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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 291 KB, 1076x443, Broken Super Nintendos .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1380627 No.1380627[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/,

I've recently cleaned out some of my game systems after a several-year Vidya hiatus, and I'm wondering:

Would it be possible for me to make some cash* repairing/refurbishing /vr/ consoles?

So far, my experience only consists of taking consoles apart, putting them back together, and removing the gunk in them with Q-tips and windex, but I'm a fast learner when it comes to tinkering with mechanical things; for example, I can field-strip and reassemble a Nugget bolt in less than 60 seconds.

*for a little extra income on the side, of course. I know full well that I will not be able to make a living from doing this.

>> No.1380672

Learn basic electronic troubleshooting and soldering and you'll be well ahead of most hobbyists.

>> No.1380725 [SPOILER] 
File: 24 KB, 300x375, Linux 21XX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, man. Here, have a pic of Best Maverick. Where can I go learn electronic troubleshooting? Also, other than the obvious (gamebit screwdrivers, a soldering iron), what equipment should I get?

Also, I'm lurking >>1380150 now. This board is great.

>> No.1380729

>best maverick
He is by far the easiest boss of Megaman X.

Armoured Armadillo is the best, with Storm Eagle having the coolest weapon.

>> No.1380750


I judged him as "Best Maverick" in terms of awesome-factor. He may be a pushover, but I think he has the coolest design out the original 8. Also, he has "Chill" in his name. That's always a plus.

>Storm Eagle having the coolest weapon

True that, Brother man.

>> No.1380768


>Nugget bolt
>Google it

Well, all I've leaned is that Usain Bolt really, REALLY likes McDonalds. What do you mean by "Nugget"?

>> No.1380771

>Usain Bolt really, REALLY likes McDonalds.
I call bullshit.
>google it
Well shit, good for him. Sorry for the distrust anon, but you know, internet.

>> No.1380853


I forgive you, m80.

>> No.1380903

its a boltaction rifle, not that it has too much relevance.

>> No.1380943

>Would it be possible for me to make some cash* repairing/refurbishing /vr/ consoles?
A little, don't expect a whole lot but you can if you buy them in bulk like that and sell them separately for like $30-40. You might get more if you sell them with power adapter and a controller.

>> No.1380942 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1380956


Meh, assuming that they would work okay after I fix them, I guess that about $20-25 a pop would be an okay price for the consoles alone (I would try to bundle controllers & power adapters, though)

>> No.1380965 [DELETED] 

yeah, you shouldn't expect a lot, however, if you are like me, it is just entertaining to do, and you would be payed for something you loved to do. i enjoy ripping apart consoles to clean the gunk out of it. makes me feel like a hero killing niggers, cleansing the system of all of its problems.

>> No.1381014 [DELETED] 


Oh, how much money do you generally make, m8?

>> No.1381052 [DELETED] 


Nig disgusting reseller scum go burn in hell.

>> No.1381083
File: 134 KB, 470x462, NO U meter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reselling=/=Refurbishing, god dammit.

>> No.1381109 [DELETED] 



>> No.1381128 [DELETED] 




>> No.1381147 [DELETED] 
File: 597 KB, 563x658, 1391404357286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just because someone uses the N-word doesn't mean they're a /pol/ smoker. Being a Nigger is now a state of mind that transcends race. Haven't you got the message?

>> No.1381247 [DELETED] 

yep, that's /pol/ all right

>> No.1382331 [DELETED] 


See >>1381083's picture

>> No.1382332

I'm back, what did I miss?

>> No.1382413


nothing, really

>> No.1382418 [DELETED] 

no >>1381147 is right and everyone else who has been using that word pretty much understands that. Its not an actual person its a concept and the concept behind the word is so horrible people take offense to it.

>> No.1382423 [SPOILER] 
File: 73 KB, 787x259, 1365030133815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyway, what would you people pay for one of these after being refurbished? I was thinking that about $20-25 sounds fair, if everything works right.

>> No.1382439 [DELETED] 

Nigger fuck of back to your Ps3 /v/ garbage

OP make sure to buy fixable counsels

>> No.1382527


Is that with or without accessories?

>> No.1382568


Sounds okay to me.

>> No.1382630


This. Anyone trying to profit off of DA RETRO CRAZE!!1! is reseller scum to me.

>> No.1382842 [DELETED] 


>/pol/ smoker

Can that be the official term for them now?

>> No.1382857 [DELETED] 


It already is, sort of. Our friend /k/ had a vote a while ago, actually.

>> No.1382939

Alright /vr/, I'm about to bid on the item in my original pic. Wish me luck.

>> No.1382959


Dammit I lost.

>> No.1382981


Does /vr/ think that a novice restorer could fix these two consoles up?


>> No.1383152 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 212x218, Shiggy man not amused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>>Our friend

>> No.1383542

Depends on what's wrong with them. That listing doesn't specify what console you'll get so you could be up against anything. If it wont power on it could just be something simple like a fuse or bad switch or even a burned up voltage regulator. If it powers on but has problems there could be many things wrong with it.

>> No.1384179 [DELETED] 

/k/ and /toy/ have a lot of crossover. /vr/ as well. Seems that people who aren't so full of themselves tend to like having fun. We don't call gun stores "fun stores" for nothing.

>> No.1384459 [DELETED] 

pol is just faggy republikids struggling with their closeted feelings

dont repeat anything they say or do ever

>> No.1384601 [DELETED] 

i personally browse /k/ and /pol/ as well, tough i don't post often

>> No.1384603 [DELETED] 

stop projecting yourself

>> No.1384664 [DELETED] 

true that. you can see their underage shine through when they care so much about what other people are doing with their lives the rest of us all stopped giving a fuck. I do lurk pol on occasion and try and poison them with libertarian beliefs and tell them they are just as much totalitarians as the liberals they hate so much.

>> No.1384720 [DELETED] 



No, they're candy-assed Nazis. Republicans aren't that bad, m80.

>> No.1384746

I don't think there's anything wrong with people repairing old broken consoles and putting them back into circulation. It keeps the culture alive afterall and having more systems in circulation drops their prices and incentive for reselling jerks only looking to make megabux.

That said, OP's "cleaning" biz isn't what I would call refurbishing and I would be upset to find out that someone sold me a "refurbished" console that had really only just been cleaned by an amateur with a windex bottle.

>> No.1384751 [DELETED] 

We've been using /pol/esmoker on /sci/ for ages now. Then again, /pol/ is hated on /sci/ even moreso than tumblr is here.

>> No.1384756 [DELETED] 

Wait, not tumblr, for some reason I thought I was on /co/ for a second. I'm not sure if there is a /vr/ analogue.

>> No.1384763 [DELETED] 

There should be a version of this picture that just says "OP" in the top right box.

>> No.1384870


OP here, and yeah, I would too. I would like to learn how to do full refurbishments, however. Although, I think that most of the "non-functional" consoles on ebay only need to have their contacts cleaned in order to work. Hipsters and resellers believe that game consoles run on space magic and can only be fixed by someone with Over 9000 hours of experience; I am a /k/ommando when I'm not on /vr/, and a lot of people (mostly those who flip their shit over 3D printing) think the same about guns.

>> No.1384953 [SPOILER] 
File: 56 KB, 800x600, Nintendo-World-Class-Service-Test-Cartridge-Joystick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, I would never sell a console as "refurbished" unless it got the whole treatment. If and when I do this, I'll be more honest than Abe Lincoln ( i.e., if I just clean the contacts and replace a part or two, that's what I'll say). Isn't there a book about how to do this stuff?

>> No.1385080

Every console has their own set of issues to deal with. Most are pretty obvious and fairly universal though, controller isn't working right = reflow the controller connectors, wont power on = check the fuse/power switch/voltage regulator.

The majority of front loader NESes for parts or repair have issues with the ZIF connector. Just clean and bend the pins on it to get it working on the first try, difficult to fix this permanently but you'll get a good year or two out of the connector before it needs to be tweaked again. Don't use a replacement connector they're cheap and rust and can damage games after a while. Top loaders are pretty reliable you don't see them very often for parts or repair.

American SNES has a crap power jack that likes to break loose, you'll see a lot of those on ebay. Very easy fix but it will be very obvious that it was repaired. ALL SNES/SFC have a fuse that can go bad and those probably make up the majority of "not working/wont power on" complaints.

There's a bunch more I'm sure. Those are just off the top of my head.

>> No.1385131


Here you go op


>> No.1385150


Oh, sorry about that m8, i'm the op of another thread

>> No.1385169



>The majority of front loader NESes for parts or repair have issues with the ZIF connector. Just clean and bend the pins on it to get it working on the first try, difficult to fix this permanently but you'll get a good year or two out of the connector before it needs to be tweaked again.

Is there any way to make it last longer than that?

>> No.1385193

Short of replacing the connector with one that isn't prone to breaking, no not really. Best thing you can do is clean your games regularly and avoid blowing on your games or into the system. Even if you clean your games regularly gunk will build up on the pins and the pins will bend over time so after a while it will reach a point where the only thing you can do is adjust the pins again.

>> No.1385323


Don't worry about it. Is that all I need to do in order to list an NES as refurbished in good conscience?

*Plus some Retr0brite and the like if it's yellowed



>> No.1385403



New to the retro scene, dafuq is that?

>> No.1385414

you're a fucking moron then

>> No.1385424

it's a solvent to clean consoles

>> No.1385461

Yes. I used to mod/repair/clean these back when they were new and made good money at it. I started again a couple years ago.

Some people are willing to pay insane amounts of money for a mod because it requires skills they don't have and aren't interested in learning. A non-working console (that hasn't been stripped of good parts) can be had for about a buck and made to work for under $1 99% of the time. You'd be amazed how much value a good cleaning can add to something.

Also, there's good money in accessories. Learn to find repair and made them. Controllers are easy to repair/clean and can be had for pennies if in bad shape. TG/Genesis video cables cost fuck all to make but a buttload to buy. Many people are willing to pay a premium for a complete set they can use out of the box. Offering a cheap game as part of the bundle makes it much more interesting for some people.

As for how much you make it's up to you on how much work you want to do and how you want to price. I give a lot of stuff away to kids to are interested in old games. They appreciate a mega drive with a few games more than the latest PS3 game as a birthday present. On the other end of the spectrum I make 5 pin DIN AV connectors and sell them to resellers for $1.5 less than they charge customers. I think that's more than fair money for hanging a cable on a rack. This usually means I sell for around $18. They cost me a buck to make and take a couple minutes so I'd be willing to sell them for $5 but not if is means that $13 would go in those cunts pocket.

>> No.1385647
File: 158 KB, 635x719, You're awesome too, Galil-Tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please tell me everything you know, o wise one. Sorry if that sounded to fedora-y.


What kind of mods do you usually do? I've heard of modding Nintendos and Geneises do do RGB, but what else is there to do?


Huh. When I fix 'em, Should I mate them up with those rebuild kits I see on ebay or are those not necessary? Speaking of mate (and mega drive, cunt,), are you from Australia or England?

>They appreciate a mega drive with a few games more than the latest PS3 game as a birthday present.

That warms my heart, anon.

Also, how do you make those DIN connectors?

>> No.1385652

If you can fix em, buy some as is SNES consoles with good cases/little cosmetic damage.
Fix them and flip them for $60 each.

>> No.1385675



I was thinking more along the lines of $25 by themselves, maybe 5-15 bucks more with controllers and whatnot, like >>1385461 said. I think that even in Reseller Land, $60 is too much for a console that hasn't been completely overhauled.

>> No.1385710

So, what does /vr/ think of http://www.ebay.com/itm/201030395265?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649

>> No.1385853

Mods for consoles are usually region, encoding system and RGB. There's a lot of variations, for example with an RGB mod you can add a small circuit to output component directly instead of standard RGB. You can also make switchless mods such as having a console change regions every time it's reset. Stereo mods are also very popular.

When the consoles first came out I used to do auto fire mods for a lot of original controllers. Now a days you can find a lot of third party controllers that come with that but some people still prefer the originals modded. By far the most popular is modding fighting sticks for old consoles. Virtua stick to just about anything is really popular.

I have enough spare parts that I've never needed a rebuild kit.

I use 5 pin DINs because they're cheap and easy to find and have all the pins I need for composite. Pin 1 is video, 3 is ground, and 5 is audio. For the Genesis you can get stereo from the headphone jack if you don't want to open the case. For the TG you can get it from the exp port. I cut a long AV extension cable in half and connect the wires to DIN connectors to make 2 cables.

BTW I'm from America but moved to Asia a few months after the SF came out.

For a good condition well detailed system with all the bits fully tested and reliable I guess that's not a crazy price for someone who's looking for that.

Depends on what's available in your area I guess. I picked up a set of SNES, SFC and MD2 in perfect condition in boxes for less last weekend.

>> No.1387107


SF? You mean Street Fighter? Damn, that was a long time ago. What compelled you to move?

>> No.1387190



>> No.1387772

Hey, do you guys know of any places other than ebay where I can find wholesale lots of broken consoles?

>> No.1387994


Sauce on the pic?

>> No.1388001


this please. shes kawaii

>> No.1388032

Don't you fools know how to reverse image search?


>> No.1388251


I think he means Super Famicom. Not sure tho.

>> No.1388275

I live in reseller land full time. I sold a SNES for $80 with Super Mario World and an after market controller a week ago.

>> No.1388316

Oops. SFC not SF. Although I guess A few years difference don't mean much by now.

flea markets

>> No.1389597


Damn, that WAS a long time ago. Why did you move and where in Asia did you go?

>> No.1389725



>> No.1389934


Kind of amazed that this thread is still up; I also live in the Danger Zone. NY to be specific.

>> No.1390073


>Danger Zone

>> No.1392380
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>> No.1392381
File: 92 KB, 1000x1000, Frank_Underwood_Punkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Utah. the Danger Zone is a state of mind.

>> No.1392392


Lucky. NY is a terrible place to live, even Glorious Upstate.

>> No.1392405
File: 1.80 MB, 360x480, 1390792700891.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I am saying is that I am a reseller.
If you know where to look, you can get vidya for cheap or free. Depending on the area. Go to yardsales upstate. I assume it is a lot more like the vidya atmosphere here in utah there.

You get vidya for cheap off of moms whose kids are away at college. Then you mark it up. I mark it AT market value, but some people use this for evil and manipulate the market. That is exactly why Earthbound is so expensive. When stores started selling it off like hotcakes because it flopped some enterprising fag lords bought a bunch of copies for the purpose of reselling.

And boy did they.

It hasn't been done on that large of a scale since, but there has been some minor rigging in a few select games recently that I have been there for. Demon's Crest, Final Fantasy Mystic Quest and Faxanadu are the most recent small scale manipulations through both ebay and amazon.

>> No.1392430


Oh. I was never implying that Utah wasn't a 9/10 breddy gud state, just saying. Reselling is big in Utah?

>Go to yardsales

I can't wait until Summer rolls around. As of right now Upstate NY looks like it got hit by Iceman.

>You get vidya for cheap off of moms whose kids are away at college.

Of course.

>Then you mark it up. I mark it AT market value, but some people use this for evil and manipulate the market.

You're a good reseller then; there isn't anything wrong with making a buck or two from the Hipsterfolk before the Retro bubble implodes.

> That is exactly why Earthbound is so expensive. When stores started selling it off like hotcakes because it flopped some enterprising fag lords bought a bunch of copies for the purpose of reselling.

Hue. I bought my copy back when they were around $50 or so dollars. Sadly, it has too much sentimental value for me to sell.

NY also has a lot of resellers, mostly of the bad variety. Speaking of which, seeing "people" on eBay asking $30 + shipping for Broken game consoles by themselves has made a small part of me die inside. I was thinking of calling up a few local game stores and asking if they have any non-functional systems. Sound like a good idea.

>> No.1392432


Was going to put a question mark after "sound like a good idea", Utahbro.

>> No.1392442

I have a pile of broken Genesis systems I am going to list in a day or two for parts.

>> No.1392445

Reselling is pretty good in utah. there is a huge demand due to our high hipster population.

It can be hard to find cheap games though because of this. I am on a bunch of facebook yardsale groups. People try to sell vidya for absolutely INSANE prices. Someone was asking $700 for a SNES, Super Mario World, DKC, and a few other games.

They would NOT go down to the $40 I offered.

>> No.1392457 [SPOILER] 
File: 139 KB, 561x370, original.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can I have link when you list them, bro?


>There are lots of Hipsters in Utah

Pic related. Also, was that overpriced SNES on the Internet or at a garage sale? Either way, that's probably the craziest price I've seen for anything, ever.

>> No.1392461

I go to UVU here in Orem Utah, and I would say roughly 60-75% of the students here are shit eating hipsters. BYU is even worse.

Its horrifying.

>> No.1393432



>> No.1393832


Huh. Here in NY, it doesn't really get THAT bad unless you're in NYC, but there seems to be a large number of hipsters scattered about the population in quasi-tolerable amounts. Over there, do Hipsters only exist in high concentrations?

>> No.1393835

Almost anyone under 30 is a faggy hipster in some form or another here.

>> No.1393846


Meh, it isn't that nasty in Best NY, but there are still a lot of them.

>> No.1393910


Not OP, but I was thinking of doing the same thing, calling up local vidya stores and asking if they have any repairable stuff. Good idea?

>> No.1393998 [DELETED] 


El bumpo/

>> No.1394492 [DELETED] 


Estan Espanish?

>> No.1394716 [DELETED] 


Del Taco.

>> No.1394826 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 550x412, TequilaCat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mios Cara Cuando

>> No.1394892 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 550x412, TequilaCat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mios Cara Cuando

>> No.1395784 [DELETED] 


Taqutio Burrito

>> No.1395926

Does anyone have that picture of the cat that got deleted apparently?

>> No.1396054


You mean NY or Utah?

>> No.1396259



>> No.1396538
File: 69 KB, 550x412, TequilaCat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go m80.

>> No.1397000


why the hell not?

>> No.1398536

I'm on eBay again, auction for some stuff to repair ends in 10 or so minutes.

>> No.1398685


So, you win?

>> No.1398819


Hell yeah, for once.

>> No.1399090

Got a job offer I couldn't refuse. Started off in Japan ended up in Hong Kong with a few other places in between.

>> No.1400418


You need to do a greentext of that. It sounds intradasting.

>> No.1402669



>> No.1404645



>> No.1406586


You'll like this then.

>> No.1406603 [SPOILER] 
File: 446 KB, 1069x1600, Death-Wish-Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1406618
File: 219 KB, 700x800, 1350758350808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me, I was thinking... I've got a bunch of games, many of them retro.
Over 100 NES, 40~ish SNES (all the good ones in my opinion). PS1, PS2, XBOX, GBA, GC, other stuff I'm forgetting, I'm sure.
They're all boxed up at my parent's house. Should I go get em, clean em up if need be, see what still works... and maybe sell em?
I don't really need the cash, but I could certainly use it.
the only ones I'd really like to keep are the NES and SNES anyway.
I do have some rare ps1 games like Suikoden 2... but I just don't really feel like I need to keep em.
Dunno, just looking for justification, I guess.

>> No.1406631

>The power to gently push you away, or kill Flame Mammoth or that one water-blob midboss
>best weapon

C'mon guys.

>> No.1406668

Something I made a bit of decent cash on a while back was buying SNES consoles, cleaning them, and removing the region lock tabs and selling them as "Modded NTSC-U and NTSC-J Capable Systems." It's a very easy thing to do and requires nothing more than a knife, but people don't do it themselves because they just don't know how.

I stopped because everyone in my area who would even want one pretty much has one at this point.

>> No.1406690

Hey everyone, I got my package in the mail yesterday and noticed a crack on the console that I didn't see in the listing. I messaged the guy, and long story short I'm filing an insurance claim against the USPS. After presenting the system and packaging to my local Post Office guy and filing my claim, would opening it up void the warranty?

>> No.1406831



>> No.1407169 [SPOILER] 
File: 11 KB, 501x585, Snickering Stormfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Tfw I'm moving to Hipster Central, USA in 6 moths because reasons
>Tfw Regionless consoles would sell like hotcakes
>Tfw I would never run out of customers

>> No.1407189

retrobrite them too, I'd do $25

>> No.1407237
File: 77 KB, 494x334, >Rochester.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, does anyone know where I can get myself some Gamebits locally? (pic related)

>> No.1407272



>> No.1408103


Seriously, no decent Retro stores in the Rochester Area?

>> No.1408709


Czeched Rochester out today, nothing of value was found. Where can I find a quality set of Gamebits (preferably made in America) on the net?

>> No.1409263
File: 149 KB, 800x1000, Sonic 'Murrica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>'Murrican bits only

>> No.1410457


Not OP, but that isn't ham-fisted nationalism, that's common fucking sense. Dirty mainlander (Taiwan is China) products are synonymous with crap.

>> No.1410462

Did it spell "in front" as one word?

>> No.1410506

It's not common sense, it's common knowledge. There's a big fucking difference.

Common sense: Look both ways before crossing a road
Common knowledge: 'Made in China' is synonymous with 'low quality'.

>> No.1410872


I goofed, my bad. Sorry 'bout that, bro.

>> No.1410879

Not the poster you're replying to, but please do be careful next time.

>> No.1412127


Got it, man.

>> No.1415084


Not all Chinamanland stuff is crap.

>> No.1418054

Cool story bro. 90% of everything you own is crap because it's made in China.

>> No.1419112


Yes, yes it is.

>> No.1419836 [SPOILER] 
File: 982 KB, 285x171, Freedom dick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Doesn't exclusively buy AMERICAN products


>> No.1420134

Plays his Atari on a B&W TV because those were the only two things made in America in the last 40 years.