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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 55 KB, 180x201, mario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1365723 No.1365723[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

fuck sonic's eye color, who in the hell is this red-shirted impostor at Nintendo?

>pictured: mario's true and proper attire

>> No.1365745

The blue shirted guy has a dick for a leg.

>> No.1365747
File: 1.07 MB, 808x1500, DrMarioAdvance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's just his different clothes?

>> No.1365754

Exactly. He's superior to modern "Mario" in every way

>> No.1365794
File: 49 KB, 320x227, ku-medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck off, kid.

>> No.1365801

you guys ever wonder why mario was a plumber?

>> No.1365804

and then a doctor

>> No.1365809

No. The creator explained it. Had to make something identifiable with the limited graphics quality. Too lazy, google it yourself.

>> No.1365812


That's why he wears overalls and has a mustache you dumb fuck, he was a carpenter in DK, wasn't he? He was a plumber in Mario Bros. Because that was the fucking game.

>> No.1365837

thats just what he wanted you to believe.
theres a double meaning, for two different classes of people

>> No.1365848

mario bros symbolizes miyamoto selling out/ giving in to the satanists.
hence mario not being a carpenter anymore, like jesus

>> No.1365871

the M stands for mason.
anyone familiar with them will instantly recognize the term brothers added to the game. masons refer to each other as brothers.
mario got a new brother through freemasonry, luigi. and if you remember his mansion, it was infested with demonic entities.
If miyamota never teamed up with the freemasons, video gaming would probably not be a thing today. Super mario BROTHERS saved the industry, but at the same time took a lot of thought time away from the general public.
instead of doing things and paying attention to things, people got to life a new, separate life through video games.

i know this will most likely fly right thru or over a lot people's heads here since all they do is play video games and maybe work and socialize everyknow and then, but if you haven't ventured out far recently the outside world is begginning to look like a Contra game, sounds cool, but its only fun on the outside looking in, not the other way around.
i hope you guys can find the right path, because its certainly not a virtual one.

>> No.1365887

He's also crosseyed.

>> No.1365906
File: 10 KB, 480x450, super cool story bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1365910

look into it.
you'll find out why mario only travels east-ward

>> No.1365913

/x/, go home, you're drunk.

>> No.1365920

you'd understand if you read as many books as you played video games

heres a good starting place for anyone willing to take the time to comprehend their world instead of just existing in it, like a dog or a sheepp or a pig(not trying to be a dick, but the world's gone wrong and you guys seriously need a proper education on things).


>> No.1365926


As someone whose entire family is in the freemasons, I can confirm you're full of shit.

They don't refer to each others as "brothers". It's
>Hey Frank, h

>> No.1365930

The freemasons invented Mario!
thats the funniest shit I've ever heard.
why the fuck are you even on this board bro?
You should probably be off making a new tin foil hat.

>> No.1365938

>requesting picture of masonic item with timestamp
still wouldn't prove anything though. theres outside surface of freemasonry which is most likely what your family belongs to and the inner circle of satanists that lie and cheat and use people like your family.
blue lodge is the outside front of concerned easily controlled christians, red lodge on the inside is mankind's worst enemy.
don't be deceived by the great deceiver

>> No.1365941

they did, thats why he's a plumber.
masons have a their everyday normal life with a normal job, plumber being the classical steortyped everyman job, which is what masons want to be perceived as, and then live their second life in their secret societies

>> No.1365954

don't believe me?

heres luigi using a masonic tool to open up a portal to another world which then results in the 9/11 terrorist attack

>> No.1365956

forgot link:


>> No.1365958
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 1372143808122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously hope you're not trolling, I need a good laugh.

>> No.1365975

you can even see the blue and red symbolism on 4chan
blue boards are work safe and not filled with violence and porn and other naughty shit
but the red boards, like /b/ and /gif/ hold all the satanic virtues
i'm not makin this stuff up and i urge you all to look in as far as you can before its simply too late

>> No.1365993

> brown hair
> black moustache

>> No.1366001

hes an imposter

>> No.1366007

Holy shit.

The Red Oni/Blue Oni thing applies to 4chan.

>> No.1366015

symbols are univerasal

>> No.1366018

>that op pic
his wang gets me every time

>> No.1366035

This is the most relevant discussion I've ever seen that posted in.

>> No.1366036

Mods, please cull this thread, it's getting derailed by a /x/enomorph

>> No.1366038

OP is talking about there being a Mario imposter at Nintendo. I'm not sure how you missed that.

>> No.1366047

its all been /vr/ related until your post came along..

you sound like a mason to me

>> No.1366051

>esoteric history of Mario isn't /vr/ related

>> No.1366059

hes actually a one-eyed alien with a human mask on

>> No.1366069
File: 445 B, 188x244, smb2_mario_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its still the same guy, but he needed to change his colors because nintendo wanted a black outline on it, and well, the 3 color limit per sprite on nes quite blocked him.

>> No.1366245

an imposter in the mushroom kingdom?

>> No.1366921
File: 18 KB, 348x406, tin-foil-hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool story bro

>> No.1367317

Best job to have lonely princesses call you to do some plumbin'

>> No.1367324

Doesn't mean shit. I have brown hair with a red mustache.

>> No.1367337

i love how the only thing anybody can do to refute my argument is to lie or just say tin-foil hat.

>> No.1367345

Tin-foil hat is a much more polite way of saying you're stupid and/or crazy.

>> No.1367346

Mario was a Jew?

>> No.1367364


>> No.1367385

still, calling someone crazy or stupid just amounts to shit-slinging like how monkeys do.
no ones refuting any points, they're simply refusing them while claiming i'm the ignorant one even though they're the ones unwilling to step out of their mental comfort zone and learn something new or even attempt to consider it.

>> No.1368605

Mario was invented by Santa Clause
They are both jolly overweight men with facial hair who wear hats and the color red. The question blocks represent presents. Luigi represents Jusus and Boswer is Ebenezer Scrooge. Ever notice the snow levels in Mario? Subliminal Christmas imagery.
proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RR5tIc_YJgU
You can not disprove my post.

>> No.1368667

Sonic was actually meant to be Jesus, but Sega of America, influenced by the illuminati, killed sega with Dreamcast, and Sonic sold to Nintendo, so now Sonic is also an evil game.

>> No.1369034

i love this thread

>> No.1369116

yes i can.
mario has plumbers clothes, not elf or santa attire.
no one wraps up money coins inside a christmas box, they come in cards.
>Luigi represents Jusus and Boswer is Ebenezer Scrooge
when i said shit i said why i felt that way, you're just saying shit without backing it up with reasons.
mine makes a lot more sense and is actually true.
you're just pulling shit out the asshole cause you don't like your world view being challeneged with something actually truthful.
everyone just wants to live in lies and never face the truth about things.
ignorance is bliss.

mario is definitely fun on the surface, but what'd it do?
kept propelling this video game, false reality bullshit, so people can live in a made up world instead of their own.

whats most amazing about this thread is that people will sit and play video games all day everyday and yet think they know everything there is to know.

>> No.1369125

It seems you're the one living in a made up world.

>> No.1369136

masons really did make mario brothers though.
especially the 3rd one is fuilled with their symbolisms.
white and black tile, sun and moon, egyptian pyramids, that golden tower in the clouds, and then the mushroom represents the food of the gods/fruit of knowledge.

if you're gonna say something, say why, becasue no one in this thread is doing that. everyones just pre-programed to disagree with anything that challenges what the schools or televisions taught you.
look back in history, cause everysingle one of our presidents was a mason, yet the schools say nothing at all about those guys.

how can you have an opinion, but not back it up with anything?
someone saying tin-foil hat has been the best argument against mine so far and its just fucking preposterous.

>> No.1369165

You really are retarded, your "proof" is easily refutable conspiracy theory nonsense. While we're at it, do know when the Old Ones will return to sweep away humanity like dust on an old bookshelf?

>> No.1369176

if its so easily refutable, how come no one has done that yet?

its easily refusable, not refutable.
did you watch the video posted from the super mario bros movie?

if you actually studied the masons yourself, you'd see i was right, but that'd actually require effort wouldn't?
its real easy just to say 'haha you're wrong', cause thats the only thing anyone has done in this thread so far.
research the masons and then come back, because you will see their symbols all over these games, especially the 3rd, which 3 is a sacred number to them, so they went all out on it.

>> No.1369192
File: 98 KB, 178x236, mario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mario is actually greying and dyed his hair, it's just hard to get the dye correct on the mustache.

>> No.1369207

I'm blond with a black beard. People think I dye my hair.

>> No.1369424

Common sense is all of our rebuttals, the fact that you don't recognize it means you lack it. Live in your pathetic delusions.

>> No.1369492

the rebuttals were people saying "tin-foil hat" and "nu-uh you're wrong" and then that one guy who lied and said masons don't refer to each other as brothers. read the morals and dogma of the ancient and accepted rite written by albert pike a 33rd degree mason. he refers to his fellow masons as brethren and brothers through out the whole book.

every single counter-argument has been literal lies and slander and thats it.

>> No.1369543

Where do you get the impression we play video games all day?

I don't, at least.

>> No.1369554

what kind of imagery does black and white tile represent? The other stuff I can get, but I've never heard this one before.

I use it in plenty of my designs, because black and white compliment each other. I didn't know I was coding mason imagery into my work

>> No.1369560

i know a lot of people here who are neets and really don't do shit at all besides 4chan and vidya.

>> No.1369570

it really depends, every symbol has multiple meanings and interpretations.
the battle between light and darkness(good and evil) is one, and that definitely takes place in the game

and the fact that the whole game takes place on a stage or is staged means something aswell

>> No.1369653

You have no proof, just retarded, flimsy connections and coincidences based on one of the oldest men's clubs that's still around. There is no grand conspiracy going on, just the usual indifferent chaos that the universe has been running on for the last 14 billion years. Now go back to /x/ where people like you belong.

>> No.1369665

You're so far up your own crazy ass, nothing anyone can say to you will change your mind. The second anyone comes up with a rebuttal you'll just move the goalposts or come up with some ridiculous excuse so you're never wrong and they're a mindless sheep. You're not worth anyone's time, go back to Youtube and argue with the kids there.

>> No.1369669

>There is no grand conspiracy going on
that depends.
if you're a christian, you really have no choice but to believe that there is one.
why would lucifer fall/come to earth and not plot/work against gods people while he was here?

you didn't think there was anything weird at all about the super mario brothers movie when the twin towers turned to dust after luigi used a masonic tool to open up an underground portal to another world?
miyamoto's a mason and you're just gonna have to deal with that.

and you're calling it just chaos like always, but masons goal is to strive to make order out of that chaos.
come back when you're actually educated on the subject at hand.

>> No.1369682

i'm sorry someone saying tin-foil hat wasn't enough to completely reverse my world view.

>> No.1369686
File: 8 KB, 165x29, 1390961035536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wat the hell just happened

>> No.1369694

You're obviously the uneducated one. Chaos; as in no order, no plan, no god, no devil, no fate, no point. Order is an illusion and anyone trying make order out of chaos is on a fool's errand and will die unhappy, angry, and insane so let's just enjoy the short amount of time we have while we're alive. Now shut up about the masons/illuminati/reptilians shit so we can talk about retro games and, in a vain attempt to bring order to chaos, get this board back on track.

>> No.1369702

its a single thread, theres plenty others you can participate in.

>Order is an illusion and anyone trying make order out of chaos is on a fool's errand
and thats why these guys are dangerous, they think they can change the natural order of things

>> No.1369708

they also believe in goofy things like rituals and magic. They're a bunch of stupid fucks, I for one am not worried about them. You have to remember they are just the same as you and me they dont have any special powers its all in their head. Fuck em.

>> No.1369715

well, they do control the whitehouse, hollywood, and corporations, so i'd say they're pretty damn powerful.
magic is real. you ever wonder why existence doesn't really make any sense and how its a marvel that anything even exists at all?

>> No.1369724

okay sorry, their magic is not real. burning some plants waving around a smoking stick and chanting isn't going to do anything. Neither is killing a baby its just going to result in a dead baby the shit they do is just retarded.

>> No.1369728
File: 34 KB, 260x370, bronze-fasces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of 'ems doing a state of the union adress right now. look for pic related on each side of the flag behind him.
its the fasces, symbol of fascism.

>> No.1369729

ITT alex jones talks about retro games

>> No.1369732

they love shoving their symbolism in our face, people would have to be stupid not to know america has been under fascism since 9-11 though

>> No.1369736
File: 10 KB, 500x400, 1333080008436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the Patriarchy/White Man/Jews/Masons/Reptiles/Generic Convenient Scapegoat Faction invented MMOs to pacify the population, evoking imagery of the layman in crafting classes and roles and to ultimately remove the concept of fun in video games

>> No.1369738
File: 10 KB, 160x157, fasces dime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they used to print it on old dimes

whether its really real or not, they believe in it and thats something to be feared. powerful citizens teaming up in secret to kill humans.

>> No.1369737

How the fuck did I get on /x/?

>> No.1369741

Not only since 9/11

>> No.1369740

/vr/ discovered the hidden secrets of super martio bros.

>> No.1369750

its a subtle/secret police state.
you only find out when step out of the mental boundaries placed on you by school, television, and work environments.

modern america was founded on fascism and slavery

>> No.1369765
File: 83 KB, 768x509, fasces obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obama between the two fasces symbols

>> No.1369782

>the fasces, symbol of fascism

Only because of Mussolini, and (sort of) the ancient Romans. Its real symbolism is strength through unity, as in the citizens of a country.

>> No.1369783
File: 46 KB, 220x323, 220px-Baphomet[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, what's going on in THIS thread?

>> No.1369786

>strength through unity

like how germany united its citizens to be strong enough to terminate the jews?

>> No.1369789

Get out, Baphomet, no likes you. You're just a made up image the Pope and the king of France used to justify their attack on the Knight's Templars. They were just jealous of how much money they made.

>> No.1369796
File: 6 KB, 235x206, miss-the-point2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A single stick can be broken, but a bundle (or faggot, DON"T LAUGH) cannot.

>> No.1369802

>strength through unity
>strength through blind conformity

That's pretty much the definition of fascism.

>> No.1369804

no i got what you were saying, but 'strength through unity' can mean both bad or good things.
like all the bullies teaming up to beat up one kid, strength through unity.
or all the people who teamed up to crucify christ.
strength through unity.

>> No.1369808

Humanity had to conform throughout history to survive, any deviation would've resulted in extinction.

>> No.1369862

Hey Sevenleaf, are you a grill?

>> No.1369868
File: 1.28 MB, 1284x2002, mariogaiden-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But how can Mario be mason if Mario was created by a japanese? The jews fear the samurai.

>> No.1369878
File: 27 KB, 400x247, 10regionsmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japans number 3 on the ten regions/kingdoms of the new world map.
they're the 3rd most important/powerful.

freemasonry and secret societies exist all through out the globe, its called the new world order because they're all teaming up/unifying for a desired goal as well more strength.

>> No.1369884
File: 131 KB, 580x435, 166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this also ties into the mario games as in theres multiple different regions/worlds.

>> No.1369901

Oh my god, a Japanese convention applies to a site inspired by a similar site of Japanese origin?

Stop the fucking presses.

>> No.1369914
File: 192 KB, 970x546, original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't even realize this until now, but this game represents mario traveling throughout all the kingdoms and destroying the current rulers and uniting them under freemasonry, which mario himself represents.
the mushroom kingdom was actually really peaceful until mario ran through it skull stomping everyone in his way. mostly peaceful koopas and goombas and the current rulers trying to protect their castles from being blown up by mario.

>> No.1369954

What the fuck am I reading.

>> No.1369962

The meandering babels of a madman.

>> No.1369968

whats specifically so crazy about it?

>> No.1369970
File: 129 KB, 573x776, 2600_donkey_kong_cbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some day the REAL Mario will return.

>> No.1369972


>> No.1369976


You won't get any serious replies here, it's too far into "crazy" territory for people who won't look at it. I've done a fair amount of research into the stuff you're talking about and I'm not sure what to make of all of it.

Some very interesting coincidences and widespread symbolism at the least.

>> No.1369987

Man, if only Nintendo games were this bad-ass.

Fuck, I missed the times when box arts where an artist's interpretation of what a game was like, instead of this era of cheap bullshots being the box art. What happened to the ART part?

>> No.1369989

thank you for actually taking the time to look into it.
some weird shit goin and i really don't even know what to make of it myself.
the only thing that sticks the most for me is satan's kingdom being built on earth.

come back when you have a logical argument and not just "you're wrong because i say you are"

>> No.1369992

>expecting corporations to care about art that isn't the art of making money/gathering power

>> No.1369991

Get out! No fucking way!
Similarities to the real world?
Fuck, there's no possible explanation other than a secret, impenetrable cabal that runs the world.

>> No.1369997

no one said they ran the world but you, though they are certainly trying

and its the fact that its blatant masonic symbolism and not your run of the mill shit

>> No.1370004
File: 71 KB, 500x456, 1390971605197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blue boards are work safe and not filled with violence and porn and other naughty shit
>but the red boards, like /b/ and /gif/ hold all the satanic virtues

MFW its 2014 and you arent using tomorrow on all the boards

>> No.1370009

>come back when you have a logical argument

I don't think you know what logic is, since you actually believe all this freemason shit.

>> No.1370015

thats symbolic in itself, saying your tomorrow/future will be filled with darkness

>> No.1370020

if you know what it is, than start logically disproving my points.

>> No.1370023

also, the greatest trick the devil played was convincing everyone he wasn't real.

>> No.1370031

>very symbol has multiple meanings and interpretations.
>the battle between light and darkness(good and evil) is one, and that definitely takes place in the game
>and the fact that the whole game takes place on a stage or is staged means something aswell

you've just described literally every videogame

if contrasting colors are difinitive proof of freemasonry my kitchen must be some kind of mason conspiracy

The problem with your theories isnt that they are incorrect, its that they arent exclusively correct. Its like in genetics, if I remove a gene and it knocks out a trait, that doesnt definitively proove the gene is solely responsible for that trait. To do that I need to have an organism without the trait and then cause the trait by introducing my gene as well. Otherwise there are still other, equally as viable correlations (part of a pathway, one of many genes involved etc)

SO all you can difinitively claim, which i argue you can, is that there are significant paralells between the imagery used in mario, and the themes expressed, and those associated with masonry and its lore

But you cant say with any kind of certainly that they ARE involved

The imagery for the woodent boatbuilding club i helped found often includes compasses and squares among other tools. One explanation for it would be freemason influence, another could be that boatbuilding needs compasses and squares and I thought they looked cool when i made the banners. I'm not a mason, so while thinking masonry was involved wouldnt be a rediculous inferrance it would still be wrong

see what im saying? Especially when we talk masons whose symbology is so broad and involvement is so overarching. There are so many paralells to be found

>> No.1370028

People have better things to do than argue with a straw grasper who makes connections that don't exist.

>> No.1370038

So, to summarize...

M stands for Mason which is backed up by the fact that he has a hammer. Plumbers are also a symbol for masons, apparently - I always thought masons were stoneworkers but okay.

Also, SMB3 is flagrantly masonic because it has an Egyptian level. I probably shouldn't bring Super Mario Land up.

>> No.1370042

That sounds more norse than mason though

and also didnt you know, everything in the future is black or chrome

Now heres the question for you though. Is it purposefully masonic OR is it just a reflection of the ever presence of masonic themes in pop culture?

For example lets say the red blue thing is firmly seated in masonry, so because of their overarching influence in media red is portrayed as bad and blue good, therefore everything i see all the time is set up that way, so when i design a site i design it that way. Its not because the masons told me to, its just a result of tertiary meaning

OR it could be a holdover from very old japanese norms

when they left buckets for that last untouched population of people on that island off india, they took the green plastic buckets, buried the red ones, ate the coconuts, and were afraid of the pig. Is it masonry or do they just dislike red coincidentally

the answer isnt masonry

>> No.1370051

To the primitive mind, red is blood. To those who love it, it is the blood of their enemies. To those who fear it, it is their own.

>> No.1370049
File: 1.39 MB, 320x221, 1383515674318.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you won the thread

>> No.1370060
File: 9 KB, 600x523, smb3title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously not since you're right now arguing with me. you seem to have the time, but you're unwilling to actually use it to disprove me, so you just shit sling because you can't actually disprove me using logical means.

the thing about super mario bros 3 though, is that it literally takes place on a stage, the red curtains go up before you get to the start screen revealing the game, red curtains also being part of the masonic lodge. you can also see some of the blocks mario walks on in the earlier levels are nailed to the background.
the only other game that literally takes place on a stage is dynamite headdy, which is also filled with its own symbolisms, possibly even more than mario does.

and that wooden ship argument is kind of stretch and not really solid. theres not enough dots connecting and those tools actually belong there for a practical purpose, they're not symbolic of anything other than their intentioned purposes.
why is a plumber eating mushrooms and becoming illumined and invincible after consuming a star(another masonic symbol)?
why does mario pop up in egypt of all places suddenly?
theres just too many coincidences in mario 3 for it to actually be a coincidence.

>> No.1370064

mario was/is too big for it not to be intentional.

>> No.1370065

The burden of proof lies on you, and so far your evidence is flimsy at best and bullshit at worst.

>> No.1370072

>the only other game that literally takes place on a stage is dynamite headdy
So you concede you don't know shit about video games since this is a common trope.

>> No.1370075

>I always thought masons were stoneworkers but okay

freemasons, not literal masons.
they take every job imaginable


super mario land 3 takes place where the mystery religions take place, which the masons consider themselves the modern and rightful guardians of these secrets.

there was a reason why that game as well as the live action movie were both weird as shit.

>> No.1370081

thats logical dogma right there.
you really should have no problem saying why i'm wrong if you're really that certain.

also, i'm pretty sure you haven't read the 800 page book i recommended as well as listening the 43 hour long radio show i posted.

come back when you actually examined the evidence.

one of the hours on the radio show is a bibliography, i think around hour 18 or 19, so be sure to read atleast some of that long list of books.

>> No.1370082


man i wonder if Big O was about masonry....

off to /co/

and while you make apt points and solid connections i stand by my genes example. Its tough, and often your dot connecting proves correct. But if you want people like me to take you seriously "too many coincidences" holds water like cheese cloth

now if you compiled all the theories and connections into a text, but then asserted no difinitive assumptions. And people argued on it for a bit, then using your info independent parties uncovered masonry in the designers backgrounds or messages in the code or old letters discussing it or something

then anon, then i would believe you and shout your presumptions from the rooftops

>> No.1370085

i meant to say dynamite headdy was the only other one i knew of, not the only one. been typin a lot and got lazy.

and those game really aren't that common at all.

>> No.1370091

>any job imaginable is masonic symbolism
>being weird as shit is masonic

>thinking SMB3 is weird for a video game or that SMB is weird for a movie

Dude you seriously need to play more video games.

>> No.1370098

freemasons hold job positions of all kinds, not all jobs are masonic symbolisms.

and i said super mario LAND was weird as shit for mario game, and most people can agree with that, as well as the movie being weird as shit for a super mario bros movie.

>> No.1370106

>Dude you seriously need to play more video games

I think he has, probably both the Deus Ex and The Conduit series.

>> No.1370115
File: 12 KB, 510x524, mobile-26453-1390451233-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will never unsee that

>> No.1370269

You sir are completely wrong!
