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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1293534 No.1293534[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Heroes III thread, I didn't see any in the catalog

>where to get the game
Get the complete GoG version (buy it or pirate it)
>where is the HD mod, I want no 800x600
Note: at least Windows XP required. It might or might not work in wine. Try the "Create HD exe" option and run that.
>where is Wake of Gods
Install ERA which contains WoG as a mod

VCMI engine (FOSS rewrite of the h3 engine): http://forum.vcmi.eu/portal.php (still buggy but natively runs from GAHNOO+Linux)
IRC: #/vr/heroes@irc.paradoxirc.net
Heroes Chronicles campaigns:
Place the Tarnum folder in the Data folder of your installation, and the Maps in the maps. Then go to custom campaign in game to play each game through.

Found a good map or custom campaign? Random map generator actually managed to generate something good (>implying)? Share it.

>> No.1293541

KB shortcuts, use them, love them.

e - end turn
Enter - "tick" button (exit town, etc)
w - wait in battle
d - defend in battle, dig in adventure map
space - activate object when you are already standing on it
arrow keys, numpad 4,8,6,2 - move hero
numpad 7-9-1-3 - in 45-135-225-325 degs
tab - activate chat (used to type in cheat codes too)
You can move on objects to pick them up/activate them. Also you can schedule actions, like after you selected something to be built in your town, you can enter-e while the animation is going to exit the town, then later end your turn

Other useful stuff:
-right click on the status bar in ERA/WoG: allows you to revoke your ownership on mines/towns/etc. Good for passing them to friendly players, for example that retarded CPU ally who lost his last town.
-right click on warlords banner in a troop's info screen: set warlord banner bonus.
-left click on w.b.: give it back to the hero

>> No.1295129
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Been playing it with my brother this Christmas.
I love this old game, it's like a boardgame (almost Monopoly) with a healthy dose of fantasy violence and magic.

I also love the cheesy and campy stock sounds and stock music.

>> No.1297115

Anyone used the editor? My friend and i decided to mess around in editor and make some maps for each of us to play, but there is one annoying limit of lose/victory conditions. Anyone was able to make player lose if he loses two specific heroes or lose because of time limit OR losing a town?

Otherwise i really dig that map editor, just hoped it was slightly less limited. Heroes 4 editor is perfect for me due to simple, but efficent GUI scripting thing, but i just can't get into the game itself. Movement feels wonky somehow too, which ruins it. In Heroes 3 heroes still moved smooth even if you increased adventure map speed close to the maximum.

>> No.1297145
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>space - activate object when you are already standing on it
this changes everything

>> No.1297242


yeah it took me way too much time to figure it out too

>dat cheating CPU going straight back through portals after bumping into creatures at the exit

>> No.1297257
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>>space - activate object when you are already standing on it

>> No.1297270

Good to mention, the HD-Mod makes the game much more stable on newer systems. Vanilla HoMM3 often crashes, since i installed the HD-Mod on my Win8-system it haven't crashed one single time.

Love the reactions on MP-evenings(yes, evenings, not rounds) when someones got to see a necromancer with the necro-set *g*

>> No.1299365

I think those specific winning/losing conditions are limited to the official campaigns or the campaign editor.

>> No.1299484
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>month 1
>week 3
>computer has a supreme archangel

>> No.1299485


Refugee camp.

>> No.1299523

I always played HoMM II, just started with III.

What are some common suggestions/advice?

I'm playing the Restoration of Erathia campaign and while it's not that difficult, I think I can do much better.

For example, how many heroes to spawn since the beginning? How should I go about making them more magic or attack/defense oriented, etc.?

Pls respond.

>> No.1299538
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Where is the English version Ruskies?
You said there will be English version this year

>> No.1299543

>What are some common suggestions/advice?
>For example, how many heroes to spawn since the beginning?
Two at the start. Use one to fight monsters and another one to collect stuff

>> No.1299546


OK, but I don't get to spawn skeletons in that campaign.

Also, what after the second scenario? Should I hire more heroes and make them collect exp?

I'm having a hard time defending many castles in the Griffin scenario with only 3 good heroes.

>> No.1299550

In campaigns I think it's good to have 2-3 hero from the first map. Make them visit learning stones, XP trees etc.

Or you can be THAT guy... who completes campaigns with just one hero.

>> No.1299575

Learn to fight battles early and efficiently. A lot of people advocate rushing the Capitol first and then going for units - but that is a rather bad habit and, at least on early campaign maps, there's an absolute hoard of resources available.

Heroes necessary depend on the size of the map and its immediate riches. Three heroes is a good startup - you get to cover a lot of the map and you bolster up your main army with their units. Definitely do not limit yourself to just three, though, depending on need.

Remember that you don't have to buy every single unit every single week. Buy what's necessary. If you are Castle and have to break through some ranged units on the map, make sure to pack your Cavaliers first. If you are Rampart, you can probably leave your Dwarves at home.

Pick up gold chests over XP chests; your hero should get his XP from battles and occasional learning stones.

There are basically two hero types; one leans towards Might (example: Knights, Rangers, Death Knights, Barbarians, Overlords, Beastmasters), the other leans towards Magic (such as Clerics, Druids, Necromancers, Battlemages, Warlocks, Witches etc.). That means that as they level up they are more likely to pick up primary (Attack/Defense for might, Spellpower/Knowledge for magic) and secondary skills belonging to might or magic. This doesn't prevent a Barbarian from being an Expert at Earth Magic or a Wizard from having Expert Tactics; it just makes it less likely. Just pick a hero with a good early specialty, XP with him (magic heroes have it a little easier early because they can usually spam Magic Arrows on enemies with decent spellpower).

In the Griffin scenario just pick the Shield for +4 all attributes and try to rush orange player underground to level up the playing field with your towns. Quite often the solution to beating campaigns when you've less castles is to get enemy castles ASAP killing their heroes on the way.

>> No.1299591


Thanks, this is good advice.

What are some good magics to use on early stages of the game? I have found firewall does a good job as the AI is quite stupid at avoiding it, and blind is really useful too.

I also use Shield and Bless a lot (Bless specially on large amounts of ranged units).

>> No.1299608

Firewall is actually one of the most broken spells in the game when it comes to clearing minions:

You'll find that some of the best spells in the game are the 1st level ones because once you get Expert in their corresponding magic, some of them can be cast on your entire army (Haste, Slow, Bless) or entire enemy army (Curse), making them really awesome combat spells particularly for might heroes (for instance, Expert Air Magic -> Haste -> all your units have >+10 Attack/Defense because you're a might hero -> you charge in with your units delivering the first strike -> you potentially outdamage vaunted nukes like Implosion)
In general, Magic Arrow is the go-to spell for early game mage heroes (with some Spell Power it can really cut down on your losses in some encounters). Haste and Slow are both great spells, particularly early on with Haste you will have an easier time reaching shooters. Bless is great, best used on units that have large maximum damage of course. Blind is great.
Lightning Bolt/Ice Bolt (the former more so) are an improvement over Magic Arrow but they also cost more mana so be mindful of that.

Another spell, though it's decidedly not "early game" that absolutely wrecks the AI is the Berserk spell. It's one of the few reasons to get Expert Fire Magic (general consensus among most players is to prefer Earth>Air>Water>Fire with Earth and Air really close together). Expert Earth lets you take no casualties in battles with the Ressurect spell (also Mass Slow rocks). Expert Water is worth it for Teleport and maybe Clone. Expert Air has Mass Haste.

A spell with potentially powerful but niche use is Forcefield. If you have a lot of mana you can potentially tuck in a shooter or a non-retal fast unit (like the Devil) in a corner of the map and keep casting Force Field while killing the AI. In theory you can use this tactic to kill Dragon Utopias with little losses but it's risky and takes a lot of time.

>> No.1299612

One small tip in addition to what I just wrote (sorry if it's a bit too much but I'm kinda shit at explaining) - if your tactics involve lots of Blind usage, then refrain from using the Ballista. It fires randomly every round which might wake up a Blinded enemy, and sometimes you don't want that (for example: you Blind the last enemy unit in a battle and you deliberately do not attack him in order to move your units in position or perhaps Ressurect all of your fallen forces).

Oh, also Forgetfulness is a potentially good spell when Expert level, though of course that depends on how many archers you have to fight.

>> No.1299616



That shit was hilarious.

Thanks for all the advices, I was missing a lot of each magic elemental expertise.

I'll try to play around with magic a bit more since I think I'm too much unit oriented right now.

>> No.1299626

It really depends on playstyle. I prefer might heroes and usually use magic in order to brute force people harder (teleport Hydras over castle walls, Expert Haste rush people with Behemoths, etc.). You can also have a ton of power and mana and destroy people with Implosions and such.

I think though that pure mages are early game material because they have less chance to get good skills offered (Tactics, Offense, Armorer are pretty damn essential) while a might hero has those as well. Plus you can hit people with monsters 7 times per round while you can cast only one spell per turn. After a while I figure that even a huge Implosion won't do as much as a souped up Behemoth charge. Mages still have tricks up their sleeves (the Black Dragon + Armageddon trick, etc) but still, in online play, I don't see mages at all.

Single player is a whole different ballpark though so learn what you can and play how you feel.

>> No.1299802


In case you don't know, haste, slow, curse and bless are legit as fuck

>> No.1300064


town portal on expert lets you teleport to any town you own at the expense of mana and a little movement points

arguably breaks the game

>> No.1300101

If you have many Archangels, expert Clone can restore way the fuck more units than Resurrection. Also, Prayer is nice, Bless is kickass, and Cure can save your ass if your opponent likes debuffing your units.

Expert Ballista skill allows you to control the ballista, and while some consider it a waste of a skill, expert ballista with high attack can take down 1-2 archangels PER SHOT. So it's definitely better than something like scouting.
Also, first aid skill allows you to heal ~200 points on a unit, which can save you a ton of level 7 units early on.

Forgetfulness is useless if you have expert blind (unless expert forgetfulness works on all enemies, in which case it's half decent, but I don't remember).

>> No.1300142

Gurnisson from Stronghold is actually one of my favourite heroes and I like making use of Expert Artillery/ballista specialists on 160% or 200% settings. So let me revise my statement - if you aren't trained in Ballista use at all, keep Ballista out of fights where you will need someone to stay Blinded.

Expert Forgetfulness works on all enemy ranged units. Works like a charm against hordes of Magi or something; it'd be perfect against Tower but Titans are immune. Expert Blind isn't as impactful as most other low level spells on Expert level because it will always stay single target. That's one of the reasons I try to avoid specializing in Fire Magic (sucks to be a Demoniac/Heretic, I guess).

And while Clone with Archangels may be better than Ressurection, it implies you have enough Archangels and Expert Water. Expert Earth is more desirable and reliable overall. Water does have good buffs but Earth/Air dominate over others mostly because their most important spells allow you to take initiative in a battle, and the first strike advantage is nothing to gloss over. I really think all spell schools, once Expert, are powerful and useful, just some of them are more so.

>> No.1300880
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who's your favorite hero?

Mines Moandor

>> No.1300905

So I've heard from multiple sources that you should have two "main" heroes, with the rest acting as gophers, but how do you split up troops between them? Do you wait to conquer a second town before getting serious about hero #2? Or do you just divide the troops from the very beginning?

>> No.1300913
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a H3 thread
>mfw I almost created a H3 thread on /v/ because haven't gone to /v/ for ages then remember there is a board for retro games

>inb4 no offense on crag hack
I used the wog option that allowed heroes to have 10 secondary skills instead of the original 8.
Also new interface mod in here: http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=39062

>> No.1300920
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Daily reminder that
>Luna's specialty doubles Fire Wall damage
>Ciele's specialty (Magic Arrow) increases her MA damage by 50%
>When playing WOG, turn on Stack Experience for lulz

>> No.1300926
File: 176 KB, 800x600, H3-ForgeTown[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HoMM 3 universe is actually a post-apocalyptic universe where everything was wiped out by an alien invasion back to the stone age
>Inferno creatures are the aliens
>Artifacts are actually tools of the past world that survived the apocalypse

>> No.1300930
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Had the Forge town been implemented, this would have been the best puzzle map ever.

>> No.1300934
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>A lot of people advocate rushing the Capitol first and then going for units - but that is a rather bad habit and, at least on early campaign maps, there's an absolute hoard of resources available.

>> No.1300954

Rushing Capitol from Day 1 is always going to be bad. Most people who do that aren't aware of the opportunity cost of having only first week creature growth of L1/L2.

Capitol is always finished on D1W2, so you won't start getting 4000 gold/day until D2W2 while having wasted a week of Castle-level growth, since Capitol also requires Castle. A Necropolis with only 1000g/day but 12 Vampire Lords in W2 is going to be very different from a Necropolis with 4000g/day and only 4 Vampire Lords in W2.

>> No.1300983

>that image of Crag hack

is that Gideon Jura? Either way, why would you change the interface? it's great as it is.

>> No.1300991

Yes, and blue is more soothing to the eye.
>tfw hate playing as tower and fighting on snow

>> No.1300997

horn of the abyss english when?

>> No.1301017
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>> No.1301018

I wrote >1299575 and I usually go for level 7 dwelling before Capitol. MP games taught me that, really. Very rarely can you afford to bullshit around with money buildings. Very rarely do you not have an option to fight early game battles efficiently.
I'd also argue it's more fun to push yourself and see what can you do with a handful of goblins, a shooter unit and a balista, rather than sitting for a week on just your town and your ore mine, but it's of course subjective.

>> No.1301134

lets talk about Town Strategies. right no i am playing with Castle:
day1: mage guild
day2: town hall
day3: archers tower
day4: blacksmith
day5: barracks
day6: monastery
day7: citadel

in this order you have a great asset for battles with random monsters in week 2 and a nice starting point for building capitol (in week 2: day1 upg. archers, day2 market, day3 city hall); the damage will be provided by marksmen, even if you cannot afford monks. if archers tower is already built and resources are enough, you can try to build training grounds on week 1.

>> No.1301137
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>> No.1301190
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>> No.1301267
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Use this next time

Really, really lucky scouting/mana well? Supreme Archangels are expensive as fuck too...

Fill in your empty stacks with single low level creatures. Use them as bait/meatshields/retaliantion removers

Aways buy the 4 heroes (dont remember them by name but know their pictures) that generate precious resources per turn as a speciality.

Get as much heroes as the senario will allow to carry over. Always try to get your heroes as buff as possible by having them visit all of the at/def/pow/kn adventure objects. Say you have a huge army and the enemy just has one small town with a pathetic garnison, instead of oblitirating him, send your maxed out hero with a powerful army to "seige" the town. Dont attack it just stay infront of it, the AI wont get out untill it gets a stronger army. Instead of ending the map use all the remaining time to buff your heroes.


>> No.1301278


>> No.1301301


Oh come off of it. Sure, fire is probably the weakest of the 4 schools, but expert curse can be really powerful, bloodlust is ok, and expert berserk is quite possibly the most powerful combat spell in the game.

Sacrifice can also be uber-powerful, albeit situational.

Fire might be a weak school, but it's still a school.

>> No.1301304

If I find a Witch Hut with estates on week 1, is it worth maxxing out my hero count just to give them all estates?

>> No.1301307
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Water: Bless, Cure, Dispell, Weakness, Forgetfulness, Teleport, Clone, Prayer, Water Walk

Air: Haste,Lightning,Chain Lightning, Dimentional Door, Fly

Fire:Bloodlust, Curse, Blind,Berserk

So basicly:
Earth>Water>Air>Scouting>Navigation on a map with no sea> First aid without first aid tent > Balistics without the balista > Scholar with only one hero>Eagle eye against creep>Pathfinding on an all grass/dirt map>Resistance vs creep>Sorcerry with no spells>Leadership as necromancer> Learning taken as last skill at level 21>Fire

>> No.1301309

You forgot mysticism without a spellbook, and archery without shooters.

>> No.1301314
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>mfw Free Estates on week one


>> No.1301471


If there's also a couple Learning Stones or a Tree of Knowledge nearby, sure.

Otherwise it takes 20 turns for each hero to pay for itself, a little too long for my tastes.

>> No.1301604
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>mfw crag hacks finds Scroll of Fly.

>> No.1301661

I have no idea why the fuck they thought fly, waterwalk, and DD were good ideas for spells. All they do is fuck with map balance.

>> No.1301665

It's always like that with old games, today they are always more careful, up to the point that the games get incredibly boring

>> No.1301687


RPG inspired games like HoMM weren't really made to be perfect out of the box like say Starcraft. If you're in single player, the computer rarely actually uses these skills to any great effect and when they do it only makes the game more fun since suddenly it actually provides a challenge. If you're into multiplayer you just agree before hand that certain spells are off limits due to their broken nature.

You can find this kind of design principles in early days of games of Magic The Gathering which was intended to be a fun little game that designers assumed would mostly be played by small groups of roleplayers which had a kind of communal stack which people build decks around using various local rules and what not. Once the game became popular and proper tournaments were organized around the game, people just made up new rules regarding deck building, which cards you are allowed to use and form which sets and so on.

>> No.1301695

also, conflux and necropolis

>> No.1301728

>I have no idea why the fuck they thought fly, waterwalk, and DD were good ideas for spells.
Because they're fun

you know, that thing that games used to be before MMO designers and esports cunts got their claws in everything

>> No.1301732

They're fun once or twice in your hands, or as part of a well planned campaign finale, but they're completely unfun to play against. They've got a role, but that role sure as hell isn't to be randomly available.

>> No.1301748


Loads of stuff in HoMM is about random fun. One game you are barely clinging on to your last town because the other player just rushed you and sometimes you get necromancy from a scholar on day one while playing as Crag Hack.

Shit like this is what makes the game fun. Only problem is that the bigger the map the more spells and the less random the game becomes as you play.

>> No.1301753

>They've got a role, but that role sure as hell isn't to be randomly available.
why? because milquetoast modern game design says so?

>> No.1301762

I get that, but I don't find it fun. Nobody I've talked to before has found it fun to have a game completely decided by chance. It's like a delayed version of "Oops, my starting town's blocked off by random terrain."

Because when one player is totally screwed over in a multi-hour game because of the RNG firing two hours ago, it's not an enjoyable experience. I've NEVER read anything game design related that supports that sort of behavior, either now OR then.

>> No.1301773
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I'm finishing all heroes 3 complete maps at impossible difficulty.
It's very fun and also challenging most of the time.
I'm also trying to look for the grail in every map for the best score. However, i have trouble finding it before, like, the third or fourth month. Is there a way to find it using only 2-3 pieces of the map?
Also, i'm against random opponents every map, is there a way to prove it to others that i used random enemies? (after i start a game, when i see the options i see what enemies i got, not the random icon).
I ask because i'd like to share the save files once i'm done, and i'd also like to prove my legitness.

PS: Dungeon master race reporting in.

>> No.1301776

The grail's generally in the central 9 squares of the puzzle map, so locate the indicated area and send all your spare heroes to start spamming dig.

>> No.1301783

>Is there a way to find it using only 2-3 pieces of the map?

The only real problem is finding the general area. Usually you narrow it down a lot by terrain type. It gets real hard once you're on the big maps

>> No.1301821

>choose commander enabled
>select brute (dungeon commander)
>1 gold after every 2 xp point I get in a battle

>playing on >=hard diff
>short on resources
>trading post next to my town

merchant is my greatest ally

>> No.1301823

Yeah, what i usually do when i have no clue (except a generic one, like terrain or some trees) is sending a hero to dig recklessly. after 5-6 holes i usually get lucky and find it, but the problem is also figuring out the general area in which i have to dig.
Precisely, this is my main problem, since, once i have found it, it's only a matter of a few dig spams with a secondary hero.
A funny thing is that in many of the maps i have completed i traveled along almost all the map, only to find the grail near my starting town. fuck my luck i guess.

Thanks for the tips, do you know how i can prove instead my lgetiness about the random enemies? (except drastic measure like recording every map i play, it would take hours and hours)

>> No.1301826

If you can manage to level estates up in short time (learning stones or trees) for each hero, sure.
Otherwise just consider it as a nice bonus, don't overextend (by this i mean: recruit secondary heroes as you normally would)

>> No.1301831

Air is better than water because of flying and dimension door being game-winners.
if you don't consider them, haste is one of the mos important spells in the game. If you undervalue haste, then yes, water is better.

>> No.1301876

Hey, Resistance could be legit against Faerie Dragons and Enchanters. Leadership on a Necromancer could be useful if you want to have foreign creatures you found lying around in your army without them suffering the undead morale penalty. And Scouting is a completely legitimate, useful skill; it's no Logistics, but seeing farther along the side of the road does save you a bit of travel time and scout movement. It could also give you that crucial square of vision that lets you see the enemy's hero out of position ripe for picking in some situations.

>> No.1301986

I like Fiona as starting hero from Inferno just because a few more dogs is a decent thing, they get more speed so better scouting and. I prefer an offrace main hero in Inferno - any Barbarian will suffice. Her Scouting skill is actually good enough on some more open maps when I can see a little further for less skill investment. It's a purely early game skill but it's far from useless, just not something you'd put on main hero. Kinda like Scholar. Scholar is great on a secondary.

Also, Earth>Air>Water>Fire. Fire isn't a bad school; it just gets outshined.

>> No.1302002

>tfw AI blinds a unit of yours after you have already used your spell

>> No.1302247

>no Castle on day 7

>> No.1302619

I really dig Dungeon and Fortress design, but i didn't play much as them. Any tips about them(good units, which upgrades i should go for real fast and which i can ignore)?

Also, how exactly does attack stat work? In unit's card it still displays base damage so how does attack stat adds up to damage? And how does defence work?

>> No.1302643
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Because the AI likes to play cat and mouse too much?

>starting town blocked by terrain

Seen that happen to the AI once, if you add garnisons theres a big chance they'll fuck you up good too.

buy some archeologists and send then digging, tell everyone they have to belive you because you cant really proove the enemies were random

>be the first one to get to the sea
>money and wood up the ass, maybe some artifacts like pic relted

But you must be a good wizard to use those AKA not get fucked untill you're 30 (3rd level Wizdom) Do you have the shekels for the magic guild and will those spells be there? Slow>Haste

FDragons and enchanters are very rare in the wild even on random maps. Leadership as necro and scouting on main hero still suck but thank God we have WOG to fix em

>> No.1302797

>mfw when computer spawns in a zone with no way out
I just call them North Korea

>> No.1302809

>tfw they gather troops, then fuck you over with an unexpected dimension door
The only time i truly feared Inferno.

>> No.1302810
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Your WOG guilty pleasures?

>have expert water and teleport
>commander has the strike twice, max damage, strike all around abilities
>bring commander over the wall in siege battles
>watch computer throw bodies at your commander

>> No.1302813

Well, i guess i'll just tell non-believers to believe me then. Once i've completed them all, i'll put the save files here as well (they should have the player's name on the option's screen, right?), just in case some anon wants to see a map in detail or see what i did.
Thanks again guys.

>> No.1302847
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>Calh was mated to Marius for several years, but it soon became clear that she was obsessed with the total destruction of, of all things, Dendroids. They split up, and Calh went on to have a glorious military career.

Even Infernal demons know that
not even once.

>> No.1302849

Dungeon is a decent town which shines once it's built up to the max. Mana Vortex is one of the best special buildings ever when you count in the fact that Dungeon heroes
An easy way to play with Dungeon is to start with Shakti, buy as many Troglodytes (one tavern hero is guaranteed to be from Dungeon and you should have prebuilt level 1 building) as you can and go on a killing spree. Shakti can start wth over 100 Troglodytes this way, which, under his command, will be faster and stronger. That, and he starts with Tactics. Get Manticores as fast as possible - they're not great units but they'll fulfill the role of blockers against archers. With a Troggie powerstack and Mantis, your early game should be a breeze. If you want, you can even start the game off upgrading to Infernal Trogs but it's not necessary.
Overlords are good heroes overall too; Gunnar, Damacon, Dace are strong. Strong Warlocks include Alamar, Jeddite, Malekith and perhaps Deemer.
Once you've gotten control of the map then the rest of the units are pretty good. Black Dragons are immune to magic so you can perform hit and run attacks with just a B.Dragon stack and Armageddon. Minotaur Kings are very solid foot soldiers. Nobody likes to fight against Harpy Hags.

Fortress is my favourite, so there - your strength is in how cheap your town is. If possible, get Wyverns at Day 1, or Day 2 at the latest, and wage battles with them. Give a single Serpent Fly to every scout and uncover the map really quickly. If you're in luck, you'll have Hydras by the end of week 1 - and, while they lack the sheer oomph of other level 7 units, they are great against AI and lesser units.
In fact, I think that the levels for units are sort of lopsided - Mighty Gorgons (which are fucking awesome and you should excel to have that upgrade right after getting all your dwellings) due to their special ability excel at murdering level 7 units. Hydras with no retaliation and multi-attack are great against lower stuff.

>> No.1302857

>In the Griffin scenario just pick the Shield for +4 all attributes and try to rush orange player underground to level up the playing field with your towns. Quite often the solution to beating campaigns when you've less castles is to get enemy castles ASAP killing their heroes on the way.


A lot of the missions become much easier when you get a quick army going and storm undefended enemy bases while they don't have any defenses. If you let them build up and entrench, you're in trouble.

>> No.1302859

To continue: Each one of Fortress units may feel lacking in sheer power but they make up for it with special abilities. Don't pick Fortress against Necropolis if you can avoid it.

The best heroes are: Tazar (who is amongst the best heroes in the game; he's basically an inverted version of Crag Hack), Alkin (strong specialty and starting skills), Korbac (really fast early on). Bron (has a chance to start with 4-7 Basilisks, which are level 4 units! an unique property)... in fact, Beastmasters are similar to Barbarians in that you can pick any one of them and they'll be a good main hero. Ignore Witches, there's nothing good about them, really - specialties aren't great, and the skill point distribution is meh.

You'll notice that as Fortress your heroes will emphasize defense. Some people think it means that they're best at "playing defensive" (though Fortress has a pretty useful moat in case it comes down to castle sieges). Truth is, you have to strike early and fast. If you manage to break open a few Serpent Fly banks and get Wyverns from them, they might propel your attack and let you take over a town. Expert Air magic helps your troops get to the enemy frontline where they'll be really hard to shake off; Expert Water can do the same (Teleport the Hydras and the Gorgons where the enemy doesn't want them). You'll need something extra to break open castles because Fortress sucks at sieging - get Ballistics if you have to, but Expert Water is preferrable.

Upgrade Gorgons and Flies - the last one might give you initiative in battle. The rest should be upgraded as they go - I'm not entirely sold on the Wyvern Monarchs poison. Chaos Hydras are awesome but the main difference between them and their un-upped brethren is speed, so nothing drastic. That doesn't mean avoid those upgrades, just postpone them.

>> No.1302862

>How does attack and defence work
http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=17783 This has the intricate math all laid out.

>> No.1302874

Best wog commander in the game?
I'd say the Paladin (Castle heroes commander).
>Gain 150% of the Hero experience, can literally become a one-man army
>Casts Cure
>With the 'Enhanced Commanders' option enabled, the Paladin has unlimited retaliation and any unit the Paladin cures also receives an expert-level Bless

>> No.1302876

I propose to you this custom map. I think it's pretty hard and funny. Download here : http://www.maps4heroes.com/forum/opinions.php?game=3&map_id=369

>> No.1302954

List of all WOG commanders and their enhanced abilites:

>Gain 150% the hero's XP
>Unlimited retaliation
>Casts Cure, cured unit also receives adv. Bless for 3 turns, even units that normally can't be Blessed, like Vampires (!)

>Hero gets free First aid tents in battle
>Has Magic Mirror
>Casts Shield, shielded unit also get +2 morale

>Restores some mana after each turn that hero used a spell
>Casts Prayer

>Steal some creatures if you fight a neutral stack before battle
>Flying unit
>Casts Fire shield

>Is undead
>Has Fear (like azure dragon) because spooky
>Casts Animate Dead (sometimes bugged)

>50% of hero's battle XP becomes gold (merchant)
>Can't be retaliated against
>Casts Bloodlust, bloodlusted unit also receives Stoneskin

>Hero gets free Ballistas in battle (very broken on high attack heroes like Crag Hack)
>50% chance to block any incoming damage. Can't block spell damage except damage from Fire shield.
>Casts Stoneskin, Stoneskinned unit also receives adv. Counterstrike (+2 retaliations)

>Has 150% of hero's attack and defence
>50% chance to poison (like wyvern) any living target it attacks
>Casts Haste, hasted unit also gets +2 luck

>Chase away enemy Hero's creatures before battle (they come back if the enemy hero wins that battle)
>Ignores 50% defence of its attack target
>Summons free elementals (you still have to click on a unit in your army though)

>> No.1302956


Hmm i remember the originl map was fun but I gave up after i lost Town Portal for some mysterious reason. WIll ply the map in your link now tho.

>> No.1304696
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Please dont let this thread die!

>> No.1304795


Thanks. Also, why are people saying that conflux is overpowered or something? I can't say i played much against it(and i, most of the time, play against AI). I remember them having magic school building which is pretty useful but don't remember anything else, including units.

>> No.1304816

Their units are OP as hell, sprites may be pathetic but they're fast and theres alot of them. All of the elements are generaley top tier per level. Also the Pheonix, good gawd, 4 a week and they're the fastest 7th level creatures + they ressrect themselves. OVVVERPOOWEEEREDDD

Also anyone notice how fun summon elemental is? I get 44 just for 20 mana on my expert earth level 20something knight, shiit that is broken!

>> No.1304821

What are some good maps to play on? Most of the ones I tried so far are pretty boring.

>> No.1304837
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Wogifying randomly generated maps usually helps me get my kicks, other than that you could find some decent stuff online.

>> No.1304861

There is a bunch of extremely challenging maps made by the fans. Unleashing the Bloodthirsty, A Journey Home, Hail To The King, Sander's Folly... main folder with Shadow of Death has Adventures of Jared Haret. Like I said, they're challenging as hell.

Upgraded Sprites take no retaliation and they're fast placing them among the best level 1 units since if handled properly the AI in battles will never touch them. They're not particularly expensive - particularly Phoenixes are cheap for a level 7 unit. A lot of their units are immune to magic - even if you say Phoenixes have weak stats then they also have the greatest speed in the game, can self-ressurect and are immune to fire, and of course there's twice as many of them - making Conflux especially adept at rushing and clearing the map. Then Magic Elementals are mini-hydras on steroids and Storm Elementals are a level 2 shooter with 25 HP. As a cherry on top they also have the best grail in the game, a magic university which ensures you will have the magic school skills at a meager price and even Elementalists are better magic heroes than other because they get a bonus primary skill in relation to other mages (For instance Necromancers are 1/0/2/2 while Elementalists are 0/0/3/3).

Then again, Conflux looks and is lazy because it was rushed because "die hard fans" couldn't accept the Forge. Too bad - the town kinda made sense given what we learn about Kreegans

>> No.1304886

If you haven't already, look for the good version of the game that the Russians put out that comes with multiple random map generator (RMG) templates. The default RMG can get bland and has some oddities, while using player-tuned RMGs can ensure good maps the majority of the time. I think they come with the HD version, or it might be HD+ or something.

I really want somebody to remake the game as open source, like fans have done with other old PC games. I heard some people were doing this, but who knows when it'll be done. I just want to make a few changes to the balance, without adding all that stupid shit in WOG that makes it a totally different game. Just make Tower stuff a little cheaper, Inferno units a little better, Conflux units a little weaker, and some kind of limit on Necromancy. Like, ever Necro hero can only raise so many units per week, based on their level, or something like that.

>> No.1304891
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Question: How do I wogify my game in the HD edition? The menu from vanila WoG is absent in the HD edition, is it hidden somewhere?

>> No.1304923

Make a HD executable file for the H3WOG.exe, it should become h3wog_hd.exe if you do it right

>> No.1304932

It starts but i still cant access my wogifying options.

>> No.1304948

You are mostly right, but you are wrong about elementals.
The Air elemental is insanely powerful for a tier 2, upgraded becomes a decent tier 3. Water elemental is also very good if upgraded.
Fire elemental is shit, except when upgraded, where his speed and flying could be useful.
Earth and Magma elementals are total garbage. Slow, little damage and terrible stats for their tier. Maybe hp saves them, but not so much.
Summon elemental, while not usually wort a turn of spellcasting, is sure fun as hell to use.

>> No.1304978
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Post those shitty rolls.
Apply shitty cropping for perfection

>> No.1304989

>that spawn

>> No.1305000
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old but relevant

>> No.1305018
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there is some way to have sharpshooters in town?

>> No.1305024

Enable all heroes in wog then get lucky with Gelu, or whatever his name was.

>> No.1305036

There's the questline where that one Rampart nigga can get em.

>> No.1305061

nice trips
>inb4 this isn't a random map because in RMG Inferno will only spawn on either lava or underground

if not getting gelu, play random map as rampart and pray for sharpshooter dwelling in your zone
>implying it wouldn't be guarded by horde of grand elves

>> No.1305078
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why wont this file load?

>TFW cloned Archangles can ressurect

>> No.1305178

What exactly does the different random map templates do in the HDmod? Some of them have size and player count assigned to them but I can still vary those numbers freely.

>> No.1305194

sharpshooter? fuck is that?

>> No.1305203
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Just some of the best ranged units in the game. Completely ignores obstacles or distance and always does full damage.

Gelu, a rampart hero, can upgrade castle and rampart ranged units into Sharpshooters and he's a total baller.

>> No.1305209

so basically a large unit of this guys can take easily down the angels, dragons, etc ?

>> No.1305229


That's true with all ranged units, though.

You do get faster units that do more damage, have more def and health when upgrading. Only problem is that they don't have double strike.

>> No.1305246
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Best opening week or bestest opening week?

>> No.1305241

which is the better ranged unit of the game in your opinion? I like very much the ranged skeleton-mage of undeads.

>> No.1305259

Their only major drawback is their patheticly low health - 15 ! This means they get wrecked by pritty much every mele attacker and powerful spell. Use their insanely good speed (9) as an advantage.

Titan, obviously. Liches are only good with the Cloak of the Undead king.

>> No.1305265


They'd be sweet if their death cloud ability wasn't so easy to avoid. I mean if it was a free throw effect, as in you could throw it directly your own troops which wouldn't take any damage if they were undead, they'd be badass, but as it is even the AI is smart enough to avoid it pretty much always.

Obviously titans are the pound for pound best ranged unit but I do love when you get those first arch magi, you just get that extra bit of reduction for spells that allows you to spam them just a tad bit more without running out of spell points.


They still have more health than elves and marksmen.

>> No.1305312


They're 6th level units, damn it! Also they're expensive as fuck.

>> No.1305362
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He did say that Liches are only the best with Cloak of the Undead King. You know what that item does, right? It means you have so fucking many Liches that the titans are only there for mop-up.

>> No.1305393


Please explain what you're fucking mad about. Seriously I'm having a hard time figuring out what triggered this massive faggotry.

>> No.1305736

>escape- "do not accept" option
I remember once when I was a child I realized I could do everything on the keyboard, and decided to try a scenario keyboard-only. And besides the arrow keys being much more difficult to use accurately than point-and-click, I got into a battle that the enemy group wanted to run, but still could have significantly reduced my forces. I couldn't figure out what button to press to let the enemy run. So I lost half my forces.

>> No.1305810

Some of the newer RMG templates are more balanced for competitive play.

>> No.1305818
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>month: 22

>> No.1305850

I await a mod that removes Escape and turns it into a high-cost spell just as a Fuck You to faggots who drop a nuke and run like hell before you get to kill them.

>> No.1305884

bring orb of inhibition/shackles of war anon

>> No.1306241
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I found out that the computer even in Expert/Impossible settings never builds Castle in the 1st week

>> No.1306676

What's a fun, moderately rich map/template for fighting the AI? M or L, preferably (XL is just too damn big). Also nothing absurdly difficult, I'm not that good.

>> No.1306721

RMG template that's rich? Ring probably, lots of resources laying around with only level 1/2 mobs.
XL is big but it really doesn't take you that long if you know how to go after and guess the enemy town positions.

>> No.1306760

For guessing enemy town positions, that's mostly following the road - on random maps, all towns are connected by roads, so following one will inevitably lead you to neutral towns and enemy towns.

>> No.1306768

I can't find anything called Ring in the in-game rmg browser or on google

That makes a lot of sense yet it never actually occured to me. Thanks.

>> No.1306784
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I saw a streamer whose in-game tooltip said the possible number of neutral monsters after the word Horde, Lots, etc. Any ideas on what could that be?

>> No.1306785

It's an ARRAYTXT.TXT mod.

>> No.1306787

I believe one of the vision spells can do that. View Air or Visions, not sure which.

>> No.1306792

How do you guys usually play against the AI? I'm at the point where anything below Impossible is a bore, but Impossible itself seems to just come down to the map; if the AI is nearby it will almost always crush me before I have much chance to build or recruit anything, but if I get left alone for a few weeks, it's basically the same as Expert. I'm considering trying some 1v2s on Expert, or maybe doing 2v2 with an AI ally on Impossible.

>> No.1306793

Exactly what I was looking for, thanks broski.

>> No.1306826

User ERA, it contains WoG as a mod. You need a simple SoD before installing era. Plain WoG is deprecated.

>> No.1306827

>then get lucky with Gelu
Or just invite him to your tavern using the invite feature of the HD mod.

>> No.1306830

XL, no underground, lot of players, use alliances.

>> No.1306838

The map template's name is Ring.
Start a random map scenario, press i to view Scenario Information and you'll see it. I only play XL+U, so maybe you don't see the templates that I do because you play on M/L. The XL map templates I've seen so far are:

>Spawning zone is generally rich in resource piles, mobs are weak, has road from main town that leads to 1 or 2 backyard towns that you can claim early as free monie. Roads are straightforward between towns, very few road junctions, monoliths and utopias

>Spawning zone varies between extremely rich and extremely poor, which leads to imbalance between players' progression. Each zone is likely to have a back entry that doesn't have road so you can surprise buttsex them, although getting there can be inconvenient, depends on the terrain. Plenty of monoliths and road junctions, moderate amount of utopias. Mobs are moderate.

>Spawning zone is luck based like 8XM12, however no back entries. Navigating through it is harder than Ring, but much easier than 8XM12 and you can get the hang of it after a while. Plenty of monoliths, few road junctions, moderate utopias. Mobs are strong.

>Spawning zone still varies, but to a lesser degree than 8XM12. Same navigation as 8XM8. Moderate amount of monoliths, few road junctions, many utopias. Mobs are moderate.

>This is the most fun template to explore and adventure in my opinion. Spawning zone varies like 8XM12, few monoliths, few road junctions but utopias galore. Mobs are strong.

>> No.1306850

I see the other ones, I don't see anything called Ring though. Using the latest version of HoMM3 HD.

>> No.1307090

Guys, quick question. As M&M: Heroes VI is on daily deal on steam, is it worth it? Has Ubi fixed it with the expansions/DLC? Or is it still shit?

>> No.1307098

yet somehow he has like 3 times your army 99% of the time.
I call cheating cpu.

>> No.1307283

goddamn, AI keeps winding up with twice my L7s because I can't build the L7 dwelling until week 4+.

I don't know if I'm just getting bad luck with resources or if I'm doing something wrong or both but this is frustrating.

>> No.1307357

If you need to meet deadlines, trade away unnecessary resources for gold, and make sure that you only buy whatever you need for the map. Usually all you need to kill the map is a powerstack + fliers to block shooters (Efreeti can perform both), with maybe archers in the mix.

I'd not buy it because as of August the online community is dead. Stick to H3.

>> No.1307421


What towns are you playing?

As a side note, don´t rush for capitol on w1 on anything but S, SU, M, MU and L. YOu tend to have loads of time to get up the daily gold count to bulk up on dwelling before that.


W1 behemoths + castle is always greatest on stronghold

>> No.1307425

I suck hard at this game, are there any good general strategy guides for beginners out there?

>> No.1307449


Kind of alternating between dungeon and tower.

I'm not going for capital early, already learned that the hard way. It's not gold I'm having issues with but the other resources.

>> No.1307540

Well Dungeon and Tower are the two towns that need quite a lot of resources, particularly Dungeon has you in a bit of a roadblock if you play 200%.

You probably need to explore better and flag resource centers and piles faster. With Tower just rush to Master Gremlins and Nagas, with Dungeon you can start with Shakti (not necessary though, still nice), get +100 Troglodytes and a few Manticores and rush the map.

In general you should have level 7 dwelling at week 2 or 3 at the latest, if not then the map is very poor, you're playing on 200% or other shenanigans.

>> No.1307675

There's wikis and guides that have compilations of unit stacks, which really helps a competent player improve, since you can get good at estimating outcomes of battles.

If you're really struggling, here's some common new player mistakes...
1) Don't rush to build your Capitol right away. There's gold all over the map, but not many ways to get the exact creatures you want. Having access to your town's best units is much more important than excess gold. Keep in mind that foreign creatures make your army get -1 morale.
2) On a related note, you don't need to buy all your creatures each week. Buy what your heroes need; for example, don't buy all your Minotaurs or Basilisks if you're planning a siege, buy fliers instead. Those unneeded units could save your ass later on if you get besieged.
3) Don't be afraid to buy extra heroes. This can vary with the size of the map, but generally you want 2-3 extra heroes to help you explore early, then later on they can run around doing the weekly tasks (windmills, creature houses, etc). If the map is bigger you'll want more heroes later in the game to carry armies from your towns to your main hero, instead of wasting time running home.
4) Make sure to prioritize. Don't waste time fighting neutral creatures for a resource or artifact you don't need when you could be claiming mines or towns. This is why rapidly exploring with several heroes is good: it gives you more info.
5) Don't buy creature upgrade buildings until you're actually going to use them. It's nice to have the build screen all yellow, but it's a waste of money to get them early.

After you get those things down, you have to start improving your battle tactics, which is a whole other topic.

>> No.1307683

>compilations of unit stacks
Meant to say unit stats.

For combat, it depends a lot more on which town you're playing. In general, focus on keeping your units alive. Use shooters and no-retaliation units as much as possible, while the rest of your units protect them. If you have empty slots in your army, make a couple stacks of 1 weak unit, to be used on wasting your enemies' counterattacks. Pay attention to the terrain too; a big obstacle can often be used to make the AI waste lots of time walking around it.

Also, use spells a lot. They often decide the battle. Buffs/debuffs are generally superior to direct damage. The best all-around spells, in no order, are probably Haste, Slow, Prayer, Bless, Dispel, and Blind.

>> No.1308093
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So, I installed ERA, and I seem to be having some sort of graphics trouble. Does anyone have any advice?

>> No.1308097

Man, this game always seemed to crash on me.

It feels bad because I really enjoyed it, the little that I played.

>> No.1308150
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>unguarded logistic witch hut near main town

>> No.1308550

You've enabled the "new battle backgrounds" setting without having new battle backgrounds installed (they're sold separately somewhere). Disable the setting or find the new battle backgrounds.

>> No.1308685

He doesn't seem mad at all to me. You're the one who seems mad here.

>> No.1308932

Paladin, Brute or Ogre commander are the best by far.

Ogre's just block all melee damage 1 out of 3 times, that is fucking insane. And yeah, Paladins can pretty much solo kill an enemy melee army if he is backed up with some rangeds and a good hero. Brute is good for dem gold.

>> No.1310871
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>tfw heroes 4 and 5 are decent but not as good as heroes 3
>tfw heroes 6 looks so shitty I havent even played it yet

Is it worth checking out or did Jewbisoft completly ruin the series? Those screenshots...eww

also thread bump

>> No.1310875
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>did Jewbisoft completly ruin the series?


>> No.1310906

Right, but it depends on what kind of map you're playing. Playing Jebus Cross which is rich as fuck? Sure, go and build your dwellings and castle first. Playing on templates with little to no resources (I believe that would be Gimli's Revenge, correct me if I'm wrong) and strong monsters? Better get yourself a Capitol first or you cannot even afford your creatures and then you're stuck in your starting area.

>> No.1310929

There are ways around this though with some towns being overall cheaper and some heroes allowing certain cost-effective tactics (Luna, Gurnisson, Shakti maybe). I'd still be hardpressed to need Capitol in most cases though those do exist. Also, in general, it's good to notice when you can get away with building army since if at all possible it trumps Capitol strats.

>> No.1310992

Do you have the HD mod installed? I believe it stops the crashes.

>> No.1311047

>gimli's revenge
I've been meaning to try a resource-poor game. Rich maps feel so... rushed.

>> No.1311168

Not certain if that's the one, but if it is, it's really challenging if you've got monster strength set to strong. Lots of fun.

>> No.1311195

So, am I the only one here who's been playing the shit out of HotA? Now that it's finally out in english.

>> No.1311407

what is it?

>> No.1312549

Stronghold is CRAZY for exploring. how much aggressive can that town be. rocs+behemoth on day five is BRUTAL.

>> No.1312587

What happens when you try to exceed 99 primary stat?

>> No.1313262
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Hey fags, english version of HotA got released.


>> No.1313426

AFAIK, it looks like your game resets your stat to any number >=00, but it's just a visual bug.

>> No.1313437


What's this now? Tried google translate on the site but couldn't figure out what it actually is.

>> No.1313449

Horn of the Abyss mod

adds a pirate town to heroes

>> No.1313514

Oh, thanks man.

>> No.1314128

So when are we going to see some /vr/ made scenarios?

>> No.1315069

Tops every other tune in H3.

>> No.1315963

So what do you guys think is the best slot class item. (head,torso,lefthand...etc.)

>> No.1315978

But that's not Foretress theme.

>> No.1315982

Secondary slots are the best (tomes, shackles, orbs...)
If you talk about a single space, then i think weapon hand.

>> No.1316304

Feet, for Boots of Speed.

>> No.1316560


yeah secondaries are insane.

however Shoulders have Angel Wing. I mean seriously, you take one of the most broken spells and then make it free and transferable. And it also has cloak of velocity with wonderful +2 speed bonus which is pretty much always playable unless you've managed to get some combo artifact that uses the slot

>> No.1316570


Oh and it also has Vampire Cowl. That's three very impressive, albeit, uncommon artifacts.

>> No.1318097

I cant wait for mapmakers to go crazy with the map sizes in that mod.

>> No.1318116

What is the appeal of this game and series? Every time I try to play it, the game starts feeling rote after an hour or so. It feels more like an RPG than a strategy game--the strategy is basically becoming bigger and better (emphasis on bigger) through exploration and finding lewt.

I'm not trying to start a fight here, because as I said, I haven't played this game for very long. I just want the right mindset for this.

If it was a few months ago, I would be making almost the same complaints about the mainline M&M RPG series, calling it shallow and whatnot. Yet I finally understand what the game is trying to do: it's a pure RPG boiled down to its very essence, which makes it very addicting. Maybe that's what HoMM is going for but in TBS form.

>> No.1318432

>What is the appeal of this game and series?
For me it's the fact that I grew up with these games (II and III that is) and I still have both on my computer. I play a game or so a month and it reminds me of when I was a kid and had gotten my first PC.

>> No.1318893

In random scenarios, of course it comes down to you snowballing and destroying everything with the exp and loot you acquire and heading for your final confrontation - but what happens before you get to that point? The strategy aspect certainly kicks in if you start with no resources and only a handful of units and a ballista. And of course, if you're playing a human opponent, you better know how to claim early dwarven treasuries and such buildings. There is lots of community content that works out for people playing for the storyline/adventure/whatever as well as those who want to be constantly challenged.

The towns are numerous and each rewards a different mindset and playstyle. Some people like Solmyr/Tower, other people actually like winning etc.

Also, it has that "One More Turn" syndrome for many players, and it's a very comfy Hot Seat game.

>> No.1319376

Thats it? sounds lame...

>> No.1319597

It adds alot of other stuff too. Artifacts, map objects, two new campaigns (which are damn good).
But fuck, that pirate town is fucking good, it's like NWC made it.

>> No.1319718

Is there a HoMM 4 mod for 3?(put all of the HoMM 4 campaigns and OST into HoMM 3)
I saw one being made like 5 years ago, is it ded?

>> No.1319743

Never heard of it, but sounds interesting.

>> No.1322241

Is HotA better than WoG?

>> No.1322992
File: 84 KB, 604x453, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could this happen that NWC or 3DO still did not released sources of homm3 engine? I mean, this game is more than 10 years old and actually is abandonware - fuck-everything-up-bisoft have licenses only for newer parts of series.
Instead of using cross-platform engine, fans have to use reverse engineering, creating VCMI.
Just... Why?

>> No.1324587
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>> No.1325178

you can never actually thow away the possibility that there might actually be noone to release them or by some fucked up misfortune nothing to release...

>> No.1325346

Thank god based Russians speak x86 assembly like it was their native language, so we can have the HD mod, era and wog.

>> No.1326923

And their hilariously primitive English

>> No.1326953
File: 5 KB, 58x64, jeddite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeddite is love. Jeddite is life.
captcha: life ormster

>> No.1327109

when it comes to homm, ASM > any other motherfucking language

>> No.1327507
File: 949 KB, 250x158, 1389299434798.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa this thread is still alive? Imagine this:
>heroes 7 is going to be a remake of heroes 3
>the game will have all the original factions with all the original creatures/heroes/buildings etc.
>all old monsters will be present
>your task is to create a new 10th completly orriginal town that will fit in the story, not suck, make sence and have its own hereos and creatures
>what will you do?

>> No.1327519

I would rather have the source code of homm3 than homm7

>> No.1327571

>heroes 7 is going to be a remake of heroes 3

same was said for VI. look how that turned out.

>> No.1327594

I havent plaid it but from what i've seen its shit. The graphics and art style is just... ;_;
Yeah but its 2014 dude we cant expect society to fall for 98 graphics no matter how good the game is.

>> No.1327603

With the source code comes a big possibility of improvement in the graphics department.

>> No.1327631

>your task is to create a new 10th completly orriginal town that will fit in the story, not suck, make sence and have its own hereos and creatures
Does that mean that we can have Forge finally?

>> No.1327636


>> No.1327641
File: 11 KB, 262x192, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know about the Forge fiasco
It was supposed to come out in Armageddon's blade but people got assblasted because it was scifi. 3DO scrapped everything and made Conflux instead.

>> No.1327684

Not just because it was scifi, but because the naga tank had half a nipple visible. (despite many other female units having bare chests, and ironically the conflux pixies ended up almost naked).

The Forge also had super strong units handicapped by price and very small unit growth. Conflux ended up with cheaper and weaker units with huge unit growth.

>> No.1328986
File: 476 KB, 218x169, 1373887445185.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boner is ready.

>> No.1328990


not really, i never found the forge a good idea, because it was sci-fi in a fantasy world

but this game could use some nudity, why would a tank naga have nipples anyway? And is that a serious reason why they removed it?

>> No.1328987

are there actual plans for a Heroes 7?

>> No.1329037

It's without a doubt in Ubishit plans (they said it various times in various interviews. Ironically they were almost all about why heroes 6 sucked ass and what they wanted to do eith the other chapters of the saga).
But i fear it will retain some features from the Ubisoft chapters (read: territory control etc).
The only good one from Ubi was 5.

>> No.1329040

>might of magic
>not sci-fi
As far as official explanation goes, the continent where HoMM's story took place used to be a technologically advanced society, however an apocalypse-like event was brought upon the population, all knowledge and vestiges of their world was lost forever. They have to rebuild civilization from scratch, the Inferno town is actually aliens who wanted to claim this world for themselves, and artifacts are previously 'tools' that survived the ravages of time.
The Forge town would actually make sense with this explanation as it somehow managed to survive this apocalypse and kept their advanced civilization intact.

>> No.1329072

But where did the magic come from? Or is that "technology" too?

Im ok with kreegans beeing "aliens" since they are from another dimentions.

>> No.1329093
File: 721 KB, 800x600, hota12scr03[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Horn of the Abyss is out in English
>no discussion whatsoever
Is everyone busy playing or what?

>> No.1329101

can you play it with the HDmod?

>> No.1329123

Yes, it's 100% compatible.

>> No.1329129

Should I? Is it gud? Pirate town sounds like a really shitty idea, will i have to delete wog?

>> No.1329134

thanks, I will give it a shot then.

>> No.1329162

Technology and magic co-existed in their pre-apocalypse society.

>> No.1329168

>will I have to delete wog?
Yes, it's only compatible with Shadow of Death/Complete + HD mod.

>> No.1329165
File: 77 KB, 293x286, Wyvern Monarch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I...i was going to make a HoMM3 thread when i saw it..

>i love you /vr/

>> No.1329178
File: 496 KB, 200x113, 1388180365957.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might consider it some day, is it better than WoG? Any list of changes/new content? Also can i add my own rules to the game like in wog?

>> No.1329180

Core features.
-New fully playable town – Cove.
-New war machine – Cannon. Available at Cove’s Blacksmith
-New artifacts and artifact sets
-New banks and conservatories
-New types of map objects
-New heroes
-Towns change their appearance, depending on Fort level
-Map editor
-Support for bigger map sizes (Huge, XHuge and Giant)
-A lot of balance fixes (like finally nerfing the necromancers or making life easier for Tower and Inferno)
-A lot of RMG fixes (for example, removing all sea elements from non-sea random maps)
-A lot of graphical fixes (like, really a lot… original game had plenty of graphical bugs)

Nigga it's all in the link provided.

>> No.1329212

looks nice, but game crashes within the first week.

>> No.1329216

Try disabling the music.

>> No.1329254

It's working now, thanks. Looks really good.

>> No.1329294

>your wyvern
>never poisons
>enemy wyvern
>1st hit poison always

>> No.1329305

Looking good, and downloading now, but how come it takes more than 30 minutes to download a small file?

>> No.1329330

top lel those sea dogs with accurate shot are overpowered as fuck.

>> No.1329362


Why are you randomly greentexting sentences?

>> No.1329409

What is this fuss I heard about new town in /v/. I tried to download it, but chrome discards it as malicious. Are russians trying to hack my shit?

>> No.1329419


Works perfectly fine for me.

>> No.1329420

>kill one chaoshydra by damage
>kill the other 5 by accurate shot

>> No.1329445

Is there a way to combine this UI mod with H3HD? If I use both I get a jumbled mess where some things are changed and others aren't.

>> No.1329978

I don't want to upgrade my HoMM3.

Cuz old is gold

>> No.1329981


New here ?

>> No.1330536

>no discussion whatsoever
That's because their release is shit.
Where's my Cathedral? Where's my Kronverk? Where are my alternative units?
The team said that they scrapped that shit, fuck them. Always bitching between themselves and not doing shit.

>> No.1330759

This. Even Conflux is shit.

>> No.1331064
File: 106 KB, 640x360, 1386115574959.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone made a thread on /v/ about the new pirate add on. I'm looking for a good excuse to get sucked into Heroes 3 again. Is it gud?

>> No.1333230

Thread bump, which of the heroes 3 heroes will you fuck /vr/ ? Make a list and explain why, we need a good discussion.

>> No.1334746

Sir Mullich
Sir Mullich
Sir Mullich

>> No.1334986


What do you mean ?

>> No.1335000
File: 397 KB, 1242x534, game_screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind the Settlers II

>> No.1335278

I played a lot of difficult games in my life, but I really can't into this game. I always end up facing armies 5x stronger than me month 2

>> No.1335325

This. Anybody playing it? I tried some WoG out and hated how different everything was. I don't wanna deal with commanders and super units or all that dumb shit. But if it's just a new faction with slight balance changes, maybe I could get into it...

>> No.1335343

git gud.

Seriously now, are you picking EXP instead of gold from chests on the world map? Don't do that, always pick gold. All leveling should be done through combat.

>> No.1335358


Open with Town Hall on day 1, then go full on dwelling with focus on ranged units and finish the week with castle and citadel.

>> No.1335421

This isn't comfy board.
Greentexting is common here.

>> No.1335430

Is there a way to play HotA in HD without the game freezing every ten seconds yet? I can't play HOMM without the small comfortable changes HD mod brought anymore, I'm too spoiled.

>> No.1337578

>Or is that "technology" too?

Play Might and Magic VI-VII-VIII and find out

>> No.1337601
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>> No.1337989

well, stop your whining, then.
Yes, technology exists in the MnM universe. Yes, magic exists too. Yes, you can start a game fighting goblins in dungeons with swords and fireballs and finish it onboard of the space shuttle.
Can't take your ass to play MM? Go to wiki and RTFM.

>> No.1339351

How do we rebalance Secondary Skills?
>Eagle Eye
>Allows copying spells from scrolls and tomes

>Random chance to increase gold from chests and creature banks

>First Aid
>Increase Tent health and Tent efficiency

>> No.1339368

Get WoG.

>> No.1339449

>Inb4 Moandor
Anyway, Jeddite is love, jeddite is life. Enough said.

>> No.1339452

>First aid
Let the tent resurrect
Allow lucky spells
>Eagle eye
100% chance to learn the spell. Upgrading it only increases the level of the spells learnable.

>> No.1339457
File: 34 KB, 640x400, bernard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Install Horn of Abyss
>They removed all the encounter descriptions

A toggle option would've been too much to ask for?

>> No.1339483

What encounter descriptions are you talking about exactly?

>> No.1339486

The messages that pop up whenever you pick up objects or enter locations on the map. Like in >>1302643 for instance

>> No.1339495

You sure that's not because of the HD mod? It does the same thing.

>> No.1339501

Oh, you're right. It's HD mod that does this, not HoTA.

>> No.1339997
File: 405 KB, 1587x600, hdmod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It moves them to the side like pic related.

>> No.1340006

Yeah, but I think it just tells you immediately what you receive without any flavor text. Which is kind of a bummer. But I understand that some people might be tired of these messages after seeing them for over 15 years.

>> No.1340040

There is <SkipMapMsgs> variable in HDmod ini file, changing it should fix the problem

>> No.1340290

>New expansion is out
>Barely any discussion of it in the thread

>> No.1340696

>project has been in stasis for years
>suddenly get released without complete features that were advertised

>> No.1341457
File: 1.48 MB, 2500x1563, 1373062252780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#1 - Sandro
#2 - Sandro
#3 - Sandro

Sandro 4lyfe

>> No.1341478

>Inb4 Moandor
this some joke I don't understand?

>> No.1342820

>Expert Earth lets you take no casualties in battles with the Ressurect spell (also Mass Slow rocks). Expert Water is worth it for Teleport and maybe Clone. Expert Air has Mass Haste.

I don't think you get to keep the troops you ressurect after the battle.

>> No.1342868

advanced and exp. resurrection let you do that

>> No.1343354
File: 13 KB, 105x135, 111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing Castle, what should be my core (and fodder) units?

>> No.1343357

The golden standard to go for on very rich maps is first week Angels, but aside from those templates like Jebus you aren't going to reach it. So, your best bet is going to be Cavaliers + Castle by the end of the first week. 6 Cavaliers on their own can clear a lot of encounters and, when split, they can take on shooters with no worries. Remember to make use of their jousting bonus (basically, make sure that whenever they attack, they traverse as many squares as possible before attacking).

For that reason, Tyris is a great starting hero for Castle - she gets Tactics as a secondary and specializes in Cavaliers, so with her you are pretty much guaranteed the first strike. I'm not a fan of Knights (or Clerics, for that matter) but Tyris is probably one of the better starting heroes.

For fodder just use a main stack of Pikemen and put a single Pikeman in each of the unoccupied slots - easy.

Marksmen are very good units as well and you might even want to kick off by upgrading them from the get-go especially if you are taking on large walker stacks.

>> No.1343575

He has kept natural charm in death, even the game says it.

>> No.1343671

Hopefully someone can help me out here. HoMM3 is probably my most played game of all time. I really love it. I haven't touched it in a couple of years, but I have the craving for it again. The thing is, I also really want to try something else. Can someone recommend me a good alternative?

Any other game in the series is pretty much out of the question.

I've tried AoW in the past, and there was simply something about the game that put me off it. It might've been the lack of customization in towns, or the one unit per create system that they use rather than the stack system of HoMM, I'm not sure what it was. I wanted to like it but I couldn't. I'd be willing to give it another go if someone can sell me on it. But I'd prefer something different.

I gave Disciples II a go earlier after a lot of fucking around to get it working on Windows 7. It felt kinda flat, and I'm not sure if it's something that I can get into.

I'm not sure if I've exhausted the list of any games that are like the Heroes series, but if someone can recommend something for me, please go ahead.

>> No.1343674

Try Eador. It's pretty good but it's closer to AOW than HOMM.

>> No.1343681

Thanks mate. I'm giving it a download now. Had a quick scan of it on Youtube and it looks pretty good. Almost a hybrid of AoW and HoMM from what I could tell from a glance.

>> No.1343698

Played it. The game is incredibly frustrating. It's insanely hard and getting good is more about exploiting the system and abusing the stupid AI than any complex planning. There is also A LOT of tedious micromanagement (if you play a ranger you'll have to go back to the capital to buy arrows after 2-3 fights every fucking time). It's not a bad game, but I wish they balanced it a little better.

>> No.1343843
File: 286 KB, 552x530, Batrobotnik Mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing every map in the game at impossible (i'll share the saves when i'm done)
>Almost win the map
>Get the grail for extra points
>tfw It was near my starting town all this time
>tfw this happened more than 10 fucking times
Does the game locate the grail near you? Or am i just lucky as fuck? I mean, i would be happy as fuck to have them near me, but not after exploring all the map for some clue map pieces, then recognizing my fucking starter area.
Seriously, this has happened a fuckton of times. I am seriously tempted to dig around my town for months with a secondary hero, just to blindly guess if it's there.
Does this happen to you as well?

>> No.1343979

Thanks again for the suggestion. I'm enjoying it so far. Just completed the tutorial in the campaign. Couple of questions though, how many scenarios are there? I've never been particularly big on campaigns in these sort of games, although this one does seem to be quite good. I still would like to just play some maps. And how many races are there in the game? Am I just restricted to the one?

>> No.1344313

>It's insanely hard and getting good is more about exploiting the system and abusing the stupid AI than any complex planning.
How is this any different than HOMM3?

>> No.1344314

Lucky as fuck.

>> No.1344382

Has anyone here used the Android version of VCMI? Is it any good?

>> No.1344449

Homm is easy unless you have completely no idea what you're doing.

>> No.1344717
File: 235 KB, 1920x1005, winXP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did they give him both scholar and wisdom?

>> No.1344976

Except some artifacts/spells which are insanely broken (but you can deactivate them by modding the map you are playing), the Ai isn't actually so exploitable.
Yes, the Ai will fall for the "half stack on the hero, half on the town" trick, maybe it will get its priorities wrong etc, but there's nothing "exploitable" at all (or at least no exploit that leads to a tremendous advantage).
If you can't manage your resources, your priorities (what to capture, where to go, what to build etc), or your battles, you are in for a very hard time. That's why it is considered a hard game by many new or not expert players.
Those who have their plan though, will find it easy enough.
Against players then it's another matter entirely.

>> No.1344998

What exactly is this "half stack on the hero, half on the town" trick?

>> No.1346187

Exactly what it sounds like

>> No.1346198

So you can use him to hop around and spread all the spells to your heroes once you get town portal.

>> No.1346202

If you have half a stack of all your army in town, and half a stack on your hero, the AI will think the city is defended only by the stacks in town, attacking you without realizing he doesn't have the upperhand.
This is somewhat compensated by the fact that the AI will never attack you unless he has good chances to win, but luring it to attack you in town gives you a big advantage,.

>> No.1346263

Eagle eye specialty heroes in wog get a free spell every time they level up, also their L1/2 creatures become fliers, are they worth playing now?

>> No.1346276

Triss, although she is probably loose as fuck after the horse

>> No.1346317

but there are no hero named Triss

>> No.1346320

Tyris I meant, the cavalry specialist

>> No.1347624


Te might and magic series always had this sci-fi universe, fantasy planets thing going on, but for some reason homm3 had a bunch of fans who flipped out over the idea of forge town. I never understood that.

>> No.1348420
File: 6 KB, 82x82, Tyris[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p-please don't say that about muh waifu ;_;

>> No.1348441
File: 75 KB, 862x582, 1384160537538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isnt he'll finish too fast.

Isnt it obvious?

But he's like the perfect example of a basement dweller.

Cant argue with that...


>tfw you will never be Tyri's's private bodyguard and secret lover
>tfw you will never ride into battle with her and all of the other cavalier bros against the inferno hordes
>tfw you will never get to keep her warm in her tent when the turn is over
>tfw you will never see the joy in the eyes of the poor peasants as she decides to give them the the found gold
>tfw no pure knight wifu

pic semi related

>> No.1348480
File: 1.17 MB, 1366x768, 1390125832101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maxed out marketplace's exchange rate
>still "2 of your things for 1 of mine"
>"I expect to make no profit on the deal"

>> No.1348603
File: 24 KB, 299x288, 1383858049635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1348703

Jews gonna jew.

>> No.1348713

>free spell every level up
It would be neat if done properly (like, if you have basic eagle eye you can only learn first and second level spell, if expert up to 4th level).
>tier 1 and 2 become fliers
What the flying fuck? (literally?) First, it makes no sense at all (it has an eagle, SO IT GIVES FLYING. wtf?). Second of all, it would make some troops 3 times stronger (flying cetaurs? OP), while others would not change at all.
So yeah, the random spell learning would be cool and fun, the flying aspect is retarded.

>> No.1348745

Turns out renting the marketplace costs more than the upkeep of the rest of the kingdom. Instead of bankrupting you, the merchant pays for it himself. Truly your (and my) greatest ally.

>> No.1348794

>you will never see her eyes light up when you tell her a new horse has been born

>> No.1348835
File: 2.25 MB, 450x259, fuck this im out of here gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a turn before you trade resources a few castles of you get stolen

>> No.1349469

Alright, something's been bothering me for a while. Sometimes I'd play around with a hero who doesn't have a spell book yet. After a while he suddenly gets one, even though I haven't bought one for him yet. No spells in the book either. Is this a bug or am I overlooking something?

>> No.1349589
File: 1.89 MB, 800x450, 1388638756385.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feeling the need to play. Should I install the abyssal/pirate mod thing or do I go with WoG? Or should I just play vanilla?

>> No.1349659

First time I would recommend going with the vanilla experience. Go with pirates after that. Get the HD mod

>> No.1350250 [DELETED] 

I've played vanilla for years.

>> No.1350261
File: 2.53 MB, 386x247, Druid uses wild shape.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played vanilla for over 12 years so I wanted to try something different.

>> No.1350305

I'd say go for WoG as it has more possibilities

>> No.1350373
File: 281 KB, 800x400, HIIISlayerEnding[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dragon Slayer
>the whole premise of the campaign is to kill the fabled Azure Dragon
>lying near the slain dragon is a Naga dead from arrow shots

>Implying arrows just hit the Naga on their own
>Implying dragonkin extremists were behind the death of the Naga

>> No.1350445
File: 55 KB, 527x530, tank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1351041

Get WoG and mess around with the wogifying options then start playing random maps.

Maybe she was standing next to the ammo cart when it exploded?
Thank God we dont have that abomination ingame.

>> No.1351046

Unfortunately it'll only take time now until this faction gets added into the game.

>> No.1351140
File: 46 KB, 431x446, 1388313107337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if I can do anything about it.

>> No.1351143

what is that, an RPG for ants

>> No.1351160

>tank with tits isn't awesome
HoMM's original universe was a coexistence between tech and magic, deal with it

>> No.1351164

Yes and it was a terrible idea. You don't see fantasy mixed with sci-fi for a reason.

>> No.1351196
File: 62 KB, 560x280, armadillo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was that quest line just trial and error or what?
Its premises were fairly interesting and all, but take the second quest, for example, where you have to flag all the mines and kill all the rust dragons - and there are A LOT of rust dragons.
I mean, how do?

>> No.1351205

Both chrome and my antivirus won't alllow me to download this.

Are you sure that it's safe?...

>> No.1351409

There's an artifact that, once you get it, it gives you a free spellbook with the Titan Thunder's spell (or something like that).
Otherwise you just don't notice when youn buy one, above all if it's your main hero.

>> No.1351442

No, it's happening nearly every game I start with a Might hero, and I don't get Titan's Thunder THAT often. Often happens the first week or so, sometimes even before I have a Mage Guild built.

>> No.1351495

Are you playing vanilla? If not, it may be some mod you are using.

>> No.1351586

Gish. I am really annoyed with all that "OMG WTF HOMM IS NOT SCI-FI" fags.
Fuck, Might and Magic IS mixed universe and I don't see where this coexistence is wrong.

>> No.1351606

Hacks and fan-patches for games tend to look very suspicious to antiviruses since they pretty much rewrite and edit very specific files. It's a false positive.

>> No.1351620

Just because you could conceivably shoehorn it in, does not mean that it should be there.

>> No.1351624

>You don't see fantasy mixed with sci-fi for a reason.
Star Ocean uses sci-fi, SaGa Frontier uses sci-fi, Final Fantasy has used steampunk and dieselpunk aesthetics and technology throughout the series (8 in particular is contemporary fantasy), Might and Magic has some sci-fi elements, as does Wizardry and Ultima, Breath of Fire also utilizes sci-fi elements (especially in 3), Star Wars utilizes fantasy and sci-fi, as does Xenosaga, and last but not least: Chrono Trigger.

>anal crusaded

>> No.1351630

You forgot Shin Megami Tensei, which is a bigger mythological clusterfuck than M&M.

>> No.1351638

Fantasy and sci-fi really aren't that different. Unless it's really hard sci-fi. Both operate on the similar assumption that there are things that are not yet discovered and they will be applied.

But throwing swords into this would be weird.

>> No.1351639

Fact is that sci-fi is canon to M&M whenever you like it or not.

Phantasy Star too.

>> No.1351658

>muh canon

>> No.1351727

Actual spoilers ahead careful!
Albion too, it starts as pure sci-fi, then jumps to pure fantasy, then mixes both.

>> No.1351750

ITT sci-fi is fantasy

>> No.1353260

I play HD, that's it.

>> No.1353337

I'm from the doom thread, been seeing your guy's threads around and thought I'd stop by.

I played lots of HOMM3 back in the day, though probably more HOMM2. I recently thought of playing again because of a thread or post (I forget which) on /v/ that said that the crazy russians had finally translated their fan-made expansion (dled it but haven't installed it yet.)

My question is, what are some good playermade maps or campaigns? I tried to find some the other day but all I got were a lot of maps in chinese.

>> No.1353341
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>picking HotA over WoG

>> No.1353343

I've never played either

though I have heard WOG is for suckas, something about balance

>> No.1353362

Most gripes come from people who don't ease into it and instead activate ERRERYHING that sounds good. Several of the changes are designed to completely change the way the game is played, and that's why it ruins it for people. They don't ease into it.

>> No.1353381

If it's about balance then WoG has way more options to make the game balanced than vanilla H3.

>> No.1353384

This too, you shouldn't jump into a game right away, instead take some time to browse through the WoG options first to see which rules you want to play with.

>> No.1353421

Yes WoG actualy attempts to balance the original.

>> No.1353652

WoG is gay as fuck, even if you spend hours finding the setup that works for you it is still a clusterfuck

>> No.1353653

>Picking WoG ever
>fan made buggy piece of shit that crashes constantly
Not that HotA doesn't crash but at least the team release patches that fix it.

>> No.1353694

There's actually a bug in the game if you do this after stopping mid-flight on the gates of a hostile town, where you'll fight an identical copy of your own hero.
Defeating the hero will result in your hero dying, so you're forced to run/surrender if you want to save your hero.

Most likely this happens because when you try to enter a hostile town, you face the hero that's standing in the town.. Which in this case is you yourself.

>> No.1353706

That's probably the most hilarious and greatest bug ever if it happens

>> No.1354102
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>> No.1355378

hours? more like 5 minutes if you read the changewog < see what i did there? :^)

Crashes arent that fatal , you can always use autosave. Also i've lost more games to a monster spawning on the beach, forbidding me to land and continue with the map than unavoidable AI related WoG crashes.

How do you stop midfight without getting back to the tavern?

It was deffinetly one of the better campaigns.

>> No.1355554

He said mid-flight.
You dummy!

>> No.1356025

can anyone recommend some good custom map for multiplayer (min 2 players), preferrably XL

>> No.1356084

Yes, this bug requires flying over the entrance of a hostile city and stopping right at its gates.

I always quit from boredom in the second mission. :|

>> No.1356132

Hmm I made a map,tested it an its true, strangely i fought my hero but also recived the defending town garrison on my side. Died in the end. Hmm when i flew over the gate in vanilla i couldnt attack... anyways this bug is really minor as i dont thnikn i would have ever discovered it in a casual game. BTW it reminds me of the pheonix curse from the 5th game.

Random map +5, may the luck be with you.

>> No.1356371


Sounds like I'll be going with WoG then.

Any must-play player maps or campaigns?

>> No.1356595

Cum here:

>> No.1358409
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>there will never be another heroes game set in the M&M universe

>> No.1358473

Is there a mod that let's you recruit creatures from external dwellings in town so I don't need heroes running all over the place each week collecting them?

>> No.1358512
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>> No.1358567

>Evil eye sad frog
I like it. Did you made it?

>> No.1358571

these heroes are mad, i tell you.
There was an inferno bitch that wanted to burn down all the dendroids, and his husband left her because of this. It's incredible how they can give personality to a mere pawn on a horse in just 4-5 lines.

>> No.1358639


>> No.1358738
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>picking WoG over Era which supports WoG, HotA and lots of madskills mods fans compile from stolen sprites

>> No.1358929

such a pity this killer feature was introduced only in IV

>> No.1358984
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Which one would u fuq?

>> No.1359314

Kyrre is a girl?! Since when?

>> No.1359338

>Kyrre served as a scout during the initial defense of AvLee from the Kreegan attacks. Her ability to navigate difficult terrain allowed her to excel in her duties.

>> No.1359370

I thought *it* was a guy first time I looked at *her* portrait in HoMM3

>> No.1359432

yes it is called portal of summoning. Fun is to have just one external dragon cave caped. then you have 3 aditional dragons per week (one in portal instance of external dwelling, one in dwelling itself and one extra growth in town)

but that is just for the dungeon.

that feature in IV was shit and broke the game

>> No.1359504

For some strange reason Kyrre is male in HoMM IV again.

>> No.1359992

That's a beholder.

>> No.1360123
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>mixed up the filenames
God damn it.

>> No.1360242
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Is she from /r9k/ ?

Nimbus only became a necromancer to ressurect his doge. ;_;

>not using the original ingame avatars

obviously i'd pick Shiva

>trans hero added
>company dies

I bet the patriarchy did it!

>> No.1360290

>Is she from /r9k/ ?

>a female robot
desperate women either and up at /cgl/ or /soc/.

>> No.1360351

How do I add the VCMI launcher to the HD mod?

>> No.1360364

>desperate women either and up at /cgl/ or /soc/.

Nah, those girls are at least somewhat attractive.

The uggos with little to no social experience end up on /r9k/ with the male uggos with little to no social experience.

'tis a match made in heaven

>> No.1360372
File: 539 KB, 1863x2043, CGL is on the loose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/ is ugly enough to raid some girl her twitter because they find her too pretty.


sorry for the tumblr

>> No.1360374
File: 158 KB, 465x351, tumblr_lgmcofHcRg1qcu5mpo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please respond. Can I even add the VCMI launcher to Hero3HD??

>> No.1361078

no. You can not.

>> No.1361171
File: 23 KB, 645x773, yogs feel when.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be yog
>be born mixed race
>be enrolled into this magic academy for pretentious wizard-wannabe pansies
>schoolmates pick on you and call your mom a "mithrilburner"
>only want to uphold your father's legacy of becoming a gnoll-chopping, hydra-slaying barbarian
>be scolded by professor solmyr for reading "chef hack's 36 lizard sushi dishes" and "playknight" during chain lightning class
>literally the only joy of going to school is your qt alchemist gf, vidomina
>graduation party
>vidomina says we necromancer now
>reveals she has been cheating behind ur back with this candy-ass porcelain-skinned wizard apprentice, sandro

>> No.1361214

>not having 6,000,000 experience
>M&M was developed by New World Computing who later became a subsidiary of 3DO
>Fast forward to 2003, 3DO ded and sold the rights to M&M to Ubisoft, who rebooted the series completely
>3DO was founded by Trip Hawkins, also founder of EA

>> No.1361436


>> No.1361463

>implying solmyr isnt some immortal faggot his bitch

>> No.1361525

Yeah that was soo sad... Also how was yog born considering genies dont have any legs or vaginas... then again they all go through sex change operations to become men... and I was upsett about Kyrre beeing trans...

>tfw havent played the academy heroes 4 campaign

>> No.1361534
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>these reaction faces
We need more!

>> No.1361702
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What can I say, bitches love my boner.

>> No.1361740

If there was a HoMM cartoon, Sandro would be your go-to Saturday morning cartoon villain. Always scheming and always get backfired.

>> No.1361771

I would watch that.

But only if Rion was a major character.

>> No.1361780

>no Vidomina

>> No.1361781

>Enroth is in danger!Recruit a team of heroes with attitude!

>Crag Hack the mighty barbatian as the Red Hero
>Catherine the Queen of Erathia as the Yellow Hero
>Gelu the faggot elf as the Pink Hero
>Solmyr the guy with hax lightning as the Blue Hero
>and Dracon as the only Black Hero

>Together the Mighty&Magicin Hero Rangers must face a cast of dastardly villains such as Sandro the Necromancer, the traitorous Lord Haart, the Overpowered Conflux, the MONTH OF PLAGUE and their thousands of shooting stacks minions!

>> No.1361823

>the month of plague
I've laughed more than i should have.

>> No.1363712

Probably samefag, but whatever the case, i like these pics.

>> No.1363936
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This is beautiful.

>> No.1364294
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Not really, it just inspired me to make a sandro edit.Apparently no one had made a spooky skeleton feels guy before.

>> No.1365435
File: 22 KB, 645x773, cannot afford feelsmith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tyris will never stop by and admire your well-oiled, gleaming and bulging Ballista

>> No.1365454
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>tfw you will never become a full lich
>tfw xsi will never know your true feels for her

>> No.1365487
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>history will remember you as the emo faggot elf who singlehandedly destroyed the world with his delusion of grandeur
>gem will forever hate you

>> No.1365501

>Orrin will always call you a faggit greenhorn who can't grow a big handlebar moustache

>> No.1366597
File: 350 KB, 1304x876, 1390847819218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people actually play crag hack unironically.
>people still pretend orrin isn't shit.

>> No.1367848

Hey /vr/, I need some tips for this. I've loved Heroes since I got the demo disk from PC Gamer (remember that fucking Coconut Monkey?) when I was 12. I love building up a super strong hero and town and wiping out other heroes and monsters. But thats my problem, I only ever get one mega strong hero. Any tips on using multiple heroes for harder difficulties? Every time I try to do multiple heroes on difficulties higher than normal I get assraped by the comp.

>> No.1367863

Thing is, no matter what you do, you're going to end up having one main hero with all the power. It's better than having a lot of mains in the end, since you're going to have only one decisive battle and you want to be as strong as possible for it. Increasing the amount of heroes you have is only there to help your mobility. So:
-Learn how to chain units between your heroes to maximize the amount of battles you can do with your army and therefore maximizing your exploration and expansion;
-Secondary heroes don't need the same primary skills as your main hero; skills like Scholar, Scouting, Estates become tremendously useful on secondary heroes;
-hire secondary heroes based on what specialty they bring to you. You got Solmyr in the tavern? Break open a tough mine with Chain Lightning. Luna? Defeat 600 walking dead blocking your path with Firewall. Collect Bron for the free basilisks, etc.;
-when you break open a path, have your main hero go down the main path and use your secondary heroes to explore any side paths and flag any mines on the way, borrowing the hero's main army for the instance. This makes you proceed faster, and might be crucial in rushing down an enemy when you have an advantage (i.e. you just won a few Angels in a Griffin Conservatory? Put them to use!)

This is all that comes to mind for me now

>> No.1367867

idk, pick a good secondary hero and let him kill neutral mobs, use main heroes to take towns only?

>> No.1367927

Simply start leveling up new heroes as soon as you capture towns diffrent from your own or your main is too far from your main town.

Also i reccomend you should play on Hard atleast, its the max you could get out of that 1998 AI.

>> No.1367949

>Heroes VII

There will be no Heroes VII.
Ubisoft wanted the quickly sell a casualized game with shitloads od DLC, and failed miserably.

Now Ubishit doesn't want to do with this game anymore, and stopped suppoting it officially. They realized they damaged the series (and their reputation) permamntly, and Heroes of Might and Magic will be continued only as a Free To Play browser game Heroes Online.

The sooner you face the truth, the better.

>> No.1368080

When people here suggest to have tons of heroes, it's not much because of their power, but because of the utility they give to you.
While it's not bad to have another 1-2 heroes that can stand their ground, you should still aim to have one powerful hero in the end, because many games involve at least one huge battle (if you play on impossible the AI will probably have 3 times your army, so better be prepared with those stast and spells).

Anyway, the other heroes should only provide:
-)exploration: send them to uncover the map and gather free resources. It's a good idea to give them only one, fast troop (one unit that has high speed, like a serpent fly, or a harpy hag, or a gryphon), so that he has more movement each turn.
-)Gathering: Windmills, creature dwellings etc require someone to visit them regularly: give one of those heroes the job to gather that stuff
-)Courier: your main hero should only fight shit and visit buildings that increase his stats. For the other thing, a secondary hero that picks all his shit, that gives him fresh troops (with a chain of heroes, or just him going back to your city andd bringing the troops) would allow your main hero to fight more and waste less movement, so that you level up faster.
-)Specialties: Yeah, +350 gold on hard seems little. On Impossible it's a god's gift. +1 of a "luxury" resource is always a good idea. Heroes with good specialties (Sir mulligan for +2 speed, those with logistics, Bron that starts with basilisks etc) are also good choices. If you don't have any useful heroes, just recruit the most useful.

tl;dr: Get one mega hero and 1-2 secondary decent heroes, the rest leave them all level 1.

>> No.1368212

But ubishit itself said they have plans for the next heroes games, "learning" from what was good (read: nothing) and what was bad (read: 99% of the game).
They said that for heroes 7 they would have retained the "territory area" protection (you can't take mines if you don't defeat the owner's town), but making better customization, factions and gameplay fixes.

Don't spread misinformation please. I'd love ubishit to stop making heroes main games, but it's not going to happen (not for now at least).
For source of what i'm saying, read the Age of Heroes interviews on the forums or on the sites.

>> No.1368293
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>can't take mines if you don't defeat the owner's town
but it isn't HoMM without sneaky shenanigans

>> No.1368373
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Noo you cant say that. Brothers let us all get together for a prayer!

GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN

>> No.1368387


They said they learned (though they didn't).
They said they will make next heroes better.
They never said anything about Heroes VII.


This is how Heroes of Might and Magic series ends.

>> No.1368804

in the world of constant remakes in whole entertainment business, nothing ends... Even duke nukem was released and HL episode three will come too.

HOMAM will never end, it has limitless possibilities in story and everything. Its world went through cataclysms and destruction and yet it survived.

Kyrre will be back as an hermaphrodite shemale

>> No.1369747

>wanting hats in homm

>> No.1370510

Again, check your info, there's an interview on age of heroes (or maybe even in a heroes main site, but i don't remember now), with a FAQ in which they asked what ubi would have done with the next chapter of HoMaM (inb4 "hurr it's not 7, but i hope you are not so dumb to say such a thing), and they said what i wrote in my previous post (and something more i don't remember)
So AGAIN, no, heroes of might and magic will not end with 6. Like it or not.
On the other end, i'm afraid it will not last forever, as >>1368804 hopes. This is not a popular franchise (even though it has the most loyal and passionate fan-base, but it's small), so until they can manage to get even a minimum of a profit, they'll continue.

>> No.1370617

>heroes constantly make puns during the battle
>every necromancer is just loking around while being supposedly dark and evil
>everything is only released after years
>every monster looks plastic

>> No.1370969

>not wanting to crush your enemies with zounds of pimped out skeletons

>> No.1372673

Three most hated heroes in the game.

>> No.1372676

>God Tier
Earth Magic
>High Tier
Air Magic
>Mid Tier
Water Magic
Fire Magic
>Low Tier
>Shit Tier
First Aid
>Eagle Eye Tier
Eagle Eye

>> No.1372931

leadership is pretty nice for mixing high tier armies

>> No.1373245


1 - all heroes with shit teir spell specialities

2 - all heroes with shit tier skill specialities

3 - Kyree for beeing a transvestite

How is necromancity God tier outisde the necropolis? Also wisdom cant be God tier because for some races its pritty hard to achive inorder to be effective.

>eagle eye teir

kek :^)

>> No.1373525

I'd switch places of Wisdom and Tactics or just bump Tactics up a tier because Tactics enables you to do a ton of stuff from the very beginning of the game whereas Wisdom can be replaced by Tomes of X Magic or scrolls and, anyway, its benefits really come into play later on, when the Mage Guilds are built and high level Shrines are met. That, and the greatest combat spells are level 1 ones. If I have Expert Tactics, move all my frontliners first and then cast Expert Haste then I'm likely to steamroll the enemy's units before he does.

I'd bump Artillery up a tier because Ballista heroes like Gurnisson are godlike in 200% games or just poor games. Shouldn't be in same tier as Luck.

I'd bump Scholar up a tier or two because it's one hell of a perk for secondary heroes.

I find there are so many morale trinkets on the map that it's not that big of a deal. Though, really, Leadership shouldn't be in the same tier as Luck.

>> No.1373532

Also honestly Necromancy and Diplomacy should be in a tier of their own just because they tend to skew the game towards the side that utilizes them. Nobody likes to deal with skeleton critical mass OR those lucky 21 efreets you just bought off the map and steamrolled it with them.

>> No.1373929

Surprised there hasn't been a HoMM-tribute/ripoff Kickstarter by now. Or has there?

>> No.1373934

>How is necromancity God tier outisde the necropolis?
Only Necromancer can learn it anyway.

>> No.1374346
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Universities, Witch Huts, Scholars...

>> No.1374362

Last I heard, Necromancy doesn't randomly generate on those.

>> No.1374592

More like:

>Must Have Tier
>Must Have If Tier
Necromancy if Necropolis
Wisdom if you want access to more spells
Sorcery if powerful Magic Hero
Fire Magic if you have the spells
Pathfinding if lots of shitty terrain
Navigation if large water map
>High Tier
Earth Magic
Air Magic
>Good Tier
Water Magic
>Secondary Hero Tier
>Completely Useless Tier
Eagle Eye
First Aid

>> No.1374597

There's no need really. King's Bounty is still alive and well.

>> No.1374608

Honestly, Air and Earth should be in Must Have. Haste and Slow are fucking devastating, stoneskin and shield are useful, and Town Portal is one of the most powerful spells in the entire game. If your enemies throw out Slow and you don't have Expert Haste or Expert Dispel, you're going to get ravaged.

>> No.1374625

armorer isn't nearly as good as offence. offence gives 30% attack boost while armorer only gives 15% to defence

>> No.1374627

Has anyone played the custom map Empire of the World IV: Commodus' Revenge? A walkthrough (where to go, objectives etc.) would be nice since I really need help on that map.

>need 200 mithril to buy Immune to Fire Magic ability for monsters
>don't have enough
>month 4 comes
>mutare with expert fire magic, armageddon and 800x7 fire elementals is spawned

>> No.1374628

ye that nigga OP

>> No.1374690

The last game was pretty shitty. The publisher switched the dev I believe. It was buggy (I never finished it because it bugged out for me) and the new race was pretty shitty. The game is nice but I hope they will improve it a lot on the map size and enemies department

>> No.1374839

What does HD+ in Heroes3HD do in comparison to the normal version? There's an information link but it's in Russian.

>> No.1374859

"fixes gameplay bugs (Artifacts merchant, "Not Me", Refugee camp, endless AI turns, Clone cast, AI with Angelic Alliance, Quick Combat flying creatures bug, AI vs AI battles bugs, ... )
adds Protected saved games, Replayable Quick Combat, ..."

Basically, recommended for multiplayer matches.

>> No.1374869

>Replayable Quick Combat
By far the greatest improvement in mechanical terms.

>> No.1375154

But offence only applies to melee creatures. While the majority, it doesn't cover all your units.

>> No.1375235

So, I have reinstalled HoMM III with WoG and HD...

>First playthrough: Dungeon with Dace
>Minotaur Kings with Armor of the Damned rapetrain
>No Town Portal on any town

>Second playthrough: Necropolis with Moandor
>Liches with Bow of the Cloak of the Undead King rapetrain
>No Town Portal on any town

>Third playthrough: Tower with Theodorus
>Mages with Bow of the Sharpshooter rapetrain
>No Town Portal on any town

Fucking uninstalled.
Is there a way to disable or at least lower the amount of gates and mirrors of home ways in the random map generator? Playing tag with enemy heroes without TP is fucking annoying.

>> No.1375825

>not challenging yourself

>> No.1376392
File: 13 KB, 427x315, Look son, a faggot!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this spoiled

>> No.1376439
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You would never doubt your greatest ally, would you?

>> No.1376447

>Heroes 3:
Expert Offence gives +30% damage for melee
Expert Luck gives 12.5% chance for double damage
>Heroes 5:
Expert Attack gives +15% damage for melee
Expert Luck gives 30% chance for double damage

Why that big change?

>> No.1376481

In HoMM3 "double damage" from Luck and Death blow doesn't mean your final damage is doubled, but rather increased by (Unit's initial damage count*number of units). For example, if your stack of 10 Nagas (each has 30 damage) gets lucky, they will deal additional 300 damage.

>> No.1376492

What are considered some of the best single player scenarios? Should I stick with what's in the Complete edition or download some custom made ones?

>> No.1376525

arrogance is short, but fun. Battle of the sexes is pretty cool as well.

>> No.1376684

If you're playing SoD then I guess download Wayfarer.

>> No.1376849

So, uh, what exactly is this game? It looks pretty interesting.

>> No.1376861

What faction is best to play on Battle of the Sexes?

>> No.1376896

Play them all at the same time in Hot Seat mode.

>> No.1376902

A spinoff series of Might & Magic.

>> No.1376954

Can we confirm that the more a cavalier moves the more bonus you receive?

Also, does every hero who specializes in a creature only receive +1 to that creature? Sometimes they say you get a bonus for every level after three, but I only get + 1 max.

>> No.1376981

What if I didn't know what that was, either?

>> No.1377042

I always wondered that. Has anybody looked at the code, or has link that shows how it works?

>> No.1377070

Cavaliers 5% more damage per hex moved that turn.

Unit specializations are awful on anything besides maybe level 1 units by default, because you only get the benefits from level [creature level], and they only increase from the default +1/+1 every so often. Originally, I thought it was every [creature level] levels, so Tyris, having a level 6 specialization, would be +1/+1 at 6, +2/+2 at 12, etc. but it's actually worse than that. The exact formulas and some examples can be found in that Tribute to Strategists Google document. The +1 speed doesn't change and should work from level 1.

WoG changes this substantially, giving HP scaling and altering the attack/defense formulas (I think) so that it isn't an obvious move to avoid unit specialization heroes where possible (with the few exceptions of Shakti, Bron, etc. for access to their useful starting unit stacks.)

>> No.1377258
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Check your wogify options? maybe TP was disabled? Also diffrent map seeds have diffrent portal ratios, i would recommend adding a shitton of garnisons just for the lulz.

>inb4 garnison blocking your start

>liking to play cat and mouse with the ai

where is that from


>tfw once in wog i managed to buff my sultan effefiti up to a point where their damage was a negative number
it was britty bad :^(

>> No.1377263
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>accidently made my entire post in spoiler

>> No.1377396

> buffed them until damage was a negative number?

Explain this in detail.

>> No.1378194

Generally in the normal single player campaigns anything really goes; you'll often run into a lot of Learning Stones over the course of a campaign and heroes will usually carry over, so if you're just sure to pick up experience where you can you'll end up with quite a crop.

In multiplayer it's all about time efficiency and buffering against the lost of a main hero that has everything. Learning stones in general are still great for leveling heroes quickly though; though you'll probably not be able to grab every single one.

You can also divert the occasional chest towards XP (note that the bigger the chest the more efficient the XP conversion - something to think about when coming to a 1000 gold chest vs a 2000 gold chest).

And sometimes getting that extra level for a killer skill (Expert Magics, Wisdom to learn potent spells like Town Portal, etc.) is worth more than the immediate gold benefit; it's a matter of judgement.

There's a lot of strategies on how to split troops - it all depends on the map and situation. You could for example give all the "slow" troops to one hero and all the "fast" troops to another (creature speed affects movement on the Field Map).
If there's a regular source of mana nearby (like a well), Magic heroes can manage with fewer or lower level creatures because they can nuke their way through enemy armies (to a point - this utility drops off in the lategame against big creature stacks or magic immune creatures).

>> No.1378252

Damage from "jousting bonus" is calculated on the distance between the cavalier's starting position and end position, not necessarily the number of hexes it moved.

>> No.1378279
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>when your doomstack of skellies kill those ABehemoths

>> No.1379042
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Well it was about 2 years ago and i've lost the pic but as i can remember i was playing WoG with Rashka and somehow managed to level him and the creatures soo much that the attack broke and they started to deal patheticly low damage for their stats/numbers

iktf bro,pic related

>> No.1379435

>dread knights that fly and are permanently hasted
>archangels that cast meteor shower before attacking
>black dragons that cast armageddon before attacking
>arch devils that clone themselves at the start of each round
>stack of 1million hp azure dragons
only in wog custom maps

>> No.1379628
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>playing a non random WoG map

>> No.1380951

custom maps are fun nigga

>> No.1381769

>arch devils that clone themselves at the start of each round
If they did that in the regular game that would be cool as hell.
Im sad there is no town which heavily relies on its T7 for early weeks.

>> No.1383891
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>the market of abraham levistein

>> No.1383982

>People still post your OC in HoMM threads
And to answer the long-standing question, Inferno was chosen first because it's one of the worst factions, discounting their psuedo-necromancy in long games, Zydar was the most fitting hero avatar.

Do people still play multiplayer with others from /vr/? How many are actually lurking here?

>> No.1384024

Hey guys what happens if you win a battle by summoning tons of elementals and all of your troops die? I did it once before but I can't remember what happened afterwards.

>> No.1384028

This happened during a hot seat with a friend of mine a couple of days ago. His town was under attack by a CPU, it lost all of its troops, but summoned a shitload of elementals and managed to kill all the creatures within my friend's castle. The battle ended with both of them declared as losers.

>> No.1384031
File: 24 KB, 642x361, 20030623_goldberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember which HoMM3 mod it was but it changed heroes' avatars. One of the avatars was the pic related.

>mfw when I thought Goldberg from WWE riding around fantasy land, battling gremlins, visiting sanctuarys, learning spells and recruiting behemoths

>> No.1384126

>Once a former wrestler, Goldberg did not question his call to the Conflux, even though his talents could have led him to a glorious career in the service of the Stronghold.

>> No.1384161

top kek

>> No.1384216

Now that i think about it, all the conflux heroes are like "i was once a [insert thing], but then i served the conflux"
what the hell IS the conflux anyway? an organization? An entity?

>> No.1384373

more like a cult
>I was a normal person then I found conflux, and it changed my life forever!

>> No.1384648

Ever since the threads in the early days of /vr/ HoMM threads haven't fared very well.This one seems to be an exception probably thanks to the recent M&M release.There are probably less than 30 of us that are posting/lurking with the occasional new player asking something.I hope you guys prove me wrong.

Keep in mind that Conflux was a hastily scraped together abomination of a town.I doubt that the devs spent more than an hour working on the heroes.Some of their descriptions work better when you replace 'now serves the Conflux' with 'now serves the Forge,aka technologically advanced aliens that want to destroy the world'.

>> No.1384964
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Best OP unit. Full blown gray-matter squad. Going mental with these. Any good/working sites for map packs? I'm looking for those insanely broken polish/czech maps, one of them featured an enemy hero on an isolated island on top of the map, with maxed out stats and an army consisting solely of level 8 dragons i think, waiting for me to prepare as there was no shipyard on the island. The hero didn't even move, just stood there. Poetry that map was.

>> No.1386287
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wog stories continue
>cast 24k damage implosion on phoenixes
>it blows on my 700 hell baron (super archdevil) stack
>check phoenix stats
>they all have expert magic mirror

>> No.1386291

magic mirror not as in cast by their hero, but the map maker gave them expert magic mirror buff as a special ability

>> No.1386649

Those kinds of unbalanced things are what make WoG fun.

>> No.1386672

Just why I don't play WoG. The balance is pretty bad as it is.

>> No.1386897

Why do so many people think that heroes 3 is unbalanced?
Really, except for conflux (tier 7 double growth, OP tier 1 to 3, i can go on), the towns and the general balance are acually fine.
Sure, Necropolis has a big advantage on XL maps, but that's how the town is designed: the more they kill, the more they raise. And it's counterable, just don't let them expand too much. Talking about inferno: 99% here say that it's utter garbage. It's not true at all. We all know about its faults (terrible heroes, late game they struggle a lot, only 3 actual good tiers), and we may think this is enough to label it as shit. But it's not true. Inferno has an amazing early game, and if the player uses this correctly, he can make up for this fault, and even gain a huge advantage for the rest of the game. (you know, getting a town early makes up for your late-game, and you get the uper-hand in most cases).
And even late game, the so called "Poor man's necromancy" is not so poor at all. Not always it's possible to make use of the good early power (no towns nearby or whatever the case), so you can compensate by farming demons. While demons are not a great tier 4, their numbers DEFINETLY make up for it, if the pit lord raising is done efficiently.
I think all this prejudice about balance is caused by mainly by the maps. Since many play XL, many found Necro OP and Inferno shit. In that scenario they may be correct, but you get the idea, if you reverse the whole thing.

In short: Except Conflux (who actually has always the advantage against others, even if it's a beatable opponent), all factions are balanced and capable of winning with good planning and stratgy

>> No.1386915

Castle completely rofflestomps, Dungeon has crazy-ass magic plus mana vortex, Rampart is only good for Grand Elves and +10% gold each week.

>> No.1388340

Castle does not "rofflestomp", except for Angel they have no units with debuff/no retaliation/special ability worth of notice.
Dungeon has powerful units but needs lots of resources to back them up, also because Pillar of eyes is required to tech up, they suck ass in low resource maps.
Rampart actually has the best cost-efficiency of all towns and makes using magic against them a pain in the ass.

>> No.1388403

The post in >>1386897 already covers it, but it seems it was tl;dr for you, so let me sum it up - the game balance is decent if you account for resource and opportunity costs.

Resource intensive towns like Dungeon/Castle/Tower will "rofflestomp" if you let them get to late-game on a rich map, but that's because they're playing to their strengths.

Other towns do far better in different situations. Map matters far more than town selection.

>> No.1388560

so tell me please, how do I into early inferno? Note that I play only on impossible and mainly on L maps.

should I concentrate on geting cerberi fast? I dont usualy upgrade magogs because AI dodges the fireball effect and then I cant shoot at all because firendly fire.

I usualy take Pyre, because that ballista us very useful in the beginning and imps are so squishy. and logistics is very very useful.

I also play random maps and generator usualy fucks me hard. shooters everywhere, wood or ore in different section of the map.

>> No.1388707

>Note that I play only on impossible
>implying this is a civilized difficulty

>> No.1388761

Any recommendations for a 2h vs AI maps? We always play against CPU first, once they are all eliminated we go against each other. We tried RMG before, but the maps made this way are clearly unbalanced and completely derp in some aspects.

>> No.1388779

>Im sad there is no town which heavily relies on its T7 for early weeks.

what is stronghold

>> No.1388791

Sorry for the late response, but yeah.
I'm doing a challenge in which i complete all heroes 3 complete maps at impossible, so i know your struggles.
As other anons said, it depends on the map. One thing is if the map is large but with towns capturable during the first month. If that's the case, if these towns are held by AI players, rush efreeti asap. Their flying, their resistance and godly speed will make seiges a breeze. The good thing that makes inferno's early great is the cost in resources: you only need wood and some sulfur/mercury (little quantities) to rush efreeti, which are an excellent tier 6.
If said towns are held by neutral stacks, whatever army you can assembly asap will be fine. Once you get another town, mix the strenghts of both towns and you'll be suddenly in a heavenly position.
If said towns are not reachable during the first month, your best bet is to expand asap. By this i mean:rush your best creatures (efreeti, cerberi, pit lords), assemble a decent army and conquer resources. While your town isn't costly, they'll come in handy for either more gold/recruiting/artifacts, or for mage guilds or for eventual future towns.
If the game goes to late game (either because you haven't found a town/ the AI has defended too well or whatever), go demon farming. In this case assemble huge numbers of demons, and stomp shit with them. I'd personally fear more 500 demons than 2000 skeletons. Before a dangerous battle, upgrade those demons. yes, the changes will be minimal, but multiplied by 500... you get the idea.
Cerberi are great damage dealers, but also frail as fuck. If you plan to use them, use the upgraded version (duh), and yes, prioritize them to gogs or whatever.
Imps are generally garbage, BUT, they'll become useful later on. Why? Demon farming, turret bait, counter-attack bait, and so on. If the enemy ignores them, they actually deal a lot of damage. The upgraded version is nice, but if you plan on demon farming, keep them unupgraded.

>> No.1388793

The Inferno heroes are quite shitty, i'm afraid.
Yes, the ballista one is useful, above all on Impossible, since gold there is sacred.
I personally like the imp one as well. Yes, imps are shit, but since their numbers are huge, his passive is actually put to use (and for Tier 1 the bonuses are actually good for creatures).
Again, if the game goes for too long, i just use them for demon farming and gg.
I LOVE magogs, but yes, they are quite bad. I mean, fucking lizard warriors are better. The fireball is a shitty death cloud, and you can't aim where you want, otherwise you lose more creatures than your enemy.
Upgrade them only if you have tons of creeping to do. Against neutral stacks they clear the are pretty well, but against another player they struggle to be efficient.
That's about it for inferno, if you have other questions, just ask.

>> No.1388795

>The Inferno heroes are quite shitty, i'm afraid.
Just select Calid as the start hero and use the invite hero thing to get Sir Mullich as your main hero. Nobody is forcing you to use an Inferno hero to lead your Inferno troops.

>> No.1388797

Castle is the "mario-balanced character" town. Plus angels, which are probably the best tier 7.
But yeah, their troops all do their jobs well, but they aren't excellent in what they are doing (i like crusaders a lot, but they die like flies)
Dungeon is my favourite faction, and yes, they do have crazy magic. However, they cost a fuckton. To go over your tier 3 you need 1 of each resource, and on impossible it spells "let's go full masochist", unless you have tons of resources in your starting area.
I love every tier of dungeon, and every tier is 7/10 at least, except Manticores, which are the worst tier 6 in my opinion. Damn, they are EXACTLY like Minotaurs (they are amazing in my opinion, but still tier 5), except for flying, speed ans like 20 more health. And 500 gold more. Ahaha, i'll pass. Their upgrade adds yet ANOTHER blind effect, at least the speed bonus is nice. Otherwise, not worth the huge cost.
Oh, and the crazy magic, to be effective, requires all the guild spells. Better get those resources champ. oh wait, without your other tiers, your early army is shit (except for shakti, which is amazing early, but then becomes useless).

So yeah, i love dungeon, and it's a good faction, but far from being better than others. Even further from being OP.

>> No.1388802

yes, that's your best bet. Even though it's an HD feature, the saves are the same for both classic and HD, so yeah, go for it if you can.
If you are stuck with complete only, what i wrote applies.

>> No.1388817

How do i use this feature?
In the ini files it says it's turned on, and while i see the "invite a hero" interface, i don't know how to actually recruit the wanted hero.
I mean, there are the two classic heroes in the tavern, right? And under those there are some arrows that allow me to chosse the hero i want to invite. What after that? There's no button to say "recruit this hero", only the two avaiable.

>> No.1388856
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wats dat

>not beeing aware of creature upgrades

missing out on all of the fun


Zydar pls go home

>not knowing that the backbone of the Rampart army are the dwarves and treants

not knowing that Griffins are for damage absorbign and crusaders are damage dealers

- - - - - - - - - - --
Gee it sure is pleb in this thread

>> No.1388859

>missing out on all of the fun
Tried it, I have more fun with vanilla. Must be the wrong kind of fun or something.

>> No.1388910

You probably didnt mess arround wogifying random maps or using the superiousr erm scripted wog custom maps.

>> No.1389010
File: 45 KB, 500x664, are-you-wizard[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Empire of the World IV: Commodus' Revenge, a WoG custom map.
I've spent 9 in-game months and haven't even been close to opening half the map.
>mfw there are people who finish this map in less than 8 months at the hardest difficulty, that gives computers ridiculous stat and health bonus every month

>> No.1389324
File: 140 KB, 1224x1258, HEROES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because the game was made with a different balance philosophy in mind.Most contemporary strategy games such as Starcraft,C&C,Warcraft,etc enable you to choose a playable faction and ,according to the army you build, devise a viable strategy for victory.In HoMM however, the army you can build in each town is predetermined not only by quality, but also by quantity, you are not given a big ol' tech tree and blessed with as many units as you can build before your enemy comes knocking.This puts the different towns in very well defined roles, with the accompanying pros and cons, effectively making the very choice of starting town equivalent to devising the winning strategy.Here you pick Fortress if you want to have a superb defense, you don't build fifty bunkers and spam marines.

But because people are ,well, people - they tend to get attached to a town because reasons and they stick to playing with it.But since different circumstances require a different approach, people will try to fit the square in the circle and adapt the strategy a town is build upon into the one they need.Sometimes it might work, sometimes it may require a crutch(e.g. hydraporting) and sometimes it will fail horribly, leading people to believe that town X sucks and the game is unbalanced.

Remember, the game is called HEROES of M&M, not Town or Cities or Races of M&M.The human element is what gets the game rolling.This is something Nival tragically failed to grasp when they made V.

>> No.1389479
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First, you select the hero you want to recruit.
Then you'll have to recruit one of the heroes currently in the tavern, and directly after that, the invited hero will appear there. Then you can recruit him/her.

>> No.1389745


If anything Fortress is the rushdown faction, with early Wyverns and Serpent Flies.

>> No.1389992
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>creature bank respawning script is enabled
>guards and resource rewards are increased with each reset (creature rewards stay the same)
>raid this dragon utopia so many times the latest instance has 4000 dragons and gives 8000000 gold

>> No.1390029


Defense tactically, not strategically.

With the fortress, you're never going to dish out as much damage as other factions will. You're relying on those wyverns poisoning people, your Mighty Gorgons wiping things out with their special, your Dragon flies dispelling and weaknessing your opponents, and your basilisks stoning inconvienent stacks.

To do that, you want combats that last a LONG time, so you get more and more opportunities to fire your specials. With most factions, you want to keep your heroes attack and defense skills roughly equal, maybe favoring attack slightly. With the Fortress, you generally want every point you can stuff into defense, whenever you have the choice.

>> No.1390463
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>have 8000000 gold
>cant buy back the army you lost to the dragons
>have nothing to spend the gold on

this is true suffering

>> No.1390704

How do I get good in this game?

>> No.1390708

Pick Conflux as the starting town.

>> No.1390720

>implying I raid the instance without at least a 20kHP resurrection spell

>> No.1390765

Yes, i agree.
However, it is possible for every faction to play at its best and be a though enemy for every other faction.
What i mean is: there are indeed best towns regarding different maps and strategies, but it doesn't mean that all the other towns are shit.
Surely that specific town will have the advantage, but it's perfectly possible to beat, say, conflux, if you manage to hit him during mid game.

>> No.1390768

This is getting cheap, not good.

>> No.1390778

... NOW i see!
Thank you man, i didn't realize i had to recruit the hero in the tavern before having the selected hero appear.

>> No.1391208
File: 2 KB, 58x64, nagash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

takes years my boy, have been playing this game since my first days in school (didnt really understand what i was doing but thats not the point) Its my first year of university now and i realise I will be playing this game till the end of my days. Heroes forever!

>girls will never understand this sort of attachment

just play...undertand... and immerce yourself into the game, feel free to ask any questions

>> No.1391319

No Mephala?

>> No.1391338

Stop right there, Sir! I'm playing this game since I was 6 (I loved dungeon because the Mana Vortex looked like a magical girl-thing and I was totally into Sailor Moon) and I still play it. Talked about it with friends (girls and boys as well) but they never ever understood the attachment, so I think I can feel your pain.

>> No.1391428

>I loved dungeon because the Mana Vortex looked like a magical girl-thing and I was totally into Sailor Moon


>> No.1391516 [DELETED] 


>> No.1391528


>> No.1391923

Can you explain in detail?
I mean, is this an in-game trick? Or some WoG option? or is it aviable for vanilla as well?

>> No.1391948

Seems these threads are getting populated again!
To keep the flux going: post your ideal army.
By this i mean your favourite tier for each tier, up to the 7th. You can follow a theme or just list your favourites, just don't pick them because of their power. For me:
>t1: Troglodytes
>t2: Gargoyles
>t3: Ice elementals
>t4: Magi
>t5: Liches
>t6: Manticores
>t7: Red Dragons

>> No.1391961
File: 6 KB, 109x101, Sandro_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t1: Skeletons
>t2: Skeletons
>t3: Skeletons
>t4: Vampire lords
>t5: Power liches
>t6: Dread knights
>t7: Ghost dragons

>> No.1392142


>t1 Centaurs
>t2 Storm elementals if you allow Conflux, Harpy hags if you don't.
>t3 Cerberi
>t4 Vampire Lords
>t5 Mighty Gorgons
>t6 Death Knights
>t7 Black Dragons.

I'm a shameless power builder, I admit it.

>> No.1392476


>ghost dragon
>not dracolich
you dun goof'd

>> No.1392482
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wud u /vr/?

>> No.1393004

wog magik

>master gremlins
>grand elves
>cyclop kings

mass slow


What army / hero do i have?

>> No.1393092

Best WoG maps?

>> No.1393116
File: 397 KB, 800x600, carl, launch the red baron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about 300 of these guys

>> No.1393159
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>> No.1393169


>> No.1393196
File: 592 KB, 561x606, 1388618218497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-whats going on here?

also this thread was made on 24th december... lel

>> No.1393227
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Not even once.

>> No.1393334
File: 444 KB, 800x600, after 100 reloads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your hands are still trembling
Number of azure dragon casualties is bugged in pic related, however.

>> No.1393609
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>this happens

Garnison is magic proof proteccted by power liches and skeletons, i have advanced garrisons enabled so there are walls, mines and spells... there is no else to go execpt through the garnison but i dont know when i will be able to defeat the guards considering i only get 1 ore income from the resource silo and maybe the windmill if im lucky, theres a teal necromancer on the other side and he will no doubt be stronger when i get out

should i keep you posted vr?

>> No.1393698

>Day 5
>Only 1 hero

>> No.1393851

I told you i was blocked by the garnison. Seccond hero would be a waste.

anyways i got a ragag army going during the third week but then some elementalist with a bigass army and 5 firebirds broke through the garnison and took over my castle because the towers didnt prioritize the fire birds and shot the pixies/skeletons/fire elementals instead -.-

>> No.1394010

>t1: Infernal Troglodyte
>t2: Wolf Rider
>t3: Royal Griffin
>t4: Pegasus
>t5: Gorgon
>t6: Naga Queen
>t7: Gold Dragon

>> No.1394130

Curse you, auto sage!