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1357112 No.1357112[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's so great about this game? Wasn't Quake 1 a lot better anyway? Why was there so much hype for DNF when so many other great games were out there. It seems like it was pandering to 13 year olds and super dorks instead of "harcores".

Duke Nukum General

>> No.1357125

You just answered your own question with that gif. Duke Nukem is fun, that's it.

>> No.1357129

I loved it mostly because of the atmosphere. post apocalyptic L.A and saving chicks and the crude humor or funny puns. but i was so glad to here it was going to be made for the next gem consoles. But after it was all said and done i was disappointed in it especially with the many years in its making just felt like you were playing something that came out to late.

>> No.1357138

doesn't explain the DNF hype in the age of internet porn

>> No.1357143

Pipe Bombs
Shrink Ray

>> No.1357162

here is a scenario. there are two first person shooters. one is subjectively better in your opinion, but the other is still good. wouldn't you think that two good games is better than one great game? i personally loved duke. it is humorous, action packed, and at times challenging. dukes charming 2.5d graphics still rock my world today, and it is very different from your average first person shooter even now. not many first person shooters brushed up on a comical and stereotypical hero such as duke, unless they were other build games of course. also dukes coop was magnificent, never had as much fun as i did with duke on any other game in that regard. i still remember messing around in duke burger for hours on end, pretending to be an employee serving my friend up a whopping dogshit sandwich with a side of kick oh god the memories of dukematch . overall, i like the two games in different ways, but often find myself playing duke more often. at the time though, quake couldn't run on our toaster (it also came out nearly half a year after duke, so it wasn't like everyone was exposed to full 3d fps games at the time), and duke was the action packed game that filled that void with grace.

>> No.1357171

I hold DN3D up as probably the finest for level designs in old FPSes due to how they manage to both look good and function well with all the interconnections.

>> No.1357174

You weren't born when Duke 3D came out, right? I'm not trying to knock you. It should just be really obvious why people liked it.

>> No.1357178

Duke's better because he "ain't afraid of no Quake."

>> No.1357182

Define "hype." Who was hyped for DNF? Practically nobody bought it. Nobody with any sense, that's for sure. It was obviously a cynical marketing tactic and nothing more.

>> No.1357189

There was a lot of hype when it was announced and it spent a decade in development hell and turned out to be a letdown that couldn't compete with modern shooters.

>> No.1357190

it was hyped since about 1997 and became a running joke on the internet

>> No.1357214

>Wasn't Quake 1 a lot better anyway?

Sure, but it was still a solid, well made FPS with neat weapons, fantastic levels, and cool enemies. Top that off with Dukes cheesy one-liners, and you got a pretty sweet game.

You can always argue that another game is better, but it still doesn't change the fact that it's still really good.

Duke had personality. Every other FPS hero just kinda grunted a bit every now and then.

As for DNF, I'd be willing to bet more people cared about the running joke than the actual game, as the completely bombed. When there was actual gameplay footage and proof that it was real, people just kinda went nuts that their internet joke was coming true.

>> No.1357216

Big part of the hype was Duke and the fact that the game was infamous for being in development for so long. I think people were more excited that they could finally check out a game that's been in development for like 14 years than the actual game itself.

>> No.1357245

Duke has some of the best level design out of any FPS in that era or of all time actually. Lunar Apocalypse is a bit on the weak side compared to the rest of the game but its still just as good as anything in doom or quake. I play megaton edition quite a bit on steam its getting to be the definitive version imo as they are constantly putting work into it. The multiplayer is almost out of beta too if anyone else has it and wants to play multiplayer you should join my steam group. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Duke3DMultiplayer it is fairly active and growing really fast, there are games every night usually mostly deathmatch. Had a really awesome duke match on a remake of complex from goldeneye shit that map was fun on duke. Im also down for coop if anyone wants.

>> No.1357254
File: 6 KB, 194x160, 1349564459509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Duke 3D gets released on Steam and is a success
>Shadow Warrior gets released on Steam and is a success
>Still no release of Blood because some asshole refuses to release the source code allowing for a good source port to run the game.

The more I think about this the more frustrated I get. It's good to see older games not getting a half assed release on Steam these days like they used to do.

>> No.1357287

>some asshole
Infograms said he couldn't.

>> No.1357290

Some asshole at Infograms made that decision.

>> No.1357308

seriously. some of these young kids who critique classic games are ridiculous...

i wish they would just stick with their modern consoles and leave us the fuck alone.

>> No.1357429

Its funny that theres still people who think 90% of duke was porno theatres and throwing cash at strippers. Its like you only played the first two levels of shareware and gave up after you lost your stuff in level 3.

>> No.1357446

DN3D didn't age well, but try to remember a point im FPS history where the only things you could do were open doors and shoot badguys or barrels.

Then Duke3D came out, and so did Quake

Duke and Quake gave vastly different answers to what the future of first person action games could become. While Duke still relied on sprites, and sector based lighting/terrain, it opened the player up to affecting the world in a multitude of ways. You could shoot out lights, knock down obstacles, operate machines, launch missiles, even take down an entire skyscraper.

Quake on the other hand did the exact opposite. Practically everything was realized in three dimensions and gave the player an amazingly detailed world filled with inky shadows and polygon-modeled enemies. But that was it. If you couldn't shoot it, you couldnt interact with it. hell you didn't even have a 'use' button for the doors anymore.

In a nutshell, both Duke and Quake gave everyone an early peek into the future of shooters by showing everyone how much further we could go visually (quake) and interactively (duke)

>> No.1357470

>I loved it mostly because of the atmosphere

For me that is also it. Going into the back of the porn shop and seeing the different "porn" playing in the different booths, the strippers, etc. Just all the crude humor and over the top things in the game made it fun.

But it is not JUST atmosphere. The level design (for the time) was awesome. When it came out in 1996(?) there were so fucking many crappy Doom clones on the market that were just thrown together garbage and it felt like real thought and care had gone into the level design of Duke.

>> No.1357523

I wouldn't call Quake 1 better. Quake 1 was a tech demo for id's new engine. Duke Nukem 3D trumped it in the amount of action, cool weapons and level design for the most part.

>> No.1357650

nah they probably died on the electric chair thinking it was some cutscene and then got mad and quit hahah

>> No.1357889

This. To be honest I never cared for the strippers, porno theatres or juvenile language in DN3D, even at its time. But the level design, scripted events, pacing, weapons and clever AI made DN3D a lot more appealing than Quake for me.

I also find DN3D actually scarier than Quake. Even if the ambience wasn't as dark, running around low on life and ammo, and then hearing the alien growls or the remote mines shrieks in DN3D, sent chills down my spine more intense than anything in Quake.

>> No.1358063

Just gonna throw this out here, I got a coupon for Duke Nukem 3D Megaton edition on Steam, 75% off so the total price is like $2.50. I don't have any plan to use it so if anyone wants it its yours. It expires Feb. 1st. Have a Velocity Ultra coupon for 20% off that I don't want either, but I think everyone got it.

It'd be cool if you sent me a card or something for them, but really I just don't want them to go to waste.

>> No.1358454

Someone took it.

>> No.1360586

It was one of the first fps that had a (relatively) realistic urban environment. Also, strippers and humor.

>> No.1360707

I never cared for this game. Gameplay was so boring.

>> No.1360892

pretty much everyone in this thread admits that it was only good for its time. Much better alternatives exist today

>> No.1360928

trip mines, ice gun, RPG, cameras...

The weapons were good, the deathmatch was good. You could play it over the internet and the maps were small like doom maps meaning you could send them to people easily at the time.

DN3D was good, the best part about it during the time it was released was that it ran well especially compared to Quake.

Quake had a shakey start and they're both different for singleplayer. Quake's multiplayer really shines for control and vertical but doesn't have the novelty items. Quake is a better game on being really fucking solidly designed outright. That doesn't make DN3D bad. It makes it different. In many respects it played more to Doom's singleplayer strengths. The first episodes levels are good, it like most games kind of goes downhill a bit after that. Also, it included set piece style world and puzzle solving that half life is known for but with less yapping.

>> No.1361257

What do you mean "DN3D didn't age well"?

I would love to hear some suggestions, as Duke Nukem 3D is still my favorite FPS.

>> No.1361479 [DELETED] 

second shitpost in this month disregarding our king duke nukem
back to le rebbit you underagev& nigger faggot

>> No.1361505
File: 64 KB, 922x2344, dukenukemneverloseszl8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1361542

Duke Nukem 3D was a fun game that basically made fun of the whole macho man persona. His movie quotes to just how the game plays out. Hell what really disappointed me about Duke Nukem Forever is the fact it didn't keep up the joke. With all the FPS we got last cycle I felt it would be funny seeing Duke Nukem take a bunch of the insane stuff that you normally see nowadays and turn it up to 11.

Basically one played it straight (Quake) and the other more as a joke (Duke). While Quake may have played better and have fantastic multiplayer action it was more as a traditional evolution of what FPS would be. While Duke Nukem basically just shrugged and said "Don't give a fuck" and had fun.

I do feel that's really what's lacking in FPS nowadays. Everyone tries so hard to copy Call of Duty instead of just focusing on just making a fun cartoony game.

>> No.1361601

quake sucked. you could fly and mouse look in dn3d. quake 2 was the greatest leap forward in fps in my opinion though.
duke nukem had flavor that any juvenile might love. describing quake as 'hardcore' pretty much makes you a super dork.

>> No.1361646

My favorite thing about Duke is its SPEED and intensity. It retains the 60 mph running speed and regenerating enemies of DOOM, and makes for a very visceral experience on the higgest difficulty, but the difficulty is toned down just enough from DOOM's highest mode to make it just perfect.

>> No.1361747

> quake 2 was the greatest leap forward in fps in my opinion though.
>worse version of quake for gameplay added color lighting
Good job. They did go about improving edit-ability though.

Quake you could rocket jump and move absurdly fast. The level design also allowed for real immersion with full 3D levels something you had to hack into Duke. Given that Quakeworld is the best multiplayer deathmatch you can get, it hardly sucks.

Nevermind that Duke had shitastic mouse input, even on the port it's still not great. It had autoaim for projectiles, making plenty of situations useless as shit with them.
Duke was a decent game but it's not on the level of Quake.

>> No.1361859

another of john romero's bitches eh?
quake fucking sucked. same old doom levels being a rat in a maze meanwhile 6 months before hand i could fucking fly around a larger fully rendered level and shoot rockets directly at my aim point with my mouse. verticle auto-aim was optional in nukem while in quake vanilla it was not.
quake was a poorly designed sloppy shooter (oh but with colored lighting, which you'd need several thousand dollars back in '96 to render). dn3d is legend.

>> No.1361884

DNF is as 90s as it gets. It wouldn't work these days.

>> No.1361890

For the single player the original Quake really was a lame game for the most part. The verticality was nice but after you've finished the first episode you just don't give a shit anymore. it was all the same shit over and over again, bland as fuck, no variety. The shooting also felt pretty vapid and uninspired... which is odd because id had made Doom before it which was a visceral as fuck game in gunplay not matched by many.

I also preferred Quake II's single player. It had far more interesting environments/variety and it actually felt like there was some progression to it. For multiplayer however Quake was really great and the original was definitely better than the sequel in that regard.

All in all Quake is overrated as fuck in terms of single player. I've always found it boring. I recently decided to replay it on Nightmare and it was easy as piss. I couldn't even be bothered to finish it 'cause it's so damn boring. That said Quake did have one or two seriously awesome levels. That low gravity secret level in the first episode was pretty damn splendid for instance.

>> No.1361904

Quake's single player kinda sucked, the multiplayer on the other hand was amazing. The campaign felt really jumbled and after reading Masters of Doom it makes sense why. Its still a fun game but I prefer DN3D.

It was a huge step up from all the Doom clones. The atmosphere was great, the weapons felt satisfying to use (to me Quake did not provide this) and the level design was great. Its one of the first that I can remember that wasnt just mindless mazes and corridors but sort of offered a real world type of setting that made sense. Has a lot of charm too, if you cant enjoy the crude humor of Duke for what it is then I just dont understand the kind of human being you are.

>> No.1361923

the thing that stood out for me about quake was a certain spiraling ramp that went on for several loops. and of course the general 3d environment and enemy figures. but yeah it was qtest with market hype and the super dorks whom OP refers too were the only ones who played the shit.
i dunno what you mean by quake multiplayer being so good (never tried it). i cannot believe it is any better than quake 2 (which is in my opinion an all around superior game) deathmatch/ctf. i doubt that quake vanilla had tcp/ip and imagine the dedicated servers back than would probably have to be ibm mainframes (considering the massive ram requirements just rendering a single player game)

>> No.1361934

The original Quake was much faster than Quake II. Movement, rockets, etc.

It was better for multiplayer.

>> No.1361969

Your pretty much wrong on all accounts.
As wrong as you can get.

Also, running a multiplayer server historically has been less demanding than multiplayer except for the source engine which somehow fucks a lot of shit up. But not accounting for AI and various other shit lessened the load. If you could play single player, you could host multiplayer. The issue of course, is bandwidth and latency.
And yes, Quake was a far better multiplayer experience, but it took a while to get there.

>> No.1361974

I got into DN3D shortly after it came out. Like pretty much everyone else at the time, I was really impressed by the level design. The levels themselves were no better or worse than what you'd find in Doom except that they put a real effort into making them look and feel like real environments, where Doom's concept of realism was rather... abstract.

In the long run, however, I give the edge to Doom because the engine is just that much better for the actual shooting. DN3D's aesthetics were certainly mind-blowing at the time but I find Doom simply more fun to play.

As for Quake, it's no contest: Quake was so revolutionary and so obviously on a different level that I never once thought of comparing DN3D and Quake directly. It is still apt today to define shooters as pre- and post-Quake in terms of design and control, and it is doubtful that any other single game has done so much to revolutionize the FPS genre since Doom.

All things considered, I'm calling it Doom = Quake > DN3D.

Quake was actually three-dimensional versus the 2.5D abstraction that DN3D was. In addition, the "autoaim" was so easy to disable that nobody played with it anyway.

>> No.1362025

Quake didn't do colored lighting. Quake 2 did. You still couldn't disable autoaim completely in Duke, you could in Quake and the mouse input was significantly better.

Also, 'fully rendered' I'm going to have to say no. Not really, quake was fully rendered. Duke had to to use tricks to get 3D space and couldn't show them at the same time, even pools of water teleported you around technically, so whatever the fuck you mean by fully rendered it's probably wrong.

Also, everything you could do, I could too because I also played Duke and online.

>which you'd need several thousand dollars back in '96 to render
You really didn't. For one, it was dynamic lighting that was more expensive not simply colored lighting. Also a 3D card cost 200-300 back then. Not several thousand dollars. Really the bigger cost was in having a machine faster the earliest Pentiums to play the thing at faster than a slideshow. Not that it has any baring on the actual gameplay especially today.

>> No.1362401

If anything he should work more because of all those 16 year olds claiming to be 90s kids. They are the perfect audience to cash in on.

>> No.1363794

>doesn't explain the DNF hype in the age of internet porn

Porn wasn't even anywhere near what it is today. Sure maybe you knew how to get easy access but your average normal had no idea how to navigate and find anything more than those shitty tour sites.

These days even normals know about the tube porn sites.

>> No.1363801

douk has the craziest deathmatch ever jetpacks, tripbombs, holodukes trollin on ya and flat sprites that run as fast as doomguys but can jump and crouch shit man even with autoaim on its still some of the toughest dm I have ever played.

>> No.1363935

Why is the Smithsonian level from Duke it out in D.C. such a huge pile of shit? Confusing as fuck. I´ve beaten the main game and the other 2 "official" expansions, but I kind bring myself to suffer through this.

>> No.1363965

It's weaker than Blood and Shadow Warrior. It didn't surpass Doom either. It's not a bad game by any means but it's pretty meh.

>> No.1363967

*I do like its single player more than Quake's though.

>> No.1364001
File: 59 KB, 620x465, metro3.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some good mods/maps/episodes for Duke3D :

- Metropolitan Mayhem, a 15maps episode of small city maps based on how things are in the original game (pic related). Requires eduke32

- DNF mod : a recreation of what you could see in old DNF trailers (requires eduke32)

-WGrealms 2, a standalone shooter that completely changes the game and which is like a middle ground between duke3D and doom

-AMC TC, again changes completely the game (new story, new weapons, etc)

-Slender Wood's, a slender game, standalone

-Sonic 3D, standalone, by the same author as slender woods

Singleplayer maps I've worked on with other mappers :
-Galbadia, modern style city maps by 4 mappers (also available on the Steam workshop)

-Sin Center, original style city map

Main sites to download maps/community:
- http://msdn.duke4.net/
- http://www.scent-88.com/
- http://dukerepository.com/ the biggest maps center for duke3D but it's dead now, hasn't been updated in 2 years. Anything more recent you'll have to get it on MSDN.
- http://duke4.net/ : main duke3D community forum

>> No.1364002

Here is a video/trailer of AMC TC :

fan made trailer of WGRealms 2 :

Slender Wood's trailer :

Sonic 3D :

>> No.1364054

I think the Sega Saturn version of Quake 1 did colored lighting. The original DOS version didn't.

>> No.1364092

What was with FPS developers back then and evil dead, anyway? The shotgun in Doom was modeled after Ash's shotgun, Duke had nothing but Ash catchphrases.

>> No.1364101
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>What's so great about this game? Wasn't Quake 1 a lot better anyway?
What a garbage way to start a Duke Nukem thread.

>> No.1364107

I'd say it's a valid way to start a duke thread because there's plenty of things great worth listing and yes Quake was a lot better in many regards.

>> No.1364113

Quake is different and Duke is better in many regards too. If you want a thread filled with shitposting and rivalry, by all means, start a thread like that.

If you want to analyze the finer points of the comparison, you don't start out a thread pretending one game is inferior.

>> No.1364116



This is how /v/ does things, we don't want that shit.

>> No.1364128

You got a steam account breh?

>> No.1364140

>This is how /v/ does things, we don't want that shit.
Given how /vr/'s been lately I'd say yeah it really does.

>Quake is different and Duke is better in many regards too.
Yes, but Quake's regards are the ones that make it the better game. Hence why I said better in many regards instead of better in all regards. I'm not suggesting Duke was bad, but when compared it was a lesser game.

>> No.1364147

Yes why? you can find it by looking at the steam duke workshop. In "top rated all time" the first and third maps are mine.

>> No.1364149

See, this is the bullshit we don't need. You're welcome to have favorites, but Quake is not definitively a better game than Duke Nukem 3D. Not even a little. You just place higher priority on the aspects you prefer about Quake.

If you want to come in here and make claims that Quake is 100% better in every way that matters, kindly fuck off back to /v/.

>> No.1364150

as a kid i remember beating doom and quake, but getting stuck pretty early in duke nuke 'em

>> No.1364210

> but Quake is not definitively a better game than Duke Nukem 3D.
No, you're wrong. It is.

>> No.1364214

Care to back that up, or are you just throwing fuel on the fire?

>> No.1364256

Because I like you :3

>> No.1364370

Quake is fucking dull. Brown and dark, same looking levels repeated x30. Duke 3D has more interesting levels, weapons and enemies.

I still played both games do death when they came out, but looking back at them now, I'd much rather replay Duke 3D.

>> No.1364971
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Quake was for fast paced run-and-gun gameplay.
Duke was for big-explosions-and-very-hard-difficulty gameplay.

Comparing them is comparing apples and pomegranates.

>> No.1365173

I think Duke3D was the first game where environments looked like environments, not video game levels. So you had half ruined cities, movie theaters, submarines, canyons and spaceships. Most games before it had themed corridors, at best.

>> No.1365193

Quake was good for the multiplayer and game engine.

Duke was good for the singleplayer and game content.

>> No.1365306
File: 125 KB, 661x590, Pit Fiend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were to compare the strong points of Duke vs. Quake

Duke had:
-More unconventional weapons
-REALLY intricate monster abilities
-Interactive environments
-Colorful level design that doubled as believable settings (mostly)
-A really satisfying shotgun
-An inventory of helpful items for added depth
-Specifically, the Jetpack
-Great boss battles
-Pop culture references
-A sense of humor

Quake had:
-Streamlined , more arcadey experience/ fast pace
-More straightforward weapons designed to be less gimmicky
-Simple enemies
-Great unique, brooding atmosphere with a cross of Sci-fi and fantasy
-Powerups all activate on grabbing, no micromanaging
-Rocket jumping and other exploitative tricks
-Quad Damage
-Monster in-fighting

They really are whole different beasts. I have cravings to play both at different times because their opposing takes on FPS work towards that game's strengths.

>> No.1365356

Why is this board so fucking casual?

>> No.1365364

I agree. Shadow Warrior was much harder. Lo Wang is made of matchsticks and tissue paper.

>> No.1365657


>> No.1365663


>> No.1365709

>unironically calling people casuals

>> No.1365876

Quake also had decent mouse input, actual full 3D levels. Which both enhance and improve actual gameplay.

>-REALLY intricate monster abilities
Not that intricate. Some grunts teleport, that's pretty much the brunt of it it. Aside from that you've got some vehicled enemies which give them flight. Quake has flying enemies. Duke's got seeking drones, Quake has seeking enemies that also explode when you kill them and actively seek you to stick on you. Fish-like enemies that munch on you are in both. The Enforcers jump down. Some of the assault guys in Quake rarely jump off ledges and surprise you sometimes if you haven't already killed them.

Actually, Quake often inhibits fast paced run and gun with traps that will kill your shit or mess you up. It wasn't 'designed' to be run and gun so much as it's simply just possible to do so. Duke pretty much does the same thing, it has a few traps and things that will end your shit or hurt you, but if you're good or know the level you can run that shit like no ones business.

>> No.1365879

3D pig disgusting

>> No.1365891

that game was piss too

>> No.1366229

No kidding were the weapons not satisfying in Quake. Your shotgun was the pistol, even the double barreled one lacked punch. The rocket launcher was just a shotgun but with explosive shells. Doom had much more satisfying weapons than in Quake.

>> No.1366260

Dat quad nailgun though.

>> No.1366271

I know Duke is supposed to be a crude male chauvinist pig and "that's the joke", but the way he delivers his lines is really creepy, he actually sounds like a rapist here.

>> No.1366272
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Gearbox owns the Duke Nukem IP now.

I hope they make some use of it sometime down the line. The IP is toxic now, but I'd love to see another stab at an over the top shooter that doesn't take itself seriously. FPSs are too serious for their own good these days.

>> No.1366283

Put Duke into Borderlands, which is already rude and crude at points and definitely incapable of being consistent in the seriousness.

>> No.1366312

the grenade launcher was unbelievably satisfying though smashing ogres in the face with nades feels too good. Nothing will ever be as good as kicking an assault trooper in the face when he falls to his knees clutching his throat after you blast em with the shotgun.

>> No.1366330 [DELETED] 

Like CoD and Halo

>> No.1366359

No, it's just you being pussified by modern society. Everything is fucking rape now.

>> No.1366369


I dream of a FPS Duke Nukem where he can insert his pistol into the strippers juicy asshole and watch her pussy quiver and cum. But they better be american strippers

>hail to the chief, baby

>> No.1366373

>Not that intricate.
Alien troopers can fly and if they they choke to death, sometimes revive. Captains can teleport in addition to trooper abilities, pig cops ride in vehicles. Enforces can long jump, spit in your face, and shit on the ground at random. Protozoid slimers actually eat some of their teammates, climb on ceilings as well as floors, consume bodies lying on the floor and latch onto the player.

It's more nuanced than Quake, anyways. If only just a little.

>> No.1366375

You're piss.

>> No.1366378

You literally cannot say "Shake it baby" without conviction and still mean it. Grow a pair.

>> No.1366380

Please no. Borderlands is such garbage. Duke deserves so much better than that.

>> No.1366390

>Which both enhance and improve actual gameplay.
It's a more advanced engine. But no, I don't feel it enhanced gameplay much if at all. Duke's levels took perfect advantage of height and 3-dimensionality. The engine had its limitations but the levels were so expertly crafted it was never an issue.

>> No.1366389

I prefer Quake by a landslide but Duke was awesome when it came out and it's impossible to directly compare them - different niches. Blood was heads and shoulders above Duke3DD.

+artwork/design, stellar tech, atmosphere, attitude, playability/controls, Multiplayer DM!, rocket launcher, pace, immersion, 3D
-shotgun(single and db) simply sucked

+GREAT maps, MP coop!, humor, tech(Silverman's quite clever), artwork, stylish look esp. some weapons, lots of fun, speed, pipe bombs, interactivity!
-mouse look feels off, enemies look goofy, Space Episode, 3rd episode can't compare to the first(which is kinda understanable), soundtrack not that great

Nonetheless both are true classics.

>> No.1366482

Duke Nukem 64 has an amazing grenade launcher.

You can also play it on PC with the incredibly faithful mod Duke Nukem 64 by Fox using Eduke32.

>> No.1366516

The only weapons that really feel powerful are the rocket launcher (I feel like I could punch God in the face with that thing) and super nailgun.

I think the shotguns were made gimpy on purpose, to make the quad damage stand out more as a powerup.

>> No.1366536

Well, the shotgun is the most basic non-melee weapon in Quake. And you even spawn with it. So it stands to reason everything else should be much better in a fight or else there's just nowhere else to go with new gear.

>> No.1366704

no u r lol
git gud

>> No.1366736

The only thing I'm interested is that Duke's creator has expressed interest in rebooting Jazz Jackrabbit.

>> No.1366760

Who IS Duke's creator? Also, source?

>> No.1366764

Vanilla Duke Nukem 3D is kind of a pain nowadays with the archaic controls, etc. But eduke32 (or similar) makes it eminently playable. I still bust it out and play it once and a while for nostalgia sake.

I think that the big problem with it is even though the level design was so ahead of its time, it is still not as good as modern day level design. If you have never played Duke before you are likely to end up stuck on levels unable to figure out where to go or what to do in order to advance and that gets frustrating fast.

I remember being stuck on a level forever just totally frustrated until I went to an online walkthough that told me that the way to advance was to walk through a poster (Shawshank Redemption style). That was so unintuitive that when I finally found out what I was expected to do I was just pissed off.

>> No.1366776

There is a GIANT MAP on a wall with an arrow pointing to that very wall section. You simply ignored it.

>> No.1366786

Second paragraph under "On the potential for a Jazz Jackrabbit reboot"

>> No.1366795

That is interesting. I'd be shocked to see anything come of it though. Especially because Duke Nukem Forever was also something done in George Broussard's "spare time."

Also the man has shitty opinions about modern FPS games and actually defends the 2-gun mechanic in DNF. Even if it came out, it would be a miracle if it were good.

>> No.1366796

>Map is too complicated for me
>Therefore it's bad level design

So many of these kind of faggots on /vr/. Faggots who like to blame game mechanics and level design because they're too fucking shit to figure it out. They can't beat games I went through easily when I was just 10 years old. Instead of admitting that the game is too difficult for them, they'd rather just say that it's designed poorly. This is the state of 'gamers' in 2014 ladies and gents. This is the reason why shooters have been reduced to an ultra linear level progression system where all you have to do is follow some faggot or walk towards a big fat objective pointer. Your hand is held the entire way because retards like this are too stupid to figure shit out. You make me sick.

>I think that the big problem with it is even though the level design was so ahead of its time, it is still not as good as modern day level design.
I can't think of a single modern shooter that has better level design than Duke Nukem 3D, and I'm not even that big of a Duke fan.

>If you have never played Duke before you are likely to end up stuck on levels unable to figure out where to go or what to do in order to advance and that gets frustrating fast.
Funny, I had no problem when I was 10. And your statement makes no sense. So people who were only able to beat levels on Duke were those who had played the game before? How did anybody ever finish the game then, numbnuts?

I hate this board.

>> No.1366805

>I think that the big problem with it is even though the level design was so ahead of its time, it is still not as good as modern day level design.
u wot, m8?
Every FPS that I remember had these detailed 'roaming' type maps i.e. not linear. Modern day level design is awful, in most games it is quite simply linear to fuck. If you prefer the linear approach then I don't think older FPSes are for you, I don't think it's just Duke.

>> No.1366808

>. So it stands to reason everything else should be much better in a fight or else there's just nowhere else to go with new gear.
It's not.
Nearly every weapon has a situational advantage in Quake except for the upgrade NG/SNG
The normal shotgun is more powerful than every other weapon in the right circumstances. Mainly, distance due to the precision and hitscan nature. Every other weapon neither has the range, the precision or is easily dodged.

>> No.1366812

You could see a crack in the corner of the poster.
The lower resolution you played the harder it was to notice though.

>> No.1366837

I didn't say it didn't have a use. I was justifying it not being the strongest thing in your arsenal. It is the equivalent of Doom or Duke's pistol.

>> No.1366840
File: 95 KB, 320x200, duke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm usually don't like insulting people even on 4chan but goddamn, you're really stupid. You sound like your first FPS game was half life (or worse) who then goes on trying older stuff. In that Duke level (E1L3), it's really very obvious you're supposed to find the cells there BECAUSE the last thing you did progression-wise within the level was to unlock them.

Also, eduke32 does not "change" duke controls. It changes the DEFAULT controls, sure, but TONS of people back in the days played with keyboard+mouse as it was invented prior to that for FPS games, but it's true that most people used keyboard+joystick (especially in deathmatch) but both are very similar. The point is, you could change the controls, tons of people did it, and keyboard+mouse controls dates from way back.

>I think that the big problem with it is even though the level design was so ahead of its time, it is still not as good as modern day level design.

Sounds like you're confusing "level design" with "realism". Realism was ahead of its time in Duke3D (and yes, on that point of course modern day games can be more detailed and realistic), but not level design. Duke3D level design is like any Doom-like, except that pushed even further in terms of how everything connects together because the majority of maps were designed to be played both for single player and deathmatch, but it's still typical Doom-like stuff.

I was 8 when I first played Duke and while I remember being stuck for a little while in E1L3 for the poster as well, it didn't take me too long to figure it out, EVEN THOUGH i was playing in a resolution of 320*200 with graphics set to LOW (something you can't even reproduce in eduke32), pic motherfucking related

>> No.1366860
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>I know Duke is supposed to be a crude male chauvinist pig and "that's the joke", but the way he delivers his lines is really creepy, he actually sounds like a rapist here.


Guess which one Duke is?

>> No.1366873
File: 503 KB, 2051x1530, capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple of things about that.
>One, walk through a poster (Shawshank Redemption style).
Is exactly right, it entirely based off shawshank, including the poster covering the escape and the sewer exit. If you've seen the movie the year before it was released that might have been a large clue since it was full of pop culture references. As well as the general idea of 'prison escapes' and digging tunnels legends that exist anyway.

Let's take a look at some of the other hints.
1.) Demonstration that holes may exist in cells.
2.) That poster stands out a lot even from the outside. It's placed very suspiciously
3.) There's a map in the area before you unlock those side corridors in plain sight that points you to that very wall.
4.) Looking at the poster itself period you can see a gap that leads into the tunnel.

If anything they told you where it was. That's extremely good map design. They went above and beyond. It wasn't just a small oh what the fuck that was there randomly. The elements of the map pretty much forced you to look at the damn thing. If I recall there wasn't even anything in that cell so you had to even wonder about it given that every other cell had something. Once you got through the poster, the pipebombs to continue were glaringly obvious.

>> No.1366882

god I hate south park

>> No.1366890

Never understood the Duke hype machine either, it seemed to be all over every magazine at the time it came out..
Maybe an early case of buying favourable press.
Rise of the Robots had similar levels of hype and cover features back in the day too.

>> No.1366903

>Blood was heads and shoulders above Duke3DD.


>> No.1366905

Duke was a fairly well known game anyway. The fact that it went 3D was the same kind of level as Zelda going 3D. So that helped. But it was also one of the best FPS games released, so yeah, of course there was hype.

>> No.1366907

Blood was shit.

>> No.1366919

Except that Duke3D was revolutionnary for its realism, interactivy and its very high emphasis on multiplayer (both coop and deathmatch, again every map were designed both for SP and DM in mind), while having excellent Doom-style level design while succeeding in doing its own things as well in that style (more emphasis on Y axis, more interactivy with the level layout like the vents, exploding/destrucble walls, etc) and excellent gameplay with original weapons, excellent humour all the way through, kick ass soundtrack....

It also wasn't the first game to provide tools to let people build their own levels, but, it was one of the firsts that truely picked up. Same thing about deathmatch.

You may buy press, but you can't buy people. You can't buy thousands of people liking the game SO much they make maps for it, SO VERY FUCKING MUCH, they STILL make maps for it nowadays and represent the 2nd biggest active modding community for a pre-Half Life FPS.

Duke3D is a masterpiece, and was a very influencial game as well.

>> No.1366920

No you're shit.

>> No.1366923

>Never understood the Duke hype machine either, it seemed to be all over every magazine at the time it came out..
Because there was finally an FPS released after Doom that did its own thing and wasn't an entirely shameless clone. You could also now jump, swim, fly, crouch, blow holes in walls etc. Added gameplay is always a good thing and moved the FPS genre forward. The amount of weaponry you could hold had increased, too, and the new weapons had some fun features. The interactivity with the environment had really taken up a notch. Also came with wisecrack one liners and strippers. Gameplay was pretty decent so was the level design, graphics were a step up.

It was a good game but I also always preferred Doom to it. I remember I was hanging out with a friend once and he said that Duke was better and I disagreed. He called me crazy. Then his cool older brother was there and he overheard us. He just said, "Anon's right, Duke does not match Doom." That dude was such a bro. He really knew his vidya. I miss the days when people knew their vidya. Too many shit opinions on this website, no offense.

>> No.1366928

>kick ass soundtrack....
Really? I thought most of Duke's s/t was pretty forgettable and generic sounding. I don't remember any apart from the title theme and level 2 RLD. However most of Doom's songs are burnt into my head.

>> No.1366934

I don't hold Doom OR Duke 3D's soundtrack in high regards. Both only had a couple songs that really resounded with me.

If you want a great soundtrack, Duke Nukem 2 or, slightly unrelated, Jazz Jackrabbit were much better, frankly.

>> No.1366932

I didnt know the protozoids ate the other monsters until recently I watch one swallow a pig cop whole and I was like WTF that was sweet

>> No.1366938

Yeah, there aren't usually many opportunities to witness it since Octabrains are the Protozoids most frequent buddies, and they're immune to them.

>> No.1366969

I'ma post my faves just for yo

^Look, 'dubstep' before it was even called dubstep. How ahead of your time can you even be?
^God this was so good
^This went so well with that Tricks and Traps level
^And this went so well with The Pit
^This wasn't one of my favourites but this song on the Courtyard level scared me shitless for some reason. It was the only time Doom frightened me. This song and creepy faces all over the pillars was just scary on that first playthrough at ten years old or whatever. My friend was there with me watching and we were both scared.

I always preferred Doom II to the original.

Bonus badass vidya s/t of the gods just for you anon:

>> No.1367004

sng is the best for taking out shamblers

>> No.1367034

I think he means how there's no excuse to go back to nailgun after getting SUPER nailgun. Not that neither nailgun has no use.

>> No.1367068

oh yeah the ng only does 7dmg per nail and the sng is 9 that is pretty retarded

>> No.1367069
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>there are people like this on /vr/

>> No.1367084

Favorite episode?

Mine is Lunar Apocalypse. It's such a huge change of pace after gritty alleys, porn shops, strip clubs, etc. In episode 2 it's replaced with the oppressive feeling of isolation and even a bit horror elements here and there. Levels like Incubator and Dark Side had the best atmosphere in the game.


>> No.1367093
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>MFW all the doors opened after picking up the key in the morgue in Dark Side

>> No.1367171

A lot of people didn't like Lunar Apocalypse because of the change in tone, but I thought it was really atmospheric. Had some great levels and some impressive scenery.

>discovering one level was the USS Enterprise, finding the hidden bridge and the "Really Ready Room"

>> No.1367190

It's funny you say that, because when I play a modern shooter, I think "Man, I'm just following a path/marker and shooting pop-up targets. I miss when games had me searching and exploring to find things on my own."

>> No.1367197 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.42 MB, 1420x1248, 345686756453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disliked Lunar Apocalypse because of those fucking sentry drones. They scared the shit out of me back then and still do.

>> No.1367236

Those fucking things had WAY too much health for what they do, while slimers are psychologically threatening but about as dangerous as wet tissue.

>> No.1367238

>TFW you come across a cluster of eggs but you're a second too late to blow them all up before they hatch

>> No.1367247

Those hands from Blood, on the other hand, are both creepy and dangerous as fuck. The longer you delay in tapping the use key, the harder it is to pry them off.

>> No.1367319

That is pretty retarded but I think the whole reason behind that is because it's completely bullshit and untrue. The SNG does 18 and and the NG does 9, all it does is twice the ammo per shot/dps.

>> No.1367325

>The longer you delay in tapping the use key, the harder it is to pry them off.
oh thank you. I was wondering why sometimes I get them off and sometimes they just fuck me up. I thought I was pressing the use key wrong or something! Just have to press the damn thing as soon as they clutch you, cheers.

Btw I'm doing a playthrough of all Blood episodes. Here's the second episode in one sitting. More to come soon hopefully.


>> No.1367391
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*Here's episode 5


I might re-do this one though because unfortunately it got recorded with a fucked up aspect ratio and I had to use a video editing software to stretch it out and make it proper. It resulted in lower quality to a video that would have already been low picture quality. Was so bummed about that. The gameplay is good though.

>> No.1367829

On that topic, anyone hoping Devolver Digital buys the rights to Blood and we can get a Blood reboot, and maybe a sourceport if they get the source code with it?

>> No.1367861

omg yes, devolver is actually becoming one of my favorite game studios. Hotline miami was a fun little game with an awesome soundtrack and they are responsible for the douk reboot. I really hope the blood source gets released because it deserves the same treatment.

>> No.1368110

Episode 2 was the only one I played as a kid. I fucking loved space.

I have to say episode 3 is the best. That one level with submerged buildings and you had to swm in them, around them, and fight on top of them was just awesome.

>> No.1368146
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That would be a godsend. And if anybody would do it right it would be them.

Unfortunately they've said that the Blood IP is too expensive to acquire. God knows why. It's been dead for nearly two decades. Fuck Atari. There's a clear reason why they're bankrupt and have failed at everything they do.

>> No.1368191

>And if anybody would do it right it would be them.
Why? The Shadow Warrior reboot wasn't that great.

It wasn't bad but it wasn't really Shadow Warrior. Modern developers seem to think that 'retro' just means being able to carry multiple weapons and having non-regenerating health. They completely forget the level design that made the old games great. They think retro is just putting you in an arena and having wave after wave of loads of enemies attack you. That's not retro. A true retro FPS cannot be devoid of clever, well thought out non-linear level design with a key progression system. All things must be considered including enemy placement. You don't just put some dude in a room and have wave after wave of enemies attack him. That is not retro.

>> No.1368338

Devolver Digital only published both Shadow Warrior new and Redux. They didn't develop them.

>> No.1369215

Duke's slimers ought to have that kind of mechanic. As it is they're little more than decoration at best, and a minor annoyance at worst. You'd have to tap the use key as they're climbing up but if they start biting you're close to fucked.

>> No.1369221

I really doubt a reboot would be any good. It would probably end up like Blood 2 all over again. Maybe if they kept the exposition and story elements to minimum like the new Shadow Warrior it might not be so bad, though.

>> No.1369229
File: 24 KB, 239x281, 1385159957448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW they're just fucking sitting on it, not letting anyone touch Blood
I swear to fuck they must hate the shit out of that IP and want it buried forever.

>> No.1369280

I like that Devolver brings more interest to olde franchises but I think they have done a poor job of actually following up with them. Serious Sam 3 was a clusterfuck of modern game design and Serious Sam(read that it's because SS3 was going to be some other game that got canceled so they just used what was made for SS3) and Shadow Warrior was more like Serious Sam than an actual sequel to Shadow Warrior.

>> No.1370459

>Serious Sam 3 was a clusterfuck of modern game design

You're joking, right? The only "modern" elements it even had were reloading (barely even qualifies, as plenty of 90's games had this), ads, and sprinting disabling you from shooting, and even then, only like 3 weapons actually had reloading, you didnt even need ads at all, as it does nothing, and Sprinting without the ability to shoot was hardly an issue at all, either.

>> No.1372714

would it be possible to hack the .exe directly so that it will work with sdl on a modern platform?

>> No.1373447
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Like the first two or three hours of the game was in small closed in areas. The game takes forever until it starts to feel like a legitimate Serious Sam game.

>> No.1373603

I do agree that the first few levels weren't that great (museum level being fucking horrible).

Wouldn't mind a mod that removed the second and fourth levels. level 1 and 3 werent too bad, though.

>> No.1374036

Yeah, dukematch can't be compared to other games of the time. Shootouts breaking windows and lights, explosions wrecking the place, using mirrors to tell when the enemy comes etc; most of these things aren't even in modern games.

>> No.1374351
File: 634 KB, 220x165, Cultist crowd control.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know what was an interesting kink about Blood's gameplay?

How smart and conservative you had to be with everything. Of course in all the other FPS during the time, there are moments where you had to be smart with what you got (especially in higher difficulties), but it's like ramped up in Blood, tenfold. Every weapon, every asset you owned had to be utilized in the most respective manner, nothing would truly be obsolete.

I don't even think Caleb was that much of a bullet sponge, compared to Duke or the Doomguy -- can't say much Shadow Warrior, though.

>> No.1376252

Oh yeah, totally. Not just that, Blood also required a far more meticulous approach than the other shooters. In Blood you don't just run into a room and shoot everyone with one gun while easily strafing around. Blood required peaking and smart checking of corners/angles when you approached a new, unfamiliar area. You also needed a far greater level of spatial coordination. You had to be in full command of Caleb's movement including jumping and ducking. Throughout the game Caleb remains in a constant state of 'fight or flight'; you had to know whether to pick the battle or to retreat, and it boiled down to pure reflex.

The gameplay variation it offered was amazing. Some places would be open area slaughterfests while others had you caged like a rat in small rooms, unleashing at once things like hands, the fire dogs, zombies and ghosts. It was the combinations of these different sized enemies and their attacks that changed it up.

I've seen many fools on this board claim cultist hitscan mechanics are broken and it makes me shake my head. Cultists are the heart and soul of this game. They're the fundamental reason why it's so good. I've seen fags here say that Blood is pure trial and error; that is, without knowing a level, you will most certainly die because you don't know the placement of cultists. This is complete bullshit. People who say this are one dimensional players that don't understand a) how to approach and b) how to utilise Blood's guns properly. They lack reflexes, too.

Blood is easily the deepest 2.5D shooter I've played, and I've played a lot of shooters in my time. There isn't another single player FPS that is as methodical as it is while being as intense and frenetic at the same time. Every gun has its use (along with secondary fire) - every single one in its gigantic, original roster - and they're such a fucking blast with the in-game physics. It's a satisfying as fuck game all round. Gameplay, level design, atmosphere; it's all there.

>> No.1376285

>I've seen many fools on this board claim cultist hitscan mechanics are broken and it makes me shake my head. Cultists are the heart and soul of this game. They're the fundamental reason why it's so good. I've seen fags here say that Blood is pure trial and error; that is, without knowing a level, you will most certainly die because you don't know the placement of cultists. This is complete bullshit. People who say this are one dimensional players that don't understand a) how to approach and b) how to utilise Blood's guns properly. They lack reflexes, too.

well don't bother explaining yourself

that would be silly

>> No.1376323

Some of the cultists do have instant hit scan mechanic and it is also problematic in the early levels when you have a flare gun which is fucking atrociously bad 85% of the time due to absurdly terrible autoaim, assuming the autoaim actually hits, sometimes it doesn't even register despite actually hitting them square on their sprite, so you can sometimes plop them 4-5 flares on the head. When you've got plenty of shotgun ammo it's generally less of an issue unless you have to cross distance.
Zombies are also more of a nuisance than anything and are boring as shit enemies. The only thing that makes cultists interesting is that they pretty much can fuck up your day very quickly, which is to say they aren't actually interesting enemies at all.
The game basically tries to drag itself out by making you play corners. It tries to make the pitch fork useful by making zombies shitty when it would have better to just relegate it to being a forgotten emergency weapon instead of ammo sinking them.

It's not the worst 2.5D shooter I've played, but it's pretty fucking terrible. Also the one liners are pretty shit too and feel forced as fuck.

>> No.1376440

the only bullshit thing I can remember in DN3D is the fourth episode you have to shoot some ducks in a carnival in a certain order for a secret. But the secret area also contains a keycard so you have to do that secret to pass the level, which is just dumb.

really great level design otherwise.

>> No.1376449

It was a stupid idea that had the fortune of some of the greatest map designers and composers in the business. One of them is literally named "The Levellord"

>> No.1376518

LevelLord is hyped overrated shit. The best maps were pretty much Blums. Who did nearly the entire first episode except for the Abyss which wasn't that good either. LevelLord was most of episode 3 though.

He also worked on sin which had some fairly crap level design.
He worked on Scourge of Armagon which was mostly forgettable as well. Supposedly people really loved one of his deathmatch levels for it because it was basically a space map or some shit. I dunno.

>> No.1376532

LL made 90% of Ep.3, which was easily the best episode. Ep.1 was great for the first three levels and it took a nose dive.

Honestly I'd put LL and Blum on equal ground overall, since they made all the best levels of Duke.

>> No.1376550

I agree that if you don't like ambushing cultists, you don't like Blood, but there really isn't that much depth to it. It's a corners and reflexes game, plus luring and well-placed dynamite tosses. Sure, there is some mastery required and you can't play lazily, but it's nothing crazy.

Also, although I think the level layouts are great stuff, the ammo/item placement tends to be poor. You either have really tough starts or you're coasting because you're overstocked. Cryptic Passage was better about this.

>> No.1376552

You can actually play lazily. It's a fairly easy game and map knowledge just makes it that much easier as well.

>> No.1376562

Oh please. Compared to what? Blood is certainly among the harder FPSes of the era when you crank the difficulty. None of these games are THAT challenging, it's relative. If it was so easy to laze your way through it people wouldn't bitch about it all the time.

>> No.1376672

>the ammo/item placement tends to be poor.
Not at all. The ammo placement is excellent. You need to learn to be conservative intelligently.

This is a typical case of faggots on /vr/ blaming game mechanics/design again when they're just shit at the game. It's one of the most typical things I see on this website.

And Cryptic Passage was shit.

>> No.1376675

>but there really isn't that much depth to it.
How is there less 'depth' to it than something like Doom or Duke Nukem 3D? None of those games have any real 'depth' then. Blood is deeper than them, there is no question about it.

>> No.1376681

Blood deserves all its praise just for making throwing weapons the most fun and mechanically rich in the game.

>> No.1376698

>flare gun which is fucking atrociously bad 85% of the time due to absurdly terrible autoaim
Nope. There is a single real instance where the flare gun is bad, and that happens in 1-1. I'm sure you've come across it and it's what pisses you off. It's this enemy that happens to be standing next to this pillar. I'll tell you why the flare gun is 'off' here. When you shoot the flare, it takes into account the distance you are from the enemy and the direction he's walking in, so when it hits him, it will take into account where he'll be when you fire the shot. As this particular enemy is stuck on the pillar while he's walking, however, the flare gun goes a bit to the left of him because he would be in that position if there wasn't a pillar where he was.

There is no other point in the game where the flare gun has been problematic to me, and really, flare gun is not a gun you should be relying on. Its best use is its secondary function however, the flare burst fire, which completely desecrates a group of anybody who's trying to fuck with you. If you come across a group of cultists around the corner, for instance, a quick pop out with secondary flare would absolutely destroy them. For this reason it's actually a pretty damn useful weapon. It's also extremely useful for enemies in the distance (but voodoo doll is the best for that). The only places where all you really have to use the flare gun is 1-1 and 1-2. Following that you get all the weapons you need. Only if you're a total retard and can't efficiently manage your ammo conservation will you be fucked.

>When you've got plenty of shotgun ammo it's generally less of an issue unless you have to cross distance.
And this is why you don't use the shotgun for distance. As I've explained above, flare gun is fine for distance (as is Tommy Gun, flare gun, voodoo doll, napalm launcher, tesla cannon, etc). Like I said, flare gun won't give you a problem apart from that one enemy stuck on the pillar in the beginning.

>> No.1376709

>Zombies are also more of a nuisance than anything and are boring as shit enemies.
Cool opinion.

>The only thing that makes cultists interesting is that they pretty much can fuck up your day very quickly, which is to say they aren't actually interesting enemies at all.
Ohhhh, right. So what makes pigs or assault troopers from Duke so 'interesting'? The fact that you can waltz into a room and have like zero threat from them? Oh, so interesting, watch me strafe around and have no problems, wow.

>The game basically tries to drag itself out by making you play corners.
Kek. It's a long game, period. Has a shit tonne of levels, some of which are gigantic, and five fucking episodes including the Plasma Pak episode.

>It tries to make the pitch fork useful by making zombies shitty when it would have better to just relegate it to being a forgotten emergency weapon instead of ammo sinking them.
You've just said it would be better to make a weapon pointless. I disagree with that. I love how using everything in Blood's arsenal is extremely important. And since you were bitching about ammo earlier maybe you, too, should start using weapons more efficiently. It might help you play the game better.

>It's not the worst 2.5D shooter I've played, but it's pretty fucking terrible.
Well it's easily the best I've played, and I've played every shooter you have, and on top of that I play them better than you do. I love Duke and Doom, but going back to them after playing Blood always feels extremely vapid and shallow in comparison.

>> No.1376723
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*This is the enemy I'm talking about.

>> No.1376745
File: 457 KB, 848x480, 1390563183052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dynamite is so fucking satisfying man.

>> No.1376786

>Fucking pak-e-derm
Haha I just played Yoshi's Story yesterday for the first time. If I hadn't I wouldn't know who the character in this image was.

>> No.1376874

>The only thing that makes cultists interesting is that they pretty much can fuck up your day very quickly, which is to say they aren't actually interesting enemies at all.
nigga waaaaaat? cultists are awesome they have their own latin inspired language ffs. MANAMAX AND SPEARBOOKS! they look badass too and their screams are always fun to hear. i especially love blasting one up close range with the double barrel shotgun blast and sending him flying across the map
Anyway all the games are great why do you fags have to argue all the time? can't you just enjoy all of them and accept that what's better boils down to subjectivity?

>> No.1377276

pitchfork in Blood may be used in a 1on1 with a Gargoyle, it can't hurt you if you keep striking (works most of the time)

>> No.1377284

>there is no question about it.
Yeah it's definitely not.

>> No.1377315

>There are multiple real instance where the flare gun is bad,
Because it happens often on many offset planes and distance accounts for it too.
It happens on other stages too. Practically any instance where there's a situation there's one under you like at the end of 1-1 by the caskets. Even when the distance is shorter it can miss.

>There is no other point in the game where the flare gun has been problematic to me,
Use it more.

> flare gun is not a gun you should be relying on.
Yes it is. It kills or would kill cultists in one hit. It has ammo, which in some cases is best to keep around. The only reason you suggest 'not' relying on it is so that you can try to argue away it's flawed nature.

>Its best use is its secondary function however
No it's not. It can be useful, but it's not best. It uses a boat load of ammo and can often miss people in a group.

>> No.1377320

I started being a pretentious asshole really early, so as a kid Duke was always "Doom with potty humor." I was too young to really appreciate all the extra detail in the graphics and the level of interaction and intuitive-but-puzzling level design, and I thought it was dumb because all the other kids would talk about how cool it was that THERE'S CUSSING AND BOOBIES AND YOU CAN DRINK FROM THE TOILET AND PEE IN A URINAL.

This thread got me curious, and I have to say, this game's pretty fucking awesome. Doom is closer to my heart for personal reasons, but I totally see why a person would like Duke better. As an Id fanboy, I will say I like Duke better on my first playthrough than Quake.

>> No.1377356

>Ohhhh, right. So what makes pigs or assault troopers from Duke so 'interesting'?
Pig troopers can fuck up your day, but they don't have instant corner shots. They hurt bad when they hit but usually they need to surround you. They're manageable otherwise.
Assault troopers can hurt you, but since they shoot projectiles, you can try to dodge them and keeping distance. Unlike your zombie friends, getting close means they will hit you. Just because a single one is unlikely to kill you doesn't make the game unfun, quite the opposite. Except it's pretty much the same thing with zombies except if you're using the pitchfork it just drags it out. Maybe if the zombies didn't have as much knock back it'd be a bit better

>And since you were bitching about ammo earlier maybe you, too, should start using weapons more efficiently.
Perhaps you missed the fucking part where I do. And I have no problems playing the game. It's that playing the game with shitty weapons and uninteresting enemies is unfun as fuck.

>> No.1377365

>There is a single real instance where the flare gun is bad, and that happens in 1-1
The best way to deal with him is to come in through the window then shoot him on from his hallway. That doesn't make the gun better, it's still fucking terribly programmed and it should really look at actual distance moved instead of enemy acceleration.

>> No.1377620

This is a typical case of bloody faggots assuming that Blood is the be-all, end-all of first person shooters that refuse to read the entirety of a single paragraph before ranting about how bad everyone who says Blood isn't perfect is.
>"You either have really tough starts or you're coasting because you're overstocked"
>"or you're coasting because you're overstocked"
The first two levels you need to conserve. The rest you need to expend blindly so you can at least try and pull some challenge out of the game.

And leave it to radical Blood fans to derail a Duke Nukem 3D/Quake thread.

>> No.1377674

At least provide arguments.

>> No.1377682

>The rest you need to expend blindly so you can at least try and pull some challenge out of the game.
Haha, oh wow.

>And leave it to radical Blood fans to derail a Duke Nukem 3D/Quake thread.
Implying Duke niggers don't do the exact same thing.
First reply faggot

>> No.1377693

Stop being a faggot.

>> No.1377695

The question was "how do you live with the pain /vr/?", and that thread was not strictly a blood thread because of that quote, so that first reply was actually asked for. This thread could technically be about Duke, Quake, or really any other game coming out in 1995/1996, however at the end of the post it literally says "Duke Nukem General". Blood came out in 1997, so it doesn't even make sense to talk about it here.

>Implying Duke niggers don't do the exact same thing.
I am sorry avenger, I didn't know you had a score to settle with some anonymous user on an anonymous image board. Please, continue shitting up this thread because someone made you upset. That will surely show him.

>> No.1377704

>Pigs and assault troopers can fuck your day up
Yeah if you suck at video games hahaha. Duke Nukem 3D is an absolute cake walk.

>Perhaps you missed the fucking part where I do.
Well you're running around trying to use flare gun on most enemies and you negate secondary flare, so yeah, you don't know how to play Blood.

protip: here's some example of using secondary flare effectively. maybe you'll understand how useful it actually is. It might add something to your piece of shit one dimensional playstyle.


Of course I use it more, and in the other episodes, but I can't go through the entirety of the videos just to school you on how to play a video game.

>> No.1377707

Wow compelling argument.

>> No.1377712

>and that thread was not strictly a blood thread because of that quote
Hahaha. Whatever you say Captain Autism.

>> No.1377716

marana infurmux - death foreigner


>> No.1377784

The great thing about Duke was that the single-player was actually fun from start to finish. Well, the first episode anyway.

Quake 1 single-player was really bland and boring.

>> No.1377819

>Pigs and assault troopers can fuck your day up
Yeah if you suck at video games hahaha. Duke Nukem 3D is an absolute cake walk.

>Perhaps you missed the fucking part where I do.
Well you're running around trying to use flare gun on most enemies and you negate secondary flare, so yeah, you don't know how to play Blood.

protip: here's some example of using secondary flare effectively. maybe you'll understand how useful it actually is. It might add something to your piece of shit one dimensional playstyle.


Of course I use it more, and in the other episodes, but I can't go through the entirety of the videos just to school you on how to play a video game.

>> No.1377827
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>There are people on this board that think Dook Nookem 3D is better than Quake

>> No.1377840


>,says the one using VLC.

>> No.1377850

>being an FPS war nerd

>> No.1377846
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>Being a format war nerd

>> No.1377853
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>> No.1377859

Quake (pretty as it may have been) was still like every other FPS that came before Duke. It was a generic maze filled with monsters.

Duke felt like real environments worth exploring. Something Quake simply did not manage.

Quake had the better multiplayer, but in the mid-90's network multiplayer was not a big draw card for video games. Your average Joe never even touched it.

>> No.1377857

haha oh man that's fucking great. I miss the old vidya days so much. you could tell that devs put real care into the video games they crafted

>> No.1377862

>Your average Joe never even touched it.
So? Fuck the average joe. 'Average Joe' these days plays COD. Just because a technology is ahead of its time and the 'average joe' doesn't play it isn't a negative point. if anything it shows that Quake helped push the market forward.

fuck off with your shit opinions

>> No.1377872


I'm not saying Duke is the better game, I always loved both - I'm just explaining why Duke is remembered so fondly. The single-player experience was what most people had to go on, in fact even some avid gamers simply did not have the means to play multiplayer, especially if they lived in rural communities.

>> No.1377880


ITT we learn to spot people who have spent 95% of their time playing Quake and Quake 3, who don't know shit about video games outside of that series, and insult anyone who doesn't validate their decision to spend half their lives mastering bunny-hopping and rocket-jumping.

>> No.1377885

Itt we see butt-devastated duke babbies who cry when people don't appreciate their inferior FPS

>> No.1377886

>especially if they lived in rural communities.
Telephones are circuit-switched and nearly zero latency. Modem play works just fine as long as you have phone service. Rural communities, in the US at least, have phone service because it was developed when we had a functioning government.

>> No.1377892


>> No.1377902


>Modem play works just fine as long as you have phone service

Which means you have to somehow find somebody who also wants to play over modem, and then probably pay for a long-distance phonecall.

Speaking as someone who's early 90's network multi-player was limited to serial.

>> No.1377906


When did /v/ start spilling into /vr/? Honest question, I haven't stopped by in a while.

>> No.1377910

>There is a single real instance where the flare gun is bad, and that happens in 1-1. I'm sure you've come across it and it's what pisses you off.

There is one more incident. Near the end of the level you have to go through this hole in the wall and the cultists can shoot you but if you try to shoot the flare gun it will just keep hitting an invisible wall. Other than that it's one of my favorite guns.

>> No.1377920

>When did /v/ start spilling into /vr/?

The very first day. There is always one of you guys on this damn board saying this even during like the first week. Just accept that there is a large portion of this board that also browses /v/.

>> No.1377931

It's been a while now. It's unfortunate.

>Near the end of the level you have to go through this hole in the wall and the cultists can shoot you but if you try to shoot the flare gun it will just keep hitting an invisible wall.
Fair criticism but I tend to use dynamite anyway for cultists standing on the ground below me. Even if I had a shotgun I'd always use dynamite there. It exposes you less and the mouse aim y axis is screwed up with the vanilla BUILD engine games. You can peak and see them before they see you and then just dynamite their asses.

>> No.1377993

I don't know what they were smoking when they that was a good idea. SS3 should have been balls to the wall from start to finish.

>> No.1378005

This. Also, I wished the magical weapons were more effective against undead/magical enemies. A voodoo doll against a fat zombie is expensive as fuck.

>> No.1378013

Actually, >THANKS WILLY. Bill Clinton and the Telecoms act of 1996 are why coaxial cable TV is so poorly regulated. The majority of our in-home bandwidth is considered a "premium service" that can be "curated" by the providers. Those providers cry "free market" whenever we try to regulate their de-facto monopoly. Sorry, can't resist a good cable rant.

>> No.1378015

Use aerosol can on them, best use. Or just dynamite their asses.

>> No.1378021

*the fat zombie that is

>> No.1378024
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I don't get the extreme love/hate thing between all the 2.5D shooters. I enjoy them all. They each have their own things going for them and I had fun with all of them.

>> No.1378030

In my experience the can behaved inconsistently against fat zombies. Sometimes it's like a magic bullet, other times I'm spraying and spraying.

>> No.1378032
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I don't know either. Why can't we all just get along?

>> No.1378038

Nah dude. Aerosol is my weapon of choice against the fat zombies. Also if you crouch they can't hit you with their spit attack which is unfortunate. All you have to do is crouch in front of them and then burn them alive with the aerosol can. It doesn't take long. Note they can melee you if you get too close and if you get too far their knife throw will angle in your direction but apart from that you're fine.

>> No.1378042

me too, even rise of the triad

>> No.1378072

yeah it's retarded. you see it happen in all the threads though.
>UT thread
Quakefags come in and call the game shit
>CS1.6 thread
Quakefags come in and call the game shit
>BUILD engine thread
rabid autistic arguments between three or four autists while everyone else is chilling, and then quakefags come in and call the games shit
>Duke 3D thread
bloodfags come in and call the game shit and quakefags etc
>Blood thread
Dukefags call the game shit
>Link's Awakening thread
ALttPfags come in and call the game shit
>SNES vs Genesis thread
Shit just got real
>N64 vs PSX
Every day is repost day

It's sad. You'd think that decades later people would have gotten over it but manchildren never grow up. Also it seems only Doom and Quake are untouchable on /vr/. Quakefags also need to stop acting like huge niggers, no offense.

>> No.1378091
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>Quakefags also need to stop acting like huge niggers, no offense.
But we're the best gaming has to offer. It's a fact of life.

>> No.1378101

>Yeah if you suck at video games hahaha.
No. You're missing the difference between can and will. No matter how good you are at video game, damage is damage. They CAN fuck your day up. Because their shotguns do lots of damage. It also depends on the level and design. With stock duke maps there's less chance of it happening.

>use flare gun on most enemies
Actually I tend to only really use it on the cabal, you inferred your own magical thinking. Of course I don't use secondary flare because 5 flare shots per cabal is not exactly a smart way to play. Maybe you should learn how to fucking play the game.

>linking too a shot flare gun shot where the retard could have jumped and nailed everyone with a spread instead, shot and not killing them

Stop being bad.

>> No.1378107

>but in the mid-90's network multiplayer was not a big draw card for video games.

It was. In fact, it was extremely hyped up, ads in magazines for shit like xband. Heat, mplayer, kali all had their prime then. Doom, Quake, Duke and various other games literally made the mid 90s all about multiplayer.
Besides, multiplayer went to shit not too long after 2K it was a short ride.

>> No.1378113

>No. You're missing the difference between can and will. No matter how good you are at video game, damage is damage. They CAN fuck your day up. Because their shotguns do lots of damage. It also depends on the level and design. With stock duke maps there's less chance of it happening.
Nope. I've beaten Duke 3D on Damn I'm Good with no problems. Stay shit faggot.

>Maybe you should learn how to fucking play the game.
It's funny 'cause you were the one crying about lack of ammo and cultists mechanics. And I'm the one who has provided videos of myself destroying the game and proving you wrong with them :)

>> No.1378114

>Because their shotguns do lots of damage.
Their shotguns don't do shit compared to cultists which is why fags on /vr/ bitch about cultists. Furthermore pigs are slow as fuck. They take like three hours to shoot you. Playing Duke Nukem 3D feels like its made for handicapped retards after playing Blood.

>> No.1378117

so why is he shirtless and buff?

>> No.1378119

Why aren't you?

>> No.1378134

>Of course I don't use secondary flare because 5 flare shots per cabal is not exactly a smart way to play.
It is if you want to dispense of them quickly and/or there's a large group of them. Nigga does it look like I run out of flare gun ammo? Using flare like that saves me on other more valuable ammo needed for shotgun and tommy gun.

>> No.1378130

You don't need to peak, just bounce the mite off the wall. It does works better, but it doesn't excuse the weapons being faulty in the first place. Also the y axis aiming is skewed but aiming is still relatively fine... in comparison to the x axis, not that either input on the build engine was particularly good with it's abysmal resolution and directional sticky.

That's something blood players have trouble understanding. Just because you can do something else doesn't mean that poorly working weapons is magically nullified. If you encounter a situation where you only had a flare gun there for some reason, you'd still be dealing with how shit the gun no matter how many times people shout, well don't do that then. So I'll make a map for it where that's all you can do... git gud says the blood player while defending horrifically broken aiming, missing out on how terrible they are and acting oblivious to valid criticisms.

They just get their panties in a twist that people don't jerk off too their try hard edgy game that made them see cool in elementary school because they learned about poe and recited it as if it wasn't outdated as shit.

>> No.1378135


cause it's gay?

>> No.1378150

When you weaken enemies you can actually add more of them to make the game actually fun and challenging instead. Having multiple targets and choosing enemies to attack is interesting. Also, depending on the distance, yes they do shit, they can do 86 damage a shot, with no armor they end you in two shots. On damn I'm good, you're likely to find yourself on the shit end of their stick a few times since enemies respawn.

The pacing for enemy, situation and encounter rate in duke is just better.

>> No.1378153

>you don't need to peak
So you know where all the cultists are immediately huh? fucking retard. Of course you can bounce dynamite off walls, but you need to know whether or not the fucker is there in the first place.

>That's something blood players have trouble understanding. Just because you can do something else doesn't mean that poorly working weapons is magically nullified. If you encounter a situation where you only had a flare gun there for some reason, you'd still be dealing with how shit the gun no matter how many times people shout, well don't do that then. So I'll make a map for it where that's all you can do... git gud says the blood player while defending horrifically broken aiming, missing out on how terrible they are and acting oblivious to valid criticisms.
I never said flare gun wasn't fidgety. It can be fidgety but all the other guns are absolutely fine. You have a roster of 12 weapons in Blood, each with secondary fire. If you find that the flare gun is fidgety and unreliable, why would you insist on using it when the other weapons work fine?

Using the fidgety flare gun is an art in itself anyway. Check out my flare gun gameplay from the 00:05:10 mark of the second level:

>They just get their panties in a twist that people don't jerk off too their try hard edgy game that made them see cool in elementary school because they learned about poe and recited it as if it wasn't outdated as shit.
Now you're just getting personal ;)

The funny thing is growing up Blood wasn't my favourite shooter. I liked it, sure, but I always preferred Doom to it. I did like Blood more than Duke always however.

It wasn't until last year that I decided to replay Blood after many years because of this board, and I played it for the first time with KBM controls. It was then that I realised just how amazing the game actually is. So no son, this isn't nostalgia but nice try ;)

>> No.1378160

>You don't need to peak, just bounce the mite off the wall.
Well I lied, that's not entirely true, you do need to peak the first time you playing the level. In fact, it's likely every corner will be what you peak unless you know the map in and out. Which is how blood players rate their levels, by how many times they can start over and and know where to toss dynamite before they come into an encounter and then try to shit talk other people. Oh, you didn't know to toss dynamite into a blind corner? Scrub.

>> No.1378171

>Check out my flare gun gameplay from the 00:05:10 mark of the second level:

Why did you just link to shooting a barrel and then a zombie with the flare gun. Yeah, it's the flare gun. Not that you need to save the ammo, but if you cared to you can walk over to the barrels, shoot it with the flare, walk away, zombies come to the barrels and get blown away, one flare and done.

Both are standard fair for the flare.

>> No.1378174

>Having multiple targets and choosing enemies to attack is interesting.
But this is almost every shooter ever. You could play completely offensively in 99% of single player shooters ever made. And on top of that you can run through the levels with just the shotgun. Blood is a different beast altogether as for the most part you play defensively, though that doesn't mean you don't go on the offensive when the time is right. Blood really mixes up your use of weaponry more than any game I've ever played.

Just look at the approach to this room at 1:05:26. Look at everything it entails, the crouching, the weapon switching, the intensity, the reflexes required. Duke does NOT have this, period.

>The pacing for enemy, situation and encounter rate in duke is just better.
I disagree but this is entirely subjective.

>> No.1378176

Uh, because I wasn't gonna run out of ammo by shooting a zombie with one flare?
top kek

>> No.1378187

No. Why did you post it was the question. Not why did shoot a barrel and a flare gun. It doesn't show anything at all. It shows shooting a flare gun, that's it.
Also, good job captain obvious pointing out exactly what I just fucking said. You blood faggots are a quite few cells short.

>> No.1378189

>as if it wasn't outdated as shit.
Blood isn't anymore outdated than Duke, but you don't know this because you only play with source ports and re-releases. Also dosbox Blood runs really terribly. This is why Blood fans want a source code release or re-release so bad.

Graphically Blood is actually quite a nice looking game at the higher resolutions, but people can't play this on dosbox without sub 60FPS framerate.


>> No.1378191

M8, you're really grasping at straws here and honestly you sound retarded. I'm not even kidding.

>> No.1378192

>Blood isn't anymore outdated than Duke,
I'll wait for you to read it again.

>> No.1378197

So basically, you're going to post like a retard, respond to responses like a retard, then act really retarded, then tell other people they sound retarded when you can't even fucking read? Good job.

>> No.1378202

It's not. Play Duke 3D on dosbox at the original 320x320 resolution or whatever without mouse fixes and see if it feels any more dated than Blood.

>> No.1378208

Check out the 3DFX version


>> No.1378209

I'll wait for you to read it again.

>> No.1378212

zomg 'anymore' typo on a chan, I'm glad this wasn't my thesis

>> No.1378218

So instead of reading what I wrote, you're going to reference something completely different.
Before you start fighting imaginary battles, try fucking reading what people write.

>> No.1378226

>They just get their panties in a twist that people don't jerk off too their try hard edgy game that made them see cool in elementary school because they learned about poe and recited it as if it wasn't outdated as shit.
You made an analogy that Blood is 'outdated as shit' and I responded to that.

>> No.1378230

Let's play a game. You try to point out where what you just said is true and I'll give you a fucking cookie over the internet when you do.

>> No.1378237

Nigger talking to you is retarded. Try to write sentences that actually make sense 'cause you're amazingly incoherent. Whatever your point is, why don't you just get to it now instead of beating around the bush like a flailing retard?

>> No.1378239

This post is actually full retard hahaha.

>> No.1378240
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nice shitslinging dramafest guys

you could avoid this by sticking to facts instead of getting all personal and bitchy like girls on the rag

>> No.1378248

>You made an analogy that Blood is 'outdated as shit' and I responded to that.

Prove it.

>> No.1378251

Nope. Enough of this crap. You can only talk with an idiot for so long before feeling your IQ slip.

>> No.1378254

Or it's because you're a retard who can't back his shit up.

You said I said blood is outdated. PROVE IT. Go ahead. Should be a simple task for a fucking smart fucker like you who know how to read.

>> No.1378301

>Which is how blood players rate their levels, by how many times they can start over and and know where to toss dynamite before they come into an encounter and then try to shit talk other people.
See, this is why you're a total idiot. You think the game is about trial and error because you're too shit to understand the approach and you can't deal with Cultists around the corner you can't react to. You fail at the mechanics of peaking and the constant state of 'fight or flight' that Caleb is in. You don't have the reflexes for it, the aim required, the intelligent use of weaponry or the approach needed to unfamiliar areas. This is what I've been arguing against all along.

It really boils down to you being an extremely one dimensional player m8. Just watch the gameplay videos I've provided itt (not episode 1, because I know that pretty well and you'll just accuse me of knowing where everyone is). Watch Episodes 2&5 over here >>1367325, that should be a good place for you to start.

In all of these videos there isn't a single place I've thrown dynamite or rebounded it off a wall without having seen a cultist or other enemy there first.

>> No.1378326
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I haven't been on /vr/ in a while but sheesh, I don't remember it being this pissy. Sheesh.

Anyway, replaying Duke I have found that like Doom, the levels are best appreciated when you play them all from a pistol start. Health/ammo placement is nicely balanced in Episodes 1 and 3, 2 is doable but can be a real drain with all the sentry drones if you don't want to trick them into exploding all the time.

Some Blood levels play well this way, most not unless you're on, like, the second difficulty setting. Cryptic Passage plays very well this way on all the levels though.

>> No.1378381

>You think the game is about trial and error because you're too shit to understand the approach and you can't deal with Cultists around the corner
See this is why you're a total idiot. Because you assume incorrect shit that's wrong.

>> No.1378413

I'm using eduke32 with gog's DN3D Atomic Edition and it's only recognizing it as the shareware edition. where did I fuck up?

>> No.1378460

eduke32 overwrites duke3d.grp and duke.rts

>> No.1378632

Why is /vr/ so hateful towards build engine games?

>> No.1378638
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The only thing I can think of that Duke Nukem Forever sparked quite a bit of "looking back, Douk was never good" attitudes and there may be some residuals from that, and also probably a bit of backlash from Blood fans being a tad hyperbolic in their praise of the game.

The Shadow Warrior reboot had a similar effect where it brought the original game into the spotlight and you had a lot of people being tribal about it either being a forgotten masterpiece or a never-good Duke cash-in.

>> No.1378758

gotta be careful in a world where everyone's eleven feet tall.

>> No.1378896
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The War of Attrition mod for Duke3D does this really well. You always pistol start, but your weapon upgrades carry over, making weapon hunting that much more satisfying.

>> No.1378996
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I love episodes with levels designed to be playable in pistol start. That's the core of old FPS games, if you die, you start again at the start of the level with a pistol start, no savescumming required, actually, no saving at all required. Modern Doom ports completely ruined this spirit though by having an autosave at the start of the level which you go back to (with all your weapons and hp you had when starting the level) if you die.

Anyway that's why when me and my friends made the episode Metropolitan Mayhem for Duke3D we designed it to be do-able in pistol start for each map.


and yes, i will advertise our episode in every thread until everybody has played it

>> No.1379003

Another reason I see is the amount of Doomfags on this board (because they don't have the guts to say what they think on their own forums they insult each other anonymously on this board's doom general thread). I wouldn't want to start a DukeVSDoom war, but while Duke is my fav I still enjoy Doom a lot. SOME Doomfags will shit on every FPS that's not Doom even though they hardly know them. Some called Blood a poor Doom wanabee...

>> No.1379046

Weapon upgrades?

>> No.1379047

It's a mod where you can upgrade your weapons.

>> No.1379081

I was fishing for a little bit more than that, but thank you.

>> No.1379083
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>> No.1379105

>The only thing I can think of that Duke Nukem Forever sparked quite a bit of "looking back, Douk was never good" attitudes and there may be some residuals from that, and also probably a bit of backlash from Blood fans being a tad hyperbolic in their praise of the game
Nigga please, don't be so obnoxiously patronising. I've never played DNF and I always preferred Blood to Duke. Hell I always preferred SW to Duke as well. There are perfectly legitimate reasons for that.

>> No.1379115 [DELETED] 

Was DNF really that bad? How 'retro' is it anyway? Why did people hate it so much?

>> No.1379134

DNF isn't retro at all. But I thought it was a good game, just nothing extraodinary. Basically it is to modern FPS games what Duke3D was to Doom-like FPS. The reason it's not as good mostly because modern FPS aren't as good, and well, Duke3D was also a lot more inovative for its time while DNF had nothing inovative.

But it's definitly not a bad game. As a Duke3D fan it felt good to play another FPS as Duke, with the humour and all the old aliens in detailed 3D.

>> No.1379141

I liked the callbacks to Duke 3D weapons and monsters, but the handling of pacing, level design, and modern FPS gimmicks greatly diminished that.

The whole time I had the nagging feeling that it was shunning its roots. Because, well, it was from that respect.

>> No.1379234

To be fair, it was better than most modern FPS.
To be fair, that's a trivial thing to do.

>> No.1379242

>Was DNF really that bad?

No it was just extremely mediocre. People flipped out over it because of the immature humor which was fucking dumb because it's Duke after all and because the game didn't live anywhere near the hype it got. Though honestly no one should have expected much considering its really terrible development history.

>> No.1379252

I don't think it could have done anything to beat 15 years of hype.

>> No.1379714

I had it bookmarked already, but that fact about the design is making me download and play it now.

That's not what patronising means, and I didn't say you're not allowed to think Blood is superior or there are no legitimate reasons. I said that fans sometimes go overboard with their praise, which is true, and it is something that does invite backlash no matter what game it happens for.

>> No.1379781

Cool, tell me what you think. Try to find the secret level (hint : the entrance to it is in map#04) and be sure to try at least 3 of the 4 boss maps (don't bother with Yellow Hellride)

>> No.1379791

It's why Half-Life 3 is never coming out.

>> No.1379805

I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't appeal of DN
I fucking loved Blood and Shadow Warrior, but I just found DN dull.

>> No.1379806

It deserves to be hated

It's the rage that accumulated in 15 years

Back in 1998, Duke Nukem Forever was intended to be the shooter that would take the genre to a new level. A lot of people were sure that DNF would be the real Quake killer. Duke Nukem 3D was a prologue for things to come.

Of course, 3DRealms could never finish it, Quake won the FPS war, the 90s died, the fat fuck of Broussard delayed the project for 15 years and the rest is history

>> No.1379867

I know that part I have no idea how to do it either I just shoot all the ducks until it opens

>> No.1379910

Doomfags even shit on Doom they are so fucking stupid. I love doom and play it lots but most the people on this board just like editing shitty anime girls into the demons and not actually playing the game because theyre a bunch of suck ass bitches that would get smoked in a real deathmatch and make excuses not to play like WAH I DUN LEIK THE MAP PACK.

>> No.1380342

>I said that fans sometimes go overboard with their praise, which is true
Nope. Blood is a great game and if anything is under-praised. It seems you think it's okay to jerk off over Duke Nukem 3D but if somebody calls Blood a great game he's not allowed to do so. Piss off.

>> No.1380354

what are you even talking about

>> No.1380364

It wasn't just living up to the hype that failed. It failed to PLAY like Duke Nukem. Everybody who gave a shit about Duke wanted more Duke 3D. And they decided they knew a better way to make an FPS. They didn't.

>> No.1380497

Did they know about Quake already, or is this a nice accident?

>> No.1380556

It's a definite reference. Even if the game just came out or was coming out, they advertised that stuff way in advance. So yeah, they knew.

>> No.1380589

Kek. As soon as I made that post I thought of HL3. It's guaranteed to sell an assload and I think it's also guaranteed to be decent... but fuck me if neckbeards all over the internet (or maybe just 4chan) won't shit on it hard.

HL3 will have a real problem though. Love it or hate it, but the original Half Life changed FPS forever with its linear + scripted approach. Sure we've all grown to generally loathe the structure and its absolute replacement of classic FPS design, but at the time it was a breath of fresh air. I grew up on all the old '90s FPS's and I loved them. When I played Half Life for the first time I was absolutely blown away by it. It felt good to be playing something other than the typical get key-open-door-get key-open next door design. In retrospect it remains a great game, however unfortunately it doesn't have the gameplay which makes me want to go back to it again and again as I do with other shooters.

Anyway, then HL2 came out and its huge innovation was in-game physics. Of course we've had physics in other shooters but HL2 did it in a pretty damn splendid way. Gravity gun was great and interacting with the world felt inherently natural and perfect. I especially liked how the puzzles in the game were related to physics. I would argue that HL2 was innovative in its own right.

Now with HL3... it will be difficult for Valve to create something new like they did with the first two games. I really don't know what they'll do. I'm not saying that they NEED something new (I just hope they make a solid shooter) but everybody else seems to be expecting it of them. Who knows, maybe they'll come up with something that blows our minds but if they don't people are gonna call it shit.

HL3, if it ever comes out, is gonna have a tough fucking ride among neckbeards and a lot to live up to. I can see /v/ all collectively calling it shit after it's been out a couple of months.

>> No.1380598

Duke Nukem 64. Not Forever, censored to fuck, but it was hardcore.

Play that shit Damn I'm Good >without saving.

>> No.1380615

How is PC mod of Duke 64?

Am I the only one that fapped to the Duke strippers? I only did it once... this was puberty in full swing before mainstream internet...

>> No.1380665
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>Am I the only one that fapped to the Duke strippers?
Come on man. Where do you think we are? People fap to MUCH more shameful things than that. They are strippers. Pixelated doesn't change much.

>> No.1380770

>People fap to MUCH more shameful things than that.
Like what?

>> No.1380806

Not tried it, it should be fine minus the awesome mapped controls. I love n64 controller and fuck everything else.

>> No.1380829

Stick around, kid. The things you'll see.

>> No.1380896 [DELETED] 

I've been here for five years :O

>> No.1380902

I've been here for five years :O

>> No.1380906

Then you should really know the answer to that.

>> No.1380915

>I've been here for five years
What, alive? Where were you on this board?

>> No.1380918

They knew about it. There were usenet chats, newsletters and so fourth. Plus being in the industry the word would have gotten around anyway. Qtest was released a month before Duke Nukem 3D.


For example has some info, it even references PC Format in august 1994 which had press release/news of Quake. So they knew it was coming and they knew who it was by. It makes sense to take a Jab at at it. It's kind of like say, being a company releasing an FPS that will be say a tribes killer. Except you release it earlier than they do.

>> No.1380920 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1380934

At one point I attempted to, but I ended up playing through the game until I came across that qt azn statue in the kemono. if you pressed use on her, NIPPLEESSSSS

>> No.1380939

oh dear

>> No.1380947

I mean I've been on 4chan for five years.

Started as a typical /b/tard
got bored of it about 9 months in and moved to /v/
started posting on other boards like /r9k/ as well
moot deleted /r9k/ and I moved to a then-new /r9k/ on another chan
got bored of 4chan /v/ in that time
started posting on /tv/ regularly
moot made /vr/
I am now a regular of /vr/, /tv/ and an /r9k/ on another chan
good times

>> No.1380963 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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nsfw as if you didn't know.
Also, pic related.

>> No.1380969 [DELETED] 

>moot deleted /r9k/
Wut? It's still there.

>> No.1380980 [DELETED] 

Your new is showing.

>> No.1381002 [DELETED] 

>ever going to r9k

>> No.1381013 [DELETED] 

>being buttdevastated that he's been caught out as a new fish

>> No.1381025 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1381202 [DELETED] 
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it used to be nine thousand

>> No.1381739

The Duke Nukem 64 mod for PC using eduke32 is phenomenal. As close as the console version as you could get and you can even turn on musics if you want to (there is no music in the original game). Playing with the rocket launcher is FANTASTIC.

>> No.1381742

>Playing with the rocket launcher is FANTASTIC.
I mean with the grenade launcher

Also for people who are interested, some skilled people are currently working on making a PSX version mod for PC. They successfully ripped the maps from the PSX game (=you'll play the actual maps, not recreations). It should come out during the year, maybe even sooner than expected.

>> No.1381796

>Doomfags even shit on Doom they are so fucking stupid.

This. It makes me sick seeing some doomfags shit on 90's wads because they're "not to todays standards". I mean, I understand hating on the vast majority of 1994 maps, because most of them actually were halfarsed and terrible. But to see people shit on the MMs, Hell Revealed, Icarus, etc, solely because they're not as detailed as say BTSX or SoD, is just ridiculous. They might aswell hate the iwads, while they're at it. Hell, they probably already do.

>> No.1381871 [DELETED] 

This is funny. Looks like the /vr/ Doom community is a very splintered one. I bet some of them get totally buttmad that people enjoy mods like Brutal Doom. I personally thought it was pretty cool. I liked how they tightened up the mechanics and made it faster and more challenging (excluding the original Nightmare mode of course). I'm someone who grew up on Doom, played all the originals (I, II & Final) back in day with pure keyboard controls, then went back with Mouse and the new source ports, recently beat the original on Nightmare so felt good about that. I can love Brutal Doom. I can only imagine how many purists get ass-ravaged about it. It's silly.

>> No.1381873

This is funny. Looks like the /vr/ Doom community is a very splintered one. I bet some of them get totally buttmad that people enjoy mods like Brutal Doom. I personally thought it was pretty cool. I liked how they tightened up the mechanics and made it faster and more challenging (excluding the original Nightmare mode of course). I'm someone who grew up on Doom, played all the originals (I, II & Final) back in day with pure keyboard controls, then went back with Mouse and the new source ports, recently beat the original on Nightmare so felt good about that. I dig Brutal Doom and I'm someone who was playing Doom from '94 onwards. I can only imagine how many purists get ass-ravaged about it. It's silly.

>> No.1382232

For a long time I thought Brutal Doom was some cult thing that probably overhyped. But I finally got around to playing it and I am really enjoying it. It's not at all necessary to enjoy Doom of course, but it does add some layers.

>> No.1382414

I'm sure the beef is with all the people surrounding Brutal Doom rather than the mod itself. There's plenty of other mods that change all kinds of game mechanics.

>> No.1382425

Both Duke and Quake were awesome but both in different ways.

>> No.1382593

its cause mark 4 is a fagget and he sucks at DM he was in a game I was in but left before I could drill him to the bottom of the scoreboard

>> No.1382648

So someone's skill at playing a game is reflective of their value? Fuck, I'd rather someone be capable of making a fun mod than just play the game well. That's a significantly larger contribution to the community.

...that is who Mark4 is right? The author?

>> No.1382658

I just find it a bit annoying when people say BD is the ultimate Doom mod. I personally enjoy it a lot, but it's just one of a bunch of favorites of mine.

>> No.1382663

No it isnt really but he acts like gods gift to doom even though hes a shitty deathmatcher.

>> No.1382665

Oh, so he's got a shitty overblown ego to match. OK, that's fair.

>> No.1382670

Maybe this isn't the thread for it, but care to list a couple others?

>> No.1382676

Mods like Russian Overkill, Psychic, Accessories to Murder, and Zharkov Goes to the Store.

>> No.1382685

Think I'll check a few of those out. Thanks.

>> No.1382689

Also, while killing hordes of monsters with superweapons in Russian Overkill is great and all, I find it's the humor that really makes it special. Even the code has it.

>> No.1382714

My only gripe with RO is that the tank cannon feels a bit underpowered. That and fishing for the exact weapon you want to use can a be a pain because there's so many of them.

>> No.1382805

the post shareware levels of Duke have some really awful level design

>> No.1382814

it's because of all the people that say that Brutal Doom is "how Doom was meant to be played" when really it just adds loads of visual clutter and the "tightened mechanics" aren't "tightened" at all. it's just a dumb mod made by an insane weirdo that people have latched onto

>> No.1382826

blow it out your ass

>> No.1382853

The shareware levels are definitely my favorite, but I wouldn't really say that. Some areas in Lunar Apocolypse didn't feel like they had the same sense of purpose, but other than that it's just an episode that feels different.

>> No.1382872 [DELETED] 
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I remember when I used to fap to the pole-dancers in DNF

>> No.1382898

There are only two ways this can end

and in both of them..

you die

>> No.1382904


Everyone remembers seeing all the cool things in the city levels

No one remembers jetpacking around that fucking canyon trying to find where the keys are or what that button you hit did

>> No.1382992

what the fuck episode 3 was fucking amazing, the bank, the movie set, the sushi restaurant, LA rumble, the firehall, hotel hell. Man fuck you if you dont like episode 3, 2 is still good its just not as good but really fuck you if you dont like 3.

>> No.1383000


The only thing stopping ep.3 from being perfect is Flood Zone.

>> No.1383053

I really liked flood zone. The underwater buildings were really cool. The Battlelords made it kind of tough though.

>> No.1383134

brutal doom is less about graphics and more about gameplay. It seems you haven't played it at all. It speeds up the gunplay to match the pacing of the movement and makes the enemies also match. So enemies can still hurt you even without having to rely on superspeed mode or respawning.

>> No.1383264

I actually don't mind Brutal Doom. Its not exactly my thing, but its not worth getting butthurt over it.

>> No.1383272

Just be glad Battlelords can't swim.

>> No.1383341

i read that as battletoads haha

>> No.1383352
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But if it was, he'd be wrong.

>> No.1383379
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There's a game for the ages. Battletoads Duke Nukem: The Penultimate Team. They both have experience fighting mutant pigs.

I'm just not sure if it'd be a shooter with heavy melee elements, or a beat-em-up with a gun or two thrown in for good measure. Either way, someone get on that.

>> No.1383423

Flood Zone was a massive difficulty spike, I must say. First couple levels of Shrapnel City were pretty managable, and then Flood Zone comes along with dozens of tough enemies thrown at you.

>> No.1383431

As long as you abuse shrink ray, it's not too bad.

>> No.1383486

This. The shrinker is like a single target BFG.

>> No.1383593

If only it worked on sentry drones.

>> No.1383728

It would be amusing if they still tried to explode against you, like a tiny firecracker. Doing 1 damage.

>> No.1383741

stop being so fucking terrible at video games
its bad enough you suck at life but to suck at the only thing you consider yourself good at is even more pathetic

>> No.1383757

Is there any way to get standard aiming in this on any of the emulators? Trying to on project 64 and cant.

Last time I played inverted aiming was like in 1998. Cant do it mayne.

>> No.1383772

I liked that the levels were small, fast-paced, and balanced for pistol starts (as you said). I had fun with them but I guess my complaints would be that it's basically as the description says: they're speed maps in the E1/E3 style... so they play like not-as-good derivatives of the original maps for the most part. I can't really fault them for being exactly as advertised I guess.

That said there were definitely some good moments (secret level was a well-realized setting), I like the high-altitude boss battle, and that stadium level is crazy. The rest of the maps were easier than vanilla (too generous with ammo and health, I thought) but those stepped it up.

>> No.1383834

>Is there any way to get standard aiming in this on any of the emulators? Trying to on project 64 and cant.
Are you trying to play DN64 or DN3D? DN3D supports playing with Eduke32 and both the original and eduke support invert/non inverted.

>> No.1383838


combat was much faster, it had that 80s macho atmosphere to it, and you could interact with a lot of things in the environment.

>> No.1384170

awesome :D i'll keep this idea in the back of my head for a future Duke3D mod, shouldn't even be too hard to code.

Thx! glad you enjoyed it, but yeah, it was speedmapping, we didn't aim at create anything "grand" really, when i started the project i just wanted to have a quick episode reminding people (and especially a lot of duke3D mappers who tend to create highly detailed maps with average gameplay these days) what made us like DN3D in the first place. Though, I'm still very proud of my map Sex City as I find it to be my best map even though I did it in one day. It's just solid all the way through, and so duke3D-like.

You could try playing the Duke Nukem 64 mod for Eduke32. It's as faithful as you could get from the original game, so you might as well play that rather than the emulated rom. It's on moddb, you need eduke32 and I think a copy of duke3D.grp file of version 1.4 or 1.5.

>> No.1386305

I thought Sex City and the subway one were the best.

>> No.1388472

>put some dude in a room and have wave after wave of enemies attack him. That is not retro.

of course it's not. that's how modern games are being made.

when you can't speedrun or pacifistrun a game


>> No.1388510
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>Sprinting without the ability to shoot
Serious Sam

>> No.1389374

Serious Sam fans always rush to be called retro despite the fact that they're really one of three series that does that all released in modern era.
Serious Sam, Painkiller (which actually has some retro elements), and some shitty zombie shooting shareware shit that locked you in a room and you shoot at shit while running backwards all day.

Serious Sam does let you hold more than two weapons so that's good. But really it's closer to an epic scale Halo than retro games.

>> No.1391707

It was designed to be harder than the other games out there.
If it was or not... that's a different story entirely.

That being said, I love all 90s FPSes in their own right. Duke, Doom, Hexen, Hexen 2, Shadow Warrior, Blood, Marathon, Quake... I still need to play Unreal, but it looks good.

I think the only 90s shooter I DIDN'T like was Heretic, but even then I loved the feel of the weapons. It's just the levels and enemies I truly hated.

>> No.1391727
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>I still need to play Unreal, but it looks good
It is good; fantastic even. I was like you in that I love most the old fps' but never bothered to try Unreal. Once I did though it instantly shot up to my third favorite fps, after Hexen and Duke.

>that soundtrack
Shit's unreal.

>> No.1391734
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Spoken like a true connoisseur.

>> No.1391859

Somehow I never played Heretic or Hexen. Never cared for them as a kid despite trying them out. I also own Hexen II. Should I try going back to them? /vr/ never seems to talk about these games. It's ALWAYS Doom (24-7 general), sometimes Duke, sometimes Blood, occasionally Shadow Warrior but it doesn't seem to care about any of the others.

>> No.1392140

A month and a half old Heretic/Hexen thread died just a few days ago.

Anyway, yes, play them. If you like Doom than Heretic will be right up your alley. Hexen is different but still incredible.

>> No.1392156

there was a good heretic/hexen thread a while back. I love heretic though awesome level design in that game

>> No.1392737

I'm one of the doom mappers/modders on the board and I don't dislike nor discount the iwads and early pwads. I was in 3rd grade when the shareware came out but have been playing off and on since then. E1 is my favorite out of all the iwads (surprise), and Reqiuem is my favorite older pwad. Rats in the Walls blew my mind the first time I saw it, just because of the bars that you have to lower to progress (I know, doesn't seem like as much now.) Hell Revealed was pretty awesome, felt like an accomplishment to beat it.

The reason I tend to pick newer vanilla/boom megawads for servers or testing isn't because I hate older ones, but I (and alot of others on /vr/) have played the older ones to death. There's only so many times you can play AV before you want to try another megawad. I mean, there's all this content created for Doom, why not play it instead of restricting yourself to a handful of mapsets?

>I love doom and play it lots but most the people on this board just like editing shitty anime girls into the demons and not actually playing the game

Are you talking about Mike12's stuff? He does it as a joke and it takes him a couple of minutes to do. Any other anime demon girls are posted to the threads from sources outside /vr/.

If you're getting mad about people mapping/modding instead of playing, keep in mind that mapping/modding has been a part of the doom community since release, so we're just following in others footsteps. Mappers/modders tend not to play as much as others (though most have played lots in the past) simply because it takes time to map or mod. I don't know why people taking time to create free content for a 20 year old game should anger anyone.

>> No.1392745

That's a small minority rather than the majority. Most of us haven't played Duke as much as Doom but we like Duke or at least don't dislike it. Terminus has spent an inordinate amount of time getting Duke right in Samsara. Personally I spent about 30 hours of my own time doing the code for replicating the build engine's separate firing modes (being able to use the mighty boot while also using a gun.) I wouldn't do that if I thought Duke was bad.

>because they don't have the guts to say what they think on their own forums they insult each other anonymously on this board's doom general thread

Most of the people doing that are from their own various forums. /vr/doomers largely don't give a shit about forum rep or who said what on irc or in forum pm or anything else (unless it's funny), if they did they wouldn't be on /vr/.

What generally happens is a couple of hours after some drama goes down on a forum people start posting about it trying to stir up shit on /vr/, and most of the time they happen to somehow have "insider" information about the drama even though none of the people that are on /vr/ and the forum were involved in it. Basically other forums are dumping their garbage in our backyard because if they did the same on their home forums they would be permabanned or their "forum rep" would take a hit.

>> No.1392753
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>I bet some of them get totally buttmad that people enjoy mods like Brutal Doom.

Some of them do, but they're mad at the creator rather than the people playing it. Unless they're asking if they should use BD for their first playthrough of Doom or haven't ever played Doom without BD. Aside from that, nobody worth a shit is going to tell you how to enjoy Doom, its up to you.

The reason they dislike the creator has to do with use of content or code without crediting the original author. There are also two people on /vr/ that have a personal grudge against him because he saw some other work they did, asked if they could do some respriting work specifically for his mod, they went and did it and when it was done he shoved it into the mod without crediting them at all. They still aren't completely credited in the credits list he finally released after two and a half years of hounding, and when contacted about it he promises to put it in the next version and then doesn't.

And it's not like it's work to make a credits list; it's literally just a .txt file. Adding them would take a couple lines of text.

>> No.1392889

Have you ever been to the Smithsonian?

It is literally just as confusing.

>> No.1392901

I still like the idea of Phforchan: an imageboard entirely for 90s fpses.

Think about it: /doom/, where you can have a brutal doom general so oldfags and sane people don't get butthurt!
/raven/ for the other iwads,
/build/ for all things build, including Duke, SW, and Blood,
and.. idk, /other/? The idea of a /mthon/ board probably wouldn't have that much meat to it since not a lot of people post about Marathon online, but it seems kind of treasonous to make a bulletin board named after Marathon and not have a board dedicated to it.

But that's just a pipe dream that may never fly.

>> No.1392917

I think /quake/ would also be a necessity.

>> No.1392920

*snaps metaphysical internet fingers*
I knew I forgot something. Why not like /3d/ for early "true 3D" games like Quake and... um...

Okay, /quake/.

>> No.1392924

>and... um..

Unreal, Turok, Half-Life.

>> No.1392931

Dammit, those were on the tip of my tounge.
It's like the middle of the night here in the US. Sue me.

>> No.1392938

/vidya/ (video games that aren't 90s FPS)
/offtopic/ (off-topic discussion)
/garbage/ (board for porn, trolling, shitposting, etc. like /b/ or [s4s])

That's plenty of boards. For a pipe dream concept...

>> No.1392951

Oh, and I suppose you'd want a /meta/ board, too.

>> No.1393590


I was about to ask if they actually still had the source code since the last I heard they had lost it.

Then I searched and apparently some asshole said he had the source code but didn't release it even though the project he was going to work on never came to fruition. That sucks.

The build engine people have always been stingy when it came to source code it's hurt their fanbase quite a bit. I've never modded for duke, just for doom, but it seems like its not as easy or flexible to mod for duke because the source code got released much later than doom, meaning zdoom and derivatives had a head start but also got to keep a lot of the fanbase that was there closer to release (though doom also had a head start because it was made with modding in mind from the getgo.)

If it's any consolation, ZBlood is a thing; it's a recreation of Blood in the zdoom engine. There are also various other Blood projects in the doom community. There are apparently some differences between Blood and ZBlood, but if anyone wanted to work on ironing them out we have a crack team of zdoom modders in the doom threads on this board.

Modding for Blood in Build might be a better idea, though I'm not sure since I've never modded any build engine game.

>> No.1393606

It was the most immersive shooter of it's era. It's levels weren't nearly as abstract as those of quake and Doom, and there were lots of things to see, do, and explore. And there were plenty of distinctive and fun enemies and weapons.

>> No.1393667

>/build/ for all things build, including Duke, SW, and Blood

Pretty much 90% of the duke3D mapping/modding community is one forum. 100% of the Blood community is one other forum as well. The other builds games have next to zero activity (you get to see a shadow warrior map released like once every 2 year...)
Also, I doubt they'd care about posting on an imageboard is for them when they already have their place, some of them would even see it as "splitting a small community even more".
However, I do like the idea of having one place to regroup all Build activity, perhaps new people would join in and it would get duke people to check blood more stuff and vice versa. Also, perhaps it would get people to actually PLAY Powerslave/Exhumed more as it's imo the most criminically underated Build game EVEN amongts Duke and Blood fans (for people who work on the build engine a lot, most of them haven't even played powerslave)

>Modding for Blood in Build might be a better idea, though I'm not sure since I've never modded any build engine game.

A group of Russians is recreating blood in build using eduke32. It's terrible, it's off by so many miles. It's a recreation anyway, what could you expect, a recreation WILL be off by thousand miles. I don't see WHY anyone would play that just so he can play it in higher resolution than the original game in dosbox, being a graphicswhore for a 15years old is the worst irony of being a graphicswhore. (and I don't see why those russians like to waste their time doing that.) Also in a previous thread around here someone shared another way to play Blood and dos games rather than with dosbox and they said it was MUCH MUCH better than dosbox (very smooth at high resolution), but I can't remember the name of the program they used.

>> No.1393682
File: 71 KB, 925x583, 1391396662109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is http://dukeworld.duke4.net/ down for good? I wanted to download EDuke32 and can't access the damn file.

>> No.1393683

nvm, it works now

>> No.1393710

It's down for me atm but i'm very positive it's only temporary. eduke32 will never be down.

>> No.1393727

Ah. Well how much work do you think there would be to recreate it in the build engine vs the zdoom engine (since apparently blood used a modified engine)?

The reason I suggested the zdoom engine is just because I already knew about zblood and figured it might be easier just because zdoom is pretty user friendly at this point, and also because if a TC is made a mod replacing everything with Blood stuff is a piece of cake and then people playing it would have access to a bunch of doom maps with it, which from what I understand isn't the same in Build since maps for Duke won't work for Blood and vice versa.

Did they say if they could currently play the way they mentioned or it would be possible in the future? Because I know of BloodXL, but IIRC it's not done yet.

>> No.1393742

>Did they say if they could currently play the way they mentioned or it would be possible in the future? Because I know of BloodXL, but IIRC it's not done yet.

I'm not sure what you mean. You can play episode 1 and 2. http://m210.duke4.net/

>> No.1393763

I meant it for

>Also in a previous thread around here someone shared another way to play Blood and dos games rather than with dosbox and they said it was MUCH MUCH better than dosbox (very smooth at high resolution), but I can't remember the name of the program they used.

that it might be BloodXL

>> No.1393790

No, it wasn't a recreation of Blood. It was a way to let you play DOS games with better framerate than in DOSBOX.

>> No.1393792

Ah, then I have no idea then.

>> No.1393824

Why can't you just increase the clock rate in DOSBox?

>> No.1393943

lol'd....so true

>> No.1393963

>pandering to 13 year olds and super dorks instead of "harcores"
yup, that's every single Build Engine game ever

>> No.1393974

All the pr0n levels and total conversions, including the Vixen TCs and official Penthouse map.

>> No.1393992

>Also in a previous thread around here someone shared another way to play Blood and dos games rather than with dosbox and they said it was MUCH MUCH better than dosbox (very smooth at high resolution), but I can't remember the name of the program they used.
Yeah, he was talking about VirtualMachine. I don't know how to get that shit to work. You have to download/install all the drivers yourself as well as find the bastards. I'm not tech literate enough to do that. You'd also have to download a CD/iso version of Blood and run it that way with the Virtual Machine so that when the VM reads it, it thinks its reading a CD like it did on Windows '98. The anon claimed it was easy but Idk, seemed tricky as fuck to me. I had no idea how to follow his instructions which were quick and rather vague.

But yeah, he said he was playing Blood at like 1280x720 at past 60FPS with no hiccups. I wish someone would just put an upload some perfectly optimized VirtualMachine up that's ready to play the old DOS games in all their high resolution glory without problems.

>> No.1393996

>A group of Russians is recreating blood in build using eduke32. It's terrible, it's off by so many miles. It's a recreation anyway, what could you expect, a recreation WILL be off by thousand miles. I don't see WHY anyone would play that just so he can play it in higher resolution than the original game in dosbox, being a graphicswhore for a 15years old is the worst irony of being a graphicswhore. (and I don't see why those russians like to waste their time doing that.)
I agree with you man. BloodCM is fucking terrible. It's annoying when I see people recommend that bullshit. And I agree with you saying that it's an utterly pointless endeavour to work on.

I tried it out open mindedly, knowing that it wouldn't be anywhere near perfect but perhaps it would be fine in its own way and give a new flavour of Blood. What I got was a cheap, made in Taiwan imitation. That shit sucks.

I don't know what the deal is with BloodXL however. Is it possible that would be better? I haven't heard anything about that in ages.

>> No.1394014

People who recommend BloodCM either had never played Blood before, or haven't played it since 1997 and don't remember how gameplay really is, or are too stupid to realize the gameplay is very off and being blinded by being able to 'play' in smooth high resolution.

But anyway, even with that "smooth high resolution", when I try BloodCM, its only smooth when playing in 32-bit. For some reasons the framerate is horrible in 8-bit, and the game is meant to be played in 8-bit especially considering BloodCM is based on an older version of Eduke32 in which shading in 32-bit was fucked up and not how it should look (everything is brighter and the bright/dark differences aren't as strong as they should be). It's fixed now in newer versions of eduke32 though, not sure why they're using that.
Perhaps they started the project on an old version of eduke32 and moving on to the new one would take to redo a lot of stuff...
But then again, maybe the lag in 8-bit is only a problem on MY computer... If that's the case this whole rambling doesn't matter.

>> No.1394019

*Oracle VM VirtualBox


>> No.1394025

I even nude edited the strippers

>> No.1394028

*If anyone is interested on how to get Win'98 virtual machine going, you can check out the how-to link below:


Seems like a lot of effort.

>> No.1394060


Then dig out an old Pentium 2 and install FreeDOS or your old copy of 98/SE. People tend to forget just how much of a pain in the ass things like IRQ sharing and non-PNP hardware was at one time. If someone wants a 100% true non-emulated Blood experience, that's what you gotta do. Otherwise DOSBox and Blood TC's will have to do.

>> No.1394206

Yes that's probably the best solution. Even better if you can get your hand on a 3DFX video card supported by Blood.

>> No.1394338

I probably would have, if I hadn't found that already online.

>> No.1394417

I found those geisha statues that flash you more boner inducing.

>> No.1394454

thats disgusting

>> No.1394619

I really don't see how.

>> No.1395036

Those statues were gross. I remember I didn't like those titties for some reason. It's been a while tho.

>> No.1395067

That link shows how to put a machine to try to work with, not a bare bones machine to play games. They're installing flash, you don't need it. They're installing firefox, you don't need it. Office, you don't need it. Kernel patch for running XP software (we're not trying to run XP software here, you don't need it), .net, you don't need it, XML, you don't need it. Sumatra, don't need it, VLC, don't need it.
Shit you don't even need to install the autopatches really especially if you're behind NAT and only forward shit for multiplayer, if you're not doing multiplayer you don't even need that then.

Of course it's not a whole ton to do there it basically has you download all that shit, put it on a CD (doesn't even need to be a real CD, just daemon that shit)
Copy the scripts into batch files, check your system settings as recommended or wanted, install with specified parameters, drop in scidisplay, run batches off CD.
There's just a lot of text for walking you through it and linking/scripts.

It also suggests to use VPC anyway if you're using windows.

>> No.1395080
File: 34 KB, 500x370, e3m1_04_small[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They weren't my favorites either. But I don't remember anything strange about them other than being pure white. But they're mannequins so that's not so strange.

>> No.1395571

>The reason I tend to pick newer vanilla/boom megawads for servers or testing isn't because I hate older ones, but I (and alot of others on /vr/) have played the older ones to death. There's only so many times you can play AV before you want to try another megawad. I mean, there's all this content created for Doom, why not play it instead of restricting yourself to a handful of mapsets?

I think this is completely missing his point. He didnt say he hates newer megawads, and the fact that people mainly play newer ones now. I think its more he hates when people legitimately criticize the older ones solely because they're old. And there are in fact people who do just this.

>> No.1395853

Anybody want to do some Deathmatch on the steam version of duke? A mapper just released 3 DM maps and I'd like to try them.

>> No.1396157

food for thought

>> No.1396176

It defined the gritty mid to late 90s.

Also you could do a bunch of little things that wasn't done in other games.

Even in Duke Nukem Forever they had some stuff that you could do that distracted from how bad the game actually was.

>> No.1396465

Yeah. What's your stream brah?

>> No.1396471

join my steam group


there are always people on there that play just make an event or something

>> No.1397768

>first person shooter with no shooting at all
yeah stopped watching.
If there's no shooting, it's not an FPS, period.

Also a first person platformer with shooting elements is barely a shooter.

>> No.1397780

Yeah that made me facepalm too. It's like the guy believed FPS invented games using first person perspective.

>> No.1397883
File: 231 KB, 1920x1200, 022-caleb-wallpaper-1920x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1367391 here

So I did a re-play of Blood Episode 5 since the original's video/sound quality was marginally poorer than the others as stated in the quoted post. I also got lost a few times in the original and shit like that was probably annoying to watch. I didn't know where the secret level was, either. The new video is ten minutes shorter even including the secret level and I don't fuck up as much. Another thing I like about it is that when I play the secret map it's the first time I'm ever playing it; I never played it before this playthrough.


Sorry to gloat but this is pretty fucking beastly (if you can handle a low resolution video). Really, watch it, just like half an hour at least. It really shows what Blood is all about and it's easily the best playthrough I've come across on youtube in terms of gameplay. Skip the first level and go straight to 2 if you like as Blood tends to start slow with the pitchfork beginning. Note I don't know where all the secrets are so it's not a walkthrough video.

'Postmortem', the episode in this playthrough, is my favourite because it throws so many enemies at you. It's kinda like, for the original Blood episodes, what Doom II is to Doom. The fifth episode was released later as part of the expansion 'Plasma Pak' and in this they turn the game into an outright slaughterfest with the last maps. It's a lot more combat centric and less focussed on atmosphere in comparison to the other episodes. It also has some really stellar level design, the stand-out being Aqueducts.

There is one unfortunate problem that nags at me, and that's that I didn't adjust the default gamma setting one notch like I usually do. I re-installed Blood to do this video and forgot to change it. Oh well, hope it's not too bad. If you watch the video let me know what you think, thanks. NESfag if you're reading please respond.

>> No.1397905
File: 164 KB, 900x563, 1392057002017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, man, just watch the playthrough of the map starting at 11m33s

Like holy fucking shit this fucking game goddammit.

>> No.1398027

>no fully vanilla-compatible DN3D port
>Chocolate Duke3D is based on an old port of DN3D that made some important changes to the game engine
Why Doom can have a vanilla-like port but uncle Duke cannot?

>> No.1398028

I'm not sure what you're asking of me, the brightness level looks good to me if that's what you're asking.

Also I really love episode 5 as well because, as they had already done plenty of 'realistic' maps in the previous episodes, in ep5 a lot more maps are abtrasct, quite a lot of them are not supposed to represent anything but instead focusing on interesting abstract level design ideas, things they didn't get to do yet in the previous episodes. It's a bresh of fresh air and I just love abtrasct level design because of its typical of that area of FPS.

>> No.1398034

There is xDuke. It was mostly used for multiplayer but it fits what you're looking for.

>> No.1398054

You mean it's the Chocolate Doom of Duke Nukem 3D? As in a 100% fidelity?

>> No.1398081

xduke is the port closest to the original you can find. Not sure what you mean by 100% fidelity, i'm guessing some things can be off but i can't think of anything.

I mean, i could turn the question around anyway : why would you rather play chocolate doom when you can use vanilla like settings in gzdoom ? and also what makes gzdoom not accurate with vanilla when playing vanilla maps?

>> No.1398150

Blood>Shadow Warrior>Duke Nukem 3D


>> No.1398157
File: 76 KB, 441x411, 1391207497942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quake is not definitively a better game than Duke Nukem 3D. Not even a little. You just place higher priority on the aspects you prefer about Quake.
>Not even a little

ok doc

>> No.1398230




>> No.1398239

Hexen is fucking boring.

Hexen 2 is a little bit better. Heretic is just Doom with medieval-magical weapons. Fire Mace is utter shit though.

>> No.1398394

Well Quake's single player is fucking ass. The verticality is cool but after the first episode you don't give a shit anymore. It's all the same shit over and over again, absolutely zero variety, everything looks the same drab dark blues and grays.

For single player I'd always choose Duke over Quake. Multiplayer is another story.

>> No.1398528

What the fuck is the difference between Heretic and Hexen? They seemed like the exact same shit to me.

>> No.1398531

Hexen was supposed to be a sequel to Heretic.

>> No.1398532

what do you mean 'supposed' to be?

>> No.1398542

Quake isn't for casuals (multiplayer that is).

>> No.1398550

Doom is overrated and only popular because it's easy. Making mods and maps for it is easy.

I mean just compare "competitive" doom to quakeworld.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA, you cant DOMINATE at all like you can in quakewrold since it's so simple.

Then there's those idiot zandrokiddies who try to play doom "competitively" with mouselook and opengl HAHAHAHAH then it goes from simple to complete crap.

>> No.1398552

I like how the duke community is mostly American.
Every other game is either third world south americans or scandinavians with a few eastern euro thrown in.

>> No.1398558
File: 55 KB, 474x531, 1383877871424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You type like a jackass.

>> No.1398587

Hexen is the sequel to Heretic. While it was originally Heretic 2, it became its own game and sequel at the same time.

If you know the story of the Serpent Rider series, then you know Heretic, Heretic 2, Hexen, and Hexen 2 are all connected.

>> No.1398718

cool. buttsex?

>> No.1398721 [DELETED] 


>> No.1398750

Please don't. I have no idea why he thought that was funny either, but you are making things far worse.

>> No.1398759 [DELETED] 

u mad?

>> No.1398760

>le newfag face

>> No.1398786
File: 100 KB, 225x291, the rock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1398793
File: 10 KB, 350x220, dirty-harry-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1398828

It was going to be the game to bring scripted events and interactive objects to the limelight of FPS's, but Half-Life beat it to the job.

>> No.1398831

DN3D had a visible plot, was interactive, and fun. Quake 1 was boring, ugly, had no plot, and the levels were very one sided.

There is a reason they call Half-Life the revival of the first person shooter.

>> No.1398860

Fuckin pansy.

As in casuals.

>> No.1398863

Also hurr plot and well jesus fucking christ you're ranting on about shit that only modern casuals consider to be a good thing and the reason why modern FPS's are so shit now.

go back to /v/ you stupid nigger

>> No.1398932

Quake had a cool style, but it was too homogenized from start to finish. The only real variance in theme was hi-tech future base to castle. And both were brown.

Just go.

>> No.1399342

But the multiplayer in Duke3D is also incredible. It's the fastest deathmatch i've ever seen in in a FPS.
Also, the vast majority of maps from the original game were designed BOTH by SP and DM in mind (which is why everything is interconnected in various ways in DN3D maps). There was a really big focus on multiplayer during the creation of DN3D.

>Doom is overrated and only popular because it's easy. Making mods and maps for it is easy.
It's not hard to make maps for Duke3D. I guess Doom can be considered easier because Duke3D doesn't have yet a map making program where you can see both the 2D and the 3D at the same time.
As for making mods, it's either to do whatever you want with eduke32 than with doom sourceports. You can check out Sonic 3D, or Top Shooter or Slender Wood's.

>I like how the duke community is mostly American.
Depends what you mean by that. The programmers of eduke32 are American, but as for map makers and modders, they are from all over the world. There is no real majority from a country.

>> No.1399360

>made that decision
Didn't they say it was lost? Sounds legit. Happens all the time with pre-broadband internet games.

>> No.1399363

I had a feeling there's more of them in the UK and Scandinavia for some reason.

>> No.1399367

Yeah as NESfag just says the mappers widely considered to be the best by the community all come from around the world - for some reason Argentinans make the most detailed maps (Alejandro, Gambini, davoX) though.

Americans are mostly responsible for the source port, even though development is a real fuckfest as of the last 3 years concentrating on things that aren't important (Polymer renderer that still can't be used, LUA-code base for some fucking reason, broken netcode, .etc .etc)

>> No.1399370

The Vita port of DN3D is taking an awful lot of time

>> No.1399376


lol no

>> No.1399379

his gameplay is a fuckfest but his maps still look pretty great, especially the Stadium map and his Paradise worlds mod that never came to be (but the screenshots looked insane)

I managed to make it out of the Buenos Aires ship crash legitimetely in the first release...but that map was a huge fuckfest of explosions. I liked some of the effects though.

>> No.1399471

Okay so, this is amazing.

I just tried to play Blood (gog version) for the first time with my new computer (3.2ghz quadcore).
I reinstalled it, changed a couple of dosbox settings to optimize it, and it runs MEGASMOOTH at 800*600! I used to only be able to play in 320*200 with my old 2,5ghz dualcore. Man now I feel like replaying all of Blood

>> No.1399481

What kinds of settings did you change to optimize it?

>> No.1399506

goddammit I'm so fucking jelly
I hate everything

>> No.1399508

yeah, I agree. actually I think SW and DN3D are comparable but blood is just on another level

>> No.1399512

I followed what is said here :


Open the file name "blooddosbox.conf" with notepad, then change the following:
cycles should be=max but i think it's already at that by default

also there is a small program made by gog in the blood folder that's like "graphics blood setup" or something, for this one i set resolution to my native screen res (1680*1050), like this when putting 800*600 in Blood it doesn't sretch to the widescreen but leaves black bars on the sides. Or maybe you don't even have to do that, I guess it depends on your screen and computer.

>> No.1399513


>> No.1399515

please note that the addon use another conf file (and obviously any conf file you may want to make yourself if you want to run maps and mods) so you'll have to make the changes in the other conf files as well

>> No.1400119


a.k.a. God-complexed retard who bitches over and entire thread on a spanish forum about how his map didn't get any recognition whereas it got 10/10 on dukeworld.

Also his maps are overrated as fuck.


>> No.1400131

Cool weapons. Over the top enemies and attitude. Level editor.

>> No.1400169
File: 262 KB, 1680x1050, duke0103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Criticizing other mappers anonymously? Now this is turning into Doom General Thread (Duke Edition) !

This being said, Gambini got a sprite bench ripped off from one of his maps so he's the one to blame really...

lol no

>> No.1400392

It's nice that you have the guts to back up criticisms with a name and all, but expecting that of everyone in this place is kind of silly.

Besides, there's a pretty good chance that came from somebody who isn't a big name in the community, so it would be just as useless to them to know it.

>> No.1401051

I wanted to know what you thought of the gameplay quality of my playthrough brah.

It's funny that being able to play an emulated, old, mid to late '90s game at a framerate over 60 at only a resolution of 800x600 has made me want to get a 2014 tier gaming PC over any other release in ages. Enjoy the re-play dude!

>> No.1401386

>It's funny that being able to play an emulated, old, mid to late '90s game at a framerate over 60 at only a resolution of 800x600 has made me want to get a 2014 tier gaming PC over any other release in ages

I know, right? The only 2 reasons I bought myself a new computer is because, one, the one I had was dying (like, parts were dying one after the other, HDD, video card, memory; as well as my OS being all glitchy and prevented me from doing a lot of things and resintalling it didn't even help) and because I was given quite a bit of money I didn't expect to have.
When I got it I was all excited. I started replaying Metro2033 at highest resolution, but then I got bored of it. Then I replayed Hard Reset but it was only average and for some reasons it wouldn't let me launch the DLC even though I had already beat the game before. Then I bought the new Rise Of The Triad and after 1 hour and a half I was bored already (although it started REALLY REALLY fun, it got stale and very repetitive quickly).

So after that... I was back to Doom and Duke Nukem 3D on a 2014 tier gaming PC... at least now I can recomfort myself knowing I can play Blood like this which I couldn't on my previous one.

I was just joking comparing this with the Doom threads. But heh, at least nowadays a few people aren't afraid to say what they think. When I arrived in the Duke community almost 10 years go, whenever a new guy came in with a bad map, everybody was like "Nice keep up the good work *thumbs up*", because they were so glad to see a newcomer they were afraid to make him leave if they said anything bad.
Now some people do tell the map is shit but encourage them anyway. It can be annoying sometimes but I still find it better. The only problem is that, when new people come on the duke3D forums for technical helps however, they often get called noobs and make the whole place look like it's full of asshole. I guess we can't have everything.

>> No.1401389

>I wanted to know what you thought of the gameplay quality of my playthrough brah.

I think it looks good enough! Even in fullscreen. Sure it could look better but it's good enough to enjoy the playing.

>> No.1401957
File: 120 KB, 1186x620, muh build.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, at least Dark Souls II is coming up. Playing that at nice settings would be good I guess, although I'm fine with the PS3 version.

What specs are your new PC?

I've been mulling over doing pic related, but perhaps it's better I wait for Windows 9 at least and then get the new graphics cards etc that are out then. I know I can install an earlier version of Windows 7 but I'd prefer to see what comes out. Plus then I would have easily future proofed myself for the entire new gen.

Also, even if I get a new gaming PC, like you I know I won't give a shit about most of the stuff out. I do my 'PC gaming' on my laptop, which is the following specs:

Dell Studio 1555
2.4 Ghz DuoCore
512MB ATI HD Mobility Radeon
4 Gig RAM

I actually can't even complain because this thing runs everything fine to about 2006 at 60+ fps at decent settings (including games like Half Life 2, FEAR, Doom 3). It does all the emulation I want, too, and of course I can play the old classic FPS games and their source ports just fine - though with Blood I'm obviously stuck with shitty DOSBox. For multiplayer I have Quake Live and CS1.6 which have never been surpassed for me so there's nothing else I actually need. Feels satiated man.

I think I would like to make a Let's Play channel on youtube where I just do playthroughs of older games at top quality, but I guess that won't require the specs in the pic. Idk man, don't wanna waste money especially when I'm busy with work etc. It still is nice to have a beastly PC though man. It is of course the best gaming platform and having a top tier machine must feel good.

>> No.1402275
File: 60 KB, 800x600, 41092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New mod from the Duke Nukem 3D scene.

The Mask Reveals Its Disgusting Face
A sweet short adventure horror game, by the maker of other eduke32 mods such as Slender Woods and Sonic 3D.


>> No.1402518
File: 126 KB, 839x469, megaton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's happening? how did I miss this?

>> No.1402535


It was $3.99 two weeks ago.

>> No.1402559
File: 120 KB, 279x310, george is getting upset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duke Caribbean crashes every time I try to load game. I can start a new game, but pressing load game crashes the game. No error messages, nothing.
I tried reinstalling, checking the cache etc. nothing works. The game was fine not too long ago and now it started to do this all of a sudden.

>> No.1402934
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 1391309917041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Criticizing other mappers anonymously?
>Implying I can't value his works as a player and have opinions on his maps because I want to

How about you stop being a defensive idiot?

>> No.1403602

Dude, you're the one being defensive here. Didn't you notice I was also mocking Gambini's behaviour both in the message and in the screenshot? The screenshot is from a map I'm currently working on, I put that message there before this thread was up.

>> No.1403608

Hmm, are you using megaton? perhaps the game got updated in between the moment you saved and the moment you tried to load.
That would explain the crash.

Saves (and demos) work in a such a way in duke that if you use another version of the game they'll stop working, everything has to be exactly the same. So, that's the only explanation I got.

I guess you could either restart from scratch, or use the DNSCOTTY30x cheat to reach the level you were at. Every level is designed to be possible from pistol start anyway.

>> No.1403616

What port are you using? Have you tried using another source port?

>> No.1403636

Hey, I know this is a stupid question but I'm planning on building my first PC here soon

What site is that?

>> No.1403640
File: 15 KB, 172x227, mymistake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind, I found it after a little googling.

>> No.1403782

personally, i loved duke more than quake. maybe i missed it, but why is no one mentioning that trent reznore made the soundtrack of quake? two years ago, i get a bootleg-lp of it for a few bucks.

>> No.1403823
File: 61 KB, 800x600, SS030000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in my current replay of Cryptic Passage, it's the first time I notice the corpses of the rats are different if you burn them.

I burnt them with the secondary fire of the Flaregun. I'm having tons of fun with secondary fire in this playthrough which I underused all the other times I played Blood. With good use of them, the game becomes really easy. The secondary fire of the flaregun can burn several guys at once (including butchers) while also getting rid of the rats and spiders nearby. The secondary fire of the rocket launcher is costly, but it brings hell on earth

>> No.1403960


I'm using megaton. Every other port works fine, but I want to play megaton for achievements, multiplayer etc.
Simply going to load menu crashes the game. Even pressing the quick button for load menu crashes the game. Also I just noticed that saving also crashes the game.
This only happens with duke caribbean, every other duke works fine.

>> No.1403991

If the crashes happens BEFORE loading the save, then I'm totally clueless. I guess you tried to reinstall it.. you should report the problem

>> No.1404058

Indeed. Secondary flare is savage and something every good Blood player would definitely learn to incorporate well in his play-style.

>> No.1404136

>Nevermind that Duke had shitastic mouse input, even on the port it's still not great.
Go download EDuke32 if you want perfect mouseaim (just turn off the mouse smoothing that's on by default and voila).

>> No.1404175

There's no official Penthouse anything.

>> No.1404202

Remove your save files from the directory, it's an issue with Megaton.

Nothing you can do. I think even if you could revert back to the version you were running before, it would not work.

Megaton saves can get corrupted that way. Had the same issue with SW Redux.

>> No.1404350

>Go download EDuke32 if you want perfect mouseaim
Except that post referenced Eduke32 which doesn't have perfect mouse input. So.... no?

>> No.1405015
File: 35 KB, 175x231, black duke nukem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remove your save files from the directory, it's an issue with Megaton.

YES! It worked! Thanks bro, I'm finally going to finish this game.

>> No.1405035

yes there is, duke nukems penthouse paradise was an official addon from penthouse magazine and GT interactive. I wouldnt expect you to know being too young to be looking at porn anyway.

>> No.1405049
File: 20 KB, 243x240, cantstandya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just watched the megaton multiplayer trailer from youtube and I know I shouldn't had watched the comments, but I did.
I sincerely hope these are just tricking trollmeisters and not some ignorant cowadoody babbies who think people play old games for nostalgia.

>> No.1405051

Those shitbabies are just talking themselves up because they know they couldnt handle anything as hard as douk.

>> No.1405056

>I was too young when these games came out. So, I never got a chance to enjoy them. I started gaming in 2001 when the Gameboy came out.


>> No.1405057
File: 1.72 MB, 200x151, 1384268356316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there actually are people who think duke fans hate DNF because duke fans "grew up"

As if duke fans don't play duke all day erry day all year.

I'm happy megaton edition finally got the multiplayer update. Gonna coop some douk with my bros.

>> No.1405513

It's best to the get the distance right on the flare gun's secondary so it splits just before hitting an enemy. All those clusters hitting at once does a metric ass ton of damage and can send them flying like they've been hit squarely with dynamite.

>> No.1405592

Thank you sir. I didn't know Megaton edition got multiplayer, it was the one thing missing from that awesome game. Time to go play some duke

>> No.1405909

DN3D Megaton Edition is a cash grab though.

It's running on an ancient version of the engine that lacks many features and makes a lot of mods incompatible. eDuke32 is ages ahead of it. They rushed it to release it with many missing things and now they're jewing out people with the multiplayer promises, I've tried deathmatching on it and it's nearly unplayable.

I don't even know why everyone was so eager for a half assed Duke multiplayer. You can perfectly play online using YANG 0.91 and the xDuke or hDuke ports, it's like everyone forgot about it.

>> No.1405926

> I've tried deathmatching on it and it's nearly unplayable

How so? It played fine for me.

>I don't even know why everyone was so eager for a half assed Duke multiplayer. You can perfectly play online using YANG 0.91 and the xDuke or hDuke ports, it's like everyone forgot about it.

99,9% of people won't do that because they don't want (or are unable to) install 2 programs. the good thing about megaton and its workshop is that it's very userfriendly, fast and easy.

As inferior to eduke32 as it is, you don't seem to realize what Megaton has brought. You can make a server at pretty much any time, wait a little, and someone will join.
It has brought thousands of players (including people who never played the game before), a broad new attention to the online and also to user maps (some of my maps got downloaded 3000 times in a few months on megaton contrary to maybe 300 max in a few YEARS before megaton), and even brought new mappers, including one who released an excellent map.

>> No.1405995

I guess this is what my dad kinda felt like when I didn't wanna watch his old movies with him when I was younger.

We're getting old bros.

>> No.1406009

Probably not. It's more than likely his old movies were just shit. Being old doesn't mean being bad, but most older movies are poorly directed and written poorly.

>> No.1406018

But that's what kids these days think about our games, and yet we think they're better.

Just like old people think their movies are better. It's the same thing anon you humongous fucking retard.

>> No.1406021

The difference is objectivity.

Old people are to their movies being better as new kids are to their games being better. They're both full of shit.

>> No.1406030

That's a nice opinion.

>> No.1406040

It's a nice fact. Nearly all old movies are pretty much B movies. Poor direction, ham fisted acting, poor dialogue. Overall they're just terrible shit. Kind of like the golden age of comics. When older people say it was a simpler time, they mean it people were fucking simple minded as shit. Most entertainment wasn't really designed to be a cohesive artistic enterprise and the ones that tried to be were spectacularly awful at it, they were more often exuberant commercial fanfics of various media.

Remember this is a time when people thought licking lead and bathing in radiation was an enticing thing to do.

>> No.1406090

Just like the vast majority of old games are outright ass and shovelware. You can't objectively say which is better or worse. So yeah, cute opinion.

>> No.1406101

>Just like the vast majority of old games are outright ass and shovelware

You mean old Atari games?

>> No.1406105

Look at the original King Kong for a great example of this. It's a special effects movie with laughable effects. The plot and characters are terrible, but the critics will never admit this because the film has a reputation as a "classic". The only remaining value is the fight choreography, which is admittedly still good.

>> No.1406123

There were some pretty bad old games. But you can objectively consider them against new games any day. So, yeah, shove off.

>> No.1406161

>implying anything has changed.

>> No.1406164

>But you can objectively consider them against new games any day
Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.1406196
File: 942 KB, 500x276, bblight.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched old movies with my dad when I was a kid and I loved them. I didn't know they were 'old movies' at the time so I didn't care about their age.
Picture related, it's my favorite movie and my dad introduced it to me.

>> No.1406204

Actually I proved my point. Your point is that objective games can't be be objectively compared. That it's always subjective. My point was that games (as well as movies) have objective qualities that can be compared. When you do this, modern games typically will have technological advancements (and also a bit of technological regression these days) but will often fail in making the game a solid work. Often you hear of graphics over gameplay for this and it's true, though graphics are also taking steps backs.

>> No.1406234

Blues Brothers isn't that old. Movies started getting better in the 70s and got progressively better.
These days even every day television has better acting than movies Pre 70s. Blues Brothers is the kind of thing you could catch on TV as a kid.
Though perhaps you would have had less opportunities if you're considering it old. The movie was actually pretty well put together, it's not a highbrow affair, it's a musical comedy drama, but it is a decent movie for what it's trying to do. That being said it has better directing and acting than even the claimed best movies like Citizen Kane and Casablanca.

>> No.1406249

Blues Brothers is about the music and the car chases. That style of music was already fully developed when it was released, and the only movie to outdo the car chases was the inferior sequel. None of the important parts of Blue Brothers are outdated.

>> No.1406263

Well there are obvious, objective ways in which modern games are better than retro games (graphics, sound, design, size of worlds, details, physics, engine tech, online/multiplayer capabilities etc). The preference of which is better in the end is subjective. Sorry kid.

>> No.1406275

You can't objectively say which generation of games generally had better gameplay than the other. It's purely subjective. Stop being such a retarded neckbeard.

>> No.1406413

You can't objectively state that I can't objectively measure things. Fuck off with your subjectivity.

>> No.1406415

>(graphics, sound, design, size of worlds, details, physics, engine tech, online/multiplayer capabilities etc)
Actually many of those are not better than older games.

>> No.1406507

The problem with believers of the religion of Progress, is that they don't even realize it's a belief and think it's facts. They don't realize it's hardware/software makers and movie producers that make them believe that everything new is mandatory better than everything that's come before, so that they keep constantly buying newer stuff all the time.
The only way they can (and do) justify that is with the TECHNICAL advancements (and this is also why video game reviewers, and even dvd reviewers, will go very long about how many fucking pixels there are at once on the screen rather than the content itself), they'll constantly talk about and only of that and repeat it again and again to make people believe technical stuff ALONE makes the quality of the product.

But what's even WORSE with those people who think their progressist belief is fact (even WORSE than not realizing their belief is dictated by product sellers) is that they won't even see how dumb that belief is while any most simple comparaison can show how wrong it is : with this belief, 'Barbie as The Island Princess' on PS2 is an objectively better game than SMB3 on NES.

But anyway, can we get back to the thread's topic now?

>> No.1407580

Oh, I thought you meant it's a 3D Realms made level.

> I wouldnt expect you to know being too young
I don't know why I'm even replying to a shitposter.

>> No.1407998
File: 131 KB, 800x600, SS010000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i've started playing French Meat, a 9 maps usermade episode for Blood.

It's really good. Very moody, great level design, good gameplay.


It succeeds in having new places that feel classic, for example this little village here. Never seen anything of this kind in Blood but it still feels like it belongs to Blood.

>> No.1408012

So does the megaton multiplayer update allow me to play Duke Caribbean, Duke it out in DC and Nuclear Winter in multiplayer? I tried those and only the original game has multiplayer menu.

>> No.1408447


I misunderstood then. Sorry.

>> No.1409123

How do I get mods like that to run with gog dosbox Blood?

This thread is on autosage oh no ;_;