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1379712 No.1379712[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>what games did it have?
>no mention of VF2, Clockwork Knight, Guardian Heroes, Legend of Oasis, Die Hard Arcade, Fighting Vipers, Dragon Force, the Shining games, Mr Bones, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Enemy Zero, Dark Savior, and all the Jap-exclusives like Soldnerschild, Wachenroder, Black Matrix, SMT: Devil Summoner, Radiant Silvergun, Princess Crown, the Langrisser games, and Sakura Wars

>why did it fail?
>no mention of Bernie Stolar's anti-JRPG stance
>no mention of Sega of America and Sega of Japan's petty squabbling over Yuji Naka's NiGHTS engine, which led to the cancellation of Sonic X-Treme

I hate whenever "experts" try to write articles detailing the history/circumstances behind a console, and leave out shit that they oughta know about. Then again, it's GBAtemp, one of the most retarded forums there is.

>> No.1379721

>the N64 reached 640x480 without breaking a sweat

Only if you had the Expansion Pak

>> No.1379739

Even then, it had shoddy FPS. When I played Rayman 2 on the N64, it was easier to play it in lower res with the expansion pak because the framerate didn't suffer horribly.

>> No.1379748

Also, didn't Majora's Mask run at around 20 FPS? And that required the Expansion Pak

>> No.1379761

Yeah, I think so. The whole thing with the N64 is that the games looked great in screenshots (like, on boxes/in magazines and stuff) and the framerate just suffered horribly during normal gameplay. I honestly can not play Banjo Kazooie because of the framerate. It kind of hurts my head.

>> No.1379772
File: 33 KB, 590x443, dragon-force.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you honestly expect op?? GBA Atemp is full of dumb asses. Also Did I hear some say dragon's force??

>> No.1379774

You take care of that disc, man. Seeing it laying flat, putting it at risk of scratches, is killing me inside.

>tfw we'll never have get a translation of Dragon Force 2

>> No.1379816

>The controller ports are situated on its front face
How many consoles can you name that have the controller ports elsewhere?
No systems with hard wired or wireless standard controller.

>> No.1379837

>Even then, it had shoddy FPS.
Except for the Star Wars games. Even then, I'd sacrifice a few frames for a fully 3D environment as opposed to the improvisation that PSX needed to fake it.

>> No.1379845

The Atari VCS (in the back) and the Colecovision and Intellivison (on top, situated in the dedicated controller caddy)

>> No.1380161

This piece is supposed to be a very brief overview of the subject matter, not a massive tome encompassing anything and everything Saturn. It's supposed to rise awareness about the platform in a time when nobody pays much attention to it anymore - anyone interested can dig deeper and find more information on the matter.

Of course there's a great number of fantastic games on it beyond the ones I mentioned - I specifically state that I'm merely touching the tip of the iceberg. Of course the system had more problems than the ones mentioned, but the ones mentioned affected it globally.

All in all, I appreciate the criticism and thank you for reading the piece.

>> No.1380170

It ran at like 25ish. It was less than 30, but not 20. You don't know Hell until you played PAL N64 games. 15 frames per second.

>> No.1380176

I'd say the cancellation of Sonic X-Treme affected it globally, seeing as Sonic is their mascot.

>> No.1380185

You picked poor games to showcase. Everyone already knows about NiGHTS. Everyone already knows about Daytona USA (if not for the Saturn version, then the arcade version)

>> No.1380190
File: 353 KB, 430x539, auLAl98[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1380195


Fair enough, good point, but the article isn't about cancelled games, it's a system overview. Anyone interested in cancelled games is free to visit Unseen64 or other websites treating specifically about this subject.

In any case, I hope the explanation of my actual intentions cleared up some of the confusion regarding omissions of information - there's only so much length an overview can have and at the end of the day, there's always something you won't encompass.

>> No.1380207

A cancelled flagship game should qualify as a "reason it failed", which was my initial point.

>> No.1380209


Really, you just need to say "Sega is the reason the Saturn bombed" and be done with it. They ripped themselves apart so badly it's amazing they survived long enough to get the Dreamcast out the door.

>> No.1380212

>Sega Saturn could output video at 640x480 and beyond at circa 60 FPS
How many games used that aside from VF2? Even static 2D was downscaled from what I've seen.

>> No.1380228

I picked some of my personal favorites on the system, to be perfectly honest - a full-blown showcase of notable Saturn games would have to be a whole separate thread.

>> No.1380268

It's like making a thread about the Dreamcast being underrated and showcasing Sonic Adventure as a notable game, when it's the one game everyone already knows about.

>> No.1380308

You have a point there, but keep in mind that not everyone's a retro collector or an arcade-goer, so sometimes a little bit of "redundant" mentions are still worth considering.

All in all, you all raise valid points. As a content creator, one has to take all criticism into consideration and use it to enrich future articles, and as such, I'll keep in mind everything you guys had to say. I hope future issues will be more to your liking.

>> No.1380324

Thanks for being a good sport about it. GBATemp is still a horrible community, though. Great resource for console hacking and homebrew, regardless.

>> No.1380352

I would have to be really childish to throw a hissy fit about creative criticism - after all, I'm not writing for myself, I'm writing for my readers, so naturally the opinion of the readers is important and it's the writer who has to adjust.

Opinions about the community on the other hand are something I cannot change. The staff is doing an admirable job at keeping the forums clean and to the point.

I'm definitely not going to chastise anyone regarding rudeness (I am reading a lot about the Temp's supposed "retardedness") - I mean, what's the point, you're free to have your own opinion, but generalizing is never a good thing.

>> No.1380379
File: 185 KB, 1000x710, cd32_system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. In addition to those, the Amiga CD32 had its controller inputs on the side, of all places. It seems redundant to mention those things, but they're actually not. It's also a matter of the completeness of the description.

>> No.1380389

I've never joined, but I've lurked the site since about 2008. From what I can tell, you guys have nazi mods, an extremely Nintendo-biased user base, and end users that are too demanding of the actual homebrew devs instead of appreciating the things they have. Also, there's a really hypocritical stance regarding backups/piracy.

>> No.1380438

Why is it that the most retarded companies seem to have the best IPs?

>> No.1380451

The bigger question is, why do they abandon their IPs?

>> No.1380463

Because they think they can survive on 3 series alone, and will kill off other ones to divert resources. It makes sponsorships and toy deals easier too.

>> No.1380546

But when has that ever worked? Sega is pretty much exclusively focusing on Sonic and Total War right now, and they're still struggling.

>> No.1380608

Duke, Quake and Powerslave can run at 640x480 IIRC.

>> No.1382610

Not to mention, Capcom is pretty much focusing on RE, MonHun, and SF, and they're damn-near bankrupt.

>> No.1382615

>and they're damn-near bankrupt.

That was months ago. They're fine now.

>> No.1382646

Only because of MonHun. Pretty sure the newest REs bombed, and the fighting game craze from earlier this past gen has died down considerably.

>> No.1382653

>Pretty sure the newest REs bombed

RE6 is one of Capcom's best selling games of all time.

They're fine.

>> No.1382732

>best selling

I don't see how that's possibly without Capcom making shit up, as I have never seen a positive word about it.

>> No.1382752

>as I have never seen a positive word about it.
Stop living in the bubble that is 4chan. The game sold well, and the reviews weren't overall awful--they were mixed.

>> No.1382774

Sega Saturn, like the Dreamcast was ahead of it's time and developers and consumers a like were put off by it.

>> No.1383069
File: 53 KB, 590x443, saturn collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so any thoughts on my Saturn collection?
1.The Saturn Console w/2 controllers and Light gun and back up memory unit
2.Nights into dreams with the original box, 3D-pad controller, game and manual
3. Albert Odyssey "very rare"
4. Dragon Force "extermenly rare"
5. Tomb Raider
6. Shining The Holy Ark
7. Fighting Vipers
8. Vitura Cop
9. Vitura Fighter 2
10. Marvel Super Hero's
11. Ultimate Mortal Kombat III
12. Primal Rage
13. D
14. NBA Live 97
15. Scud
16. Resident Evil
17. Quake
18. Panzer Dragoon
19. Street Fighter Alpha
20. Area 51
21. Gex
22. Vitura Fighter Kids
23. Sonic 3d Blast

>> No.1383081

Can i be your friend ';')

>> No.1383083


Game didn't sell well. Stores are still trying to get rid of brand new copies for $20. The game dropped to $40 within the first 3 weeks in my city. The game bombed, probably not as hard as Operation Raccoon City, but RE6 nowhere near reached the level of success that RE4 or even 5 did.

I don't know anyone, even people who would be called "normals" on 4chan, who played RE6 and thought it was a good game worth paying for

>> No.1383172

>Sega Saturn
>ahead of its time

>> No.1383174

>but RE6 nowhere near reached the level of success that RE4 or even 5 did.

Pretty sure it sold more than both of those did, but I'll have to check.

>I don't know anyone

I know less than five people that bought GTAV. That doesn't mean it sold bad. Anecdotal evidence and all.

>> No.1383185

Neither of the Zelda games were "horrible". Every now and then you'd see it slow down and get kinda choppy in hyrule or termina field, but 99% of the time it was perfectly fine (including the most intense moments when it mattered).

>> No.1383191

It was just as big of a JRPG powerhouse as the PS1, if not bigger.

The only thing was, 75% of them weren't localized.

>> No.1384896

When other games pull off 30 or 60 FPS consistently and the Zelda games stick to anything between 24-15, I'm pretty sure that's a good reason to complain. Richness of the environment aside, 24 FPS and dipping is really underwhelming.

>> No.1384918
File: 84 KB, 510x510, Dark_Savior_SS_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dark Savior
What an amazingly underrated game. I still play it once every year.

>> No.1387461

I've read that it's somewhat related to Landstalker. Is this true?

>> No.1387585


also verve fanworks is working on a complete translation. search them on google. they've been working on it pretty heavily for the past 2 or so years

>> No.1387586

Has anyone had any success emulating the Saturn on a PSP? I've only tried briefly and it didn't go very well. It doesn't help that the only emulator seems to be 4 years old...

I'm wondering if I should keep trying or just give up.

>> No.1387587

>I am a saturn expert
>posts pleb-tier controller


>> No.1387653

The stories aren't connected, but if you liked Landstalker you're bound to like Dark Savior. They have similar base gameplay and both share isometric views. However, Dark Savior's combat is completely different (it's like a fighting game during battles) and the game has different "parallels" which are essentially story routes that you can play through. It's a great game IMO. I can't recommend it enough.

>> No.1387694

Sweet. Any word on a Princess Crown, Wachenroder, or Black Matrix translation? Or the older Sakura Wars?

Saturn emulation barely works on PC. There's no chance at a useable Saturn emulator on PSP.

>> No.1387696

>recommending Daytona USA: Championship Circuit Edition

I mean the Japanese version fixed some things, but still
This fucking guy

>> No.1387707

I will never understand why Sega dropped 2K sports or their racing games. I also haven't seen a new Virtua Fighter in almost a decade.

>> No.1387810

Well, there's VF5: Final Showdown. Granted, it's just an update, but still.

>> No.1387868

Let me guess, it only adds online multiplayer for PlayStation 3 owners who were suckered in to getting it.

>> No.1387902

Also adds Taka-Arashi and a new character named Jean Kujo.

>> No.1388164

princess crown translation has been started by some people and discussed briefing on the romhacking forums. not too much progress.

wachenroder, black matrix, sakura wars, nothing atm.

buying a saturn and a modchip for around 150$ is definitely worth it for all of the awesome game's in it's library. I'd say radiant silvergun is pretty much worth that alone/

>> No.1388180

Radiant Silvergun got an XBLA port, along with Guardian Heroes and Bangai-O.

Why Treasure didn't also port them to PSN or Steam, the world may never know.

I kinda wish Sega would port more Saturn games. Particularly Jap-only games and translate them, like the aforementioned Wachenroder, Sakura Wars, etc.

>> No.1388235

yuck microsoft . imo gaurdian heroes and bangai-O aren't that great. I like to play the games on their original consoles instead of rereleases. To me it feels like they lose a part of what made them so great in the first place

>> No.1388241

>I kinda wish Sega would port more Saturn games. Particularly Jap-only games and translate them, like the aforementioned Wachenroder, Sakura Wars, etc.

Me too, anon. Me too.