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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1306896 No.1306896[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>you will never own the Sega CDX

>> No.1306898

Those that even work with the 32x?

>> No.1306903
File: 68 KB, 800x600, cdx_and_32x_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but why bother? The 32x had no games.

>> No.1306905

>portable CD player

Early tech man....

>> No.1306908

Man that shit looks sleek.

Would love to own one.

A portable Genesis+Sega CD is cool.

>> No.1306914

You can use it as a portable CD player - my iPad can't do that. Sega were so far ahead of the times.

>> No.1306912

>A portable Genesis+Sega CD is cool.

Its called PSP.

>> No.1306917

Huh, I didn't even know they were rare. I got on CIB a few years back for $20. Never even played it.

>> No.1306918

But can you use it as a Portable CD Player?

>> No.1306923
File: 191 KB, 256x349, 1388499550505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one, it's awesome.


Knuckels' Chaotix says other wise, the rest were just ports.

>> No.1306925

theres one for sale in my town, the man wants a over a hundred for it but its been there for ages and i think im the only one so far who recognised what it was.

>> No.1306926
File: 176 KB, 600x511, gottagoyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sold mine about a year ago on ebay.
>Console only, no cables
>Sonic CD and Sonic & Knuckles
>US$245 to some Canadian
sorta regret it though...
yeah, it took 4 or 8 AA, i can't remember

>> No.1306927

Knuckles' Chaotix suck bro. I mean the levels were bland as fuck, they were like 5 zones and 5 acts each and even then the levels are more or less the same across zones. The rubber band shit was not that great, and really its a bad game. The only good thing it has is the characters, the art and the soundtrack.

>> No.1306935

Tell him you buy it for 50 or something.

>> No.1306931

Virtua Racing Deluxe
Virtua Fighter
Star Wars Arcade

But yeah, there wasn't much.

>> No.1306936

I already do own a CDX. Got it because the Genesis+CD combo was just too fucking big, and the removal of one power brick makes plugging it in a lot easier.

It DOES work with the Sega 32X and Sega Power Base Converter (the latter made to fit in a Genesis 1, does not fit in a Genesis 2, and does not work with a Genesis 3)

>> No.1306938

So pretty much ports?

There's only one game worth on the 32x and its Kolibri. Others you can get them on other consoles.

>> No.1306942
File: 74 KB, 600x362, Devmegacd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level OP.

>> No.1306943

You can't get Virtua Racing Deluxe or Star Was Arcade on other consoles.

>> No.1306947

Whats your views on the 4 main Sonic games on the Genesis & Game Gear (the later, Yuzo Koshiro did the first one) & Sonic CD?

Stuff like this really tells me that Sega needed to retire Sonic like they did Alex Kidd when the Saturn showed up, would of helped them as people would of not expect Sonic Xtream at happen.

The 32X did have a better version of Virtua Racing then the Saturn however.

>> No.1306948

You can get Virtua Racing on the Saturn and I think Star Wars Arcade had a PC port.

>> No.1306952

True, The later's cab is easy to find however, but Sega/Disney needs to put it on Xbox Live, PSN and the Wii U E-Shop (the thing needs more games after all).

>> No.1306953

The Saturn was truly the king of cyrptic hardware.

I bet when devs finished a game they were met with a parade and a medal of honor for their devotion.

>> No.1306958
File: 513 KB, 1128x635, CDX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poster from >>1306936 here, took photos

I should really clean these.

>> No.1306968

>Whats your views on the 4 main Sonic games on the Genesis & Game Gear (the later, Yuzo Koshiro did the first one) & Sonic CD?

Sonic 1 SMS is a masterpiece with a GOAT soundtrack. Sonic 2 SMS is great but started way to hard IMO, I feel like they shuffle the levels in order to be original because Green Hills is much easier than Undeground. Sonic Chaos was cool in the sense that it had Tails playable but it was kinda forgettable compared to the first two. Sonic Triple Trouble is the magnus opus of what can be done on the Game Gear with Sonic. It had great graphics and all, but its a shame that Knuckles wasnt playable. Sonic CD is legendary and its one of the reasons you had to buy a Sega CD.

>Stuff like this really tells me that Sega needed to retire Sonic like they did Alex Kidd when the Saturn showed up, would of helped them as people would of not expect Sonic Xtream at happen.

Nah, Sonic was to popular to be retired. Instead Sega should have continued making solid 2D Sonic games. Imagine a 2D Sonic with high quality sprite work on the Saturn? Or at least a 2.5D Sonic game?

>The 32X did have a better version of Virtua Racing then the Saturn however.

Never actually played them, the only versions I ever played of that was the one on the Arcades and the Sega Genesis version. Still buying a 32x for the superior version of Virtua Racing is not worth it.

>> No.1306969
File: 77 KB, 600x462, SCD_SewerShark_US_Box_Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I had this as a kid

Seriously who thought having Sewer Shark as a pack in was a good idea?

>> No.1306972

Nobody, but nobody would have bought it otherwise.

To this day I still don't know how to play it.

>> No.1306975

I had that game since being a kid.

And the only way I knew there was more to the game than the shitty Sewer part was wacthing an episode of the AVGN. I was like holy shit there's more to this game. I havent played that shit since 1994.

>> No.1306978

Also thank god for the Sonic CD pack in, if not the Sega CD would have collected dust. The Power Rangers game was cool I guess. It was shit, but at least the FMVs were entertaining.

>> No.1306981

The problem was the play stations impact. The need for 3d games in light of the western market's craving for it pushed change. Sega had been experimenting a while on 3d sonic games anyway and this is evident in their previous tries. Each looked at what modern 3d games were and inserted sonic.

When Sega finally had enough sales and praise for one they clung to it and arguably never looked back. They are still struggling to correct this but what we get is half passed 2d.5+

>> No.1306984

Imagine if Sega never did the 3D jump with Sonic?

All those gems we could have today!

3D gaming fucking killed many franchise that had no business going 3D.

>> No.1306992
File: 275 KB, 903x1572, POP-SEGACD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like the Sega CD forsaw its future as a product for pretentious hipsters

>> No.1306993

I really need to play the other 8bit Sonic games more, but GG-Sonic 1 was the best, if not only for Yuzo Koshiro.

Loved Sonic CD, glade that the Japanese sound track is on the US XBL & PSN versions.

2.5D Sonic will be awesome for the Saturn, also release the ram.packs in the States will of helped the Saturn as well.

I see, seeing that you don't like Chaotix, their is no reason to buy a 32X in your case.

>> No.1307032

>I really need to play the other 8bit Sonic games more, but GG-Sonic 1 was the best, if not only for Yuzo Koshiro.

Koshiro is a legend but the other games also had good soundtrack. The soundtrack of Green Hills in Sonic 2 is the theme of Sonic CD.

>2.5D Sonic will be awesome for the Saturn, also release the ram.packs in the States will of helped the Saturn as well.

If they had released a 2D Sonic game with a RAM pack, everyone and their mother would have bought a Saturn and had a RAM Pack.

>I see, seeing that you don't like Chaotix, their is no reason to buy a 32X in your case.

Not that much, and I have played that game at least 3 times. The only thing that keeps me playing is the art and the soundtrack. And the Special Stages are fun as fuck.

>> No.1307036

True, & true.

Ture again.

I read you the first time about Chaotix, the music is indeed top notch.

>> No.1307081

Actually I did own one, used to manage the games dept at what used to be the worlds largest toy store in London back when it was released

There was hardly any interest in it, we returned much of our stock.

>> No.1307089

I have a cdx, its pretty cool. The headphone output is pretty cool, and it takes up a hell of a lot less space than the model 2. It won't run all my games though. Popful Mail crashes and After Burner 3 won't load.

>> No.1307095

It was to damn expensive.

If it had been cheaper people would have bought it.

>> No.1307110

Good? Lunar made it to other consoles, and Sonic CD has a superior remake/port on PSN/Live. That leaves what, Panzer Dragoon Saga?

>you will never own Panzer Dragoon Saga

>> No.1307225

>It's like the Sega CD forsaw its future as a product for pretentious hipsters
You misspelled Super Nintendo.

>> No.1307228

It launched at $400 less than a year before Saturn came out, OP. No one wanted it, and even now it's horribly overpriced.

It's better just to pick up a Model 1 Genesis with the Sega CD model designed for it.

>> No.1307230

>Nobody, but nobody would have bought it otherwise.
I disagree. Bundling Sonic CD would've shown off the graphics capabilities of it while avoiding the loading times of Sherlock Holmes and the shitty FMV gameplay of Sewer Shark. I'm very puzzled as to why they put so much into advertising the NEMO games.

>> No.1307257

One of the sexiest Genesis models ever made. Also one of the most hideously expensive.

>> No.1307265

We have one at work. I want it but the price is already ridiculous, never mind the crazy price gouging we do.

>> No.1307268

Snes is popular as all hell though, hipsters don't like mainstream things

>> No.1307294

Who do you think it's popular WITH?

>> No.1307428

I've got an X' Eye - similar quality to cdx and easier to repair.

>> No.1307442

I don't know why I didn't give X'eye a second thought. It looks like it has a big footprint compared to my current setup of a Model 1 Sega CD attached to a Model 1 Genesis, but that's probably about it as for actual faults.

My big question is why Sega let Victor make their own versions of the Sega CD/Genesis and later on, their own model of the Saturn in Japan.

>> No.1307454

It does havea big footprint but smaller than a model 2 Sega CD. Sega and lots of other manufacturers used to license other companies to produce hardware. The master system could have done much better in the US if freaking Tonka hadn't been running it. AtGames is still producing licensed Mega Drives to this day, particularly for Brazil

>> No.1307457

people who like games?

>> No.1307483

>The master system could have done much better in the US if freaking Tonka hadn't been running it
I believe Tonka distributed it so Sega could get into retailers who thought they were being smart by locking out video games but too stupid to see through World's of Wonder's plan with Nintendo trojan horsing NES into retailers with ROB and the gun game.

I would lay the blame for Master System failing both in Tonka's and Sega's direction. Tonka may have messed up distribution a little, but no matter who was distributing, Hang-On was a really weak game to be bundling with the console and Safari Hunt just looks like a rip off of Duck Hunt, with the Light Phaser and everything.

>> No.1307529

he's kinda right man. So, i took a computer class last semester and there was this guy who was constantly emulating SNES. So, I asked him, "so, do you have a collection at home".

>yeah man, I really love the SNES. big part of my childhood.
>mhm. cool. what's your favorite game?
>well, you know, there are so many classics... I love earthbound. it's pretty expensive right now, but I just had to buy it because, you know, it's just so quirky".
>yeeeah... I'm a collector too, I know.
>WOAH man. do you have earthbound man?
>aww cool, it's so good. how much did you spend on it?
>i got it for free from my friend, along with Chrono trigger, Secret of Mana, and Final Fantasy 3 (6)
>MAAAAN, that's nice. I just dropped 200 on Hagane

it's like they take pride in owning the expensive SNES games and don't mind paying their prices!!

>> No.1307551
File: 508 KB, 1792x1200, Saturn dev... something.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get on mine.

>> No.1307646


Man whats the point of dev systems? I mean its not like you can connect it to a modern PC.

>> No.1307649

>not one mention of the Wondermega.


>> No.1307662



>> No.1307713

>its not like you can connect it
What makes you think they're as inept as you?

>> No.1307882

Almost bought a cdx over Thanksgiving weekend. But I figured since I never even played a Sega CD game... Bought a broken model 2 instead, fixed it and still have no games for it. With the price I spent nodding and fixing the Genesis and cs, including shipping, I should have just gotten the cdx or JVC unit. Oh well, it's a hobby!
Hate how expensive these games are though... Stupid eBay prices

>> No.1308926

Just burn a disc bro.

>> No.1309303

How they were able to fit the Genesis Hardware inside that?

Does still has the Master System Hardware?.

>> No.1309329

I have one in my garage somewhere, but no games for it. Considered buying Heart of the Alien and Earthworm Jim for it. Really oughta get on that soon.

>> No.1309621

My guess is by eliminating the 80% of the Genesis that's empty space

>> No.1310021

Ive been doing that. Burned Shining Force today and its excellent (played for 4hrs, nonstop). Still, I would like to actually own a few of the games. The artwork of that era tugs my strings

>> No.1310025

I own two, but I guess I don't own *the* CDX.

>> No.1310926

afaik the genesis does not contain a master system - these adapters pretty much contain a complete ms

>> No.1310937

>tfw I saw a non Sega branded one at a flea market for $20 years ago and just thought it was a portable CD player so didnt even think of buying it.

>> No.1310979
File: 103 KB, 640x896, 584376_2115_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nobody in this thread mentioned the only 32X game that's actually good? You disappoint me /vr/

I also like Kolibri and Cosmic Carnage personally

>> No.1310991
File: 62 KB, 528x299, Pro CDX Inlay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1312183
File: 590 KB, 3072x2304, 9p9yyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck I wont!

>the last thing the hooker saw

>> No.1312191

Nope. Genesis is back-compatible to Master System (and in theory should also be to Game Gear). Master System is back compatible to Models 1 & 2. This was a tradition they really should have kept up.

>> No.1312192

>oxygen and galsia having so low health

Play it on Mania you fucker.

>> No.1312238

The PSP didn't come out until like ten years later. This /vr/ not "let's talk about stuff that's been invented".

>> No.1312245


I was just about to come in here and say something like this.

Would rather have the wondermega

Already have a Laseractive though

>> No.1312775
File: 4 KB, 206x126, SegaNomad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casuals. This is how you do portable Genesis

>> No.1312858


Wtf? Is this a devkit? Or some home made Frankenstein console?

>> No.1312864 [DELETED] 
File: 1.19 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_0281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got one of those too...

>> No.1312870 [DELETED] 
File: 1.09 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_0220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oooops wrong pic.

>> No.1313004

Who said the CDX was a portable Genesis?

>> No.1313007

Pics or bullshit