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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1370210 No.1370210[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD, (Last thread >>1364280)
(other retro FPS games welcome too, chances are we played 'em too)

FAQ/Pastebin, still updated semi-frequently


##Our WADs can be found here!##

Steam Group:

IRC (The password is in the FAQ.)
Channel: #vr


Wanna learn how to...

Create maps?

Open/Edit WAD/PK3/etc to make 'em compatible with other mods?
http://slade.mancubus.net/index.php?page=downloads (download 3.0.2)

Load multiple WADS and mods at the same time? - ZDL (v3.2.2.2)

/idgames torrent (12 GBs of wads, 18 years worth of user-made content!)

Vanilla/Boom related projects can be found here http://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/
ZDoom mods/projects can be found here http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19

Best Single Player WADS of 2013 (needs update)

>> No.1370212


-If you feel like trying a new mod, give GMOTA a chance! Go check it here! http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?p=742401#p742401

-The past Awesome Games Done Quick featured a playthrough of Plutonia (Go 2 It included) and also a bid war between Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 which ended in the latter winning for over 8 bucks, therefore it was featured in a race between Dime (who also ran Plutonia) and Vortale. To rewatch the Doom speedruns, go follow this link http://www.doomworld.com/vb/post/1229035

-Have you checked The Space Pirate yet? http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=37064 It's in Alpha as we speak, but that shouldn't restrain you from testing it out!

-TerminusEst13, of well known Samsara fame, is developing an incredibly awesome Metroid mod called "Metroid: Dreadnought"; keep an eye on these threads for more info!

-CACOWARDS? SURE, HERE! http://www.doomworld.com/20years.. Feel absolutely free to share your thoughts about the works chosen for this edition. And man oh man, they surely left a lot of stuff to discuss related to the decisions made on some wads...

-Doomsday received a brand new update, now you can play with the Oculus Rift! Go download Doomsday here! http://dengine.net/

-An anon put up recently a neat website for everyone to upload wads, go check it here (if your antivirus gets paranoid, do not worry, it's a false positive)

-December 10th marked the 20th anniversary of the release of the shareware version of Doom; there were tons of stuff and special events that were done for it, if you missed 'em all, feel free to ask for links to them!

-ChocoDoom got updated in the 20th anniversary. Now you can play Heretic, Hexen and Strife too! Go grab each version of them here! http://www.chocolate-doom.org/wiki/index.php/Downloads

-Jimmy's Jukebox may be get a new update very soon...get hype!!! http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=29117&start=180

>> No.1370247

Been playing GMOTA with Claustrophobia 1024.

It's been a lot of fun.
The only complaint I'd have is that I'd really prefer Doomguy's hands for it but that's just aesthetics.

>> No.1370257

Also I think the powerups break if you leave a level while it's active.

>> No.1370283

Is there a working version of that Turok .wad from a while back?

>> No.1370285

gzdoom, brutal doom and occulus rift would be godly

how does head rotation work with occulus rift though?

>> No.1370372
File: 412 KB, 2034x1076, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started Doom Builder. Watched first few videos and followed along, but realized I can't test or save maps; this error just comes up. Googling it gives two results; one person who fixed it by changing their nodebuilder, and another who was told his map was too big.

Tried every other nodebuilder, tried just making a box map with a playerspawn in it, watched videos again to figure out what step I missed, ran as admin, restarted computer, reinstalled, tried with Doom instead, tried with zdoom also trying every nodebuilder, still no change


>> No.1370379

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck
I used to have this problem long ago but can't remember what I did to fix it

>> No.1370407

Nodes can't generate correctly with such a simple layout. Add another sector. You can also get away with just making one sector but with more complexity, try making it an arrowhead shape.

>> No.1370408
File: 76 KB, 640x480, 1390988650124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this hud color any better?

>> No.1370487

Ultimate DOOM or Final DOOM?

>> No.1370501

Ultimate Doom is great for playing on impulse

>> No.1370513

depends what you want from them? Final DOOM has some good level design and tricks, but Ultimate DOOM is really good for progression and some map design

>> No.1370586

Ultimate Doom is great for playing on impse

>> No.1370598

Where are the David Bowie heads, IMX

>> No.1370618
File: 480 KB, 1254x952, hel2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think that's the problem; the first map I tried making had many sectors and didn't save,. Now I've tried dicking with some official maps and the problems still there; While I can save as and test the maps immediately after opening them, I find that if I change a single thing the same error happens. Pictured is result of adding a single medkit and testing. So what the hell, man.

Thanks for replying.

>> No.1370709

I also just tried GZDoom builder, but instead of running my map/edit it just runs Doom2's Map01 every time, so I don't know what that's about.

My test maps saved in Doombuilder seem to run fine after saving, despite the message. Is uh, it a problem if my map is "saved without the nodes"?

>> No.1370719

Yes. The nodes are basically the vertice and sector info.

>> No.1370725
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>> No.1370730
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>> No.1370731
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>> No.1370737

Samsura with hard doom I assume?

>> No.1370739

that's weird

it's like you're in god mode or something

>> No.1370743

Just throwing it out here that I'm organising a small Doom DM event next month (exact date TBA), port is Odamex, WAD is 32in24-11, server is /g/ server (listed in Odalaunch list). Hope to see you there.

>> No.1370747
File: 545 KB, 1845x824, help3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried running it under admin account. This error appeared when running while logged into admin account, but not when running the program as admin. Do I need to do something with the nodebuilders, I assumed they would just work after installing Doombuilder, that's what all tutorials make it look like.

God, fuck this, I hate having problems no one else has.

>> No.1370750


What are they for? A Metal Gear Solid WAD?

>> No.1370753

A WAD where I can finally be David Bowie

>> No.1370775

Well that rules out the other major cause: faulty map design.

If you changed the map layout at all, then yes. If you just changed textures and moved things and such then no.

As a last resort, try uninstalling, redownloading and installing to a location that isn't Program Files. Or using Doom Builder 1.x if you don't need any of the later source port features.

>> No.1370776


>> No.1370793
File: 1.49 MB, 1907x1037, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, tried installed to different directories, no difference.

I scribbled some new sectors on MAP01 and dragged things around and dropped demons everywhere, and it runs fine after saving despite the error message. When you say that changing the layout without saving nodes is a problem, do you mean that it's required for it to even work? If that's the case then I think the error message might just be bullshit.

>> No.1370806

I don't know how it works for source ports. But it'll have visual glitches or just plain not work in the original engine without properly built nodes, try in Chocolate Doom if you suspect that it's actually building them. I doubt it is though.

>> No.1370886
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Yeah, doesn't work in chocolate doom.

Roomate let me try doombuilder on his computer and it worked fine, so I guess god-knows-what on mine is making it not work. Guess I'm not learning mapping then.

>> No.1370893

You can always use another editor. Try GZDoombuilder, or Doombuilder 1 or Slade, or get an old dos editor

>> No.1370936

Do monsters get zorched?
Because Hard Doom replaces the original Doom monsters and Samsara does the same (unless one of the mods monsters replace inherits from the other replaced monster).

>> No.1370951

goddamit do these fagets know how a cranium actually looks?

>> No.1371018
File: 1 KB, 222x26, like_really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just look at dis shit. it looks like this skull has sunglasses.

for those wondering, a friend asked me to edit sum graphics for a severed head, and i stumbled upon this

>> No.1371038 [DELETED] 


What's it like being 12?

>> No.1371046 [DELETED] 


As if age actually matters when it comes to Doom modding

Ignorance sure is bliss

>> No.1371050 [DELETED] 


[spoilers]one of the regulars in this thread is 14, so I guess not much different from that[/spoiler]

>> No.1371051 [DELETED] 


welp gg me

>> No.1371065
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Any good E1M1 remakes out there?

>> No.1371089 [DELETED] 

Maturity matters when it comes to interacting with people

>> No.1371097 [DELETED] 

Who made this? For what purpose?

>> No.1371139 [DELETED] 



>> No.1371184

>Do monsters get zorched?
Not yet

>> No.1371204

Unexpected errors or failures in gameplay are (in most cases) a result of trying to combine uncopatible mods with each other. The only solution is a patch and this sucks

>> No.1371206


Talked to a moderator on irc and they said that if you're going to behave yourself you can stay and they won't ban you or remove your posts, but that if you start doing the "reply to myself shitposting saying dkg pls go" and "shitpost a bunch then delete all my posts before mods can get to them" spiel then things will go back to the way they were.

Personally I agree with them, though I think it would be nice of you to either drop the trip or finish DK (assuming you are actually the original DK dev and not someone mantling them) since right now it seems like the DKG trip is only there to provoke drama. Would also be nice if you would join irc again and stop being a fag.

That second paragraph's just what I think would be neat though, and not what the mod said you have to do to be "behaving yourself."

>> No.1371220

we're trying to get you out of #rekt right now, bear with us

>> No.1371232

So far, no big errors

In fact, gameplay-wise, it's already done. All monsters have been replaced

But there are some things to improve:

> No zorch death animation
> No Duke's one-liners after killing enemies
> Most enemies don't freeze, they just die normally instead
> For some reason, Duke's leg got replaced by a fireball sprite. Really, lol. This one is bugging me

>> No.1371245

It ticks me off if developers dont name their sprite names / sounds properly. Take mine for example:

>W: Witchaven
>W: Weapon
>1: Weapon slot
>0:Sub frame
>A0: Actiual frame

There should be a standard.
It'd be also easier to automate stuff like this.

>> No.1371248

That naming scheme is actually a really cool idea. I dig it.

>> No.1371251

Sometimes though things will overlap because of the name even if you have nomenclature that has a purpose tied to each numeral. I just use random things that seem not to be generally used so it doesn't overlap. Same with naming scripts in zdoom (and soon zandronum), I use stuff like ZZZZZZZZZZDoorScript1 instead of DoorScript1

>> No.1371295
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security has been compromised. while we are actively not willing to work publicly under these circumstances and hold this stand for the moment, we wish nothing but the absolute best for the forthcoming events.

>> No.1371316


>> No.1371326

Any full-fledged Hell themed WADS out there? Preferably not too hard.

>> No.1371338

Well, my internet conection is severed and I have only two hours of internet right now.
Give me maps and gameplay mods that aren't too big in filesize.

>> No.1371345

Speed of Doom
Kama Sutra
Hell Revealed 1 and 2
Vae Victus 2

>> No.1371346



>> No.1371372

try eriance's thing, forget the name

>> No.1371382


Demon Eclipse isn't full-fledged Hell themed.

>> No.1371386

It's second episode is, complete with demonic weaponry.

Honestly I can't think of any pure hell level sets, it always builds up to Hell or it's just a single map release.

>> No.1371389

Deus Vult.

You have about three rooms of tech and then it goes Hell for everything else.

>> No.1371390

I didn't know, I've only played the second episode.

>> No.1371409

Knee deep in zdoom
Wonderful Doom
Doom Center

>> No.1371416

Demons of Problematique
Templo en el Planeta Rojo

>> No.1371424

Is it pronounced Problematic or is it problemateek?
Or even Problemati-queue

I've always wondered.

>> No.1371427

It is a very dry "Ké"

>> No.1371431


>> No.1371442


Yeah well I wanted a medieval fantasy hero to go with the weapons, so Baratus' big meaty fists are here to stay.


and really? I'll look into that as well.

>> No.1371452

I can ignore aesthetics as long as the gameplay is fun.

Even if being a medieval guy doesn't make too much sense in the future, it would fit with the arcade theme it's going with.

Since, you know, arcades weren't always logical.

>> No.1371453
File: 1.38 MB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_Deus_Vult_II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1371454

Also it really dominated Claustrophobia since almost everything is in sword range.

Really looking forward to the version with more subweapons though, wouldn't mind having more variety.

>> No.1371456

>Since, you know, arcades weren't always logical.


That and the character you play as in my mod is Lord Blaskowicz, so you're playing as the great great etc grand daddy of Doom Guy.

If I could, I'd get someone to make me a medieval doomguy player sprite.

>> No.1371461


and you'll get the subweapons in due time. I'm not gonna use the s-word as a unit of measurement because that's just bound to lead to issues.

have you gotten a chance to read the list of subweapons I'm going to implement?

>> No.1371465

Yep, was also the guy who suggested changing the rocket thrust to be something more heavy looking instead of the rapier style thrust.

I really did like the sound of a lot of them.

>> No.1371470
File: 485 KB, 965x685, who-dares-battle-the-saracen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Deus Vult II.

>> No.1371473

>Load up DVII for the first time
>Music sounds so fucking familiar
Never found out what it was but it's been bugging the shit out of me

>> No.1371478



>> No.1371485

I used to play that all the time.

>> No.1371490


Well thank you for the feedback, and I hope the shoulder/arm tackly animation I get in looks better. and I'm glad you like the looks of the subweapon combos, I was going for arcade logic weapons that are -fun-

Because goddamn, I've played enough arcade games to realize there's some shitty ass weapons out there. and one of my favorite game series, Ghosts n Goblins, is guilty of it

>> No.1371493


A whole ton of DVII songs are taken from the game.

>> No.1371497

>Play Super Ghouls & Ghosts
>Find the Triblade for the first time

>> No.1371516


The dumbest thing is you can only find it halfway through the snow level, what a pointless weapon.

Even dumber is the torch from Ghouls n Ghosts, the second one. The fire lingers forever but only strikes monsters once. God damn. and the golden rule applies for all of the GnG games: Get the dagger.

I'm going to make sure the lance and dagger in GMOTA are both equally useful.

>> No.1371534

I actually liked the lance in GnG games.

>> No.1371541


Oh I do too, except for the upgraded rocket lance in Super GnG, being able to only fire one projectile at a time is a big hinderance. But the standard 2 shot lance is something I could swear by, as it's reliable. That's how it's going to be in GMOTA. and after more thought, I've decided daggers -are- going to make monsters flinch, but it won't be something you can just spam, as you'll have to wait for the sword rage to at least charge to 10 before you can throw one, and if you're fucking around waiting for that energy to charge when you could be hitting things with your sword or using the wand, then something is wrong.

>> No.1371558

I liked the concept of rocket lances.

Lightning magic was cool too.

>> No.1371568


I -love- the concept of the rocket lance because it's just badass. However it felt like a downgrade within Super GnG.

Also the lightning magic is going to make its way into GMOTA, when you get the lance, the wand's spell will be the lightning, complete with the chargeup sound and that satisfying crackle when you fire it off, though I'm going to turn it into a short range ripper beam, similar to the power sword's beam, but with slightly less mana gathering required, a longer firing time, and less range.

>> No.1371598


Already happened. But seems like there is a huge problem with HUD sprites.

>> No.1371656

hey GMOTA guy, could you consider a zandronum port in the future? i wanna decapitate guys online

>> No.1371662


You mean like in a deathmatch sorta deal? Because my mod is definitely not balanced for deathmatch, in the slightest.

I -might- look into Zandronum once I finish up with this shit, but as for right now i'm focusing on just adding more to the mod.

>> No.1371681
File: 437 KB, 323x260, updated wand warp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the person who made the new animation sent me a modified pk3 of my mod with a slightly updated version of the animation, along with a new sound.

While I like the new animation, the Mortal Kombat morphing sound he used feels a little too short and not dramatic enough. I do like the new frames though

what do you guys think?

>> No.1371683

All I gotta say is, that warp animation is tits.

>> No.1371687

Looks great.

>> No.1371689
File: 1.81 MB, 512x384, 1391046965261.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa fuck

>> No.1371693


I got a lot of respect for the guy, he just did this for me out of -nowhere-. Though I did ask if he could add the glowing aura.

>> No.1371697
File: 22 KB, 642x430, doom2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I get this when I close the game? Is there a way to turn this off?

>> No.1371704

GZDoom should have a setting along the lines of 'skip Endoom screen' or some shit like that. By default you shouldn't be getting it.

>> No.1371708

Yes there is, but you can just click on that and it'll go away.

>> No.1371714

By the way, fellas, I know it's a little early to be thinking about something as trivial as this but I want a tune to play during the title screen. I'm going to add custom menu sounds and the whole shebang, thoughts on this as a title theme?


>> No.1371718

That's a pretty nice theme.

I'd say something from Turrican but we're playing Medieval man rather than silly walking Technology man.

>> No.1371724



Oh man. I know what I'm going to be basing my next mod after.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdY4EKAcW4Q I'll totally even add that fucking awesome voice when you pickup weapons "LASER" "HOMING" "POWERUP" "MULTIPLE"

and fuck. I could use -this- as the title for that mod whenever I get around to it.


Thanks for giving me an idea for my next mod.

>> No.1371743


Go with classic swords & sorcery, Golden Axe.


>> No.1371747


>Golden Axe

aw fuck, Gilius fuckmothering Thunderhead tackling bitches left and right. No one could handle so much anger in such a small body.

>> No.1371780
File: 1.25 MB, 350x263, get that shit outta here pinky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of tackling.

>> No.1371781

>Rocket Backhand
I'm okay with it

>> No.1371782


It's supposed to be a tackle, but bitchslapping works too.

>> No.1371786

Sir Blazkowicz does the pimpest pimp slap ever.

>> No.1371790

What if Doom was a cereal

>> No.1371794

If Doom was a cereal, it would be Captain Crunch. There's no better explanation for why it chews up the roof of your mouth than to say "Pinkies did it."

>> No.1371798

Pretty cool, but what happened to that shield?

>> No.1371802


I could picture Doomguy smashing through a wall screaming how kids should eat his cereal, it'd be chocolate with marshmallows.

"Wow! Marshmallow cacodemons, and chocolatey berserk packs!"


The shield is a different subweapon altogether. I'm not using the shield here because having the same sprite for two totally different subweapons would be weird. and I can't use a punch because that's going to be its own thing too.

>> No.1371804


But he is a cereal already

A cerial killer

>> No.1371812


>> No.1371816

>chocolatey berserk packs
with an aftertaste that stays with you the whole map

>> No.1371813


>> No.1371820
File: 138 KB, 613x2498, chex quest commercial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



it never stops being funny


I'd eat the fuck out of this cereal, no joke, and it'd have the baddest ass box ever.

>> No.1371828

>it'd have the baddest ass box ever
doomguy only has one spoon on the cover

>> No.1371836

For that "vanilla plox" mini mod I'm doing, should I give the monsters that throw projectiles the sprite-correct offset for their projectiles? It would be a minor gameplay change that shouldn't affect anything, but I'm still running it by /vr/ since it's supposed to be a very vanilla enhancement mod (most of it is just compiling other things.)

>> No.1371839


I personally like it when projectiles come out from monsters where it makes more sense. Admittedly the Cyberdemon's crotchrockets are funny, but it's better when they come outta his gun.

What's your mod all gonna have?

>> No.1371840

Why make the sprite offsets wrong when you can adjust the decorate?

>> No.1371841

anyone got a password for the ctf server?

>> No.1371845 [DELETED] 

all I know is that i keep having hot farts and i go to the bathroom and i've got slightly brown goo all over my ass

what's the prognosis doomguy

>> No.1371850

I modified the shotgun. Now instead of shooting a spread of seven bullets, it shoots seven bullets in a straight line, SNES style.

Do you think that's too overpowered?

>> No.1371852

So a decently accurate weapon became a pinpoint accurate weapon?

You could say it's slugs but that shit is even better than default shotgun.

>> No.1371856

Pinpoint accuracy isn't always useful or enjoyable.

>> No.1371873
File: 2.26 MB, 1606x2425, UltimateDoomPoster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone needs to make a Cereal Box shoop out of the cover, just stick a spoon in the hand of the marine, and a bowl of some cereal in the lower right corner, and the marine running to his aid is also carrying a spoon

>> No.1371881

There's also PK's smooth weapons animations (the improved version, along with a couple tweaks of my own), Pk's hd sounds, the sprite offset fixing project sprites, prolly the marine skins (not as important in zdoom, but in case the player uses the chase cam) and some alt deaths for the monsters (but just alt sprites, not BDor Nashgore type gibs, what I mean is like the ones where the zombiemen fall down clutching their throat instead of the same fall back, stuff like that.)

Was also considering, but on the fence about, adding alternate zombies, but just so they look different and aren't all the same dude; they wouldn't have any gameplay changes.

Like I said, most of it except minor changes to the PK smooth weapons sprite order, FD chaingun spinning, and the monster offsets will be just me compiling things into one package rather than my own work. I figure this would be used either by people that want vanilla experience with all the community fixes or new players that feel like they absolutely should be playing with a mod (which there seem to be a few of) since though it would be best if they just played it vanilla, using this will be better than them grabbing something else that changes gameplay for their first playthrough.

That's what I was going to do. When I said "the sprite-correct offset for their projectiles" I mean that I would give their decorate code offsets so that they looked correct according to their firing sprites.

>> No.1371889

oh, and I almost forgot:

Green and blue blood too.

>> No.1371895


that sounds like a nice vanilla mod. You'll have to share it with us when you get it up and running.

>> No.1371903

Will do. There's also going to be a gameplay mod for playing FINAL DESTINATION stuff on zandronum. I was originally going to package stuff into two mods, and for the zand stuff you'd use both, but instead its going to be Vanilla Plox and Final Destination, with Final Destination having everything in it that Vanilla Plox includes, just for the ease of having it all as a single file.

>> No.1371932

Will the final destination one change the decorations so they don't block projectiles, like in vanilla?

>> No.1371943

Which decorations? And which projectiles? I could have it do that but hadn't really thought about it.

>> No.1371961

In vanilla Doom, all the decorations had a really short hitbox, so any projectiles could pass right over them. The infinite height actor bug meant that you'd never walk through one, though. ZDoom corrects the hitboxes, but in doing so it turns decorations into cover that basically nullifies any projectile-based enemy completely.

>> No.1371976



>> No.1371980

GZDoom can do Floor on Floor,right?
>if yes
why nobody makes maps like that?

>> No.1371985

It can, but they're pretty tedious to make so the most people usually do are simple bridges or roofs. They're also pretty rough on performance in large numbers.

>> No.1372045

I repeat my suggestion to look at the original Doom Builder. While it's older it's still a fantastic editor.

>> No.1372054

What are some Doom-related Epic Fails?

>> No.1372058

That one recent horror mod that was trying to get some creepypasta into it with it's alpha release.

Doom Warzone

>> No.1372060

yeah that's worth bringing back "epic fail"

>> No.1372067

Doom: Rampage Edition

>> No.1372072

Shoulda just directed him to read the Worst WAD entries from Cacowards.

>> No.1372112

Sorry for the delayed reply, been playing azure sheep.

Yeah, that could be done. Do you think it should be done for player hitscans and projectiles too? Should it be done for the Vanilla Plox one?

I'll look at them and see which ones it would make sense for them to pass through too, since if it would be silly to have it pass through things like the tech pillar imo. If nothing else I can easily add a separate wad that lets all projectiles pass through all decorations. The only thing is I'm not certain that there isn't a compatibility setting in zdoom already that does exactly this. I know there's one to add the infinite height bug back in.

>> No.1372114


The author was seven when he made it and it obviously took him ten minutes at most to do it.

It's certainly a bad wad but I think for something to be an epic failure it requires more effort on the part of the author while still ending up terrible.

>> No.1372115

Doom: Rampage Edition, nothing can top that shit.

>> No.1372118


>> No.1372131

>wildweasel saying to report edward instead of getting mad
>nothing has been done about previous reports
*hushed vomiting*

>> No.1372142

>bringing up forum drama
>from another forum
You are just the worst.

>> No.1372145

i could talk about eriguns not being updated

>> No.1372150

Some guy posted screenshots of a supposedly new version of eriguns, but didn't really say ANYTHING about it.

>> No.1372152

yeah i don't think that's real

>> No.1372153

I think he did the work himself.

>> No.1372154

Oh well that's no fun

>> No.1372156

I can't wait for ZDoom to be updated to IdTech3.

>> No.1372159

on the subject of eriguns, this happened today on #zdoom:

[21:50] <Xaser> speaking of, I redid the missile launcher to work like ROTT's Split Missile
[21:50] <Xaser> technically how ROTT2013 does it -- primary fire shoots the missile, altfire splits 'em
[21:50] <Xaser> it's loads of fun to use now :D
[21:51] <Xaser> [never was a fan of the way I did the seeking on the old one]
[21:51] <Xaser> heh, I guess I should probably put up a new version at some point

He also confirmed an eriguns2 which would be for the Episode 2 weapons.

>> No.1372161

I never played ROTT2013 but I liked the original.

I'd be down with more ROTT inspired weaponry.

>> No.1372162

Noice. Has he mentioned any estimation of the new version of eriguns at all?

>> No.1372167

>"After the release of Doom: Rampage Edition, Michael Martin (Deathbringer) said that he could pull "A better wad out of my ass". A week later, A Better Wad Pulled Out Of My Ass was released for EDGE."


Fucking lol'd so hard when i seen this back then.

>> No.1372173

Except the machinegun and pistols.
Those were always pretty lame and felt weak as hell.

>> No.1372189
File: 11 KB, 488x300, SPIT AND SPUTTER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>just noticed my mod is in the news post


>> No.1372191

Well, they're supposed to be. They had infinite ammo. How would anyone notice the REALLY COOL EXPLOSIONS if the bullet guns weren't wimpy to the point of preferring anything else over them?

>> No.1372194

>60hz 32 player zdoom in the works

>> No.1372195
File: 101 KB, 719x325, Sterling-Mk-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't played it, but I have to say the submachinegun looked really cool in the 2013 game, it's like an MP-40 had sex with a Sterling submachinegun. I particularly like how the magazines are jungle-taped, that's not something that's done enough in games.

>> No.1372197

I wouldn't mind the pistols if they were semi-auto.
I wouldn't mind the machine gun if they had a better sound.

They just felt pretty dinky.

I was the one who originally requested your mod put there.
Keep up the good work.

>> No.1372203

>I wouldn't mind the pistols if they were semi-auto.
But... they were?

>> No.1372207

It's been awhile but I could have sworn it was hold to shoot.

Maybe it was just the single pistol that was semi-auto?

What I really meant was that it fired as fast as you clicked.

>> No.1372213
File: 11 KB, 265x297, 1351835330102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was the one who originally requested your mod put there.
>Keep up the good work.

Can do.

>> No.1372214

I think he means being able to buttonmash and fire as fast as he can click, not how the guns functioned in the game.

>> No.1372215

Magazines on the side of the gun is always the fucking sex.

>> No.1372216


Every time I look at this code, I stare for a little bit, then sigh wistfully because I know Samus will never be able to grab a dude, hoist him up high above her head, then swing him down hard onto the mat.

>> No.1372219


Is it bad the biggest thing I noticed from this video is the walking sounds and how much I want some in my mod?

>> No.1372223

>That explosion sound effect

>> No.1372227
File: 55 KB, 211x251, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat explosion
sexy as fuck

>> No.1372230
File: 314 KB, 450x270, automatic-colt-pistol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think what you meant to say is "realistically represented semi-auto".

Semi-auto means it uses the power of the fired cartridge (be it the gas, the recoil, inertia, or whatever), to chuck out the empty casing, cock the hammer/striker, and then when it's reached all the way back, spring pressure will throw the bolt or slide forward, picking up the next cartridge from the magazine, then you can pull the trigger again.

Now, if it was full-auto, the hammer would drop as soon as the gun went into battery, as long as the trigger is held down.

A way to view it is that you hold the mouse button down, and the character just slowly lets off round after round.

Also, I'm sorry that my autism is affecting you all.

But I do prefer being able to shoot as fast as I can click/tap.

>> No.1372240

Nothing to apologize for man, I like learning and that's the kind of thing I would have preferred in ROTT.

>> No.1372251

>dual booting Brutal Doom and Claustrophobia
d-did i do good?

>> No.1372256

bad at games

bad at life

>> No.1372257

Claustrophobia 1024?
Or Claustrophobia: The Walls Close In?

If it's 1024, it will work fine.
If it's the latter, the scripting will break a few times and boss fights will be a laggy nightmare.

>> No.1372261


Only if it's Mark's version of BD

>> No.1372265

bad at games

bad at life

>> No.1372267

Claustrophobia 1024 of course

i was beginning to get serious lag spikes during act 2

>> No.1372271

I think not.

>> No.1372279

So how would you guys feel if this was the explosion sound for the cluster missile spell? It'd be played several times while explosion sparks appear randomly near where the projectile hits


If you know where I got this sound give me your address so I can kiss you in the mouth.

>> No.1372291

Has there been a download for this yet?

>> No.1372292

Sounds a little lasery rather than explodey.

No idea where the sound is from.

>> No.1372308

It's from an SNES game. It's used for a legitimate "explosion" event.

I'd post what exactly it is, but the way I know the answer isn't quite fair.

>> No.1372316

It's from Soul Blazer/Blader, isn't it?

>> No.1372327
File: 16 KB, 200x300, 1349071023657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nailed it.

>> No.1372365

I've already put most of this together myself.

One thing I wish someone would do is make a texture pack that replaces all the green marble textures with greyscale versions. I don't know why but I HATE the green tint, it looks so shitty.

Also, re: objects as cover, I have a mod someone made that replaces the default decorations (lights etc.) with destructible versions, and once they "break" they don't provide cover anymore.

>> No.1372384
File: 848 KB, 382x292, AIIEIEIEIEIEIEIEIIEEEYAAAA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it, I can't find a half-decent projectile for the cluster missile spell at the moment, so lemme show you the spell you get when you pick up the shield.

Shit's fun in closed rooms.

>> No.1372385
File: 184 KB, 642x653, 1340583409049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1372486

by the way, I should probably mention I'm using a_jumpifcloser to fire off the actual slam of the tackle itself, that works alright but if anyone has any way to make this trigger wider, it'd be nice so you don't have to be perfectly accurate

>> No.1372549

That would never work well in DM.

>> No.1372704

Pro Strats: Keep enemies at an angle multiple of 45

>> No.1372729

>people still butthurt about BD

>> No.1372730 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 464x351, 1389931607555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1372739


1000Hz Doom

>> No.1372742

SigFloyd's version is basically Mark's version with new skins and chainsaw alt-fire.

>> No.1372760

and ridiculous chaingun recoil

>> No.1372825


>SigFloyd's version is basically Mark's version but better


>> No.1372862


>> No.1372897



>> No.1372901


>> No.1372980
File: 152 KB, 1152x864, 1391108855370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks promising


>> No.1373001

How can we set up a permanent link to the current Doom thread?

I'm aware how 4chan works, and that it's a different link every thread; I'm just wondering if there's any way to have one link that will redirect to the current Doom thread.

Maybe there's something the guy making the new thread has to do

>> No.1373003

Would need an external service

I know a guy that might be able to do a thing

>> No.1373008 [DELETED] 



>> No.1373009 [DELETED] 


">>>/vr/DOOM THREAD"

>> No.1373012 [DELETED] 

You did good.

>> No.1373015


I was trying to link a DOOM THREAD catalog search but that's what happens.

>> No.1373026


>> No.1373029

>>>/vr/doom thread
>>>/vr/"doom thread"

>> No.1373034

There's no way to have a search element with spaces in it?

>> No.1373047

if you can't search with spaces, come up with a search term that you can always use in the OP

It can be something basic like DOOMTHREAD

>> No.1373049


>> No.1373050


>> No.1373052

was going to try that

>> No.1373084


It actually works if not posted on 4chan:


>> No.1373092

>Playing Demons of Problematique with accesories to murder
>Dat monsters that fit perfectly
>Dat interface

>> No.1373126
File: 405 KB, 800x600, 1391115371541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyberdemons spraying anal blood!

>> No.1373174 [DELETED] 


>> No.1373175

>pointing that out
>not his shitty humour

>> No.1373182

>Waiting 4chan to get to the actual point
>Not a secondary thing that lacks importance

>> No.1373197 [DELETED] 

Complacency breeds mediocrity.

You can see it in our games, you can see it in our culture.

4chan is deteriorating because we expect nothing more than the worst and the moment someone suggests we should be more

They're called a newfag.

They don't understand how it works here, they think. How we all wait for things to get better.

How we all talk about when 9gag came and ruined everything, or how Redditors have flooded the boards.

The problem isn't them, Anonymous.

It's us.

>> No.1373203

I want this place to be better, but some things are a brandmark of this site.
Finding little dettails and bitching about them is one of these things.

>> No.1373208

The shitty humor is nowhere near as bad as using filters for DOOM.

>> No.1373210

Local-domain prioritization due to autism. No frontal-lobe preprocessing.

>> No.1373217

I will give you the point there.
I don't want to spend my time killing blury shit. I want to spend my time killing nice pixel art.
talking about nice pixel art where is that guy who was making the sex mod.

>> No.1373225
File: 12 KB, 525x301, ss (2014-01-30 at 04.46.48).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1373227

Rest in peace Mike12

>> No.1373263
File: 8 KB, 266x200, 1391119794833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I can vouch on Mike's "work on all the things in the world" behavior.

There's this little thing in those who do Doom modding called "I don't feel like working on this for the moment but at the same time I don't want to stop modding and creating things for Doom".

It's hard to explain, like, you get tired/worn out on working on this thing, and then you start thinking about other unrelated stuff to free your mind and then BAM! Ideas start pouring from your head and then all out of a sudden you start working at full pace again in this new rediscovered thing.

I'm not sure if I explained myself correctly

>> No.1373267

Keeping things fresh and your brain stimulated.

>> No.1373293


It's perfectly understandable and rational.
I just like poking fun at him 'cause he's a cool guy.
Anyone genuinely upset that a modder isn't doing what they want at this very moment is probably a douchebag.

>> No.1373296

what are some gameplay mods that the game harder
and dont say hideous destructor

>> No.1373297

Project MSX

>> No.1373302

brutal doom
I am sorry.

>> No.1373303

>Brutal Doom
I don't understand how this is the opinion that you have formed??

>> No.1373305

is there anything harder than brutal doom on the hardest difficulty with the brutalized overkill mod?

>> No.1373309 [DELETED] 

here we go

>> No.1373310 [DELETED] 

Don't give it any attention.

>> No.1373313 [DELETED] 


>> No.1373315

Is hard because of the wrong reasons, it changes so many things that it is pretty much incompatible with almost every single map made for doom.
Also >reloading

>> No.1373316

*Headshots Imp*
Oh look one shot and it's over that's nice

>> No.1373318

i keep seeing people say that reloading makes it harder but

i don't consider it hard since you're dodging or taking cover either way

like if you can't adapt to reloading maybe you shouldn't be playing games

>> No.1373317


>and dont say hideous destructor

Okay, won't say it, but I want to know why

>> No.1373325

>If you don't share my opinion, your opinion is shit
Nice fucking point man.
By the way
>tries to prove a point, fails
>Can't even put I

>> No.1373326

Some traps are considerably more difficult to deal with due to Brutal Doom's changes.

Like if you're surrounded by imps their little hop attack has extended reach so you can get hit by imps that aren't normally able to hit you.
Then Revenants/Hell Knights/Barons of Hell have increased melee damage as well so if the trap surrounds you with them there is little you can do.
Cyberdemons are also much much more dangerous in cramped areas.

That's about it though.

>> No.1373336

Oh yeah and it doesn't help that the Plasma rifle hurts you at close range for no reason.
Or, assuming it's not BDSE, popping heads at point blank hurts you about 20-30.

Unless Mark fixed that bug, haven't kept up with it at all since BDSE came along.

>> No.1373337

i'm not saying your opinion is shit, i'm saying your capability to play a game with reloading is pathetic

i don't know how to prove that someone is shit at a game when they keep saying the game's too hard

do you compare them to other players? comparing to other players caused half-life 2's maps to be gimped because the players were idiots so it's clearly not a good way of deciding if something is hard or if a player is just pathetic

but i do know this

every first person shooter made within this decade that isn't an indie game has reloading and children are more capable than you

>> No.1373341

Is "reloading is hard" a troll?

>> No.1373346

>Dodging while killing demons
>Shit have to reload
>Ability to game diminishes
>Sweating as bitmap weapon loads shells one at a time
>Demons aren't waiting
>Health is 20%
>Started at 164%
>Haven't been dodging at all
>Too busy complaining about reloading on /vr/

>> No.1373347

I am not saying that reloading is bad, but that doom isnt'd designed for reloading. It is designed for a constant shoting while you have to micromanage all the slow projectiles that swarm your field of action.
Accesories of murder did it the right way, is only a half-second action, but BD takes arround two second I think, enough to kill you in some situations.

>> No.1373350

Fractal Doom
its also a lot different, so might not be what youre looking for

>> No.1373351

arround two seconds*

>> No.1373353

Accessories to Murder has a slower shotgun reload than Brutal Doom.
Accessories has a faster rocket reload.

Both mods have a weapon made for those moments where you can't waste time reloading as well.

The real reason Accessories reloading is better is because the monsters are relatively standard while BD has more aggressive enemies.

I like both.
I prefer Project MSX over both.
Still waiting on Space Pirate, Metroid and Eriguins.

>> No.1373358
File: 101 KB, 700x2000, caco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, /vr/. I need a good, simple graphics editor. Slade does not work on my computer.

>> No.1373361


>> No.1373362

Or paint.net.
Both are really good for pixel art compared to gimp.

>> No.1373363

Yeah, I do use Paint and Paint.net. I just need something to import/export the graphics.

>> No.1373369

The shotgun is more of a long-range weapon, the double shotgun or rifle is better for close combat.

>> No.1373371

XWE. It's basically Slade before it was fun, easy and pratical to use.

>> No.1373395

How do I export graphics in XWE?

>> No.1373407

Entry>'save as'
or if it's a PNG with transparency, 'save as(Raw data)'

>> No.1373413

*Brings up ZDoom moderation*

>> No.1373426


Weasel's an pretty cool guy who doesn't pussy out, everyone else is relatively inactive.

>> No.1373428

Free software anon.
Use GIMP. It respects your freedom.

>> No.1373441

Thanks. It's coming along well now.

>> No.1373449

I want to feel like a berzerker packin man and a half and still feel difficulty

>> No.1373452

Crossfire is pretty good. EXP and perk system, no hitscan, and aggressive enemies. No idea why it's not talked about.

>> No.1373454

Paint.NET is also free anon

>> No.1373456

But its not as advanced as GIMP. It suports nearly all file formats, its possible to install addons etc.

>> No.1373458

It'd probably be talked about more if the creator would update it. I would love to see an update.

>> No.1373461
File: 256 KB, 653x363, Sw7HzlR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But its not as advanced as GIMP.
And gimp isn't as advanced as Photoshop.

>> No.1373468

go to bed terminus

enjoy being part of the botnet

>> No.1373471

Looks fuckin ace to me. I don't see it being super useful from a gameplay standpoint, but it could be used for better skyboxes and just for general detail. Like dirt piled up in corners and the like.

>> No.1373472

please please please make turrican mod

>> No.1373475

>Weasel's an pretty cool guy who doesn't pussy out
Weasel's an pretty cool guy but that's where it ends

>> No.1373480
File: 8 KB, 913x913, 1367690453723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1373481

My vote is for GIMP if it needs to be legal. Otherwise, photoshit is more featurey. The only thi-MEMORY LEAK EVERYWHERE

>> No.1373483

which version had the memory leak

CS6 (not extended) 64-bit here and no memory leaks as far as i've noticed

>> No.1373487

CS5 all the time for me.

>> No.1373490


Same. CS6 64bit and never once had a memory leak problem.

>> No.1373492

I can vaguely confirm, CS5 is awful with memory leaks.

>> No.1373524

>imp dead
>dead imp
... what...?

>> No.1373526

>imp lying

>> No.1373527

>possible to install addons


>> No.1373530


>> No.1373528

What's the imp doing on the floor, anon?

>> No.1373537

being dead

>> No.1373540


>> No.1373561

Some people on the Zandronum forums were complaining about TSP's shotgun sound so I've been beefing it up in my spare time.

What do you think?


>> No.1373569


Spent shell bounce instead of that 90's midi woodblock sound.

>> No.1373573

Is the shotgun roaring?

>> No.1373574

that's a mancubus, turdnerd

>> No.1373579

Couldn't you play the sound effect isolated from everything else? I don't even know when the shotgun sound plays.

>> No.1373582

Don't suggest that.

>> No.1373619

Is TSP ever getting updated?

That works for boolits but shotgun shells don't sound like that.

>> No.1373621
File: 88 KB, 500x603, big rodent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nominating Return to Saturn X Episode 1 for the best ending of 2013.

Any who oppose?

>> No.1373624

It'll happen when it happens.

>> No.1373629

They told me that about finding true love, and here I am at 33.

So I guess never then?

>> No.1373628
File: 2.14 MB, 1920x1165, workspace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Krita.

>> No.1373636

>Those Shotgunners on Hard Doom
They don't mess around, I tell you

>> No.1373639

Aren't they Super Shotgun guys?

The green bald fatasses right?

>> No.1373698
File: 25 KB, 191x225, 6848685876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1373724

You know what could be cool? A wad where you have to use whatever weapon the enemy was using. As in, if you kill a Zombie, you've got the rifle or whatever. Killing an imp would get you a fireball attack.

What do you think?

>> No.1373727
File: 209 KB, 1024x635, 1386127965265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a /k/ommando, I like seeing reloading in videogames.
The sound of the magazine dropping out, the new one inserted, and the slide being racked.
The sound of emptying a clip into the action of a rifle, and then closing it.
The sound of putting in a stickmag in a subgun, and locking back the bolt.
Hell, I always loved the sounds of breaking open a double-barrel, putting in new shells, and slamming it shut.

I don't consider reloading a necessity for a good gameplay mod, but that's not to say I don't love seeing it done. If anything, it forces me to play out my strategy based on my magazine capacity, and how fast I can reload.

>> No.1373731

This so much, the metal on metal sounds of the reloading of a gun sounds so good.

>> No.1373761
File: 845 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_DeusVult2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking wad.

>> No.1373771

you'd love MSX

>> No.1373809

>No high tech double barrel shotgun

>> No.1373916
File: 57 KB, 788x1024, sweet doom and hella crash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here ever did or try to make a mod that uses the TEXTURES lump only, like Xaser's Parkour, Shooting Monsters with Textures and Doom: Mutation?

>> No.1373923
File: 1.10 MB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_Gravity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1373928
File: 1003 KB, 1366x768, 1391144379589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1373936

Might be cool. You'd have to Have weaponswitching be near instant. I could see it as sort of a Puzzle-shooter.

>> No.1373937

Sounds like you'd be stuck with some bad weapons like almost all of the time.

>> No.1373942

You're probably right. Back to the idea board.

>> No.1373953

>Edit the Aliens TC so I can play Doom without the levels
>Piss myself half the time because of Facehuggers and Chestbursters
Why did Aliens weaponry have to be so cool, god damn it

>> No.1373957
File: 399 KB, 806x1137, 41287792_p20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you Doom bros seen these yet?

>> No.1373961
File: 153 KB, 665x500, 41287792_p21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1373962
File: 214 KB, 556x875, 41287792_p22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1373963 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 399 KB, 806x1137, 41287792_p20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, forgot to spoiler the first one.
Sorry about that.

>> No.1373964

Who drew this? It's really nice.

>> No.1373968

I already made claims to her and Barons of Hell.

You can have a pity Sentry-tan though.

>> No.1373965


I like them.
The Hell Knight is mine. Nobody else can have her.

>> No.1373967



>> No.1373971


>> No.1373973

>Agitating Yanderes with rocketlaunchers
>Those slaughter maps
Don't know if I can handle this

>> No.1373978

>There will never be a Waifu Doom mod where you can play as these cute ladies
>Or with them, whatever
Oh well I guess.

>> No.1373994 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 224x163, FUCK AND SCOOT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody was making GIFs at one point. Not sure what happened to him, though.

>> No.1373996

that's mike12's work

>> No.1373998 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 248x252, boning a revenant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he still working on them?

>> No.1374000


Not as fond of that Hell Knight design now that I've seen the other one, honestly.

>> No.1374001

>not a skeleton

>> No.1374002


>> No.1374006

>No Dontrel Dolphin mod
Thinking about it

>> No.1374007

I like it still.

Maybe the Baron of Hell could be the more muscular one.

>> No.1374009
File: 1.50 MB, 500x271, distant relative.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's quite a bit of weight to carry

The right arm on her looks a bit chunky too

>> No.1374012

Godspeed Mike12

>> No.1374013

Rest in Peace Mike12

>> No.1374014


>> No.1374015
File: 59 KB, 470x800, B3TRc0z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If there's one man with enough balls to pull through, it's him.

>> No.1374016

Got any Jet?

>> No.1374017

>"I hope doomguy-sempai notices me..."
>*Slap dat ass with berserker powerup*

>> No.1374018

this is just as bad as bdsm roleplayers on tumblr

pockets doomguy

>> No.1374019

What is Shadow Warrior Deadly Kiss?

>> No.1374023

shadow warrior mod

mike12 was paid to make shadow warrior hands feminine

>> No.1374026

A girl ninja?

I am in complete support of this.
I did think Lo Wang's hands were a little girly though.

>> No.1374028

>Arin Hanson's mustache and chinstrap

>> No.1374046

Mike12 was the Berserk guy?

I loved the sprites I saw for it.

>> No.1374165

Hey guys? What'd be the best way to create an explosion visual effect that randomly spawns in a small area? I -could- just make one large set of small explosions in a frame, but I feel that'd get stale quickly because it'd play out the same way each time.

>> No.1374170

Anyone here use BASSMIDI?

I get this odd crackling whenever I use it Doom. Changing any settings in GZDoom or Bassmidi do nothing.

>> No.1374195

Make actual small cluster bombs that shoot out randomly and have them explode.

Possibly invisible.

>> No.1374204


That could work, I could give the bombs a short lifespan so they explode mid-air

But I'd need to figure out how to do a random spraying of bombs

>> No.1374220
File: 132 KB, 313x429, 1391159031240.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I think I've got the projectile and firing animation for the cluster missile down, now I just need to setup its unique exploding behavior

>> No.1374226

Has anyone done with those RAGE model/sprite rips yet?

I'm assuming no just because of it's sheer filesize.

>> No.1374236



>> No.1374240

Yeah those are the sprites I was asking about.

Or are each of those files the actual weapon made functional in Doom already?
I guess what I'm asking is if there's a RAGE weapon mod.

>> No.1374241
File: 414 KB, 515x333, 1391160195131.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave the chakram a fancy trail effect.

>> No.1374243

Do they rip or do they just bounce?

>> No.1374247


Both. Check >>1372384 for what it does to monsters.

Fucks shit up in small rooms, not so good in big open areas, but hey, if you don't like it, grab a different subweapon combo.

>> No.1374249


I guess I was a little confused by "has anyone done with".
Nobody's made a full weapon mod yet.

>> No.1374253

Alrighty, was just wondering.

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions, man.

>> No.1374270

Rippers are pretty hard to balance.

Lots of mods that have them tend to have them dominate pretty hard due to how damage output works.

See: Psychic and Steel power.
Or the Sonic Nailgun in that one rad void mod with the dark colors.
Or the Sapphire Wand.

>> No.1374271


Yeah, but hey, if the weapons are powerful and kill monsters fast, that's fine, I'm going for arcade style here, and how often do you play sidescrolling arcade games where you spend more than a second or two per foe?

Though the ammo requirements are kinda steep for the rippers, even with full mana you can only throw 6 of those chakrams max.

...Maybe I should make it use more mana.

>> No.1374273

Oh man that would annihilate everything

>> No.1374274


Yeah I'm starting to realize how insane it'd be having 6 long lasting bouncing ripper projectiles going apeshit in a closed in area.

Raising red mana cost of chakrams from 30 to 50, 4 at max. If you save up that much mana, good for you, you deserve to go apeshit in a room.

>> No.1374276

I always have a shitload of Red Mana because Sword is so good

>> No.1374280

What I put into place (but didn't use yet since it seems aight so far) for the shock shells in TSP is a ripping projectile that toggles on and off +NOCLIP every other tic. You can increase how long it stays noclip to get it to where you want. This will only work for slower projectiles.

You can also increase or decrease projectile speed to lessen or increase damaged dealt by ripping.

>> No.1374287


The wand's going to get some pretty wild secondary spells, the chakram, cluster missile, lightning, shotgun blast, light spear, a heavy fireball that's gonna hug the floor and create an explosion with a huge radius and heavy knockback, and you know that fucking ridiculously useful tornado weapon you got in Megaman X? Yeah, that's going in too.


That's pretty damn clever, I'll have to keep that in mind.

>> No.1374290


Oh and that forcewave that shoves monsters around is going to get a range boost and I might make the swirling vortex shot pull in targets even harder.

>> No.1374357

Yeah I think so
I'm playing on the difficulty between Too Young Tp Die and Hurt Me Plenty, I forget what it's called, and they still fuck my shit up
Plus some of the regular zombies are replaced by guys with fucking rocket launchers, they're like Cyber Demons you can kill in one hit

>> No.1374358

there was this tc joke wad that i can't remember the name. I remember enemies were like: clowns pissing, grandmas in wheelchair.. Pretty cartoonish and colorfull

>> No.1374363

it would be Chex Quest

>> No.1374369

Is there a newer version you've made public than the one I downloaded from /doom/ a few days ago?

>> No.1374440
File: 1.02 MB, 1448x1808, for vr edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know its shit tier but you inspire me to make this /vr/
stay classy

>> No.1374454
File: 13 KB, 225x225, cocopops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will someone make Caco Pops? My photoshop skills are rusty

>> No.1374468

get someone else to, i cant find a decent picture of coco pops to work with

>> No.1374478
File: 19 KB, 160x240, cacochoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me neither, you thought there would be a decent picture of a coco pops box somewhere on the fucking net
Theres already a Caco based cereal on the market though, we've been beaten to it

>> No.1374497

Grezzo 2?

>> No.1374506

Slenderman: Still spooky?

>> No.1374507

if you aren't scared of slenderman it's your own fault and here's why:

it requires suspension of disbelief

you have to allow yourself to be scared of slenderman much like you have to allow yourself to be scared of doom

back when doom came out did it require suspension of disbelief to be scared?

>> No.1374549

>those Saxon - Crusader lyrics
Whoever did this photoshop is a man of good taste.

>> No.1374558

Don't worry, none of these things are abandoned.

It's pretty much like >>1373263 said, I like to jump around a lot so I don't burn my ass out.

>> No.1374565
File: 327 KB, 1366x768, 1391181104316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1374571

Oh, also, gonna try to make her a bit leaner and muscular looking it that animation, since I've still been meaning to polish it up anyways.

I would pay honest-to-god money for him/her to finish that doujin thing (unless he/she is still working on it on free time - in which case i'd gladly donate to the cause)

>> No.1374572

they is less awkward than he/she

no idea why people use it, it's so bulky

>> No.1374586

I have to test the new Samsara classes roles.
Any megawads with tight maps and (quite) strong enemies?

>> No.1374590

Realm of Cheogsh
Deus Vult II
Phocas Island

>> No.1374602


>> No.1374615
File: 37 KB, 343x343, HarHarHar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks guys

>> No.1374736 [DELETED] 

Thinking about hot tubs loaded with shit

That'd be a good Doom map

A giant rusted green, brown, and grey hot tub ejecting giant turds from the jets

>> No.1374740 [DELETED] 


>> No.1374746

What classes roles?

>> No.1374749

I would like to mix Samsara and Complex Doom, but a new version of Complex Doom is released at every 3 days...

>> No.1374768

Once they're finished, they'll get released and you will see my fellow anon

cyanide unclean

>> No.1374771

The Doom movie was on over here last night.

>> No.1374776
File: 762 B, 180x98, Micro-Uzi-Edit-Repaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1374795


I actually liked the locations and how the research lab looked; it would be nice if someone attempts to map the whole thing in Doom

>> No.1374807


So was Sarge supposed to represent the Cyberdemon?

>> No.1374816

you already had brain damage

>> No.1374810

That movie gave me brain damage.

>> No.1374813

No, just Evil Doomguy.

>> No.1374886

Huh. I thought what with that metal on his hand and the demonishness at the end he was supposed to be a lame attempt at shoehorning in ol' Cybie.

>> No.1374895
File: 7 KB, 180x98, Fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people that do this every week


>> No.1374909

do... what? post a gun?

>> No.1374924

Make sprites

They don't even recreate pre-existing shapes, they make their own

>> No.1374926

I don't know the first about making sprites, so that means nothing to me

>> No.1374995
File: 31 KB, 650x441, 1388475280315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stock needs to change, you couldn't fit the full-sized folding stock from the regular Uzi on a Micro Uzi, so it'd either be something like this, or no stock at all.

>> No.1375023

Bullshit. Slenderman isn't scary because, by the very definition of the early stories, the dude only preys on children. I'm 24 fucking years old. I'm far from his target range.

>> No.1375029

There were no early stories. Just good photoshops of Slenderman in the background of groups of children. All of the photos were in broad daylight, some were even in the city.
Slenderman is a pedophilic demon, not something you would find in the dark and alone, especially not deep in the middle of a forest. The game "slender" portrays the exact opposite of what Slenderman is.

>> No.1375034

I'm not scared of Slenderman because by the time I actually took a look at him, the kids had already turned him in to a cheesy "omg so creepy" may-may.

>> No.1375035

What's stopping you, faggot?

>> No.1375040

The videogame? No, because it was shit.

The concept? Not really, it was never made to be scary, it's made up on the Something Awful forums, for the express purpose of being like an urban legend.

>back when doom came out did it require suspension of disbelief to be scared?

Yes, because the monsters were genuinely threatening beasts that would not hesitate for even a micro-second to kill you, that was their objective, they did not even have self-preservation, they would come out of dark corners, cramped spaces, they'd ambush you, you'd hear their growling, snarling and roaring around the place, they'd skulk about, stalking after you.

Slenderman has nothing on say, one or more Archvile.

>> No.1375041
File: 480 KB, 1278x796, partyfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Idk about you guys but I think this dum

>> No.1375050

Could you give me the image?

>> No.1375051


Too busy with other 5 projects, my dear passive-aggresive friend

>> No.1375054


just remember, you're under probation

>> No.1375056

What's the font that Samsara uses for HUD numbers, like for the HP and ammo and stuff?

>> No.1375057


Shit turns decidedly NOT creepy the second it starts getting touted around as a creepypasta

>> No.1375060


Varies from character to character.

>> No.1375068

Can't handle six projects, bitch nyukkuh?

>> No.1375071

why don't you ever post the level links in the video descriptions, gauntlet guy?

>> No.1375072

That video is severely lacking the club music.

Also those blank textures and that final blood maze doing no damage.
Whoever made this forgot all the important details of the level.

>> No.1375076


Sorry doombro. Most of the time I forget, then I feel way too lazy to delete the post and re-submit.

But here you go: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/index.php?file=levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/psxclubdoom.zip

>> No.1375084
File: 766 B, 63x90, AngryChink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God dammit, I wished I could draw properly.
Fucking Lo Wang

>> No.1375090


>an almost carbon copy of a PSX Doom map done in 2003, back when no PC port of PSX Doom was even planned or even possible to do
>Done by none other than motherfucking Kaiser
>"hurr this is a shitty map durr"

Vintage Doomworld

>> No.1375091

Does anyone know of that mod which made ammo and health pickups split apart into smaller components? It's not destructiblepickups.wad

>> No.1375096


>It's not destructiblepickups.wad

I'll be damned, that's the only one I know. How did the items looked when split?

>> No.1375125

I'm pretty sure it used default items, like a medikit would turn into 2 stimpacks and 5 vials

>> No.1375157
File: 39 KB, 680x382, 8-38-ace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least you're trying

>> No.1375160
File: 2 KB, 25x33, AngryChink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its okay.
Terminus made this one. Now I can finish all mugshots based on this one.

Thank you Terminus

>> No.1375164

Are there any good (preferably Zdoom compatible) wads set on Earth? I'd looking to play something with a Duke Nukem vibe.

>> No.1375181 [DELETED] 

you sure are counter culture in a way that's not tied to attentionwhoring

>> No.1375187

So anyways, I'm tweaking hellknight girl to be a bit thinner based on >>1373963, as well as changing the legs to that hellknight/human hybrid like in the picture - which means it's gonna be a good bit more work than i originally anticipated, but oh well.

>> No.1375192

Will Baroness of Hell be shaped differently from the Hell Knightrietta?

It would make sense.

>> No.1375206


maybe the baron could be the original design while the knight is the new design?

>> No.1375218 [DELETED] 

Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography. Keep /pol/ in /pol/. In essence: Don't shitpost.


>macro image replies

>anthropomorphic ("furry")

But will mods?

>> No.1375225 [DELETED] 

ignore report etc

>> No.1375228 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 700x112, Ignore and Report.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't post that

>> No.1375229 [DELETED] 


No, because none of that actually applies to the shit you linked unless you REALLY stretch the definition to pedantic nerd levels.

>> No.1375230 [DELETED] 

I could agree on the furshit but "AngryChink.png"? Giant white impact text?

>> No.1375231 [DELETED] 

>monstergirl is furry

>> No.1375234 [DELETED] 

its an anthropomorphic beast, the ("furry") on the end is for laymen that don't understand what anthropomorphic mean, it's not necessarily covered in fur with dog faces

>> No.1375239 [DELETED] 

If someone digitizes dragon dildos for Doom and posts it here

Is it furry

I mean it's a dog cock, possibly

>> No.1375242 [DELETED] 
File: 598 B, 92x39, 1378062021761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know you're baiting for replies, but I'm bored as fuck so I'll bite.

Racism, contrary to what every other fucking sensationalist section of the internet will shove down your throat, is discrimination of another race based upon perceived superiority. Simply calling someone a chink is not inherently racist, especially when you don't know the race of the person posting it.
Saying "man all those asians are the fucking same just trying to screw you out of your money fuck em all and burn the nation to the ground to cleanse the earth" is racist.
Saying "that chink's a cool guy, I'm making a mod based on how cool he is" is not racist.

An image macro reply is, surprise, a reply consisting of only an image macro that does nothing to further the conversation. If it contains text and does further the conversation, then it's not only an image macro and thus not specifically an image macro reply.
An image macro reply would be that picture of ">yfw " with nothing else furthering the conversation.

>> No.1375249 [DELETED] 

So, by your definition (which by definition is not the definition any one else uses), it isn't racist.

See, that's funny because beating someone over a racial slur is often dismissible in court because it's a fighting word because, wait for it, it's racist. Words have meanings and you don't get to pick and choose what they mean because you want to be cool and counter-culture (surprise, you're just like any other hick) on the Internet behind anonymity.

Are you by chance a cracker because only they and people from countries other than America have ever tried to argue that racial slurs targeting an ethnic minority aren't racist.

>> No.1375267

any mods with revenants firing two rockets instead of just one? I want to see the DECORATE of it to check how it's done.

>> No.1375271

Project MSX and I think Re-Doom: Enhanced Evolved have that.


>> No.1375278

>to check how it's done

Dude, it's easy. You just have two A_CustomMissiles instead of one, with the height at like 46 or something and the width at -16 for one and 16 for another.

>> No.1375317 [DELETED] 

Why is brutal doom so negatively received here?

>> No.1375320 [DELETED] 


Did you read the FAQ?

>> No.1375326 [DELETED] 

author is terrible, started off as a literal copy of Beautiful Doom and mark passed it all off as his own work, continues to have a bad track record for crediting people whose code, graphics, and sounds he takes, it brings in terrible fans that we have to deal with here, it's immensely overrated, it's torture porn (demons are screaming in pain and reacting to being shot in very human ways), author might be a sociopath because of when it had real photos of dead people available for use in the mod

>> No.1375324 [DELETED] 

Because of reloading

>> No.1375331 [DELETED] 

i did not

wow, it also answered more questions that i was going to ask later

>> No.1375336 [DELETED] 

have you read what he said on the Zdoom forums? he was actually telling someone to suicide and he wasn't joking, he's smug and really doesn't understand that he's hurting his own fanbase

but thats before i found out he was a HUEfag

>> No.1375339 [DELETED] 

>Apparent sociopat behavior
I think I know who he is.
I think he is Pokehidden

>> No.1375341

>beautiful doom
how does he make the animation on the shotgun reloads smooth?

>> No.1375346

by creating new sprites between pre-existing key frames in the animation

>> No.1375353 [DELETED] 

what did you expect from a retard?

>> No.1375365 [DELETED] 

>Knows the whereabouts of bronies

>> No.1375371

Add-on for Samsara?

>> No.1375372
File: 176 KB, 1280x720, 1391210470288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, all you guys that liked the Morph Trapezoid.

It's gettin' replaced with proper sprites.

>> No.1375374 [DELETED] 

Because... they hate the creator of Brutal Doom.

And this is a stupid reason to hate the mod itself, which is great.

>> No.1375380

>not keeping in joke additions as console commands
i wanna fuck up other samuses with wub beam

>> No.1375378 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 468x417, hipster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's immensely overrated

>> No.1375382 [DELETED] 

its pretty obvious on his youtube

>> No.1375384 [DELETED] 

Mark is assholish/creepy even for brazilian standards.

>> No.1375392 [DELETED] 

I think it's an okay mod, but all I ever use are the shotguns and rocket launcher.
And jump kicks.

The rest of the weaponry just isn't nearly as fun to use as those.

I also pretty much just play BDSE, thanks to that grenade launcher mode for the rocket launcher.

>> No.1375395 [DELETED] 

you're right, it truly deserves Mod of the Year on ModDB, the Cacoward, and being credited for reviving Doom by some YouTube famous wanker who pronounced it G Zed Doom

the magnitudes of mods for Brutal Doom are entirely appropriate

the weapon sprites, the monster sprites, the animations, the gore effects, the sounds, the screen shaking from almost anything happening in the game, is the best thing i've ever experienced

>> No.1375396 [DELETED] 

>Didn't he give proper credit (Finally) in the latest build?
Nope, still forgot some people.

>> No.1375393 [DELETED] 

> continues to have a bad track record for crediting people whose code, graphics, and sounds he takes
Didn't he give proper credit (Finally) in the latest build?
>it's torture porn (demons are screaming in pain and reacting to being shot in very human ways)
This is subjective, there are much more grim and violent games out there, I do think the finishing kill execution things are kinda cheesy, but I ultimately fail to see the problem with it, some people like gory games, or gory movies. I don't think making a violent game/mod/whatever makes you a sociopath.
> author might be a sociopath because of when it had real photos of dead people available for use in the mod
Yeah, this makes you a sociopath.

This. Mark is a giant fucking asshole, but I do enjoy Brutal Doom (Sperglord Edition).

Two reasons mainly. Because it's popular, and because the creator is an asshole.

>> No.1375402 [DELETED] 

Well, at LEAST he tried.

>> No.1375404 [DELETED] 

>who pronounced it G Zed Doom

Not that I care for Brutal Dumb, but this is a perfectly legitimate pronunciation for all non-Americans, anon.
Only yanks pronounce Z as Zee.

>> No.1375405 [DELETED] 

after literal years and he still can't remember who he ripped off in his mess of a mod

>> No.1375410
File: 50 KB, 799x269, Brutal Doom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1375413 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 134x142, 1391210679838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It deserved the Cacoaward and Mod of the Year.

>> No.1375414 [DELETED] 

I get the feeling that when someone hates Brutal Doom because of things outside of the mod, they don't hate the mod for gameplay, they hate things associated with it

Like if you hate guns, you may not exclusively hate the physical metal that composes a singular gun

You may hate crimes committed with it

>> No.1375417 [DELETED] 

Total Biscuit's videos are generally pretty good stuff. He can come off as kind of a dick sometimes, and he has made mistakes before, but his videos are worth a watch if you want to know more about a game.

>> No.1375418 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 421x315, ha ha oh wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Confirmed underage.


>> No.1375419 [DELETED] 

I learned a lot about Brutal Doom from his video.

I didn't know that Mark added mouselook and crosshairs to Doom.

>> No.1375423 [DELETED] 

> Using the "confirmed underage" phrase

Confirmed underage.

>> No.1375425 [DELETED] 

>Being this adamant about not being underage
Confirmed underage

>> No.1375427 [DELETED] 

The analogy is kinda off, since Brutal Doom improved vanilla Doom's gameplay.

>> No.1375429 [DELETED] 

Yeah like I said... He has made mistakes before.

>> No.1375431 [DELETED] 

> quoting again for no reason

Confirmed underaged.

>> No.1375434 [DELETED] 

And then he got upset when people mentioned it.

Some might say he's got a complex, but I say he's simple.

>> No.1375436 [DELETED] 

It didn't need to be improved. It's been twenty years and it's still just as fun.

>> No.1375437

also are you planning to include beam combos?

>> No.1375438 [DELETED] 

I don't remember him getting upset when people mentioned it. The most I remember is some Anon basically telling him he should be doing other mods instead, and he replied saying it's his channel and he can do videos of what he wants, which is fair.

>> No.1375439

>Unable to read with comprehension
Confirmed underage

>> No.1375445 [DELETED] 

> It's been twenty years and it's still just as fun.
No, it's boring and outdated.

Shooting the same sprite for the 28984834th time isn't fun.

>> No.1375446 [DELETED] 

In Brutal Doom, you shoot the same sprites.

>> No.1375447 [DELETED] 


that's why altern death frames are for.

>> No.1375448

>Arguing instead of ripping and tearing
Both confirmed underage

>> No.1375456 [DELETED] 

>lacking empathy for those ripped and torn
Confirmed underaged.

>> No.1375459 [DELETED] 

> quoting an obviously troll
Man, are you underage?

>> No.1375458 [DELETED] 

Stop playing with the same maps, weapons, and monsters. With the modding community, there is no reason to shoot the same sprite 28,984,834 times.

>> No.1375460
File: 6 KB, 204x292, bos2-63-rot1-wip8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There we go.

Not sure yet, only time will tell.

>> No.1375463 [DELETED] 

>calling people underage instead of bringing new content to the table
Underaged? Confirmed.

>> No.1375464 [DELETED] 

mods pls help

>> No.1375470

Looks great.

>> No.1375471

shit, meant to quote >>1375192

>> No.1375474 [DELETED] 

what do you think this is, the zdoom forum

>> No.1375482 [DELETED] 

For the most part, the enemies act the same way.

>> No.1375481 [DELETED] 

"Sprite" not in a literal sense, I am talking about the enemies.

Yeah, I do this.

>> No.1375485 [DELETED] 

You can't just change your mind on something you said and then claim you didn't mean it literally and then provide some new stance that's entirely different.

That's not allowed.

>> No.1375486 [DELETED] 

Donnie boy, remember, you're under probation.

Would someone please verify if some posts come from a german IP?

>> No.1375491 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 350x360, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's torture porn (demons are screaming in pain and reacting to being shot in very human ways)
This is the best part.

>> No.1375493 [DELETED] 

gosh that's edgy

>> No.1375494 [DELETED] 

No they don't. The gameplay is pretty different.

I didn't changed my mind.

>> No.1375504 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 500x333, manning-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw people in Doom community complaining about gore

>> No.1375505

I like the more muscular look.
Fits more with the being a knight from hell thing.

>> No.1375513
File: 127 KB, 716x1115, 1391213091887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just about how many more concepts I will download before actually getting on the redesign of the Barons?

>> No.1375514

Would it be possible to have multiple versions of what the Baron of Hell looks like?

Like how Accessories to Murder has three imp varieties.

>> No.1375516 [DELETED] 

not him but the gameplay of Brutal doom is like Vanilla in GZDoom with brutalities,you want to see a mod that changes gameplay but keeps the formula of the old school shootan?
Play MSX
>Faster reloads
>Original powerups
>You are OP but enemies get on your level
the only thing that brutal doom does alright is the animations but that's all,and if i recall correctly,some of those animations were in Beautiful doom

>> No.1375526


You know, I have such large amounts of monster designs downloaded from the internet that there might be a chance I'll end up doing that. Mainly the Barons and surprisingly enough, the Archvile.

BUT here's the deal. I must choose ONE single variant for the vanilla version of my mod. And it has to be good enough and close enough to the "soul" of the original monster's concept. And truth be told, all the possible concepts for the head only are good enough to be left alone. Maybe I'll end up posting a survey to see what's the most popular.

>> No.1375527
File: 89 KB, 200x100, samusdance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Planning, yes.
Have started in any way, no.


I don’t generally like add-ons for cosmetic things like that.

Later on, though, I could probably try for alternate characters or alternate skins, though. Let people play as other characters in the Metroid-verse or as different iterations of Samus’ suit.

Emphasis on “probably” though, because that would be very far off in the future. Still, though, let’s open the table for wishful thinking and what-ifs. If you could play as anyone other than Samus Aran or as different iterations of Samus, who would you like to be?

>> No.1375530


>dat gif

dude wat

>> No.1375534

Ah, thanks. She was always supposed to be pretty ripped (judging from the cover on that guy's page), but i just fucked up the proportions a bit on my first attempt.,

>> No.1375536 [DELETED] 

You know bro, I can take blood and gore, but It's ridiculous when somebody starts fountaining blood because of a papercut

>> No.1375541

I thought the original one was fine too.

But more muscle definition is better.

>> No.1375571 [DELETED] 

Gore is fine, but BD is just over the top and silly.

>> No.1375593 [DELETED] 


That's fine in BDSE, since it kinda realizes it's over-the-top as hell. Unfortunately, Mark takes his version of Brutal Doom seriously for some reason (because he's a fucking retarded weirdo)

>> No.1375596
File: 43 KB, 450x470, 1391215726095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baron of Hell gets magnificent horns and a lion's mane

Like the horns curve out forward and then twist back around to the back of the head and then point up like a really tall bishop hat

>> No.1375606 [DELETED] 

Why don't you e-mail him telling which people he forgot?

>> No.1375607

We already have those shielded bastards in the those monster mods already though.

>> No.1375614

They look dumb

>> No.1375625

I think lion manes tend to look a bit dumb.

Not sure if no eyes + lion mane would even look good.

>> No.1375631


That's a shitty remake

>> No.1375635

>no eyes
u wot

>> No.1375637 [DELETED] 


Because it's not my job to do his work in hunting down who he nicked from for him.

>> No.1375640

I finally released itttttt
http://is.. gd/e0A53z

>> No.1375642

A theme I'm noticing in that Demonicon mod is a lack of eyes, even in the art that IMX posted just now.

I don't think the Baron of Hell replacement is going to have eyes.

>> No.1375650


Hah, but some demons WILL have eyes. So far the Mancubus will definitively have, as well as the arachnid family and quite possibly the Revenants. Both the Caco and Pain Elemental will keep their own set, since they're part of their own essence

The ones that I'll assure you won't have are the Lost Soul (I have the concept already, I need to keep working on the [REDACTED] of it) and the Cyberdemon, since the head is going to be based on the Doom 3 look.

Still doubtful about the Archvile, it could probably have, and the same thing goes with the bruisers. If they end up having eyes, they would probably be small due to the head anatomy

>> No.1375661 [DELETED] 

If you know that he missed names, then you obviously knows which names are those. Why don't you just e-mail him a list of said names, telling him that he should hunt down the resources made by these people?

>> No.1375664
File: 34 KB, 152x1652, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe eyes on hands for archvile

and they move like this fucker from Liquidator

>> No.1375665 [DELETED] 

>If you know that he missed names, then you obviously knows which names are those.

That's a pretty hefty lapse in logic.

I know someone reposted artwork but I don't know who the artist is. Is there anything wrong with that statement?

>> No.1375670 [DELETED] 

No. There will be something wrong with your statement if you said "Someone reposted artwork without giving proper credits, this makes the reposter a content thief".

>> No.1375674 [DELETED] 

Alright, good thing that your post is the only one that has the word "thief" in it, aside from this.

>> No.1375689

Official Doom 2 update: If you die in a level 5 times you get an option to have invincibility for the whole level so you can finish it and continue.

How do you react?

>> No.1375694

That's pretty lame. I just started playing doom a few weeks ago. I'm defiantly not good at it, but I think that ruins the point of it.

Besides, it could just be modded out with wads. Not much would change.

>> No.1375698

I'd rather not have that.

If I really wanted to do that I'd just put in IDDQD, but it's much less fun being invincible.

>> No.1375701

Laugh when people still fail.

>> No.1375704

Someone pay Eriance to do a new centered revolver

>> No.1375710


ah shit, went looking for a game rip of that thing and I found a DRDTeam link. Too soon, etc.

>> No.1375713 [DELETED] 

If the game is so outdated, why don't you leave?
Go play something more recent if you're going to complain.

Go play Crysis or Call of duty.

>> No.1375715 [DELETED] 


do you realize you're replying to an almost 3 hour old post?

>> No.1375720
File: 294 KB, 1366x768, 1391220058657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1375717 [DELETED] 


>> No.1375721 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 500x168, timeline[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1375727 [DELETED] 

>Didn't he give proper credit (Finally) in the latest build?

Also at that point it's kinda like if you let your friend borrow your tools to go do some yardwork over the weekend, and then he forgets to bring them back but no biggie, but then he doesn't bring them back for the next two years even though you keep asking him then finally after two and a half years he says "fine, if you really care about these tools SOOOO much I can bring them back, jeeez" and then he dumps them all in a pile outside your shed while you're at work one day.

Yeah, you have your tools, but he's still a faggot for doing that for two and a half years and you shouldn't forget about it completely.

>> No.1375728 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah I totally agree that he's still a giant ass. Took years of bitching before he included a credits file.

>> No.1375731 [DELETED] 


THANK YOU! I was about to post that

>> No.1375735

IMX where is the thread

>> No.1375739


john romero playing doom coop with ign

>those completion times

>> No.1375743

Too soon.

>> No.1375749

Smart scavenger.

Look in the reupload thread on zdf or search "smart scavenger", I requested someone reupload it a while back since someone wanted it used in Fractal Doom (though I ended up using my own thing instead, similar to what's gonna be in Final Destination)

If that doesn't work I can reupload it, since I still have a copy.

>> No.1375750


Not until page 5

>> No.1375753

FD has it. Also has correct offsets for all other monsters too.

>> No.1375757

Anyone have a gif of Project MSX's Charged Punch?

Want to show it to a friend who's interested in Doom and it's mods.

>> No.1375763

Why not just shot them a YouTube video, like the trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s8oGz0TUHY

Get more media for your megabyte

>> No.1375772

Just wanted to show him the rad as fuck punch.

>> No.1375778

But it would be faster to just link the video and it would likely load faster as well

>> No.1375783

Yeah I guess.

>> No.1375791

>I finally released itttttt
>http://is.. gd/e0A53z

What is this? I can't get the link to work.

>> No.1375792
File: 2.84 MB, 350x195, 1385364645641.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1375809

"You can count on TSP definitely being done before February 23, 2014, 2pm US central time."
--Marty Kirra, 1/31/14, in a sworn statement delivered in #TSP on irc

>> No.1375812

remove the space

>> No.1375818

Huh, tried that and it didn't work before. Now it did. Musta fucked up the copying somehow.

>> No.1375819


>> No.1375829

>[467 replies] [70 images] [Page 0]

Umm...okay what is going on?

>> No.1375831


We had a storm of shitposters that got their posts deleted.

>> No.1375834

What do you mean, anon? Bump limit is 500 replies.

>> No.1375838

That's a really specific date.

>> No.1375843

that's when the upload finishes

>> No.1375859

Found it, on Mod DB of all places. Thanks.

>> No.1375865

TSP confirmed 6 petabytes

>> No.1375867

more like gib-a-bytes

>> No.1375873

Actually, gibabyte is a standard renaming for gigabyte.
The More You Know

>> No.1375875
File: 105 KB, 255x237, thumb_1339079595764[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Alrite, let me get this out of my chest. From the bottom of my heart, I don't want to stir shit AT ALL, but this needs to be said)

Someone just linked me to a post where someone requested in the zDoom forums (in a place where it doesn't actually belongs) what was basically a head replacement of the Chaingunner.

Are people that lazy? I mean, you can do that simple task on MSPaint. you don't need actual skill at all to complete that request by your own. Graphically speaking, there's some requests that need pixel smoothing, proper shading in some parts, and even sprite extension of some weapons that require attention in position, angle and all that stuff, and I can understand that people request that kind of stuff, but what he just requested is the most simplest thing in the world, frankenspriting!

Everyone, get this in your heads and do not let anyone tell you otherwise, Doom modding is one of the EASIEST things to do ever, EVER. This is why we have palpable evidence of solid custom content done back in 1995, this is why a custom mod was being talked more than the official sequel of the game itself back in the day.

To create maps, all you need is to sit down, go watch the Doom Builder tutorials, and after 3 or 4 hours or so you're all set! "But my maps will suck!" You're damn right they will suck! That's why you need to keep trying and never stop making stuff.

This needs to stop; someone should get on creating what would basically be the version of Doom Modding for Dummies. Cover even the most simple stuff, but let's get people to realize that modding (and quite definitively today more than ever) is easy as hell.

>> No.1375882
File: 41 KB, 640x480, SharkWithSharkHand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone should get on creating what would basically be the version of Doom Modding for Dummies

After going a decent way with Metroid, I might give this a shot.

>> No.1375880

is that a thumbnail that you saved twice

>> No.1375886

A male reskin of Samus named SumSa
His morph ball is more of a morph wheel.

I'm kidding. I would have said ridley, but he wouldn't be able to fit in hallways and shit. Maybe a generic space pirate?

>> No.1375887

chill out

>> No.1375891

Don't you mean Sumas?

>> No.1375894


Nah, is that I was looking for "sad frog enough" in Google images and that thing popped out

Protip: Whenever you see "[1]" near the filetype of an image, it means the poster grabbed the pic from the internet directly instead of uploading the pic from his PC

>> No.1375897

i get what you mean but you still are uploading from your pc

it's saved into a temp folder and uploaded

you should check if it's still there

>> No.1375898
File: 83 KB, 400x365, anthonyhipps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucker
anthony fucking higgs

the only good thing about that damned game

>> No.1375919

>Play Other M
>His cheesy "Remembuh Me?" line sticks with me
>Be playing Crysis 2 for the first time awhile later
>Black dude named Prophet
>Replay the line in my head in Anthony's voice
>Laugh uncontrollably
>The movie "Remember Me" comes out
>Laugh at all the photoshops of Anthony's face pasted over Robert Pattinson

>> No.1375965

I'd play him

>> No.1375969
File: 71 KB, 490x682, ss (2014-01-31 at 10.53.47).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love those too

>> No.1376025

Why does Zombieman have the green hair?

Is this in the Doom books?

Is this some kind of prediction for future fashion? Is this cyberpunk?

>> No.1376043


that shit has bugged me out too; maybe it has to do with them being undead and their hair turning green for some raisin, probably because of ~*~~*~Hell magic~*~~*~

>> No.1376049

I need a good, fat, short sawn-off shotgun. Anyone got one?

>> No.1376056

I remember something saying it was slime.

>> No.1376062

Okay, get this.

I dunno if you've ever noticed but the Zombieman is wearing brown/tan and green--the opposite of the Doomguy.

I think at some early point, Zombieman was green and brown--just like Doomguy--with a brown haircut. And then someone was like "No, they shouldn't be green, switch the colours around." So they did, and instead of fixing the hair, they left it because...lazy?

>> No.1376073

It would have had to be done by hand, I don't think DPaint would let you swap out two parts of the palette or swap out ranges on the image.

Maybe there was a plan to randomize hair colour by using the green translation like on players?

>> No.1376079
File: 630 KB, 900x1178, 1391230979532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the 90's. Probably just because it looked cool to the artist back then. Either that, or a palette translation error or restrictions.

Why did Link have pink hair in LttP? "It was actually made pink by a programming error, but Miyamoto thought it was funny and looked cute, so they left it that way." Also presumably to make link more noticeable on the screen; remember how much old TVs colour-bleed and blend things together?

Guess this guy beat me to it.

>> No.1376075


Not yet. V0.8 ain't being released til I finish the subweapons. I'll make sure to make a post here and on the Zdoom forum thread.

I'm hoping to get this shit done within a few weeks, but some days progress comes to a halt while I autism out on finding -just- the right sprite for my stuff.

>> No.1376081

Doomnukem's double barrel shotgun.

>> No.1376087

2ch thread: http://kohada.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gamef/1389276998/

>> No.1376089

It's too "techy." I want something primitive.

>> No.1376090

Did they use DPaint for Doom's art?

I thought it was all done on NeXT machines. Unless you're referring to a different program, DPaint is short for Deluxe Paint, as in the drawing program for Amiga and DOS (maybe atari st?), right?

>> No.1376094


It's about as sawed off old ass shotgun you can get.

>> No.1376102
File: 431 KB, 1680x1050, 1391232097729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my contribution to doom

>> No.1376110

You could edit it to look older and rusty.
Maybe put some tape on the barrels for whatever reason.

>> No.1376117

A lot, if not all, was done in Delux Paint. I can't find the video but there was a clip of the Mancubus being coloured in Delux Paint.

>> No.1376121 [SPOILER] 
File: 544 KB, 1280x960, Scre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boobs in doom.

>> No.1376132


>I can't find the video but there was a clip of the Mancubus being coloured in Delux Paint.

Being colored? The only video I can remember watching is one where the mancubus model is being rotated. That would be neat to see

>> No.1376157

The sprite was black and white and someone was passing the cursor over it and it was becoming coloured.

I guess it's a palette swap tool and it turns out Deluxe Paint can swap palettes. I don't know what it does exactly but there is a Swap button on the palette window.

>> No.1376181
File: 1.71 MB, 711x400, rollan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1376183

Now make some bumpers and make some Metroid Pinball

>> No.1376187

That looks awesome!

Does anybody still have a link to the early version of this, by the way?

>> No.1376192


The morph ball? The trapezoid? Or the mod itself?

>> No.1376194

The mod itself. I seem to recall there being an early build of it released at some point.

>> No.1376196


One second, lemme upload the most recent version to my derpbox.

>> No.1376206

Awesome, thanks a lot

>> No.1376208



Super-early alpha, nothing's finished, run in Zandronum, please don't host online yet etc etc etc

>> No.1376210
File: 7 KB, 403x403, 1391235551253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jimmy just posted progress regarding The Adventures of Square, which is a fine and surprisingly great cartoony TC


You should really try the beta of this

>> No.1376218
File: 122 KB, 294x379, cluster missile asplode.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I got the explosion animation, and each frame of said animation triggers an explosion. So the cluster effect is there.

My next problem is getting the sound to play, I want my sound to play for each frame of the explosion, but because a_explode is there, I can't add the sound to that line.

Any ideas?

>> No.1376221
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, 1372861830979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any ideas?

Instead of AAA 3 A_Explode, do
A 3 A_Explode
A 0 A_PlaySound
A 3 A_Explode
A 0 A_PlaySound
A 3 A_Explode
A 0 A_PlaySound

>> No.1376226
File: 2 KB, 126x108, idort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh. right. Yeah I can do that instead.

I'm not a terribly clever person with coding, I'm only really good with making weapons themselves. Not good with HUDs either

>> No.1376289

cloudfare is failing again?

>> No.1376303

If I remember right, it was a palette conversion error, that they just decided to keep.

>> No.1376308

They used an in-house made program for Doom, called Fuzzy Pumper Palette Shop, or something like that.

>> No.1376313

C5. Fuzzy Pumper Palette Shop

Allows you to convert captured video images and other NeXT-generated images
into a VGA format, move them around, and save them for use on the IBM.

Sounds like all it did was let them use the images in Delux Paint

>> No.1376338
File: 390 KB, 1366x768, 1391241826094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was trying to take screenshots of Doom 2 in Zandronum... and they came out funny. Like a fucked up old TV.

>> No.1376342
File: 379 KB, 1280x720, 1391242108165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's fine when I take it off full screen... That's just bizarre.

>> No.1376347

Zandronum's outdated GZDoom renderer has difficulties with 1366x768, for some reason. You have to use 1360x768 if you want to take screenshots.

>> No.1376349

Oh, well that's annoying. Thanks for the info though.

>> No.1376354
File: 438 KB, 1324x992, 1362378554799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1376367


Actually, it should be:

A 0 A_PlaySound
A 3 A_Explode
A 0 A_PlaySound
A 3 A_Explode
A 0 A_PlaySound
A 3 A_Explode

Action functions are run at the start of the the state, not at the end. Placing the 0-tic A_PlaySound state before the A_Explode state effectively runs them both at the same time.

The way you had it, the sound would be playing 3 tics after the actual explosion. Unless you actually wanted that and it turns out better, in which case ignore meee

>> No.1376368


Yeah, this is what I did. But I definitely needed help figuring out how to play the sound correctly.

>> No.1376369


>> No.1376370


I had no idea how to get the sound and action to play at the same time because I was overthinking shit again, so I asked a stupid question here >>1376218 and was answered by someone else.

>> No.1376371

oh, needed, not need

>> No.1376376
File: 470 KB, 1280x720, Wheeeee....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what it is, but I always find the hell levels to be the most boring levels in just about any wad. I was playing through Doom 2 Reloaded with Project MSX, which has some of my all time favorite maps in any doom mod... But when I get to map 21, the first hell map, I just lose all interest entirely, because like everything else, it just becomes dull corridors full of that greenish stone texture.

>> No.1376378

"In any Doom Wad" I meant to say.

>> No.1376384


The same thing happens to me the moment you leave urban environments in Duke Nukem. and the worst part so much of Duke 3D takes places in Canyons and shit. It's horrible.

>> No.1376390

The alien/space levels were my least favorite levels in Duke 3D, actually. I didn't mind the desert canyon style levels though.

>> No.1376395


Yeah the alien levels suck too, Duke's at his best in the city where there's lots of switches and shit to play around with, like the pool tables and stuff. That's just fun.

Personally I don't mind the hell levels as long as the geometry is fun, the one thing that really bugs me are the dark levels or that shit with the flickering lights. I hate having to squint and lean in to see things.

Plus they always put fucking spectres in those areas. Id, you guys are assholes.

>> No.1376398

i dont mind hell levels,they are either huge open arenas with lots of monsters or small backyards with corridors that have hidden doors that have imps/pinkies/Ztroopers

>> No.1376413

and to clarify some stuff
Ztroppers=Zombie troppers[Zombieman,Shotgunner,Chaingunner] and with hude open arenas i mean something like E2M8

>> No.1376453

For a pretty obvious reason, SVN is still better at managing GIT than GIT is at managing itself.

>> No.1376496


So, uh. Not quite sure why I recorded this, other then mentioning Sequence breaking to TerminusEst13.

>> No.1376498

>That sequence break in level 2
You know Doomguy can do the same thing with just one jump right?

>> No.1376506


What's with your monster sounds?

>> No.1376510

Probably, I've never tried to jump to that spot when playing seriously.

I think I still have PSX sounds loaded in my Zandro folder.

>> No.1376529

PSX monster sounds don't really fit outside the PSX/N64 environment.

PSX weapon sounds are fine though, and IMO better than the vanilla sounds.

>> No.1376547

This is what I think of PSX weapon sounds:

Pistol/Chaingun = PSX wins
Shotgun = PSX wins
Super shotgun = PC wins
Rocket launcher = Tie
Plasma Rifle = PC wins
BFG9000 = PSX.
Player damage = PC

>> No.1376576

are there any good lightning projectiles out there? like ones that look like they're flying out from the character's perspective? I certainly can't use Hexen's lightning.

I ask because I just realized I can't just take the lighting sprites from Super GnG and use those.

>> No.1376579

AEOD had a good one with one of it's ultimate weapons.

It was a blue lightning gun that shot a bouncing lightning beam that killed so much things.

>> No.1376580


AEOD? Aeons of Death? Really I just need the sprites.

>> No.1376582

That's the only AEOD I know.

>> No.1376586

Also it would most certainly have the lightning sprites you'd want.

>> No.1376590

Strife had a bunch of lightning sprites for the Sigil.

>> No.1376609


Yeah, but they're not going away from the player, from what I can see here on the Doom wiki the lightning arcs are either completely vertical or completely horizontal. Damn shame too as they're really nice looking.

>> No.1376615

Use the AEOD Proteus Dynamo from AEOD.
It's the lightning you're looking for.

>> No.1376618


I'll look at it, just as soon as I get this damn thing downloaded, what a big fucking mod.

The gameplay looks like an absolute mess too from watching videos. I mean I like randomizers and all but holy shit this is taking it to an extreme. I might keep this mod around for resources and ideas though.

>> No.1376620

It's packed with everything because the guys behind it figured volume = quality.

>> No.1376625


well that's a silly mentality to have, I can only imagine how much shit clashes with eachother and how much of a coding nightmare this mod must have been.

>> No.1376690


Oh god I'm going to have a hell of a time trying to find the sprites for this weapon, I wanted to see in action before I go through the trouble trying to find it but using give all doesn't -really- give all for this mod.

>> No.1376691

has anyone ever played a weapons mod called "gzdoom advance"?

>> No.1376696
File: 282 KB, 1920x1080, 1391264203338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I've always liked about DOOM and Tomb Raider is the environments and maps they design... so why not bring them together?

I'm playing around with a Tomb Raider texture pack + series of maps, "Doom Raider" would've be the right title if not already taken, so I need an alternate name for this wad

Tomb of Doom?
Doom & Tomb?

>> No.1376702


Ah I found it, yes, yes this lightning effect will do just fine.

>> No.1376705

Doom Raider sounds good.
Better have a set of dual pistols too, nignog.

>> No.1376708


He can't use it though, it's been taken.

>> No.1376713


I don't want to design new graphics for weapons, i can't. And the enemies are 3d models which is also out of the question.
Just the environments with classic doom gameplay

>> No.1376715

>I don't want to design new graphics for weapons

Well you -COULD- use the dual pistols from WildWeasel's style mod, I'm sure if you ask for permission you could have that covered.

>> No.1376716


Wait nevermind. That doesn't have dual pistols

What the fuck am I thinking of that uses twin vanilla doom pistols then

>> No.1376717


Nah, I want to keep this project small, if it gets too big I doubt I finish it

>> No.1376756

Stop making shitty square rooms

>> No.1376794
File: 29 KB, 350x350, 1331342592604.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1376797 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 828x475, doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me what settings to use for OBLIGE.

>> No.1376802


That was just to show off the textures, level won't look like that. I wont copy Tomb Raider ones either, I was do a mix of the environment layers of the TR levels and Doom gameplay

>> No.1376809


because Impse is a lazy faggot

>> No.1376845

I'm not sure it's what you're looking for, but on youtube when I'm looking at shit, there's this wad called "Doom 2 Xtreme" which is literally in the sidebar of every video.