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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 89 KB, 283x244, Doomguy[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1318910 No.1318910[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD, 2FAST4U Edition (Last thread >>1312509)
(other retro FPS games welcome too, chances are we played 'em too)

FAQ/Pastebin, still updated semi-frequently


##Our WADs can be found here!##

Steam Group:

IRC (The password is in the FAQ.):
Channel: #vr


Wanna learn how to...

Create maps?

Open/Edit WAD/PK3/etc to make 'em compatible with other mods?
http://slade.mancubus.net/index.php?page=downloads (download 3.0.2)

Load multiple WADS and mods at the same time? - ZDL (v3.2.2.2)

/idgames torrent (12 GBs of wads, 18 years worth of user-made content!)

Vanilla/Boom related projects can be found here http://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/
ZDoom mods/projects can be found here http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19

Best Single Player WADS of 2013 (needs update)

>> No.1318917

First for MSX being the best mod of doom

>> No.1318918
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-Awesome Games Done Quick is taking place RIGHT NOW, and will feature a full set of retro FPS games, Doom included! But this time is different, since there will be a bidding war between Ultimate Doom and Doom 2: Hell on Earth, and also a Plutonia speedrun will take place too! (yikes). The event will take place in January 6, at 19:30 hrs Central time (aprox)

-Have you checked The Space Pirate yet? http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=37064 It's in Alpha as we speak, but that shouldn't restrain you from testing it out!

-TerminusEst13, of well known Samsara fame, is developing an incredibly awesome Metroid mod called "Metroid: Dreadnought"; keep an eye on these threads for more info!

-CACOWARDS? SURE, HERE! http://www.doomworld.com/20years.. Feel absolutely free to share your thoughts about the works chosen for this edition. And man oh man, they surely left a lot of stuff to discuss related to the decisions made on some wads...

-Doomsday received a brand new update, now you can play with the Oculus Rift! Go download Doomsday here! http://dengine.net/

-An anon put up recently a neat website for everyone to upload wads, go check it here (if your antivirus gets paranoid, do not worry, it's a false positive)

-December 10th marked the 20th anniversary of the release of the shareware version of Doom; there were tons of stuff and special events that were done for it, if you missed 'em all, feel free to ask for links to them!

-ChocoDoom got updated in the 20th anniversary, but it didn't stopped there. Now you can play Heretic, Hexen and Strife too! Go grab each version of them here! http://www.chocolate-doom.org/wiki/index.php/Downloads

>> No.1318931
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>> No.1318936

remember to donate so we can get Dime getting assblasted in Go 2 It

and pls be sure to donate for Ultimate Doom since that one has more impressive skips that would surely impress those who aren't into Doom

>> No.1318937

What are some good raining levels?

Or just dark and moody ones.

>> No.1318948

There should be an Orange / Teal mod.

Simply Orange / Tealing the PLAYPAL isn't enough--need to go at COLORMAP.

>> No.1318947

TUTNT chapter 3 is cozy

>> No.1318952

What control scheme should one use to play Doom "the way the developers intended?" What control scheme did John Romero use when he set the par times?

>> No.1318960

Go play Herian 2.

>> No.1318958

He used a mouse and keyboard.
Remember, straferunning wasn't discovered immediately so that's the only way to go fast enough

>> No.1318962

mouse to move?

>> No.1318963

Mouse to turn.
I don't actually know if he used mouse to move

It's the only movement option that makes sense before wallrunning and straferunning was a thing

>> No.1318984


Clips of Arin and Ross impersonating Duke Nukem put through some degradation effects to sound like Duke Nukem 3D voice clips.

>> No.1318989

How many doomers are going to die in 2014?


>> No.1318994


>> No.1318997


>> No.1319001


zfootball is hypnotic

>> No.1319034
File: 1.15 MB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_Cheogsh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1319041
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Man, that level looks grea--


>> No.1319050

Shadows aren't THAT bad.

All Cheogsh level sets overuses them like fucking crazy though

>> No.1319061

is there a megawad that focuses more on navigating obstacles and avoiding traps than combat?

>> No.1319064

Pretty much any jump wad

>> No.1319065

Author: Shadowman

>> No.1319072

Cheosgh 2
Hell Ground
Dawn of Reality (i think it was broken on current GZDoom versions but idk)
Happy Time Circus 2 (be warned it's metroidvania tier when it comes to switches)
Nightomb 2x2 series

There are definitely more, but that's off the top of my head.

>> No.1319076

Happy Time Circus 2 genuinely unsettles me.

Couldn't bear playing it at all.

>> No.1319081

Oh i forgot one, it's actually the first one that attempted atmosphere other than Talosian Incident.

Asylum of the Wretched

>> No.1319085


>$340.00 out of 2k dollaroos

cum on guise pls donate

>> No.1319086

also Doom 2 is winning over UDoom for over 5 bucks

>> No.1319097

Not sure if i know much maps like that but you could try these

Doom Raider
Map19 and Map22(oh god this map) of Newdoom Community Map Project 2
Map24 of 1 Monster Megawad

>> No.1319109
File: 492 KB, 960x540, RLNGTease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No really, soon! Trust me!

>> No.1319124

Sooner, please.

>> No.1319139

That's a pretty flashy muzzle flare.


>> No.1319159
File: 116 KB, 594x1024, 1388992509357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys, let's make a deal. Whoever helps me to put a pentagram over a monster like in pic related, will totally get credited for it. I am totally balls-deep into getting this look featured in a monster (won't spoil who, and yes, it's for Demonicron)

>needless to say, this feature is ZDoomish

>> No.1319162

I feel some Baphomet action coming on!

It depends on the resolution of the monster you're working with, but it might not be TOO difficult...

>> No.1319203

what's the best zandronum server provider? i'm assuming best ever is going to be one of those server providers that everyone uses but there's something much better

>> No.1319218


Best Ever is the only accessible Zandronum server provider. Every other hosting provider requires you set things up with the admin beforehand.
The only downside is that the admin can be a cock.

>> No.1319262


>> No.1319265

is ded

>> No.1319271

Term pls

>> No.1319273
File: 515 KB, 960x540, 1388997700784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the sprites, but the weapons should be a bit less centered and more offset. To match up perspective better. Doesn't need to be perfect but it's just a little too off for me.

>> No.1319276


>> No.1319281

Nice. Well then... Look great. :-D

>> No.1319316
File: 867 KB, 1024x640, 1389000200091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Each corner of this area is like this. and there's like 3 cyberdemons behind me.

I'm convinced this game is just fucking with me

>> No.1319321
File: 911 KB, 1024x640, 1389000532782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh wait no I was wrong, FOUR cyberdemons and like 4 archviles (Diablolists in this case but annoying all the same)

Christ's sake

>> No.1319489

> tfw I cant watch the Doom speedrun today

>> No.1319492

Shadow is one of the best custom enemies.

>> No.1319532

I'm looking for wads that are all about architecture.

Something that makes it wonderful to explore like sunder.wad, but not as stupidly hard.


>> No.1319537
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 1389013275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d2twid 19 is evil but the twisted architecture with all its weird interconnections is glorious

>> No.1319542

No only three of the corners are full of revenants. You let the cyberdemons kill the ones in the north two.

>> No.1319551


It was still nuts. Then after this I tried my luck with oblige using the DoomRL wad

After being gunned down by chaingunners for the third time I've decided to call it a night. Hitscanners can suck my dick

>> No.1319619

Eternal Dooms

>> No.1319752

Maintenance Complex

UAC Experiment

Castle of Evil

>> No.1319754


thanks, but I was hoping for more classic themed wads than these, unless it's really really good which neither of these stood out better than just good.

>> No.1319763


said no one with a straight face, ever

>> No.1319771


people have only donated 40 bucks since that post. this isn't good.

also, UDoom is now winning over Doom 2 by 65 dollars

>> No.1319807


I wasn't really after tribute maps to the original, something new and refreshing but keeps to the original gameplay is what I'm after.

>> No.1319812

tried speed of doom?

>> No.1319816

A_SpawnItemEx("PentaHat", 0, 0, 32?, 0, 0, 0, 0, SXF_SETMASTER)

And then the PentaHat


Every god damn tic.

Just need rotation sprites for the hat but it's only a disc rotated a bit.

>> No.1319821

Caverns of Darkness
Phobos: Anomaly Reborn
Space Station Omega
Impossible: A New Reality

>> No.1319823

Now make a hula hooping cyberdemon/

>> No.1319829


no, I check it now.
Judging by the name, its not a set of maps that you've to speedrun right?

>> No.1319830

Same process to spawn it but with a different Z offset and the actor warps around in a circle but to do that the only way I can think of is to create a series of A_Warp actions that are pointed to different points on a polygon.

>> No.1319832

no, i think the authors were going to speedmap a megawad but eventually dropped the speedmap part but kept the name

>> No.1319834 [DELETED] 


>> No.1319865


I see, thanks

Now, let me whip something pretty quick

>> No.1319875
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>> No.1319905
File: 1.20 MB, 1366x768, 1389030669418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something is wrong here.

>> No.1319906

>That fucking glitch
Every time

>> No.1319927

>but I was hoping for more classic themed wads than these

>I wasn't really after tribute maps to the original

make your friggin' mind up!! ;-)

>> No.1319937
File: 780 KB, 1360x768, 1389031663791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you faggots did this?

>> No.1319964
File: 21 KB, 500x282, 1374442346867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are the most played wads on zandronum megaman wads and that awful alloutwar crap. I don't get it.

>> No.1319968

The general public has shit taste, more news at ten

>> No.1319997


Not me.

>> No.1319998

Jesus that filter.

>> No.1320014

>Which one of you faggots did this
did what? made all the sprites look like horrible blobs and turned the game into teletubby world? ugh

>> No.1320023

DBZone is great.

>> No.1320036
File: 32 KB, 459x385, 1373720419842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember Cheogsh, there was something about it that made me keep playing......

Though I really hated often not having a clear idea of where to go.

Never finished Cheogsh 2 either.

>> No.1320037

The 10 o'clock strangler could be in YOUR backyard! More at 11.

>> No.1320040


This just in, IRL faggotry is a transmittable disease! Only keeping your teeth clean will protect you! More at 12.

>> No.1320043

Really? It's pretty easy.

>> No.1320049
File: 378 KB, 1920x1080, 1389035541748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This...definitely looks a lot prettier in GZDoom.

>> No.1320086

It's a big blurry mess with hard edges just draw a flash.

>> No.1320089

maybe that's just me, but i think there's too many "edges" on the flash, i can almost see where the MSpaint eraser was used

>> No.1320093

>a lot prettier

Urgh, no it doesn't.
It stops far too suddenly, there's no smooth transition from the edge of the sprite to empty air.

>> No.1320094

he's saying it was prettier in gzdoom where it drew the transparency better

>> No.1320098

This is the flash in GZDoom, compared to the Zandy version. It's exactly what >>120094 was saying. Hell, even in normal ZDoom the transparency is drawn a lot better.

>> No.1320104 [DELETED] 

I meant >1320094 , my bad.

>> No.1320110

So, what are some invasion maps you guys would recommend?

>> No.1320119

The only good ones are the ones played to death.
Alpha/Delta Invasion, Ultimate Torment & Torture Invasion, and Armageddon Invasion.

>> No.1320150

I live where high speed internet doesn't, so I never get to try out random WADs people are playing online. I just want some stuff to take to a friend's house and have some LAN games. Since everyone gave up on split screen source ports years ago. ;_;

I remember playing one a few years back that would change between rounds. Like, the walls would raise or lower, and the room would be completely different. Is that one of the three you mentioned?

>> No.1320160


That's a common trick of most of the good invasion wads, and is especially common in Alpha/Delta and Armageddon.

>> No.1320161

UT&T invasion sucks but the other two are gold.

How come we haven't seen any invasion packs like them? I played one last night called Chaos from Hell invasion and it sorta felt like them but only a couple of the maps were good, the others weren't that great, went on for too long, or had bullet sponge bosses.

>> No.1320189

Just to further illustrate my point, here's a comparison!

This is the new effect for the Mag Grapple, making use of a subtle glow. It looks a ton better in motion but this is the gist of it.

>Zandy Version
Zandronum renders the feathered and semi-transparent pixels are the edges as one solid, semi-transparent color. If you look at the flash for the Toolbox, you'll this in full effect in the Zandronum screenshot I posted.

Which was what I was wanting to point out when I said it looks a lot prettier in GZDoom. My brief tests in ZDoom have also shown that the effect looks similar to how it looks GZDoom, so...yeah!

>> No.1320242

Difficulty wise it is I'm sure but I just got bored of the stopping and starting of figuring out where to go at times.

>> No.1320245

ZDoom software mode needs to get on the 32bpp bandwagon like Odamex and Eternity have done / are doing.

>> No.1320287


Yeah about that. Can anybody tell me how to turn that shit off? I got used to it by now, but it annoyed the fuck out of me at first, and I still can't find the setting for it.

>> No.1320330

Options/Display/OpenGL/Texture/TextureFilter: Trilinear

>> No.1320342

What the hell is the purpose of those filters? I always see people using them, but it just makes the game look fuck ugly, all these blobby looking smeared sprites.

>> No.1320374

I have a bit of filtering so it's not all pixelated, but I dont go that far otherwise it looks like everything is melting. That looks like high quality resize mode is on.

I dunno, it does not look that bad on my machine that's for sure as I can still see pixel edging on mine and I have trilinear filtering.

>> No.1320382
File: 45 KB, 500x375, icp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help to load a wab file properly. I'm new to doom and I downloaded the Vangaurd.wad mod from doomworld.com. I used ZDL and Zdoom to start the game but there are a bunch of exclamation marks in the world which I assume are missing textures. What am I doingn wrong?

pic unrelated

>> No.1320387

My problem is that even if I turn every shit off, the sprites still look blobby and smeared. I have to switch from OpenGL to the software renderer to fix that.
And the software renderer fucks up rendering the walls when I look at them at an angle, so I always end up going back to OpenGL.

>> No.1320404
File: 82 KB, 640x400, 1389045403997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1320406
File: 97 KB, 640x400, 1389045481817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1320410


>> No.1320419

fixed it by chosing the proper iwad

>> No.1320464

Damn it Zandronum stop being so ass.

>> No.1320494

Go back to the same area and see a thing called "High Quality Resize" or something like that, turn that shit off.

>> No.1320546

Due to a lot of screwing up and speedruns going wrong, the Doom segment is being delayed even more, now it will allegedly take place at 9:50PM central time

Also UDoom is winning over Doom 2 for over 100 dollars now

>> No.1320563

>UDoom is winning
Hell yeah.

>> No.1320567

>Due to a lot of screwing up
I heard a fire alarm went off too, not sure what happened specifically though.

>> No.1320569

nothing serious (save for the french restream getting ddos'ed )

>> No.1320579
File: 153 KB, 421x500, 1366808222245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what the fuck is this
no, seriously
the fuck is this

>> No.1320637

I'll kind of miss that weird green vein thing that was going on with the Mag grapple.

>> No.1320678

I really don't know what I was going for. I think I was vaguely trying to do like...a skeleton thing but...I don't know. It was always my intention to change it before the first alpha release, but I never did.

>> No.1320697

Visually it looked like whatever was allowing her to grab was lighting up.

Like Gene from God Hand using them God Hand powers.
Or shit I don't know, technomagic gloves.

>> No.1320705

Mel has a fake robo hand or something that allows her to do that, but the folks at #TSP are demanding I bring it back so...

I'ma record a video with the new one.

>> No.1320713

Shotgun update when

>> No.1320754
File: 43 KB, 558x655, 1354933119825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp, i killed a mouse playing doom
now what, /vr/?

>> No.1320758

Play with the keyboard while waiting on a new mouse.

>> No.1320761
File: 438 KB, 1324x992, 1362378554799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go oldschool and play with a keyb-


God damn it

>> No.1320763
File: 40 KB, 477x379, 1355268917877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, time to speedrun KDitD with keys

>> No.1320782

Should have suggested a joystick

>> No.1320793

Do it again

>> No.1320897

Man, I am addicted to FKER, it's a lot of fun. Sperglord Edition and Project MSX are fun, but I've been really digging the more vanilla feeling mods lately. I tried Realm 667 shuffle, but it's unbalanced as fuck (which FKER greatly improves upon). I also got Perk's smooth animations. For now I'm mostly just waiting patiently for the next update for The Space Pirate.

>> No.1320937

Recommend me a short wad pls

>> No.1320942


>> No.1320949



>> No.1320948

Both Scythe wads are a ful 32 maps but all the maps can be blown through very quickly.

>> No.1320952

That one made by alice88 is a pretty good short one (2 levels)
Click the button that says "ダウンロード"

>> No.1320951



>> No.1320953

Where is Awesome Games Done Quick

Keep getting errors on websites

>> No.1320960

Site appears to be down.

First the fire alarm, now this. Speedrunners can't catch a break today, can they?

>> No.1320967


when? Dude, is now!

Apparently Plutonia will take place around 10PM central

>> No.1320974

Vanessa the killer bitch

>> No.1320982


I want to like FKER but your 3 starter weapons are kinda shit (the plasma pistol, fists, and chainsaw)

I'm fucking weird but I prefer weapon packs that give you a good melee along with a decent peashooter with infinite ammo. I like the pistol from Monster Mash, for example.

>> No.1321001

I'm waiting on him to get back to me on irc so I can give it to him but shotgun update (and other stuff) is done as of ~1/2 hour ago. It's up to Marty when it gets released to public though.

>> No.1321040

Godspeed coder anon.

>> No.1321070

if you're the guy from last thread:
you can go full dredd on demons now
get hype

>> No.1321087

Old bug in Zandro - it CAN render the transparency properly but bugs out more often than not, falling back to a simpler (shittier) way.

>> No.1321093

I am totally that guy.

I will be the law soon

>> No.1321147

Here's the twitch account they're streaming on:

Just add the twitch url before it (the system thinks the post is spam if I keep it in there)

>> No.1321148

I'm planning on adding a couple more weapons and some other features that I was going to save for later to v0.1.1 (Neo) and v0.1.2 ([G]ZDoom), so it might take a bit longer. IT'LL BE WORTH IT! Promise.)

>> No.1321159

you can stop doing this now

>> No.1321162

but you just did it again anon

>> No.1321164

No YOU can stop doing this now.

BTW this FPS block for AGDQ is pretty sweet and there's some Doom coming up later. Deus Ex was a good run. 10/10 runner would watch again.

>> No.1321165

>those fags in the irc fantasizing about Dime finishing Plutonia with mods

it's not even that funny

>> No.1321179
File: 56 KB, 640x400, HereticGauntlets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom? More like dumb

Why don't you play a real man's game?

>> No.1321187

I didn't like most of Heretic's weaponry.

It's pretty much Crossbow and Phoenix Rod.
All the enemies feel way too sturdy too.

It's pretty fun with Parias though.

>> No.1321184


New Mag Grapple animations in effect, along with the Mag Sling. Also a preview of the poison shells, Robo Mel, and accidentally what the future version will be called!

Legit trailer thing coming soon, after I finish it.

>> No.1321194

Alright guys, what's your favorite Doom 1 episode?

>> No.1321202

But that's just Doom reskinned with a medieval motif.

>> No.1321206

So my friend put two of my favorite pistols I've found in Doom WADs so far together in the same package: Action Doom's projectile pistol and the pistol from Monster Mash which comes with a slick as fuck reload. Both have infinite ammo and I feel both pistols complement each other well.

I gotta learn how to rip weapons from Doom wads later

>> No.1321215

Why hold it off?
You could make your own perfect mod filled with all the things you like.

>> No.1321218

Will Mechamel have different stats from normal Mel?

>> No.1321224


Because code scares me and I don't know how to computer very good

>> No.1321226

Nope! She's just an alternate voice set...for now.

What is Monster Mash?

>> No.1321227

With a bit of practice you can navigate DECORATE enough to get what you want.

It's totally worth it if you like a bunch of individual weapons.

>> No.1321232

Space Pirate is pretty ambitious if you plan on having lots of characters with different stats and shit.

>> No.1321236


Monster Mash is a monster randomizer/weapon pack I found awhile back, gives some pretty neat weapons, and I love the design and sounds of the pistol, shotgun, and super shotgun, lemme get a link for you, it's in the pastebin of the OP but I'm a nice guy

Zdoom - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5569625/MonsterMash-zd.pk3

Zandronum - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5569625/MonsterMash-zan.pk3


What IS DECORATE? A program or a filetype? I've been trying to figure that out

>> No.1321240
File: 1.05 MB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_Cheogsh_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was hard, the final boss killed me over 100 times.

>> No.1321242

DECORATE is the Zdoom coding stuff that makes the guns go shootbangs.

It's also for monsters and decorations.

>> No.1321243

It's ZDoom's stripped down C++ with a bit of Lua.

>> No.1321245

It is pretty ambitious. You haven't seen anything yet!

Thanks! I gotta give this a try!

>> No.1321249

Well I've been waiting for each update since I like the cut of the mod's jib.

Not sure what else could be added outside of what I've seen + characters though.
But I'm not exactly creative.

>> No.1321248


So do you just use Notepad or an actual program? That's what I've been trying to suss out, I've been wanting to make my own custom weapon setup with weapons ganked from other wads, and I eventually want to make a rad as fuck Classic NES Zelda weapon set I've been mulling over, I need to get back to making more sprites for that.


No problem, I think you might like some of the weapons there.

>> No.1321251

I use slumped when I go into things but it's old and busted.
There's lots of options

>> No.1321253

>There's lots of options

Would you give a shmuck like myself a good recommendation? I need to at least start learning.

>> No.1321254

You need a hex editor to put the files together. Follow the format on http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/WAD to create the WAD directory and then point it to the files you append to the bottom of it. Some people make .BAT scripts for it but I haven't found someone willing to share.

>> No.1321257

>I need to at least start learning.

shreck the OP

>> No.1321271

>people donating for Doom 2

it's like they don't even know what kind of glitches can be shown and amaze people who are not into Doom at all

>> No.1321273


and now Doom 2 is winning over UDoom for over 52 dollars

>> No.1321282

>Why don't you play a real man's game?
I do.
Doom: Plutonia

>> No.1321285

E1 always, it's what made the game so popular in the first place.

>> No.1321286

Heretic is okay. Leave
S get tedious after a while for me, which rarely happens with doom wads. I think it has something to do with the fact that there's very few unoque textures in heretic.

Item system is nice though.

>> No.1321289

is that Dime?

>> No.1321294
File: 2.47 MB, 320x240, hellfire shells.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLADE is what I use. Gives purdy colors to words and the replace function is handy.

Since it's not coming out just yet here's a gif of the hellfire shells.

>> No.1321297
File: 22 KB, 640x433, Wolfenstein3D-jaguar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1321303

yeah, yeah...SC2, big fucking deal

>> No.1321307



>> No.1321312

What SC2?
I feel as if there might be some confusion here

>> No.1321313


>> No.1321314


>> No.1321317

>dat gamma

>> No.1321323

It's on twitch:

Yeah, I'm curious why they have it jacked up that high.

>> No.1321327

Gamma is different on everyone's monitors.

>> No.1321328

Fuck you Bloodshedder, you're not even funny at all

>> No.1321332


Even Windows8 is alarmed of that hueg Doomworld-verified gamma

>> No.1321334

>all that whining about the gamma
>not knowing shit about Doom

Don't they know the settings are different on every display?

>> No.1321337

...do not tell me they're running on fucking Dosbox

>> No.1321341

sda doesnt allow sourceports, they only just allowed even dosbox

>> No.1321342

The window title says "Competition Doom"

>> No.1321343

You guys are /s4s/ tier when it comes to chat jesus christ.

>> No.1321348

i think the dosbox is duke leftovers. i thought they were on chocolate doom.

>> No.1321346

That's the SDA staff for you.

There's a reason SRL happened.

>> No.1321353

one of the donators just mentioned they'd want to see someone speedrun Brutal Doom. That doesn't make much sense, Speedrunning doom usually involves ignoring a fight and getting your ass to the exit

>> No.1321352

>sda doesnt allow sourceports

they fucking used ChocoDoom for the past 2 AGDQ

how new?

>> No.1321356
File: 63 KB, 448x327, YS8dr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people wanting BD in AGDQ

>> No.1321357

>sda doesnt allow sourceports

umm i think they used chocolate doom in the past Doom speedrun done by kubelwagon

>> No.1321360

I like how it looks but question:
If you hit the monsters before the pellets spread out does it do full damage or does it do a fraction?

Demon Eclipse had a bone gun that shoot a weird scatter shot but you did the most damage if you hit them somewhere in the middle.

Or even like Frost Shards in Hexen.

>> No.1321363

>"PS: Brutal Doom sucks"

That guy is okay

>> No.1321367

>shotouts to tarnsman

yeah yeah, whatever nigguh

>> No.1321368

Do you guys do this retarded shitposting in every chat?

>> No.1321376


uh? who fucking lefts the Twitch chat open?

>> No.1321380


A fraction, otherwise it would be incredibly OP. It does less damage than the vanilla shotgun at point blank.

IF everything hits something after it's spread out does a LOT of damage. It's quite tricky to aim though. Probably the best way to use it if you have to deal with monsters at close range at the same time would be to switch to the ammo box quickly or git gud.

>> No.1321384

So whats winning in the bid war, Ultimate or 2?

>> No.1321386

holy shit this dude just fucking flies

>> No.1321392

I'm good at arcing things, was just wondering.

I like arcing shots.

>> No.1321390

>all dose archviles

Jesus christ

>> No.1321394


AND NOW THE WHOLE RUN HAS GOTTEN A LOT MORE QUICKER and slightly boring for those who know how the BFG works

>> No.1321405


Doom 1 $1,200.00 (None)
Doom 2 $1,142.00 (None)

>> No.1321407
File: 8 KB, 251x205, 1363753536191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chaingunners everywhere

>> No.1321409

is it just me, or this dude is restraining himself from using the BFG?

Come on man, acknowledge your 'hood and overuse that motherfucker

>> No.1321417

So it's back on top again. Good.

>> No.1321415

He's restraining for some reason.

This level is kicking his ass though.

>> No.1321429

>Speedrunner fucks up

>> No.1321434

Goddamn he cannot get this archvile jump.

>> No.1321436

and he got it


>> No.1321439

This is a marathon with a schedule, can't reset here...

>> No.1321452


>> No.1321460

Is there any way to force anti aliasing for Zandronum when I launch it through Doomseeker? I am using an Nvidia card.

>> No.1321465

>cant chocolate doom because of crash

>> No.1321467


>> No.1321469

>19 cyber demons

>> No.1321471

cum on chocodoom step it up

>> No.1321474
File: 7 KB, 247x281, 1364114628479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>19 cybers
>13 Archviles

>> No.1321482



>> No.1321483


With the BFG that's a piece of cake and for a Doomworlder it is even simpler

A good challenge is not to use the BFG at all

>captcha: necessary ersfam

>> No.1321484

High Definition Cheese Pizza

someone is getting v&

>> No.1321485

A good challenge is a pacifist run.

>> No.1321486
File: 86 KB, 974x876, clip (2014-01-06 at 09.14.28).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. You'll have to manually set it in your Nvidia Control Panel.

>> No.1321491
File: 276 KB, 500x375, Say What Will Smith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1321493


>> No.1321498

[arachnotron firing intensifies]

>> No.1321504

Dime's all like "Just fucking let me play already

>> No.1321507

Where the guts go?

>> No.1321514

I feel sad for some reason now watching this.

>> No.1321520

Is the guy playing with a mouse?

>> No.1321527

Hey, that was a nice reference to Doom 2's first level.

>> No.1321529

It's allowed, we've been over this before.

Also this chat couldn't be more insufferable.

>> No.1321534


>leaving the chat open

you brought that to yourself. a golden rule is to never left ANY twitch chat open

>> No.1321535

>Estimate: Pain

>> No.1321538

So is this a UV Max?

>> No.1321543


technically, yes

>> No.1321545


>> No.1321550

>Took him 8 hours and 20 minutes
Damn this guy is slow

>> No.1321552

>Doom 2 by 8$

Fuck me

>> No.1321554
File: 388 KB, 443x438, 1387434718821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1321556


>> No.1321558

>over 100% kills




>> No.1321560

Except Lost Souls don't affect the percentage of kills

>> No.1321561

You do realize this is for charity and isn't a betting thing, right?

>> No.1321564

This is for charity man.

>> No.1321567
File: 13 KB, 277x389, 1386707063691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your tears are delicious /doom/

>> No.1321571




Shut up Petersen

>> No.1321572

Um... yes they do. That's how you get over 100% with Pain Elementals spawning them.

>> No.1321576


They don't

>"In Doom II and Doom v1.666, lost souls were modified to no longer affect the player's kill score"

Source: http://doomwiki.org/wiki/Lost_Soul

>> No.1321579

sit down, noob

>> No.1321583

I think I've found the reason why Doom 2 won. RE4 and Halo 2 are next right after the FPS block, and I've heard tons of donation comments expressing how they were "staying up late" for all of this

Also SDA tends to hype people into donate into whoever is losing (in any charity bid). Almost 3 thousand dollars were donated, combining both Doom and Doom 2, so yeah

Also, gotta love all that trash talking donation comments towards BD


>Linking to the good wiki

u mah man

>> No.1321590

Dubs and I donate $3,000 with the comment "The author of Brutal Doom told a kid to kill himself online and stole content. If you don't say this I'm suing for my money back."

>> No.1321593

Get ready for the entire stream to be Super Shotguns.

>> No.1321594

yeahhh...more comments expressing how they're staying up late for more games. i guess that's true

>> No.1321597 [DELETED] 

do it faggot

>> No.1321598 [DELETED] 

do it faggot

>> No.1321604

Fuck you, do it anyways.

>> No.1321607

Didn't roll dubs, don't got to.

Now I'm buying myself 500 fake pussies.

>> No.1321609
File: 45 KB, 247x248, 1333438011688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.1321613

>look at chat

God damn youngfags.

>> No.1321614

That SR50 running was pretty neato. I figured out that strategy about a year and a half ago.

>> No.1321617

Okay goofs, now compare how Dime's gamma looks to how Plutonia's gamma looked. You can clearly tell Plutonia's was as bright as ZDaemon looks


how dumb can you be to leave the chat open jesus christ

>> No.1321616


>> No.1321620


>hi! this is my first day at visiting twitch.tv

do your brain a favour and close that thing

>> No.1321618

I do everything in plain old Notepad by the seat of my pants. I have a weird aversion to dedicated editors.

>> No.1321621

Because fuck you it's entertaining.

>> No.1321623
File: 12 KB, 476x411, 1365373607065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not having rainbow blood and rainbow lights flashing throughout the level


>> No.1321624

Dubs and I cut myself a piece of bread while I process this audio. :)

>> No.1321626

Holy shit these two dudes just got the goods!

>> No.1321629

Fuck 4chan I'm fucking doing it anyway you fuckers can't tell me shit.

>> No.1321631

to you, maybe. but please don't repost it here.

>> No.1321635

These two dudes are literally one against each other and they've been fighting for the lead each level.

Say whatever you want about Doom 2 but these guys know their shit

>that MAP07 skip

>> No.1321640 [DELETED] 

>tom hall
>having good design
this chat is retarded

>> No.1321637
File: 41 KB, 351x318, horribleperson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw no group of Doom bros to play Doom with in real life

>> No.1321641



>> No.1321642

This race is really intense because of how neck and neck they are.

>> No.1321645 [DELETED] 

>Brutal Doom is shit and Mark deserved to be banned
This chat is full of morons

>> No.1321646
File: 22 KB, 540x400, 1383362429118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for the chasm.

>> No.1321647
File: 27 KB, 300x304, 1365985291871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up mark

>> No.1321651

you were asked politely to stop reposting it here.

>> No.1321652

>Two level lead
Well this race is over.

>> No.1321653

>standing there and then gets shot right over to the end


>> No.1321658

Is it just me, or Vortale actually took the sekrit level route to give Dime a chance to catch up?

>> No.1321660
File: 23 KB, 499x468, 1389074922719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't come here much, do you?

>> No.1321662


wait, nvm. He's on MAP17 now. Vortale is crushing him

>> No.1321663

Level 15 takes A LOT longer to beat if you go for the normal exit.

Going to 31 and/or 32 is legitimately faster.

>> No.1321668

Dime is getting #rekt.

>> No.1321669


yeah, as soon as I finished typing >>1321662 I saw how Vortale was doing

And yeah, Dime is getting blasted in MAP16 so this thing is almost over

>> No.1321670


#3 is my favorite. Followed by 6.

>> No.1321672
File: 12 KB, 238x302, 1364113148247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy here again. I just started poking around with Monster Mash and the .wad a friend made for me that adds those two pistols

I managed to copy/paste Monster Mash's assault rifle over to my weapon pack. Which I know that's probably no big deal to a lot of you but holy shit I think I might be able to make my custom weapon pack.

I need a good melee weapon to rip though, I WOULD copy Zharkov's fists but I'm not sure I can do that, it has pretty complex code

>> No.1321673

Despite actually losing the run, Dime got the Arachnotron skip in the first try

>> No.1321679

Dime is getting served

>> No.1321683

>Guy on the right is pissing his lead away for a skip that doesn't work

>> No.1321684





>> No.1321686

Vortale starting to slow down.

>> No.1321689


>> No.1321690

Well I guess Dime wins because Vortale really wanted to do that skip and didn't give up after his first attempt

>> No.1321694
File: 1.97 MB, 320x213, 1389075512781.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vortale right now

>> No.1321695 [DELETED] 

>That whole chat
cheesus christ,i am going to only watch that thing and ignore the chat

>> No.1321696


Never try to fight chaingunners


>> No.1321705

>Oh..Oh...Oh jeez, Archibald.


>> No.1321706

>Archvile skip on Monster Condo
That cements it.

>> No.1321708

So far both of 'em have been doing WAY, WAY better than last year's Doom 2 run by Kubelwagon

This is what happens when you put actual Doom speedrunners to play Doom, poor Kubel wasn't that much used to the game

>> No.1321717


can anyone here think of Doom wads with interesting/fun melee slot weapons? I'm trying to recall the name of that sci-fi ish one that gives you a neat machete that can do all kinds of crazy combos, are there any other neat melee weapons you guys have seen?

>> No.1321723


>> No.1321724

>Neat Machete
Zen Dynamics

Space Pirate also has fun punching the shit out of everything.

Diaz has a few melee hits but might have been completely replaced by Space Pirate at this point

>> No.1321725

sledgehammer in accessories to murder

>> No.1321728

That actually fairly close.

>> No.1321729


That was it, thanks pal. Any other fun melee that spring to mind? I'm debating between Zharkov's fists or that machete.


I'll look into this too

>> No.1321732

The Stranger has some hits but that kick was slick

There's really not that many melee options out there.

Most of them prefer a single hit or something kind of dull. Like slow basic two hit melee combos that feel bad.

>> No.1321730

Both were great, what a nice FPS block.

>> No.1321735


Yeah, I think I'll try to copy the Zen Dynamics machete over. It seems like an awfully complex weapon though. I'm just trying to stitch together a fun weapon pack for myself, though I'll probably share it with you guys too, if you want

>> No.1321748

>Get hands on raw Mel lines
>"Itty Bitty Baby Itty Bitty Boat"
>"HABEEB IT!" (I guess she took a double take)
>is this nothing but memes
god damn it /vr/ you had one job

>> No.1321757

>"Motorboat THESE, baby"
>"Siphon off a load of my piss."
>"Go to Hell, shitnerd"
>"I see you have a booboo... It's a good thing Obama cares."
>"How about I force your head up your own ass"
>"How about I force my head up your ass"

>> No.1321762

in case you guys think i'm joking

>> No.1321767
File: 1.40 MB, 1366x768, 1389077904989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want the source of this sprite.

>> No.1321768

Why not post the sprite so we can reverse image search it you dang fucknut.

>> No.1321772

Isn't it from Witch haven?

>> No.1321773

>"You look... stiff"
okay that one was good

>> No.1321783
File: 39 KB, 680x382, 8-38-ace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck.

>> No.1321791

Only one of those is real.

>> No.1321793

My money is on "Go to Hell, shitnerd"

>> No.1321804

doomcenter's mastersword ?

>> No.1321816





>> No.1321823

Is it possible to do context based one liners? Like, you kill a particular enemy, and your character says a line? If so, I have a suggestion I thought was humorous... After killing a Revenant "[Imitates the Revenant scream in a mocking fashion] ... Go fuck yourself!"

>> No.1321829

This happened in UTNT with the first Archviles you deal with.

It wasn't funny there either

>> No.1321835

Oh fuck me, I totally forgot about that.

I think Mel's voice actress could make it funny, the pseudo grizzled badass voice of TUTNT sounded really forced and kinda ruined all the little lines, imo.

>> No.1321848

One liners like that feel forced period.

Like everything in Serious Sam. AAAAAA yourself is stupid

>> No.1321852

>Go fuck yourself!

>> No.1321857


The only revenant one liner there needs to be is "Take a seat, bonehead."

>> No.1321861

Thanks to that vid, every time I kill one, I say that in my best Duke Nukem impression. Anyone else do that?



>> No.1321863

Not even a oneliner about how agitating they are?

>> No.1321865

That's implied with "Take a seat, bonehead" since it's referring to that video.

>> No.1321869

Oh it is? Been awhile since I've actually seen it.

>> No.1321871

You should be saying "Huhuh what an mess" while snap crackering your knuckles.

>> No.1321880


itt: zygo trying to cover his ass
>If that was the case then i succeeded with thousands of views within a few days. A fun little experiment.


>> No.1321881

I've recently taken to ripping music out of wads, but MPC can't play some of them. Does anyone know of a music player that can play .it, .xm, doom .mus, .s3m, and/or .mod files?

>> No.1321885

Guys I'm working with a friend to add an alt-fire to a weapon that'll raise a shield up to block shit, can you guys think of any games with a modern looking/sci-fi shield that someone would carry on their arm?

>> No.1321895
File: 53 KB, 680x318, 1389081711360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best I can think of is Halo 4's Hardlight Shield. Pic related.

>> No.1321896
File: 206 KB, 1536x1152, H3_Jackal_Minor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halo Jackals

>> No.1321897


Well I was actually asking for a sprite, hell a metal shield will work just as long as it doesn't look like it came from the dark ages

>> No.1321902

There's only a shitload of wooden shields out there.

You're probably better off making your own.

>> No.1321905

Ah, you should have specified. I figured you were looking for reference. It's kinda hard to find a "Modern" looking shield. The best I can think of is maybe what Captain America has, or the aforementioned hardlight shields from Halo. It's hard to find a shield that doesn't look archaic in juxtaposition to modern/futuristic technology.

>> No.1321907

i guess you can take a basic medieval shield and reskin it like balrog's shield in the lost vikings 2

>> No.1321912


Sorry about that, thanks for the advice though


Oh fuck you mean Olaf's? That's fucking brilliant. yeah I'll just do that instead. Thanks pal

>> No.1321925

zygo getting blown the fuck out by some random dude

>> No.1321936

oh yeah, olaf's, sorry^^

>> No.1321980


try Winamp, AH WAIT

Also *some* of them can be played with VLC and foobar

>> No.1321987
File: 28 KB, 239x258, 1378782402733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depending of the mapset, that's a LOT of talking you'd have to do.

>> No.1321990

tried VLC and foobar2000?

>> No.1322084 [DELETED] 
File: 327 KB, 1280x720, 1389088734731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on the fullscreen HUD, taking inspiration from Super Metroid.

>> No.1322089


Foobar2000 with various plug-in sets, pretty much anything by Kode54 is based around such things


>> No.1322102

>leaving the twitch.tv chat open at all for any reason other than VGCW or Saltybet

Holy shit, you're probably a cuckold.

>> No.1322145
File: 52 KB, 429x410, 1383134655363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Upsidedown Land, just out of curiosity are there many Australian multiplayer servers?

I get the feeling many players here are in the US or South America. Many Europeans around?

>> No.1322158

Just finished replaying Sonic Doom.

It's still fun and really imaginative, but jesus the gameplay is a fucking chore at some points. The palette swapped enemies aren't too annoying (apart from the fucking Rail elemental) but the human enemies who move insanely fast and attack instantly just turn the game into a quick-saving slog later on.

The levels are fun though, even if some areas are bland looking and the effects are a bit dated (although what they achieve isn't - the Volcano flow is still great now) Too bad Serpent Resurrection repeats a few of Sonic Doom's mistakes, but makes up for it in many other ways (like that soundtrack, holy shit)

>> No.1322305


>> No.1322307

Nevermind, it's Brutal Doom

It would be cool.

>> No.1322309

brutal doom.

and it probably won't even be the sperglord edition
seriously, that chainsaw slash is orgasmic

>> No.1322328
File: 27 KB, 340x377, 1560505858558730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1322335


Thanks, foobar did the trick.

>> No.1322370

Now go play License to Spell Doom (same author) and DBZone.

>> No.1322414

So, I think we can all agree that the best Doom song is E2M1.

Big Gun, basically.

>> No.1322440
File: 217 KB, 1600x1200, 1373789830845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree

>> No.1322443

What difficulty do you guys play on?

Is Nightmare even feasible unless you take the time to memorize every map and manipulate enemy AI?

>> No.1322450

Nightmare is possible but the best option for Nightmare is to not fight them at all.

>> No.1322462

Fuck you faggot. it's E3M1.

>> No.1322464


>> No.1322482


>> No.1322483


>> No.1322497


>> No.1322504

HMP and UV depending on my mood, Nightmare mode is only fun if you're not going to take it seriously and know that you will waste your ammo on anything that doesn't drop ammo

>> No.1322506


git gud son

>> No.1322509

It's still pretty easy if you know what you're doing.

>> No.1322512

hardmode with BD(SE)
HMP in vanilla

>> No.1322539
File: 5 KB, 98x64, 1389117852542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1322607
File: 5 KB, 98x64, 1389120560440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Treads bothered me.

>> No.1322609

i must say,
i am interested

>> No.1322619

>arms reach down further than the treads


>> No.1322642

well it's a robot, and as it's a model (test) rip the arms will probably be bent

>> No.1322740

Those are those guys from Fallout, right? Sprite looks pretty good.

>> No.1322775

looks like it, and as it says "model rip" i guess whoever did them used the actual model
(of course it's an amazingly well improved version)

>> No.1322790
File: 6 KB, 98x64, Bluh-Bluh-Huge-Mess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I used the Fallout: New Vegas Robobrain model and scaled it down 14.3%

Problem is: I didn't save the camera settings in the viewer.

If I ever want to finish it I'll have to redo the first frame but it only took about 18 minutes since I could flip it horizontally.

Here's the scaled-down model viewer screenshot. Since the model viewer doesn't have antialiasing enabled I get hard edges so when I remove the background colour none of it is left in the image. This is great because after scaling it down with Bicubic (Bicubic, just) and duplicating / merging layers to harden the edges I don't end up with chunks of the background on the scaled down image. Still have to go in and remove extra pixels but it's a lot easier.

>> No.1322793

Correction: That's the scaled down image after cleaning up edges.

>> No.1322795

>Playing Cheogsh 2
>Octobrains with railguns that never miss
Why would he do that

>> No.1322796

Anyone else ever create your own ideal mod in your head and work literally every detail of how it would play out?

Then realize you have no knowledge of modding doom and realize your way too lazy anyway...and then also realize that all you want to do is play this mod you made in your head and nothing else compares? I'm currently suffering from this.

>> No.1322797

sweet, keep up the good work
why not remake FO3 in the doom engine

>> No.1322806

Explain the mod, I may be interested in coding it if it can be done without custom resources. If not I can probably tell you how to do it yourself and then you can learn and start work on it.

>> No.1322807
File: 1.27 MB, 1162x1200, 38285-1-1341880327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much work for something I don't really want.

Plus the weapons are too low poly, though Millenia's weapon replacement mod might be worth going through.


>> No.1322814
File: 7 KB, 124x117, Idle-nohand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried the Marksman Rifle but it was a lot of work because of all the edges and it looked horrible.

>> No.1322818

Looks kind of nice there.
But animating that would probably be a real bitch.

>> No.1322819

pretty nice.
i remember someone doing a "mirror on a stick" mod, maybe you could use parts of it to have an actual sight down the lens

>> No.1322827

Thankfully the Doom community has a few tricks, like rotating the sprite a few degrees and cutting off a part that looks like a mag and moving it around on screen with a hand pasted on top.

I can't find anything about it on the ZDoom forum and as far as I know it's impossible to paste a camera onto a sprite. You can SetCameraToTexture and maybe use TEXTURES to paste the gun sprite over it with the lens cut out but I don't expect that to work.

>> No.1322845

>Anyone else ever create your own ideal mod in your head and work literally every detail of how it would play out?

>Then realize you have no knowledge of modding doom and realize your way too lazy anyway...and then also realize that all you want to do is play this mod you made in your head and nothing else compares? I'm currently suffering from this.
Everyone who is a useless lazy shit

>> No.1322848

it was posted here, an anon did it
it should be the right file:

>> No.1322862

Alright fellow Doomguys, what's your favorite monster death sound?

>> No.1322865

you guys are fucking insane i haven't even beaten the first doom

>> No.1322867



>> No.1322870


>> No.1322903

arachnotron, of course

>> No.1322905

I'm not 100% on ACS but I managed to unfreeze the player and have the camera follow you.

I figure the big jump is making the camera display as a shape other than a box.

>> No.1322906

No love for the Baron of Hell death sound?

>> No.1322913

maybe hiding the "uninteresting" parts of the camera [behind another layer/sprite] ?

>> No.1323082 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 425x320, 1370512256267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using scaled models
Kill yourself

>> No.1323092

would you say that to the doom creators, or am I missing something?

>> No.1323090
File: 124 KB, 310x483, perry-hello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you miss the end result?

>> No.1323096 [DELETED] 

[ Crawling In My Skin ]

>> No.1323103
File: 5 KB, 98x64, 1389133875519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Claws and spoiler bothered me.

>> No.1323106

>not knowing how it was made
did you miss the models posted on the 20th bday?

>> No.1323110 [DELETED] 

Wait were you trolling

Were you trolling when you told someone to kill themselves for doing what the Doom developers did

Guys I think we just got trolled hard

We just got trolled so hard haha

>> No.1323116

I think it looks pretty nice.
What kind of enemy would it be?

>> No.1323121

Roams around pewpewpewing things, maybe slap you a little.

>> No.1323208


Doom e1m8, Signs of Evil.


>> No.1323263

Yep. That's that one. Either that or...



>> No.1323279

>implying Final doom ost isnt better than Doom ost

>> No.1323283

Does anyone know where I can download the adventures of square? all the links I can find no longer exist

>> No.1323287


ah crap, you're right, both the normal and altern links are down

>> No.1323296

What do you guys think of this:

>> No.1323301

I think they need to unpeg their textures, and work on their sprite angles.

The concept is nice though. Haven't played it. Might later.

>> No.1323310
File: 10 KB, 70x105, 1389140562567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1323324

E1M9 and MAP30 are my favorites. I also like the metal redux of E3M9 found in DoomMetalVol4.wad, although the original midi sounds kinda shitty.

>> No.1323338


that torso could be pretty useful as a base for other monsters

>> No.1323342

>Implying outside 4chan...

>> No.1323349

>Turn around corner
>See this
>Alt + F4

>> No.1323352

that could be a pretty good "NOPE" monster imo

>> No.1323358


strip him from those green things
repeat process
see what happens

>> No.1323360

Can someone help me tweak Zero Tolernance's flaregun? I'd like it to be my fist replacement but I want it at it's fully powered up state from the start, at least for the two shot capacity and fast reload.

>> No.1323364

In the PlayerPawn actor, add Player.StartItem "FlareGunUpgrade", 9

>> No.1323373


So what would I do if I'm copying the flaregun over to another WAD? One that doesn't have the playerpawn actor?

>> No.1323375

Make one, apply the same thing.

>> No.1323379


Couldn't I just add Player.StartItem "FlareGunUpgrade", 9 in the DECORATE text?

>> No.1323384


No, because Player.StartItem only works on a playerpawn actor.
Hence the Player prefix.

Alternative method is to delete every single fire state in the Flaregun except for the fully-upgraded fire state.

>> No.1323389


That'd probably be simpler, though a longer process, let me see if I can do that

>> No.1323405

Why are there so many unfun custom monsters to deal with?

Those lion guys with the shields are such a tedious slog, who would think that it was a good idea

>> No.1323414


I'm working on a wad with some new decorate monsters, and I hope to find the right balance for a challenge.
I'm suprised to little variety in ideas out there

>> No.1323458

I sorta feel ashamed that the only way I can enjoy Doom anymore is with mods. I'm playing through two wads with FKER, another with Sperglord Edition, and one with Project MSX... I just don't find vanilla to be that fun anymore.

>> No.1323465

I think Vanilla is still fun.

With Perk smooth weapons and the PSX Shotgun sound. Fast monsters may or may not be enabled

>> No.1323482

Oh yeah, PSX pistol sounds too because the normal pistol sound is really flaccid.

>> No.1323486
File: 143 KB, 1024x1448, 1389145539312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archvile. Fuck those things.

>> No.1323509
File: 400 KB, 488x519, Decaf is for FAGGOTS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1323515

at the same time?

>> No.1323519

>Summon everything into a wall
>Type kill all in console

>> No.1323517



>> No.1323523
File: 13 KB, 226x204, 1366008832997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"all" in not a monster type

>> No.1323525

>Kill all

>> No.1323529


It's kill monsters you ding dongs.

>> No.1323526


fucking typing reflexes

>> No.1323532
File: 1.44 MB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_ROCH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1323535

I hate spiders.

>> No.1323538

Kill results in gibs. You won't hear all deaths, mostly gib sounds.

>> No.1323542

You'll hear the humanoids and imp gibbing. None of the other monsters have XDeath.

>> No.1323543

Any word on Space Pirate?

>> No.1323561


I'm playing it now. Why aren't you?

>> No.1323562

Delayed indefinitely, unfortunately. The bolean functions in the ACS scripts aren't working as predicted and any time Mel is cued to say something

Every Mel phrase is triggered at once every tic

And the last sound gets cut off when the new sound plays so it's this awful throat sound bleeding into your ears constantly every time you enter 3rd person execution mode.

>> No.1323567
File: 38 KB, 500x375, 3GIRMVw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1323591

zdoom forums had a link, give me a moment.
found it:

...you didn't think to check the reupload thread?

>> No.1323656

Evening /doom/. I just wanted to apologize to you all for my behavior this past month. I acted like a gigantic faggot and made irrational decisions which reflected poorly on this board and those that visit it. There is no excusing my behavior, and I don't expect you to. I am a terrible person and I am sincerely sorry.

I'm not certain if I will return to making my own projects, as my actions probably mean my name is toxic, but I will continue to work on and contribute to other projects as their creators allow. I hope that you can enjoy my work in the future as things eventually return to normal. I am still very enthusiastic about doom modding and mapping.

>> No.1323660
File: 4 KB, 125x125, 1358862784765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who is this?

>> No.1323661

So Hi Tech Hell 2 is fucking brilliant, I love wads that have a strong attention to detail.

>> No.1323668

This is scroton.

>> No.1323663

Apology can't be accepted without knowing who you are.

But hey if you ain't going to be an ass then good on you.

>> No.1323676

Was there ever a third one?
I didn't like that ending.

>> No.1323681

I don't think so. There was never a first one either, apparently.

>> No.1323687

That's.. Odd.

I liked Hi Tech Hell 2 but I thought I was playing shit out of order.

>> No.1323691

Yeah that confused me at first. I had always heard about 2 but not 1, so I do some googling and... there was never a 1.

>> No.1323692
File: 51 KB, 1327x583, zygo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Glad to see that the doom community isnt full of brainless dipshits.
>pot calling the kettle black
Goddamn Zygo you had one job... he doesn't have a job does he?

>> No.1323701

hth2 is a sequel for an (yet) unreleased ZDoom wad.

>> No.1323703

So guys, between toying with my custom weapon list, there's a few features I've been testing with it as practice before I try making that NES Zelda weapon pack. So here's my question:

I have a weapon that has an altfire that raises up a shield to block shit, how do I make it so this shield is active at all times but is disabled when attacking with either firing mode?

>> No.1323706

If you are working through some shit right now your buddies at #vr are here.

>> No.1323714

>made irrational decisions which reflected poorly on this board
>I hope that you can enjoy my work in the future as things eventually return to normal.
>I am still very enthusiastic about doom modding and mapping.

>> No.1323717


I believe the impact hammer from the unreal tournament series has something of that nature, I think the latest version of Aeons of Death also has a ripper with an alt-fire shield function

>> No.1323731

Impact Hammer could reflect too.

>> No.1323728

You mean the shield gun from UT2k4?
The impact hammer was just a piston that pulverized shit.

>> No.1323752

The thing is it wasn't even really bad shit I was dealing with, I just overreacted and made a very impulsive decision which probably didn't make a lot of sense. The root cause of all of this is that my friend back in FL got married in early december and he wanted me to be his best man and I missed it because I'm very hard to get ahold of, especially because I recently changed my phone number because my phone company was terrible. The only relation this has to doom is that he once called me on my phone before I changed the number while I was working on Fractal Doom and I didn't pick it up because I would lose my train of thought so I decided to call him back later but never did.

It doesn't make a lot of sense to then delete everything from FD because of that, but that's me. If you knew me irl you'd know I do stuff like this more often than I should and negatively impact myself and those around me because of it; A couple of years ago I burned down my shed with all my tools in it because my ex-fiance freaked out because her mom told her the pex I installed in our house was a bad water supply line and she wouldn't believe me that pex was fine and her mom was probably thinking of "Quest" polybutylene.

>> No.1323758

>dat pile of corpses
Is that a monster? What .wad is that?

>> No.1323759

2 words: Stealth Revenant

>> No.1323763


>> No.1323764


The hidden boner

>> No.1323768

Unreleased why?

>> No.1323769

It's a decoration.

>> No.1323791

Nobody knows.

>> No.1323798

Family drama. My mom was in charge of texture alignment and I wanted to credit her but she had a big problem with that (Anonymous going after her, wanting me to look cool because doing things as a family is obviously embarrassing to teenagers) and I don't want to take credit for what she did.

So now no one gets it.

>> No.1323801

That's not drama pansy just attribute it to "anonymous"

>> No.1323803

That's not crediting a specific person which is what I want to do.

>> No.1323808

It was very impractical and doesn't come up often.

>> No.1323805

I feel like a retard for not having known this.

>> No.1323806

Then generate a fake name and credit as that.

>> No.1323809

Come up with an alias. Your mom doesn't want to be credited in a way in which people will actually recognize her, so don't.

>> No.1323813
File: 1.43 MB, 1366x768, 1389153986722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1323816

God save her.

>> No.1323826
File: 1.58 MB, 1366x768, 1389154453909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monsters infighting in the cutscene.

>> No.1323834

Them tittays

>> No.1323837
File: 1.53 MB, 1366x768, 1389154700573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1323840

Them too many tittays

Cheogsh at the end was a lot less fun than the evil darkness Cheogsh in the second one

>> No.1323847

>evil darkness Cheogsh
It was a pain in the ass at some points.

>> No.1323849

Felt like a real good final boss.

You didn't get the secret BFG?
Even without it plasma takes it down pretty fast like

>> No.1323854

>You didn't get the secret BFG?
Nop. I missed that out.

>> No.1323858

Plasma is your friend in that case.

I played through Cheogsh 2 earlier today.
Only thing I don't like are those Octobrains with the rail guns and too many Lionguys with shields.

I'd play the third one but Spider boss is just too much for me. I got a bad case of arachnophobia. Can't even play Blood because of it

>> No.1323880

Gud sayv da quyn

>> No.1323890

Plutonia, Lethal Enforces, Ultra Violence


Are you gud enough?

>> No.1323948

Impossible. Absolutely impossible. The stairs that lead to the two chaingunners are nearly impossible to pass and beyond that you're fucked, simple as that.

>> No.1323959

Get gud

>> No.1323976

These things happen.

>> No.1324004

Not like it's that big of a deal anyway, seeing as how you literally just credited her with that shit.

Just release your stuff. If your mom doesn't want to be credited just credit it to "my mom"

>> No.1324101
File: 178 KB, 500x375, mwgqgmGRTj1s8pkdbo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually believing him

Come on guys, really?
What kind of manchild, even ironically, would refuse to release something just 'cause his mommy helped?
Especially when he says "wanting me to look cool because doing things as a family is obviously embarrassing to teenagers", which is obvious underage b& b8?

>> No.1324136



>> No.1324157

What's more surprising is just how adamant he was about modifying the IWAD instead of resorting to a PWAD..

>> No.1324183

How is that surprising? They're new to modding Doom and are hesitant to try new things that sound complicated. Just recently they learned about WADs, now there are IWADs and PWADs.

>> No.1324187

Working on it! Sorry for the delay, but it'll be worth it! PROMISE!

>> No.1324191

Glad to hear it!

Forgive me if I missed it, but have you come up with a replacement for the BFG at all?

>> No.1324192

is there a zandronum compatible wad that has a weapon that works like shadow warrior's katana?

>> No.1324193

There's an actual Shadow Warrior weapon/monster set on the Zandronum forums.

>> No.1324202

Yes I have! It won't be in this update, but it will be in the next one for sure.

>> No.1324205

So the next update has pretty much all the weapons except the BFG replacement, if I'm correct?

>> No.1324209

Next update is.. Tomorrow?

>> No.1324213

Correct! New shotgun and uzi alternate fires, rocket launcher, and plasma rifle replacement, and melee for (probably) every weapon. Zandronum gets that plus two "exclusive" weapons. I was just gonna finish up the rocket launcher but I figured I might as well do the rest barring the BFG and chainsaw replacements.

>> No.1324215

Probably Thursday or Friday! Hopefully.

>> No.1324221

hey Space Pirate guy,What would be your reaction if someone made some R34 of the Main character?

>> No.1324223

Well darn, I was hoping for it sooner.

What's the chainsaw replacement?

>> No.1324224

But Anon, there's already plent rule 34 of Ada Wong.

>> No.1324226

I think a combat knife or something similar would be badass.

>> No.1324232
File: 10 KB, 70x105, 1389167141333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1324237
File: 1 KB, 354x68, hurr_satanic_stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>something pretty quick

Yeahhh, sure thing pal.

Okay, quoting >>1319816 for reference. Here's some pentagram sprites I whipped out, sized to match the Baron sprites.

Welp, let's see how it goes.

>> No.1324239

It bothers me.

I think it's the face.

>> No.1324242

I think it's the overall lack of definition and muddy colour.

There's too much happening and if I want it to work at all it needs to be simplified.

Face included, I suppose. Right now he's got a :D thing going on.

>> No.1324245

It'd be awesome, but I really want her to get an original design (but dat Ada face tho), or else it'd just be rule 34 Blue Ada with eyepatch. If I was a better artist it wouldn't be an issue though. Hopefully next update when I start the character sprites (again), I'll come up with a unique design. Probably not though.

>> No.1324246
File: 529 KB, 480x360, 1389126793458.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1324249

Have you considered making her a redhead?

>> No.1324252

I've used DmC's Aquilla weapon as my example of what it'd be like.

>> No.1324262

No, only because one of the characters I'm planning will be a redhead.

Sorry if I'm flooding the thread here, the tablet I'm using to post makes me a slow typer, or else I'd consolidate these responses.

>> No.1324265


>Sorry if I'm flooding the thread here

no worries, we're in bump limit anyway

>> No.1324267

>the tablet I'm using

now we know why tsp updates are taking so long

>> No.1324269

A red head.. Lady?

>> No.1324278

The character is a man and they're bald.

You'll still be able to tell they're red haired.

>> No.1324281

Yup! She'll be the mod's "stealth" character.

>> No.1324283
File: 501 B, 153x88, 1389168066874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to continue working on NES Zelda weapon pack
>start with Sword/Shield weapon's first person view
>realize have no artistic talent

Oh crap

>> No.1324284


Not so noice

>> No.1324285

It better be a recolor of Sherry from RE6. Because she was cute.

>> No.1324290

>implying you need artistic talent for sprites that blocky

>> No.1324291

>Not wanting to play a bald buff man with red bodyhair and a visible tuft of red pubes
I don't understand

>> No.1324292

It honestly doesn't look that bad.

If you're going for 8-bit then it shouldn't be too hard to make it look right.

I think the shield needs to be a shade darker though.

>> No.1324294

I don't like playing as men unless they have some hair on their head.

Bald is shit tier.

>> No.1324296


Look, I wouldn't focus on getting the graphic aspect for now. Just manage to get the thing done first

>> No.1324297


Well you need some artistic talent to make it look somewhat nice AND chunky.


I am, and that's what I was thinking too, my problem is I'm red/green colorblind and I have issues differentiating colors as is.

and guess what the original LoZ uses a lot of?

>> No.1324301

Maybe you can rotate the hue 180 to work on it and when you're done rotate it back

>> No.1324302

Could always ask for a second opinion on here when it comes to colors.

>> No.1324305


I need to work on something though, because I have limited DECORATE knowledge and I can't recall ever stumbling across a melee weapon with an extended reach to base off of, plus there's that issue of figuring out this >>1323703

>> No.1324306

Timon's Axe has extended reach.

>> No.1324308

Haha, I agree but I wanna move away from RE6 characters. I'm surprised I haven't gotten flak for Mel being a recolor + eyepatch, and this next character for v0.1.3 is not gonna even be recolored, so hopefully I become great at art so I can make some original stuff. Or at least combine more elements on the original model to make it less noticeable.

>> No.1324313


Really? I had no idea. I should be able to just look into Samsara's code to take a look at that axe, couldn't I?

>> No.1324318

The Doom community doesn't seem to mind recolors.
Or sprite rips.
Or model rips.
Or models turned into sprites.

Project MSX uses FEAR 2's shotgun and FEAR 1's Autocannon.
Nobody makes a fuss because they are damn fun in Doom.

Personally all I care about is the quality of the mod.

>> No.1324321


Also look into http://zdoom.org/wiki/A_CustomPunch

>> No.1324325

I dig chicks with eyepatches so I have no reason to complain.
The only way it would be better is a redhead with an eyepatch.
And scars.

>> No.1324328

I did actually try scars on Mel's face, but at the time I couldn't get it to look right. I probably could now, but it's too late to add them in now. I could always give one of Mel's alternate skins red hair!

Also, very yes to gals with eyepatches, haha.

>> No.1324350

>Project MSX uses FEAR 2's shotgun
i havent played FEAR 2,the Nailshotgun is FEAR 2's shotgun?

>> No.1324360

Yes it is.
It was recolored a bit and editted, but the base is the FEAR 2 pump action shotgun.

>> No.1324437
File: 879 KB, 1024x640, 1389172659850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah I got it to work. It has no sound, swings too fast, and the HUD view is tiny but god damn it, it works.

I feel so proud of myself I got this shitty thing working.

>> No.1324462

so tell me what you're aiming for in this mod

>> No.1324471


I'm going to make a custom weapon set with weapons from the original LoZ, I got a lot of work ahead of me, and I damn well know I'm gonna need help with some of them, as well as maybe get better looking sprites.

Here, just take a look at what I got planned


>> No.1324474

so i'm guessing you're not really going to take pvp into consideration, then? bait seems difficult to implement

>> No.1324476


Yeah, this is gonna be a solo/overpowered co-op fun sort of weapon set. I'm completely new to all of this but knowing I managed to actually get this sword working makes me hopeful, though as I said I'm gonna need some wizard to magic the bait up for me, most of the other weapons I got planned are pretty cut and dry.

>> No.1324504

LoZ mod guy here again, how would I go about making the wood sword replace the fist?

>> No.1324506


Make a brand new Playerpawn and have the Player.StartItem be a sword.


And then make a KEYCONF entry with clearplayerclasses and addplayerclass LinkPlayer or whatever you name your dude.

>> No.1324509

is there a zandronum-safe hideous destructor?

>> No.1324512


That worked, thanks pal! I think I'll call it a night for now, I've made some half-decent progress for someone who has no idea what they were doing just a few hours ago.

>> No.1324527
File: 602 KB, 1003x600, Mel Emerald Edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So taking a break from the mod, I made this edit and...not too shabby. She's got scars, even! I like it...a lot! Opinions? Haha.

>> No.1324529

That actually looks pretty good, I approve!

>> No.1324531


I dig the scars, makes her far more rough looking

>> No.1324532
File: 573 KB, 1003x600, Mel Emerald Edit 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a quick and dirty edit to give her Mel's blue shirt...man, I actually like it quite a bit.

>> No.1324556

Welp, I think it's time

>> No.1324569





