

>> No.1383194

Stay the FUCK away from flea markets. Go to used video game stores (if you have them in your area), and/or thrift stores; their prices are MUCH more reasonable.
Cases in point:
1. Last year, I stopped by a local Disc Replay. I happened to have a $100 bill in my pocket, which started to burn my leg off when I saw a Hagane cart for $75. I had to get it, even though a) I never played it before and B) the label was in bad condition.
2. A few months prior, I found Castlevania and Castlevania III at a brand-new Goodwill for $2 each. I didn't even have an NES to play them on, but I knew some longtime family friends that did, so I bought them. The cashier didn't even know what game console those carts were for! (Another cashier overheard her and said "it's Castlevania, DUH!"). When I tried to give them the Castlevania carts, they wouldn't take them; instead, they GAVE me their NES!

Not only do the used video game stores here sell plenty of sega games, they're often MUCH less expensive than their Nintendo counterparts, go figure!

>> No.1383196


Find your churlish Internet argument elsewhere.


I guess that's just one of the only options left. I posted this in the (vain) hope that perhaps you all knew a better way to go about this.

>> No.1383195

I'm with you on that. I'm not going to bother digging up my TG-16 and finding the RF adapter just so I can play some Bonk. It takes a minute to load it up in my XB. All the old carts & consoles are just sitting in my basement, at this point. (Never get married, kids.)

>> No.1383212

>a Hagane cart for $75. I had to get it, even though a) I never played it before and B) the label was in bad condition.
I wouldn't have spent $75 on that, but that's your call. You have a point, though; flea markets and swap meets have been totally ruined (not that they were ever much good) by dumb asses who see crap like Pawn Masters or Storage Wars on cable and think every "retro" game is $$$. Ebay almost killed the collecting hobbyist over a decade ago, cable television definitely was the final blow.

>> No.1383215

you're on 4chan nigger

>> No.1383219

This. Once you see something on TV, it's fucking ogre.

You'll get a horde of listless baby boomers vacuuming up old games with their social security money in hopes of flipping it with a 500% markup.

>> No.1383225


Something tells me they'll never go out of business. They'll just sell Earthbound back and forth between each other and at increasingly exorbitant prices, until finally we see it being sold for the hundreds of thousands at a time. The price will skyrocket with resellers selling to resellers selling to resellers ad infinitum.


If you can recommend a good flash cart, I guess getting over my irrational aversion to an in-game menu beats the hell out of paying my both testicles to play Breath of Fire.


I think the resellers are catching on to Sega games. Saw Shining Force today for $30.

>> No.1383232
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>> No.1383235


Couldn't have said it better myself.

And don't forget YouTuebbe's contribution to the sudden game-flipping craze.

>> No.1383245

You'll really kick yourself for waiting so long once you have a flash cart. The menu just becomes a part of the experience like everything else.

It helps that it takes literally about 5 seconds to go from power on to playing with some of them.

>> No.1383242


Trust me, I'm buying all the PS2 games I can before Sly Cooper shoots up to $30 a pop.

>> No.1383248

At this point, unless you have a ton of disposable income (in which case, spend it on something better than vidya, maybe a car or travel) I would focus on just putting together a nice emu box (can be built on the cheap, or use a Wii or Xbox) with nice controllers. Or perhaps buy a decent MAME cabinet or maybe a pinball table. Save some money and buy the games you really, really want, not just everything you want to play, that's what emulation is for.

I used to collect records, but the market has really gone to shit the same way video games have. Something gets a writeup on some blog or name dropped by someone internet famous, and ebay prices start going through the roof. I'm not paying $300 for a fucking record when I can just download an MP3 rip. Same with most games.

>> No.1383249


Why don't you people just hard/softmod your playstations and burn games/play them off a HD

>> No.1383253


So, which one should I go for?

Price isn't a factor as much as convenience is.

>> No.1383254


Because for the time being, Playstation and PS2 games are still relatively affordable.

>> No.1383258

SD2SNES if price isn't a factor.

Everdrive N8

don't know the best Megadrive one

>> No.1383262


Well, price is still a factor, but not as much as convenience. $199, I can't very well justify.

Is SD2SNES the one you use?

>> No.1383270

I use a PowerPak with a DSP1 chip. It works fine for all but a handful of releases. Those I can live with through emulation.

The Everdrive has similar performance, but is a little newer and cheaper. Only difference is it uses an SD card instead of Compact Flash. SD is a little slower.

>> No.1383271

Considering that a loose Hagane cart sells for over $225 on eBay, $75 is a steal. You did mention that eBay almost killed the collecting hobbyist, though.... and you're mostly correct. Get rid of "almost" and then you'll be 100% correct, at least for old video game collecting.

>> No.1383279

I don't get this notion that ebay killed the collector.

You can go on ebay right now and get 90% of the SNES library (that most hipster of systems) for less than the games MSRP or the price of a new video game.

Yeah, you can't grab it for 5 bucks at the local pawn shop or goodwill anymore, but you trade that for an incredible selection of games.

It took me years to find "old" SNES rpgs in the late 90s because I had to wait til I came across one. Now, I can just jump on the internet and buy it in a matter of minutes. Do I pay more for convenience? Hell yes? Do I mind? Fuck no.

>> No.1383286

>(that most hipster of systems)

Why don't you go fuck yourself. A lot of people grew up with it, and honestly consider it one of the greatest consoles ever made. You know what? You're a fucking hipster.

>> No.1383297

You have a great point. I never looked at eBay like that before. I guess I was only paying attention to the "desireable" SNES games and not the SNES library as a whole in the post that you replied to. There are indeed many great SNES games on eBay that "slip under the radar" of collectors and can be acquired cheaply. Gradius III is a good example (despite its massive slowdown problems).
On the flip side, when a website writes about/makes a video about underrated retro VG gems, the prices for those games skyrocket (Space Megaforce or Axelay, anyone?)

>> No.1383309


Better snag those Arkenoids before The Angry Video Game Blob makes coprophilic jokes about it on Youtub

>> No.1383314


I get his point. For as many people that grew up with the console, there are just as many who are only playing it to feel like they belong to any sort of subculture.

>> No.1383315

Calm down, dude. I think he meant to say "the most desirable/collectable of retro systems" instead of "most hipster of systems". Hipster was a poor adjective choice for the SNES, yes, but I knew what he really meant.
As for a hipster video game system, that would be either the RCA Studio II or an Emerson Arcadia 2001. Or the Vectrex.

CAPTCHA = avskie came

>> No.1383326
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EDIT: Or the Maganavox Odyssey, which is perhaps the most hipster system of them all

>> No.1383351

If I were Nintendo I would fell great about this.
If prices are so expensive it is because demand is great and those games are so good few of the people who own them are willing to sell them.

BTW, this seems totally natural to me. Nothing outrageos. Just lots of people want to have their little museum of classic games at home, and that can't be cheap.

I wonder what would happen if Nintendo begun re releasing old games.
For example, they Mother all Stars with Mother I, II, III for Wii U. Does Earthbound become cheaper after that?

I buy old games only if I want to play them and can't get them anywhere else. I have an N64 but don't have Ocarina or Majora because I have those games on the Gamecube Zelda collector's edition.

>> No.1383369


You totally missed the point.

>> No.1383373

>As for a hipster video game system, that would be either the RCA Studio II or an Emerson Arcadia 2001. Or the Vectrex.

That would be a hipster of a hipster. Your basic ones don't get that deep into the hobby. SNES is hipster enough compared to their current gen friends.

>> No.1383376

I think Nintendo has missed out by not simply re-releasing the NES and a few new games around Christmas, followed by the occasional release here and there.

>> No.1383378

this people give hipsters way too much credit for things they only pretend to be into

>> No.1383380

>He doesnt use gallery mode

>> No.1383408

I deal with it by collecting PC stuff instead.

Retro console games and systems are the in-thing now, so resellers are everywhere, and the prices are insane as a result.

Retrocomputing isn't anywhere near as popular as retro console collecting, and as a result, it's still cheap as fuck.

It's not hard to find old Commodore, Apple, or IBM stuff for dirt cheap.
Amiga hardware will bankrupt you, but it's always been that way.

>> No.1383453


>> No.1383482


Shit like this just mystifies me.

I'm half expecting to one day see someone saying they always get their mom to drive them around in the back seat while they read the manual before playing the game so they can get the 'authentic" experience

>> No.1383913

I know what you mean. Seeing a list of titles without seeing the box art, being able to read the manual or really feel like you have it, you may as well be emulating.

I only keep one or two games on my flashcart at a time (as it's mostly RPGs) and I find this much more rewarding.

I realise it's MY shortcoming rather than that of the emulator/flashcart, but when I know I have 100+ titles I could switch to, I find it easier to write-off a title and move on to the next.

I have little spare time which is making me a bit entitled to instant gratification. If you were interviewing for a job and had a list of 100 applicants, would you pore over each of them, or would you go:

Bad spelling, next
Not qualified enough, next
Cool font, bro. Next...

>> No.1383979

They'll bitch at people who have someone elses mom drive them around because it's as bad as emulation.

Autism and ADHD