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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 12 KB, 320x224, Space Harrier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1356224 No.1356224 [Reply] [Original]

This is not a list thread, don't worry.

So, I finally got my hand on complete MAME ROM set (no CHD's though). Since there are literally thousands of games to play, I want to know which ones are the cream of the crop.

Picture related, I guess.

>> No.1356251

My favorites Are strikers 1945. Aliens. And rampage world tour. But that's because I had an arcade near my house with these games in it.

>> No.1356259

Dance Dance Revolution

>> No.1356270

a complete mame rom set, thats gotta be like 200 gb at least, right?

>> No.1356275

The complete ROM set is about 40GB big.

>> No.1356278

The Outfoxies is a damn good game.

>> No.1356386

Yeah, I remember it being mentioned in the underrated fighters thread I made a while back. For those who don't know, it's basically a precursor to Super Smash Bros. That monkey character is the best.

>> No.1356407

Outfoxies is liads of fun, but it's far from good. Controls are awful, stages are imoressive, but badly designed, graphics are occasionally incomprehensible.

Pac-Man, Galaga, Scramble, Gradius, Makaimura (Ghosts' n'Goblns), Daimakaimura (sequel), Outrunners, Dodonoachi, ESPRa.De, Marvel vs. Capcom, D&D Shadow Over Mystara are some of the truly impressive arcade games, OP.

>> No.1356449

My favorites are Berzerk, Space Harrier, Galaga, Outrun 2 (better off running the PC release than attempting MAME, it's basically an Xbox game), Raiden Fighters, Asteroids, Puzzle Bobble 2, and Japanese Haunted Castle. Also check HG101, good for finding missing stuff.

Is Super Monkey Ball yet a part of MAME?

>> No.1356453


I played Mega Drive version a while ago (I wanted to make an underrated racing games thread, but I ended up ditching that) and it was pretty bad.

>> No.1356746


If you count the CHDs, yes

>> No.1356771

Salamander/Life Force

>> No.1357048

Link please?

>> No.1357310

>Is Super Monkey Ball yet a part of MAME?

As far as I know, no.

Is it alright to post it here?

>> No.1357336

I honestly like Xevious and Satans Hollow, but Robotron 2084 has to be utter perfection.

>> No.1357543

OK, disregard that. Arcade version is amazing. I wish there was a way to get rid of the second screen.

>> No.1357852

If you can't post the link here, I'd appreciate it if you emailed it to me! Email in the field.

>> No.1357903


It was killing me trying to remember this game, but here it is. and to stay on topic, Metal Slug. They are all at least good, but I don't think 6 ever got a ROM yet.

>> No.1357914

just go on archive.org and type in "MAME"

>> No.1357918

6 isn't a Neo Geo game, it runs on a Naomi-based board called Atomiswave hence the lack of MAME support. However it's been ported to every platform under the sun

>> No.1358162

Here goes nothing:


I think there's a full MAME 0.152 ROM set on Pleasure Dome, but that's a private tracker.

Any more recommendations? I'm mostly interested in platformers, run'n guns, puzzle games and shmups.

>> No.1358184

Black Tiger, Wardner no Mori, Bonze Adventure

essential platformers

>> No.1358220

As far as 90's stuff goes, some from the top of my head:

Shock Troopers
Elevator Action Returns
Ninja Baseball Batman
Night Striker
Rapid Hero
NBA Jam/Hangtime
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
Sexy Parodius
Undercover Cops
Boogie Wings
Giga Wing
Armed Police Batrider
Smash TV
Super Dodge Ball for Neo Geo
Blazing Star
Tetris the Absolute Grandmaster 2 (released in 2000 but whatever)
Die Hard Arcade

>> No.1358372

>Tetris the Absolute Grandmaster 2

And here I thought I was good at Tetris.

>> No.1358418

The Simpsons

>> No.1358459
File: 41 KB, 500x461, 1371761433121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be the absolute grandmaster

>> No.1358602

What's the difference between them?

Feels bad, man.

>> No.1358612

Salamander has the tradtional power up system, life force has the gradius bar

>> No.1358662

SF3: 3rd Strike (there's a no CD ver (no CHD), but it's in moon)
Gradius II/Vulcan Venture
Turtles in Time
Cadilliacs and Dinosaurs
Sunset Riders
Fantasy Zone

>> No.1358664
File: 80 KB, 320x240, 0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dodonpachi and sequels (excluding dodonpachi 2)
metal slug series
sunset riders
mars matrix

also make sure you play the tgm games. they are tetris, perfected.

tetris the grandmaster
tetris the absolute grandmaster 2 plus


i cant even tgm1 gm :C
secret grade anyone?

>> No.1358668

X-Men and Simpsons arcade games.

I yearn to find those somewhere.

>> No.1359484

Thank you.

Also, what's the difference between Puzzle Bobble 2 and Puzzle Bobble 2X?

>> No.1359489

Smash TV
Magic Sword

>> No.1360282
File: 41 KB, 320x224, 0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More obscure games are fine too, as long as they are great.

Picture related because Bubble Symphony is criminally underrated. It's the best single-screen platformer ever made, in my opinion.

>> No.1360450

There is. You can choose how to display the game in MAME's tab menu during play. You can for Outrunners choose which monitor you want to display.

>> No.1360461

Your best bet is buying Metal Slug Anthology.

>> No.1360604

I think every version of Anthology has issues (either input lag or shoehorned motion controls in the Wii version). If you care about legal copies, the best option is probably getting the Virtual Console releases.

>> No.1360617

They really fucked up by using the motion controls for the Wii version. Should of been Classic and GCN controller.

>> No.1360674

It is, you can use just the wiimote, wiimote and nunckuk, classic contoller, and gamwcube controller. I think theres even a way to play with just the nunckuk.

>> No.1360676

Twinkle Star Sprites is the best game ever.

Magical Drop gets honorable mention.

>> No.1360807

Actually you can only use the Classic controller on the JP version of it, Metal Slug Complete. And for some other stupid reason, on the NA version, you're stuck using the analog stick on the Gamecube controller--no D-pad suppport with that setup.

>> No.1360848
File: 5 KB, 256x232, i6[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, Robot was always a favorite of mine.

>> No.1361414

These two Namco collections (you know, the ones that include remakes of their old games) are pretty damn good.

>> No.1362392
File: 18 KB, 224x288, 0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pac-Man Arrangement is pure sex. Easily the best Pac-Man game next to Pac-Man World and Pac-Man Championship Edition DX+. I also love that one of the ghosts is called Kinky.

Thanks, that worked.

Wow that looks VERY impressive.

Also, bump.

>> No.1363731


>> No.1364365

Is there a way to play MS6 on the PC? Don't feel like searching for my Metal Slug Anthology disc.

>> No.1366286
File: 13 KB, 320x224, Fantasy Zone II DX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I made this list for my private use, but I decided to share it anyway, maybe someone will find it useful. Big thanks to everyone who contributed!

Picture isn't really related, as Fantasy Zone II DX is not retro, but it's a great remake that everyone should play.

>> No.1369103


>> No.1370538

anyone here like R-Type? Super R-Type was probably the first game I ever played, and looking at the others in the series, I apparently started with the worst one. not that it was bad, but it was really slow and had less powerups.

>> No.1370565

>Black Tiger

Knows his shit, this guy does.

Also, Xain'D Sleena by Tecmo. Fkn hot shit. Still great today.

>> No.1370576

Single screen platformers you say?

I'd love to enthusiastically point you in the direction of Nightmare in the Dark, but it misses the /vr/ cutoff by 1 year.


>> No.1371275

I like R-Type Leo, dunno why so many people hate it.

>Single screen platformers you say?

Side scrolling platformers are also fine. Are there any good one NOT made by Capcom?

>I'd love to enthusiastically point you in the direction of Nightmare in the Dark, but it misses the /vr/ cutoff by 1 year.

I dunno, I consider games released in 2000 to be retro.

Great game, by the way.

>> No.1371279

Neo Geo with from 1990, so it's definitely on-topic, same as Majora's Mask etc. is on topic.

>> No.1372962

This thread is in dire need for Neo Geo games. Every Neo Geo game is great.

>> No.1373098
File: 988 KB, 500x400, 1390532112767.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never played Space Harrier in my entire life
>even had Shenmue and never played it on the arcade in game

>got the 3DS port

This fucking game.

>> No.1373204

Have you unlocked the secret final boss?

>> No.1373601

How do you do that?

>> No.1373746
File: 1.86 MB, 450x253, HOLY SHIT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play lots of space harrier on emulator, 32x and saturn version since no joystick for mame version
>know that 32x version has framerate/resolution issues and saturn emulator has serious input lag, but whatever, better than nothing
>regularly score 7 million, would often struggle for 8 or 9 million, best was 11 million
>finally get legit saturn version and action replay cart in the mail so I can finally play on my real saturn without the input lag




>> No.1373979
File: 65 KB, 750x226, mame-logo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use different flavors of MAME depending on what platform I'm using. The games I play the most for my Linux Thinkpad on SDLMame are mostly shmups and fighters/brawlers like...

>Strikers 1945 III (AKA Strikers 1999)
Knights of the Round
Street Fighter Alpha 2
UN Squadron
Alien vs Predator
Giga Wing
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike

For my Gaming Computer I use MameUI64 for shooter games that require more resources to run like Carnevil and Area 51.

>> No.1373987


Co-sign this game and the original Donpachi. Both are awesome and essential shmups.

>> No.1375116

It's been a while since I discovered it, but I'm 99% sure you have to beat the final stage without losing a single life.

>> No.1375127

you can use demul naomi
runs almost all the atomiswave games without major problems

>> No.1376938

Thank you very much, it works perfectly!

>> No.1378994

Art of Fighting trilogy
Magician Lord
King of Monsters

You are wrong.

>> No.1380116

I know this is thread about must play arcade games, but could someone reccommend me an OBSCURE arcade game? Don't care about genre as long as it's good.

>> No.1380178

Demon Front is a weird Metal Slug rip-off with magic and stats. Each character even had a little Pokemon thing with them that had unique powers. Imagine Metal Slug with no vehicles, I don't remember any vehicles anyway, and like 5 times as much health on every enemy. It's actually pretty decent.

>> No.1382396

Bumping, I'm also curious about this.

>> No.1382408


Have you ever played Vendetta, a 4 player beat-em-up made by Konami?

>> No.1382534

I did, great game.

>> No.1384406

>>1382408 Yeah, it's the best Konami beatem up imo. I want more recommendations, pretty please.

>> No.1384420

i know that feel, I'll often burn arcade ports for my chipped saturn/ps1 even if they're inferior for this reason.

Though sync-to-refresh can usually mitigate issues in emulators that support it
