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File: 52 KB, 602x417, Megaman - Reggae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1367112 No.1367112 [Reply] [Original]

You now realize that Reggae is one of Dr. Wily's robots and has been with him the entire time!

Now he wants to get out of the sidelines and be one of Bass's support robots.

What role does Reggae play? What abilities would you give him?

>> No.1367115

He drops energy tanks and other powerups out of his ass like laying an egg making a crazy sounding squack when you reach certain rooms.

Like an extremly annoying eddy.

>> No.1367123

Sabotages certain robots and can control them. Things like turrets or vehicles.

>> No.1367137
File: 473 KB, 900x675, Kid Icarus - Viridi Tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Constantly squawks and gives you hints while you're playing through the game. Very annoying, but good funny dialogue with Bass.

Yes, this fucker can TALK.

>> No.1367186

Two words.

Egg bombs.

No fuck that, he just tosses grenades with his wings.

>> No.1367245

I swear...why do I think "Iago" every time I see him?

>> No.1367248
File: 401 KB, 1242x820, 1358688146672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>annoying talking parasite sidekick

>> No.1367258


Which game is he in? I've only played 1-6.

>> No.1367267

Wily + Light's Rockboard, Megaman 7(password screen only), and Megaman 10 in Bass's shop.

>> No.1367278
File: 557 KB, 1036x723, Megaman - Rock Board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reggae's basically a bad luck piece in the Rockman board game.

>> No.1367298

hes the ugly duckling

>> No.1367312

They should've used Dr. Cossack and Kalinka more...it's a shame he only appeared in Megaman 4 and Rockboard.

>> No.1367685



>> No.1367703


I meant what I said.

>> No.1368165

I could see Reggae giving away decoy items. Bullshit items that either do nothing or actually drain energy.

>> No.1368195
File: 159 KB, 280x316, BM830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has appeared since then

>> No.1368378
File: 22 KB, 400x418, sad-frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>TFW no robot bird sidekick

>> No.1368537



>> No.1370053
File: 36 KB, 500x461, I know that feel, bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1370535

Too bad it had to be that shitty cell phone game.

Hell, the plot alone turned me off, but even that could've been salvaged had it been a decent game with decent gameplay.

But nope! X-Over is simple scrolling levels, turn-based boss battles (SERIOUSLY?!) and collectan cards.

>> No.1370541

I just realized that Reggae has glass tits like Zero.

>> No.1371857


>glass tits

They're called Booblights, dude.

>> No.1371913

Reggae was really cool in that Megaman Drama CD.

It takes place after Megaman 6 but before 7 so Reggae is Wily's ONLY sidekick.

>> No.1373687


>Megam8 drama CD


>> No.1373695

Please say it's as over the top as the actual VA work in 8.

>> No.1373797

I'd say...yes? Considering that it's Megaman and all.

They pretty much use the same voice actors as they did in Megaman 8. Also, it's in Japanese. There's no English release.

Basic storyline (and this is kinda me winging it here) Roll wants to get out more and be more "human" so she goes to school. Little does she know that Wily is onto her and disguised as a teacher and decides to kidnap her.

Naturally Megaman comes to the rescue. Fighting ensues. Protoman makes his token cameo appearance and saves Megaman's ass. Then Megaman beats Wily using both the Power Adapter and Jet Adapter in that order I think...(like I said, Megaman 6). Then happy ending!

As I said, Wily's only sidekick is Reggae, and he sounds just as annoying as you'd think.

Rush also talks. Lemme say it again...THEY MADE THE FUCKING DOG TALK!!

After the story, Megaman, Wily and Reggae play some classic Megaman music and make comments on it.

A good collector's item for Megaman fans everywhere.

>> No.1375376


What's the CD called, specifically?