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File: 118 KB, 796x588, Space_Cadet_Pinball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1332317 No.1332317[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the best way to simulate pinball?

Video games or PC simulator?

>> No.1333197

simulators tend to be buggy and amateurish.

pro pinball timeshock is all you need.

>> No.1333325

I like Visual Pinball

>> No.1333384

Pinball Arcade is a great one available for lots of platforms, I usually play it on my Android phone. Lots of machines which you can play for free until you go past the trial score limit, but the machines are cheap if you're really getting into them considering how many coins you'd have to feed the real thing.

Williams Pinball Collection for the PS3 was made by the same company and gives you a shitload of Williams machines in one package, and it should be bargain bin cheap at this point if you decide to go for it. IMO this company is the best guys out there for their efforts in keeping pinball alive, the physics are amazingly spot-on and their graphics are beautiful too. Next best only to the real thing.

>> No.1333395
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This baby.

>> No.1333398
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>> No.1333403
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Versus this.

>> No.1333404

Visual Pinball is my personal favorite, just for the variety, but Pinball Arcade is also worth a look just for a good Champion Pub, with a hopefully decent Who Dunnit waiting in the wings.

And of course, there's Pro Pinball, which just sort of does its own thing, being awesome and shit.

>> No.1333406

My uncle has a Whodunnit table.

What about Pinball FX2?

>> No.1333518
File: 2.27 MB, 1600x3598, pro pinball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried both Pinball FX2 and TPA for a short while on their free tables, but they didn't hold up to the Pro Pinball series when it comes to physics and graphics which is kind of pathetic considreing the PP series comes from the last millenium. Comparing PP to TPA is kind of unfair since the latter tries to simulate real tables, but apparently the physics are tweaked to make hitting main targets easier (rather than being hard and realistic) and you can't do many of the techniques (live/dead catch, tap passes etc.) you can IRL or PP.

>> No.1333521

Pinball Arcade is great. My friend told me they're about to add a Head-to-Head multiplayer mode too.

>> No.1333842

If Pinball Arcade is the one that has the recreations of pinball machines, that's my shit. I played it on the Ouya I think. Star Trek TNG?? Instant erection.

I also love Timeshock. I saw something about a Kickstarter to remake that game in HD, really hoping that takes off. My favorite "original" pinball game for PC definitely.

Anybody play Metroid Pinball or the Pokemon Pinball games? Metroid pinball is my shit, though it gets a little too easy/predictable after a while.

>> No.1335487

i have been thinking of getting pinball arcade for my ps3
i got almost all of Zen Pinball 2 tables already
i did notice that pinball arcade has a more realistic feel to it, the ball certainly feels heavier
also how many of you guys still go to real arcades to get your real life pinball fix?
i got this nice arcade close the town i live were they got a pretty decent collection with gems like the Addams Family, Terminator 2 and The Twilight Zone

>> No.1335492

>also how many of you guys still go to real arcades to get your real life pinball fix?
such thing don't exist anymore here.

>> No.1335547

thats sad
i guess i got lucky in that regard

>> No.1335980

You can find pinball machines in billiard halls though. In my opinion pinball is more common than other arcade games.

>> No.1336056

You did. There are still arcades in the state I live in, but it would be a pretty lengthy trip just to play. The closest to arcades my town has are some sketchy PC "gambling" places.

>> No.1336510

Pinball is awesome. Too bad you have to be rich to play it nowadays.

>> No.1336587

what the fuck???

>> No.1337734

he is probably talking about actually owning real life pinball tables
they are quite expensive, specially if you can't do the maintenance yourself also also a lot of the best tables are collector items
he probably is not familiar with pinball emulators and the Farsight and Zen studios pinball games too

>> No.1337736

Oh man I loved that game. I had an insane high score, too. The secret was to hit what the arrows were pointing at, in case you didn't know.

Windows is so gay for stopping its release with the newer versions.

>> No.1337754

You can download it somewhere I think. What I did was just copy the entire game folder from my XP machine and it worked on 7 and 8.

>> No.1337904
File: 1.64 MB, 2200x2560, Screen-Ambient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Kickstarter was succesful. They recently finished prerendering all three flippers, so apparently there will be an alpha version out soon.

It looks fucking beautiful.

>> No.1337912
File: 1.64 MB, 2200x2560, Screen-GI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1337980

That looks amazing.

>> No.1337982

>he probably is not familiar with pinball emulators and the Farsight and Zen studios pinball games too
These have nothing on playing an actually table though.

>> No.1337985

>the Ouya

>> No.1337997


its not, but you can still learn a lot of the real mechanics because the physics are mostly spot on. things like post transfers work perfectly in the games like Pinball Arcade, whereas they won't in something like Space Cadet.

>> No.1338003

>not playing Sonic Spinball

>> No.1338079


Zen Studios should remake Space Cadet, I bet it would sell like hotcakes. Too busy making swill like Ms. Splosion man. Only Zen table (besides Dr. Strange, which I will) I haven't bought yet.

>> No.1340024

I may be tripping balls, but are those photographs of actual machines?

>> No.1340032

no, you shill

>> No.1340440
File: 462 KB, 1600x1200, Timeshock! View 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they are prerendered 3D, just like the original Timeshock. Even back in 1997 they were way ahead of their time by having a maximum resolution of 1600x1200.

>> No.1341608
File: 84 KB, 500x747, pin_bot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have the Pacific Pinball Museum in California. It's about 2 hours away from where I live, but it's practically heaven. 12 dollars lets you play all the pinball you want, and they're open until midnight on Saturday. Great selection of machines from the early days to the 90s.

Really had fun on Pinbot and Robocop. I actually ended up buying Pinbot on TPA shortly afterwords, and I'm a little tempted to get the NES game made by Rare.

>> No.1344072

My local bar has a TRON: Legacy table. What is your opinions on this table? I don't really care for the art style but I cannot comment on the gameplay as I have nothing to compare it too.