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1302608 No.1302608[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't they just use a phoenix down and then go back to Midgar?

>> No.1302609
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Why don't we discuss games that don't suck?

>> No.1302613

/vr/ - Pilotwings General

>> No.1302618
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What happens to the upgrades after Sigma is defeated?

>> No.1302625

X doesn't want to become too powerful, lest he becomes crazy and kills everything, so he discards them.
Luckily, he keeps the dash.

>> No.1302629
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What is Intelligent Systems had done an arcade release for Panel de Pon?

>> No.1302637


>> No.1302645
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>> No.1302927

Phoenix Downs restore consciousness, not life.
Why do people have such a hard time with this concept?

>> No.1302963
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>> No.1302972

Wat is "death"spell

>> No.1302973

Go back to pokemon with that "not dying bullshit"

>> No.1302974

why does it heal characters hit by death effects then?
Intellectual checkmate

>> No.1302978

Phoenix Down can fix a full-on energy and fire blast from Bahamut, and even a tonberry knife shank, but it won't fix a tiny cut through the stomach? No, you are fucking retarded.

>> No.1302980

Its effects are always described as "Revives a KO'ed ally"
FF's game logic states that a full-on energy and fire blast from Bahamut clearly results on unconsciousness, whereas a stabwound through the gut (around the spinal region btw, which even the tiniest of cuts would result in serious injury) results on death.
You can apply real-world logic to a world that clearly doesn't abide by it but it makes it seem silly when you call me a retard.

>> No.1302981

Because no one actually likes Aeris.

>> No.1302983

I did, but I felt her death was so forced that I couldn't bring myself to feel anything. Granted, I knew 100% it was going to happen because I played the game a long time after the fact and it's sorta engrained in the video game zeitgeist at this point but when it did happen I just felt like "Really? There was absolutely no reason for Sephiroth to just drop out of the sky and stab her. What the fuck? Seriously? THAT'S when she dies?". Later when I played FF4 I realized that they've done this before. Lets just KILL PEOPLE unexpectedly and out of nowhere so you can be shocked and sad! Except in that game it happens so much you can basically feel it when it's about to happen.

>> No.1302984

KOed or uncounscious does not exclude dead. However you have spells like death and instant death effects

>> No.1302986

No it isn't.

>> No.1302990
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Welcome to Gundam-tier plot writing.

>> No.1302993

is it some joke not to state the obvious? that gameplay mechanics are not a part of the story?

>> No.1302991

>There was absolutely no reason for Sephiroth to just drop out of the sky and stab her.

Dude it's Final Fantasy. Shit happens first, and they explain the reasons later on.

>> No.1302997

The way I figure it, death causes death but when the character falls down they are still experiencing the effects of the spell. It's only after the entire party is fallen and nobody can heal the character of the death spell that they actually die.

>> No.1303009

But people die when they're killed. Your logic failed.

>> No.1303015

I figured that he puts them back in the capsules and the Dr. Light A.I. keeps improving them with current tech that it finds.

Also, the though of X just painting the Leg upgrade from the first game blue so he can keep wearing them without anyone noticing gives me quite the giggle.

>> No.1303017

But when you die you can be brought back if it's not too serious. This is medical fact. And a magical spell that causes "death" sounds like it just stops the heart or something. It doesn't cause you to decay or anything.

>> No.1303019

They use old Dragon Ball logic for Phoenix Downs. In FFV, they actually try pouring a fuck ton of Life and Phoenix Down spells on Galuf, but he's "too far gone". It's like most RPGs; even in D&D. You can bring the dead back to life, but you've got a fucking time limit to do it in.

>> No.1303023

But he had all the time in the world to bury her, why didn't he just use Phoenix Down?

>> No.1303039


but they're generally dressed up to be part of the story

the writers were amateurish and they just didn't handle this issue very elegantly or cleverly, that's the real obvious explanation

>> No.1303041

The plot can bullshit it by saying that Jenova's sword infects Aeris' race the same way it does a planet, so she could never be healed or that Jenovaroth mind controlled Cloud to dump her in the water and let the place lock itself so she can't get out to help them.

That or you can go the Game Theory route and say that Cloud drowned her because she was simply in shock

>> No.1303071

Why cloud didn't dive in forgotten city to recover white materia?

>> No.1303084

To sum up my thoughts on this discussion: Yeah, death is too liberally used a term in FF7, and this causes confusion. Characters cannot actually die from an instant-death spell (which is why they don't flash red and evaporate in battle like the monsters in the game). The way I see it, the only times a main character truly died was the cases of Cait Sith #1 and Aeris.

It's going to take retroactive continuity to end this debate, though.

>> No.1303086

I know that for me, knowing she was going to die made me completely disregard her from the start. I never used her in battle unless I had to, and never really cared about her character, so when she died I didn't feel much of anything. I played through it again a couple months ago and made her part of my party, used her as much as possible and actually tried to care. It did make the scene have some more emotional impact. I wasn't bawling my eyes out or anything, but I did feel kinda sad.

As for FF4, yeah they just overdid it way too much, and there is zero impact since everyone except Tellah ends up coming back anyways. It's stupid.

>> No.1303093
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>Why didn't they just go back to Midgar?
Sector 7, their home, was destroyed.

>> No.1303103
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Why didn't they hire competent animators?

>> No.1303138

yeah but they still had to destroy it. and what better way to destroy something than from the inside

>> No.1303141
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Because Square didn't have the cash to make Toy Story-level CGI.

>> No.1303192
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I fucking love Pilotwings

>> No.1303217
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>Phoenix Downs restore consciousness, not life.

Here we go again.

>> No.1303218

FF3 is like the only FF game in which Phoenix Downs resurrect dead characters.

The rest of the series, getting KO'd in battle just makes you unconscious.

>B-b-but the phoenix mythology!

Dude, it's fucking Japan, a place that loves gratuitous English, even when it makes little to no sense. And in a game series named "Final Fantasy" of all things.

>> No.1303219

It was a pretty good troll post, I'll give him that.

>> No.1303264

Huh. I don't think I ever would have noticed the gloves thing.

>> No.1303386
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Why can Megaman survive heavy artillery blasts but dies instantly if he so much as brushes up against a spike?

>> No.1303396

plot armor you dweebs

>> No.1303406

Something like the spikes are a single molecule in width at the tip, so they automatically puncture his energy core.

>> No.1304495

That's because you love belts.

>> No.1304506

>Phoenix Downs instantly defeat any undead monster



>> No.1304549
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>mfw Aeris died 30 times before she died after Sephiroth

>mfw phoenix downs stopped working all of a sudden and now FF just became Nuzlocke mode

>> No.1304550

>You can bring the dead back to life, but you've got a fucking time limit to do it in.

Tifa died in the beginning of the game and I never bothered to res her or use her in party for like 30% of the game and she still came back to life.

>> No.1304553

Because she never died. Aeris did.

>> No.1304558

Why does Sephiroth need to summon Meteor when he has the power to destroy the entire solar system with Supernova?

>> No.1304561

Tifa died die to multiple bullet wounds and a grenade, stayed dead for over 5 hours of gameplay, and still came back to life.

>> No.1304563

No, she was knocked out all that time.

>> No.1304568

mother issues

>> No.1304585
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Better out than up.

>> No.1304593
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>> No.1304858

Why didn't the skydiver just run toward the bullseye after he hit the ground?

>> No.1304972 [SPOILER] 
File: 136 KB, 390x530, 1373071354065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pregnant tifa
>not best