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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1285578 No.1285578 [Reply] [Original]

I have been playing Castlevania III lately and I want to say that Sypha Belnades is legendary.
Anyone have good hd wallpapers of Castlevania or suggestions for best Castlevania game on retro consoles up to ps1?

>> No.1285584

Rondo of Blood is strongest Castlevania. Dracula X is not bad, but it is just a weak port/adaptation of Rondo.

Bloodlines is also pretty damned good.

I have lost favor for it over the years as the Metroidvania formula wears thin, but Symphony of the Night is still pretty much the best of its style.

>> No.1285593

I cant get rondo to work.
Bloodlines is pretty good.
Keep hearing about Symphony of the Night
Will try Dracula X

My first Castlevania was Aria of Sorrow and sadly I never beat it.

I've been working on my first video series for Castlevania III. My favorite so far.

>> No.1285602
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, CVS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite franchise of all time OP, I'll dump some wallpapers I have in a bit. I love both the classicvanias and metroidvania, and find them both great archetypes that fit the series very well.

>> No.1285605

that is perfect wallpaper style. I like hd with reds and black background. I have a steelseries light up keyboard and I keep it red.

>> No.1285608

>rondo of blood has held the same value since I bought it ten years ago
>snes drac x has gotten to be worth just as much as the pc engine version when it was worth less than half as much ten years ago


>> No.1285609

well I liked it up until 3 seconds in when you started talking

>> No.1285612
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To be honest, I don't really like Castlevania 3 as much as Castlevania 1. I don't really feel like it's as tight knit as the first one, not that I think it's a horrible game by any means. I've just always preferred how much faster pace the first one was in comparison.

My all time favorite classicvania has to be one of the later ones though, a tie between Bloodlines, IV, and Adventure Rebirth.

The most underrated Classicvania game though would be Belmont's Revenge though, a fantastic portable title in my honest opinion.

>> No.1285616

lol. I prefer lp's where theres some narration as long as they stay relevant and their voice doesnt grate my nerves.

>> No.1285619

I have played almost every CV game, except for the wii, ps2 and turbografx games
Can someone help me with turbografx/pc-engine emulating? I want to play rondo of blood

>> No.1285620
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I have always thought the Metroidvanias always got a very unnecessarily large amount of hate since they were different. I never understood this, they're very much Castlevania in my eyes. They feature the same romantic and Gothic tones the original games did, they're just in a different style of gameplay. Yes they're easier, but, I never thought that to be a horrible thing. They're still fantastically designed, minus one or two titles, for the game they're trying to make: an exploration based action platformer.

>> No.1285623
File: 85 KB, 1024x768, 1297529643284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend using Retroarch to emulate Rondo of Blood. There's also an EXE file out there that features the emulator and game to play on window's systems. You can find them pretty easily by digging around.

>> No.1285624

thanks dude, I tried magicengine, but that didn't go well

>> No.1285626

I've played the first 2 for nes before doing this video series and on some level I prefer the straightforward nature of the first game.
Metroidvania can get to be overwhelming at times so I like the variety and choices of Castlevania III without the headaches of backtracking and wandering aimlessly.

>> No.1285631
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Just make sure if you go the retroarch way to follow the instructions on the page I linked. It's a great emulator, but, it's not very user friendly.

I think the N64 games are quite fun too. I think they're the closest to matching what the series should feel like in 3D. They're clunky, quite so, but their art direction and musical score are just utterly fantastic in my mind. I just wish we got what we were intended to get. If you haven't read CV64 was going to be a MUCH bigger game than it originally was. We were going to have equipment, more statuses, more characters, and much longer game, but, alas, deadlines killed the beast. Legacy of Darkness isn't that bad of a 'director's cut' but it honestly should of came out first.

There's nothing wrong with that. If you want me to give you a tip, I haven't sat down and watch much of it yet, I'd have to say please exclude reading out any words. I'd prepare something interesting to say about the game instead. It's just a pet peeve of mine personally.

>> No.1285636
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Castlevania 2 is another game that gets a lot of unnecessary disgust thrown its way. It is completely a guide game, meaning you have to have a guide of some kind open to even complete it, but I don't think it's a horrid game by any means. It's completely playable, offers a creepy atmosphere, a freely explorable world, and the day night system was quite a neat idea. If only it was made more user friendly, I'd think it'd be considered another great classics among the likes of Metroid and Mario.

>> No.1285638
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I suppose I'm rambling a bit too much though, I'll just dump some art unless someone is curious about something or wants me to continue.

>> No.1285640
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>> No.1285641
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>> No.1285646

I've found rom merged with rom
I'll user retroarch for other systems I guess

>> No.1285652
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To be completely honest, my least favorite Castlevania game would have to be Legends. It's an unadulterated mess in my opinion. Stage design is boring, the art direction is boring, the bosses are a joke, and everything about it just leaves me bored out of my skull. Which is a shame, since I like Sonia, I just hate her game.

I'd say Lords of Shadow series of games are the worst Castlevania games but they're only Castlevania in name and nothing else in my eyes.

I was quite curious to see how her dreamcast title would pan out, however, it never came to be. From the looks of it, it was going down a similar artistic style of CV64, so I can only hope that the gameplay wasn't as clunky as CV64, alas, I'll never know.

Whatever floats your boat mate, just glad you can experience a fantastic game.

>> No.1285660

I loved Symphony and enjoyed most of its successors, but they're basically just Castlevania themed Action RPGs. Castlevania was defined by its high difficulty, stiff but deliberate controls, and tight level design and all that got dropped. I can absolutely see why someone wouldn't appreciate that. It'd be like if they turned Contra into an RTS or something.

>> No.1285671
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Know who's a character you can't find any love for? Pirate lord himself Grant DaNasty. Guy's awesome, never gets any love, and is a complete beast in Castlevania 3. The best he gets in recent time is a shitty redesign.

Except it's not as drastic as that. The series dabbled in exploration and RPG elements before. The stiff controls were brought back continually by future releases after Castlevania 3, and the level design is still very tight for the genre they were trying to design for. The two genres are still platformers, but their focus is slightly different from one another, so no, I can't accept that analogy.

>> No.1285674
File: 103 KB, 800x800, 1387538802994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a tip bro, to get double and triple shots you should use your subweapon to kill enemy and candles. After a certain amount of 'kills' you'll get a double and triple shot to make your subweapons more powerful.

>> No.1285675

>suggestions for best Castlevania game on retro consoles

You're already playing the best Castlevania, OP.

>> No.1285685
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>> No.1285686
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>> No.1285691

>The two genres are still platformers
Alright, let's say they turned Contra into Kirby. Even if it's good by Kirby standards, can you see why someone might have a fucking problem with that?

>> No.1285692
File: 340 KB, 640x480, 1337363361178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, when I said 'brought back continually', I meant 'toned down considerably'. I'm a bit tired at the moment.

Picture: One of my favorite scenes from the series.

>> No.1285695
File: 1.19 MB, 2124x2100, 1387539474210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except if it was a Kirby game it would have no elements of Contra in it? How does that work as a comparison either? I understand what you mean, that people have different opinions about the later half of the series, but it's unreasonable to argue that they're not part of the same series because of a shift of focus.

As I stated before in that post, the series has dabbled in exploration and rpg element, Vampire Killer and Simon's Quest are the titles I'm thinking about respectively.

>> No.1285702
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>> No.1285706
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>> No.1285709
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>> No.1285712

>very tight for the genre they were trying to design for
It isn't. It's very plain compared to other exploration platformers and never even reached the variety of super metroid.

>> No.1285719
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Anyway, I'm going to get some sleep.
I'll continue dumping when I wake up in a few hours, so, please keep the thread alive OP and gents.

I'll watch some more of your stuff while I try to settle in to get some sleep, tell you what I think.

>> No.1285723

Sypha is my favorite person to play as in CV3. Dem spells.

I kinda wish she was the main character. Much more fun than Trevor.

>> No.1285729
File: 1003 KB, 1920x1080, castlevania-219837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you all for supporting my first thread on /vr/.
I hope to have more interactions like this.

>> No.1285730

2 and SotN are terrible, and IV and Chronicles are mediocre. The other games are all good. I suggest playing Rondo as soon as possible because it's pretty easy (even if you're not playing as maria) and the more difficult games will spoil it for you.

>> No.1285734

no problem mang
I normally don't visit /vr/ because I keep forgetting about it, but I will do it more often in the future
Am I a bad person for liking LoS more than harmony of dissonance?

>> No.1285741

Yes. Yes you are.

>> No.1285749


They're both bad games so why does it matter?

>> No.1285751

rondo of blood link.
finally I can play this game after I beat Castlevania III. Credit goes to this guy so I didn't post direct link.

>> No.1285997
File: 712 KB, 659x588, retro-47875-11349993870[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RoB>CV1>SotN>CV3>CV64>DoS>AoS>CV2. Those are the only ones I've played to/near completion. DoS Julius Mode is pretty good, if you haven't tried it yet. Very CV3 inspired.

>> No.1286239

Like everyone else has stated Rondo, SCIV, Bloodlines (Motherfucking John Morris bitches), Castlevania 3, Belemont's revenge, castlevania 1 and Castlevania Chronicles. Simon's Quest is interesting imo. Adventure is bad but if you want it get the Konami Compilation one for the gbc which imo plays a lot faster than the original one. SoTN is a mixed bag for me becasue most of the graphics are rehashed from Rondo and SCIV but the OST and Artwork are amazing. Someone needs to make a wallpaper with Alucard vs the Fake Trevor, Grant and Sypha.

>> No.1286252

I've beaten all the 2D ones. Castlevania is so f*cking amazing. It's too bad we'll never get a tru Castlevania V with the state of modern Konami, though...

Anyway, time for OPINIONS!

Super IV > RoB > Bloodlines > DC > Adventure ReBirth > CV > Belmont's Revenge > Simon's Quest > Legends > Adventure

SotN > AoS > OoE > CotM > PoR > DoS > HoD

>> No.1286253

>Belmont's Revenge
I like you.

>> No.1286357
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Back from sleeping and doctor's appointment, going to dump some more art.

I'm going to have to disagree, I find that it's a fantastically designed game for exploring. Areas pop out, they're fresh, they're beautiful, and fun to go through. Super Metroid did a wonderful job emulating a living breathing world, and SotN emulated a chaotic creature that constantly shifts and changes its appearance. The flow is quite visual to me.

Never got the difficulty equals better game idea. You must not like Kirby either.
I can see reasons for disliking 2 though, like I said it was a guide game.

Yes, yes you are.

I think it's more from the fact that SotN was originally supposed to be a spin off game that Konami never expected to do well. Afterwards they were given a horrible budget and had to use decade old sprites since it was the cheapest option.

I like you too.

>> No.1286365
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>> No.1286369
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I've always enjoyed Ayami Kojima's work, I just wish she wasn't so heavy on the cowboy boots for Trevor. Jesus hurts my ankles thinking about what she did to his feet in Curse of Darkness.

>> No.1286374
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Kojima's artwork for comparison's sake. Still better than when they got the death note guy to try and do it though. No offense to him, just was a silly idea that clashed too heavily.

>> No.1286380
File: 187 KB, 400x404, Castlevania_Adventureboxing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Castlevania Adventure was the first one i played it is pretty awesome and has some cool music, and also is pretty difficult since you lose one whip upgrade per hit and only 3 lifes.

>> No.1286381
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I just wish it was faster. I know the Konami collection fixes that, but, I mean just made to be faster in mind. I need to play it with a patch these days to be able to stand it.

>> No.1286385
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I know PoR is not /vr/, but Jesus I love the art work for this game. It really is a love letter to the first game, at least in its monster art.

>> No.1286386
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>> No.1286387

on NES the best is obviously CV3
on SNES it's Dracula X even though Rondo is better
on GB the best is Adventure 2
on PSX the one and only SOTN
there are no castlevanias on N64

>> No.1286389

Oh jesus I forgot, Bloodlines on the genesis kicks ass.

>> No.1286392
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N64 games aren't that bad that they deserved not to be mentioned. I don't think they're great games by any means, but, they're not unplayable trash that some people make them out to be. I would only recommend them to diehard fans at best though.

>> No.1286395
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>> No.1286402
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>> No.1286404
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We Simon now.

>> No.1286405
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Kind of wish I kept my art folder more organized at times like this.

>> No.1286407
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Come on guys, axe some questions to start a discussion.

>> No.1286409
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>actually enjoying Dracula X
>actually preferring it over Super Castlevania 4
Jesus christ, how horafying.

>> No.1286412

I'm pretty sure Axe Knights are my least favorite mook in CV3. That is all.

Oh, and also those flying cunt demons with shields.

>> No.1286413
File: 1.49 MB, 1000x1388, 1387573285401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dracula X isn't that bad of a game, but it does pale in comparison to Rondo and IV.

Have you played through hard mode?

>> No.1286418

I'm in the middle of playing SoTN for the first time(I played it a bit long time ago, but just to check the game out).

I had a PTSD attack remembering Kane & Lynch 2 when You kill Richter without getting the Holy Glasses, because I knew beforehand that you are going to go through the castle again. The moment I saw the screen get dark and I am the Wind started playing, I almost had a seizure remembering that trainwreck

>> No.1286419
File: 2.64 MB, 2459x3480, 1387573596851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bring this up since I found a new hatred for skull heads after playing through hard mode in CV3. Those things are downright horrible and make medusa heads and the other ilk child's play in my opinion.

>> No.1286423
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When I read your post, I started laughing uncontrollably.

I actually somewhat enjoyed the first Kane and Lynch game, but never bother picking up the second, looks like my hunch was right it'd be shit.

>> No.1286424
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>> No.1286425

Castlevania IV is too easy, even for casual gamers... are you a casual gamer?

Dracula X is very badly designed in some spots, but at least it offers a challenge.

>> No.1286426

Just normal, honestly.

>> No.1286434
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Not him, but difficulty isn't the only part of a game. Being a better polished, fun game is more important than being more challenging in my eyes.

>> No.1286436

By that logic, Kirby is a terrible series. I still have tons of fun playing IV, even if it is easy.

>> No.1286443
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Give it a whirl on hard mode sometime, and prepare to get mad from those skulls. Axe knights will be nothing after that.

>> No.1286446
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>> No.1286451

When a game is just so easy that it offers no challenge at all then that's bad. It is especially noticable when the NES games are pretty tough in comparison.

Graphics in Dracula X are also much better, and take advantage of the power of the SNES.

>> No.1286452


I really wish this attitude wasn't so prevalent on 4chan.

CVIII is hard. It is also fun.
SotN is not hard. It is also fun.

Good game design is what makes a game fun, not its difficulty.

>> No.1286460
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Not sure if I'm being trolled or not anymore.

This guy gets it.

>> No.1286465
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>> No.1286467

You're just hopelessly biased.

>> No.1286471
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Humor me.

>> No.1286476
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>> No.1286481
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>> No.1286491
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>> No.1286503
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Anyway, going to stop dumping for a bit. I'll be back later after I make some dinner. Have fun guys.

>> No.1286551

Here is a link to the EXE
was talking about.


Last time I used it was on a windows XP computer, so I haven't tested it on my windows 7 computer yet. Also, I don't recall any controller support. But it's pretty easy to use, so you can't complain too much about the shortcomings.

>> No.1286582

It should have controller support, at least I remember it supporting my third party shit back in the day.

>> No.1286584


yeah Sypha is the best

all the characters are interesting and fun though

>> No.1287027

You could use that code that lets you start with Sypha, and play a solo game as her.

Sypha is awesome. The flame spell is like a longer and more powerful whip.

>> No.1289243

Actually Sypha was changed between versions as well

Her lightning spell was utterly ridiculous in the original release destroying most bosses in a few casts

>> No.1290217

How do you guys like the Rondo PSP remake?

I haven't played the original yet, but I found the remake pretty decent. Nothing special however. Had way more fun playing IV. I undestrand that for its time, Rondo was a gorgeous game. But gameplay wise, is it too different?

>> No.1290328

Really? Which versions are we talking about here?

>> No.1290582

Japanese release.

It's pretty much the same as Rondo minus a few touch ups here and there.