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1338718 No.1338718[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So who remembers playing Majora's Mask for their 1st time without knowing what to do. When you hear the final hours song play and the screen is shaking and that clock ticking down and then seeing that death cutscene did anyone else feel extremely guilty?

>> No.1338725

>not knowing what to do
>two hour long forced tutorial

>> No.1338724

It was too creepy for me. I never finished it until I was older.

>> No.1338730

>When you hear the final hours song play and the screen is shaking and that clock ticking down
I would always get scared and turn my console off before the death scene. I still have never seen it.

>> No.1338736

I let my friend borrow it and about 3 days later I got a phone call and it was friend begging me to take it back because he said he got up to the bit with girl and her dad is a gibdo.

>> No.1338738

I knew pretty much what to do because I had read the nintendo power guide 3 years before getting the game because I wanted the game so bad but didn't have the nintendo 64 anymore when it came out.

I'll never get to experience that feel.

>> No.1338747

When I got this game at a game store on the shelf it said PG but on all the boxes they had stickers over them saying MA15+ and my parents got it anyway and I just took the sticker off and still have the box to this very day

>> No.1338753

First time I rented the game when it came out I didn't know what to do since my english wasn't as perfect as it is now.

Both files were being used and the second one was at the swamp. i thougnt the game had two different main characters.

>> No.1338756


>> No.1338757
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>It was too creepy for me. I never finished it until I was older.

It never spooked me, but remember it being very difficult when I was younger. I never got past Snowhead Temple. I enjoyed Ocarina from the get-go, but it took me a long time to appreciate Majora's Mask. I did a playthrough a couple years ago, and it was still very difficult without a guide. While Majora's Mask had a great atmosphere (something impossible to describe), it was remarkably tedious. The egg fetch-quest was especially boring, because the eggs were easy to find, but backtracking was a pain.

I definitely get the sense that Majora's Mask is a game the developers intended for the older players. The gameplay is very demanding, and the main story sidequests, while not deep, prey on some adult fears. TV Tropes and MatthewMatosis got me to realize a lot of this.


>> No.1338765

The dungeons were the worst. Too much puzzle. Not enough adventure.

>> No.1338764

When I first played it I was 9 but my little brother was 5 and the game gave him nightmares the next day he told all about it how the moon was falling but there was no link just the end of the world. I kept playing and when I got up to Ikana Canyon I thought the game was messed up how the little girl and her dad my dad died when I was young so I guess I kinda related to her with her pain and sorrow.

>> No.1338774

The boss's pissed me of the most they were to easy for Majora's Mask. Like the dungeon would be shit hard (greatbay) then the boss would be easy (odolwa & goht)

>> No.1338778

I watched my older brother destroy a controller playing this game

good times.

>> No.1338809

Nice. I might have been that older brother. Aaron is that you?

>> No.1338820

Nah. I know an Aaron with an older brother, I'll ask him for you.
He's says you're not my older brother.

>> No.1338823

Yes this is Aaron

>> No.1338838


>listening to that on the 3rd day

>> No.1338857


That is easily in my top 5 best VGM of all time, possibly as high as 3.

>> No.1338864

my nigga

>> No.1338865

What's the first two?

>> No.1338891

>So who remembers playing Majora's Mask for their 1st time without knowing what to do.

I sure do.
>This deku form is stupid
>That time limit is really stressing me out
>Why the fuck can't I save whenever I like?
>Oh cool so when I save all my shit goes away and I have to start over unless I use one of those owl statues which deletes itself when you load it, great
>I'm going to ask to get Banjo Tooie and Final Fantasy IX for Christmas instead

11 year olds are stupid and it would be years before I actually legitimately played it after watching a friend beat it and let me borrow it. I still haven't beaten it, though. I got Final Fantasy VIII instead that Christmas.

>> No.1338931

#1, though not /vr/ related.
>It's only the menu music
>It's the lords prayer
Ive heard it all, but It doesn't bother me. No game to me has it's tone set better by the intro/menu combination, seemingly giving weight to every decision made to be made, every unit, every action, every turn is seemingly given meaning. All by a simple song in the menu sung by words I don't actually understand. It doesn't get better than that.

2nd best goes to Doom. E2M1 to be specific. All of em are great.
Special mention goes to sign of evil and E1M1.

Honerable mention because it's not exactly background music:

>> No.1339098

1st N64 game I played shit my brix for 3/4 of the game and the rest I enjoyed but operation moonfall are trying and trying but we all know it will never happen.

>> No.1339150

I was sixteen years old when I played it the first time. So my answer is no. I played the song of time.

>> No.1341094
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played the game when i was like nine or ten.
>moon comes crashing down.
>everyone dies.
>face is in total shock.
i felt like i let everyone down.
like they really depended on me saving them and i couldn't do anything about it .
that fucked with my head when i was younger and i've always said since then you have to be on a very mature emotional Level to understand the game fully Another thing that few games deal directly with is the end of the world. Nearly every role-playing game has a villain that could potentially destroy the planet. However, there is a pretty huge difference between the threat of the apocalypse and the clear and present apocalypse in Majora’s Mask. There isn’t the “possibility” that this bad guy could blow up the planet. The sky is literally falling. The moon is constantly drawing closer as a very literal reminder of your time limit. There is no death laser, no hypothetical device. From early on, there is a massive celestial body speeding towards the ground. This visual cue is far more effective at creating a sense of anxiety than any cackling villain could ever be.But that makes this all the more poignant. Why is it that this E-rated game is more mature than the bulk of games rated Mature? It isn’t because of boobies or blood, nor is it because Link decided to take up superfluous, forced swearing as a hobby. It’s because Majora’s Mask is a game that evokes an incredibly guttural emotional reaction from the player. I don’t mean glamorized emotions like love or anger, either – the centerpieces of what would be a real “mature” title. Majora’s Mask instead evokes far more primal emotions – those of fear, anxiety, and hopelessness.

>> No.1341098

>Spending 2 hours on those stumps at the begining of the game

Not everyone played the game why huffing paint.

>> No.1341101

Man. Has anyone told you to consider writing reviews or use your writing for something?
This just made me really want to play the game again sorry it was somewhat traumatizing

>> No.1341109

no,but i guess i should .
Thanks Anon .

>> No.1341134

>seeing that death cutscene

To this day I've never seen the death cutscene because I always went back in time on the third night.

>> No.1341135
File: 19 KB, 270x197, u-0u'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw when discovering the mini-boss arena

>> No.1341241

>this game is secretly the story of quatzalcotl

>> No.1341275

You're forced to do a full three day cycle before you can play as the ACTUAL Link.

>> No.1341286

Yeah, and? What's your point?

>> No.1341336

It's hard to put into words the emotional impact of all the powerful themes unique to this amazing game. I was 10 at the time and it's pretty amazing to look back on how unprepared I was for the dark, mature, powerful shit that definitely influenced me for life.

>> No.1341339 [DELETED] 

Would you say it was pretty euphoric?

>> No.1341345

>3rd day
>Reset time
>Dawn of the 1st day

>> No.1341368
File: 50 KB, 384x494, 1350353846868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Rent Majora's Mask for the first time
>Roll around as a Goron on the first file because the clock was ticking down and I was sure there was no way of slowing it down, pretty much enjoyed myself in clock town
>Mfw my cousin came to my house to play his Majora's Mask because i asked him some shit about it
>Get the game, finally get around it
>Turns out there's a song for slowing down time
>Mfw as i go and complete the game

English wasn't my first language, but somehow i already knew the basic to make it possible to learn English properly out of vidya.

>> No.1341396

The first time I played I rented it from a store. and I decided to play it I got up to the final hours as deku and didn't know what to do so I stopped playing it gave it back to store. about 2 months later both my best friends and heaps of "rebels" were talking about so I joined with the "rebels"hating me so i bought with my pocket money and actually figured out what to do and got to Ikana canyon being further than my friends so then I had a sleepover and the "rebels became my friends" my Best friends and the rebels and I all watched a 32" 4:3 TV with the visual and audio of Majora's Mask I will always remember those days.

>> No.1341412

No, I felt like the game had taken a huge dump over everything that made Zelda games good.

And never played it again.

>> No.1341574

I played it when it first came out, about age 8 or 9. Had no idea what the fuck to do.

Just started playing again last night and so far I'm having a blast, and I'm not full retard this time. OoT is one of my favorite games of all time, so yeah.

>> No.1341578


Play it again. Everything that makes Zelda good is there, except with a bunch of new ideas that were never used again.

>> No.1341584

>Everything that makes Zelda good is there
Except Zelda and adventure.

>> No.1341586

Majoras mask was very marvelous like. Use whacky items to explore the world the world instead of older Zelda which were navigate the maze.

Honestly I think that represents the difference in miyamotos design and anoumas and why its almost sad we won't get a swan song Zelda from miyamoto.

>> No.1341590

Then you have capcoms take with four different titles. Every game is influenced by the consoles game that closet came out to in in both art direction and themes.

>> No.1342260

>slow down the time
>play the game peacefully

>> No.1342275

I smiled

>> No.1344786

best zelda game