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1270784 No.1270784[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I been thinking recently that the 64DD is really what kill a lot of the N64's future. As it was announced before the 64 came out and a shit ton of games were planned to be developed for it. If you look at the history of a lot N64 games, you see that shit ton of game were originally meant for the 64DD, meaning a lot of development had to be scrapped and started over again. And a decent amount of 64DD games couldn't make over to the regular 64. Because of this there was a lot less N64 first and third party games than there should have been. If it was released a year or 2 into the system's life, it would have been fine but it was released at the very end with only the japanese getting, all the trouble caused by it could not be fixed.

>> No.1270790

Nintendo did this in the past with R.O.B. The 64DD was just a trojan horse, they wanted people to think they had another card up their sleeve much in the same way R.O.B. was touted as a robotic AI game playing buddy when really it was a useless piece of crap that supported all of 2 games.

>> No.1270825

At least the F-Zero X expansion kit was cool. I want a 64DD but it's shitloads of money now.

>> No.1270828

The difference is that R.O.B. was released at the start of NES's lifetime, came with the system and was quickly forgetten afterwards. Though did a lot more for the NES than you think, it was convinced American stores to put the systems on their shelves as they though no one would buy consoles after the video game crash of 1983. To them, they marketed the NES as interface for ROB and less as a game console.
The 64DD is a much different situation.

>> No.1270834

Yeah probably. A lot of games wouldn't have been moved to PlayStation development if Nintendo actually produced the 64DD properly.

>> No.1270840

Not really, Nintendo was bragging about the 64DD before the N64 was even released. It was a red herring to get people interested and tout the system as having greater tech capabilities than it did, same as ROB.

>> No.1270843

Ummm, no.

The 64DD was supposed to be the spiritual sequel to the Famicom Disk Drive and the BS Satellaview system. Up til this point each Nintendo system had a successful add-on.

>> No.1270858

>either of those successful
It wasn't a successor to anything except for maybe the Virtual Boy. It was sold in extremely limited quantities and had a handful of games, Nintendo just released the fucking thing because they were obligated to. I can't believe some people on here are stupid enough to try and defend this piece of shit.

>> No.1270862
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Nintendo didn't need to tout the system as having unexhibited horse power. It was the highest piece of tech on the planet at that time. Just think about that. The first system ever to feature Real 3D barring only the 3DO (and much better).

The 64DD if anything was a cop-out. Nintendo's way of saying if it came to that, it would still have a backdoor to release those new fangled disks the PS1 was so hingent on. The problem is it never caught on. The U.S. loved the N64 and Nintendo became lax and let the whole thing slide into nonexistence.

>> No.1270875

>It was the highest piece of tech on the planet at that time.
>L - U curse I ignore u !TT7ixtaBeU
Filtered. Fuck off.

>> No.1270898


The limited release was far after the fact. Initially, it was supposed to be a major part of the N64's lifespan.

>> No.1270902

>released the fucking thing because they were obligated to. I can't believe some people on here are stupid enough to try and defend this piece of shit.

I can't believe you are unable to express yourself in a manner beyond the mentality of a 15 year old.

>> No.1270903

>It was the highest piece of tech on the planet at that time.

That's what Nintendo got a generation to believe (including myself), but it was far from the truth.

PC's of the time (and arcade machines) easily outspec'd the N64, and of course featured real 3d.

>> No.1270908

N64 was very underpowered, as shown by the low framerates of most of its games. It could have been good if Nintendo had accepted Playstation level image quality, but framerate doesn't show up in screenshots so they deliberately crippled it.

>> No.1270920

How does that make it underpowered? N64 games that did run at 60 fps, like F-Zero and Super Smash still looked better than Playstation games.

>> No.1270937

ITT braindead Nintendo fanboys. It's not even worth discussing anymore, these guys would even fellate the Virtual Boy and say it was the most graphically advanced system on the planet at the time.

>> No.1270940

According to the devs of the Everdrive 64, it may someday become feasible to play DD roms on it.

>> No.1270951

>saying the eff word is bad omg ;_;
The statement was perfectly coherent. Get the fuck over it.

>> No.1270953

If it were a red herring they would not have been developing a Zelda or Earthbound game for it.

>> No.1270957

>thinking vaporware garbage = real games

>> No.1270959

Coherent, but rude. It gets old after a while, trust me.

>> No.1270961

They were real games up until the point they became vaporware.

The 64DD was never intended to be some smoke and mirrors act like ROB. It was a big (failed) project that cost Nintendo dearly.

>> No.1270980

>To them, they marketed the NES as interface for ROB and less as a game console.
AKA a trojan horse. You're not telling us anything that wasn't already said.

>> No.1270990

N64 was a true next gen 3D machine. The PS1 didn't even had a z-buffer and couldn't display 3D graphics.

Honestly, the lengths that sonyroaches will stoop to to try and defend the paystation bottles the mind.

>> No.1270993

PS1 had some great looking 60fps 3D games. Einhander, Tobal 2, Tekken 3, Internal Section, Omega Boost, etc.

And of course the huge library of 2D games most of which ran at 60fps

N64 had F-Zero X, Mischief Makers, Yoshi's Story, Smash Bros (when it wasn't too busy), can't think of any others

>> No.1270998

I'd rather have a few z-clipping artifacts and texture warping than a low framerate (anything less than 60fps is low). N64 was technically more powerful, but Nintendo policy ensured it had far fewer 60fps games than PS1.

>> No.1271004

Not according to the specs on that picture, a backlog of history with Nintendo comissioning the Reality Chip from RealTech, and the flame wars on Usenet archives from PC fanboys who didn't want to acknowledge the fact.

The PS1 was emulatable to a degree as FF7, MGS, are testaments to. But the N64 was not, else you would have had ports of its games on PC too. Also, I can't see PC's of the day powering a game like Goldeneye with its bullet memorization, location-based damage and physics, lingering npc's, and gigantic draw distance; when Doom doesn't even have a Y-axis and that was gonna be one of the original Half-life's big draws before said game showed them up. Let alone Forsaken 64 which boasted VSIM aiming.

Then again, I don't play PC. But if there was a game to make me think SM64 or Pilotwings would be possible on PC tech of that age I've yet to see it.

>> No.1271001

am I being trolled

>> No.1271015

And by Half-life I mean the beta. I'm up to speed on that. I watched the Valve documentary where Gabe steals Miyamoto's quote.

>> No.1271017

Quake was released before Goldeneye and outdid it in every way possible. And when GLQuake was released soon after even considering Goldeneye as relevant became laughable.

>> No.1271018

Uh, Turok 2, one of the most graphically intense games on the N64, which the system can barely handle at all, has a PC version.

The N64 was the most advanced video game platform in the world for a few months in 1996 when it launched. As you'll remember though, it had all of Mario 64 and Pilotwings during that window. The fact that PC hardware makers put out new models at disgusting rates (do we really need that many variations of video cards?) means that no console can top one for long. Especially today, when consoles don't even debut above them.

>> No.1271037

This isn't a competition about how long the N64 outboasted PC's. Because starting with the Commodore 64 just about every home console short of Sony's did. If you recall that was the Saturn and Dreamcast's huge thing, and that came out hardly a year before the PS2 released and GCN was shown off (which was twice it's power respectively).

You are jesting yourself if you think custom PC hardware could compete with proprietary before production even streamlined for gaming circa 2000. If that.

>> No.1271053

>F-Zero and Super Smash still looked better than Playstation games.

No. Fully textured polygons at 60fps > gourad shaded polys with triple filtered microscopic textures barely pushing 20fps

>> No.1271051

>Half-life I mean the beta. I'm up to speed on that. I watched the Valve documentary where Gabe steals Miyamoto's quote.
What? Was there a N64 version of Half Life at some point or something? And what quote?

>> No.1271054

Also Quake didn't boast the precedents Goldeneye set in any of those regards I listed.

And to the second post, Turok 2 only needed an Expansion Pak for framerate issues, iirc which I believe I do.

>> No.1271057

Fuck off retard.

>> No.1271063

Quake on Pentium Pro with software rendering could easily reach 30fps (which is higher than Goldeneye ran at). 3DFX Voodoo 1 stayed at about 30fps but beat N64 in resolution and image quality. Voodoo 2 did 60fps no problems.

>> No.1271067 [DELETED] 


Why are you trolling a perfectly harmless, and fairly interesting thread?

Go away.



>> No.1271072

Turok 2 needs an expansion pak because it has high resolution textures and very complex animation. And it has an atrocious framerate no matter what you do. There's a reason it looks about twice as good as any other game in the series. If it weren't for the 2 yard draw distanes, it could pass as a Dreamcast game.

>> No.1271076

Star Wars Racer > whatever you are arguing

Documentary about old beta HL, which Valve mysteriously scrapped after Goldeneye and founded out of Gabe's pocket to remake; at one point Gabe goes "A delayed game is evenutally good. A bad game is bad forever." But he messed it up.

>> No.1271078

>It was the highest piece of tech on the planet at that time. Just think about that. The first system ever to feature Real 3D barring only the 3DO
Nope. PC graphic cards were already well under development before the release of the 64. Besides there's nothing impressive about location based damage when it came from Virtua Cop and I do hope you're joking about 'gigantic draw distance' which applies to exactly zero N64 games

N64 was not 'technically' more powerful, it was a slow piece of shit with huge bottlenecks like forced AA to make it even more slower than it already was

>The PS1 didn't even had a z-buffer and couldn't display 3D graphics.
0/8 not even gr8 b8 m8

>> No.1271079

Why are you trolling a perfectly harmless, and fairly interesting thread?

Go away.



>> No.1271083

>bullet memorization
Don't know what this is, but it sounds shit
>location-based damage
Quake engine can handle it, done in several mods, main game doesn't include it because fast paced gameplay is more fun without it.
Nothing special to Goldeneye's physics. Quake physics however is unrealistic in ways that allows for higher skill ceiling with movement tricks
>lingering npc's
Like Quake
>gigantic draw distance
Like Quake

>Shitty control, low FPS, low FOV, slow pace, lack of user mods/maps, lack of internet multiplayer
Not like Quake

Turok 2 had shit framerate expansion pack or no.

>> No.1271085

>lingering npc's
Goldeneye AI consists of standing around doing nothing or walking in a preset path, this isn't impressive at all.

>> No.1271084

Well I can tell who in this thread never owned an N64.

>> No.1271087

>N64 was not 'technically' more powerful
If Nintendo had allowed developers to accept PS1 level image quality, the N64 would have had no problems reaching 60fps. PS1 reached 60fps in 3D games only with great effort.

>> No.1271089

>He doesn't know Quake popularized mouselook!

I would say that alone makes Quake the single most influential FPS of the past SEVERAL generations.

>> No.1271093
File: 19 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Release Date: 1996

Model 3 specifications

Main CPU: IBM PowerPC 603e[20] @ 66, 100, 166 MHz
Graphics Chip: 2× Lockheed Martin Real3D/Pro-1000
Sound CPU : Motorola 68EC000 @ 11.3 MHz
Sound chip: 2× Yamaha SCSP/YMF292-F 128-step DSP, MIDI interface, 64 voices, 4 channel, maximum of 16.5 MB ROM, 64 PCM channels, 16-bit audio, 44.1 kHz sampling rate.[20]
Main RAM: 8 MB
Audio RAM: 1 MB
Graphical capabilities: Texture mapping, trilinear filtering, mipmapping, specular reflection, Gouraud shading, flat shading, anti aliasing, alpha blending, perspective texture mapping, trilinear interpolation, micro texture shading, high-specular Gouraud shading.[20]
Geometric performance: Over 1,000,000 polygons/sec,[21] 60 million pixels/sec, 16 million coloured textures/sec.[20]
Special effects: Zoning fog, 32 levels of translucency, clipping, model & texture LOD, fade in/out, 4095 moving models.[20]
Lighting: Parallel light, 4 light sports, pin-point light.[20]
Display resolution: 640x480, Z-buffering, non-interlaced.[20]

Fairly handily outdoes the N64. Virtua Fighter 3 was released in the same year.


I believe the Model 2 was also around N64's power level. Virtua Fighter 2 looked good.

>> No.1271104

You're comparing arcade hardware to a home console.

>> No.1271109

But the statement was:

>It was the highest piece of tech on the planet at that time

It wasn't.

>> No.1271110
File: 38 KB, 640x480, EN5kdDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I have one. I just know that the hardware is total shit.

>> No.1271114

N64 owner here I can tell it was your first console lel.

>> No.1271115

That's obvious hyperbole (I hope). I think by "the planet" he meant the realm of home gaming.

>> No.1271120

It was the aspect of being shot and having enemies react to it/concusive force accordingly that was impressive for the time. Goldeneye was the first to do that I'm sure.
Also, bullet memory refers to how you can spray a bullet picasso on a wall or destructible environments (also physics, but more I was referring to bodies) and the game will remember where the whole time.
The draw distances are impressive if you even play the first level. I can't think of a prior game that loads a level interiors and exteriors that huge unprocedurally.
And lingering NPC BODIES.

I didn't go into the multiplayer because Perfect Dark's is still the best and outshines it or I can't remember it enough to note of it. But obviously even at 15 fps with 4 players, you weren't seeing that on a PC.

>> No.1271128

Not seeing 4 player multiplayer on PC...
In 2000? You're kidding...

>> No.1271130

no console gaming, n64 was never king of fuck all. Maybe king of low fps, blurry textures and collectathon platformers.

>> No.1271131

>It was the aspect of being shot and having enemies react to it/concusive force accordingly that was impressive for the time. Goldeneye was the first to do that I'm sure.
Don't you mean every FPS ever?
>Also, bullet memory refers to how you can spray a bullet picasso on a wall or destructible environments (also physics, but more I was referring to bodies) and the game will remember where the whole time.
This is called 'decals'. They're used for bullet marks and blood splatters and goldeneye was not the first game to employ them.
>The draw distances are impressive if you even play the first level. I can't think of a prior game that loads a level interiors and exteriors that huge unprocedurally.
The thing I remember from loading the first level is all the fog that was around the dam.
>And lingering NPC BODIES.
What does this mean? NPCs just stand around unless you use them for an objective or something in which case they'll run somewhere and vanish.

>> No.1271141

This shits kinda funny.

The N64 was fun because you could hookup and play split screen with all your buddies in shooters.

But for arguments sake..

Quake released june of 1996.
Goldeneye didn't make it out the door until august of 1997.

Gameplay wise, I would take GE but comparing levels of technology and such the N64 wasn't all that it was hyped up to be.

>> No.1271143

>I didn't go into the multiplayer because Perfect Dark's is still the best
No pro scene
No high value prizes
Casual tier shit

First big money pro scene, popularized esports
Multiple full time pros
Still played competitively today

>> No.1271146


OP here, please stop this shit. This thread wasn't suppose to be dickwaving contest for who 90s penis looked better. While is partically related to the competition of the n64 and how the 64dd could have caused that, I don't it's necessary important to bring which one could output the best graphics. The fifth generation has ended and you're not going to convince anyone who already minds made up and shut for discussion.

I want to say that I feel that the 64DD is an overlooked aspect for one of the reason why the N64 did so bad. I wanted to point how much time and resources were spent in trying to make games for and developing it. That time could have used to make more games for the vanilla system from the start instead of always promising to release for this add-on.
The 64DD is such a forgotten piece of hardware and yet so much was promised for it.

>> No.1271151

>Stop having a discussion about video games
How about no?

>> No.1271150

Is this our resident n64 autist? Kid why do you even care about it so much? Its like one of the worst retro consoles next to the 1st gen shit.

>> No.1271154


I would say the N64 was pretty good at living up to the hype. The average gamer at the time didn't even own a pc, so stuff like SM64 was brand new.

>> No.1271157

>Let me continue a discussion I already had a million times before

>> No.1271162

>We can never talk about the same topic ever again ever.

>> No.1271165

Yeah, I can't relate to that since I did. Although if it lived up to the hype, whats up with that psx and it's huge sales numbers?

>> No.1271168


It's kind of sad that the gaming industry is still so secretive, protective, and of course only interested in making money.

Nothing would stop Nintendo from releasing some sort of special "the lost 64DD demos" compilation, featuring things like URA Zelda.

But alas, our hobby has another 20 years or more to mature to the level where things like that get released. And by then, they will probably be long lost.

>> No.1271171

The DD was basically recycled into the expansion packs, thanks to Acclaim Austin demonstrating Turok 2 @ 640x480 using an 8MB ram devkit, and convincting Nintendo to release the expansion pack to the general public.

>> No.1271173

That's still software-rendered 3D though. Not impressive. Yeah, it looks good. But no way it plays better than Flying Dragon or Smash Bros.
Is mouselook where you turn to the side and it rotates your character? If so then it sucks and always will suck. If there were buttons on a mouse to pan the camera freely like JFG does as you strafe (yeah it tps but its got the concept down), it still wouldn't be better than an analog scheme where you can control by putting as much pressure as you need. Didn't the Shadowrun devs once pit console players vs PC to test something and found the former "surprisingly" won? I think that's why.

>> No.1271175


The PlayStation was cheaper. The games available to it had a more a mass appeal. And they were very good.

The N64 may be remembered as a kiddie system, but for those who were there for the first couple of years, and played the premier titles when they were first released, they will remember the N64 was the "enthusiast" system. People who really loved video games bought N64s (and PlayStations).

People who wanted to race cars or play sports bought PlayStations (but not N64s).

>> No.1271179

only good version of golden eye


>> No.1271180

Racing is the only genre besides 3d collectathons that the N64 excelled at, though...

>> No.1271181

Goldeneye has much more fog than Perfect Dark, but it does have massive, decent looking maps. Maps like Jungle are using the fog more for atmosphere than framerate - also, to mask the linear nature of the jungle itself.

The N64 had bottlenecking problems, but it was pretty darn good for 1995-ish hardware priced at 200 US dollars.

>> No.1271182


Virtua Fighter 3 is a very good fighting game. Different than those you listed, but still held in extremely high regard.

>> No.1271184

>thinking Flying Dragon or Smash Bros is better than VF3
>still not knowing what mouse look is
>thinking the best FPS control method ever invented is shit

>> No.1271186


"race cars", as in things such as the NASCAR series, Need for Speed, and Gran Turismo

>> No.1271190

Those of us?

The only people who really fanboyed the 64 at the time who I knew were younger kids who didn't have the option of getting both. There were a couple fun multiplayer games on the n64, it was good at parties, and that was about it. All the excitement was happening on the psx.

>> No.1271191

>Is mouselook where you turn to the side and it rotates your character?
Am I being rused?
>Didn't the Shadowrun devs once pit console players vs PC to test something and found the former "surprisingly" won? I think that's why.

>> No.1271192

Shadowrun never pitted console vs PC because it would have been an embarrassment. There's no fun in such an uneven battle. I know, because I played Quake 3 on PC against Dreamcast players in the short time we were allowed on their servers. Dreamcast players didn't stand a chance.

>> No.1271193

What about FPS, wrestling, puzzle games, and ARPGs? Paper Mario is a masterpiece. Ocarina of Time isn't a platformer - it doesn't even have a jump button. The N64 did have excellent platformers, though - however, they were hardly the N64's big strength.

>> No.1271195


The N64 is actually pretty good for puzzle games, FPS, multi-player party games, and Smash spawned a whole new genre.

>> No.1271198

N64 has exactly one excellent platformer: Mischief Makers.

>> No.1271202

I'm hardly a fanboy for the N64, but as someone who played PC at the time and entirely skipped owning that generations of consoles, N64 MURDERED the Playstation at multiplayer. There were many awesome 4 player games for the system, while with the Playstation only 2 people could play, so no deathmatches. If you went to hang out with several friends, there wasn't any contest at all as to which vidya to play.

>> No.1271204

You didn't know enough people in that case, or didn't have a strong enough connection to the gaming community.

In the late 90s, most people who would be called "hardcore gamers" (stupid but popular term of the time) owned at least 2 systems, more likely 4 to 5 counting previous generations.

Everyone played everything (except PC, which was a different scene).

If you stuck to one system only, sorry, you weren't really "in it".

>> No.1271206

So what Paper Mario RPG is very good? Still the saturn had a more solid RPG lineup. FPS games were good because you could do the splitscreen for duke and shit. What good action RPGs did n64 have though i am drawing a blank there. Saturn even has it beat there too,

>> No.1271208

They did pit them. At a convention like 6 years ago. The console players had like a 60% win streak.
No ruse.
I mean react realistically. Grab their heads, croches, rears, legs. Get hit by shotgun and spin out. React to rails, furniture, whatever. And lingering dead bodies. Cadavers. That don't phase away.

>> No.1271209

Not to mention, the REAL enthusiast system was the Saturn, there is no ifs ands or buts around this. Only little kids and their older brothers had the N64.

Yeah, shitty foggy rally racing games and shitty futuristic racers (sans F-Zero) is really excelling. Meanwhile, on systems with Need for Speed, V-Rally, Gran Turismo, Wipeout...

>> No.1271210

if everybody had their own playstation you could lan DOOM though doom64 has no multiplayer which was fucking whack as fuck.

>> No.1271212

No doubt. It's just if you only had a 64 at the time, you'd be missing out on all the goodness coming out on the psx.

>> No.1271214
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>> No.1271216

Wrestling, well, I'll grant you that. Not a fan of the genre.

FPS...eh, kind of. There is much to be said about 4 player splitscreen. I had serious fun with Goldeneye, Duke 3d, and others. But it was only strong in that genre compared to the Playstation.

Action RPGs? List some besides paper mario... That's like saying the system was great for tactical strategy rpgs, because it has one, and that one was good.

>> No.1271220

>Not to mention, the REAL enthusiast system was the Saturn,

I will agree with this, but I will add the Saturn's appeal was not so much from a technical perspective (though it was a hoss in 2d applications), but mostly because of the allure of very weird and imported Japanese titles. There were very few "casual" Saturn owners.

>> No.1271223

Sure nintendo kiddy.

>> No.1271225

okay when did paper mario become an action RPG?

>> No.1271226


Zelda was/is considered an action rpg.

>> No.1271227

The only way the console players could possibly have won if is the PC gamers had deliberately crippled controls and the console gamers had excellent autoaim.

In a fair match, as was actually tried with Quake 3, the PC players had about 10:1 kill ratio.

>> No.1271228

>That's still software-rendered 3D though

>Graphics Chip: 2× Lockheed Martin Real3D/Pro-1000

You don't know a goddamn thing do you?, shut up already.

>> No.1271231

>not impressed by military grade hardware
>goes ape shit for some blurry textures baby box
now that is retarded

>> No.1271232

And those two systems would not comprise of a N64 at all.

>> No.1271235

And by "fair" I mean no autoaim or crippled controls for anybody, which is obviously hideously unfair to the console players.

>> No.1271237

Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask are both technically ARPGs.
Hybrid Heaven is more or less an ARPG.

Also, the N64 had great TPS games like Jet Force Gemini, Winback, Army Men, and Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness is technically a TPS since you use can use a pistol. Though I suppose there was an element of hack and slash - same goes for Nightmare Creatures.

>> No.1271238

>I mean react realistically. Grab their heads, croches, rears, legs. Get hit by shotgun and spin out. React to rails, furniture, whatever.
This isn't exactly a showcase of the technical prowess of the N64 but more the creative programming of Rare, like I said this was already inspired from Virtua Cop and someone else noted in several Quake mods. It isn't taxing to play different animations based on where you hit.

>> No.1271241

>talk about owning systems from every major label
>get called a nintendo kiddy

I guess that's that.

>> No.1271245

The n64 was really the first step towards what nintendo is doing with the wii today. It was really good for party type games. It just didn't have the single player library to carry it very far. That's why the only real fanboy-ish shit you see with it is from kids who grew up with it. Had to live through missing out on all the cool new shit coming out on the psx. Everyone else just got both.

>> No.1271248

>assuming that's the same person

>> No.1271253


>implying people would own only PlayStation and Saturn

A very rare combo.

If you had a Saturn you were probably one of two possibilities

1. A kid whose mom and dad didn't really know what they were getting, and you weren't really into games at all. The Saturn collected dust.

2. A kid who really loved video games, and would play every good title they could get their hands on, no matter the platform. This person is likely to own all three systems of the time, along with several older systems.

Also, in 1998 I knew approximately 30 different gamers in my school. ALL but one of them had a PlayStation. At least half had N64s. Two,not including myself had a Saturn (also owned N64s).

>> No.1271254

The N64 had no shortage of adult titles, and story-driven singleplayer games. The fact it also had great MP support and lots of games for kids was just a bonus.

>> No.1271256

The N64's appeal wasn't from a technical standpoint either, even if you knew nothing about the insides you knew enough that it had CARTRIDGES which costed about 80-90 dollars per game. And if you knew just a little more you would have known the space was seriously limited compared to a CD. This is all without going into the graphical problems of the system.

There are pretty much no appeals to it at all and only kids who grew up with it defend it. For everyone else who consider themselves enthusiasts know the system as a huge leap backwards from the SNES's greatness.

>> No.1271258

bahahaha it did so have a shortage there is a like a 10 to 1 ratio at least comparing it to every other console at the time

>> No.1271260

Compared to the psx it did.

>> No.1271261

>The N64 had no shortage of adult titles
Except it did. Turok and Conker don't equal miles and miles of 'adult' titles.

>story-driven singleplayer games.
Except it did. Enjoy you're 2 RPGs

>The fact it also had great MP support and lots of games for kids was just a bonus.
If you consider 90 percent of the library as a 'bonus' sure.

>> No.1271263

>bahahaha it did so have a shortage there is a like a 10 to 1 ratio at least comparing it to every other console at the time
That would hinge on how you define "adult" games. The N64 had a lot of racing and sports games. Are those kids games or adult games?

On the other sides, are JRPGs generally designated as kid's games? They're seemingly aimed at a young\teen market.

>> No.1271265


At launch time, there was no single game like Super Mario 64, on any platform. It was considered a huge, revolutionary title. If you'd argue against that, you're just a fool.

>> No.1271268

I was assuming you were talking about an enthusiast 'hardcore gamer' who browsed USENET and was well informed about video games, not a kid.

>> No.1271270


JRPG's were strictly teen fodder.

>> No.1271271

That's one game. PSX was knocking out new genres faster than the n64 was making games.

>> No.1271272

i think sports or racing are games for anyone, when I hear adult I think M-rated

>> No.1271273

>Except it did. Turok and Conker don't equal miles and miles of 'adult' titles.
You're forgetting...

Shadow Man.
Indiana Jones.
Nightmare Creatures.
Resident Evil.
World is Not Enough.
Starcraft 64.
Doom 64.
Quake 64 and Quake 2.
Duke Nukem 3D.
Duke Nukem Zero Hour.
Shadowgate 64.

And so on. These are games aimed at adults.

>> No.1271274

Mario 64 isn't a feat in technical prowess more so a feat revolutionary game design. We're talking about the hardware here.

>> No.1271275


Those guys are less than 1% of the small group of dedicated gamers of the time, and they would usually own all three systems. More of them did own Saturns, because of fighting games and import JRPGs.

>> No.1271278

You listed daikatana. Good job faggot.

>> No.1271279

>Mario 64 isn't a feat in technical prowess
It does run at a solid 30fps. And the animation system was peerless.

>> No.1271280

90 percent of those games are on PSX/PC too unless you forgot.


>> No.1271282

Perhaps, but it was rarely in the category of "wow, this is the game I always dreamed of" in the way something like Ocarina of Time was. Only Metal Gear Solid, and perhaps Final Fantasy come to mind there.

>> No.1271285

>solid 30fps
Sadly this is actually impressive by N64 standards

>> No.1271292

>make a thread on /vr/ about a platform with actual games worth playing i.e. DOS, Vectrex, Neo Geo + NGPC, etc.
>thread lucky to break 100 replies in a week most likely ends up dying before that

>make a thread about a piece of shit near-vaporwave obscure N64 add on
>Over 100 posts in 3 hours

Seriously, just ignore these faggots. It's obvious that we're plagued with underage Youtube Nintenkiddies at this point. Best to leave them to their shit containment threads.

>> No.1271293

Depends what you like, I would take something like kings field over zelda any day though. Not saying zelda is bad but I like creating my own adventure and not following a scripted one. It was also technically impressive because it never had load screens between any areas either.

>> No.1271294

I guess 64DD threads are impossible on /vr/. The same old trolls will find too easy fishing.

Try again in the daytime OP.

>> No.1271297

>You listed daikatana. Good job faggot.
It's a god-awful game compared to the decent PC original, but it counts.

>90 percent of those games are on PSX/PC too unless you forgot.
And many of the PS1's titles were on other platforms - such as PC.

>> No.1271303

The fact that it runs at a solid 30fps with incredibly tiny textures and low poly counts sure is a prowess for the N64

>>You didn't know enough people in that case, or didn't have a strong enough connection to the gaming community.

>>In the late 90s, most people who would be called "hardcore gamers" (stupid but popular term of the time) owned at least 2 systems, more likely 4 to 5 counting previous generations.
Kids aren't the 'hardcore gaming community' and once again no they would not own a N64 for the previously mentioned reasons that anyone who knew about video games at the time would be aware of. Only kids who wanted the latest Nintendo for the new Pokemon convinced their parents to get it.

>> No.1271305

its fun though man, I'm just as annoyed as you are. Its a shame to see good threads get bumped down as n64 kiddy shit rules the place, honestly what the fuck can you do though? Ignoring it doesn't work or else they start to think the n64 was actually good if nobody is there to tell them off.

>> No.1271307


There are very few kids on this board. Don't underestimate the ability of late 20 year olds and 30 somethings to fight the same fights they fought at the lunch table 15 years ago.

>> No.1271308

Did you forget resident evil 1, and 3, dino crisis, galerians, etc? How many survival horror games made it to the 64? One, with some really heavy video compression?

How long was it before nightmare creatures made the transition over to the 64 from the psx? Did the sequel ever make it onto the 64?

Compare ratings on those castlevanias. PSX got SOTN, one of the most highly rated in the series. You got the average one over there.

Bunch of PC ports, some of which weren't even good on PC. Much less without the mouse.

>> No.1271315

>The average gamer at the time didn't even own a pc
You mean the average underage suburb faggot like you. Everyone who wasn't a little Mario kiddie was gaming on PC and PS1 by that point. So much fucking ignorance in this thread it's laughable. It's like I'm really on Youtube.

>> No.1271316

Like all of those are ports to the n64, its not like you bought an n64 for adult titles its like HEY DAD now you can play games on your kids system too. We got that doom game everybody talks about at the office but its not the same.

>> No.1271317

>It's a god-awful game compared to the decent PC original, but it counts.
Pretty much the entire 3rd party N64 library summed up.

>> No.1271326

>There are very few kids on this board.
I love how often I see this blatant fallacy posted. Anyone who's been here for any actual length of time knows this entire site has been overrun by underage kids. Retro gaming is currently going through a huge fad right now, of course there are underage fucking kids on /vr/. If everyone was in their late 20's and early 30's we wouldn't be discussing this Fisher Price kids console.

>> No.1271328

>How long was it before nightmare creatures made the transition over to the 64 from the psx?
About 11 months.
>Compare ratings on those castlevanias. PSX got SOTN, one of the most highly rated in the series. You got the average one over there.
The N64 got two Castlevania's. The ho-hum C64, and the awesome Legacy of Darkness. The problem was some people just didn't like the transition to 3D.

>> No.1271329

>If everyone was in their late 20's and early 30's we wouldn't be discussing this Fisher Price kids console.
No, we'd be talking about it, we just wouldn't be deluded about it's power or library.

>> No.1271336


It was 1996. About 64% of households still did not have a computer, and of course most of those that did have one did not have the latest tech to be able to play something like Quake. A lot of people still had 486 boxes.

>> No.1271334

>Like all of those are ports to the n64
Doom 64 is a totally original game.
World is Not Enough was an original game.
Perfect Dark and Goldeneye were both original games.
Turok 3 was an N64 exclusive.

>> No.1271335

We're not even talking about the DD but just about how weak it is

>> No.1271340

Oh god, the game you always dreamed of? I don't think it matters what I would say if oot qualifies as that to you...

>> No.1271341


The late 20 somethings were 10-13 years old during the N64's glory years. It's quite natural for it to be a big topic here.

>> No.1271345

oh thats very true. You can't have serious discussion though because if you don't declare n64 supremacy then you hate it by their logic.

>> No.1271347

Since when was the PC version good? That thing was garbage. Romero made anyone who bought it his bitch.

>> No.1271348


You know what, I think you're just an edgy faggot.

>> No.1271349

Yeah, and most people didn't own an N64 in it's first year. By 1998 everyone had a PC, many more people than the paltry 30 million who bought an N64 by 2005. Just because you were too young to remember this doesn't mean it's not true.

>> No.1271350

The N64 DD is basically the expansion pack + a magnetic disc format. Games like Perfect Dark and Bad Fur Day would've been exactly the same on the DD, but they might've had slightly longer load breaks, and manufacturing costs would've been cheaper.

>> No.1271351

yeah 75% of them were still ports my point still stands...

>> No.1271356

>By 1998 everyone had a PC, many more people than the paltry 30 million who bought an N64 by 2005.
To put things in perspective, the N64 sold 32 million, but the Xbox sold 24 million. The N64 was a pretty successful console.

>> No.1271357

Anyone who wasn't a sheltered, autistic retard went PC or PS1. Maybe Saturn. The N64 is a kid's console with a very limited selection of genres and this has always been common knowledge among gamers.

>> No.1271358
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>Actually believing the N64 wasn't the weakest piece of crap around

>> No.1271359

Like I said, 30 million is nothing compared to the hundreds of millions with PCs in 1998. XBox has nothing to do with it, keep grasping at straws.

>> No.1271360

Actually, the list shrinks further. Quake 2 wasn't a port. And games like Shadow Man were kinda built for the N64, as were all the Turok games, since Acclaim had a close relationship with Nintendo.

>> No.1271361

n64 might have had powerful 3d but its textures were god awful. Playstation games always had nicer textures, the monsters in monster rancher 2 are way more detailed than any n64 textures I can think of from any game

>> No.1271362

Hey, if oot is the game you always dreamed of. Holy shit.

>> No.1271364

The Playstation was way more of a dudebro non-gamer console than the Xbox ever was.

>> No.1271365


Follow the thread, this goes back to

>I would say the N64 was pretty good at living up to the hype. The average gamer at the time didn't even own a pc, so stuff like SM64 was brand new.

Which refers to launch, in 1996.

I'm 29 btw.

And even in 1998, not everyone had a PC. They were getting a lot more common (census says 42% of households), but still not really there as a mainstream gaming platform.

>> No.1271368

the xbox was a Dell PC with a console interface, see by then people were buying computers and didnt even know it

>> No.1271369

>it was more successful at introducing people to console gaming than my beloved NES or SNES so it was a dudebro console!!!

>> No.1271370

>The Playstation was way more of a dudebro non-gamer console than the Xbox ever was.
The N64 pioneered console FPS games. Goldeneye sold more copies than Halo. Isn't FPS basically the most dudebro genre in existence?

>> No.1271375

It was widely considered the greatest single player game of all time up til very recently. If it surprises you that a person would say it was a dream game, you're kind of a dumbass.

>> No.1271376

50% of all households. Hundreds upon hundreds of millions of people. If you were 29 you'd know PC gaming was huge in the late 90's as were PCs in general. You're so underage it's disgusting. Get off this website.

>> No.1271378
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>Playstation games always had nicer textures, the monsters in monster rancher 2 are way more detailed than any n64 textures I can think of from any game
What about Bad Fur Day or Perfect Dark? Or Turok 3?

>> No.1271379

You could play Quake on a 486 if you didn't mind N64 level framerates.

>> No.1271380


No, I don't really agree with that.

It did have more of an appeal to the sort of dude-bros you're talking about, but it also had such a depth of more alternative, interesting titles the Xbox did not. For every Madden there was also a Carnage Heart.

>> No.1271381
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So what if it ran at 15fps during cutscenes - Turok 3 had mindblowing model and texture quality.

>> No.1271382

>showing upscaled emulator screenshots as evidence

Somebody post that Xenogears portrait screenshot on a similar setup

>> No.1271384

By fucking who?! You subjective mother fuckers.

That game had a small fucking dedicated audience and they're vocal as fuck about it. Doesn't make it best thing ever.

>> No.1271387

>The N64 was a pretty successful console.
>Lose nearly all third party support
>Distant third place in all markets except America (compare with second place in all markets sans Japan for Xbox)
>Only 300 games released in total lifetime (compare with 700 for Xbox)
>Considered financial failure by Nintendo
>Still hasn't recovered third party support since the N64
Sure is success in here.

>> No.1271389

>Somebody post that Xenogears portrait screenshot on a similar setup
Compared to the N64, the PS1 comes across really badly in upscaled bullshots because of the low quality textures and low poly models - games like Vagrant Story look horrific.

>> No.1271391

says 42%

PC gaming was getting there no doubt, but it was still really a year away from breaking through.

You can drop the age thing. Even among trolls its déclassé. You're embarrassing your kind.

>> No.1271392

>greatest single player game of all time
>runs at 20fps

This is what N64 fanboys actually believe

>> No.1271393
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n64 had nothing this good

>> No.1271394


Almost every publication of the time.

>> No.1271396

>>Lose nearly all third party support
This is untrue. Most major publishers supported the N64 - especially non-Japanese ones. Ubisoft launched Rayman 2 on the N64. Konami released a number of games. DMA design, aka Rockstar, releas ed two. Acclaim released several. The system got all 3 Tony Hawk games. Etc.

>> No.1271398

>Upscaled screenshots
Can't wait for somebody to start posting high-resoltuion texture pictures too as N64 games.

Also Rare games are the exception as they were able to work around the N64's SHIT hardware to get good image quality.

>> No.1271402

Great. So that means it's just as good as bioshock infinite, tlou, etc. Thanks for informing me of that.

>> No.1271404


What can I say, you got me. FPS is the only thing that matters to the quality of a great video game.

>> No.1271405

>n64 had nothing this good
What about Infernal Machine?


>> No.1271407

>still waging the same console war nearly 18 years later

>> No.1271408

8% doesn't change the fact it was hundreds of millions of people, you retarded son of a bitch. Anyone who was serious about gaming and not a 6 year old Nintendo kid like you was gaming on PC by 1998 over N64. Seriously, you're such a deluded shill it's disgusting. Like 1% of homes had an N64. 32 million is nothing.

>> No.1271409

Necessary but not sufficient.

>> No.1271412

Throwing a few bones their way is not the same as actual support. They still throw a few bones to the Wii U as well, doesn't mean it has solid third party support.

>> No.1271413

>Most major publishers supported the N64 - especially non-Japanese ones
By support you mean seldomly release multiplats? Sure they did that. Compare with the 2,500 games released for the PSX.

>> No.1271414

It must continue

>> No.1271417

How many of those were japan exclusive?

>> No.1271418

>People legitimately believing the N64 had powerful hardware or a good library
I can't sit around and let people be wrong.

>> No.1271419

>Compare with the 2,500 games released for the PSX.
Nintendo never had any intention of allowing that quantity of games on the N64. That's why the had a quality assurance process which would reject games for having a single noticable glitch. Even some wobbling textures was enough to get your game sent packing.

>> No.1271424

Whats a 64DD ?

>> No.1271421

Probably the number of N64 games ever released, aka almost nothing.

>> No.1271425


Those games are part of a new era of blockbuster games, one which OoT had an instrumental part of creating. But I think the anticipation, and subsequent adoration of even those can compare to Zelda in 1998. The only games that have been as hyped are maybe Super Mario Bros 3 and Halo 2.

>> No.1271426

>What about Infernal Machine?
Infernal Machine is a legendary game because almost nobody has actually played the N64 version. One day, emulation will allow us to post endless bullshots.

Oh, and the fact it runs at 640x480 @ 30 fps.

>> No.1271428

So that's why the system has a higher ratio of shovelware to good games than the PS1? Yeah, great job at quality control there.

>> No.1271429

Using Ctrl+F "JP" on the wikipedia list shows that 1,100 of those 2,500 games were released in Japan. This means that 1,400 of those games did not even make it to Japan.

>> No.1271431

You're not alone, majority of the thread posters doesn't know.

>> No.1271430

>Whats a 64DD ?
Double Drive. It was an add on which contained the expansion pack and a magnetic disc drive which took 64MB discs. Also, a modem for online MP.

>> No.1271434
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If it isn't popular or a troll thread, no one cares. Am I going to have to samefag my own threads at this point?

>> No.1271435

>That's why the had a quality assurance process which would reject games for having a single noticable glitch. Even some wobbling textures was enough to get your game sent packing.
Well, with such great games like Superman 64 and Blues Brothers 2000 I can see Nintendo was really on the ball with their quality assurance!

>> No.1271436

>So that's why the system has a higher ratio of shovelware to good games than the PS1?
"Good games" and "shovelware" are subjective terms.

For example - one could argue that not only are 99% of racing and JRPG games shovelware because they're all basically the same damn game with a slightly different plot and\or cars - but they're not good games.

>> No.1271437

Underage Nintendo kiddies don't even know the name of the failed peripheral we're discussing. It's a disk drive you idiot. You know, because it was running those outdated, cheap pieces of shit called floppy disks back when everyone had already moved on to CD?

>> No.1271438

Also 1,400 is almost 5 times 300.

>> No.1271440

JRPGs are only 90% shovelware. You got a few like FFVIII that did things differently.

>> No.1271442

Hyped it was. Rated because of that hype.... Yep. Good old IGN, keeping it anything but real. Good game, sure. But blow off your socks?

Already saw more impressive 3d on the PC, better stories and such from psx games, and too much hype. Even going through and replaying oot quite a few years later, I still like lttp quite a bit more.

>> No.1271443

Sure, I do it all the time.

>> No.1271446

>it's subjective when a few stubborn retards disagree
No. The definition of shovelware is widely agreed upon. You've got your head so far up your own ass you'll be coming out the other side soon.

>> No.1271447

Nothing wrong with a little bit of good ol' samefagging.

>> No.1271449

>It's a disk drive you idiot. You know, because it was running those outdated, cheap pieces of shit called floppy disks back when everyone had already moved on to CD?
Actually, NOBODY had used magnetic discs for a console before.

>> No.1271451

>Actually, NOBODY had used magnetic discs for a console before.
Can't tell if you're being sarcastic

>> No.1271452

>The definition of shovelware is widely agreed upon.
Yes. The it's called "90% of games on the PS1 and Wii." Cheap games with poor quality control churned out to make a quick buck.

>> No.1271453

Maybe because they offer no significant advantages over CDs and hold 10 times less data? Maybe because they've always been archaic pieces of trash?

>> No.1271454
File: 159 KB, 800x600, playstation-40149-41323666054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its nice but still notice how the textures on the rocks arent as detailed. Even the first tomb raider game had some more detail on the textures. Playstation textures do float like a mother fucker though in some games, ill take that trade off though it doesn't really bother me I find it kind of funny.

>> No.1271457

You mean like the floppy drive for the NES?

>> No.1271460

>Cheap games with poor quality control churned out to make a quick buck.
Pretty much every third party game on the N64 that didn't have 'Rare' 'Midway' or 'Acclaim' written on it.

>> No.1271461

>on the PS1
That's not how you spell N64. You know, that system that only had Mario clones and Zelda? Yeah, that one. Oops, sorry, I just described every Nintendo console ever.

>> No.1271462

It's the truth. At the time, zip drives were taking off on PC, IIRC. So the idea of putting what amounted to a zip drive in a console, and allowing large amounts of data to be written to said zip drive, was quite revolutionary.

>Maybe because they offer no significant advantages over CDs and hold 10 times less data?
They're generally faster than CD drives, and they offer the ability to write to the disc. Ocarina of Time was originally going to store a lot of data about player interaction with the world - which trees they'd cut down, their footprints, etc.

>> No.1271465

Magnetic tape, sure but discs?
Please name some.

I guess the Famicom Disk System could count.

>> No.1271468

>Even the first tomb raider game had some more detail on the textures
Those textures aren't detailed - they're just unfiltered. On the N64, those rocks would have that smooth look of N64 games.

>> No.1271469

A memory card can save that data too. That's not an advantage, every 5th gen system already had that capability. Slightly faster load times for shit, compressed games with the worst audio of any 5th gen system. I'll take CDs thanks.

>> No.1271470

nah 4 kb texture cache says otherwise

>> No.1271474

>I just described every Nintendo console ever.
Hey, the SNES and NES actually had third party support! It's the N64 that came and ruined everything

>> No.1271479

>You know, that system that only had Mario clones and Zelda?
That would have to be the SNES. The N64 had games like Goldeneye, which sold 8.5 million copies. Or Perfect Dark, which sold 3.5 million copies.

>A memory card can save that data too.
The N64 had memory cards. But both N64 and PS1 memory cards were very small - rewritable flash memory was expensive. The DD was going to offer as much of the magnetic disc as devs were willing to spare.

>> No.1271480


Why is it that modern Nintendo consoles have such shit 3rd party support?

>> No.1271481

If they were filtered they'd look Dreamcast quality. N64 textures were 8x16 at most. I know this having dumped N64 textures.

PSX textures meanwhile were usually 128x128 or 256x256. That's detail you're seeing.

>> No.1271483


But the best selling PC game of 1998, Starcraft, sold 1.5 million units. Very impressive, but not the massive distribution you're implying. Those hundreds of millions of households with PCs were not all playing the newest 3d stuff.

For comparision, Resident Evil 2 sold over 2 million, and Ocarina of Time held a respectable 1.1 million.

>> No.1271484

>nah 4 kb texture cache says otherwise
The texture cache could be overcome. Devs just had to blend multiple 64x64 textures.

>> No.1271489

Because Nintendo ruined themselves with the piece of shit that was the N64 so bad that not even the Gamecube could save them.

And then they decided they didn't even need 3rd parties anyways, just gimmicks.

>> No.1271494

>muh Goldeneye
And Doom has been ported to every system ever. And PS1 FPS's actually controlled worth a fuck. If you were playing FPS games on the N64 and thinking they were good I actually feel sorry for you. Everyone else was playing Unreal Tournament or other real FPSs on PC. Not to mention Goldeneye runs like shit.

>> No.1271495
File: 112 KB, 500x700, tumblr_mwv64a5DDf1qdri3zo3_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucking thread

I actually stopped to check if I'd accidentally click on /v/

>> No.1271496

>Two games from the same second party

>> No.1271502

>adventure time
I actually stopped to check if I'd accidentally click on Tumblr

>> No.1271504

So the best selling PC game still outsold the best selling Shit64 game. And that doesn't factor in people who weren't retarded and got the cracked version. Thanks for proving me right.

>> No.1271506

As long as I keep feeding the troll in this thread, he won't be shitting all over the place in the others. This is a containment thread, you see...

>> No.1271512

It's a containment thread for underage Nintendo "gamers". I think you should stay.

>> No.1271514

Nobody's pretending the N64 was the leader at the time. Only saying that PC gaming wasn't the dominant form.

As far as cracks, there's no data, so it's really not worth thinking about.

>> No.1271516

So let me get this straight.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to like, or have ever liked the Nintendo Ultra 64 if you are over the age of 30.


>> No.1271517

I can't believe you are STILL grasping at straws after being stupid enough to go and post the actual sales numbers proving me right. More people were gaming on PC than N64. Exactly what I said in the very beginning, shit-for-brains.

>> No.1271518

Nobody even knows what the argument is anymore, this all started because some idiot said that the N64 had powerful hardware

>> No.1271521

The argument between me and that retard started here.
And ended when he posted the sales figures proving me right. He's an underage retard, just ignore him.

>> No.1271523

Yes, it is impossible to LIKE a Nintendo 64 if you are over the age of 30, since you would know it's a piece of shit compared to the PSX and Nintendo's earlier SNES

>> No.1271525

No, you said they were in 1996. Which is not true.

>> No.1271528

And yet, there are millions of people over 30 who do like it.

What's that say about you?

>> No.1271531

>It was 1996. About 64% of households still did not have a computer
That's still more than the minuscule amount of people stupid enough to buy an N64 in 1996. It came out Fall 1996 and had 2 fucking games. No one bought that piece of shit. You're still wrong you stupid fucking cocksucker.

>> No.1271535

How fat are you?

>> No.1271536

It's a containment thread for shitposters.
How much is this discussion remotely related to the 64dd.

>> No.1271538


The original point was about whether or not the N64 delivered on the hype for the people who bought it. It doesn't really matter about the numbers.

What does matter is the vast majority of people who bought or received Nintendo 64 systems (many of which were teens, no matter how much you may believe otherwise) were blown away by the system, because they had no experience with the most modern PC games of the time.

>> No.1271542

How stupid are you? Nice ad hominem you stupid fuck. I proved you wrong, you little underage suburb Mario faggot. No one bought you Fisher Price console because real gamers played on anything but an N64. Get the fuck over it and grow up kid.

>> No.1271543

>If you were playing FPS games on the N64 and thinking they were good I actually feel sorry for you. Everyone else was playing Unreal Tournament or other real FPSs on PC. Not to mention Goldeneye runs like shit.
But Unreal Tournament is an MP FPS game. It's very different to singleplayer games like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark.

>> No.1271547


Goldeneye has a great single player campaign, but the real star is the multiplayer.

>> No.1271548

>What does matter is the vast majority of people who bought or received Nintendo 64 systems (many of which were teens, no matter how much you may believe otherwise) were blown away by the system, because they had no experience with the most modern PC games of the time.
And you're still fucking projecting. I was actually there at the time and had hair on my balls while you were still sucking on your mother's nipple. I know how it was kid. The N64 was always a little kid console. No one bought it, real gamers played PC or PS1. Get over it fuckface.

>> No.1271554

>over 30
Sincerely doubt that. Most N64fags are '90's kids' who think it's great because they grew up with it.

>> No.1271557

Except UT had a campaign. Why open your mouth when you haven't even played it? Fucking kids are so desperate to defend their precious N64 nostalgia it's pathetic.

>> No.1271558

>No one bought it

It sold out during the initial holiday season. There were lots of news reports about the lengths people went to find a system. I don't know how long it continued to be difficult to find, but at launch, it was definitely a success from a sales point of view.

As 1997 came on, the gap between Nintendo and Sony got a lot wider.

>> No.1271559

No, I'm seriously curious how fat you'd have to be to be a grown man who gets mad at kids on the internet.

>> No.1271561


>> No.1271563


A 30 year old would be born in 1983. That's the definition of a 90s kid.

>> No.1271565
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>N64 textures were 8x16 at most. I know this having dumped N64 textures.
This is untrue. For example, Ocarina of Time used a 64x32 texture just for Link's facial expression. The max texture size was 64x64, or some division of this, such as 128x32.

>> No.1271567

>mad at kids on the internet
>ADMITTING you're a kid
If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

Get the fuck off here now you little piece of shit. Youtube Nintendo faggots like you are ruining this board.

>> No.1271568

You're confused again. This is 1996. It's 36% of households at the time. And that number includes outdated PCs. If someone owned a Commodore 64 they would have counted in these statistics.

>> No.1271569

>Except UT had a campaign.
A paper thin campaign which is little more than a tutorial for MP. I was there, dude. I played UT.

>> No.1271576

You're being a faggot who pretends he didn't see what I wrote for the 100th time again.
>It was 1996. About 64% of households still did not have a computer

>> No.1271579

Y'know, guys, owning a PC didn't mean people actually bought PC games. Before Goldeneye, for example, people didn't buy millions upon millions of copies of FPS games.

Deus Ex, the darling child of /v/, only sold 1 million copies.

>> No.1271583

I looked that up, and it's actually lower than that.

U.S. Population 1998: 275,000,000
Number of Households with Personal Computers: 33,000,000

So it's around 8.3 percent.


>> No.1271584

>Before Goldeneye, for example, people didn't buy millions upon millions of copies of FPS games.
You Nintendo faggots are now trying to replace Doom and Wolfenstein with your utter SHIT Goldeneye? That's it, fuck /vr/. I'm done. This board is fucking ruined by underage ignorant faggot Nintendo kids. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.1271585

>That's the definition of a 90s kid.
>Not somebody who was born in the mid-90's tumblr definition

>What does matter is the vast majority of people who bought or received Nintendo 64 systems (many of which were teens, no matter how much you may believe otherwise) were blown away by the system, because they had no experience with the most modern PC games of the time.
Ha ha HA HA nooooooooooooo. Many of which who got a N64 were just like that kid on youtube. That's the N64 audience. Teens were playing on PSX or PC, Furthermore approximately zero people were blown away by the graphics because far better graphics were already demonstrated in arcade games years prior, including the much anticipated "Cruisn USA"

>> No.1271586

There are more countries in the world than the US you fucking braindead moron. Keep grasping at straws, you kids will doublethink so hard for your precious Nintendo it's flat out autistic.

>> No.1271587

This guy is hilarious. I'm picturing a morbidly obese 40 year old neckbeard with sweat running down his race raging impotently at people over the internet who don't share his taste in children toys.

>> No.1271589


Wait a minute, I messed that up.

I used 1998's population.

The correct number is 7.9%

>> No.1271590

Hey guys, here's a great joke. N64 isn't for kids. LOL

>> No.1271592

Holy fuck kid, you're seriously pathetic. If anyone is laughable in this thread it's you faggots. Get the fuck off /vr/ retard.

>> No.1271593

It's a Japan-only Add-On for the 64 it had some games for it, but it's mostly well for for the F-Zero Expansion kit, which added New Tracks&Music plus a Track/Car editor

>> No.1271594


This isn't an IM chatroom.

>> No.1271595


The US is a good measuring stick. I will admit more people in Japan, and maybe Europe had greater access to PCs.

But Japan is a completely different discussion. There are a lot of other factors to take into account in that country.

EU, I'd love to hear your experiences.

>> No.1271597
File: 156 KB, 1164x713, PD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect Dark used three 32x64 textures for each character head. Then it used an assortment of textures for each limb, and their main body.

>> No.1271604


>getting this mad over an 18 year old console

>> No.1271602


>> No.1271603

>You Nintendo faggots are now trying to replace Doom and Wolfenstein with your utter SHIT Goldeneye?
Doom and Wolfenstein didn't sell anywhere near 8.5 million copies. They did manage to shift heaps of shareware copies, though. Even the Quake games didn't sell very well.

>> No.1271608

Why are you so fluster?

>> No.1271610


>> No.1271612
File: 15 KB, 275x275, everybody needs a hobby .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never actually quoted a sales figure for the N64, but okay.

>typing in all caps

That means I "win", right? Judges?

ha ha we all lose, lol

I think I'm done for the night. It was fun.

>> No.1271614

doom was installed on more PCs than windows 95 and bill gates asked id to shill his OS

>> No.1271615

Those are still really tiny as fuck compared to the average rock texture of the PSX.

>> No.1271617


>> No.1271620
File: 2 KB, 32x64, 1387005206913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those are still really tiny as fuck compared to the average rock texture of the PSX.
The PS1 used larger textures. The N64 used more, smaller textures. This doesn't actually give the N64 higher texture quality. Turok 3 used 32x64 textures just for character EYEBALLS.

>> No.1271625

And you're the one calling other people underage?

>> No.1271626


I haven't even been a part of this conversation. I just think it is funny watching you get so mad over an 18 year old console.

>> No.1271627

>This doesn't actually give the N64 higher texture quality.
I meant to say, it doesn't give the PS1 or N64 higher texture quality, filtering aside. They just had different methods of mapping textures.

>> No.1271628

>Co-opting argument so N64fags look like they win
Come on. This doesn't magically make the N64 not underpowered shit that got spanked by the PSX in terms of everything.

>> No.1271634
File: 3 KB, 64x64, 1387005372525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also used 64x64 textures for character NPC hand models. All these individual textures add up to a pretty large assortment of textures on a single model.

>> No.1271635

I said I'm sick of the ignorance fucktard.
I said I'm sick of ignorant Youtube kids you fuckwad. Just read the ignorance in this thread. Look at how hard they are trying to justify their shit console and argue against any fucking point against it. We don't need blatant retards like that here.

>> No.1271640

Not really, very very very few PSX games went with any untextured polygons while most N64 games dealt with majority gourad shading/blurry textures before developers figured out tricks to get around the texture limit

>> No.1271651
File: 3 KB, 125x117, 1383022273840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you need to take a break and chill out.

>> No.1271652

>most N64 games dealt with majority gourad shading/blurry textures
Most N64 games had texturing. Even Ocarina of TIme had textures on Link. The ground textures were 32x32, though, which isn't that great.

>> No.1271656
File: 2 KB, 64x64, 1387005967440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness, as an example, had 64x64 textures for most surfaces. (floors, walls, props, etc) Which is actually pretty damn good.

>> No.1271665

>Ocarina of TIme had textures on Link
Nintendo had a technique where they would only texture parts of a model and leave the rest untextured, as I learned modifying SSB64 textures

I'm pretty sure link isn't entirely textured throughout the whole body. Plus, doesn't the tree textures in OOT consist of one very very tiny wood texture stretched out over the tree?

>> No.1271671

>Nintendo had a technique where they would only texture parts of a model and leave the rest untextured
That is true. A lot of N64 games also used black and white alpha textures, and added the colour data. (For example, the Nintendo logo is often just B&W in textures.)

>> No.1271675

>Nintendo had a technique where they would only texture parts of a model and leave the rest untextured
Didn't PS1 games exploit that trick, too? I'm pretty sure Crash Bandicoot and Spyro have untextures surfaces.

>> No.1271681

They may have, they didn't do it out of necessity though. Also Spyro is textured completely.

>> No.1271704

Worth noting that in Mario Kart, everything that wasn't shiny was fully textured. All the character models were sprites, too. Each character consisted of two 64x32 textures, but there were separate textures for a number of different positions relative to the camera, and characters leaning, etc. I think people tend to take that for granted.

>> No.1271712

That's not terribly impressive, while for texturing models the N64 was completely shit it was better for storing and displaying sprites, as demonstrated by several games. What's even less impressive is the framerate that MK64 has and even less impressive still is the fact that music is disabled in 4 player mode to save processing power to maintain 20fps.

>> No.1271718

>What's even less impressive is the framerate that MK64 has and even less impressive still is the fact that music is disabled in 4 player mode to save processing power to maintain 20fps.
What is Mario Kart 64's framerate, though?

>> No.1271732

I'm just guessing it's 20 I have no idea the real framerate but it has to be around 20 or 25

>> No.1271740

Emulators run the game at 30fps NTSC, 25fps PAL. But emulators aren't bottlenecked like the real N64.

>> No.1271748

>even less impressive still is the fact that music is disabled in 4 player mode to save processing power to maintain 20fps.
In MK64's defense, running 4 player splitscreen was pretty revolutionary. I don't remember which game featured it first, but Mario Kart 64 was the first I played. And the overheads are pretty serious.

>> No.1271760

5 player Bomberman on TG-16 is rocking stuff.

>> No.1271762
File: 335 KB, 500x420, tm2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

early ps1 games weren't too shoddy

>> No.1271764

ya missed a part.
and I bet you only played it on wii-ware bullshit

>> No.1271769

not as good as motoroader. That is some god tier vidya with friends. TG16 has the best multiplayer though. Sega Genesis might be better though general chaos with 4 people is the god tier as well

>> No.1271802

>music is disabled in 4 player mode to save processing power
This wasn't an uncommon practice. Diddy Kong Racing and Mickey Speedway USA did this, as well. Even Cruisn' Exotica.

>> No.1271825

That's because for whatever reason the N64 mixes music with the main processor which just makes the system even slower on top of all the other bottlenecks

>> No.1271837

Is the guy in the pool even trying to swim? He's just standing there.

>> No.1271842

>That's because for whatever reason the N64 mixes music with the main processor which just makes the system even slower on top of all the other bottlenecks
The N64 has no SPU. This does have the benefit of allowing non-standard audio behavior, such as surround sound, but it also means overheads.

>> No.1271869

I think /vr/ must have been linked over at gamefaqs or something similar because recently (in the past week or so) this kind of shit keeps happening.

>> No.1271875

Neither did the playstation.

>> No.1272565

One of the devs lied about it. They found out that the console guys got stomped hard. They even had to shit up the view and mouse controls for the PC player while the console players had autoaim/magnetism and still got crushed.

>> No.1272759

What connected did the Warioware team have with the Mario Artist team, as one of them basically had proto-microgames and the general art style is the same.