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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1347827 No.1347827[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD, (Last thread >>1341006)
(other retro FPS games welcome too, chances are we played 'em too)

FAQ/Pastebin, still updated semi-frequently


##Our WADs can be found here!##

Steam Group:

IRC (The password is in the FAQ.)
Channel: #vr


Wanna learn how to...

Create maps?

Open/Edit WAD/PK3/etc to make 'em compatible with other mods?
http://slade.mancubus.net/index.php?page=downloads (download 3.0.2)

Load multiple WADS and mods at the same time? - ZDL (v3.2.2.2)

/idgames torrent (12 GBs of wads, 18 years worth of user-made content!)

Vanilla/Boom related projects can be found here http://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/
ZDoom mods/projects can be found here http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19

Best Single Player WADS of 2013 (needs update)

>> No.1347829


-The past Awesome Games Done Quick featured a playthrough of Plutonia (Go 2 It included) and also a bid war between Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 which ended in the latter winning for over 8 bucks, therefore it was featured in a race between Dime (who also ran Plutonia) and Vortale. To rewatch the Doom speedruns, go follow this link http://www.doomworld.com/vb/post/1229035

-Have you checked The Space Pirate yet? http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=37064 It's in Alpha as we speak, but that shouldn't restrain you from testing it out!

-TerminusEst13, of well known Samsara fame, is developing an incredibly awesome Metroid mod called "Metroid: Dreadnought"; keep an eye on these threads for more info!

-CACOWARDS? SURE, HERE! http://www.doomworld.com/20years.. Feel absolutely free to share your thoughts about the works chosen for this edition. And man oh man, they surely left a lot of stuff to discuss related to the decisions made on some wads...

-Doomsday received a brand new update, now you can play with the Oculus Rift! Go download Doomsday here! http://dengine.net/

-An anon put up recently a neat website for everyone to upload wads, go check it here (if your antivirus gets paranoid, do not worry, it's a false positive)

-December 10th marked the 20th anniversary of the release of the shareware version of Doom; there were tons of stuff and special events that were done for it, if you missed 'em all, feel free to ask for links to them!

-ChocoDoom got updated in the 20th anniversary, but it didn't stopped there. Now you can play Heretic, Hexen and Strife too! Go grab each version of them here! http://www.chocolate-doom.org/wiki/index.php/Downloads

-Jimmy's Jukebox may be get a new update very soon...get hype!!! http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=29117&start=180

>> No.1347832

Second for Doomguy cum

>> No.1347838
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>pickup berserk/chainsaw
>a trap has been triggered
>hundreds of demons and spectres

phew, man! i truly love doing this ten thousand times.

>> No.1347840

How does berserk work? Does it make you stronk or invincible?

>> No.1347843

I did that with my first map, I was so sure nobody had done it before

>> No.1347847
File: 18 KB, 400x400, Cacomack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna say I love you faggots, when I get tips or advice that make the weapons I'm making work -exactly- How I wanted them to, it's a good feeling.

So thank you.

>> No.1347854

multiplies your fist damage by 10 for the rest of the level and fully restores your health

>> No.1347859

I thought it made you go berserk and dealing good fist damage

>> No.1347869


have you ever played Doom?

>> No.1347872

Yeah but I just never completely understood what that thing did.
I also never could understand why the enemy marines would attack demons instead of me and other times attack me together.

>> No.1347873
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Sup /vr/, honest question: I keep hearing that there are lots of mods out there that deserve the same amount of praise as Brutal Doom, since they are better from a technical standpoint and whatever, but are heavily underlooked. Can you people tell me which mods are these? So far I've tried Cyberrunner, Accessories to Murder, Samsara, Russian Overkill and Lethal Enforces, am I missing anything else?

>> No.1347876

Project MSX

>> No.1347882

Hideous Destructor

>> No.1347881

I like Who Dun It, but it may have gotten played out here on /vr/. It's also a resource hog, due to heavy use of 3D floors in it's levels.

>> No.1347884

Lethal Enforces is about the pinnacle of mods that are superior to Brutal Doom yet largely unheard of. There's ReDoom.


>> No.1347889


I loved the trailer, and that gore looks fucking hilarious.

>> No.1347898

Thank you.

>> No.1347912

What makes Lethan Enforces so special?

>> No.1347915

What's Lethal Enforcers? I clicked that link and see nothing about Lethal Enforcers. Unless that mod was renamed to "ReDoom" from "Lethal Enforcers".

>> No.1347916

Same appeal as speed running Plutonia on Ultra Violence.

It makes the game a challenge.

>> No.1347920

This is Lethal Enforcers.


You will need to get good to play this.

>> No.1347925

That's the one where that guy got yelled at for making a half hour video just to make fun of the mod?

>> No.1347929

Oh I've seen this before... I passed on trying it because it looked like another generic mishmash of various Realm667 enemies and other user created weapons. Maybe I'll give it a go though.

>> No.1347930

No, that's Crazy Doom

>> No.1347932

Nothing is left untouched, it's all enhanced.

>> No.1347939

so uh, if I have a weapon that generates ammo for another, how do I go about making that actually work? I tried using a_giveinventory on the weapon that's supposed to make the ammo but I just get an error saying the class is unspecified

>> No.1347949

my heart is pounding holy shit

>> No.1347975

So I just downloaded Lethal Enforcers and it seems really messy so far. The hud doesn't fit the screen, it's shoved off to the side, there's missing textures for the title screen, the gun shells eject out of your guys mouth or something... Also the difficulties are named after fucking ponies.

>> No.1347979

But the gameplay

That's where it shines

>> No.1347983
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It's just kinda hard to enjoy it when it looks like this

>> No.1347984 [DELETED] 


Some nigger is constantly promoting Lethal Enforcers for the sake of being "ironic".
It's actually really shitty.

>> No.1347985

switch to 4:3

>> No.1347996


I beg to differ, weapon animations are wonky, and 80% of the enemies are hitscanners.

>> No.1347998

Play a map without hitscanners?

>> No.1348001


Okay that and all melee weapons are useless, the amount of pistol ammo you get is pitiful for how much of a bullet sponge enemies are, and I don't have any other maps right now.

>> No.1348005

works good in plutonia

>> No.1348027
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...wow. You know I've said before I got brain problems but this one takes the cake: here I thought I was doing something wrong with the code to give me ammo, and it turns out I made a typo when using a_giveinventory.

I'm just going to go sit in the corner and think about how retarded me am.

>> No.1348036

"Enemy marines"

...are you talking about the zombies? Are you seriously confused about monster infighting?

Doom has infighting. If monsters accidentally hit each other, they will fight each other instead of you. Some later maps are even designed specifically for this.

>> No.1348042

I don't see what's so good about Lethal Enforcers. I mean sure it's better than brutal doom, but so are a ton of other mods. LE honestly just seems like a more clusterfucky version of FKER with extremely odd weapons.

>> No.1348046

i think it's just for the challenge it gives

>> No.1348048

Honestly it wasn't that hard once you get the machinegun, but then again I was just doing E1

>> No.1348059


>> No.1348062

Yeah that'd make more sense.

>> No.1348064

I gave it a go and it's pretty awful.

>> No.1348068

oh it's deleted
basically lethal enforcers is really shitty and a jackass is only promoting it to be ironic

* torridGristle hypes Lethal Enforces
a1337spy: you're having fun doing that aren't you?

>> No.1348071

>difficulties are named after fucking ponies
This is when I realized I'd been tricked.

>> No.1348078

>This post was made by Tomicapo who is currently on your ignore list.


>> No.1348079

How is it better than Brutal Doom? I am not a huge fanboy or anything, but I am not blind. Lethal Enforces sucks dick, you obviously hate Brutal Doom for everything except its gameplay.

>> No.1348084

Well, it's not like they look zoombish.

>> No.1348086


Weirdly it's only for one character. I don't like this mod, at all. Every character's signature melee weapon is a pile of crap.

>> No.1348087

Personally I was at least having fun with LE. Maybe that's just because I'd never played it before.

>> No.1348094


>> No.1348109

Seems reasonable enough.

>> No.1348124

after playing SF2012 with MSX,the only time i ever had a problem was in Map 27,fucking lagfest i had to skip to the next map and its a total shame because Map 27[Aside of having cool music] is the best imo
So here is some advice,dont play Slaughtermaps if you have a toaster

>> No.1348173

Zharkov goes to the store, DOOM RL Armory.

>> No.1348178


>> No.1348195

after ENDLESS amounts of work, we FINALLY got the samsara addons working for 0.3!



>> No.1348205


They're not his work, it's not his job to update them.

>> No.1348204


awesome! they've been out of date for a while

I wonder though why doesnt term just update the addons as he updates the main project, seems like it would be easier for everyone

>> No.1348212

I recently got a new hard disk because my ex downloaded a bunch of stupid shit and infected my old one with a virus. I've lost all my WADs and I'm having to start over from scratch. I'm looking for one in particular but I can't remember the name of it. I think it had a k in it somewhere. It was a gameplay wad that added in a bunch of new monsters that were just reskins of existing ones and it added a ton of new weapons.

>> No.1348216
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>> No.1348219

Does IP freely still use a different HUD? Shame if so. Really breaks the cohesion of the mod for me.

Still cool overall.

>> No.1348226

Script error, "samsaraaddonsv2.3_ctje.pk3:decorate/bstone/pistol.txt" line 3:
Unexpected '1899' in definition of 'Auto Charge Pistol'


>> No.1348229

I'm happy to announce another new version of GMOTA, here's some of the new changes:

Ruby Wand tweaked further, charging the altfire lets you fire the swirlshot, which also now pulls enemies towards it.

Ruby wand now generates ammo for the third weapon, which I have yet to give it a proper name yet, but to get more ammo for slot 3, either just hold the Ruby wand or shoot monsters with it.

Introducing the slot 3 weapon, it fires off spiked balls that'll give you a little HP back when you shoot monsters with it, primary fire also fires off a MASSIVE ball that can scatter monsters.


Make sure to try out the new weapon!

>> No.1348238

Nevermind, finally remembered that it's called FKER.

>> No.1348241

Nevermind. Didn't want to work with the pk7 of Samsara is all.

>> No.1348251

They literally have blood coming out of their fucking mouths, anon. Jesus Christ, have you even read the lore? You sound like you've played the game twice in your entire life; probably only with Brutal Doom.

>> No.1348293

Even Brutal Doom has the zombies looking like zombies.

Especially when you grab them.

>> No.1348334


>> No.1348337
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....why not v0.31beta?

>> No.1348356
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Because Caleb refuses to be associated with samsara_cl_bloodyhell -1

>> No.1348360
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Come on, the sooner, the better

>> No.1348363




>> No.1348370

The combined edginess of all the buttblasted caleb fans, obviously.

>> No.1348371
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at least someone downloaded it.

Really though the changes to the wand are serious, as is the slot 3 weapon, it's going to shoot faster and not be Duke-ified though

>> No.1348372

what's your favorite custom monster that is only available in the ZDoom forums, and why?

>> No.1348375

good joke anon

>> No.1348379


not him, but there's quite a bunch that aren't for download in Realm667

>> No.1348381

i can't think of anything anon

except stuff that's a part of a mod and not a standalone monster like the bestiary on realm667

>> No.1348385

I downloaded it too. The grappling hook sometimes overshoots people when pulling them from ledges. Missing just over their heads.

Otherwise I like the sword grapple combo, and the wand is okay. Secondary is a little weak though

>> No.1348387


>I wonder though why doesnt term just update the addons

Is this post some kind of joke?


>[00:19] <+TerminusEst13> Considering how much they begged me to know what to do next over the span of almost a full week, I practically did update it.
>[00:19] <+TerminusEst13> And now they're saying "we" finally got it working?

I think we're going to need some names

>> No.1348391

Names for what purpose?

>> No.1348394


I can't do anything with the hook yanking targets overhead.

However the wand is stronger than you might think, anything knocked away with the force wave will take impact damage when they hit ANYTHING, and the charged shot does the same thing but in reverse, I've had monsters on the other side of walls die because they get pulled towards the shot and take rapid impact damage against the wall.

>> No.1348476
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>Play some vanilla D2 coop
>Make my way to some cells to charge BFG
>Ally shoots me off cliff
I swear to god bf, if you do that again I'm punching you in the face, I HAD A FUCKING PLAN FOR THAT MAP

>> No.1348479

For a moment I was confused about why are you tallking about Diablo 2 in a Doom thread and why does your Diablo 2 have a BFG.

>> No.1348481 [DELETED] 

i've got this bump on the back of my scrotum around where it merged with my taint

anyone else have it because if i touch it the bump feels sore

>> No.1348485

Something tells me /doom/ isn't the place to go for medical advice, unless you want to know how many bullets it takes to kill someone.

It's roughly 20, by the way.

>> No.1348507
File: 24 KB, 250x250, sandy petersen sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1348512

you sure convinced me with that hot opinion

why don't you go tell him instead of us? it's not like i worked on Doom

>> No.1348519

Which maps did he do?

>> No.1348527

WOW I BET YOU WERE FUCKING NOT EVEN BORN YET WHEN DOOM CAME OUT TO HOLD SUCH a reasonable opinion that, although I don't agree with entirely, I can understand since he was certainly the least strong mapper out of the bunch and his maps did seem to lose quality from E2 to D2.

>> No.1348548

If Dead Simple is one of my favorite Doom levels, what does it say about me? Am I a simpleton?

>> No.1348551

I think it's one of the better levels in Doom 2 actually. It's a unique level, a kind of pseudo-boss fight with two phases.

>> No.1348562
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So, does anyone know why this is happening or how to make it stop?

>> No.1348569



Go play it in GZDoom instead

>> No.1348578

>Petersen joined id Software about 10 weeks before the December 1993 release of Doom and in that time created 19 levels for it
Could this perhaps be the reason?

>> No.1348585

exactly as I was saying
you can download a glshader which emulates the fuzz, which works nicely in gzdoom
by the way, the fuzz is a software thing, so you can play the (g)zdoom ports in software and they'll have the fuzz effect, in opengl mode they'll have to be some form of alpha transparency

>> No.1348658

Okay guys, uh, what color is this? I'm trying to aim for a white-ish color for the flames and I'm kinda colorblind.

>> No.1348664
File: 2 KB, 64x52, What color is this exactly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh gee thanks upload system. HERE

>> No.1348669

So that's like, more than 1/4th of a level per day on average? Not bad!

>> No.1348682

Looks like turquoise

>> No.1348684


Damn it, being color blind is a bitch. I might need to ask someone else to recolor these flames to a more white coloration later. Right now I'm just testing my mod and seeing how it fares so far by going through the first episode of Doom on Ultra-Violence.

>> No.1348719


well after playing through the first episode I can say this much is planned:

speed up firing rate of ruby wand's primary, lessen the damage but make it shoot out faster to compensate

speed up ruby wand's altfire charge time and actual attack animation

and remove that wind up for the spike staff's primary, other than that, fuck it's so satisfying killing shit with the sword.

>> No.1348720
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>> No.1348721


you're looking pretty doomed there pal

>> No.1348725

I'm playing Classic Episode 2: Singularity Complex (Cacoward 2006) and I'm loving it. Classic, great level design, great gameplay, excellent use of secrets

>> No.1348727

So I was playing Planetside 2 earlier and I realized something.

Doom doesn't have any good automatic shotguns or semi-automatic shotguns in any of it's mods that I'm aware of.
This includes Project MSX because that shotgun is very feeble despite a wonderful reload animation. It's held back by the sound effects and low stopping power.

Are there any mods with a good automatic shotgun?

>> No.1348737

Alright, this time the spike staff actually behaves like it's supposed to without yelling out Duke Nukem quotes. The Ruby wand fires faster and the altfire charge attack charges faster.

The sword is still amazing.


please let me know what you guys think.

>> No.1348738

Whatever happened to that Perfect Dark-esque WAD? I don't even remember what it's called.

>> No.1348740
File: 6 KB, 426x282, side1-wip7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I got my first alien concept down for Forsaken Planet - You'll probably be seeing a good few of these creatures in and near the ventilation systems.

Edited this sucker out of an Alien Breed 3D monster and an In Extremis monster along with a bit of hand-done drawing - which was interesting since the AB3D monster looked kinda retarded and the In Extremis monsters only have front angles.

>> No.1348742
File: 915 KB, 476x253, octonope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You'll probably be seeing a good few of these creatures in and near the ventilation systems.

Fuck you buddy

>> No.1348754

For the record, don't worry too much about having any massive vent mazes or anything - I've played enough Robert Ritenour wads to know that shit like that isn't fun.

You'll still be going in and out of vents for shorter segments to get into blocked off areas though, and these guys will sometimes break out of the vents to ambush you in the corridors.

>> No.1348760
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Oh I'm just saying nope for those assholes coming out to ambush you. Panic firing will ensue.

I still jump from surprise lost souls and pinkies biting my ass

>> No.1348761

Wow, I checked out "Forbidden Planet" and it looks pretty cool. Is there some rough release date I should look forward to?

>> No.1348767

Haha yeah, I figured as much - just thought I'd clarify anyways so people don't get the wrong idea.

Thanks! A bit early to have any rough release date at the moment - most of the map stuff I have down at the moment is just the first few rooms/halls in order to set an atmosphere/setting for me to work with - I'm mostly spending some more time acquiring and creating texture + graphics resources so that I have more to work with before i continue mapping.

>> No.1348775

anyone else thing Threshold of Pain was a really cool and good map?

>> No.1348778

what's the console command for turning off monsters? I've forgotten it

>> No.1348780

>Threshold of Pain
>Doom 64 sounds

Will somebody PLEASE fix the clipping

>> No.1348781

>Doom 64 sounds
PlayStation DOOM was before 64 so...
The clipping is an issue on the PlayStation, though -- half of enemies was kinda weird, and then there was the glitch where lost souls would go out the map...

>> No.1348782


Turning off? You could always type in notarget to have them ignore you until you attack one of them

or you could type in "kill monsters" and laugh as they get gibbed

>> No.1348785

I know of those, but there's a command to turn monsters off for a session to look at some of the maps that don't work in (gz)doombuilder

>> No.1348821


>> No.1348829


>> No.1348883
File: 206 KB, 576x432, PenguinOfDoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Play with Samsara (v0.31, beta) only.

>> No.1349001

it's a classic, I am a sucker for it because I love punching demons.

>> No.1349057

I'd suggest you to swap book's and frosty sword's slots and buff sword a little bit. Homing pike axes are fun as heck. Player vs Revenant duels became even more funny than before.
Also some sprites cut off in an ugly way, e.g. shortsword while moving with bobbing turned on

>> No.1349065

In Zdoom when you pickup berserk, your fist is still in berserk mode for the entire length of the map even after the screen switches back from red to normal.

Is that a glitch or is was it like this in the original game too? I remember this being like this in zdoom for QUITE a long time.

>> No.1349071

That's how it always was.

>> No.1349073

It was always like that.
It happened in vanilla too.

>> No.1349078
File: 116 KB, 800x388, N²O.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucks that Witchaven sprites do not support Wdescreen. Sorry

>> No.1349082

They're fucking ugly though.

>> No.1349103

Why not name colours on your swatches / palette? Perhaps rotate the hue so the colours you'll be using that you can't see will be pushed into a range you can see and differentiate between?

>> No.1349105


>* Instakill weapon is missing.

0/10 shit addon, no big surprise anyway

>> No.1349120

>[09:56] *** Jesh (~Jesh@Jesh.users.zandronum.com) joined
>[09:56] <Jesh> .killmine
>[09:56] <+BestBot> Killed 1 server(s) (15132)
>[09:56] *** Jesh (~Jesh@Jesh.users.zandronum.com) left ("Doomseeker End Of Line")


>> No.1349131


I think the reason may be that balancing a semi-auto (or full) is difficult. They either turn out too weak or too strong.

>> No.1349140

Here's a list I totally didn't copy from the doom wikia.
E1M8: Phobos Anomaly (with Tom Hall)
E2M1: Deimos Anomaly (with Tom Hall)
E2M2: Containment Area (with Tom Hall)
E2M3: Refinery (with Tom Hall)
E2M4: Deimos Lab (with Tom Hall)
E2M5: Command Center
E2M6: Halls of the Damned
E2M7: Spawning Vats (with Tom Hall)
E2M8: Tower of Babel
E2M9: Fortress of Mystery
E3M1: Hell Keep
E3M2: Slough of Despair
E3M3: Pandemonium (with Tom Hall)
E3M4: House of Pain
E3M5: Unholy Cathedral
E3M6: Mt. Erebus
E3M7: Limbo (with Tom Hall)
E3M8: Dis
E3M9: Warrens
Doom II
MAP01: Entryway
MAP07: Dead Simple (with American McGee)
MAP08: Tricks and Traps
MAP09: The Pit
MAP10: Refueling Base (with Tom Hall)
MAP12: The Factory
MAP13: Downtown
MAP16: Suburbs
MAP18: The Courtyard
MAP19: The Citadel
MAP21: Nirvana
MAP23: Barrels o' Fun
MAP24: The Chasm
MAP27: Monster Condo
MAP28: The Spirit World
MAP30: Icon of Sin
MAP31: Wolfenstein
MAP32: Grosse
Only ones I think that are awful are the city levels in Doom II and some levels in Episode 3. But it is a real noticeable downgrade in quality when you play one of his levels vs one of Romero's levels

>> No.1349148

>E3M2: Slough of Despair
This was one of my favorites in Doom. Low on ammo, lots of monsters and secrets, cool map. Like that it looks like a hand, too.

>> No.1349154

>E2M6: Halls of the Damned
wrong, that's tom's map
it was even said so, he made the map and it was supposed to be included in the first episode

>> No.1349165
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>doom wikia

excuse me, which kind of wikia?

>> No.1349163

It even says Peterson did it on Romero's website dude

>> No.1349167

nope, I saw an interview and it was there

>> No.1349170
File: 13 KB, 640x172, auto5-sbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WW-Nazis had a Browning Auto-5, which was pretty neat.
Held five rounds of 12-gauge.

>> No.1349173

Hmm who should I trust? John Romero... or some guy on 4chan who says he heard that Hall did it in some interview?

>> No.1349174
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>took two people to make Dead Simple

>> No.1349178

>John Romero

That guy who promised that Daikatana would be the best game ever made?

>> No.1349180

john romero was the guy who said it in the interview I saw

>> No.1349183 [DELETED] 
File: 270 KB, 768x1024, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw John Romero fucks her on a regular basis

>> No.1349184

Oooh boy, this would surely be helpful for those who want to get rid of their OCD with Doom


Wasn't someone discussing a similar idea the past thread?

>> No.1349206


>> No.1349256

I was watching some videos on Youtube and somehow this popped on my recommended playlist.

It looks good, but it's extremely lackluster. At least it's a step on the right direction for me.
Do you guys know where I can find more interesting Icon of Sin fights, like the one in Plutonia 2?

>> No.1349259


The one in Hellbound comes to my mind

Also this map


>> No.1349319

What is a pipeline, anyway?

>> No.1349339

To design or execute (a computer or instruction) using the technique of pipelining.

And pipelining is a form of computer organization in which successive steps of an instruction sequence are executed in turn by a sequence of modules able to operate concurrently, so that another instruction can be begun before the previous one is finished.

So I think you're implying that Romero checked it over and fixed a few parts.

>> No.1349349
File: 376 KB, 1280x1920, thatcan&#039;tbegood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a gzDoom screenshot.

This is another example. Also a gzDoom screenshot. It's very dark, but if you look closely, the window is transparent in the upper picture (with "shaders for lights" turned off), but opaque in the lower picture (with shaders on). It should not be opaque.

Same thing happens in Zandronum. I just updated my graphics drivers, and it changed nothing. Doom in OGL is the only game that gives me trouble.

Where should I be asking this question?

>> No.1349350


>> No.1349354 [DELETED] 

Enough with the doom threads faggit.

>> No.1349357 [DELETED] 


>> No.1349362 [DELETED] 

Sage sage sage



>> No.1349373

Well, now I know why I always liked e1 more than everything else.

>> No.1349374


The problem is that the Icon of Sin just isn't really a boss that's kept up with the times. Freelooking alone dominates him, not to mention his entire thing is that he doesn't attack--he just summons other monsters that attack for him. Hell, he's just a wall texture, if anything.

If there's any monster that needs a dramatic revamp, it's him.

>> No.1349398
File: 154 KB, 481x362, 1390163936098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ah yeah, sure; from a wall texture to a moving cardboad

>> No.1349412

Are there any Doom source ports that add portal functionality? Like the kind seen in the Build engine?

I think Doom 64 also had portals, but I'm not sure.

>> No.1349439




>> No.1349442



>> No.1349454

OpenGL settings
Force Additive Lighting - Off

>> No.1349461


>> No.1349464
File: 24 KB, 500x372, abstract kind of hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>E2 largely designed by Tom and Sandy
Huh, that must be why I like E2 so much.

>> No.1349465


goddamit torrid

>> No.1349525


>> No.1349539

but the exact opposite is true, anon. one day you will see the light and become a connoisseur of good levels.

>> No.1349542

but gz doom has that awful filter

>> No.1349551

You can turn off the filters.

>> No.1349554


>> No.1349563

Display Options > OpenGL options > Texture Options

>> No.1349597

I just shoot them, anon, I don't go throught a fucking inspection.

>> No.1349612

Why would you be fighting marines and demons? They sound like zombies too.

Just. What.

>> No.1349625
File: 13 KB, 400x399, 1367823716141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be great if you guys could tell me if any weapon should be buffed or nerfed (because non-coop reasons)

>> No.1349629

You don't have to inspect them, it's really obvious, I mean the have red eyes and they're covered in blood.

>> No.1349631



go away

>> No.1349637
File: 56 KB, 480x319, 1383852046548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brutal Doom (2 actually).
Love the double-barrel. I use it over everything else, unless it's a cyber/mastermind then I tend to use plasma/rockets.
Even vanilla Doom is great. Why is this game so good?

>> No.1349643

Agreed on the double-barrel. Godly weapon. Especially once I discovered you can shoot one barrel at a time.

>> No.1349652

Tom laid out the basic layouts for most of the E2 maps, and when he got fired Sandy turned them into playable maps.

>> No.1349671

But the best part of it is completely obliterating monsters with it in point blank.

>> No.1349681

>Especially once I discovered you can shoot one barrel at a time


not without mods, anyway

>> No.1349683

Brutal Doom.

>> No.1349695



yeah...I thought so.

>> No.1349727

And many other mods.

Really, it's awfully handy, because having two shots ready at the spot, being able to either split them, or fire them in one salvo, can be really damn handy.

>> No.1349734

I only discovered this today and I've been playing Doom a good few years
Funny you should mention it

>> No.1349741

Force Additive Lighting was off in all of my previous screenshots.

This is happening in both gzDoom and Zandronum; I've tried getting older versions, too. It's not WAD-specific, either. I get the same transparency issues in Boom maps and even DOOM.WAD. My friend's PC has the exact same transparency glitches, too.

Sorry if you guys hate tech help questions, but know that I wouldn't have asked if I hadn't already googled the hell out of it.

>> No.1349782
File: 2 KB, 122x122, 575675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1349795

>yeah...I thought so.
Glob, shut the fuck up. This bandwagon Brutal Doom hate is really getting annoying. I don't even play BD but come on.

>> No.1349797

Did you just say "Glob", like from Adventure Time? I like AT and all... But it sounds kinda awkward to say it outside the context of the show.

Anyways, I agree, the BD hate is getting kinda annoying, I don't really play it anymore either since there's better stuff out there, but it's like you can't talk about it here without being shit on.

>> No.1349812


but i actually like brutal doom, but i got tired of talking about it anyway. nice going assuming a lot of stuff.

>> No.1349820

Favorite shotguns in Doom and it's mods?

>> No.1349842 [SPOILER] 
File: 175 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_INDUSTRIAL_TECHWARE_DOOM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1349846


>> No.1349847
File: 2.92 MB, 320x240, 1388745861628.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one in TSP, from what I've seen of it.

Multiple ammo types and lightning looks sweet.

>> No.1349851

I got a question regarding modding, do WADS share the same textures or what? Like, if I install something to improve DOOMs textures, would it improve also any other wad that uses it or each WAD comes with its own?

>> No.1349853

>TSP will never come out in your life time
Sad Doomguy.jpg

>> No.1349862

You think a damage free run of Episode One would be possible? Has anyone tried to do it before?

>> No.1349863
File: 2.47 MB, 320x240, 1389067829250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a shame too

>> No.1349864
File: 2.69 MB, 320x240, 1388956952004.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1349865

DoomRL Arsenal Nano Super Shotgun
>infinite ammo
>sweet firing sound
>fires so fast it stunlocks archviles
>assembly only uses 3 mod packs
The only flaw is that it uses the shitty KDIZD sprites.

>> No.1349867

I really dig the Autoshotgun in FKER. The nail shotgun in Project MSX is fucking god like though.

>> No.1349868


and that's one of many reasons that he gets hate.

>> No.1349885

>bandwagon Brutal Doom hate
is it bandwagoning if people hate it not because everyone else hates it

i don't like it because it's torture porn in pixel format, the fans are stupid, it's overrated, the author gets too much attention, the author is shit, people think that mark made everything, i'm sick of seeing mods of brutal doom

websites related to doom are oversaturated with brutal doom

it is the doge of mods and i want it to stop

>> No.1349893

Planning on dying some time soon?

>> No.1349895

Not really but exaggerating for laughs.

>> No.1349898

not him but i was pretty sure i was going to kill myself before the release

i'm not around guns anymore though so i should live to see it

>> No.1349903

I m-made a map guys
I have very little experience with making doom maps, what could be done to improve it etc?

>> No.1349904
File: 8 KB, 576x290, 1378779597023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1349905
File: 32 KB, 500x500, dogue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Granted, I'm no big fan of Brutal Doom either, but it's not
*PURE* awful,

>> No.1349907

You don't even play any games "HAY GUISE I WANNA PLAY HEXEN" then given IP and doesn't show up for fear of being owned.

>> No.1349908

doge was fun at first but seeing it everywhere and used in terrible shit by stupid people made it unenjoyable

it is exactly the same response i had to doge

>> No.1349915

>doge was fun at first but seeing it everywhere and used in terrible shit by stupid people made it unenjoyable

That's applicable to any meme. Nyan cat, fedoras, feels, all ruined now.

>> No.1349917

1: Less squares all around. The square is nature's most boring shape. See if you can fiddle around with other shapes, tweak rooms for more interesting formats.
2: Texture alignment. You've got several textures right next to each other with different varying heights, which stand out like a sore thumb.
3: Actor placement. You've got some enemies and items stuck in the walls.
4: Much fewer droves of hitscanners.
5: please please please include another tune to replace d_runnin that song drives me insane

>> No.1349925

i haven't been overwhelmed by the feels revival just yet so it's still good

these memes are still good:

can't stop here this is bat country, gee bill two wieners, breathing manually, cat on keyboard in space, skrillex, look at the time, put yourself in my shoes, get out im piss, cockmongler, dancing baby, but i poop from there, triforce, mods are asleep, filename extensions, numa, haha oh wow, internet toughguy, incorrect meme names, DUN DUN, george zimmer, pwned, burst into treats, facade, filthy casual, xbox hueg, gg, thread simulator, that fucking cat, dreamworks face, series of tubes, rev up those friers, ps3 has no games, >implying, today i will listen to some x, chocolate rain, cool dog, sanic, (´・ω・`), [noise subtitles], it's not lupus, crazy frog brothers, brodyquest, top gun hat, mcnuggies, shoe on head, fedora shaming, i has a bucket, vtec just kicked in yo, girugamesh, gi joe psa dubs, card crusher, nyoro~n, rtfm, law for kids comics, nedm, what's going on in this thread, x is love, 1337, omgwtfbbq, lurk moar, boom headshot, duckroll, goggles do nothing, multi-track drifting, 2deep4u, additional pylons, isn't even my final form, half life 3, how do i shot web, exploding knees, C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER, pingas, this is sparta, 420 blaze it, fresh prince, shit was so cash, mr bones wild ride, brushie, spaghetti, checkmate atheists, brofist, told you about stairs / sbahj, robot unicorn attack, twinkie house / habeeb it, millhouse is not a meme, gotta go fast, peanut butter jelly time, keyboard cat, why don't you take a seat over there, what is love, inb4, how about i slap ur shit

>> No.1349927

Feels were NEVER alright.

>> No.1349929 [DELETED] 

green and purple / daily dose, babby, trollface, FUUUUUUUUUUUUU, shitty JPEGs, do a barrel roll, dogola, lenny face, jimmies, yo dawg, sad keanu, boxxy, inglip / captcha comics, fucking magnets, i accidentally the whole thing, my body is ready, delete system32, O RLY, CSI / YEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAH comics, mudkips, fsjal, tl;dr, u jelly, rickroll, nope.avi, longcat, goatse, QWOP, 7 proxies, this looks shopped, meatspin, feels good man, dickbutt, puddi, protip, fingerboxes, the game, mfw

>> No.1349931

>Script error, "samsaraaddonsv2.3_ctje.pk3:sbarinfo" line 12:
>Bad syntax.
What do I need to do?

>> No.1349935

Reminder: Report and ignore offtopic posters

>> No.1349937


Don't play it on ZDoom.

>> No.1349940


you should stop playing an outdated addon which Terminus got forced to mantain and fix and later was claimed as being a collective work

>> No.1349950

Thanks anon, I'm going to work on getting all the textures aligned and stuff I just wanted feedback on the design more than anything
I know I used quite a lot of hitscanners but they weren't too bad to deal with were they? Would it be better to replace some of them with Imps?

>> No.1349952

boo hoo
I'm crying tears of sorrow

maybe if he had made them official and updated them himself this wouldn't have happened

>> No.1349958

maybe if caleb babbies hadn't sent him death threats he might've considered it

good going you edgy turbofaggots

>> No.1349964

>taking anything said on the internet seriously
>having this thin of a skin

>> No.1349967
File: 534 KB, 1366x768, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boot ZDL
>Remember I still have doomtra08f
was this ever finished, guys?
shit I forgot how fun this was and I strayed away from /doom/ for like half a year

>> No.1349971


Nope. Never finished.

>> No.1349978


There's pretty much nothing to be tweaked, so it kinda could be considered "finished".

What we need now are maps

>> No.1349980

>this mod author won't add the character i want to his mod
>i should come up with some convincing, reasonable arguments providing solid proof that this character would be a good addition to the mod
>wait no that's not edgy enough
>let's send him death threats instead
>this will surely be more effective

>> No.1349986

Wait, people literally sent him death threats?

>> No.1350013


>> No.1350018
File: 46 KB, 825x347, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1350020

I am having hhard time believing those are sincere.
Then again, I've seen some shit.

>> No.1350032


HABEEB IT. But in all seriousness man, it's real.

>> No.1350035

>I am having hhard time believing those are sincere.

a quick google search can verify half of those posts

unless you mean "the people genuinely meant it and weren't just trying to be overly dramatic"

>> No.1350038

>unless you mean "the people genuinely meant it and weren't just trying to be overly dramatic"
Yeah, that's what I meant. How do you even fuck up the grammar so badly, unless you're doing it on purpose? I mean they could be kids, but do kids today even play Blood? It's a bitch to run.

>> No.1350039

Yet they're still everywhere.

And to be Doom related, even Doomguy has been edited with a feels face. nothing is sacred etc

>> No.1350042

this guy is getting harassed and you flock to the defense of these shitnerds sending him rape and murder threats

>> No.1350045

>but do kids today even play Blood? It's a bitch to run.
Well, it is on GOG, so they could easily play it with that probably. There's probably other "pre-setup" versions out there too.

>> No.1350047
File: 33 KB, 600x400, 1390179334116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Blood is actually one of the most popular FPSes today, it's a real cult classic. And lots of kids are probably attracted to all the blood and gore and edgy protagonist.

Whether or not people are faking it, though? Well, maybe. Maybe they think if they're XTREEM enough they'll be remembered in some way or whatever.
But I'm not having a hard time believing it.

>> No.1350048

>real cult classic

>> No.1350073


They sent him pictures of his house in google maps streetview and threatened to kill his dog

>> No.1350083

Better do a real run with MSX

These graphics are pretty blegh but maybe it's fun

>> No.1350104

any good gameplay mods that encourage caution?

Preferably without going to the ridiculous extreme that Hideous Destructor does?

>> No.1350131
File: 160 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_kansamse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1350152

<+The2008Lions> terminus did they really send you google maps picturs of your house
<+TerminusEst13> Nope.
quit making shit up you fucking white knight dumbass

>> No.1350153


>> No.1350184
File: 52 KB, 1366x768, 1390183168499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1350210


Pretty fun

>> No.1350272
File: 89 KB, 1366x768, tricked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1350271
File: 162 KB, 410x413, 1341451473214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that menu background


>> No.1350273

Oh shit.

>> No.1350316


MSX Nail Shotgun hands down. Unfortunately MSX isn't really my cup of tea so I guess the second best thing would be Accessories Pump-Action Shotgun.

>> No.1350338

The Accessories to Murder shotgun is really fucking satisfying.

>> No.1350342
File: 194 KB, 1152x864, Dark - 32 Over 32 Cap 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1350345
File: 219 KB, 1152x864, Dark -32 Over 32 Cap 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1350347
File: 174 KB, 1152x864, Dark - 32 over 32 Cap 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1350351

Brutal Doom on "A Man and a Half" difficulty.

>> No.1350364
File: 252 KB, 1152x864, Dark - 32 over 32 Cap 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1350368 [DELETED] 


>> No.1350372


and I thought I was colorblind.

>> No.1350374

Of course he'd say that; he's afraid they'll kill his dog. They have the dog hostage and threatened to kill it unless he updated the Caleb addon. They stole the dog from the vet, which is also where they got his address from. They backtraced the dog's location from his facebook pictures of the dog after hacking the HSUS's database and matching identifying marks to find out who adopted the dog. He is dealing with high level criminals that know what they are doing. Terminus is a very brave soul.

Caleb is only liked by edgy manchildren and anyone who likes Blood in 2014 should be put down like a rabid dog. They're all fucking dog-kidnapping criminal psychopaths. Seriously go look at the FBI's crime statistics online, it's fucking ridiculous that like 85% of all violent crime is perpetrated by Caleb fans.

>> No.1350387
File: 406 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_Utopia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1350393
File: 77 KB, 1366x768, 1315250392722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love you.

>> No.1350396

>Accessories Pump-Action Shotgun


>> No.1350409

So I've been doing some thinking: For those of you that have played magic sword, you know how if you don't attack for a few moments that meter charges up, and when you attack you fire off a blast of energy with a hearty "BROYAUGH"?

I might be able to do that with the sword in my mod, what would you guys say to that?

>> No.1350415

It sounds kind of mandatory for a mod like that.
It would also give the starting weapon more power against larger crowds.

What are you testing the mod with exactly?
Knee Deep in the Dead?
Doom 2?
Thy Flesh Consumed?

>> No.1350421


Been bouncing between Knee deep in the dead and a few stages of Doom 2. I want my weapon set to be capable of handling anything that can be thrown at it.

It'd probably be a little trickier to get working, but if I can I also want that attack to charge faster when you're at lower HP so if you're at... say 30 HP and for some reason you don't want to use the spikestaff to heal, you could unleash an endless barrage of short-range piercing sword blasts and constantly BROYAUGH at monsters.

Because that's fucking cool.

>> No.1350440

Personally I test weapon mods on the more challenging levels out there.

Gives an idea of where your weapons would stack up.
E4M2 is a good level in that regard.

>> No.1350446
File: 9 KB, 184x172, uhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Uhhh... Is there an easy way to warp to stages? I've never really used those warp commands/cheats before, I only know of nextmap,

>> No.1350447

IDCLEV (Episode Number, Map number) for Doom 1
IDCLEV 1-32 for everything else.

>> No.1350449


as in, "map e1m2", "map map02", etc.

>> No.1350452


Thanks guys, doing E4M2 right now and my weapons are kicking ass. the lobbing bouncy shots of the spike staff are great for shitting fury down on faggots, and the Ruby wand is good for taking potshots at cacodemons.

>> No.1350462

Remember to try out E4M6 and E4M8.

And all of Plutonia

>> No.1350465
File: 37 KB, 400x400, 1390190896035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>all of plutonia
>all of plutonia

>> No.1350470 [SPOILER] 
File: 295 KB, 1917x882, 1390189400873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love, /v/

>> No.1350472

If you can handled Thy Flesh Consumed you can handle Plutonia.

>> No.1350473
File: 69 KB, 640x360, arthur and doomguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Doomguy looks like he has boobs.

I still wish I could find the guy who drew this so he can scan it though

>> No.1350478

Respek knuckles

>> No.1350660

Fuck, I seem to have hit a snag.

I still don't know what the actual weapon will be for my slot 4 weapon. Like I already know this weapon will be the strongest, and the alt fire is going to fire a piercing railgun like beam. But I don't know what the weapon itself should be.

I WAS going to use the flaming version of the quietus but I can't because of the way the non-flaming version is animated, it'd look inconsistent I used only the four frames of animation, and if I used the same animation of BURL_TUMD sword, it'd look like shit as the flames would be static during the animation.

I'm thinking maybe instead the sword's blade color could change and give it a neat looking glowy outline. Make it look like the sword's changed into something out of energy,

>> No.1350686

Straight up energy sword?

>> No.1350689
File: 39 KB, 607x198, PIWG79I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


okay seeing as I have little artistic skill I'm having a friend see what he can do.

Would you guys consider this okay for a slot 4 weapon?


I thought about that too. but this is what we got thus far, of course it'll be in the armored hands of Baratus once I get started

>> No.1350690


>> No.1350692

I'd be fine with some Doomguy hands too for all the weapons.

That could even have some sort of 40K hands too.
Looks like a Power Sword and I love it.

>> No.1350697


we're going with this then


I'm a stickler for consistency. and the non-powered version of the sword is already in the hands of Baratus. It's not hard to edit the blade into his hand.

Besides there's only 4 weapons, they fucking better be all consistent and good looking.

>> No.1350710

I'd be all for a Doomguy hands version of the mod, but I'm sure that there is not Doomguy equivalent of Baratus hands.

>> No.1350715


actually I remember seeing a big meaty fist that looks just like Baratus' just with Doomguy's gloves.

Have you tried my mod yet to see how the current non-powered sword looks?

>> No.1350723
File: 284 KB, 1400x875, anim035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bfg in the press release beta kicks the shit out of the final version! it spits 40 shots of plasma at once its too sweet

>> No.1350725

Need a link.

>> No.1350730


If memory serves right they changed it to what we have now because back then that strained the hell out of shitty computers.


Here you go >>1348737

>> No.1350734
File: 96 KB, 800x600, 1390198886523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it obvious enough that the pipes without the black band in the pic are going up before connecting to the other pipe above the ceiling somewhere or should I pare it down to just one pipe? Also how does that sloping on the going up into the ceiling pipe look?

>> No.1350739
File: 20 KB, 875x651, AxIkNhe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my friend just showed me this for the powered up sword's idle animation

Think it looks good? I like it

>> No.1350748

i could totally see that bringing a 386 to its knees it was spewing sprites like mad,

>> No.1350760

The non powered sword looks fine.

My only complaint would be that the sword slash sound when hitting monsters comes out multiple times for each hit.

So it's like Brrrrrrrrslash.

Not quite sure how weapon 3 ammunition works either but it's pretty good for altfire.

Red wand is pretty nice.

>> No.1350764

Looks fine.

>> No.1350767

Really low quality compared to everything else.

>> No.1350772


yeah, that's the way the BURL_TUMD sword is designed, it strikes multiple times per slash.

Slot 3's ammo works off the Red Wand, shoot shit with it or just hold it and you'll get ammo for Slot 3.


I would have personally preferred a more outward pulsate, but I can't art at all so I'm going with what my friend makes me.

>> No.1350782
File: 151 KB, 800x942, this part.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For reference I'm asking about this circled portion here, on both sides. Second part is what I'm intending it to convey.

>> No.1350792

I'd move the end a bit further away from the pipes running straight down the hall, right now the end blends with the other pipes and it's a bit hard to see the detail.

>> No.1350797

Will give it a shot. Do you think it would work better if I had it slope up into the ceiling at a less sharp angle as well?

>> No.1350806

I'd have to see it to form an opinion.

>> No.1350827

It looks like I can't arrange the plane aligns in such a way to make a compound slope. Should I just have both of them attach to the pipe (even though that makes less sense actual structure wise)?

>> No.1350832

Reminds me of HL1, Questionable Ethics.

>> No.1350835

Yeah, it does. I didn't intend that but I guess it turned out that way. The main difference is that these are connected to people containers rather than monster containers.

>> No.1350837
File: 276 KB, 1000x750, 1390201809791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll do you one better m80

>> No.1350838

>trigger discipline

>> No.1350839

Doomguy doesn't need to understand trigger discipline.

>> No.1350840


Of all the people you could possibly think of, can you picture Doomguy having trigger discipline?

>> No.1350842

Doomguy has great trigger discipline.

He's always disciplining it by hitting it with his finger.

>> No.1350865
File: 1 KB, 250x140, JetpackZombie[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude has the most obnoxious death sound? Y/Y?

>> No.1350912

So I'm trying to figure out how the best way to go about doing this >>1350409 for all 6 states the Sword can be in depending on your current HP

I mean I get the general idea: Give the sword an invisible charging ammo supply, then use a_jumpto flags when firing to go to the animation where you fire off the sword beam. But can you add TWO flags to one instance? Like a jumpto if the player is below a set HP AND has required amount of sword energy?

Or maybe it'd be easier to raise the rate the sword's "ammo" charges when at low HP? If that's possible at all.

>> No.1350930

Jetpack Larry?

I love his kill message though

>> No.1350936
File: 438 KB, 1324x992, 1362378554799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah fuck wait I think I got it, I'll use flags to check to see if you have the required sword energy for all attack animations, and if you got enough, then it goes to a duplicate version of that attack, except with the addition of a projectile firing.

Shit man I guess I'm not so dumb after all

>> No.1350948


I think his death sound is nerfed on Reelism compared to the Realm667 version

>> No.1351010


Okay guys, I got the code all set up, just waiting on a friend for the sprites and GMOTA V0.6 BROYAUGH edition will be ready

Gonna start labeling them by version number now, shoulda done that to start with.

>> No.1351035


Uh, I meant V0.5, shit I'd best be careful not to get this all mixed up.

>> No.1351109

Okay, GMOTA V0.5 BROYAUGH edition is ready


New shit:
Sword now has a new, unique ammo supply, when fully charged you can BROYAUGH off a short ranged sword beam, uses less energy at lower HP, when at critical, endlessly BROYAUGH!

also made some minor tweaks to the ruby wand and how it generates ammo for the spike staff. Also added a new graphic for the forcewave

>> No.1351126

Plutonia is far harder isn't it?

>> No.1351128

only because of the overuse of archviles, chaingunners and revanants
but everything else is ez-pz

>> No.1351132
File: 24 KB, 146x120, 1368402270693.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The map pack is only hard because of overuse of the three most irritating and death-causing monsters in doom, but other than that yeah it's easy

Fuck archviles and fuck chaingunners. rotten bastards

>> No.1351152


This. If you don't count all the revenants, archviles, chaingunners, silent teleports that put multiple chaingunners behind you, multiple archviles teleported to the other side of the level, chaingunners out of reach by pre-mouselook means, sniper chaingunners constantly and instantly resurrected by unseen and unkillable archviles, traps involving many dozens of revenants spawning inches from you at once, multiple cyberdemons in tight corridors and that one map populated solely by archviles it's probably the easiest out of all the official doom releases.

>> No.1351159

>silent teleports that put multiple chaingunners behind you
I don't remember that happening.
>multiple cyberdemons in tight corridors
Go 2 It and, uh?
>sniper chaingunners constantly and instantly resurrected by unseen and unkillable archviles
Those were the best.
>oh look chaingunners
>eat a rocket

>> No.1351162
File: 9 KB, 234x196, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Thy Flesh Consumed have such a thing for spawning Barons on narrow ledges? Can't they see how problematic this is?

>> No.1351165

God damn it, I want to make my forcewave wider but if I make the radius any bigger than 14 or so it gets eaten by walls if your side is pressed up against one.

Is there any way to prevent this other than giving the projectile the +noclip flag?

>> No.1351171

>silent teleports that put multiple chaingunners behind you
>I don't remember that happening.

I'm trying to search for the map it was on now and not finding it. But I distinctly remember turning to get something (some items, not a key) and two chaingunners teleporting behind me. It was secret dick mapper tech at the time, like the unshootable chaingunners. We even discussed it here on /vr/.


Also I almost forgot
>unavoidable damage sectors
>secrets that are monster closets full of revenants and/or teleport monsters in and reward you with a box of shells

>> No.1351174


Shit, I can't even use +noclip because it interferes with how it pushes monsters around, this is getting to be a real pain in the ass

>> No.1351176

how does it work? how is it being fired? you can probably use a_spawnitemex

>> No.1351187


I'm just using a basic a_firecustommissile and it's coming straight out of the player.

Fucking captcha

>> No.1351190

do a_spawnitemex and have it use the nocheckposition flag

>> No.1351192


So use a_spawnitemex instead of fire custommissile?

>> No.1351194


use the equation on the wiki to do it

>> No.1351204


Okay so do I need to edit my projectile in any way?

>> No.1351207


>> No.1351208

also going off the wiki, I'm having issues figuring out what velocity I should be using, Z? Fuck man this is way fucking weirder than just simply using custom missile, right now nothing is happening when I'm trying to fire it, I guess I need to keep fucking with things

>> No.1351209

A_SpawnItemEx (<type>,0,0,<zoffset>+(sin(-pitch)*32),cos(-pitch)*<Projectile speed>,0,sin(-pitch)*<Projectile speed>,<angle>,SXF_NOCHECKPOSITION|SXF_TRANSFERPITCH)

>> No.1351213
File: 71 KB, 426x341, 1359778995901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh christ, there was no way I was going to figure that out on my own.

Who is this? Terminus is that you?

>> No.1351215


Yep, that did it.

Whoever you are, I have a hunch this ain't the first time you've helped my dumb ass out. I got to add you to my thank you list in my credits of my mod

>> No.1351216


This is scroton.

What I posted is on the wiki, I just filled out some of the relevant parts for you. I'm the guy that yelled at you about sprite offsets a while ago.

>> No.1351217


Noted. I saw it on the wiki I just had issues wrapping my head around this shit. So. Thank you. Thank you for practically handing me the code.

I think I'd be up shit creek without a paddle without you guys answering my stupid questions and the wiki to reference for everything else.

>> No.1351218


Also that <zoffset>+(sin(-pitch)*32) should just be 32, dunno why I wrote it wrong

>> No.1351220

No problemo

>> No.1351317

>mark bought me dayz
i'm really confused?

>> No.1351319

for context i told him brutal doom was overrated and he bought me dayz

>> No.1351325

what the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.1351326

i told mark that brutal doom was overrated and he bought me dayz

>> No.1351328

Is he... like trying to bribe you?

>> No.1351329


>> No.1351330

I actually love that Brutal Doom exists. It generated a lot of hype that made me finally get all official Doom .wads and play them all to completion for the first time (vanilla, of course). And now I'm just yearning for more Doom.

>> No.1351335

So now after finishing vanilla doom for the first time, I decided to play Plutonia Experiment.

Tell me, does anybody think "Labyrinth full of Arch-Viles" is what quality entertainment is?

>> No.1351339

Just back up around a corner while they try to fire attack you and you'll be fine

They're harmless

>> No.1351338


>> No.1351343


Take these Pro Strats

>> No.1351341
File: 220 KB, 510x585, arch-vile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just Map 11, faggot, either show those fucks who's boss, or git gud.

>> No.1351345

>that part where he hides behind a thin wall
You can't do that with things like torches, right? I remember trying and I got burned.

>> No.1351351

Torches don't block the view of an Arch-Vile, they see through Things, hence how they can flash-fry you even if you're surrounded by a horde of imps.

>> No.1351352


If you happen to get stuck, just watch this


>> No.1351363


God fucking dammit Tormentor; update and maintain older ZDoom mods to make 'em work with modern itinerations? Fix and bring back certain Realm667 monsters that got lost/deleted? Fuck no, let's focus on unrelated shit

>> No.1351364

Thank you all. I made it.

Somehow whining on the Internet about my misfortunes always helps me. But labyrinth with remote controlled timed doors is very cruel.

>> No.1351369

Eh, it felt more annoying than cruel. Did you enter the right teleport in the end? Entering the wrong one sends you in a room with 4 arch-wiles and damaging floor that ends the level after you get really low on HP, so you survive, but with barely any HP.

>> No.1351373

I guess I guessed right

>> No.1351453
File: 683 KB, 1280x960, doomo1280OpenGL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pinkies, such master pieces.
Best monster in all of DooM.

Of only Brutal DooM SE didn't have added weapons and muh shotgun recoil it'd be so much better than regular BD.

>> No.1351464

>change pistol model to Colt 1911
>it still is a pew-pew-pew piece of shit that can barely kill anything
For what purpose.

>> No.1351471

not easy enough for you?

>> No.1351473

>Only ones I think that are awful are the city levels in Doom II
The Pit.
We need a Pen Teller version of "Down the pit it goes".

I like the older model more but I don't know much about modding WADs, hence why I'd like a mix of BD and BD SE.

But the pistol is damn good in against everything part from Baron of Hell or worse.
You not fast enough on your trigger finger.

>> No.1351478

Yeah, I admit buffing it would break Doom - unless you buff monsters to, but we all know where it ends.
What's wrong with The Pit? I liked it.
Also I played BDSE a bit and my version doesn't have a pistol, it has a rifle, like regular BD (different sprite and sound though).

>> No.1351487

How do I make my Doom look like that ;_;

Sorry newbie here

>> No.1351491

You need to run Doom on two cores to double the screensize. Quirk of 32bit applications.

>> No.1351492

I use 4 adlib soundcards to get 5.1 on DooM

>> No.1351502
File: 100 KB, 800x600, 1390044895942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Train your trigger finger, nigga.




>> No.1351505

Um, I was talking in context of Doom, I know 1911 is a good (small mag aside) firearm IRL.

>> No.1351510
File: 117 KB, 640x480, 1386102146090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, train your finger, click that mouse as fast as you can.

Alternatively, if it really bothers you, go into the Decorate file, and bump up the damage a little, make the gun cycle a little faster.

>> No.1351526

yeah, I saw that but the questions here are "why?" and "why?"

>> No.1351538

Doom guy in his WINtage years.

>> No.1351542
File: 218 KB, 1296x759, ss (2014-01-20 at 12.13.41).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw XWeapon will never update.
It's a shame, it's a solid weapons pack that could really go for some tweaking, especially monsterwise.


>> No.1351546

Reminds me I need to finish Legacy of Suffering.

>> No.1351602 [DELETED] 
File: 807 KB, 750x1031, 1357248501607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1351604

fucking saved

>> No.1351609

This has been bugging me for a while, how in the FUCK do I make a seamless elevator teleporter to another sector.

eg. player hops on elevator, it goes down, during the elevator ride down he's teleported to an identical elevator in the same position on the elevator he was originally standing in but somewhere else on the map, allowing an underground segment without having to abuse the fuck out of 3d floors

>> No.1351629

Just a thought from someone who never tried to make a map.

Maybe teleport player into elevator once he enters? If you can get rid of that green thingy. Or maybe you can teleport with a press of a button?

Regardless, it would still be weird. What if corpses get into elevator?

>> No.1351642

I don't get this picture. What is it supposed to be?

>> No.1351647


>> No.1351663

You download GZDOOM and Brutal DooM SE.

Just instert the pk3 files in the "Path=" list in the ini file that is named after your username on your PC after starting DooM once.

>> No.1351661

it's supposed to be funny, but it's not

>> No.1351672


>> No.1351724

I'd suggest you to use silent teleport line right at the entry into elevator. These don't produce any flashes and sounds and IIRC they keep inertia. They are aviable in Boom and other advanced map formats.

>> No.1351725

thank god for reverse image search

a dance of some sort

>> No.1351739

the problem with that is i can't seem to get it working without telefragging the players in multiplayer

>> No.1351752

What monsters are "deleted?" Surely they're still out there somewhere.

>> No.1351780

And how could you possibly avoid telefrag if you have two elevators at the price of one?

Euclid is a bitch.

>> No.1351848
File: 250 KB, 1366x768, 1390246122073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1351868


No idea why. Anyway, I still have a copy

Deleted in a temper tantrum when AtM featured her and everyone reacted as everyone is expected to react when fighting her

Who knows, there could possibly be more

>> No.1351874

Vore as in Quake monster or?..

>> No.1351878


Yes, that bitch

>> No.1351882

FKER's got the Daedabus in it, packed into a wad no less.

>> No.1351881


No, as in voraephilia.

Yes, as in the Quake monster.

>> No.1351893
File: 139 KB, 1024x512, zerobeam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting the final touches on shield flashes

>> No.1351898

That does seem a little unnecessary. ZDL and Doomseeker do just about everything I need them to. Although, I'll be honest. I use ZDL to launch the launchers for Chocolate Doom, Doom 64 EX, and Doomseeker, which is probably a little silly.

Does anyone know how to make ZDL open my PWAD folder when I click "Add" instead of the ZDL directory? I guess I could just put ZDL in my PWAD folder, but ugh.

>> No.1351901
File: 742 KB, 500x375, berserk_pack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone needs to add a Doomguy face to Popeye, and change the "Meatmarket" to "DYNAMITE"

>> No.1351904

Please, elaborate. Do you get proper multidirectional sound?

>> No.1351906


>That guy in the tree in the back
>Kosher cut of beef

>> No.1351907

Make the bull a Pinky, too.

>> No.1351918

Why dynamite?

This looks like fine Martian cuisine to me.

>> No.1351919

There comes a time when silence is betrayal.

>> No.1351920


I, too, am mad that person has not announced thing yet.

>> No.1351921

Because Doom comic.

>> No.1351945


speaking of betrayal, this is a fine ass song by Hexen which also sounds great in MIDI form


>> No.1351949

If someone could make/rip some Contra textures, that'd probably expedite the process.

>> No.1351956
File: 206 KB, 500x500, 1375810260354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no one will make a wad with Doom's military instructor Crash
>tfw no one will add an easter egg Samus Aran costume to her in a secret level

>> No.1351958

where can I download that Metroid: Dreadnought mod?

>> No.1351965

I got pretty close one time!

>> No.1351967



It's still a WIP, but.

>> No.1351974


You could probably attempt to extract some textures from this CS map


Also I think Jumpmaze 2 featured the Waterfall level. Alternatively, you can mess with the .NES game with a tile editor

>> No.1351992

Wouldn't it be easier to just look at PNG screenshots and take what you need

>> No.1351994


OOOHHH FUCK, I also recalled that one PSX game nobody ever actually mentions. The Contra Adventure


>> No.1352005

thank you. =) managed to load it up.

you wouldn't happen to know how to double jump/walljump, morphball and change weapons would you?

>> No.1352012

>double jump/walljump
metroid_spacejump 1 in the console.

use inventory button.

>and change weapons
metroid_loaded 1 in console.

>> No.1352023


How about this?


It has Contra, Contra Force and Super C dumps

>> No.1352026

hm, that's strange. I used the console commands you provided me just now, but nothing seems to happen...

>> No.1352032


don't use zdoom

>> No.1352043
File: 17 KB, 277x120, DTD Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a super super early alpha of a mod for Heretic I was working on way back when called Doom Through Time. Feel free to use it for whatever you want, provided you give credit to myself and any of the other artists listed in the .txt file.

>> No.1352049
File: 263 KB, 1366x768, 1390253792046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1352054 [DELETED] 

if you want to use copy you should do it from here for more gigabytes copy.com?

>> No.1352058

>leads to 0 files
>download all does nothing

th-thanks anyway

>> No.1352059

>Respawning items
Nigga that shit don't count

>> No.1352061


It works fine for me? :\

>> No.1352063

>{"result":"error","error_code":"1021","error_string":"Cannot find link oDmEpaE1DuXN"}

>> No.1352065

switched to Zandronum and they're working perfectly now, thanks once more.
one last thing though, I tried adding energy tanks using metroid_startingtanks (2 or 14), but nothing seems to happen.

>> No.1352064


go check any other vids from his Plutonia run, it's some weird shit going on with the powerup sound

also that japanese dude is pretty legit. he doesn't cheat

>> No.1352068


it works for me now.


HAHAH, You funny little man

>> No.1352069

what, it's a referral

we both get 5GB

>> No.1352070

metroid_startingtanks anything from 1-10
start new game or map mapxx
then set metroid_startingtanks 0 once you get yer tanks

>> No.1352071


if you're still getting an error ctrl+f5

>> No.1352080


Not seeing anything.
Can you just, like, use mediafire or dropbox or something?

>> No.1352085

perfect. thank you for your kindness =)

>> No.1352087

I'm a goof and I'm new to Copy, sorry!
New link: https://copy.com/xyekw01elsZP
Mediafire Mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/download/z1onvly81y65n1b/MK%20-%20Doom%20Through%20Time%20(1-31-10%20Alpha).zip


>> No.1352093

Doom episode 1 is the best for casual play.
I just went through it with UV difficulty, and I had a blast. I still died a fuckload on E1M3, because of the fucking sergeants, but after going out of the way and getting the megasphere, everything was easier.
Also fuck the Pinkies in E1M5.

>> No.1352114

>Ultimate DOOM

>> No.1352123

Fuck, it was the supercharge, and the Pinkies in E1M6.

>> No.1352126

the demons (pinkies) are no trouble
got a chainsaw, right? also, when they're about to bite and stand still, just move backwards

>> No.1352127

I was using the rocket launcher after I activated the red switch just before the exit.
A fuckload of pinkies and spectres appeared, and I ended up blowing myself.

>> No.1352134

>and I ended up blowing myself

>> No.1352159

FYI that "respawning item" sound actually indicated that he revealed a secret.

>> No.1352202

Is anyone on this?
I'm on it.

>> No.1352256

Oh god yes

>> No.1352274
File: 4 KB, 178x194, doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just starting out with DECORATE, and i'm having trouble with sprites.
Just to test a sprite, I've made a decorative, static actor that just sits there, but the sprite shows error and the console says it 'has no frames'.

>> No.1352281

No problems here. Make sure JIMPA0 is a sprite.

>> No.1352291
File: 414 KB, 373x269, tumblr_mzhusfwdy71sfnuq8o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dances With Archviles
I love that video, the guy just fucking stomps that entire level, as if it was nothing.

>Colt Delta Elite 1911
>10x25mm Auto
>Winchester Black Talons

>> No.1352304
File: 77 KB, 707x577, doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1352314

>not in between SS_START and SS_STOP

there's your problem

>> No.1352315

oh fuck thanks

>> No.1352428
File: 295 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_celeste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1352435


Am I reading that right? That mod was made back in 1995?

>> No.1352439


>> No.1352479

What wads have some good, well designed fights with custom bosses? Most of the ones I've played used them in a pretty shitty manner.

>> No.1352483

I remember Winter's Fury having some good boss battles, same with Pirates! and the work in progress Doom Golden Souls has a fun boss battle with a giant cacodemon.

>> No.1352489


>> No.1352487 [DELETED] 

I just thought about shitposting with "What are some good wads" and I nearly started crying because I couldn't think of any

>> No.1352490


pirate doom.

>> No.1352492 [DELETED] 

Now I'm going to cry for real when /doom/ tries to come up with good wads

I'm just going to delete it

>> No.1352497

Claustrophobia: The Walls Close In

>> No.1352507
File: 31 KB, 320x240, equinox!1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any WADs that give off a "cyber" vibe?
Pic related.
It's fucking Equinox.

>> No.1352509

The final level of Turbocharged Arcade
requires a lot of saving but is rewarding and hilarious

>> No.1352515



>> No.1352516


>> No.1352526

where can I find the updated version of golden souls?

>> No.1352531

Right here: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=35135

>> No.1352541
File: 238 KB, 800x1177, pipes2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this better than >>1350782 >>1350734?

>> No.1352554
File: 83 KB, 269x242, New sword.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I have yet to give it unique attacks, sounds, or a proper way to get ammo, but boy the idle animation for the Slot 4 weapon is nice

>> No.1352557

If only there was a way to keep your sword out and watch it charge up to that glowy state.

>> No.1352559


yeah, but I like having clear transitions between weapons, but hey you'll get a unique sheathing and unsheathing sound when you select the power sword.

Plus you'll be able to sling massive balls of energy that wreck faces off and shoot piercing railgun beams. So there's that.

>> No.1352561


you can do this pretty easily if you want

>> No.1352562

yeah just A_JumpIfInventory("IsItCharged",1,"Charged")


and you could use Reload to give or take that item

>> No.1352563

is there a list of doom sounds somewhere? I need to know the sound for imp-fireball-throwing

>> No.1352568


>> No.1352570


It's tempting, but I want to keep things fairly simple, the powered sword will remain slot 4's weapon, and my last one too.

Once the powered sword is finished then I need to start replacing weapon drops with random powerups, replace ammo drops with random, less powerful powerups (Shit like lifeups, extra mana for the sword or staff, etc) and make a nice, Magic Sword inspired HUD for this bitch, and she'll be ready to go

>> No.1352573

Pressing Reload to switch between them might be faster and allow combat to flow better

>> No.1352576


the thing is it isn't charged though, it's a completely different weapon that runs off its own ammo supply, and the unpowered state is going to be the way to generate ammo for it

>> No.1352583

Like in-universe they're different weapons, not just in Decorate?

>> No.1352592

That works fine, the ShopVac in Fractal Doom works the same way, though it's just between alt and primary fire. You can absolutely have two weapons in one and still have one generate ammo for the other.

>> No.1352590


oh, well in-universe it's a powered version of Tear, the slot 1 sword.

and honestly if I could get a more badass looking version of the ruby wand I'd do the same thing with that, where the character technically only carries -two- weapons but then can switch to powered up versions of them.

If you mean to tell me I can switch between those two weapon states by hitting reload, you bet your ass I'll look into that

>> No.1352595


The shopvac is fucking hilarious by the way, if a little noisy. But yeah. I might look into this then.

>> No.1352613

I don't see why you wouldn't just have it turn into the powered sword when you hit reload and then back to the normal one when it's hit again

Just have something like

TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("IsItCharged",1,"ChargedReady")
SWRD A 1 A_WeaponReady
SWDC A 1 A_WeaponReady
TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("IsItCharged",1,"ChargedAttack")
SWRD B 1 A_CustomPunch(whatever)
Goto Ready
Charged Attack:
SWDC B 1 A_CustomPunch(whatever)
Goto Ready

And then

TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("IsItCharged",1,"Downcharge")
(Charge up animation)
TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("IsItCharged", 1)
Goto Ready
(Downcharge animation)
TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("IsItCharged", 99) //99 just in case SOMEHOW they get more than 1
Goto Ready

And then you define IsItCharged

ACTOR IsItCharged : Inventory
Inventory.MaxAmount 1

So you can use the inventory item IsItCharged like a True / False

>> No.1352621


if I do this I'd need an animation of some kind, and I'll do it for both the sword and the wand. Shouldn't be too hard.

Though if I DO do it, I want hitting the reload key to switch to an entirely different weapon, and then hitting reload switching it back to the traditional sword

>> No.1352626

Why do you want it to go to a different weapon actor? Is it important that it goes through A_Lower and A_Raise or Select and Deselect?

>> No.1352631


maybe I'm misreading it but it kinda looks to me that with the particular setup that the charged state would be a temporary thing. I want the charged sword to be something you can just remain selected and use freely til you run out of ammo for it.

>> No.1352628
File: 612 KB, 582x537, 57567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1352636

You're misreading it. It would last as long as you have the item.

The item is only given or removed when Reload is triggered.

If you have the IsItCharged item the uncharged states are skipped (or more accurately Jumped over) and you never see the uncharged frames until you hit Reload and IsItCharged is removed.

>> No.1352637
File: 580 KB, 561x608, 798789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1352642
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>> No.1352651
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>> No.1352653


Alright then, yeah I -will- look into this then. Though like I said I'll need some kinda animation. Like the character raising the sword up and have it flash into the charged state and back again for exiting it.

For the wand I'm picturing the weapon going all energy like then morphing its shape into the staff. though I'm gonna need help for those.

Might have to take it up with the zdoom forums and ask around

>> No.1352660

why doesnt the FAQ explain what the fuck an SSG swingshot is

>> No.1352663
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>> No.1352664

but it's like one of the very first lines in the FAQ, why is it so far up if it's stupid shit I shouldn't care about?

>> No.1352662


Because that's delving so far into the mechanics that only nerds care.

>> No.1352670

It's when you fire the SSG at the end of a fast lateral camera rotation. It supposedly slightly decreases the spread, but I can't find anything to indicate that in the code.
Feel free to ignore it, the important thing to know is that the SSG is THE weapon in deathmatch.

>> No.1352667

Because it's not a frequently asked question.

>> No.1352672

You ever play the Action Doom series? First one is like if Doom and Metal Slug had a baby and Action Doom 2 is a beat em up.

>> No.1352686

I wanted to play the first before the second but i could never find any links.
Well Google just helped. Thanks.

>> No.1352689

It isn't real and is a bunch of hoodoo cooked up by a bunch of people seeing correlations in numbers like the film The Number 23.

>> No.1352696

It seems to work because hitboxes are squares and the width defines the width of the sides


At 45 degrees from the player's perspective it's wider so you have a larger target

That's why it seems to work

>> No.1352717

>Known Bugs: To much ammo and health. To many monsters. Sectors to big. Hallways too long. Level too long.

>> No.1352721
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okay the wiki is leading me around in circles, in the a_explode page it mentions you can set hurtshooter to 0 to make sure it doesn't harm the player, but it doesn't list -where- hurtshooter is put in the formula, then I find on the Function prototypes page this formula:

A_Explode [(int explosiondamage = 128, int explosionradius = 128 [, bool hurtshooter = true [, bool alert = true]])]

so I assume hurtshooter comes after radius but before alert, but flags apparently go in between those two as well.

Fuck. I never was good with this crap, I just need to figure out -where- I put hurtshooter, and if I use false or a 0

>> No.1352723

Dude, nice '95 map.
+1 for faking 3D with Teleports IN 1995
+1 for actually making me use the pistol and not giving me a shotgun right away
+1 for making me WORK for my shotgun
+1 for all around smexy design for vanilla cap.

>> No.1352729

Well, beat Suspended in Dusk using Accessories to Murder. It was pretty good.

>> No.1352732
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Oh. turns out I was overthinking it again. if you just use a_explode (<damage>, <radius>, 0) it makes the explosion harmless to the player.

Still. Fucking hell

>> No.1352735

Go play Ruma (same author)

>> No.1352753
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>> No.1352758

Fractal Doom is definitely a different mod if you haven't played it already:

>> No.1352762

Okay new question, I'm using a_giveinventory with AAPTR_TARGET in an attempt to give slot 4 ammo whenever you strike an enemy with the slot 1 sword. I'm putting this command in with the custom puff the sword uses and adding an xdeath state, with no luck, am I missing something here or are the rules different for puffs?

>> No.1352765

you need the flag that makes the puff spawn on actors, otherwise it gets replaced if it hits an actor

>> No.1352770


yep, that did it. that's all I was missing.

I wish I had that reaction image with the dude facepalming so hard his hand goes through his entire goddamn head.

>> No.1352815


somebody draw a doom variant of that image

>> No.1352827
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Accessories to Murder fits very well with High Tech Hell 2.

>> No.1352849


Do a lot of zdoom things work with legacy?
how much of decorate and acs does legacy have?

>> No.1352854

I have no idea, man. Never used legacy before, I've only ever used GZDoom. Don't really know what acs and decorate are either.

>> No.1352881

>Completely invisible monsters
Not even once.

Doesn't matter if they make loud footsteps or whatever. You can't get a clear shot unless you waste ammo or get lucky.

>> No.1352890

>Download ReDoom
>Sounds promising
>Gun shells spawn behind you
>Chainsaw creates sparks even when not hitting anything
>Forced to use a cut down version of vanilla hud

Question, how vanilla is Beautiful Doom? I want a mod like ReDoom, something to add a little flair to the game while keeping monsters and weapons totally vanilla as far as behavior goes. The creator of the mod says aside from the added flair it's 100% vanilla in gameplay, but some people say it isn't... Is it, or is it not?

Wildweasel actually updated it recently so that the totally invisible pinkies emit little puffs of smoke from their feet, so you can actually fucking see them.

>> No.1352896
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'snap crackel'

testing out the altfire for the powered sword, it's a little potent!

>> No.1352908

>You can't get a clear shot unless you waste ammo or get lucky.
Who's this "you"? Get good at the game and stop implying everyone is as terrible as you.

>> No.1352914

>Have nothing to go on but sound
>No indication of where they are
>Implying this is ever a good design choice for enemies

There's smoke puffs now? Last time I played there was nothing whatsoever.

>> No.1352919

Are you talking about Doom Legacy, the Source Port? IIRC it has minimal ACS support, no DECORATE support, and uses Fragglescript instead.

>> No.1352920
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He updated on the 24th of December, he replaced one of the enemies and tweaked some stuff, including adding the smoke puffs. Pic related.

>> No.1352923

What do you mean "no indication"? You just listed sound. Listen to the direction of the sound and fucking shoot you dweeb. It's easy as hell if you pay attention.

>> No.1352932

I don't know if you realize this but Doom gets very busy audibly very quickly.

If all that's left are the invisible spectres that left no indication besides sound then you only get a vague estimate of where they are.

The only saving grace is the magazine system that gives players a little too much ammo at all times.

And clearly it was poor monster design because Wildweasel even went back and added a way to notice it visually.

I'll go get that version then.

>> No.1352937

>Implying anyone likes Stealth Monsters

>> No.1352940

Of course I realize it, it just seems like only I'm capable of focusing on specific sounds.

WildWeasel adding a visual indication for them does not mean it was poor monster design, all it means is a lot of people complained about it. The thread is full of people complaining that monsters are too hard and then WildWeasel nerfs them, like the Vore.

>> No.1352941

To be fair, the Vore was pretty fucking annoying when it first started out.

For the invisible pinkies, their footsteps were audible enough that I could accurately judge where they were, so it wasn't much an issue for me.

>> No.1352943

I've noticed that there are people who don't like a challenge. At first it seemed odd that those people would exist in the Doom community but I guess they're no different from any other FPS gamers.

It was extremely annoying, and then you adapt to it and realize it takes less than a single second to kill them with the revolver alt and they're terrible at firing over ledges or around pillars they're standing behind.

>> No.1352945

I don't see how anyone can like a stealth monster like that.
They aren't even dangerous, it's just tedious.

Hate them in Project MSX too but those motherfuckers are fast and I mostly end up backing into one.

I don't think Vores should have had a nerf, they are slow and relatively easy to deal with.

>> No.1352949

>I've noticed that there are people who don't like a challenge.
That's implying that stealth monsters were even remotely dangerous at all.

There's not even a challenge to them, just stand in one spot and they come up to you and do the same slow bite as any other demon.

Why not have a Spectre replacement that's actually dangerous instead of relying on a gimmick that doesn't even change the encounter?

Demonicron made them into fast demons instead and that makes their encounters more interesting.

>> No.1352967


>> No.1352968

>Implying this is ever a good design choice for enemies

It worked for Enemy Zero.

>> No.1352980

Isn't that the game with the invisible enemies and gun that had no range and had to be charged?

If it is then that was borderline unplayable.

>> No.1353000

What port

>> No.1353026

Yes. Looks fuckin ace mang.

>> No.1353056
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How'd I do, vroom?

fuck, I should have had him with that chef's hat

>> No.1353085

I like that you can interpret the meat as healing him too.

>> No.1353096

kosher ham should have uac or satan star on it

>> No.1353101

I knew I should've put something on that....
Also, the black and white was unintentional.

>> No.1353140


How about "Thy Flesh Consumed"? ;)

>> No.1353141
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nice work anon.

>> No.1353176
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Have you guys played Mayhem Mansion?
Its a two-map WAD for ZDOOM based on the obscure shovelware FPS Exploding Lips.

Although I think its supposed to be some sort of joke wad, I really like it.
The atmosphere is just so... surreal.

If you're looking for one of those surreal, almost psychedelic WADs, you should check this out.

>> No.1353191
File: 766 KB, 1680x1050, 1390291141904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres some puzzle solving and whatnot involved too. Some real bizarre enemies. If you've played Exploding Lips, you'll know what to expect. It is definitely that level of bizarre. Walking television sets and shit.

Gameplay and level design isn't all too bad.
And the aesthetic has a certain level of charm to it.
Its just really, really fucking bizarre.

>> No.1353194

Uhh, some sort of upload error, there aren't chunks of sprites missing like that ingame.

>> No.1353246
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>> No.1353273
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>> No.1353275

put it out of its misery

>> No.1353284
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>> No.1353302
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Man this -IS- weird

>> No.1353307
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okay what the hell, is that a skull crab?

>> No.1353312

This one looks p.cool

>> No.1353315

black and white looks good though, would be too jarring for just that part to be in color

>> No.1353327
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I'm dueling this motherfucker with anvils.

This is getting increasingly silly

>> No.1353342

Well that was pretty fun, I'd certainly give that weird ass little mod a recommendation for anyone who wants to play something really fucking weird for awhile.

>> No.1353378
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My friend's working on an animation for the Ruby wand changing into the spike staff


He surprises me yet again

>> No.1353449


>> No.1353482

Yes! Thank you anon!

>> No.1353485

>+1 for making me WORK for my shotgun
it was just a few imps...?

>> No.1353486


Uh oh. I just realized there might be a problem with this trick: What if the non-powered state attacks consume no ammo? But the powered states do?

>> No.1353527

A_CustomPunch and A_FireBullets both have a USEAMMO flag. A_FireCustomMissile and A_RailAttack have a useammo parameter.

>> No.1353531

he doesn't need to actually specify an ammo type, just have the thing a_takeinventory the ammo type he wants it to use when it's appropriate and then put checks in to see if it has any more ammo, if not then it switches back and trying to switch to the powered version does nothing until he gets more ammo.

>> No.1353536


Oh. well then that makes this a lot easier. Now I just need to get reloading to work, that can be done in decorate I assume, lemme consult the gunlabs tutorials

>> No.1353543
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I need to smooth the animation a little but you have no idea how excited I am over this

>> No.1353558

okay so, can't I use < = > signs when using a_jumpifinventory flags? I need to have the staff make a discharge animation and sound if you don't have enough ammo for an altfire shot

>> No.1353560 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1353576
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oh wow, fuck me you can. just 0 < 30

Man it's fun learning new things, I should probably fiddle with stuff more and ask less questions, most of the time it's just me overthinking things

>> No.1353580
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Wait, no. No nevermind I'm still up shit creek without a paddle.

>> No.1353590



I just futzed about with the code, making the altfire the failure shot, and instead checking to see if the weapon has enough ammo, and if it does, then it goes to the actual shooting and it all works.

I think I'm going to go to bed before I set my head on fire. Goodnight people.

>> No.1353592

you could

BLUH A 0 a_jumpifinventory("ammo",1,"AmmoFire")
BLUG A 5 a_playsound("dryswing")
Goto Ready
BLUH C 3 a_punch

so that if they have ammo they go to a state that does the attack

>> No.1353598


haha, look up one post above you, that hit me like a ton of bricks just a minute ago.

Yeah, it works good now. It's satisfying when it all works.

Even if I'm just kinda banging my head against the keyboard and having people hold my hand.

>> No.1353767


>> No.1353773

Any wads that just replace weapon sprites? I don't want new effects or new damage etc., just better sprites and maybe better sounds chaingun, in particular that I could enjoy with vanilla gameplay. Or is it something I should do myself?

Also, good minimalist HUDs?

>> No.1353778

Well, you could easily do that yourself, just replacing existing sprites and sounds is a piece of cake.

Make a p .wad that contains the sounds and sprites you want to replace, and that's that.

>> No.1353784

Okay. Any short tutorials?

>> No.1353785


>> No.1353797


What tutorial do you need?
Make a pwad, import in a sound, name it DSPISTOL.

Open that wad in Doom, viola, you have a sound replacing the pistol/chaingun sound.

>> No.1353806

Like what kind of formats/sizes does it support, naming conventions. I don't even know what a pwad is.

>> No.1353807

He can also use SNDINFO to define separate sounds for the chaingun and pistol, if he's using ZDoom.

>> No.1353810


These are the file formats it supports. Sizes can be pretty much anything, so you can load up a 1GB sound if you hate everyone.


A little Google goes a long way.

>> No.1353814

Thanks! And yeah, I guess I could've googled, just thought there are multiple tutorials/sources, and people here will point me to the best one.

>> No.1353857 [SPOILER] 
File: 302 KB, 1087x796, PANIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is unsettling...

>> No.1353883

El Diablo.

>> No.1353885
File: 926 KB, 500x375, Style 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright faggots this is my last version

You want anything else GRIND IT YOURSELF

>> No.1353889

I quite like it.

>> No.1353950

wait what? Page 6 and bump limit? Since when?

>> No.1353952
File: 338 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_1STHELL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your job.

>> No.1353957

Any good doom wads to play? I was thinking about downloading Speed of Doom, since I'm kinda bored playing the IWADs.

>> No.1353961

Vanilla Sky

>> No.1353964

What a terrible E1M8 edit.

>> No.1353970


I'm on it. Man it sucks not to have anything new to add in the News post

>> No.1353973

Put GMOTA in there?

>> No.1353978

Also that Cyberrunners ded.

>> No.1354013


Added, also NEW THREAD
