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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.86 MB, 3860x2040, TurboGrafx-16-Console.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1278859 No.1278859[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How bout a TurboGrafx 16/PC engine thread.
This is a system I don't know a whole lot about but want to get into.
I'm going to start with emulation before throwing down cash for one.
So what are some recommended games for getting into this system? Doesnt matter if its CD based games or not.
So let's discuss this system

>> No.1278870

Motherfucking Rondo of Blood

>> No.1278908

One of my personal favorites for the TG-16 is Cratermaze. Just a simple puzzle game, but its colorful and a breeze to play.

>> No.1278916

Probably better grab Ninja Spirit while you're at it. I seem to remember the console version being much more forgiving than the arcade.

>> No.1278941

Bloody Wolf is fantastic, as is Golden Axe.

>> No.1278947

Ys books I & II

>> No.1278973


1. Just call it the PC Engine. The North American name is stupid, and the console design is ugly.
2. Mednafen is where to go. The Mednafen PCE-Fast core that RetroArch uses will play most games. PCE-Accurate core is Mednafen only.

Mednafen proper:

>> No.1278989

calm down weeb, some of us actually grew up with the turbo grafx here so we like that name.

>> No.1278997

>not liking TURBO graphics
shiggy diggy
also,for Mednafen you need MedGui

>> No.1279115

Spoken like a dweeb.

>> No.1279150

Blazing Lazers and R-Type

>> No.1279170

How come every Turbografx emulator I've seen either doesn't work, is horribly bare bones, or is in some sort of trial mode?

>> No.1279191
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The entire marketing for the console in the west was retarded.

>The name
>the ads
>the mascot (pic related)
>the look of the console

Just look at Jonny Turbo. I don't think he was THE Turbographfx mascot, but he was used in some promotional comics. the whole thing is so stupid. Why would anyone be pursuaded to buy a comic based on the ravings of a fat old guy?

>> No.1279193



>> No.1279314

Military Madness

>> No.1279330
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Rayxanber III

>> No.1279367


Great recommendations. Military Madness is a lower key one that deserves more attention. Ys III is also worthy of mention in that series. All shmups are superb on the console, Gradius II being 99% arcade perfect with an extra stage + konami code stuff. Essentially search out the classic PCE only games and any games you already love and check out the PCE version. It is a super good console that just never caught on with murrica sadly. The soundchip was way better than the SNES and Genesis and then you also had redbook audio to push the point home. Graphics were solid and similar to the SNES with none of the dreaded SNES slowdown in action/sprite heavy games (at least in properly ported games). The stock controller is garbage though, so upgrade that shit. Mednafen + Medgui is the best option by a long mile for emulation. Don't touch retroarch's sorry ass excuse for a mednafen core port for a minute.

>> No.1279412

when I was a kid I never saw ads for the tg-16 except in non-single system game magazines, and the only person in my neighborhood who had one growing up was the spoiled rich kid. I moved to Chicago a couple years ago, and a few of my coworkers who grew up here said there was a lot of local advertising for it (some of them even had them). Does anyone else who grew up in Chicago/NYC/LA corroborate this?

>> No.1279423
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Gekisha Boy

>> No.1279429

Glad I randomly decided to visit /vr/ today. Emulating Rondo of Blood right now with that retroarch thing (because I couldn't figure out mednafen). It's awesome. Maria > Richter

>> No.1279436

Johnny Turbo was initially created as an in-joke by guys at TTi about one of the employees, and the Japanese head of the company thought it would make for a good advertising campaign.

>> No.1279440

The TG-16 was solely marketed in large cities, which is why some people never heard of it while others got bombarded with advertising.

>> No.1279452
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The TG-16/PCE often gets brushed aside for being "8-bit" but if you look at some of the later releases I honestly wouldn't be able to tell it has a 8-bit processor.

Since this system gets overlooked so often, there are a TON of hidden gems which nobody talks about. Check out some sites like
if you want to try out some of the lesser known classics.

>> No.1279503

>Why would anyone be persuaded to buy a video game based on the ravings of a fat, squealing youtube camwhore?

>> No.1280076

Check out the Valis series too,i know the franchise was in other consoles but the best versions are in the PCE

>> No.1282569

It was great.

>> No.1282581

Because the graphics aren't being rendered by an 8 bit processor.

>> No.1284435

PC Engine is best Engine.

>> No.1284464

>Why would anyone be persuaded to buy a comic based on the ravings of a fat old guy?

I ask myself the same thing everytime I see a mango thread on /a/

>> No.1284579

What's the better option:
Buy separate American and Japanese PC Engines?
Or get a modded console?

>> No.1284584

US TG-16 + PCE Duo (CD games are not region locked)

>> No.1284613

Good luck emulating the T16CD, even following instructions correctly will not make the game load at all.
Speaking of that, can anyone give thorough instructions on how to emulate a TurboCD game.

>> No.1284668


Just load the CUE file in your favorite virtual image loader and start the emulator.

>> No.1284689
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The Godzilla fighting game was cool. In the "story" mode, every tie you fight a monster the Godzilla sprite changes to what he looked like in the first appearance of that monster.

How easy it to emulate the TurboGrafx 16?

>> No.1284698

I'd rather emulate than deal with burning CDs all day. Emulation is the future of hard to get retro video games, like the TGCD (which goes for exorbitant prices on the bay).

>can anyone give thorough instructions on how to emulate

>> No.1284716

I'm interested to find new games to play too since i fell in love with this console since last year

I would strongly raccomend Lords of Thunder,Soldier Blade,YS 1/2,Rondo of Blood,Parodius,Gradius II,Gunhed,Magical Chase and Military Madness.

>> No.1284769
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I've been enjoying Faussete Amour
It's a platformer, reminds me of Valis or Makaimura or something of the sort.

>> No.1284797



1. RetroArch --> Load cue
2. Play game.
3. Mednafen --> Load cue
4. play game

These are pretty straight forward options.

>> No.1284809
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>mfw Lords of Thunder

>> No.1284824
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Fuck yeah Lords of Thunder--THE #1 Greatest Video Game Soundtrack EVER!
The game itself is awesome too, but it's also SUPER FUCKING HARD. I've only been able to clear 3 stages at the most, and that's on the NORMAL difficulty (which is the lowest difficulty BTW)

>> No.1284831
File: 376 KB, 1402x1405, Legion-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golden Axe was stinking pile of horseshit on the TG16, thanks to Telenet Japan; specifically their "Renovation Game" division, which was also responsible for Legion, aka the WORST shooter on the PC-Engine (worse than Deep Blue IMO). Oddly enough, Renovation Game also made Gaiares on the Genesis, and that was a FANTASTIC shooter.

>> No.1284879

Didn't read a single post because I KNOW that I will be disappointed by the lack of mentioning awesome (but not widely-known) games such as:

Parasol Stars
Son Son II
Sylphia (CD)

stuff like rondo, final soldier, thunder series, etc everyone already knows

>> No.1284915

The pilot talking shit at the beginning of every stage makes up for the horrendous game design.

>> No.1284942

PCEjin only loads cue files
Mednafen is the best choice to run them without any problems but you need Medgui if you are not using Linux or you are not experienced with command line stuff
Turbo engine can run them fine but Turbo engine is a piece of laggy shit
and the rest of the emulators only run the games via CD driver[daemon tools is an option if you have this kind of emulator]

>> No.1284946

hey dude,i have my preferences too
Dead Moon
Darius Plus
Parodius Da!
Best version of R-type 1[Protip:go for the american version,japanese version is divided in 2 parts.]