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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 204 KB, 542x600, HappyCaco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1376808 No.1376808 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD, (Last thread >>1370210)
(other retro FPS games welcome too, chances are we played 'em too)

FAQ/Pastebin, still updated semi-frequently


##Our WADs can be found here!##

Steam Group:

IRC (The password is in the FAQ.)
Channel: #vr


Wanna learn how to...

Create maps?

Open/Edit WAD/PK3/etc to make 'em compatible with other mods?
http://slade.mancubus.net/index.php?page=downloads (download 3.0.2)

Load multiple WADS and mods at the same time? - ZDL (v3.2.2.2)

/idgames torrent (12 GBs of wads, 18 years worth of user-made content!)

Vanilla/Boom related projects can be found here http://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/
ZDoom mods/projects can be found here http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19

Best Single Player WADS of 2013 (needs update)

>> No.1376813

First for huge guts

>> No.1376816


-If you feel like trying a new mod, give GMOTA a chance! Go check it here! http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?p=742401#p742401

-The past Awesome Games Done Quick featured a playthrough of Plutonia (Go 2 It included) and also a bid war between Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 which ended in the latter winning for over 8 bucks, therefore it was featured in a race between Dime (who also ran Plutonia) and Vortale. To rewatch the Doom speedruns, go follow this link http://www.doomworld.com/vb/post/1229035

-Have you checked The Space Pirate yet? http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=37064 It's in Alpha as we speak, but that shouldn't restrain you from testing it out!

-TerminusEst13, of well known Samsara fame, is developing an incredibly awesome Metroid mod called "Metroid: Dreadnought"; keep an eye on these threads for more info!

-CACOWARDS? SURE, HERE! http://www.doomworld.com/20years.. Feel absolutely free to share your thoughts about the works chosen for this edition. And man oh man, they surely left a lot of stuff to discuss related to the decisions made on some wads...

-Doomsday received a brand new update, now you can play with the Oculus Rift! Go download Doomsday here! http://dengine.net/

-An anon put up recently a neat website for everyone to upload wads, go check it here (if your antivirus gets paranoid, do not worry, it's a false positive)

-December 10th marked the 20th anniversary of the release of the shareware version of Doom; there were tons of stuff and special events that were done for it, if you missed 'em all, feel free to ask for links to them!

-ChocoDoom got updated in the 20th anniversary. Now you can play Heretic, Hexen and Strife too! Go grab each version of them here! http://www.chocolate-doom.org/wiki/index.php/Downloads

-Jimmy's Jukebox may be get a new update very soon...get hype!!! http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=29117&start=180

>> No.1376836
File: 30 KB, 828x475, doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me what settings to use for OBLIGE.

>> No.1376840


lol how's doom with the oculus rift? anybody tried it out?

>> No.1376848
File: 156 KB, 508x721, 1377919065793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Cacodemons so fucking cute?

>> No.1376851

Would you play a command and conquer flavored wad? Not the base construction, but a shooter sort of like renegade?

>> No.1376856


Everything on Maximum.
Run it with Extreme Weapons Pack.

>> No.1376860

What about Level Architecture?

>> No.1376871

Is there a setting for Sandy Petersen levels of architecture? Because if so, go for that.

>> No.1376872

Are there any mods where you can ride Cacodemons around like Yoshi? There should be.

>> No.1376880


The architecture settings are size, theme, outdoors, caves and traps.

>> No.1376882

>no Maximum option


>> No.1376885

Maximum what?

>> No.1376891


Maximum architecture, obviously.

>> No.1376893


>> No.1376905
File: 27 KB, 303x251, hejibits454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alright, here's a list of the settings:

Level architecture:
Size (tiny, small, regular, large, extreme, progressive, mix it up)
Theme (a bit mixed, jumbled up, as original, tech, urban, hell, wolfenstein, psychedelic)
Outdoors (none, rare, medium, heaps, always, mix it up)
Caves (none, rare, medium, heaps, always, mix it up)
Traps (none, rare, medium, heaps, mix it up)

Playing style:
Monsters (none, scarce, less, normal, more, hoards, nuts!, progressive, mix it up)
Strength (weak, medium, tough, crazy)
Health (none, scarce, less, normal, more, heaps)
Ammo (none, scarce, less, normal, more, heaps)
Powerups (none, less, normal, more, mix it up)

>> No.1376909

PSA: I was asleep while they made the new thread; don't alarm

>> No.1376912

Create the hardest map possible:
>Size extreme (the hell is progressive?)
>Theme "a bit mixed"
>Outdoors heaps
>Caves heaps
>Traps heaps
>monsters nuts
>strength crazy
>health ü ammo + powerup none

>> No.1376919

That's a bit too crazy for me.

And progressive is I think that it increases a bit with every map.

>> No.1376931

The /newstuff Chronicles #442


Two things:

-I think (and to be honest, I won't be the only one) that whoever reviewed Damnation was a liiitle bit merciful with his review; those who are in the known will know why
-A work got reviewed and the name will surely ring a bell on some people: Futility

>> No.1376939

>No beaked demons

>> No.1376969 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 285x224, 1391277771750.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't sleep.

>> No.1376971
File: 24 KB, 500x372, abstract kind of hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So no setting for abstract architecture or stuff like that?

>> No.1376976
File: 246 KB, 285x224, 1391277948193.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed the speed a bit. Still can't sleep.


and yes

>> No.1376975


you did that?

>> No.1376979

Anyone know any good WADs set on Earth, in cities and whatnot? Something with kind of a "Duke Nukem" vibe?

>> No.1376990

We need a "sword fighting" mod with little pap sounds

Would be good

>> No.1376991
File: 937 KB, 160x240, 1343713449429.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that .gif
Who's making those .gif's anyway, and would they modify this one?

>> No.1376994


I made it you doofus, Don't save that one, save -this- one >>1376976

and I might look into it later.

>> No.1377003

See >>1376905

>> No.1377006

I really hope this picks up; an Android WAD level editor


>> No.1377008

>touch screen
>for drawing sectors

>> No.1377138

Is there a way in DOOM BUILDER to scale floor/walls textures used on the wall?

Also I heard there was an edited DOOM BUILDER that allowed you to visualize slopes and 3d floors in the editor, where is this?

>> No.1377146

Use the arrow keys.

And yes, GZDoombuilder.

>> No.1377160
File: 440 KB, 1920x1080, 1391283519308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so far everythings done. The next step would be the implementation part.
But to be honest, I have no idea which weapons to add for Lo Wang.

Terminus suggested I should have a look at his reply a few months ago:

What do you guys think? Which weapons should be added and which slot should each weapon be assgined to?

Heres a link with SW weapons description:

pic related, how Lo Wangs HUD should look like.

>> No.1377161
File: 487 KB, 800x600, tipbox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumping two more pics.
I need opinions, suggestions and ideas

>> No.1377164


Nice HUD. and I love those weapon ideas, will the Shuriken be infinite use like every other pistol-tier weapon in samsara?

>> No.1377165
File: 36 KB, 426x299, Mugshots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1377170

Yes, as mentioned in Terminus tumblr post

>> No.1377173


Awesome, I love the utility of his two fist tier weapons too. Wang being a fast but unique utility guy would suit him well, and being able to rip out organs and weaponize them would be groovy. What about slicing up imps with the katana giving you a chance of them dropping a claw? So the fists would be for quick heals and punching low-tier monsters, and the sword would be for more damage and a chance of harvesting parts.

>> No.1377182

What would harvesting parts do?

>> No.1377202


well judging from that tumblr post Terminus made, monsters slain with a sword have a chance of dropping some kick-ass temporary weapon, so like:

Imps would have a chance of dropping claws that throw fireballs, can also claw dudes at close range

Pinkies would give you a heart you can eat to give yourself a berserk effect

If you're really ballsy and lucky you could potentially butcher up an archvile and get a piece of... whatever it was that made an archvile able to revive monsters and you could raise up a few friendly monsters

Shit like that,


>> No.1377225


No I meant texture SCALE, not alignment.
As I can stretch a piece of texture to be twice its size (I have a purpose for this, but I must not be able to make new textures scaled outside the doom builder)

>> No.1377242

I think perhaps with scripting, or dabbling with hi-res textures, but I seriously doubt you could just scale their size inside Doombuilder itself.

>> No.1377253


Well thats sucks.

What about the 3D floros / Slopes DOOM BUILDER answer?

>> No.1377259


Then no,

>> No.1377265

GZDoomBuilder. Like I already said.

>> No.1377268


sorry I missed that message

>> No.1377270

So can a nigga give me some settings to run through OBLIGE or what?

>> No.1377280
File: 47 KB, 834x504, Obliged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do this.

>> No.1377292

also I'm not sure if I should be doing this but I've been basing the balance of my weapons off of Oblige maps sometimes.

Not -all- the time mind you but I do Oblige runs with big fuckoff maps to see if my weapons have the cahjones to handle that shit.

>> No.1377291

Alright, I'll try that using this post number as a seed.

>> No.1377298


A new version got released today:


>> No.1377303


Oh man that's fuckin awesome, I actually really like Oblige maps, nonsensical as they may be.

Though I really fucking hate chaingunner cages. That's just mean.

>> No.1377307


The maps it generates are way better since 6.02.

>> No.1377308

Looks neat. The hudface is nice, the hud is pretty much perfect. I think you should follow the schema Terminus cooked up for us.

>> No.1377317


>A new version got released today:
>Me: Eh, I feel it's the 5.10 WIP version he linked to
>6.04 RC


>> No.1377318


I just noticed my version is 4.28


Also to that guy who suggested I use Strife's sigil lighting? You were right, some of the frames are just what I needed.

and that Proteus Dynamo actually uses the same Strife Lightning sprites I'm looking at, so... Yeah. I need to get on implementing and animating that.

>> No.1377319

T-that's C.. C... C-CUTE, demanding m-moar?

>> No.1377323
File: 97 KB, 500x596, Cacodemon eat Cacodemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.1377324

holy crap stop stuttering. I know what you're trying to do but that's excessive.

>> No.1377326

i always turn off Pain Elementals and Archviles on mine. Theres always a room with like 10 fucking Pain Elementals and at least 2 Archviles fucking shit up

>> No.1377328


Yeah that's what I downloaded first too since it's on his homepage but check the forum for updates instead.

>> No.1377329


>> No.1377334


You can do that? Holy shit I just generate maps and tackle the hordes of whatever oblige throws at me, dick first.


I'll keep that in mind for future reference.

>> No.1377336

yeah just check the Monster Control Box and uncheck/check whatever monsters you want in that level

>> No.1377341
File: 30 KB, 702x344, Automatic shotgun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any Doom weapon mods that have futuristic looking weaponry that isn't filled with laser guns?
I've seen weapon mods where most things are energy weapons and didn't like that.

>> No.1377345

So it has been a couple of months, but I remember some tease scarcely posting Fallout modification screenshots. I haven't really been paying too much attention to the Doom threads, so has this WIP seen any recent update to its status? I haven't been hype to any releases since I have seen those pictures, and for some reason it just seems so appealing on the Doom engine. Please help

>> No.1377358

What's the best version of oblige, the latest?

>> No.1377362

Was it the Robobrain

>> No.1377375


>> No.1377390

I don't think that any of the screenshots I saw had enemies, but I didn't save them, and am having trouble even remembering what I saw, so it is possible. There were a few desert screenshots and I think even one or two in a town, maybe an abandoned building.

>> No.1377426

>the latest?

You better bet; the developer was looking forward to restore the way buildings looked in 3.57, the fuckhueg rooms era ended when 5.10 came out and the level design in that version improved greatly

>> No.1377432

Guardian Head is a must.

>> No.1377439

You mean Archvile heads.

>> No.1377510

>Water-textured floor still does damage

God dammit OBLIGE

>> No.1377514

That's not water it's blue acid.

>> No.1377521
File: 2.20 MB, 1364x768, 1391290271486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not water. It's phazon.

>> No.1377565
File: 377 KB, 508x721, Kirby - This is my final form.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1377631
File: 38 KB, 204x292, bos2-63-v3-wip26-upscale.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it's still a bit clunky, but it's a walking animation nevertheless. Will likely smooth it out later after the other frames are finished.

>> No.1377642 [DELETED] 

fucking terrible, get your moeshit out of muh satanic fantasy

>> No.1377647

How am I suppose to play DoomRPG? It's just a bunch of folders.

>> No.1377650 [DELETED] 
File: 410 KB, 562x800, 1391292252018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you even think that you are?

>> No.1377653

Kirby doom when?

>> No.1377658 [DELETED] 

>is all muscled to hell and shit


>> No.1377673

She might need a bit more of a menacing looking walk.

Looks like she is in a hurry to go somewhere.

>> No.1377676

>Doing suplexes on Cyberdemons
I think I'd be okay with this.

>> No.1377679 [DELETED] 

Complacency breeds mediocrity.

You can see it in our games, you can see it in our culture.

4chan is deteriorating because we expect nothing more than the worst and the moment someone suggests we should be more

They're called a newfag.

They don't understand how it works here, they think. How we all wait for things to get better.

How we all talk about when 9gag came and ruined everything, or how Redditors have flooded the boards.

The problem isn't them, Anonymous.

It's us.

>> No.1377705

It'd be hell to do right. Inhaling demons and spitting out stars, swallowing them for their powers, expending those powers to spawn helper demons...

>> No.1377720

>kirby inhales a berserk pack

>> No.1377726



>> No.1377765

Hey guys? How come the bouncesound or wallbouncesound flags on my chakram projectile doesn't work? I want this thing to go clang when it rebounds off walls

>> No.1377780
File: 435 KB, 1280x720, 1391296020555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, I can't see the code or anything.

It's not in here.

>> No.1377785


Okay I get it, my HUD's all fucked up. I'm in dire need of having someone who knows what the hell they're doing with HUDs to go over mine and make it not so fucked up.

I'd like to think the design is okay, it's just the resolution is royally fucked sideways

>> No.1377791

But where's the code for the Chakram projectile?

>> No.1377815


Oh. Right you guys don't have my version. v0.8 is nowhere near being done, but lemme show the chakram's code


I still can't get the whoosh playing in a manner I'm satisfied with, but that's a differen't problem

>> No.1377824

It goes under BounceSound

>> No.1377829
File: 57 KB, 400x129, SWHeads_KnightBaronImp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Should I add any other else? Doing Archvile right now...

>> No.1377831


When I try using bouncesound, it makes no noise whatsoever.

>> No.1377841

Its actually Seesound in Zandronum

>> No.1377838

>All these heads
Lo Wang better say "There can be only one!" at least once in the mod.

>> No.1377851


I use GZDoom, the problem is if I use Seesound, it goes CLANG when I first fire it, which makes no sense at all.

>> No.1377868

>those sprites

fucking glorious

>> No.1377901


You could construct lightning arcs with lotsa actors like the shock shells in TSP.

>> No.1377907

Maybe WallBounceSound

>> No.1377908

A_PlaySoundEx is outdated, you're supposed to use A_PlaySound now




>> No.1377909
File: 31 KB, 97x431, ArthursLance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn that's nasty.

Well done.


And really I'm looking for a solid lightning "beam" I have the sprites from strife, I just need to get around to implementing them. Also I'm having my friend base the lance model off the artwork from the Super GnG manual, which means the weapon is going to look simple, but I personally like it

I hope you guys don't mind but for the GnG weapons I'm going to make like, a two frame throwing animation similar to Arthur's of a clenched fist swinging down before the hand opens and the projectile flies out.


Tried that too, no dice. I'll just deal with it, as it's not terribly noticeable, however if I get complaints about it, then I'll get my ass back to the drawing board and sort it out.

>> No.1377913


and yeah I noticed the Wiki mentions that, I swapped it out with a_playsound

>> No.1377912
File: 453 KB, 492x579, bateman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Brutal Doom + Oblige-generated maps

>> No.1377927


Yes you can you dummies, its in UDMF.

You can also have separate X and Y scales.

>> No.1377928

So, newbie-ish question. I want an enemy to explode like a barrel when they die. How would I do that?

>> No.1377936 [DELETED] 

this site was built on animu and moeshit you dingus

>> No.1377938

turn off hud stretch you dingus

>> No.1377943 [DELETED] 

Your complacency with moeshit animu continues to breed mediocre moeshit animu content.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

>> No.1377942


My HUD does need to be fixed. I also need to get around to adding the new key sprites in and add a key bar somewhere on my HUD

and the kills/secrets counter, I like having those.

>> No.1377947
File: 2.92 MB, 320x240, shock shells2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And really I'm looking for a solid lightning "beam"

It looks like this

>> No.1377958

Goddamn I cannot wait for the next update

>> No.1377962

Well according to Marty they it will definitely 100% hopefully be out before February 23, 2014 2pm.

Have you see the gifs of the other new shotgun shell types?

>> No.1377975

I think so, unless there's even more I missed. There's that shock one shown there, the toxic one... Those are the only ones I remember.

>> No.1377978

that post was a joke anon

>> No.1377979
File: 67 KB, 482x355, Lightning magic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, that's sporatic I need something that looks like it's coming straight out of the player and outwards a set distance, like this

>> No.1377984

lightning sprites rotated 90 degrees, spawnitemex some lightning actors out to the sides and the lightning actors disappear after a while and they have a lightning trail

>> No.1377995


I got lightning sprites from strife, I just need to implement them

>> No.1378001 [DELETED] 

I'm glad that ponies are illegal on /vr/

One thing it has over the ZDoom forum

>> No.1378008 [DELETED] 

Reminder, ignore and report drama import attempts.

>> No.1378009 [DELETED] 

isn't that considered spamming

>> No.1378017
File: 2.47 MB, 320x240, hellfire shells.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also the hellfire shells, meant to be like the incendiary fire from Dredd. (http://youtu.be/LiQoN1-Ks6Q).).

In this gif it spread at a set distance from the player but it now spreads whenever the player hits the TSP "special" button. If it hits a wall or a monster before it spreads it breaks off into wimpy little pieces that do far less damage than the regular spread. The main projectile itself will do almost as much damage as a regular shotgun (not SSG) when it hits something before spreading.

The poison shells also got a minor change to the canister sprites, they now flash (and glow in gzdoom--in fact all the new shell types have lights assigned them) while releasing gas.

I know, I was the one that made it. However he actually said in irc that it would be "hopefully" released well before Feb 23, 2pm when that date came up. That it would "definitely" be released before then was in jest.

Just modify how the actors move, right now they move randomly in any direction. You can make them have fully randomized horizontal movement with only a slight vertical movement or even no vertical movement. They're very customizable.

>> No.1378019

>no bob
>gun slowly moves back into position after recoil

>> No.1378034
File: 2.19 MB, 320x240, poison shells.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well tell Marty about it, that ain't my doing.

Though he might have already changed that, I believe he said he worked on the shotgun animation since the version shown in this gif (I haven't seen newer versions since I haven't worked on it since shortly after the various shell types.)

>> No.1378037
File: 119 KB, 294x429, Cluster missile shot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well maybe I'll take a look at the code then. Though wouldn't Marty mind if I use his lightning stuff for mine?


You think I should make the wand raise up faster?

>> No.1378043

In addition to working on the sprites, i'm also brainstorming on a good title for this mod.

>The Ultimate Dick - Thy Genitals Consumed

>> No.1378040

Yeah, at least smooth out the raise animation with Offset

>> No.1378045


That -IS- offset. I'll add some more frames later.

You think the explosion animation looks alright at least?

>> No.1378046

Yeah, feels pretty Gameboy

>> No.1378051

>Balls-Deep in the Damned

>> No.1378056

Doom: D Unleashed

>> No.1378057


in the muffs of hell.

Inferno (and itching)

>> No.1378065

I vote this one.

>> No.1378076
File: 1.94 MB, 320x240, shock shells.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well maybe I'll take a look at the code then. Though wouldn't Marty mind if I use his lightning stuff for mine?

I'd ask him, but he probably wouldn't mind if it comes out after his update. It would also be different from TSP's use of the lightning effect so it's not a direct copy.

It's also all muh code and muh sprites anyway so I'd give you the go-ahead to use it after the next TSP update comes out since I'd rather have more cool lightning effects in doom mods than hoarding muh code.

>> No.1378084

>I think (and to be honest, I won't be the only one) that whoever reviewed Damnation was a liiitle bit merciful with his review; those who are in the known will know why

What is the reason, for those not in the know?

>> No.1378087


well thanks anon. Both of you guys are pretty awesome.

Wait that lightning code is in the current alpha of TSP right?

>> No.1378094

yeah, those are definitely some ideas. I'll have to tossthem around a bit more once i get more actual mod resources done.

>> No.1378095

No, but if you give me an email or get on irc I can send the relevant code and the sprites used. Though you would have to promise not to release it before the next TSP update.

Also I'm scroton, one of the guys that was helping you in the earlier threads.

>> No.1378102


Oh, well that explains a lot, Scroton you seem to be always popping up helping my ass out.

You got a Zdoom forum account? You could PM the info to me

>> No.1378108

I do but it's been banned until January 2015.

>> No.1378165


Damn it Scroton, you and your shenanigans. I'll have to think of something else as I'm not entirely comfortable throwing out my email.

>> No.1378167
File: 486 KB, 500x300, rolleyes[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, let's put it like this: From the 241MB that conform Damnation, 195MB come from MP3 music that was used. Thus, this equals to 80% of the whole thing.

I think we've been thru this before. We're in 2014, we have a lot of alternatives when it comes to using non-midi music in zDoom-related WADS and how we should deal with them. We have a lot of programs (one of the main ones being free) which can convert sound from one format to another quite easily, and saving quite some space in the process, while retaining the sound quality.

"But there's a no-MP3 ver---" WE KNOW THAT ALREADY. The point is, you should really put effort when doing works like this (let's not forget this is a Megawad); this got nominated for the Cacowards 4 times by different people (taking into account a user-made tally made in the 2013 Cacowards nomination thread), and it is most likely it got skipped because of this aspect.

Sucks, doesn't it? Well, tough shit.

>> No.1378175
File: 631 B, 155x88, OCmikUz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys think this will do okay for the lance? Obviously this is the side angle

>> No.1378178

How will you see the lance from the side like that?

>> No.1378179

>not having a 4chan email

email me at onetwoonetwo@gmail.com

or use 10 minute mail and give me that address here

>> No.1378183


Not very often but I like being thorough with my sprites.


I'll just email you.

>> No.1378193

Well it looks like a lance.

So it should be fine.

>> No.1378206


I have to give my friend credit for being so clever, he's making these sprites for me by making simple 3D models and taking pictures of them. I can't wait to get started on the lance and lightning spell.

Scroton did you get my email?

>> No.1378229

>no reply from Scroton

Fuck. Now I'm really worried I may have just sent my email address to some random prick

>> No.1378232


I just sent it, it took a sec to throw it together in a wad first.

>> No.1378238
File: 2.65 MB, 240x196, nogodpleaseno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lasted 0.5 seconds.

>> No.1378242

That's 5 year old stuff, man.

Nobody liked it very much back then either.

>> No.1378243


I'm actually interested in the second song he uses.
I know the first is a Painkiller song.

>> No.1378245
File: 2 KB, 132x57, lance preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice, thank you. Now I'm going to finish helping my friend with the lance sprites and go pass out.

Gonna leave these here. I think these look amazing.

>> No.1378250
File: 12 KB, 476x411, 1391306358798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>all those hitscan weapons

>> No.1378272

Dawn of Reality
Trinity College
Hellcore 2.0
Earth (lel)

>> No.1378278

Hey, /vr/, I wanted to host a Zadronum server for me and my bros to play, nothing too fancy, but they can't find my server on the list, or connect directly. We've tried hundreds of different methods, Hamachi and everything, but nothing works. What should I do?

>> No.1378290

Try port forwarding and having them use your external IP or setting up a no-ip url?

Else you can always setup something with Best-Ever.

>> No.1378295
File: 424 KB, 800x450, 1342056846811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried port forwarding a thousand times, but it didn't work. The Best Ever thing should work, though, thanks.

>> No.1378315



There's Vanilla Sky and there's Urban Slaugher, the last one not being so Duke Nukem-ish but if you like Invasion mode you might like that one too.

>> No.1378364

Are there any examples of 2.5D shooters/mods that make good use of animation-by-parts weapons? I.e., multiple 2D graphics used for the first-person weapon animations?

I'm programming a 2.5D shooter and want to steal some temp art

>> No.1378372

how do you make gifs like this

>> No.1378492

Not him, but gifcam works pretty nice for most things.

>> No.1378501

DM junkies come to this server now. Fuck all this megaman shit for classic dm

:: [BE] New York :: Blaine_'s Classic DOOM II DM

>> No.1378513

>classic settings

How about no.

>> No.1378514


I actually don't mind vanilla reinforced, but just DWANGO5? Why not DWOMGA with randomized mapset on?

>> No.1378516

Hey /doom/,what is the command in MSX to remove the particles from projectile attacks?

>> No.1378536

I don't think there is one.

>> No.1378540


Why not literally anything other than the most-played DM/duel mapset of all time?
There's hundreds of other servers with that shit.

>> No.1378546

How about a 32in24 wad?

>> No.1378551

then how the hell did MagSigma didnt had particle effects in the Beta 2 trailer?

>> No.1378552

It was before the released beta that had all the particles of course.

You'll have to edit them out manually if you don't want particles.

>> No.1378557

well fuck,thanks anyway

>> No.1378559

Why would you want to turn the particles off?

They are pretty to look at.

Especially something like that Metroid mod.

>> No.1378560



>> No.1378568

You'd probably have performance issues without the particles.

The monsters alone are kind of resource heavy.
Same for all the frames of animation for the weaponry.

>> No.1378574

Shitloads of actor spawn / deletion is intensive.

Animation a weapon on screen is not.

>> No.1378576

The Quake 4 mod has heavy heavy performance issues with the weapons.

Same for Doom 3 weapons and that one time I tried to turn the Rage sprites into a weapon mod.

>> No.1378579

It feels like these shells should go boom or drop fire or something.

>> No.1378587


Boom would be too much like a rocket launcher though. Right now those splits are all ripping projectiles. In later releases the enemies killed by them will have fire death animations.

I could make them set there and smoulder longer after they hit the ground if Marty agrees with you but I don't know if they should do any damage during that because then they would definitely be really OP.

>> No.1378596

It looks like they are bouncing off everything in the gif.

Maybe a bigger amount of smoke or fire projectile thing?
The gif looks a little dinky.

>> No.1378610

They don't bounce off of anything but walls.

It looks a great deal larger in game than in the gif, they're also pretty far away in the gif. When I put the smoke trail larger it looked silly. I might make the projectile larger again; I had it larger than it is in the gif but reduced the size because it looked too large to be shot out of a shotgun.

>> No.1378623

Well alright, it's just the gif makes them look a little small.

I am sure I will love to use those kinds of shells a lot.

It almost makes me wish for Macross style missile weaponry though.

>> No.1378636
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stuff can also get tweaked easier after the next TSP update gets released; it's hard to talk about it when you don't have the weapon to see it yourself. Also the sounds add a bit too.

They're a lot easier to use than it appears in the pic too; they didn't change appearance-wise but I increased the damage by a couple of points, then decreased, then added the fact that the split is player controlled then changed the damage again so you end up with the current one which has 1 increased damage from the gif, and more importantly that player-controlled split. That control makes all the difference in the world; in the gif half or more of the things weren't hitting stuff because it was harder to hit stuff with.

I googled macross style missile weapons and got this, is this what you're talking about?

If that's the case you could make that by using the hellfire missile appearance and giving it random velocities every tic like the TSP shock shells.

>> No.1378645

That's exactly the thing I was talking about.

I have no idea how to make Doom weaponry.

>> No.1378647

When did Oblige get this good? It actually makes reasonably fun maps.

>> No.1378649

Ah, well it's not very hard and pretty fun. You should give it a try sometime.

>> No.1378657

I actually can't think of many weapons I'd want besides basically Eriguns with the automatic shotgun and a missile pod launcher with Macross style missiles as a BFG replacement.

I am not a clever man.

>> No.1378661

A little machine pistol that rattles when you fire it

>> No.1378670

I only like revolvers when it comes to pistols.

>> No.1378673

Well if you ever get an idea just go read up the zdoom wiki, prolly bout decorate first. Then open up your favorite mods and see how they work. Use Slade.

>> No.1378675

A very slow revolver so you learn to appreciate other pistols

>> No.1378678

That won't run on my computer.

All I got is an old as fuck version of Slumped.

>> No.1378680

I dunno then mang.

>> No.1378682

But my favorite guns are very very slow and powerful.

And it's not a matter of speed or practicality.
It's all about style and that's all I really care for when it comes to aesthetics.

I wouldn't mind making a sort of STALKER mod or Metro2033 mod but I don't even know how to begin with that.

>> No.1378685

Acquire sprites, use decorate to sort out the animations, add in actions like fire bullets, add effects

>> No.1378697

A post apoc themed mod would be pretty fucking cool. The Metro games are fantastic.

>> No.1378703
File: 380 KB, 1280x720, 1391322175629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it looks like no one else is going to develop a Samsara addon for Last Rites guy.

I wonder when Diodeus is going to finish ripping the game.

>> No.1378704

checking a thread here in /vr/,why nobody has made a cool Elevator.wad?
>you go up,and up,and up
>you stop then enemies appear
>then you keep going up
>stop,more enemies,tougher enemies appear too
>going up
kinda like making a stage where you climb the tower of babel

>> No.1378707

Elevating is dumb. What should happen is:


Visually like the subway stage in L4D2 but with a working train and you go to different stations and kill all the monsters.

>> No.1378713

well i got wrecked,trains are more fun

>> No.1378717

i think there was something along that line in an Invasion map

>> No.1378785


There's also this


>> No.1378798


The Elevator of Dimensions from Armageddon Invasion may be what you're looking for.

>> No.1378807

i'll check it out

>> No.1378848

ZDL link in the pasta is ded ;_;

>> No.1378851
File: 754 KB, 1280x720, 1391327120825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been doing some changes to the HUD, after Mike12 redrew it.

>> No.1378870
File: 277 KB, 1280x720, 1391328112438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 tic resolution firing. Looks pretty good.

Need to interpolate the pistol firing with Offsets.

>> No.1378908


>by mouldy

yeah, nah...I prefer to keep my sanity and not to suffer a stroke

>> No.1378910

Going down isn't retard hard like The Eye. It's still pretty tough, but the focus is more on good placement than sheer numbers.

>> No.1378912


But The Eye never went full slaughter. If it did, then we would've seen demos done by those "tr00 d00mers" who crave for slaughterwads.

We're in 2014 and no-one has done a single recording of that map, not even in Youtube using mods.

>> No.1378930

Metroid Doom when?

>> No.1378950

what do you think that is a screenshot of

>> No.1378958



>> No.1378965

>mfw brutal doom discussion


>> No.1378974

that's your satan meter

>> No.1378973

I see the missiles in the top right. And I see power bombs in the top left.

What's on the bottom right?

>> No.1378975


>> No.1378976

Collecting Satan powerups?

Did I miss something?

>> No.1378978

no you're just listing your power levels when you stack the demons

>> No.1378986

Does Last Rites guy even have more than three weapons?

All I've ever seen is the first level.

>> No.1378991


Top right are super missiles, bottom right is the regular missile count.

>> No.1378995

There's super missiles now?


>> No.1379000
File: 280 KB, 784x337, Untitled1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top left
Power bombs
Health and energy tanks
>top right
Super missiles
>bottom left
Acquired weapons
>bottom right

>> No.1379029

Holyshiz is best waifu.

>> No.1379076

Seriously, what the hell is this? I'm not downloading any wad if "kek" is my only information on it.

>> No.1379102

It's funny, stop being paranoid.

>> No.1379117

>stop being paranoid
I wouldn't call it paranoia, just him being a loser

>> No.1379159

Good weapons/gameplay wads?

So far I have tried Brutal, Samsara, Russian Overkill and MSX.

>> No.1379172

I took the Aliens TC and got rid of the levels + decorations and it's pretty nice.

Until I saw Pain Elementals spitting out facehuggers, fuck that noise.

In all seriousness though, the Metroid one going around is pretty fun.

>> No.1379232
File: 282 KB, 1920x1080, tr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on that Tomb Raider level pack (test picture, not a level screencap)

Few questions since I'm trailing into editing areas I have not touched before

How can you customize your lighting fade in/outs? I want to create a the right lighting for the water, and none of the defaults have this.

Is there a limit to the number of custom textures and files a wad can have?

>> No.1379235


create the right lighting*

>> No.1379248
File: 439 KB, 2194x1625, 1391350737154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get what you mean, but I personally also enjoy rapid fire. Has anyone made a centered BAR for Doom?

>ejection port on the wrong side
>hammer a solid part of the slide

I think there was a map like that in Hell Revealed, or maybe it was Alien Vendetta. Also, I recall there was a map in Army Of Darkness Doom that was like that, and it was actually really really fun.

>> No.1379256

It was the Invasion with the Serious Sam themes and boss fights.

>> No.1379258

I like rapid fire when the gun is awesome.

Example: Metro 2033's Bastard.

>> No.1379280

Send me the levels when you're done please! I'm fucking nuts for TR1 !

email- kenji180x@gmail.com

>> No.1379325


If it gets done, i'm just playing around with it for now. Each map will still be the level theme (caves, st francis folly, natlas mine etc) but a new design to fit doom, though some more popular moments will still be included.
Since I can't mix slopes & 3D floors, certain level design changes have to be made to work around this.

>> No.1379337

How do you get inspiration for your levels?

I watched all the tutorials and I'm just staring at doom builder now.

>> No.1379340


Sunder.wad for me
Just... holy shit

But its general what you want to see in a level. No one wants a square box, people like to see levels that shape something, like a circular cult room, or a giant castle with extensions.

>> No.1379347



Just some examples. I've never liked space station / spaceship wads, since they overdetail them for a simple maze based gameplay and it feels like they're trying too make a level that isn't built for DOOM

>> No.1379364


also why didn't you start this project before? seems like 1 + 1 to you nutness for TR then

>> No.1379438

Gimme a six digit number to use as a seed for oblige.

>> No.1379443
File: 72 KB, 500x380, Cleveandsmiteevil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this by accident.

>> No.1379471

Ever get sprites for the morph ball?

>> No.1379485


The six digits of your next post number.

>> No.1379486
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, 1391362167182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1379494

also, you can't get more than 1 e-tink, 1 super missle pack or power bomb pack

Because of reasons for multiplayer?

>> No.1379497

Last Rites guy has a bunch of weapons, and a bunch of them come from the side of the screen so they need to be expanded for widescreen.

There's Handgun, Plasma Gun (Beam Weapon), Flame Thrower / Flamer, Pistol, SMG ("UZI"), Rocket Launcher (Nuke), AutoShotgun, Shredder (Don't know what this does), Skav (Don't know what this does)

I'm currently stuck on some bullshit underground maze level that I gave up on months ago so it looks like I need to finish it since documentation is nill.

>> No.1379501


Yes. To disable, put metroid_nolevellimiter 1 in the console, please.
Then next level you'll be able to pick up to your heart's content.

>> No.1379507

Many thanks.

>> No.1379530
File: 337 KB, 1366x768, 1391363781907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1379536

What's the recommended number of E-tanks for deathmatch or other player/player engagements? For co-op? For single player?

>> No.1379620

Judging from the screenshots on the Last Rites box, the Shredder is a rocket or grenade launcher so the Nuke must be fuckhuge.

>> No.1379659

That looks like it could be pretty fun with GMOTA.

>> No.1379682


One or two are good for PvP.
Co-op and SP, it depends on how megasphere-heavy the map is.

>> No.1379694

I now have a /doom/ forum

>> No.1379726


Idk guy

>> No.1379729

I actually quite like playing with just keyboard and no mouse now. At first it feels like you're using a fucking Power Glove but after a bit of practice I can control Doom Guy just as well as I could with the mouse

>> No.1379734
File: 41 KB, 758x721, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1379737

I wonder if I can remove that somehow, cause that's just retarded.

>> No.1379750


There is a way to do it through the PHPBB3 admin panel.

>> No.1379754

Figured. Where, though?

>> No.1379756

Stop implying outside of 4chan.

>> No.1379764

Greentext isn't 4chan specific. It's the default for quoting if BBCode is off.

>> No.1379785
File: 4 KB, 328x456, TROOA1-wip1-upscl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the concept I have down for the Imp (based on Muridae's drawing)

>> No.1379807

Groin clothing looks too 'horizontally even' for lack of a better term. The top is a perfect horizontal line, and the legs are as well. It looks pretty off, in my opinion.

>> No.1379815

Oh, the clothes are literally copy+colortranslate at the moment to see how it looks. I've barely even done anything on that angle yet.

>> No.1379821
File: 1.03 MB, 1703x1469, RIP AND TEAR BY ∕ vr∕ .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We really have to finish this one

>> No.1379830


more like you need to update it, someone already did a Gordon Freeman one

>> No.1379841
File: 7 KB, 718x198, 6HGY8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's better

>> No.1379848

>I do not agree to these terms

>> No.1379854

i don't agree to that

>> No.1379859

Spoiler: the old one was worse as it was even more restrictive to both the end user and me.

>> No.1379865

*uploads data*

*claims you don't have a right to host it because i didn't agree to it*

now you're fucked AND stupid

>> No.1379863
File: 100 KB, 250x250, 1371592127199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely needs work, but it's definitely a start. I'd suggest adjusting the hair and eye colors because from glancing at the thumbnails it looks like she was scalped by a blind Apache with a rusty spoon.

>> No.1379869


You may also want to change avatar size while you're at it

>> No.1379873

yeah i can't see who i'm talking to

512x512 is good

>> No.1379871

and what do you want me to do about this

>> No.1379876

You agree that "Agitated" have the right to remove (...) neither "Agitated" nor phpBB shall be held responsible etc

>> No.1379883


This or 400x400 max.

>> No.1379898

"By accessing "Agitated" (hereinafter "we", "us", "our", "Agitated", "http://marrub.altervista.org/forum")) are not responsible for any heartfelts, hacks, lost data, data modification, or any other source of offensive/abusive material posted onto this website (marrub.altervista.com), that we have the right to remove, host and modify any content (by users, you, or otherwise) and that neither "Agitated" nor phpBB shall be held responsible for any claims legal or not."
how's that
I'm not very good at writing ToAs

>> No.1379920 [DELETED] 


"By registering to this forum you agree to the terms & conditions of being a Doombro and you are in fact not Sgt. Mark IV nor are you Doomkartguy.

This forum is not responsible for any malicious material that you may obtain or decide to upload on the forum, whether being registered or not. We are not responsible for sour buttocks or any type of chronic/temporary pain which you may experience, please direct your frustration to your nearest Walmart store for details.

Clicking the agree button does in turn verify that you do certainly agree to being absolutely, unequivocally, comprehensively agitated."

>> No.1379949

So, if I wanna play with the keyboard should I go with the default config? Some guy said that zx to strafe was better, but I dunno.

>> No.1379952 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 329x222, YesYouAre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nor are you DKG
>I will never, EVER join this forum

>> No.1379953

Try out different configs and go with what feels natural

WASD on forward backward and strafing with Q and E on turning might be good too because you can circle strafe with one finger

>> No.1379997

Feels like the hair should be a bit darker.

>> No.1380023

Okay so I just watched this; a Chex Quest speedrun


Right after the final level, this dude goes into E1M6 (I think) of Doom with all the textures changed to the ones from Chex; my question is, what do I need to do in order to play UDoom with the Chex textures?

>> No.1380037

Delete the maps associated with Chex Quest and you should be able to go on all the levels with the wrong textures.

>> No.1380045


and I load Chex.wad as pwad, right?

>> No.1380057


>> No.1380082

Theres something like that in Hell Revealed isn't there? But you go down not up

>> No.1380125

Played in an online match to get all weapons, here are descriptions:

Shredder multi cannon: Fires 3 shots horizontal, then 45 degree rotated, then vertical, then 45 degree rotated, etc. Trail on the plasma balls, additive. When you stop firing there's a chachunk sound. Sprite has RIOT on it.

Torch technologies inferno: Flame, bluuuurrghghghhhhhhhhuhhhhh sound, additive fire. Sprite is obvious.

Rur Tsarl: Fires a grenade that bleeps only up close and flashes and then bleeps fast and explodes big on the floor. Sprite is the side-held rocket launcher thing.

Plasma blaster: Charges a ball that grows in size, fires it with that bfg sound. Looping charge sound. Black tube that glows.

Uzi 9mm: Pbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpt, casings are ejected right. Sprite is obvious.

Automatic shotgun: 5 puffs, casings are ejected right. Sprite is obvious.

Scavenger missile launcher: launches missiles that fsssshhhhhreeeeooooowwww. Sprite looks like a bone.

Pistol: is pistol. Sprite is obvious.

>> No.1380134

yes,i just played that level,awesome stuff and MAP32 is great

>> No.1380141

Yeah I'm not skilled enough at Doom to make much progress on MAP32
One day I may

>> No.1380142


Cozy modding stories

>> No.1380148

well,i wasnt playing Vanilla,i was playing with the WoC+HeXercise mod and i played as Necromancer,i summon the shadow,nitrogolem,black revenant and Death Knight and they do most all the work

>> No.1380160

>I think there was a map like that in Hell Revealed, or maybe it was Alien Vendetta. Also, I recall there was a map in Army Of Darkness Doom that was like that, and it was actually really really fun.

I think you're thinking of requiem actually.

>> No.1380175

The elevator challenge is in a lot of Doom level sets.

>> No.1380219

Hey, Terminus:
The particle effects on the ice beam tend to clog up visibility. The plasma beam has the same issue on a lesser scale, but since it's a point blank weapon it's not an issue. It gets pretty damn hard to see what you're shooting at and what's coming your way when you're firing the ice beam full tilt.

>> No.1380234

That's only the case when you stand still and fire, at least when I use it.

>> No.1380243

If you're moving back and forth, or trying to mimimize movement due to lack of space, it gets pretty bad. When circling, it's not an issue.

>> No.1380249

My problem was that the ice beam seemed to really not hurt that much last time I played.

Felt little reason to use anything besides Spazer and Plasma.

This was quite a while ago so I don't know if Ice/Long/Power hurt more now.

>> No.1380257

Power's still the 'good at nothing, bad at nothing' jack-of-all-beams.
Ice is fucking scary. It's high damage splash rounds.
Long isn't for short range, but it's hitscan and precise. Great for masses of chumps at distance, or never missing ever.

Right now, I'd honestly say I use Spazer the least.

>> No.1380269

I always figured Power was the "Good at nothing, bad at everything but you can tap super fast so that's kind of cool" gun.

It was really really weak.

>> No.1380273
File: 102 KB, 820x503, My_Friend_Doug_by_scroton[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fractal Doom got some verrrrry minor updates to skill levels and decrease in the amount of protection afforded by berserk packs. Basically a bunch of numbers were changed. Work on regular updates will probably resume in a couple of months with version 0.2.4 rather than mini updates but here are these so they're more balanced if anyone wants to play them:

zdoom version:
Skill 3, Cartesian, is the default skill now and the one most players will be comfortable playing on

zandronum version:
Skill 1, Recursive, is the default skill now and the one server admins should use as the default skill setting instead of 3. This appears to have taken care of any crashing issues that were present previously. The higher settings now increase monster aggressiveness, but do not include any respawning or fast monsters, since those can be put into effect with a dmflag and there's really no reason you'd want those on in a netgame anyway.

Also for those that missed it, the official wolfenstein SS addon:

>> No.1380276
File: 2.41 MB, 1024x768, Iji_by_shaktool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got really bored the other day and decided to remake the Tasen buster gun in Doom. It's a rapid-fire shotgun that consumes bullets instead of shells.

I know, not really the most impressive modification, but it got me thinking, most of Iji's weapons would translate pretty well to an FPS. Do you think remaking all of Iji's weapons (all 16 of them) would be a worthwhile endeavor?

Here's the buster gun file: http://www.sendspace.com/file/zy21sp

>> No.1380282

>Long isn't for short range, but it's hitscan and precise.
git gud

>> No.1380285
File: 1017 KB, 985x1500, 1388476152780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunday Shenanigans is going on, get in here:

>> [SunS] SUNDAY SHENANIGANS #9 << Ghouls vs Humans v2b9 (we're creative!)

>> No.1380298

It's great against small fry, not so much against bigger things. It's also able to work at any range against any size target. I'd say it's most similar to the vanilla shotgun in that respect.

It's NOT for short range, though. Plasma's for short range. I can handle point blank longing just fine, but it's not the optimal weapon or use of the weapon.

>> No.1380314

It's more like the vanilla Chaingun except one shot at a time.

I would say the spazer is more like the shotgun because it works at all ranges but actually hurts.

>> No.1380330

I'd argue that the spazer is more chaingunny. Like the chaingun, it's all purpose and if you know what you're doing you can get full effect at any range. Shotgun can't get full effect at long range due to spread, just like the powerbeam.

>> No.1380335


Noted, thank you.
I've been meaning to expand metroid_cl_noeffects so that there's a midway point somewhere between "no effects" and "ALL THE EFFECTS". These two look like a great place to start.

>> No.1380346


>> No.1380356

Yeah but the Spazer doesn't get that much diminishing damage over range and each PEW will hurt considerably more than multiple PEWs from the Power Beam at all ranges, even if only one beam out of the three are hitting.

I think the Power Beam needs a slight buff.

>> No.1380359

Totally with you on that one.

The charged power beam is in that very annoying area where it barely doesn't kill a pinky, so you have to doubletap uncharged afterwards to finish it off instead of alternating charged normal charged normal for pinky control.

>> No.1380367


Keep in mind the Power Beam can fire literally every tic if your fingers are fast enough.
If you've got that rhythm down, you can out DPS every single weapon by a massive landslide, but it does rely on an unbelievably fast tapping rate.
I grew up on shmups and fightans, though, so it's quite possible I'm overestimating how fast other people's rapid-tapping capabilities are.

http://www.blendhelp.com/g/clickgame.html - Would you guys mind checking this out real quick and showing me your result, please?

>> No.1380372

Every other tic, actually. If you hit fire every tic, the game registers it as you just holding the button.

>> No.1380376


>> No.1380380


Right, whoops, every other tic. Sorry.

>> No.1380387


>> No.1380408
File: 5 KB, 276x130, FuckYouMyWristHurts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1380413


That is...much lower than I anticipated.

All right, yeah, Power Beam's getting a buff. Thanks for the input.

>> No.1380421

I'd suggest capping fire rate a bit below once per two frames to prevent people from just using simple macros or external utilties. Either that, or make it so sustained max-rate fire punishes the player somehow. I don't think there's any human who has the speed and timing needed to keep hitting a button exactly every 2/35ths of a second.

>> No.1380429


Keyboard only players can probably shoot faster though. With a mouse I can only get 60 clicks but on a controller or keyboard I can get up to 120 presses.

>> No.1380445
File: 5 KB, 308x136, ss (2014-02-02 at 04.17.17).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mario party taught me well

>> No.1380457


>> No.1380471


>> No.1380510

It depends on whether you're playing FPS or dedicating yourself to clicking as fast as possible.

But I hope that a good mod never lets better clickers by default be better players.

Mario Party hurts. Nice job, though.

>> No.1380528

>haven't played doom in a month
>decide to check what's going on in zimbabwe land
>RGA 2
Don't forget
The SAME fucking shit from a month ago. Why is this allowed?

>> No.1380537

because nearly everyone else devs cool stuff for (g)zdoom

terminus13 is the only one who devs for zandronum that isn't poop

>> No.1380538

Speaking of, how's Hellbound for DM? Do the maps flow well, or are they too awkward for it?

>> No.1380539


>just a month
>expecting big changes

once 2.0 gets a stable release, you're going to see some mean shit

>> No.1380545

oh man

zdoom mods from 3 years ago instead of 5


>> No.1380541

I..I dev for zandronum.

>> No.1380543

>never lets better clickers by default be better players.
but that is the crux of being good at an fps
to be a better clicker

>> No.1380549


McRollan for Oblige to take pictures

>> No.1380552

They seem too awkward with how long the levels are and all of the key card checks.
/vr/ plays Zambony Pirate Doom?

>> No.1380553


Ironize all you damn want, that's going to be an important leap compared to today's stuff.

>/vr/ plays Zambony Pirate Doom?


>> No.1380560

How is maintaining a CPS (Click Per Second) of above 60 integral to being good at an FPS?

>> No.1380562

you think i'm being sarcastic

2011 was a great year for zdoom mods

a lot of rsl's mods, for example

>> No.1380565

>Bad sprites
No time to cry

>> No.1380573

>Glitch Tactics
What the fuck is this
I'm joining it

>> No.1380578

Yeah, I like my games harder on my reflexes than on my fingers and keyboard.

>> No.1380576

I made it to 102 with two fingers alternating taps, but this gives me little mouse control.

Hit 89 with one finger tapping fast ignoring mouse control.
Hit 82 tapping fast while keeping the mouse under control.

>> No.1380587


Made it to 162 by mapping asdf jkl; and space keys to mouseclicks and then using all my fingers to hit the keys.

>> No.1380594

Actually just realized I can also use a program bound to a hotkey to give me 1 mouseclick every 1ms.

Term when can we play metroid DM again?

>> No.1380597

I got 314 times in one whole minute how could you only do 102

>> No.1380603

Hey Termnius, just as a suggestion but have you considered making the power beam behave like it does in Hunters? Where holding the fire button rattles off a short burst, -THEN- it starts charging? It means players could comfortably rapid fire and still have their charge shots.

>> No.1380604


Sorry, the plan tonight was co-op.
That being said, anyone up for another test run?

:: [BE] New York :: Metroid: Morph Bowl - Seattle Space Pirates VS Denver Demons
scythe 2 + HR2 three-life survival

Password: tuuubes

>> No.1380619

You only get 10 seconds you nincompoop.

>> No.1380626
File: 141 KB, 500x347, 1374688186041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1380631

You guys know anything about "The Doom Hacker's Guide"? My dad picked it up for me thinking I'd like it, saying it, and the included CD rom are in perfect condition, as though they've never been usied.

>> No.1380638


Holy shit nice. Yeah it's a well known shovelware that was released back in the 90's.

Got any pics?

>> No.1380645

Nah, not yet. Still have to get it from him. So it's shovelware? What's on the CD?

>> No.1380646
File: 5 KB, 296x141, clickan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm getting rusty. But then again my thumbs are the tappers, not my fingers.

>> No.1380748

Bug report: Firing the long beam at a descending surface, such as a crusher, results in graphical errors. The beam appears to impact a distance below the crosshairs.

>> No.1380820
File: 2.76 MB, 320x240, power beam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Power Beam + Auto Keypress (not mouseclick, bind fire to another key) is way 2stronk

>> No.1380827

also it's faster in game than that gif makes it look, its like fastweapons.

>> No.1380837

Yeah, cap that shit. Buff damage a little if you have to.

>> No.1380851


Why did you suddenly take so much damage?

>> No.1380864

A fireball from a caco or baron (not sure which) from the side hit me

>> No.1380904
File: 19 KB, 246x111, Throwin arm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sneaky fuckers. I still think the powerbeam should behave like it does in Hunters.

Also do you guys thinks this will work as a pitchin arm for throwing lances, daggers, scythes, and torches?

>> No.1380950

Looks like a bitchin' pitchin' arm.

>> No.1380971

can you post the original drawing?

>> No.1380987

It would work. I thought it was a Dog-Head Handpuppet or something.

>> No.1381003

Overhand for lances, daggers, scythes.
Underhand for torches since I'm assuming they're as lame as they are in GnG

>> No.1381016


I'm going to make the fire burn and travel forward similar to how it works in Super GnG, but I'm gonna make damn sure the pillars of fire that erupt do constant, heavy damage, this will be something you can use to light a fire under the asses of fatter, slower monsters.

Though for balance reasons I'm gonna make it use a full charge of sword rage, if you could throw out two like you can in Super GnG you could fucking light up an entire room and clear it out effortlessly.

>> No.1381051
File: 6 KB, 162x120, gng3sonofsatan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can you add enemies? I'd love to fight against these guys.

>> No.1381059
File: 56 KB, 190x163, KNAVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



and uh, maybe later, right now I'm just making a gameplay/weapons mod. Though who knows? If this gets big enough I might be able to recruit some people and we can start adding unique monsters.

>> No.1381110

I think Project MSX's Badass enemies addon adds enemies that can be Red Arremer levels of annoyance.

There's these black Cacodemons that like to strafe side to side as you shoot at them, and if you get their life low but not kill them they make themselves go invisible and teleport around.

>> No.1381114
File: 522 KB, 498x399, give em a good lancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God DAMN this is fun

>> No.1381141

At first glance it looks like you're tossing eggs at the enemies.

>> No.1381142

Might want to make the lance come a bit more from your left side so it matches the hand a bit better.

Also maybe shade the butt of the lance a bit more to give it that look of a pointy object. Looks a bit like you're throwing giant balls.

>> No.1381143


There's a full set of angles for the lance.

Also my friend is bitching at me at full force right now, claiming I should use the animation I use for the chain throw, I told him that would look wrong because the chain animation would look like he's pushing the lance away, he claims it looks like he's throwing a fastball.


I could probably have my friend edit the lance a little, but how would I change the offset of the lance flying out of my view?

>> No.1381154

I have no idea man, but it needs to come from the hand more.

Since it looks like you're swinging your arm(Which is right) but the ball is coming out of your face(Which is wrong)

>> No.1381157


quick, think of another Doom mod that has a non-centered projectile weapon, if they lined the projectile up so it's not coming outta their face, I might be able to work with that

>> No.1381156
File: 124 KB, 1920x1029, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo guys I dont know what I should use to connect and play doom online with other people. Is it Skull tag or Zdaemon? I tried Zdaemon and Iwas able to connect but I couldnt connect with Skull tag. I got this message with skull tag.

>> No.1381160

Why not make it spinning knives or axes instead?

>> No.1381167


Because I'm using GnG weapons, and the lance and dagger don't spin.

>> No.1381163

you need zandronum the newest version of skulltag also zdaemon works too although if youre in north america there arent many servers

>> No.1381164

The Metroid one.

Aliens TC remix or whatever. The Flamethrower comes from your right(BUT IS DONE FUCKING HORRIBLE BECAUSE HUGGING THE WALL SETS YOU ON FIRE)

>> No.1381172

The Axe and Scythe spun while airborne though.

>> No.1381174


Actually I just realized Duke's Freezethrower from Samsara fires projectiles aligned correctly. lemme poke around that.

Yeah, and I'm adding the scythe, which WILL spin. If I can I'm gonna see if I can make it not break against floors but slide along them like it does in Super GnG if you crouch and throw it.

>> No.1381173


Use Zandronum.

>> No.1381203
File: 759 KB, 587x446, 1391405938421.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I fixed the alignment and I had my friend change the back end of the lance a little

It also turned out I had the sprite backwards, woops.

>> No.1381204

the sprite for the arm looks really awkward positioned so high above the sword

>> No.1381208

Looks much more proper there mate.
Still a little bally but my issue was more with the angle.

>> No.1381213
File: 137 KB, 1024x640, 1391406155538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wanted to go for the overly exaggerated throw Arthur has from GnG, but if need be I can lower the arm a little


Yeah, not sure what more I can do, as you can see though it rotates fully.

>> No.1381218


Well I'm using that TCHKT TCHKT sound straight from Super Ghouls n' Ghosts, and as you can see I even ripped the hitsparks too.

>> No.1381216

Well as long as it's very clear that I'm throwing lances through sounds and possibly by strafing to the right/left and seeing it tilt a bit it should be fine.

>> No.1381219
File: 585 KB, 1366x768, welp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1381226

Oh god I love those Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts sounds.

Best SNES sound effects right next to Super Metroid.

Makes me wish the Metroid mod had SNES sounds.

>> No.1381228
File: 161 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_CIF3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1381231


I was wondering the same thing, Super Metroid's sound effects have... Fuck I don't know how to describe it, like kind of a grainy thud to them.

>> No.1381241

>Makes me wish the Metroid mod had SNES sounds.

I haven't put server authentication on the sounds. If you'd like to replace them with SNES counterparts, the servers won't kick you for having a different version of the mod.

>> No.1381253

Hm, as of right now, the lance does 20 damage, they're capable of dropping arachnotron babbies in 10 shots. You think that's a little too powerful? The trade off being you can only throw 2 in rapid succession, and they're kinda slow.

They absolutely fucking destroy imps, pinkies, and zombiemen though, I love that

>> No.1381258

that was some crazy survival there

>> No.1381262
File: 1.31 MB, 340x192, 574657456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1381264

It sounds like it would be overpowering but since you can only throw two that keeps it pretty balanced.

>> No.1381267

That looks oddly familiar. Reminds me of that PS1 game PO'ed.

>> No.1381268
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1358862784763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the hell am I looking at here and why do I want to play this.

>> No.1381272


>> No.1381305

And there goes the co-op server. Thanks to everyone for popping by.

Restarting with DM in a short bit.

>> No.1381323
File: 372 KB, 1280x720, 1391410448682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I made the mistake of loading every mod I had at once.

>> No.1381334
File: 19 KB, 290x705, Allow me to introduce myself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck, how many mods did you load?

>> No.1381339

judging by the screenshot he added brutal doom with metroid DN and pirates

>> No.1381341


Skulltag actors/data
MM8Bit Deathmatch
Brutal Doom
And a whole fuckton of levelsets

>> No.1381342
File: 24 KB, 146x120, 1368402270693.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why did you do that Anon? You could have killed someone.

>> No.1381346
File: 205 KB, 480x272, doctormurder.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For the glory of Satan, of course!

>> No.1381347
File: 55 KB, 400x400, 1364689597203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1381363
File: 173 KB, 720x931, MPH_Hunters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Restarted as DM, same title as before.

:: [BE] New York :: Metroid: Morph Bowl - Seattle Space Pirates VS Denver Demons

>> No.1381364

Looks sound enough to me, but that's because I speak english and understand implications.

I wouldn't worry too much about it anyway.

>> No.1381368

I've been playing Metal Slug all day and I just...

Goddammit Rottking you big fag, release whatever you have from that Metal Slug mod


>> No.1381376
File: 401 KB, 294x285, chargan up lightning.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the lightning projectile, it's placeholder for now, how's the animation look?

>> No.1381402

Just started Scythe 2, using it alongside perkistans smooth weapons, ketchup, and dynamic lights. Before I was only able to really enjoy Doom with mods (mods as in, totally gameplay changing mods, brutal doom, msx, etc) after wearing myself out with vanilla, but I've kinda worn myself out on my favorite mods and find myself back to playing vanilla (albeit with some mods for added flair). Funny how things work out. Though I still really fucking look forward to the next build of The Space Pirate, along with more of that Metroid mod, and I can't wait to see The Trailblazer get a release.

>> No.1381414

Feels like that.. Muzzle.. Flare should go away a little faster.

>> No.1381418
File: 47 KB, 315x315, CoolAssburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy
That guy from Po'ed should be another Samsara addon class

Actually, I've tried before to get the sprites of this game, but I failed extracting them

>> No.1381425
File: 687 KB, 294x444, 1391416898924.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The projectile wasn't quite done, I've added a trail to it, so it makes more sense now, right?

>> No.1381429

That makes much more sense if it's like that.

>> No.1381435


Good, that's 4 subweapons down so far, 5 to go. These should bring plenty of variety to the table.

>> No.1381436

Looks pretty mechanical to me. The pull back is quite linear (ie. no sense of inertia), try adding/removing frames at the right places. The shaking might look better if went in random directions (instead of left-right) and the distance would increase with time.

>> No.1381438


I'll futz around with the animation later, you're right though, I should make it look more natural and the charging needs to look like you're holding onto something gathering a shitload of energy.

>> No.1381439

How do you load multiple wads at once?

>> No.1381440


very carefully. and totally not like he did

>> No.1381443
File: 6 KB, 389x371, doomguy_peek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey buddy, look at the OP, what you're looking for is there.

>> No.1381447


Hold ctrl, click on wads one at a time, then drag and drop them.
Or if you're an idiot like I was, hit enter while accidentally having hit ctrl+a earlier.

My mod collection is file-associated to auto-load in Z&.

>> No.1381456

Alright, stupid question time: How the fuck do I go about making a key sprite replace one that's already currently in Doom? I have a full set of nice keys to use but I have no clue how to just make the sprites replace the key cards/skulls

>> No.1381459


Have you considered looking up the sprite names in the Doom wads?

>> No.1381461


I have, I don't have any doom wads that simply just replace keys.

>> No.1381462 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 993x389, ss (2014-02-03 at 04.15.11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't? Really?
I'm pretty sure you do.

>> No.1381463

Just open doom.wad or doom2.wad and look for the key sprites. Give your sprites the same names the vanilla sprites have, and they'll be replaced automatically.

>> No.1381465
File: 19 KB, 350x300, cacodemon computer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...Oh I can just rename my custom sprites the same as Doom's. Christ almighty I really do overthink shit.

>> No.1381469
File: 76 KB, 300x300, 1367438519843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1381471
File: 34 KB, 237x180, 32426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I never claimed to the sharpest crayon in the box.

Glad I got you guys to help me though

>> No.1381480
File: 53 KB, 249x196, nice catch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there we go, keys are in.

Also I'm going to be adding a few more HUD elements: Keys, kills, secrets, and your current subweapons, the spells will be grayed out if you lack the mana for them.

>> No.1381567

looks like it has a big nose and buck teeth

>> No.1381581

Is Project MSX the only gameplay mod out there that has the player in some sort of power armor, or are there others?

I've been wondering.
Even if it was just armored hand sprites I'd be interested in any and all armored Doomguy mods.

>> No.1381597
File: 47 KB, 521x734, brandon plz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo bro's how do you make your own server? i keep getting this fucking error. I use the port 10666 and 10700 but it doesn't show up on doom seeker. I typed everything right in Port forwarding.

>> No.1381598

did you check report to master server or w/e

>> No.1381601

rtc-3057 has armored hand sprites

>> No.1381605
File: 108 KB, 785x601, brandon plz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting this "GeoIP initialization failed" message.

>> No.1381612

For all Doom and Doom 2 weapons?

>> No.1381619

Or will just hamachi work?

>> No.1381624

are you sure it's forwarding to the right local ip

>> No.1381626

The Ipv4 address right?

>> No.1381627

no, on your local network you've got an ip like 192.168.1.x with that x being 1 or 2 or 6 or more depending on the computers on your network and the settings

>> No.1381635


>> No.1381638
File: 2.33 MB, 3010x1544, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit yes. Anon, does such a thing exist?

>> No.1381646



has both the weapons and sounds

>> No.1381654
File: 206 KB, 814x646, What the.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I should add that in the port forwarding instead of the Ipv4? Cause alot of tutorials told me to add the Ipv4.
Now I get this message for hamachi. What the fuck guys?

>> No.1381687

as someone who loved iIji, a resounding yes.
If you made a hud too I'd make a few levels as a demo!

>> No.1381694

>what is all out war 2
there's a server up on doomseeker 24/7, anon.

>> No.1381708

has there ever been an Alien Trilogy total conversion for DOOM?
I was playing the PlayStation version, when I remembered there was a PC version but getting it to work really needs a lot of effort
I suppose it wouldn't work in (g)zDOOM because of the hard-coded features, but I also wondered what engine it ran in, since it had a look up/down button

>> No.1381747

The closest would be Aliens TC updated and Aliens: Colonial Marines TC.

Both use graphics from the Alien Trilogy games

>> No.1381749

ah but do they have that cool pistol soundeffect and the cool shotgun?

>> No.1381750


>> No.1381758

Oh right, I played that, was pretty cool.

>> No.1381825

I had no idea that people that loves to rip and tear likes cute things. Moar.

>> No.1381841
File: 143 KB, 374x240, Comparison_Vilehead_Vilefigure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, made the Archvile head! I tried to make the head look as martian as possible.

Now that Grondoval has been revised (new HUD, new weapons, instagib weapons etc...), I am about to implement Lo Wang!

This is the current idea:
Lo Wang can use monsters head as weapons. But only 3 heads in each IWAD can be possibly used as a weapon (Doom: Imp, Baron/Knight and Archvile. Heretic for example: Mummy, that skeleton warrior and were dragon). I dont have that much time to do a sprite for each head.

Anyways, I'm kinda stuck. I just dont know which weapons to use for Lo Wang. Should Lo Wang start with fists, Katana AND Shurikens? What is Slot 7 going to be? Guardian head? Nuke missiles for the rocket launcher? But if slot 7 gives rocketlauncher AND nuke missiles, slot 5 pickups would be pointless. And if slot 7 only gives the nuke missiles, it requires slot 5 pickups and this sucks, you couldnt use the nuke missiles without having to pickup slot 7 AND 5.

It'd be great if you guys could suggest which weapons to use and which slots they should be assigned to.

Helpful links:

>> No.1381851

Slot 5 weapon drops Missile launcher + 5 missiles.
Slot 7 gives Missile launcher + Nuke, no missiles.

He should start with Fists/Katana + Shuriken.

Or turn the Katana into a Chainsaw slot item.
But if you do this then the Shuriken needs to hurt more than it did in Shadow Warrior. Since it ate ammo so fast and wasn't really that useful.

>> No.1381853
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x2572, HUDs_Mugshots_Comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the new HUD of Grondoval (top: old, bottom: new)

>> No.1381856

Skin needs to be more archvile-y

>> No.1381858

>PNG is almost 2 MB
Gawrsh darn it Donald

>> No.1381863

Ipv4 isn't even an address

In the router you set the port that Zandronum uses to be forwarded to your local area network (LAN) ip address, 192.168.1.x You give your wire area network (WAN) ip address http://whatismyip.com/ to the person joining, unless you're reporting to the master server in which case you don't need that.

Do you have the file IpToCountry.csv in your %appdata%/.doomseeker directory?

Try updating Doomseeker.

>> No.1381896

ETA on Zandronum 2.0 ?

>> No.1381904

Looks like a muppet to me.

>> No.1381912

Sounds like Dismal Oubliette in Quake.

>> No.1381928
File: 19 KB, 250x187, 1391446513985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll be done when it's done.

>> No.1381930

what gun is that

i don't recall seeing any sprites for that

>> No.1381945

Looks like a generic gun used for box/manual art.

>> No.1381947

What a big pile of peepee poopoo.

>> No.1381992
File: 1.81 MB, 340x192, 2355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1381997

So taking into account the most recent events, I guess it has been decided, then.


And this is most likely that won't change since the latest ObHack release comes from late 2012

Also, guess who's back!


>> No.1382002

who? why?

>> No.1382000

Great news.

>> No.1382110
File: 42 KB, 217x132, SW_Archvileheads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok, I played SW a few hours again, tried to assign the weapons to slots and now I got this:

>Fists slot:
Fists and Katana together. Fists are fast and heal if hitting non-bleeding actors. Katana is slower but deals more damage.

>Pistol slot:
Shurikens. Each shot is 3 blades. Shoots very fast, but deal small damage.

>Slot 1:
Sticky mines...heh...

>Slot 2:
Uzi. I can copy Marathons script to wield two weapons if picked up twice

>Slot 3:
Quad Shotgun. Altfire changes to quad-shot mode like in original SW

>Slot 4:
Grenade Launcher. Huge explosion radius, spawns small fire that burns enemies and yourself

>Slot 5:
Rocket launcher (rockets only).

>Slot 6:

>Slot 7:
Rocketlauncher. Slot 7 pickup enables nuke missiles. Now slot 5 and slot 7 are the same weapons. You can use both slots to shoot normal and nuke and heat seeking missiles

Smoke bomb. Turn 100% invisible towards allies/enemies (well, maybe if its coop your allies see a shadow of you or something like that)

Guardian head. (I can modify a sound to make Lo wang say: "WHO PUT THIS HERE?")

Use chopsticks on the heart to kill the enemy you are facing

How does this sound?

Is this better?

>> No.1382123

>Slot 4
>Grenade launcher
>Chaingun as a slow-firing explosive

i'd say replace shotty with uzi, grenade in 3, uzi in 4

>> No.1382124

why is it wrinkly like a bad sponge

>> No.1382134
File: 50 KB, 611x501, DispleasedElephants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're all edits of the shit guardian head weapon sprite

>> No.1382136

edit it to not look like a bad sponge

>> No.1382148

rip marty kirra
kill by demons

>> No.1382159
File: 17 KB, 105x132, SW_Archvile2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows this
Also, have a look at the other ones:

>> No.1382164

looks like gaussian blur

needs texture slapped onto it

>> No.1382175

I personally don't like the the fact the fingerhole texture thing is the same on all of them

>> No.1382182

The skin looks off, it needs to look more... dryish, rubberish, dirty, it looks too clean, soft, and smooth.
It needs to look older, grittier, needs veins and bone structures just vaguely "shining" through the skin.

>> No.1382195
File: 25 KB, 107x132, The-Head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably fucked the colours up but you can fix that.

>> No.1382235

Better, but the skin looks like plaster, why is it so... "pourous" or "bulbous"? It needs to fit tighter

>> No.1382242

Sorry for bothering, but someone happens to have that pic of Doomguy with those cartoony eyes?

>> No.1382246

Has it aged well?

>> No.1382256
File: 24 KB, 105x132, archie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made an edit.

>> No.1382257

It's aged wonderfully.

>> No.1382267
File: 35 KB, 212x132, Doom_AngryMartian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are these two?
Tried to make the head even more martian and the skin more yellow.

Hint: The right one has Duke hands and the skin looks a bit more "rough"

>> No.1382265


>> No.1382269

Looks much better actually, it doesn't look like latex now (ironically, the original latex model does not look like latex).

>> No.1382271


>> No.1382280

Much better. It doesn't look all spongey anymore.

Look at the texture of the skin in this image, try to copy the texture of the skin, the creases, the dryness.

>> No.1382281
File: 51 KB, 420x439, crepe_neck_420-420x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

captcha ate mah baby

>> No.1382283


>if I dress like this, no-one will know I'm an archvile

>> No.1382284

Archvile Head General

>> No.1382293
File: 27 KB, 105x132, archie3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edit of an edit of an edit of an edit of an edit of an edit...

>> No.1382297
File: 27 KB, 105x132, archie3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, actually

>> No.1382301

Yes, yes! This is looking better and better!
I like how you did the recessed cheeks.

>> No.1382308

Way better than your other attempts.

>> No.1382323
File: 46 KB, 311x126, Doom_AngryDog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to thank Marrub for his help. He made the last two edits based on my sprites. They will be included and Marrub will be credited.

How is the new Baron?

>> No.1382324

I only made
nothin' else

>> No.1382328

hey guys, i just played zanondrom and brutal doom for the first time. i love it

>> No.1382330



Be sure to give other mods a shot, Brutal Doom isn't the only or best one out there.

>> No.1382339

also, what are some good source ports of other 90's games?
im looking to get some definitive versions of them to play on my x200 inbetween classes at school.
so anything great for quake, unreal, build, or dark engine games? linux support is appreciated

>> No.1382352
File: 24 KB, 148x126, baron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it needed more gore and some better connections between the head and the horns.

>> No.1382565

looks gud mang

>> No.1382569

>>Slot 2:
>Uzi. I can copy Marathons script to wield two weapons if picked up twice

You can also do it entirely in decorate too, if you want.

>> No.1382636
File: 524 KB, 1920x1080, 1391469861629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm inexperienced with slopes, so I was sad to know I couldn't mix floor and ceilings as expanded as I hope.

I'm looking around for Tomb Raider sound effects (not the 20 or so collection available) but the whole TR1 collection. Apparently they can be found on the PS1 disc which I don't have, and putting it on the PC can rip these sounds from it

Anyone have the PS1 disc to see if this true?

>> No.1382640

>I was sad to know I couldn't mix floor and ceilings as expanded as I hope.

What do you mean? You can.

>> No.1382643


I know I can, the screenshot shows. My problem was that if the ceiling and floor have two different very different scales of slopes, it doesn't work. I wasn't trying to recreate the levels (it's not played for doom anyway), but the maps will just be a little less detailed on it's scenery

>> No.1382651

>My problem was that if the ceiling and floor have two different very different scales of slopes, it doesn't work.

Unless I'm misunderstanding you, you can accomplish what you wanted with map things, it just can't be done only using line specials.

>> No.1382652
File: 525 KB, 1600x900, 1391470309005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1382656

That's a really nice looking gun.
What's this?

>> No.1382657
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, 1391470358470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tossed up a new version of Katarn for Samsara, various balancing fixes and whatnot, as well as updated the ACS to be compatible with Samsara .31, meaning bloodyhell settings and whatnot will actually show.

There's a server up right now running Chillax, named ":: [BE] New York :: Samsara 0.31 - with special guest Kyle Katarn!" so if you wanna check it out, feel free to drop in.

>> No.1382662

that's doomguy though

>> No.1382671

Anyone else wish to point out something that's been said a billion times?

>> No.1382672


Kyle doesn't have a hud face in Dark forces.

>> No.1382674

Why does he have a hud face in the addon then?

>> No.1382683


Because everyone else has a HUD face, I guess. I dunno if they're editing one to match Kyle's likeness or what, I'm just explaining why it's Doomguy in the hud.

>> No.1382684

To elaborate, what I'm saying is why not either have it recreate the Dark Forces hud instead of creating a bar or if you really really absolutely must have that bar and have a hud face in it why not just replace the fact with an arrow (or possibly some graphic from Dark Forces) that will show the direction damage is coming from and show health by graphic color?

>> No.1382686

>no kyle katarn mugshots
Oh comeon.

>> No.1382690


Ah right, well I'm keeping it simple so I don't urgently need a script to solve my troubles. I don't want to mess around for that for this project, and go straight up map making

>> No.1382692


It doesn't involve scripting, it involves map things that are placeable in doombuiler2.

>> No.1382693

>what is a placeholder

>> No.1382696

I will be adding head/player sprites in the coming versions, I've been primarily focusing on balancing/feature completion before I work on cosmetic things like that.

>> No.1382704

Why not make an arrow hud face as described in >>1382684 as a placeholder? It will take all of 20 minutes and be much better than the doomguy you have now.

>> No.1382707


>> No.1382708

>it will take all of 20 minutes
no because it will not account for any damage that didn't come from left or right
it will not account for damage in front, behind, above, below, or any angle

>you have now
i didn't make it

>> No.1382709


Oh? do you have a link to help me then with this, like a tutorial for these features?

>> No.1382720

Any way to fade out a sound or channel through Decorate? I want to fade out a looping sound without making a copy of the sound that fades out.

>> No.1382721
File: 169 KB, 512x512, 1391471817629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /doom/ just made this

thought you fagets might like it

>> No.1382723

Bumping this

>> No.1382725


haha, nice

>> No.1382729

eduke32 for duke nukem
darkplaces/engoo for quake
that's really about it

everything either A: doesn't have a source port worth shit, or B: runs natively either in .exe or dosbox

>> No.1382731

EDuke32, there's even a Blood total conversion for it. http://www.moddb.com/games/bloodcm

>> No.1382734

Search zdoom wiki slopes, and I think there are map things tutorials elsewhere. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, I just know it can be done but not exactly how.

>> No.1382738
File: 12 KB, 681x448, 3minnits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you have a graphic you can also change facing in gimp or photoshop.

>no because it will not account for any damage that didn't come from left or right
it will not account for damage in front, behind, above, below, or any angle

Neither does the doomguy hud face, champ.

>> No.1382740

or C: doesn't have source at all

>> No.1382750


thanks, I have a few things to try out. Though these do sound a bit overcomplicated

>> No.1382757


Would be a cool place for a deathmatch map.

>> No.1382758 [DELETED] 


so we are in agreement that it's a shitty replacement for a placeholder face, then

>> No.1382764 [DELETED] 

why bother

>> No.1382767

Thanks, that's really helpful

>> No.1382768 [DELETED] 


That's to show that you could have it show damage sources above or below the player.

If you ONLY replace the functionality of the placeholder face, you can use whatever nice arrow you choose since you only have to show left and right.

The doomguy placeholder face is worse than anything else, imo, and I won't play the addon until it's not included. Judging by >>1382671 a lot of other people feel the same way. You can either spend 20 minutes to change it or piss and moan that nobody will play your addon. It's your choice.

>> No.1382769

Page 5, making the new thread

>> No.1382770 [DELETED] 

>or piss and moan that nobody will play your addon.
dkg, please

>> No.1382771 [DELETED] 

is anyone but you pissing and moaning

>> No.1382772 [DELETED] 

I'm not DKG you midichlorian. Stop shitposting.


>> No.1382778 [DELETED] 


So two person pointing out Kyle Katarn doesn't have a mugshot is the equivalent of saying "I refuse to play your mod until it's included".
That's a fucking huge leap of logic.

>> No.1382793

