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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 253 KB, 995x677, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1312684 No.1312684 [Reply] [Original]

retarded auctions / craigslist thread

>> No.1313309
File: 217 KB, 451x605, seriously.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people do this?

>> No.1313386

They don't understand how much should be shaved off when it is damaged like that.

>> No.1313625
File: 38 KB, 1065x475, snapshot1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this last night

>> No.1313639
File: 261 KB, 890x506, ebay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copies of this game normally sell for less than $100.

>> No.1313652
File: 316 KB, 823x660, 1388770999757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craigslist is so silly

>> No.1313656

You're a funny guy.

>> No.1313667
File: 83 KB, 820x538, $800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1313689
File: 140 KB, 1333x482, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1313691

What's wrong with that?
There are some pretty damn good games in there and it averages out to just over $6 a game.
Sure, one of us probably won't buy them but to a (dare I say it) reseller, there's probably a profit in there somewhere...

>> No.1313697

Most of it is shovelware. The actual games are about 250 bucks.

>> No.1313715

how is this retarded?

>> No.1313738

80 dollar game can potentially be bought for like 5 bucks.
i know it won't, but it could depending on certain factors

>> No.1313746

>150$ game
fixed that for you

>> No.1313756


>start button half missing
>scratched screen
>missing battery cover

>minor flaws

>> No.1313761
File: 315 KB, 987x766, suchdrama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mandatory post

>> No.1313765


>People like this exist

Proof that there is no god.

>> No.1313768


I don't know which is more sad. This guy or the fact he thinks anyone is going to believe someone paid 750 bucks for it.

>> No.1313781


>tfw I know it's probably bullshit, but it still nags at me in the back of my mind that maybe he really did sell it for that much

>> No.1313782


Yeah that's what irks me. There are people out there willing to overpay for that shit

>> No.1313919
File: 272 KB, 1024x1733, ohitsreal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is only the last 20 ads he has produced. This guy has an individual ad up for EVERY GAME SYSTEM TO EVER EXIST. It's to supposedly help him do Let's Plays on Youtube. And it's always asking for free. I've sent joke emails to this guy asking for like a dollar a game on good and bad titles and he doesn't respond. If it's not free, he will not take them. He has been posting ads like this for about two months now and it's clogging up the site with retarded ads.

It is truly the worst thing I've ever seen. Worse than a reseller.

>> No.1313934

Send him a pair of free crutches, advising him that he may need them soon.

>> No.1313964
File: 66 KB, 779x468, 1387373733446[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of it is shovelware
It's not and you're seriously underestimating the value of PSX games. The guy who listed it has it priced a bit on the high side which is why it hasn't sold to a reseller yet but it's not an ourtrageous asking price if there was a person out there who wanted to get a large PSX collection all at once. I'm sure he would take $5-600 if a person didn't seem like a scumbag reseller.

I'm in Columbus too so I've seen that ad before. THIS guy is a scumbag...

>> No.1313974

I remember when this was first posted
still just as entertaining

>> No.1313981

Who is this guy? What is his username on youtube?

>> No.1313992

>I only want half of what it's going for on Amazon! This is a great deal!

>> No.1314008

Holy shit, do people actually fall for this?

>> No.1314013

>I will donate them to church groups
It's like the scum's not even trying

>> No.1314019
File: 64 KB, 992x619, WOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never knew my area was like this.

>> No.1314032
File: 82 KB, 1012x638, resellerprices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst kind of reseller spammers are the ones who list the prices they'll pay for games, like do they really think people will respond to this stuff?

>> No.1314037

He forgot to put "btw I'll mark this shit up 400% then sell it."

>> No.1314048
File: 71 KB, 947x670, peoplewillfallforthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if this guy is smart or hopes nobody else is.

>> No.1314060
File: 69 KB, 989x611, tetris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about Tetris and have no interest, but if someone wants this, I don't know if this is a good deal. Vegas, btw.

>> No.1314076

So the game is considered "complete" if a man comes with it?

>> No.1314109
File: 2.41 MB, 1215x2235, german_apple_user.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have more, but this is the best/worst i ever saw. You know, the thumbnail jumped right into my face. I couldn't resist to see what crazy stuff the seller wrote, and his other auctions actually looked fine.
The sentence i didn't translated fully was just a "happy holidays" unnecessary long.

>> No.1314142
File: 1.48 MB, 400x263, 6CsMaIO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-at least it was only 1 euro?

>> No.1314141

Is that amazon price new in box, or is he just bulshitting?

>> No.1314171

Yeah, the lowest reseller buy-it-now prices for a good condition cartridge are between 16-18€ with a few euros shipping cost. But still the weirdest auction i saw, the other ones i have are clearly damaged or very dirty carts described as "good condition" or auctions made by complete retards.

>> No.1314515


>Zustand: Akzeptabel

Aber sicher doch

>> No.1314635
File: 485 KB, 907x569, no yellowing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a deal

>> No.1314654

'serious inquiries' is always the cherry on top.

>> No.1314660

>Stop jerking off to the pink power ranger

Man I wish there was enough lewd pictures of the pink power ranger out there for me to jerk off to her.

>> No.1314663

The pink ranger is always the go-to jerk off insult. It's pretty interesting.

>> No.1314667

>Hurr I have an old game so I'm going to sell it for DA EPIC CASH!!!

I really hate faggots like this.

>> No.1314742

If it sells for $5, then it's a $5 game, not an $80 game.

>> No.1314750

He doesn't seem like a reseller. That's a very specific list of games that doesn't include some very popular resell items.

>> No.1314762
File: 101 KB, 520x700, 1388800319349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's one seller on Amazon selling it NIB for $750. There's also one for $400.

This is what the scratched screen/no battery cover units are going for.

>> No.1314813


To be fair Megaman Legends 2 on its own is rather expensive.

>> No.1314829


No idea, it is never posted.

>> No.1314842
File: 76 KB, 1039x510, 231831231902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me sad.

>> No.1314921

Free sleeve, bro

>> No.1314943 [DELETED] 

People are selling it for that much NIB? That's fucking insane

>> No.1314962

Someone here must of messaged him, he changed it to $100. Still overpriced, lol, but some people re just like that.

>> No.1314967
File: 26 KB, 731x147, whatamIreading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1314971
File: 18 KB, 785x102, 424234242342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And this one has me baffled.

>> No.1314974


I'm no Mega Man fan, but I'm fairly positive that's not the box art I've seen for this game.

>> No.1314976

X3 is rare, but this...

>> No.1314980

People on ebay do stuff like that all the time because they hope someone just sees the title of what they want and instantly buy it without reading the rest. Shit there was even a Judge Judy episode where some guy sold a picture of a cell phone for like five hundred dollars.

>> No.1314983


That's X3's boxart/coverart in the US though.

Might be the glare.

I had this one where it was an image of an auction for the game where the label was ripped off and somebody crudely wrote "Megaman X3" where the label was, selling it for like $80, but I can't find the image anymore.

>> No.1314985
File: 106 KB, 1123x771, 1352109548895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nevermind, found it.

>> No.1314996
File: 104 KB, 327x486, reseller panic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retarded auctions / craigslist thread

>> No.1315132

I refuse to believe this guy isn't bullshitting.

>> No.1315715
File: 103 KB, 949x451, Screenshot - 040114 - 13:09:46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought I could have some fun doing a backlight mod on a gameboy with a broken screen... guess not

>> No.1315724

Anon, the idea is to use the image to prove other people are retarded.

>> No.1315728

I saw that episode here fairly recently.

Judge Judy fined her $5,000 since she was obviously scamming the plaintiff.

I love that Judge Judy isn't retarded, in a justice system that clearly is.

>> No.1315736
File: 327 KB, 1038x682, arc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1315739
File: 58 KB, 273x448, 1355626155266[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LCD monitor

>> No.1315745

on judge judy the fines are all "fake" in that the tv show pays them off

>> No.1315748

Not Craigslist, but my local shop has the stupidest prices I've ever seen. They have a
"rare" games case in which there are some rare games in, but its mostly just popular games like majoras mask and OoT are 59 dollars for just the cart. The most expencive one I remember seeing is Demon's Crest which is rare iirc, but not worth the 129.99 price tag. Needless to say that shit has sat there in the case for as long as I've went there about a year or so. Next time I go I'll try to remember to take some pics to show you guys how stupid this shit is.

>> No.1315769

at least free shipping

>> No.1316654


I was the only whop origionally took that screencap.

I can confirm he was trying to sell that on CL for a few weeks before eventually making this ad.

Dont forget the kind of people who live on Long Island. It's a VERY rich part of New York.

>> No.1316728
File: 328 KB, 540x851, Screenshot_2014-01-04-16-27-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1316768
File: 240 KB, 941x596, idonteven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it becoming a trend now to price Mario/Duck Hunt in the double digits??

>> No.1317032
File: 326 KB, 1264x2046, a_german_man_needs_glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germanfag here.
I got some brandnew OC.
I don't know what the dumbass was thinking when he claimed that newer TVs don't have Scart sockets. (my parents have a samsung from 2011, has RGB-in with an Scart adapter)
Also i don't know WHY he is calling an US SNES a SFC.


>> No.1317071

>Bortal Bombat
What the hell?

>> No.1317087
File: 1.83 MB, 953x910, topkek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know these are all newer games but this is what I dealt with today...

>> No.1317102

I don't get it. What's retarded about this one? Other than the spelling.

>> No.1317104
File: 507 KB, 962x685, 874598638372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have at it. Ill drive and pick it up if you need it.

>> No.1317118

Meanwhile, in bizarro craigslist...


>> No.1317137
File: 27 KB, 466x500, 6b40c060ada099af1572d110.L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1317146

thats actually pretty cool

if tis for IBM i might take it

>> No.1317171

Last night I walked into a consignment shop with my friend.

"Do you have any old video game systems?"
I look up and see a box with a disgusting PS1 in it. I can see it's filth from miles.
Ask her about
"Oh, that's a Sony. The cords aren't included.
And I walk slowly out the door.

>> No.1317179

speaking of buying old games has anyone used facebook groups to buy stuff? Are they deece? I got some ads on my craigslist for some but dunno if itd be worth it.

>> No.1317345

>Harvest Moon 64
>Ogre Battle 64
>Bomberman 64: The Second Attack
>Conker's BFD

Those are still worth plenty and are quite often sought by resellers.

>> No.1317776

Tell him that you will send him some shit if he tells you his YouTube channel so you can watch your items being reviewed.

>> No.1317795

You could always get a shitty sports game and use that as a replacement cart.

>> No.1317802

Why do people always circle acceptable, like it's some sort of insult? It's the lowest rating you can put on ebay.

>> No.1317820

> I remember seeing is Demon's Crest which is rare iirc

Really?, i got Demon's Crest in a flea market for 5 bucks, and the game looks almost new

i guess i was lucky

>> No.1317839

Depending on how long ago that was, you were probably just really lucky.

>> No.1317859
File: 85 KB, 900x618, ultimate_arma_by_8sxpx-d2ym3sc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


3 or 4 years ago, i didn't know it was a rare game

>> No.1317861
File: 37 KB, 192x171, 1266426507142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1317867

>Bortal Bombat II

Giggling like a schoolgirl.

>> No.1317869

Its always been rare, but at that time it was generally a $15-20 game.

As soon as the whole story about it generating negative sales for capcom started becoming more widespread, it shot up to $80.

>> No.1317906

>It's not and you're seriously underestimating the value of PSX games.
Nah, I wouldn't go that far. There aren't a lot of PSX games worth above $20.

>> No.1317909

I wonder if the type of reseller who write like this are brain damaged. Why else would you write like this?

>> No.1317949
File: 177 KB, 736x816, Eternal_Red_Blaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've read something about it after i bought the game

apparently, more people were returning the game than buying it, how is that even possible?

>> No.1317956

Muh christian values.

Parents were returning the game more than they were buying it at that point in time.

>> No.1317968
File: 71 KB, 648x471, tit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't tell if retarded or not. I mean it looks like it's in mint condition but €200 / $270?

>> No.1317979
File: 124 KB, 432x504, 1387097186813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I bought Demons crest for 75 dollars on amazon no less then 4 months ago

>> No.1317980

>80 dollar game

fuck you, it spent almost 3 years in clearance racks for $15 a pop and nobody wanted it.

>> No.1318646
File: 20 KB, 359x269, 1386123653654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't get ripped off! And don't buy these from me: Buy them direct from Best Electronics for only $17 plus shipping. BE AWARE: the guy who's selling these for close to $40 elsewhere on eBay is buying them from Best Electronics (google them) for $17 a piece, calling them "extremely rare", suggesting they're in short supply, and then marking them up over 100% to sell here on eBay.

>So don't get ripped off like I did! Buy them from me (if you must) with the convenience of eBay or - better yet - buy them direct from Bradley over at Best Electronics for only $17 plus shipping*.

Fucking suggesting that the buyers DON'T buy from him for their own good. This is just heartwarming.

>> No.1318681

To get a little off topic, is columbus just a fucking mecca for retrofags? If so, who out of you lot will I be seeing at CORGS?

>> No.1318720

I am fucking RAGING at some of these.

Whew... calm down Anon...
Dang it, I wanted to relax and go to bed nice and peacefully.

>> No.1318858
File: 1.63 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks to this thread i now know i made a great investment in demons crest. got it for 25$ at a local shop that seems to want to make money but cant be bothered to look up prices. though i did get an earthbound cart there for 90$ and they apparently sold their ninja gaiden trilogy for 115$

>> No.1318862
File: 1.62 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in addition i got a copy of sunset riders for 30$

>> No.1318867
File: 1.48 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and persona 1 for 40$, though it does have a crack on the front cover

>> No.1318881
File: 1.89 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but the greatest thing i have found there is this.
boxed never been turned on all documentation, but the outer box had a tear on it, check that price tag. i can only assume someone had a big cunt of an ex-girlfriend or lived in a bad neighborhood,

>> No.1318928
File: 86 KB, 549x313, 1388986469074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>demo's crest
Why do morons keep falling for Ebay buzzwords and then proceed to speak on forums like they have any clue about the SNES scene?

>> No.1319028 [DELETED] 
File: 810 KB, 768x2027, botbidder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me rage, when even eBay auctions are rigged with auto/bot bidders

This makes me rage, when even eBay auctions are rigged with auto/bot bidders

captcha: fug bjular

>> No.1319030
File: 810 KB, 768x2027, botbidder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me rage, when even eBay auctions are rigged with auto/bot bidders

captcha: fug bjular

>> No.1319042

But that's not a bot, you idiot. That's somebody auto bidding because their limit was higher than the current bidder.

If I put down 1000 dollars right off the bat, ebay will bid for me up to 1000. Other people's bids won't even be accepted, because mine will always be higher

>> No.1319046

And by the looks of it, it was just one person trying to see just how much that one user's bid limit was. With those small increments, that is.

>> No.1319043

>25 games
there's only 24 pictured

>> No.1319075

I know this isn't 'retro' retro but I grabbed a copy of dark spire for 5 dollars (complete, typically a 70 dollar game last time I checked). Just picked up Infinite Space for 30 (60 dollar game complete).

Just got to hit the right place at the right time.

Hell, I started my collection getting just about every NES/SNES classic for 100 USD. Castlevania 1-3, dragon warrior 1-4, just about every SNES RPG that matters, both systems, etc (a good 80 games or so).

>> No.1319079

That's a rip off. We sell it in store for 30, complete.

It's a horrible game. But it doesn't stop me from having two copies.

>> No.1320557

He is the protector of vidya eBay deserves...
He is a watchful guardian...

>> No.1320660

these kind of threads make me wonder, and ask all of you, do you think the price bubble for retro games will ever burst? If so, how long do you think it'll take?

>> No.1320910
File: 58 KB, 1569x445, what the fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying to find just the CARTRIDGE of Majoras mask on Amazon today. What a rip

>> No.1320969

>Based in United States, dharmabumstead has been an eBay member since Feb 16, 1998
Calling that man an oldfag would be an insult.

>> No.1320975

I'd give it three years, let it die like a boy band.

>> No.1321506
File: 35 KB, 491x826, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck?

>> No.1321769
File: 402 KB, 1044x657, retardations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this guy, I don't even.

>> No.1322025

>Conquer reloaded
>Mario's Zelda
My sides are in orbit
Fuckin saved

>> No.1322552

Almost every time I look for a game on Amazon, it's pretty high.

>> No.1322579

>super nintendo n64
i shiggy diggy

>> No.1322593


man, Pikeman 1/2 is my childhood!

>> No.1322686

>Mario's Zelda
when he says Mario's he means mario games, he's trying to make mario plural
that coupled with the lack of punctuation makes Mario's Zelda, when he really meant to say marios, zelda, etc

>> No.1322708


That's still double the price of a used one in better condition on Amazon

>> No.1322712
File: 101 KB, 452x523, 1389124208903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1322719

>Super Nintendo Super Nintendo Entertainment System

>> No.1323015
File: 26 KB, 774x250, super_gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1323662

resize your images, holy shit

>> No.1323824

Don't be like that.

>> No.1323864

I like doing that just to say "Fuck you!" to the guy that outbids me. Keep nudging it up more and more (without going over my personal limit i n case I accidentally win), just for the sake of wasting someone else's money.

>> No.1324334

Come to think, that actually does sound rather sadistic

>> No.1324339


And if the guy never goes over his own personal limit, you just look like an idiot.

>> No.1324368

>tries to sell video games
>insults nerds

That's like McDonalds saying "hahaha fucking fatasses eat some salad instead of stuffing your face with greasy shit"

>> No.1324372

>implying you wouldn't buy a car from these guys


Also, he already sold it and was insulting a very specific type of person.

>> No.1324374


>> No.1324384

i always sell consoles with games, at least as a starter

>> No.1325992

I got mine for a measly 4 bucks from some dude probably looking for drug money on craigslist

>> No.1326218

On my friend's Mac, so I'm not going to try to figure out how to screenshot on this thing.


>> No.1326273
File: 126 KB, 1170x449, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat perfect label.

>> No.1326283

>Reserve not met


>> No.1326291

>thinks Macs are for retards and gay people.
>can't use one
Command + shift + 3

>> No.1326462

>$22 bid, $29 BiN
>"Reserve not Met"
Seriously, greed is a fucking plague among resellers on ebay

>> No.1326487
File: 1.37 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1326585

I never said Macs are for tards and fags, I'm just not familiar with the shortcuts. And besides, I don't like putting files on other peoples' computers because it feels invasive to me.

>> No.1326624

Does it have the battery cover?

>> No.1326657

>bidding with 6 days left

>> No.1326675

Ugh, not even a screen?

We'd buy that in as defective where I work. Considering you can get nice, not scratched to hell screen original gameboys for ten bucks around here...

>> No.1326745
File: 212 KB, 1008x585, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when one of these sold for $100. That's right, there's a human being on this planet that paid $100 for a piece of white cardboard.

>> No.1326748

The original Gameboy is worthless. It's defective by design. Even in the early 90s you couldn't find a used one without bad pixels. I threw the two that I've owned right in the trash.

>> No.1326751

must have been himself or someone just filthy rich

>> No.1326806
File: 21 KB, 583x544, 415658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised he doesn't want to buy Starcraft 64 for $10 as well.

>> No.1327054

Get on rarityguide.com and compare Earthbound's loose price vs. the complete in box price

Just sayin'

>> No.1327325

Why do people do that?
>I want to relive some memories
>not going to pay for the going price
>I know you want $3,000 for that nice pristine muscle car
>but my dad had one and I used to love riding in it
>I'll give you $500
I know he's a reseller but seriously, fond memories of a game that you bought back in 1998 for $3 off of a friend doesn't mean that over 15 years later, you're entitled to buy it around the same price. Do people not know about this shit called inflation, supply and demand and just fuck man?

>> No.1327329

rarityguide is shit for prices. Price Charting is way better, but even then people bitch that eBay is the only way to gauge a price. Even though PC has a tab to show completed auctions for loose, complete and new prices.

>> No.1327463

I would guess its because MK series is forbidden in Germany

>> No.1328581

I just want to email these people and ask them if they're completely out of their fucking minds. I know it wouldn't accomplish anything, but still, someone needs to tell them.

>> No.1328857

Alas, you would just be poking a great bear
There's no reasoning with these people

>> No.1328878

Reminds me of my gameboy I gave away, the plastic screen cover fell off as well.

>> No.1328906

I gave this guy a piece of my mind and attached a snippet of the amazon page clearly showing what that shit is worth.

He dropped his price to 100 but shit that's still too much.

>> No.1328915

This is true. They never change their views on what is worth what, because right or wrong it would make them look stupid.

But I e-mail them anyways because this shit pisses me off. And usually, since I know I can't change their minds on price, I tell them I'm interested. I go to google maps, get a good layout of their province and request to "meet up" with them to check out the item.

80% of the time they show up, too bad I'm never there.

>> No.1328918
File: 477 KB, 1369x524, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1328928

I've thought about doing a Youtube channel where I call them and ask how they came to that price. I could see some of them getting pissed.
>well that's what it's going for on Amazon
>but there's other sites where it goes for a lot less, besides you wouldn't shop at Target only, you'd shop for a better deal
I put some stuff on Craigslist and got an email from someone who was trying to bullshit me. Said I shouldn't use eBay to price stuff, which I didn't anyway. Then tried to nitpick things that I already had in the listing.

>> No.1328930
File: 360 KB, 980x735, aaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been searching craigslist for a good Sony CRT/PVM for my Super Nintendo. I came across this (sorry if a little off topic):

Ad said "I paid $4500 for this in TV in 2005. I am only asking $2500 for it"

$2500 for his 9 year old, used HD TV... that you can buy a similar model right now NEW at BestBuy for about a $1000....

>> No.1328938

Does it haves Monitor out?
Haven't see a tv with that feature since 2006.
I hear is prohibited by the US gob. so you don't pirate a thing.
I frankly doubt you find a tv with that feature in 2014 at bestbuy

>> No.1328982

did you really take a picture of your screen

>> No.1328989


>> No.1328996

Can you still use PC video capture cards with digital signals ? i have not used a capture card since like 2003

>> No.1329114

>shit ton of games
>Legends 2 among that batch
Legends 2 alone makes up a little less than 1/8 of that price. That's a fucking steal

>> No.1329117

>Dont forget the kind of people who live on Long Island.
>Play N Trade opens up in Port Jeff Station and Miller Place
>Super Game Boy and Killer Instinct for $20 each
>EarthBound cart for $200 (in 2008)
>the PJS manager leaves, MP manager takes over
>prices keep increasing
>they both shut down
At least I got Boktai and Body Harvest for $15 total

>> No.1329118
File: 2.43 MB, 229x206, 1386111842099.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ogre Battle 64
>"Oh shit, that's a ste-"
>it's for people selling games

>> No.1329705

10/10 would subscribe to

Kinda sounds like a version of the /vr/ reseller olympics

>> No.1329709


I like how /vr/ always complains about how things are too expensive and how people shouldn't be paying 200 dollars for a game and when you see a person trying to buy games for a "fair" price, they get labeled reseller scum.

Watching how irrational /vr/ gets over their video games is hilarious.

>> No.1329712
File: 74 KB, 883x619, moreresellerprices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another sample of resellers spamming

Kinda ironic the things this guy says in the ad...

>> No.1329718


>even buys the original black consoles nobody wants

I don't get this part. Why would nobody want the original N64s? Do they have some technical defect?

>> No.1329721

There's nothing wrong with someone buying games like CBFD, etc. for cheap as long as said games aren't being bought for the sole purpose of immediately being flipped and marked up on some shitty ebay store, which sadly is what happens to around 85% of those kinds of CL transactions.

>> No.1329914
File: 71 KB, 800x533, a3e6_4_big[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a GBA SP AGS-101 worth it for ~40€?

Things to consider:
The AGS-101 is extremely rare in my country and relatively rare in the EU.
I could get an AGS-001 for half the price.
I could get a DS Lite for just a little more.
I am extremely poor at the moment.

>> No.1330010
File: 315 KB, 1287x439, SEALEDDSGAMES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look at anything on ebay that's been vga rated.

>> No.1330037

I wonder why it's not 100

>> No.1330039

>won't buy games at a high price as eBay

well then why wouldn't i just sell it on ebay?

>> No.1330042

haha. i was thinking the same thing.

>> No.1330065

Didn't quite suck that dick hard enough.

>> No.1330686

The screen is nice, but if 40Euros is too much to spend without a lot of thought, you don't need the better screen.

>> No.1330705
File: 61 KB, 623x527, 1389150375561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I bought a sealed collectors edition from a local record store not even two months ago for $70

>> No.1330836

dont know too much about rarity but just found this one on ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/RARE-Stadium-Events-Family-Fun-Fitness-NES-SNES-N64-Boxed-Complete-Nintendo-PAL-/171211216962?pt=AU_PC_Video_Games_Games&hash=item27dcfbd842

Seems ridiculous to me..

>> No.1330842

Why was Majora's Mask in a record store?

>> No.1330869
File: 80 KB, 640x480, li8gOq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sucks man, I got a copy a few years back at a shop called The Exchange for $14.

>> No.1330898

Got mine a few months back for around the same price at my local thrift store

>> No.1330904

I'm fairly certain Stadium Events is one of those ridiculously expensive games that might normally go for a price like that.

>> No.1330985
File: 680 KB, 1083x1502, majora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1200 for Majora. Sold

>> No.1330992

I dunno why you posted this here, considering it's not just a random copy of the game.

A ridiculous price, but it's understandable why it happened. Kinda. I don't know how many of those "not for resale" copies there are out there. Probably not enough to warrant that price, but eh.

>> No.1331007

>I don't know how many of those "not for resale" copies there are out there.
I don't have a specific figure, but here's a reasonable claim to make: you will never see one of those in person in your life. Knowing how promo copies are produced and distributed but not knowing the specifics about MM promos, I would guess anywhere from 500-1000 were made being very generous.
I can honestly see $1200~ as the going price for it given the current inflated state of the retro bubble. Otherwise, easily $300 I would say. Easily.

>> No.1331094
File: 663 KB, 1033x1027, choplifter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> why you posted this here
He posted it to annoy you. Did it work?
The extremely high sale price on a rare game is a direct reflection of the artificial inflation generated by the "retarded" eBay and Craigslist market. Relevant to the thread.

>> No.1331101

>gcube 90 bucks
>cant remember snes price but it was high too

>> No.1331104

Yea, I did because I was texting a pic of it to my friend who sells stuff on craigslist alot so we could have a laugh.
I apologize that I reused the same pic here rather than re-taking a screenshot. I didn't realize you need a hi-res image for your autistic masturbatory needs.


>> No.1331107
File: 4 KB, 181x251, 41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone's talking about regular, well circulated Majora's Mask
>dis nigga posts 'Not For Resale' cart
>"$1200 for Majora. Sold."

>> No.1331112

>He posted it to annoy you. Did it work?


>> No.1331115

>looking at Saturn stuff on amazon
>notice the Japanese Saturns are cheaper than NA consoles
>notice Japanese Saturn games are cheaper than NA versions

Is this because of the Saturn's quick death outside of Japan or is the retro game market in the US just getting this fucking absurd?

>> No.1331169

A little of both.

>> No.1331174

Shit. Some real scamming potential here. How hard would it be to manufacture a passable Earthbound cart?

>> No.1331191
File: 315 KB, 1000x1500, AJJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ranger or her actress?

>> No.1331245
File: 44 KB, 345x303, 1309824576746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shut the fuck up retard

>> No.1331272
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, 1389449685945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clinging to obsolete and rotting physical media

Not everyone was a rich kid, get over it.

>> No.1331647

Its not really a record store. They sell other stuff. I consider it a record store, they do celebrate record store day every year.

>> No.1332546

I've always wanted to try that Tamagotchi Wii game.

Of course, I wouldn't buy that lot for it.

>> No.1332559

>outbid on eBay auction
>try to increase bid
>have to increase bid exponentially in order to claim the auction
Fucking auto-bid, it can be frustrating

>> No.1332585

I'm calling the Nintendo cops right now.

>> No.1332660
File: 139 KB, 660x421, Screenshot - 120114 - 02:57:21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1332674
File: 27 KB, 640x634, 1389503456813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you’ve set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.

>> No.1332712

>not waiting until there's 3 seconds left in the auction to bid your personal max

>> No.1332725

It's neat enough to warrant maybe $100.
The only thing that I would pay more for would be the entire booth that they had at Blockbuster that printed out Pokémon Snap stickers.

>> No.1333009

The Ranger with the actress in the suit.

>> No.1333021

I like the AGS-001 better because I can buy junk ones for really goddamn cheap and use the parts for mods.

>> No.1333025
File: 250 KB, 768x1024, SNAP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you mean THIS THING?

>> No.1333036

The Exchange?

Are you a Clevelandbro? Or even a Chicagobro? If you're PA, never mind

>> No.1333280

I teared up.

>> No.1334108

>jealousy intensifies

>> No.1334358
File: 609 KB, 642x1042, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't realise there was already a thread.

>> No.1335183
File: 367 KB, 1823x937, snes cib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is always trying to sell random gaming shit for a lot. He has an OG Xbox with 2 games, av/power cords, but no controller and the front buttons are missing for $30. He had/has a box of random shit that looks like it may be worth $20. Wants $75 for it and "well worth the price" His friend is making Assassin Creed bags for $100. I don't even fucking know anymore.

>> No.1335302
File: 199 KB, 1251x505, greed is a plague.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

>> No.1335309

just looked at this seller's other items, I want to vomit.

>> No.1335310

>Smash Brothers
So he's greedy, a liar, AND stupid.

>> No.1335314

Dat filename
Alas, greed will also be the downfall of the resellers and the retro bubble, I forsee it

>> No.1335324
File: 40 KB, 137x234, 1297629217043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote for Gamesniped for a while before the site went on hiatus, you would not believe the shit I saw on a daily basis:

>all these VGA-graded games with their carts stripped bare, PCBs and EPROM chips left to bake in the UV light, tagged as "85+ GRADE WUBWUB A+ QUARITY PLS PAY $200"
>fucking 5th grade art projects designed to look like Mario or Sonic, "ONE OF A KIND FIGURE!!" acting like they've produced fine art and asking $100+ for it

And that's just /vr/ related stuff. You have no idea how many BORDERLANDS EPIC LOOT CHEST WUBWUB 420XD SUPER RARE, $200 listings I have to sift through

>> No.1335345

>be on facebook gaming group
>woman posts a picture of 10 game and watches she has had since childhood asking how much they are worth.
>at least 6 reseller scum private message her offering $50-$100 for the lot saying they aren't worth very much.

I posted links to completed ebay listings showing that the lot would be worth close to $1000.

I was banned from the page.

>> No.1335348


The point where is healthy for the market to encourage reselling (to inventivise preservation) has come to an end and it is now time to slaughter the resellers. The best way we can do this is by holding up all progress in the economy. So we can inform new people that they're sitting on a gold mine who have gold mines so that resellers have to pay a gold mine to get it and then won't be able to turn a profit because nobody's going to buy the gold mine + markup.

Slowly but surely all the resource book with the market and move on to ruin the other things because they don't want to work for an honest days dollar instead wanna live off the buying and selling of others. They all need to get a fucking job.

>> No.1335414

Not Craiglist but a similar site had an R4 going for about 275 euros, I really hope no one brought it.

>> No.1335420

I don't understand. Don't you people want cheaper prices? Why are you encouraging her to sell it for that much?

>> No.1335428

How much do you think those resellers would sell it all for?

>> No.1335431

i would prefer the woman to get market value for her cherished childhood items than some greedy reseller.

>> No.1335434

Only a person who actually wants to play them would buy, as the price makes markup impossible. The transaction would benefit the seller and buyer this way, bypassing the harmful middleman.

>> No.1335453
File: 321 KB, 423x590, 1385859172095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything more cancerous to collecting them eBay resellers? They give All real sellers (physical and online) bad info on prices and clog up searches.

>> No.1335469

Do you even know how to use ebay?

>> No.1337278
File: 457 KB, 943x612, 1389684663757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro, but this guy's selling the complete .hack games (ps2) for $85
Deal or no?

>> No.1337292


Quarantine is worth about $90 complete, sooooo

>> No.1337861

That's a decent price for the Super Nintendo.

>> No.1337969

Absolutely. Even if you average them all together, you're paying $21 or so for each game, and you'll never find one of them cheaper for that by itself. And like another guy said, Quarantine is worth the price by itself.

>> No.1338701

I feel for you, fellow /vr/trooper
You've likely seen things that would scar a normal man for life

>> No.1339904
File: 293 KB, 914x606, the jag you are.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point, I'm not even sure if this is exorbitant ebay pricing or a deal

>> No.1339931

I know im replying to an old post but its not terrible! It's pretty fun imo

>> No.1340183
File: 401 KB, 1249x614, nofuckyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I'd found a while back.

>> No.1340424

Has to be either a troll ad, or a reseller asking to be lowballed

>> No.1340449
File: 336 KB, 594x623, Untitled20140115192643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1340459

Considering how many busted units are making the rounds, probably not a deal.

>> No.1340490

>tfw this is in my city

>> No.1340492

Where are you in columbus m8

>> No.1340491
File: 45 KB, 862x622, zelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy has been spamming craigslist everyday with this ad.

>> No.1340502

Spam him back with reqs for $5 only.

>> No.1340519

I'm honestly surprised they didn't throw in "ULTRA RARE GOLD CART."

>> No.1340530

Just tell the scum you can buy the exact same set on ebay for at most half that price

>> No.1340580

>Really nice offer
>Seedy as fuck neighborhood

Really interested, should I take it? It's 60 bucks for the lot and includes Virtua Cop and Warcraft II (which I didn't even know came on Sega Saturn)

>> No.1340581
File: 173 KB, 330x449, saturn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shit sorry forgot pic

>> No.1340585

if it sells for 80 dollars, than its an 80 dollar game. good luck finding a clearance bin that still has earthbounds inside.

>> No.1340591

its not a contest buddy, cause all you won was an afternoon by yourself with a tv screen and a false sense of prideover a fucking video game you didn't make.

>> No.1340596

Nobody wanted it then, which is why it's rare now.

Meanwhile everyone wanted Super Mario World, which is why it's common as muck now.

See how that works?

>> No.1340625

The original has the best sound to it -- warmer, more powerful bass. And it's really not hard to take care of one.

>> No.1340648


I'd take it, but have a few friends drive with you there.

>> No.1340703
File: 141 KB, 319x479, 2014-01-15-20-27-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this motherfucker has been trying to sell this DS case for over a year... opinions ?

>> No.1340717

Those lines are the easiest thing to fix.

You have no idea how many gameboys i have been given for free because people thought they were broken.

All i had to do for most of them was heat up the screen connector or adjust the contrast wheel (yes people are that dumb)

>> No.1340739

Call the number and, in an incredibly thick Greek accent, ask for the Nintendo Zelda, but if he talks about this offer, say you're talking about something else.

See how long you can keep him in circles.

>> No.1340815

>defective by design
>is superior in every way
Those lines are a 30 second fix. You're just lazy and stupid for throwing two perfectly functional ones away.

>> No.1340825

Somebody please do this!

>> No.1340892
File: 15 KB, 224x239, 1312187279077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post this thread nearly 2 weeks ago
>no one replied for a few hours so I closed the tab
>come back to /vr/ today
>200+ replies

>> No.1340983

>>is superior in every way
As un-portable as it is, Lynx would like to have a word.

>> No.1340986

This might be fun, but it should be someone from that area, presumably the Providence or Rhode Island.

>> No.1340998
File: 94 KB, 733x184, 1389848288440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anyone who can spare more than 1700 bucks would be dumb enough to buy these.

>> No.1341065

Does the Lynx play nintendo games?

yeah, didnt think so.

>> No.1341806

So when the hell are N64 games going to go back down in price? I don't want to pay $30 for another copy of Mario Kart 64.

>> No.1341856

Like the SNES, N64 prices are likely at their peak right now.
After a while, they should eventually drop and regulate while the GCN stuff is slowly starting to rise in price

>> No.1344858
File: 466 KB, 924x609, 25dollarrf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummm....this much...for a generic rf cable?...

>> No.1344969

All you are proving is that "economics" doesn't take any intelligence you fucking faggot /pol/ or reddit nigger.

>> No.1344990

>Guy puts price on something
>take it or leave it
>go to the next person

This works for gold, silver and every currency on the planet.

>> No.1345001
File: 589 KB, 757x872, fff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1345050
File: 91 KB, 394x394, 1383281501798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Recommend buying a new one
>Sonic & Knuckles on laptop

>> No.1345052

when you see it

>> No.1346726
File: 121 KB, 428x358, 1375769537582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1346738
File: 323 KB, 849x593, 1390071181613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1346770

Where I live, a single Game & Watch would go for about that exact price. How much are you willing to pay for this lot?

>> No.1346778

sonic 3 cart isnt even plugged in, yeah that seems totally legit

>> No.1346789

Even better, it has Atari games and better graphical effects than even SNES was trying out.

But of course, since AVGN and other YouTube "journalists" ripped on it, it's now cool to hate it.

>> No.1346809

You can get one new in the box from warehouses at $225, and games can be pretty cheap on Ebay of all places.

>> No.1346871

I cant believe this shit.

You americunts dont even know how cheap you get.

here in finland everything retro related is almost double the price to these "high" prices you talking.

and i just wanted sum retro;__;

>> No.1346930

>Everything retro here is stupidly cheap.
I can go now and buy a gameboy and games for it for 20 or 30 bucks.

>> No.1347010
File: 135 KB, 1019x631, amazonprices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly, in this day and age, it seems online stores such as eBay have gained a quasi-monopoly on retro game prices

>> No.1347016
File: 188 KB, 634x350, KURISUMASU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$430 for unopened Mario Kart 64

That's it. I'm done with this fucking Earth.

>> No.1347046

>we do have a small dog, but she's more of a pc gamer and has had little to do with this game.
>small dog
>pc gamer

>> No.1347208

Possibly a typo?

>> No.1347442


>> No.1347565

Yeah, in my experience, small dogs tend to be Sega fans when it comes to retro games

>> No.1347645

Earthbound isn't rare. You can find it everywhere. There's just high demand for it now.

>> No.1348080


>Kirby Crystal Shards

Haha good luck with that

>> No.1348446
File: 132 KB, 850x769, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a video game, but related to retro Pokemon.




>> No.1349389

>N64 games - $120 (Palmyra)
>Super Mario 64
>Conker's Bad Fur Day
>Super Smash Bros

It makes me upset that this is pretty much ebay prices so it's reasonable to ask this price although it's not reasonable to pay it

>> No.1349403

Greed and a poor grasp on economics

>> No.1349425

not even worth $50


>> No.1349478

>Get it - Moon?!

fucking faggot

>> No.1349490

I always remembered her as a blonde

>> No.1349921


>> No.1350203
File: 233 KB, 1040x702, what_could_possibly_go_wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think this will work?

>> No.1350892

Short answer: Most likely not

Long answer: Almost all EB sellers on eBay are dead-set on squeezing as much money out of buyers as they can. IF they do counter-offer you, they'll 99% likely offer a few bucks less than their BiN price it boggles my fucking mind, why even have the offer option, then!?!?

>> No.1350897

I was surprised, I offered 60% of what they were asking for a DC fishing rod and they told me 75% was the lowest they could go with free shipping. I woulda took it, but I found one cheaper elsewhere.

>> No.1350917
File: 63 KB, 404x419, Screenshot - 190114 - 19:37:20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1350931

a) that's money they were fully willing to spend anyway
b) that doesn't work until you outbid them, dummy, they end up paying the lowest of their auto-bids

unless you outbid them successfully, but then you run the risk of having to pay

you're very dumb

>> No.1351009
File: 54 KB, 264x379, 1338136692532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Condition: acceptable

>> No.1351036

What a steal!

>> No.1351139
File: 73 KB, 934x700, 1390218917049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen C64 selling for 150$. Just C64 with ac adapter and C2N.
Fun thing that it found a buyer because we almost had no C64 in ex-USSR, and people just don't know how cheated they were.

>> No.1353356

First Edition Base Set is rare, but not $9000 rare. $1000 would be a far more reason able price...

>> No.1354290

Just passing by to ask a question...
How much is supposed to be a Zelda: Link to the Past PAL version?

Because ebay is full of fucking retarded prices.

And what PAL versions are in english?
Is NOE english? Is ESP english? Or is it only UKV that is in english? This shit is fucking confusing.

>> No.1354315

Wait, weren't those extremely popular in Eastern Europe?

>> No.1355182
File: 117 KB, 1168x668, Image60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been e-mailing back and forth with this guy about his "right" to sell reproductions of games. He's a complete moron.

>> No.1355214

Why not just report him? Not just report him to eBay, but report him to Nintendo.

I personally wouldn't care about someone selling reproduction carts if they were advertised as such reasonably priced. Guys like this, however, are just asking to get ratted out.

>> No.1355241

If he were selling more than one cart it may be worth it. What really gets me are all of the reproduction boxes and manuals that sell for 20 dollars or more.

>> No.1355250

Is selling reproductions wrong? I've bought a couple from ebay.

>> No.1355254

>US $210.00
>not labeled as a reproduction

In this case? Very much so.

>> No.1355304

It's an unauthorized copy and hack of a real game, counterfeits, replicas and bootlegs are against Ebay policy, so yup!
I don't remember what Mato himself said about people selling his translation(s) for profit like the seller is doing, that might be an issue too.

>> No.1355332
File: 1.45 MB, 800x1000, 20130331_231857[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit man, then my N64 collection must be worth like 1000 dollars. IT HAS BOXES!

>> No.1355973

If it has everything including the dvds its a fucking steal. Quarantine alone is around 95 average.

>> No.1356565
File: 198 KB, 973x424, xbonefail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro, but just found this failure of a scalper

>> No.1356596

>I am sorry for being greedy but I need the money for my children
Well, at least he admits that he's a greedy faggot.

>> No.1356627

>All these faggots whining about rare games
Son, this is the free market at work. Get out of the deep end and quit whining.

>> No.1356739
File: 1.99 MB, 350x315, 1373472763419.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1356870

>look at local craigslist ads
>keep seeing "lots of ps2 games for sale, $30 for all of them"
>they're all sports games and shovelware
>a couple of ads for a a gamecube/n64 with some decent games for $300

>> No.1356983
File: 1.36 MB, 1936x2592, IMG_0952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1337278 reporting in
The deed is done
My wallet is now $85 lighter, but everything's complete, including the dvd's
If you're on here Jake, thanks again man!

>> No.1357010

thats a fucking sweet ass deal, I coughed up $200 on buying all of them individually.

>> No.1357049

This guy put them in a dishwasher to clean them?

>> No.1357051

Not really. 1st edition packs go for 100-200.

3-6k would be more reasonable.

>> No.1357674

The 101 has a lower refresh rate than the 001, so keep that in mind if you play lots of sidescrollers.

>> No.1357746


>> No.1357859

Man, the fucking phrase "Great for collectors" pisses me off, what a effing bad excuse for "Duh, this is worth 90$".
One time a guy tried to sell me Mario Bros 3 for 40$, he kept saying "Its a classic" like it means it worths a million.
I want the fucking retro games to play with them, god damnit, recently I found a shop near my city and I bought a complete Ballon Fight for 20$

>> No.1358365


>those fucking mcdonald sonic games

is this nigga serious

>> No.1358735
File: 75 KB, 520x644, SKC_EU_Boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of Mega Drive games were released for PC

>> No.1358964

every fucking time

>> No.1358983

i had the PC version of sonic 3 it was actually fuckin sweet my friend came over every weekend to play it with me.

>> No.1359120

assuming you're from edmonton as well, where else sells used genesis games other than the store in bonnie doon mall?

>> No.1360253

I got the brown key one for 2 dollars.

>> No.1360809

millwoods town center has a game city and so does londonderry. I cleaned bonnie doon out pretty much, fuckin mystic defender and decap attack sitting in the bargain bin some mother fucker needs to buy.

>> No.1360813

oh yeah there is also this other place called nexwave its got pretty good prices for genesis shit. just for fun is the worst shithole in the city. Someone get that resellers address so I can go rob him blind and fuck over his "youtube channel"

>> No.1360967
File: 372 KB, 965x604, 1390625514788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange...I don't remember the PSOne nor Yugioh FM being worth that much...

>> No.1361501
File: 75 KB, 1300x650, gb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]