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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.89 MB, 3264x1836, DSC_0092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1374573 No.1374573[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fucking germans and their trolling in Ebay.
Bought this right here, but before that contacted the seller and he said it was the english version. Fucking fucker.

General Ebay thread and/or thousand langage versions PAL shitfest?

>> No.1374617
File: 6 KB, 91x91, seal_de.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It obviously says Qualitäts-Siegel and not Seal of Quality.

>> No.1374620

The seller's pic was kinda smudgy, that's why I contacted the guy to be sure.

He outright lied to me, the faggot.

>> No.1374621

you gonna file a complaint? it's against ebay ToS to misrepresent the auction item.

>> No.1374623

I'm getting my money back. Either the seller is nice about it or I will file a complaint.

Never filed one, though.

>> No.1374624

>Buy a game still in the box.
>Only get the box.

>> No.1374626

Oh wow.
I bet it had a nice pricepoint too.

>> No.1374636

what about some buyer horror stories? I've had a buyer flip shit on me for a box's condition when I had taken pictures of it to show such condition. He had previously asked me about what else I had to sell, showed him some stuff went above and beyond and all that jazz. The guy had the gull to demand money back. Laughed in his face and told him to report me to ebay if he thought it was misrepresentation of the product he received, didn't hear anything about it after that.

We also sell stuff on ebay at the store and we've had people outright lie to us about what they received in lots. We take pictures of our lots (defective/not defective, etc), list 'em, and then basically pack up the boxes after making sure everything is there.

We've also had people complain about shipping, and when we say they could return it (of course for a fee), we've had one guy snap a disc in half and send us a picture. WHY....

>> No.1374645

Why are people so dishonest?...

>> No.1374650

because they want free stuff and think it comes from nowhere. If someone actually forgot to put something in their shipping box, they'd be in a world of trouble at the store (aka written up and possibly money deducted out of their paycheck). People don't realize that their fake whining actually costs people money.

>> No.1374671


>we've had one guy snap a disc in half and send us a picture


Oh I am sure that REALLY showed you... what the hell...


Doesn't the cart have a language choice menu like most titles here in the EU, so the distributors don't have to put in extra money to individually localise the game but can ship their standard card everywhere?

>> No.1374675

Nope. This game is too big, so the cart doesn't have enough memory for several languages.
It's like that with games that have a lot of text aka all RPGs.

>> No.1374683

Is there a large difference in price between the carts with different languages?

What is the seller's return policy?

>> No.1374692

English carts tend to be more expensive, because more people know english than german or french or spanish or whatever.

He doesn't have a return policy set up. I'm still waiting for him to communicate with me.

>> No.1374696

Oh, and also because english games come from the UK usually, and there is also currency exchange payments to add to the game price+shipping (£ to € or vice-versa)

>> No.1374702

Why translate games at all? Computer games taught me English.

>> No.1374703

Alright yeah, that's shitty, especially if you were just going to play it (not collect). Either file a complaint through ebay, or through paypal.

>> No.1374715


Enlarge your customer base.
No distributor would dare to bring a game on the market in only a foreign language version, not every customer wants to use another language, also even today not everyone speaks it fluent enough, especially important if your game is targeted at mostly children. You could just ask the same way why movies are synchronised? And TV shows? Let's just keep them all In their original dub! Stupid viewers just can learn the language if they want to watch!
If your channel did this your ratings would plummet.

>> No.1374724

>Item not as described

>> No.1374728

One of my first /vr/ purchases was ALTTP on SNES when i was 13. I get the cartridge and it's in German despite the fact that the description said it was in english. I didn't know how to read the labels and stuff back then so i took his word for it.

I sent the cartridge back and got my money returned. When i told him that he should always list the right info he replied with "whatever".

>> No.1374730

>Growing up in Sweden with only English games.

I understood nothing!

>> No.1374737

I grew up in Sweden too. While most story based game were hard to understand, it never stopped me from enjoying them and i learned a lot of English at an early age compared to all the other normalfag people in class who didn't play games.

>> No.1374748

Well, yes, of course. But there still was that point early on when you didn't get shit and ended up walking around for hours without knowing what to do.
What I was getting at was that making a point about how you have to dub everything to sell stuff is flawed because shit still sold, just that there were so many kids around the world who didn't get to play A Link to the Past in baltic, or whatever.

>> No.1374752

Dubbing is even worse because subtitles are a sufficient solution.

>> No.1374780

I dunno about you guys but German sellers seem legit. I've purchased from several before; they have NTSC-U versions, the condition is almost always very good, perfect or even new, and the prices are always so reasonable. I got a new copy of NTSC-U Bust-A-Move for Game Gear for only $15 including shipping from a German seller. I got a very, very nice Ehregeiz from the same seller for only $5 (shipping bundled with Bust-A-Move). I've made other nice transactions.

While you may have been swindled OP, obviously there are good and bad people for every country.

>> No.1374782

I'm convinced that people like that are simply sociopaths. Most normal people would not do that sort of thing unless they felt they had no choice (and considering we're talking about used video games, that's highly unlikely).

>> No.1374801


Subtitles are never as good as a full voiced version. They are always used to have AT LEAST an understandable version for foreign speakers if a voiced one is not available and as an option for deaf people. Most people hate that constant need for reading which is then obviously not fitting the timing of the dialogue giving you the end of the sentence several seconds before it having been said in the movie. it just doesn't feel correct and the constant reading while watching a movie is annoying. There are original-with-subtitles showigs in cinemas but these are always a niche program.

>> No.1374817

>Subtitles are never as good as a full voiced version.
>Most people hate that constant need for reading

Only like americans and germans, most other countries are okay with subtitles and prefer them over dubbing because it's retarded.

>> No.1374842

Well not really /vr/, but I have a horror story from when I was selling a PS3 slim in perfect condition through Craigslist a couple of years ago.

Some spic bought it. Dude came over to my workplace and fully tested it before paying and taking it, we've turned it on, played games on it and everything for about 30 minutes. Like I said the PS3 was in perfect working order and never had any problem or malfunction during the time I've owned it.

Well that night the fucker calls me, furious, flipping shit saying the PS3 wasn't working when he arrived home and implying it was rigged.
From further conversation I understood that the idiot had never used a PS3 before, didn't read the manual and was trying to hook it up on a crt tv through composite (I've always used it on hdtv / hdmi). I don't remember exactly what but there's some kind of procedure you have to do by pressing the power button for n seconds when hooking a PS3 to a non-hd connection.

My first reaction was, "What kind of person fucking buys a PS3 to use on a crt tv through composite in this day and age? Buy a damn HDTV first" and I didn't even realize I actually thought this aloud over the phone and he listened all of it, lol.

I looked up the step-by-step instructions on Google, forwarded them to him and he said it wasn't working. Apparently the dude actually broke the PS3 somehow trying to make it work on his own.

He demanded a refund, but I didn't give him and said the PS3 broke on his hands due to misuse and he was on his own. And before hanging up again I threw in, "What kind of person buys a PS3 to use with a crt over composite? Damn."

Seriously, fuck Craiglist, it's great for buying stuff but the amount of bullshit you have to deal with when selling things is not worth it. Even when selling a Mercedes wheel cover kit for $50 dollars I had to deal with bullshit from potential buyers you wouldn`t believe.

>> No.1374870


I sell things on Kijiji (Canadian Craigslist) and while there are good buyers out there, the crazy people are FUCKING crazy. I had people scream at me over the phone for leaving an area when they were more than 30 minutes late. Even buying is hard. I wanted to buy some PS2 games recently, some good titles for $5 a piece. When I texted the guy, he said he's only selling everything in one bundle. So I would've had to pay $150 for 20 games when I only wanted 3 for $15. When I tried to convince him out of it, he just stopped responding. I don't know why people do this. You will never sell a big PS2 lot like that, it just doesn't happen

>> No.1374930

>What kind of person fucking buys a PS3 to use on a crt tv through composite in this day and age?
I do, I'm not buying a new television until my current one breaks down. I'm no quality snob, so I really don't give a shit about image quality when the game is fully playable anyway.

>> No.1374936


God I hate it that my people are so ignorant when it comes to dubbing. They don't see that it's not as good as glorious original language. Only person I can go to the Original showings at the cinema is my gf, all others are always like "oh come on my english is not so good I wanna see the german version". Fuck you. Learning english isn't that hard. And for all other languages, what's a bit reading over a inferiour version?

>> No.1374942

>And for all other languages, what's a bit reading over a inferiour version?
The funny part is that if you just watch enough stuff with subtitles you'll start reading superfast, and not even think about it.

People who complain about reading while watching a movie should probably go read a book more than anyone else.

>> No.1374953

I know that the native dub of films is most of the times superior to the localized version and I have no problems with understanding spoken english, but I pretty much watch films only in my native language.

It's just a personal preference, stop acting like cunts and let people enjoy what they want.

>> No.1374956

Complaint through Ebay atm.
And yes, Ihave a rather large collection and keep buying games, but just for playing, which sucks in this situation.

Of course, that was said in the heat of the moment.

>> No.1374985

Just because you don't give a shit about quality doesn't mean people that do are snobs. For most people the different between 480i and 720p or better is big enough as to actually change and significantly improve the experience.

Anyways I only acted like a douchebag towards the guy because he was being an asshole, blatantly accusing me of selling him a rigged product when it was his own stupidity that damaged it. The people and internet communities I used to hang out back then, would often say that it didn't make any sense to use a 7th generation console on a crt tv, and I sort of used to parrot that. Though I still agree that this true, unless you're going to mod the console and use it for classic emulation for example.

>> No.1375016

the German dubbing industry is the best one in the world IMO. A professional voice actor is able to redeem a bad performance of the original actor. see: the Korean characters in Gran Torino, for instance. Also, Woody Allen confirmed that the voice actor that plays him in the German dub does a better job than he himself . You're the one being ignorant, bro

>> No.1375058

>German Secret of Mana
>Moyse translation
not even once

>> No.1375134


>> No.1375567

Never had any problems with buyers in my six years on ebay.

Take pictures you lazy fucks.

>> No.1375615

All of my years watching subbed anime and movies have taught me useless Japanese. I can respond in Japanese to certain questions, but I could not form whole new statements or carry on a conversation. I've called more than a few people an enemy of justice, though.

>> No.1375793


This. 1000000% this.

Sellers are such faggots about this shit.

The only reasons you wouldn't post at least one pic of what you are selling are that either youre incredibly lazy as fuck, or what you are selling is in terrible shape and if anyone saw it they'd never buy it and youre a huge faggot.

>> No.1375807

you literally cannot even read the text in tons of games in 480i

>> No.1375827

>you literally cannot even read the text in tons of games in 480i
I've had that occur like two-three times in total. Nowadays most games have voice acting anyway, so I don't have to read dialog, and the games are streamlined and super easy, so you don't really need to read advice anyway.
Though most games seems to account for this, so they make stuff readable on old televisions. I even remember playing some games with very small text, just to return to it a year later to find it patched with the text now three times larger.

>> No.1376063

This is why I never use Craigslist. I'm always afraid I'll buy something, I get home it's defective, and when I go to ask for a return the guy will shoot me. Or if I'm a seller basically what you endured.

My roommate used to use it once in a while and I went with him a few times for protection, not like I'm gonna throw down with anyone however. Worst we had was selling a filing cabinet, the woman wanted us to meet her in the McDonald's parking lot. We get there early, see the car she described she'd be in pull in, completely drive passed us, heads straight for the drive-thru, and 15 minutes later circles back around gnawing on fries while talking shit about the filing cabinet and then driving away. Fucking psychos use Craigslist, man. Don't associate with that crowd.

>> No.1376097
File: 123 KB, 610x777, Cinder_3117e4_419413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're writing a craigslist ad, you need to do it properly. pic related

>> No.1376120


>and don't fuck with me

Aww man...
How many dollars would it take to change that?

>> No.1376140

Someone should rewrite that but with video games instead.

>> No.1376158
File: 288 KB, 518x360, 1391234086510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Text might actually be the same pixel size as it used to be but the maximum resolution is getting bigger so the text is super tiny in "HD"
Nuts & Bolts had a patch that added larger text after an uproar about not being able to read anything on non-HD TVs.

>> No.1376359
File: 2.18 MB, 3264x2448, SnesShmes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here in Australia the price of this fucker is through the roof. My boxed version of Secret Of Mana cost me about $150. Most of my carts around $30-$40.

I buy my stuff off of GumTree, most people are legit on there because it promotes local pick-up. Though I sometimes risk it for a biscuit and do money transfer and hope to see the game within a week.

>> No.1376363

>Bought this right here, but before that contacted the seller and he said it was the english version. Fucking fucker.

You're an idiot. It's absolutely clear that it's not the american version. I don't care how "smudgy" the picture was, if you couldn't tell by the layout and the SNES button icon alone then you deserve to get taken for your money.

>> No.1376364

No offense man, but you asking to split up a lot is being one of those "crazy buyers" that you complain about.
If the seller lists it as SOLD AS A LOT ONLY then gets 10000 texts asking to split it up, I would ignore you too.

That's why I hate selling stuff on craiglist. I have the same experience the Brick Guy has where no matter what I list and how detailed I am, I get a million stupid questions and requests that take way too much time to deal with for such simple, straight forward items.

>> No.1376365

Are you retarded?

He clearly lives in a country such as Australia that plays those cartridge types. Germany and Australia have same cartridge and labels, The label designs are usually different, He asked an eBay seller if it play in English, it doesn't .

>> No.1376373
File: 91 KB, 460x636, 1390974653892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to sell replacement DVD cases for PS2, gamecube, saturn, etc
>all listings clearly marked in caps "NO GAME INCLUDED"
>constantly get messages like these
>sorry a friend of mine wanted the game really badly and i let him use my ebay and paypal so he can get it. the guy at the pawn shop in my town wants $100 for the game. so when we saw it for soo cheap from you we over reacted and bought it and then we found out we where just buying the box with no game so if you can please cancel the order i would be very happy.

This happens at least once a week.

>> No.1376374

big game hunter are you on 4chan again?

>> No.1376375

I don't think I could handle eBay, people are stupid.

> Let friend use PayPal and Ebay

lol..The biggest cop out for not reading, the dumbass.

>> No.1376381


I'vs asked my customers and they've told me they're either

a: 12 years old and using their parent's accounts
b: middle age house wives who legitimately don't know any better
c: people buying stuff on their SMART PHONES that can't read the descriptions because they're too small.

Christmas was the best part of last year. I got negative feedback bombed because people were buying games 3 DAYS before Christmas and didn't get their items due to the u.s. post office delaying everything.

>> No.1376387

I guess for large seller eBay is good with a small minority of (a,b and c) but I prefer GumTree which in Australia is like a eBay but you're meant to only pick up locally.

I sell and buy stuff from there all the time, Dependable people and they don't screw around.

>> No.1376419

That's a shame OP

I managed to get SoM off ebay CiB back in 2007 for about $20. It even included the walkthrough and shit, which is written liek a story and very charming.

Have the poster from the box hanging up on my wall right now actually.

>> No.1376424

Is that an American version? American version is heaps cheaper than in Australia

>> No.1376430

Yea it's murrikan

>> No.1376456

Yeah I got the map and all as well, but haven't got the guide. Wouldn't mind getting the guide if I can find one. It's a good little game.

>> No.1376463

Well, you have their home addresses...

>> No.1376530


What are you suggesting anon?

>> No.1376537

W-what would you like me to suggest? I hope it's not something lewd

>> No.1376687

Are you retarded?
The labels on the PAL versions are exactly the same, except the cart serial code, and the picture was smudgy enough that I could not read the serial code and discover that it said NOE/SFRG aka german.

>> No.1376707

Also, while I'm here, better explain the serials:

XXXX - Game specific code (ZL for LttP for example)
YYYY - country/language code:

UKV - UK, 100% english
ESP - english game, spanish booklet and case (rarely 100% spanish)
ESP/ESP - 100% spanish
FRA - english game, french booklet and case (rarely 100% french)
FRA/FRA - 100% french
GPS - english game, greek booklet and case (100% english sometimes)
EUR - multilanguage
NOE - mainly german everything
NOE/SFRG - 100% german
FAH - french and dutch release, can be only french, only dutch, bilanguage or even german
FRG - french and german multilanguage
HOL - 100% dutch
SCN - scandinavian, may be multilanguage or only swedish or norwegian
ITA - mainly italian, may come with english ingame texts
AUS - australian and NZ release, 100% english

If the game specific code is three letter, the last one tells you the ingame text regardless of country code:

P - english
D - deutch
F - french
S - spanish
I - Italian

>> No.1376734


How good is your German?

>> No.1376736

I know nothing except a few words, and I don't really have the time to learn it, especially when the texts are big.
If it were a game with few texts I would learn it.

>> No.1376779

When buying my PS3 I had to return two of them I bought on eBay, the first one scratched discs and had a fan that was obnoxiously loud, he claimed that I swapped in defective parts. Thankfully eBay rightfully forced him to accept a return.

The second one arrived without a controller or power cable (despite the description saying they'd be included) and had Time Crisis in the drive (despite not being mentioned in the description). I think this one was honest human error.

I eventually just bought a new one from a physical shop.

>> No.1376780

Buying CRTs on eBay has got to be the worst type of item to buy.

The shipping is expensive, all sellers overcharge to the moon and lie proportionately, shipping is super expensive and often causes damage.

There's something like a 80% chance of buying a novelty paperweight.

>> No.1376791
File: 21 KB, 336x269, jonny1324350625091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1376803


>Go to one of them to set thinhs right and argue what the hell he was thinking
>Ends in hot steamy gay sex

>> No.1376818


You misunderstand. On the original ad he was asking $5 per game. When I texted him about the games I wanted to buy, he said that he's only selling them as a bundle. When I checked the ad after that, he had edited it to say $150 for the whole thing. In short, he changed his mind. We were already a few texts into the conversation when I realized that he edited the ad. I still wanted to buy one game that had an ad by itself, which he was interested in selling to me by itself, but I asked him if he could also part with some of those other games since I don't want all of them. He told me to "shoot him an offer" on the games I wanted, I did, and he never responded.

I am definitely not a crazy buyer, I think I was being very reasonable about the way it all played out.

I also get very few questions about my ads, but perhaps that's because I actually do put a lot of detail into them. And no offense to you but maybe you're not putting as much detail as you think. Also, you shouldn't hate on people just for trying to get as much information as they can. That's a normal mentality to have when purchasing used goods.

>> No.1376830


Which one is you?


I also wonder how much people really do buy this shit, considering how easy it is to make your own case

>> No.1377073

Soulblade(Souledge) taught me English , in my case.

>> No.1377816

I see this brought up a lot, that some anon will say "I learned English by playing X", but I really don't see how that's possible. There's just not enough vocabulary present in a game to teach you all you need to know. Or many games, as the case may be.

>> No.1378609


>> No.1378943

>don't waste my time
>for fuck's sake, you fucking idiots
Yeah I'm pretty sure any potential buyers were scared off.

>> No.1378970
File: 25 KB, 181x193, loi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound kinda lame to be honest - Obviously the seller wanted to unload everything at once and not have to deal with selling a bunch of games individually.

Also I live in Canada, and Craigslist is still Craigslist...Kijiji is fucking garbage, unless you're buying or selling a car.

>> No.1379089

the I learned thing goes likes this:

Stay in your boring english class with the same boring and repetitive grammar and vocabulary.

Spend your afternoons applying it in order to understand the games. Getting better in reading comprehension + some extra vocabulary. non gamer kids have classroom vocabulary while I can name medieval weapons names. Yeah I know that's not very useful but it is still vocabulary. For good useful vocabulary Earthbound is great for example.

It is not like you learn from Zero it is more like you were able to practice it better in a era where internet was a toddler and games were an easy, interesting contact with English for us outside native speaking countries.

>> No.1379357
File: 49 KB, 324x365, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non gamer kids have classroom vocabulary while I can name medieval weapons names.
TFW you fail glossary tests because you wrote synonyms and not the exact word.

Teachers are fucking retarded.

>> No.1379929


typical online teenager/redneck

>one experience
>hates an entire country

>> No.1380260

>Subtitles are never as good as a full voiced version.
Assuming the dubbed version is of equal quality to the original voices.

Which doesn't happen a lot of the time.

>> No.1380302

vidya game horror stories:
>buy super mario rpg
>seller ships it in padded envelope
>box gets crushed and it gets wet because of the rain

>buy harvest moon 64
>box in mint condition
>seller ships it in padded envelope

>> No.1380318

City streets are littered with CRT's around here. Usually in perfect working order, or they just need a fuse replaced. A lot of people are nice enough to put a sign on em saying whether or not they work. I couldn't imagine having to order one through the mail.

>> No.1380331

>failing a test
If you really can't apply your general brain skills across all subject matter then you're either inexcusably lazy or an idiot deserving of failure and in either case ought to have been culled.

>> No.1380338

Can I see your MENSA card?

>> No.1380373

>Most people hate that constant need for reading which is then obviously not fitting the timing of the dialogue giving you the end of the sentence several seconds before it having been said in the movie. it just doesn't feel correct and the constant reading while watching a movie is annoying. There are original-with-subtitles showigs in cinemas but these are always a niche program.

Most people I know here in the UK hate dubbing and prefer subs, I assume they reflect the majority opinion because foreign films and shows are almost always shown with subtitles rather than dubbed.

Animation and and kids shows are the only real exception to that.

>> No.1380386

I bet you had a fun time getting your lunch money stolen in school.

>> No.1381974

Reasonable way to list a console you are selling:

Super Nintendo with power and video cables
2 controllers (one yellowed, one like new)
Comes with 5 games:
Mario Allstars
Super Mario World
Donkey Kong Country 2
Fifa International Soccer
All contained in a carry case.
Looking for £40 or nearest offer, thanks.
[Pic of lot]
[Pic of console & controllers]
[Pic of loose carts]
The way everyone on my local gumtree lists things:

super snes nintendo comes with controllers and about 5 games 40 pounds no timewasters calls only dont text or email i wont even answer!!!

[miniscule sideways blurry cellphone picture of console and games spread out on their bed]

Fuck gumtree sometimes.
The funniest ones are when they think "Title" is their personal title rather than what they're selling. Quite often I see PS3s listed as "Mr Darren Smith". Fucking monkeys.

>> No.1381979

>box in mint condition
>seller ships it in padded envelope




>> No.1382057

There is only 1 SNES game where the HOL serial means full dutch, which is Lufia.(Lufia 2 for Americans, original Lufia wasn't released in Europe) In all other games with the HOL serial it's in full english or it has a language select.

>> No.1383856

Fellow Ausfag here. I still buy off eBay, but I only go for auctions, and they're often from overseas.

It pains me that we don't have the retro vidya finds at op shops or flea markets like the do in the US.

>> No.1383873
File: 8 KB, 225x166, msnl1Wi6a-NX8xMKGC34uNA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI, if you can read the serial number, make sure it ends with 'AUS' or 'UKV' or 'EUR' for English versions. NOE stands for Nintendo of Europe which is Germany text.

There are also two main styles of PAL labels, one in the cart you bought and the other in the pic I posted. If you stick to the glorious-looking style like I posted, not the nigger-filled pleb one like the cart you bought, you should be right for English carts.

>> No.1383883

Ebay is a shithole but it makes me thousands a month so I deal with it for the past 8 years.I started using it when I was 14.

The worst things that I have to deal with is dicks who buy my games then play it and try to return it a week later saying the item description wasn't as described. They win every time and it keeps happening.

>> No.1384987
File: 48 KB, 406x354, Secret of Mana - Lindenstraße.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy the "Lindenstraße" !

>> No.1385007

Fuck Moyse