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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 175 KB, 4602x1835, YouTube1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1362034 No.1362034[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys follow subscribe to any YouTube channels devoted to retro gaming? If so, please share! Thread rule: please don't just list names. Take the time to describe what the channel is and maybe link a representative video.

Aside from the obvious stuff like AVGN and Classic Game Room, I really like Game Sack and RetroGameTech.

Game Sack does lengthy retrospective videos on various game series, consoles, or themes. They can be off-putting at first, because they can be kind of corny, and they don't read from a script well, but other than that their production values are top-notch, and the content is really informative. You can really tell these guys were informed and passionate gamers in the 90's, so they bring a perspective that not a lot of other people do.


RetroGameTech is a British dude who buys broken shit off eBay and fixes it up. He does videos showing his projects, but a lot of his videos involve him showing off odd or otherwise interesting stuff that he's come across. It's not all /vr/-related, but most of it is.


>> No.1362050

Gaming History Source picks a game and shows off a bit of gameplay from every version/port of it in existence.


>> No.1362054

My personal favorite is Lazy Game Reviews.

Also, Ancient DOS Games is great, but it's not on YouTube.

>> No.1362062



To be honest, I find Clint obnoxious. I unsubbed from his channel because he started doing more and more Let's Play style videos.

>> No.1362064

He mainly does /vr/ related and non-/vr/ related videos but I really like PeteDorr. I got into the PC Engine because of him.

>> No.1362081

>My personal favorite is Lazy Game Reviews.


It never really bothered me. He's not the loud obnoxious type of person anyways so his let's plays are alright with me.

>> No.1362925
File: 122 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SatoshiMatrix1 has a lot of good hardware and game reviews. qbertaddict1 has a lot of neat hardware videos too, but moreso on the digital/emulation side. Gamester81 is one of the more known channels.

I used to like ReviewTechUSA when he actually talked about retro games and clone consoles, but his newer videos kind of annoy me.

>> No.1362928



God I hate that meat-head.

>> No.1362934 [DELETED] 
File: 830 B, 80x80, e-celebrities.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1362938 [DELETED] 


Allow me to reply to your post with a sentence that contains a large number of occurrences of the number 8.

>> No.1362949 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 249x211, 1289159302063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It begins

>> No.1362948 [DELETED] 

>another YouTube thread
Seriously what the fuck?
Egosauruses are the opposite of Anonymous.
If you want to talk about YouTube fucking do it on YouTube. I hear they have comments now.

>> No.1362947



>points camera at TV
>shitty mic

This is your channel, isn't it?

>> No.1362963 [DELETED] 
File: 428 KB, 2210x1990, lera reaction image 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


-e-celebs on /v/

>> No.1362971 [DELETED] 



>> No.1362972 [DELETED] 


We need a /vid/ board to take e-celeb nonsense off the other boards.

Moot, being the useless cunt he is refuses to make it.

>> No.1362975 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 1280x856, hello anonymous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1362976

This thread is about sharing informative Youtube channels so we can learn more about retro video games, not e-celebrities. Piss off, samefag.

>> No.1362979

There's a certain something you're supposed to do to shitposters.

Hint: It's not responding to their posts.

>> No.1362980 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 1280x856, Lera duckface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Let's players and hack comedians on youutube
>teaching people about retro games

>> No.1362993

superdeadite is awesome

>> No.1362998

You can learn ten times as much reading an article on hardcoregaming101 or even giantbomb or gamefaqs. Fuck, must you be spoonfed information?

>> No.1363001

If you consider watching youtube videos spoonfeeding, you can consider reading all those websites spoonfeeding.

>> No.1363005

You're a special kind of idiot, huh?

>> No.1363006

I'm not the one who misunderstands basic concepts, so no.

>> No.1363007

You seem to think that watching videos is the same as reading so...

>> No.1363014

It's not the same.

However, in both cases, someone takes information and compiles it for someone else to consume. The only difference is the way it's taken in (through reading text or watching a video)

If one is spoonfeeding, then so is the other. The only reason you try to make it out to be radically different is to expose your shitposting isn't it?

>> No.1363016

expose = excuse*

>> No.1363142

His videos are full of inaccurate information. I mean that goon can't even read a fucking wikipedia article. And when he tries to be funny? Holy shit.

>> No.1363164

Yes we all know about those websites, they're very good. You don't need to post them in every thread asking about videos. Cus the funny thing about them is they aren't video sites.

>> No.1363337

I like Kinamania.

He's a Russian guy who makes videos about the Dendy, which was the Russian knockoff equivalent to the NES/Famicom. They give a rather interesting look into early 90s Russia and vidya. Sadly only some of the videos are translated and some of them are poorly translated at that.


>> No.1363348

I really really hate YouTubers but I kind of like Dendy Chronicles. There's interesting culture and, dare I even say historical significance to them?

>> No.1363361


It's a nice look into another world more or less. Very informative.

>> No.1363907
File: 23 KB, 311x377, smug feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mods don't delete thread
>delete posts critical of OP

Don't say I didn't warn you.

e-celebs and youtube nonsense destroyed /v/. It will destroy /vr/ too.

>> No.1364849


>get told
>shitpost more

>> No.1364885


>> No.1365450

>no MetalJesusRocks

This guy is so fucking rad. He worked at Sierra in the 90s and has a ridiculously rad collection. He's even friends with (The Immortal) John Hancock.

>> No.1365460


I'm subbed to his channel, but he can be really spergy at times. It makes me uncomfortable. His collection is extensive, though, and his videos are alright.

>> No.1365775

I like to watch AzuriteYT. He doesn't do exclusively retro games, but if you watch some of his streams he can just go on and on about the history of both PC and console gaming of the late 80s up to 2000 in so much detail. I've learned so much from him without even trying to learn anything it's crazy. Plus he's such a beast at DDR and fighting games.


>> No.1366092

I wanted to start one a channel for exploring older JRPGs and doing full LPs of then, but I'm too dull on my own and the only friend I had who was interested in doing it is really... Cringe inducing.

I'm more of a bro-gamer and he's more of a beta with a weak sense of humor type guy.

>> No.1366109

If you're going to do that, you have to do it for yourself. Don't worry about being too dull or shitty, just try and please yourself and have fun. Personally, I like to make little one-off videos of me playing stuff, usually just fucking around in different games, and hardly anyone sees it besides me and my friends. But I still have fun doing it, and really that's all I care about. If you want to do it in hopes that you'll make it big one day, I'd say don't even bother. But if you want to do it just for the sake of doing it, then have at it.

>> No.1366163

It's not about making it big, but rather making something worth watching in the first place.