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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1269353 No.1269353[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/vr/, what do you think of Chrono Cross?

I myself haven't played it, although I really enjoyed Chrono Trigger. I've heard a lot of mixed opinions on Cross, with most people saying it isn't as good as its predecessor. What do you guys think?

>> No.1269359

I think I need to get off my ass and finish it...but hasn't happened yet

>> No.1269362

Tried to like it but overall it was disappointing to me.

Felt like Square was trying to do something new and different, and I can appreciate that, but they failed at actually making it fun or engaging.

Only thing I really liked was some of the music.

>> No.1269386

I want to re-play it for the 3rd time or so but I can't bring myself to do so, since my backlog is so massive.
Wild Arms is taking priority for me though, and I'm enjoying it a lot.

>> No.1269432

If you don't like playing it, at least read a synopsis of the plot (that ending is amazing). If you played Chrono Trigger that is.

>> No.1269437

Groundhog day: The thread

>> No.1269439

I thought it was a fantastic game and better than Trigger in some ways. It has been a long time since I played it but I remember liking the battle system, the bosses, exploring the world, and the music.

One thing I didn't care for was the amount of different characters you could have in your party. I think it was like 44 different people. While it sounds good on paper it was just to many characters to mess with and I remember you couldn't evenly level everyone for some reason. It was still cool recruiting everyone though.

>> No.1269443


I enjoyed the game. But if Chrono Trigger is the most important thing to ever happen in your life, you'll likely hate it.

>> No.1269518
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Everything about it is so non-formulaic that it scares away traditional cookie cutter RPG fans.

The game does away with traditional level grind, heck it even prevents it. Battles can easily be avoided or run from (even boss battles!). There is no boring ATB or waiting; you use a stamina points system that balances your and the enemy's actions. A field system governed by cast magic influences spell effectivity and makes summons actually something special (you need to turn the battlefield completely into their corresponding element, to create an atmosphere for them so to say), not just another target-all spell that costs more MP than Fire 3.

The visual direction is unparalleled. The game takes place on small specks of land laid into a massive ocean setting. It's like a summer vacation at the sea, packed in game form. The music is one of the best, if not the best, to ever grace a game and influences the mood of the game in ways that sometimes might be perceived on a less conscious level (home/another Arny for example).

The story is multi-tiered and can be hard to follow if you don't pay attention to what characters say. It touches upon themes such as identity of the individual, self-discovery and repercussions of past deeds; what would the world be like, if only you had changed? What happened to futures that were denied their existence by your actions? What would they do if they could take revenge? It's mainly about discovering your place in the world, with a greater events as backdrop. Even with other characters around you, it's still a lonesome journey, an aspect further emphasized by the wealth of characters that joins you, but still follows their own agenda.

It's not exactly a traditional story about hero-beats-evil-with-friendship-magic, it's not even a story contained within the medium; in the end, it blurs he borders completely and tells you to learn from your journey and get a girlfriend, you sad sack of shit

>> No.1269526

I thought it was fantastic.

It defies JRPG formulas. The music is gorgeous, the graphics are great (even with slowdown during battle animations, but who cares in a turn-based game?).

The leveling system is unique and virtually takes away all grinding.

The plot is convoluted. In a good way, I think. Stories about parallel dimensions aren't meant to be simple. It's confusing and there are many different twists and turns. It kinda takes more than one playthrough to get everything.

Oh, and the decision making is great for a JRPG like this. It has decisions that MATTER and make the plotline branch, which was a rarity back then.

One of my favorite games. I'd call it the best JRPG on the console, rubbing shoulders with the likes of Suikoden 2.

>> No.1269538

Hahahaha, if you had this games dick anymore up your ass, you would have a prostate orgasm.

>> No.1269562


His description is right in a lot of ways though. It is pretty much fact that Chrono Cross is so unique that a lot of people don't like it because it's not traditional enough, has "too many pointless characters" or they don't/can't understand the battle system.

>> No.1269728

If I don't typically care for standard RPGs, would I like this game?

>> No.1269768


>> No.1269805

It certainly wont change your mind.

>> No.1269960

Depends on what you don't like. You'll still be running around and talking to people, doing quests, fighting with menus...

>> No.1270080

Yeah the plot was kind of interesting but there was so much stupid crammed into it that it really detracted from my overall enjoyment.

>> No.1270089

I wouldn't say cross is drastically inferior, but trigger represented a rather large shift forward from the more formulaic final fantasy type games.

Most people forget that before chrono trigger, there was no such thing as a save game that described itself. Now that is so commonplace that its invisible. CT did many such similar things, that no longer seem remarkable in any way.

Cross was just another playstation rpg, it did nothing that hadn't been seen before, and had that dreary pre-rendered feel to it, that started with ff7.

I personally think its comparing diamonds to coal, but I have to be objective and say that in 2013 their quality level is similar

>> No.1270113

>I personally think its comparing diamonds to coal, but I have to be objective and say that in 2013 their quality level is similar
Well, except Trigger doesn't completely fall apart towards the end like Cross does.

>> No.1270139

I feel the same way. Won't lie I was kind of disappointed with it and eventually stopped a bit after Lynx switched bodies with Serge.

The combat system was especially easy and bland even by JRPG standards.

The soundtrack, graphics, etc, was really good though. Will eventually play it again one day.

>> No.1270195

I don't understand your spoiler at all and it sounds like your just upset some people don't like the game.

>> No.1270235

Might be the PS1 RPG with the best visuals and best soundtrack. The rest is controversial. If you think that technical merits are appreciable - I do -, then it's well worth checking out.7


>> No.1270367

I don't like the combat system. What the hell is going on. I put in 20 hours and still don't know what I'm doing I just keep winning.

>> No.1270393

Do you want me to actually explain or are you just bitching? Not being snarky, just want to know if I should take the time.

>> No.1270419
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>Most people forget that before chrono trigger, there was no such thing as a save game that described itself.

What? Games have used saves with descriptions years before Trigger. The only difference is that Trigger, instead of telling you WHERE you saved like most other games, gave you a three word description of the current event, because the writing apparently wasn't good enough to tell you ingame.

>CT did many such similar things
Such as? Most if not all features in Trigger are just old stuff with a new paint job.

>Cross was just another playstation rpg, it did nothing that hadn't been seen before

Okay, which games had
>stamina point system
>elemental fields
>magic set as items
>parallel worlds, especially worlds you get to explore fully
>switching bodies with your enemy
>a critical view on its prequel
>a story that wasn't about beating some evil guy with the sword of friendship
>winning with a nonviolent solution
>an actual message

>> No.1270420

oh boy here we go again.

>> No.1270423
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I didn't know DSP played old games

>> No.1270431

when does DSP complain about winning?

>> No.1270442


That second ingame intro. The music is just outstanding.

>> No.1270528

Not him but an explanation would be cool.

>> No.1270616

Basic combat.

A characters battle options consist of four active commands, a light attack (Lv1), a medium attack (Lv2), and a heavy attack (Lv3), as well as an element attack.

The three physical attacks do several things. Lv1 will inflict light damage, and build 1 level of element, and generally has the best chance of hitting. Lv2 inflicts moderate damage (more than two Lv1's would) and builds 2 levels of element, and by itself has a slightly lesser chance of hitting. Lv3 inflicts maximum damage (more than 3 Lv1's would, or 1 Lv1 and 1 Lv2 would) and builds 3 levels of element, and has the worst chance of succeeding.

All physical attacks require stamina to execute, generally (but not always, rare exceptions occur) the number of levels needs an equal amount of stamina - 1.0 stamina for a light attack, 2.0 stamina for a medium, 3.0 for a heavy. A characters maximum stamina is 7.0.

Also, successive physical attacks that hit add extra chance to hit. A Lv3 physical attack will have a higher chance to hit if it is preceeded by a successful attack, the computer auto-defaults generally to a 1,2,3 pattern.

Element attacks require a few things to be executed.
-At least 1.0 stamina
-At least 1 level of built element
-An equipped element
-The ability to cast (ie not be asleep, mute, etc.)

A character can equip elements to their grid. Each element can be used in battle once, per encounter. A character must build levels of element to use element attack, one level per level of successful physical attack. For example, Serge hits a level 1 attack, and has 4.0 stamina remaining. He has now built 1 level of element, and is free to cast any element on his list of equipped level 1 elements.

Using an element does several things. It immediately uses 7.0 stamina, thus, a characters stamina can potentially drop to as low as -6.0. It also influences the field colour, which I can explain later if required.

Element levels built remain until used. More?

>> No.1270653

Kid > Harle >>>>> Leena

>> No.1270670


>> No.1270703
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>my face when playing Cross as a kid and never having played Trigger other than watching bits and pieces of it from my brother
To give you an idea of how terrible my grasp on the game's plot was, I thought Serge went 15 years into the future in the beginning of the game when he got hit by the wave because everyone talked about how a kid drowned 15 years ago.

Not that guy but I'm considering giving the game another try on my PSP soon, an explanation of the elements would be neat

>> No.1270704

>an actual message
That message being
>we don't know what we're doing anymore

>> No.1270779


We've established how to build up levels to use your elements, as well as how to actually use them, so here are some finer points.

There exist such things as consumable elements. Normally, an element can be used only once in a given, however, these can be used more than once, to a maximum of 5 times. Once they're used up, though, they're gone.

You've probably also noticed that elements have associated colours. Not only that, but every character and enemy also has an associated colour. Using an element of an opposing colour deals more damage, while using an element of the same colour mitigates some of the damage. Black opposes White, Yellow opposes Green, Blue opposes Red. Hence, casting Blue elements against Red enemies deals extra damage to them.

Speaking of colours, there's an icon in the top right that displays the colour condition of the field. The field becomes extremely important in the late mid-to-end game portion. Essentially, the field's colour is equal to the last three elements cast. IE, your party casts a blue element, a red element, and a black element. The field's colours are blue, red, and black. If the enemy casts another black element, the field's colours are now red, black, and black. See how the blue was pushed off the field? Now, let's say your party casts another black element - now the field is entirely black, since the red now falls off the field.

Now, a field with only one colour has two major effects - all elements cast that MATCH the field colour do extra damage (and opposing elements do LESS damage). Secondly, Summon elements that match the field colour are now allowed to be used.

A summon element can be used when the field is a single colour, by a character who has it equipped and has enough levels of element to cast it. Only a character with a matching associated colour can equip a summon. Using a Summon deals MASSIVE damage, typically. More?

>> No.1270785

There's even more?

>> No.1270803

Just stamina recovery, post-fight healing, and the element grid.

Sorry if this sounds overwhelming, it's actually much easier to understand once you get to start the game proper.

>> No.1270859

Stamina Recovery

I've said a few times that attacks and elements need stamina, and everyone starts with 7.0. How do you get it back? Easy, it regenerates naturally when anyone, PC or enemy, makes attacks of their own. Generally, every action someone else makes gives everyone else back 1.0 stamina.

Post-Fight healing

Any unused healing elements can actually automatically used by the computer to heal your party members after the fight, before you return to the exploration portion of play. Some people like to equip a few extra healing elements just so they can always be at full health for every battle. Pretty smart!

Element Grid

Every character has an element grid, which is where you place elements you collect. Each element has a level. Generally, you can place MOST elements anywhere in your grid, and it's total effectiveness is measured as to whether its placed at, above, or below its level. IE, a Level 4 element can be slotted into the fourth level of a character's grid, or into the fifth (or higher) levels for a bonus to damage, or into the third (or lower) levels for penalties to damage. MOST characters also learn unique 'elements' on their own once their level is high enough. These are really just special attacks (also called "techs"), but they follow the rules for casting elements - however, they cannot be removed from the grid once learned, and their colour matches that of the character. Techs are learned automatically, and occupy a slot on a character's 3rd, 5th, and 7th levels respectively. A good way to find out an enemy's associated colour is to see what kind of techs it uses. How can you tell a tech from a regular element? Simple, they have a Yin-Yang symbol in front of them. So if some enemy uses an element with a Yellow Yin-Yang symbol, you can deduce he's using a Yellow tech, which means he's associated with the colour Yellow. Hit him with Green elements to inflict extra damage!

>> No.1270868

Thanks for your posts, gonna save these all in a notepad file for when I get started playing

>> No.1270890

There you go, basic, advanced, and special rules. There's stuff like status effects, like Burns, Sprains, Sleep, etc. but most of these should be evident.

A few tips: a given character keeps their elements until unequipped. If you change characters, you should probably remove their elements to equip on your current party.

All characters go up a level after MOST boss battles. Additionally, you can get small stat gains after you gain a level, though all conscious characters present for a boss battle get the lions share of the stat gains then and there. Unconscious and members not present can get their stat gains by participating in battles. This does mean that characters you don't use will miss out on some stat gains if you level up repeatedly without using them once and a while. With a cast of nearly 60 recruitable characters, it's probably impractical to use ALL of them - likewise, a character you keep in your party for extended periods of time will likely be stronger than most of the rest of your party.

This is the reason so many people argue about who the 'best' characters are, when in fact, hardly anyone seems to realize that characters you keep in your party over long periods of time have better stats than those you never bring into battle.

This does not mean characters are interchangeable. A strongman who's bag is bashing shit to death and isn't very strong at magic will always be that - but if he's used for a long time, he'll probably be stronger than strongman B who's bag is bashing shit and also sucks at magic, but is maybe a different colour and isn't used very often. But he will probably never have the magic stat of a fairy who's weak as hell but casts elements with extremely high damage, even one who never gets used.

>> No.1270896

Amazingly awesome game.

>> No.1270897

Yeah, see why I was asking earlier if that anon wanted a serious explanation? All three posts nearly hit character limit.

>> No.1270916 [DELETED] 

I think these are actually worse than homestuck threads

And I didn't think that was possible

If you like Cross, you are simply younger than people who like Trigger.

That's it. It's not a crime to be younger than other people. You'll outlive them.

There are better games than Trigger, and there are worse games than Cross.

If you really get flustered, or really think that Cross is 'better,' then please notice that Trigger sometimes appears on 'top ten games of all time' lists, and is almost never missing from top 100 lists. Cross is never...ever mentioned. That is because Trigger either had a bigger impact, or is still the better game.

If you argue against this you are just willfully living in a fantasy world of your own creation, because you cannot produce any documentation that someone shares your opinion.

This is like the people who argue that Bloodlines is better than Castlevania 4. This is a pompous and ridiculous fantasy that would have classified you as a mental patient for the majority of these games' existence. The same logic applies to Trigger/Cross debates, especially given that Cross is drastically inferior to Bloodlines.

>> No.1270925

>autism speaks

>> No.1270931

>If you like Cross, you are simply younger than people who like Trigger.

I like Cross and I'm in my 30s. I played Trigger first. Cross is better than Trigger. Both are good games.
Checkmate faggot.

>> No.1270932

If it's no crime why are you complaining, you piece of shit? Out.

>> No.1270936


I am twenty five years old and I think Cross is superior. Your stance is what we called "bullshit". Just because a lot of people like it, doesn't necessarily mean it is better. A lot of people like Pokemon, but Digimon is arguably better. You'll always see a Pokemon game in a top 100 list but never Digimon World 3. Just like how a lot of people like Trigger, but Cross is arguably better. The "arguably" part is key. It means that there will never be consensus on the issue, and that there will able be some who prefer one or the other. Many things in life are this way.

It's not a crime to be more ignorant than other people. You'll be happier than they are anyway.

>> No.1270938


Well, well, well, what's this? A perfect score from Gamespot? One of only seven EVER?

>> No.1270941



Add in a bunch of boring characters, a plot that takes a year to get started, and the fact that the game doesn't resemble the game its supposed to be a sequel to even remotely, and you have a game that's widely forgotten. FF7 is much more like FF6 than Chrono Cross is like Trigger.

>> No.1270947

No one agrees with you-how hard of a boner does that give you, hipster trash?

I'm not stupid enough to believe that you actually like garbage, so I'll just let you have this.

A winnar is you

>> No.1270949

I heard ct/cc devs admitted cc is better. It was probably some interview translation from chronocompendium.

>> No.1270952
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>and get a girlfriend
If anything it does the opposite

>> No.1270970

Trigger was made by a team of some of the most creative minds in JRPG history.

Cross was not. Cross is convoluted and doesn't actually make any sense. The only people who will claim otherwise are pseudo-intellectuals, wannabe art-snobs, who find depth where there actually is none.

Trigger looks very nice. It is bright and colorful. The story isn't over-complicated to seem more intelligent. Trigger is a watered down JRPG. This is a good thing.

Cross is a standard JRPG it shows. Not making sense, every character is weird and unlikable, random battles, grinding in place of fun.

If you argue that Cross is as good as or better than Trigger, fuck you, you're just trying to be different and you will burn in hell, you worthless faggots.

>> No.1270974


The first area you come across in Chrono Cross is one of the brightest, softest, nicest looking beach towns I've ever seen. Bright greens, yellows and whites. Serge literally lives in a paradise.

I'm just saying that Cross has wonderful environments as well. To ignore them is purposely overlooking one of it's qualities.

>> No.1270983


>> No.1271010

Not that guy but I find the areas in the beginning of Cross to be offensively bright and colorful. Feels like I'm getting eye cancer just playing it.

>> No.1271013

Why are there cat people in Chrono Cross? There were no cat people in Chrono Trigger. Cat people are fucking stupid.

This is what happens when an IP that was created by many great minds is left in the hands of one idiot. It's almost as if they let some fan fiction spergtard produce their own Final Fantasy.

>> No.1271023 [SPOILER] 
File: 444 KB, 1920x1200, Ff13_-_lightning_returns_1920x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's almost as if they let some fan fiction spergtard produce their own Final Fantasy.
But they did

>> No.1271031


Actually dissing the soundtrack of Chrono Cross. How much of a faggot can you be?

>> No.1271038

Except that battle music isn't bad.

>> No.1271034

Who cares what the rest soundtrack sounds like if the battle music is wretched. Bad battle music is the kiss of death for a game where you hear it more than any other track.

>> No.1271043

The soundtrack is good... for the most part.

The battle theme, on the other hand, is an accurate audio representation of the 9th circle of Hell.

>> No.1271042

It is no where near as good or catchy as this battle theme, though.


>> No.1271046

Are you kidding nigger? They are both about the same amount of good and catchy.

>> No.1271061

It's not bad in itself, it's just made for a much lighter themed game.

People like to twist this fact into "OMG lel it so bad"

>> No.1271064

You're now aware that you're incapable of differentiating good from bad.

>> No.1271074

>implying you can't admit you just have bad taste

>> No.1271086

>It's not bad in itself
Yes, it is. It is obnoxiously, painfully bad. Holding the turbo button in an emulator actually improves it, that's how fucking bad it is.

>it's just made for a much lighter themed game.
No, it's made for "enhanced interrogation techniques".

>People like to twist this fact into "OMG lel it so bad"
Clearly that must be it, and not the fact that it sounds like Mitsuda got up one night, snorted a pound of coke, and tried to compose a song using only his dick and balls.

>> No.1271101

They should have just called Chrono Cross something random. It only serves to damage the Chrono Trigger universe.

>> No.1271098

>triggerniggers' only real reason to hate CC isn't gameplay or music or else but death of literally worst main cast of any videogame
>let's save the world xd
>w-we must do it f-for everyone, b-bright f-future for everyone though we didn't ask what everyone thinks!
>omg why is there such aftermath i never asked for this
wow, it is fucking nothing. 3 dumb schoolers and their shit kingdom gone, who cares? Porre bros WW@

>> No.1271105

No, everyone hates CC because it is your generic terribad JRPG.

CT took most things that suck in JRPGs and fixed them.

>> No.1271112

>i-it isn't about characters, i-i s-swear!

>> No.1271117

ITT: Chrono Trigger fans unable to deal with sequel that can be largely ignored if they wish, choose to cope by shitposting in an otherwise productive thread.

Stay classy. Let's keep in mind that usually CC fans are also CT fans. No need to come in here and shit everywhere, that kind of attitude belongs on /v/.

>> No.1271119

>ignore all criticism
>focus on strawman
typical crossader behaviour

>> No.1271125

so you are currently ignoring my criticism :)

>> No.1271160

>expanded time-dimension-traveling concept

>> No.1271161

translate it into english and maybe I'll give you a response

>> No.1271164

you are not worth anything

>> No.1271169

ITT: CNiggers ASKING their next shit thread to be assraped

>> No.1271327
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>> No.1271390 [DELETED] 

>screencapping your own post

could you be any more pathetic

>> No.1271439

Ayla and Azala are the only good thing that came out of CT for me

>> No.1271464

Guardia can always orbit Porre's dick. What a shitty place.

>> No.1271501

It's like Metroid Other M to Trigger's Super Metroid

>> No.1271746
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technology bitch

>> No.1271850

>Why is there a non-apocalyptic future in Chrono Cross? There was no non-apocalyptic future in Chrono Trigger!

This is how dumb you sound.

>> No.1272361

As a sequel to CT of course its not that great (it wasn't supposed to be one in the first place, i think)

Its pretty good in a lot of regards, but I gave up on it after about 12 hours because I got sick of the battle system and clown car cast

>> No.1273410

Don't blame me that you like games that are horrible for the simple fact that you have to feel like the black sheep.

>> No.1273418

Ever play radical dreamers? Remember how that was a visual novel with horrible random encounters? Chrono Cross is that on steroids. It could of been a lot better if they didn't force it to be a RPG. For every one interesting thing CC does with its story and environment, every slow, horrible, painfully boring battle brings me back to reality.

>> No.1274147

It isn't vee, you turdburglar. There is no sheep, no hivemind and no sacred games here. Only logic and your dirt. You'll hear everything you should to keep yourself in place, pus.

>> No.1274152

Oh look it's that one guy who tries to force his shitty, unfunny, juvenile word.
>no sheep
>lol AVGN is god
>no hivemind
>omg Genesis had fart music SEGA CD was a failure Nintendo is the best
>no sacred games here
>Daily Earthbound fellating thread #263 - Trying to ignore our buyer's remorse edition
>Daily Zelda's lore is the deepest thread

>> No.1274247

/vr/ doesn't do any of that though. AVGN gets a lot of shit, there are tons of SEGA supporters, Earthbound also gets a lot of shit, and Zelda games get a very caustic reception here.

Using broad generalizations and straw-man arguments instead of specifically citing what makes Chrono Cross bad just makes you look like a dunce.

>> No.1274307

When you learn how to fight back cattle's generic justifications based off numbers, you will understand that they have nothing else left. Nothing hurts fanbois' anuses harder than honest opinion. Don't be deluded over their bullshit called pack influence. It doesn't work if you work a bit.

>> No.1274383

You must be browsing a different /v/ than I, because I never see any of this shit. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've seen other posts today, posting this same bullshit and in this same style, shitting up other threads for no good reason. Considering how I seem to keep seeing this same content and same style, I can only conclude that it's all one person, apparently hellbent on shitting up /vr/. Given all this, I can only respond with 'go fuck yourself'.

>> No.1274762

>visual novel with horrible random encounters? Chrono Cross is that on steroids.

But Cross isn't text-driven and doesn't have random battles. In fact, you can avoid more battles than you can in Trigger, the stamina system has zero wait times and enemies are varied and fun.

It must be great living in a deluded Trigger fanboy world, where the pinnacle of RPG battles are shitty canned wait-for-bars-to-fill fights against Toriyama's sameface monsters.

>oh look, the fifth recolored skeleton, how exciting!!11

>> No.1274769


>This thread

And you people pretend to be better than /v/.
What a fucking embarassment.

>> No.1274819

It's always the Trigger spergtards who ruin threads like these

>> No.1275932

Honestly, I don't think it's an amazing game but I love it. It was actually my first rpg, I only played it up until half of disc 1 or so then though. Just recently have I gotten an eboot and beat it on a psp. I enjoyed the uniqueness a lot, no grinding and stamina points were really nice. Also I never played Trigger so I was free from the autism of "ruining the universe".

>> No.1275938

With lines like this:
I can't really help but both sides of this discussion are filled with pathetic individuals. You're one of them bub.

>> No.1275997


That's a new one, I like it. I will have to throw that into a conversation somewhere, see how it's recieved

>> No.1276004


I agree with everything.

>> No.1277781
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>If you like Cross, you are simply younger than people who like Trigger.

Idiot. I played Trigger first on an actual SNES cartridge when I was a kid, and subsequently bought Cross on PS1 and still prefer it.

>If you really get flustered, or really think that Cross is 'better,' then please notice that Trigger sometimes appears on 'top ten games of all time' lists, and is almost never missing from top 100 lists. Cross is never...ever mentioned. That is because Trigger either had a bigger impact, or is still the better game.

Or because Trigger revolutionized the Final Fantasy archetype while Cross undeservedly went largely unnoticed in a sea of FFVII clones.

And because critics, like you and many other philistines, are too fucking dense to fully appreciate everything that Cross does right, with the reason always boiling down to COMPLICATED BATTLE SYSTEM and CONFUSING STORY and OVERABUNDANCE OF CHARACTERS and MUH ORIGINAL CT CAST.

Cross is one of the most hated and polarizing games of all time which just baffles me. How someone can play something like this, especially being a CT fan, and not seeing it as a masterpiece is completely bizarre.

>> No.1277792

Let me just say the combat was much better in Cross than Trigger.
Trigger had the cool team techs and that's fine, but it was way too easy to get cool shit. Cross had you edit your character's techs, you had more control over what they did, and the battles were more enjoyable as a result. I still think not leveling up was kind of a weird choice though.

>> No.1277896

>not leveling up

What version of Cross are you playing?

>> No.1277903

My negroidal compatriot.
I'd gay-marry you in a heartbeat
>n-no homo

>> No.1277908

That's the only language Trigger fanboys understand

You don't really level up in the traditional sense

>> No.1277919

>How someone can play something like this, especially being a CT fan, and not seeing it as a masterpiece
Cross is so heavily flawed, it can't be farther from being a masterpiece.

Some claim it does something new or interesting with the JRPG formula, but those can only be the people who never played a non-Final-Fantasy JRPG. Yes, Compared to FF7, Cross sure is unique, but it's miserable antics are laughable compared to actually inventive games like Romancing/Frontier SaGa games et al. The plot is a mess - not hard to understand, just badly written - and gameplay is an afterthought, repetitive and completely devoid of challenge.

Gameplay-wise, Trigger wasn't much better (or any more original, for year 19-fucking-95, when almost everything's been tried in the genre), but it succeeded in what it attempted, unlike Cross, which falls apart halfway through, around the time you fight the retarded goddamn dragons.

>> No.1277985
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Flawless art and musical direction, the pinnacle of turn-based combat and a story that is anything but cookie-cutter crap. The only flaw can be found in its rushed creation, but even that is easily overlooked.

>> No.1278075

>in the traditional sense

You level up like in D&D; when the DM says you do. Which is typically after every area boss.

>> No.1278182

Traditional in the JRPG sense.

>> No.1278238

i was playing it once and was really close to finishing, but a friend said something about a yeti character that i could get early in the game. my autism made me start from scratch but this time i got stuck on that sun-like boss that i dont remember the name and never managed to overcome it. didnt find any yeti. t-thanks buddy.

>> No.1278271

Played them both to completion and enjoyed them both quite a bit. However, I was just sonewhat sad after beating trigger, it was real good but I wasn't super bummed that I'd beaten it. (And not because i could go through again)
Cross on the other hand I was pretty fucking bummed when I was done, I didn't want to be done for I was really into it. Loved it to pieces, and to the people who complain about a thousand characters, yeah you get them all but it's not like you need to use em. I used pretty much the same group throughout the entire game and was really enjoyable.

>> No.1278298

I want to play it, but my backlog is endlessly vast. I loved Trigger, but I can accept that this game is different from it, and so I'm not super worried that I'll hate it for not being Trigger.

>> No.1278328

It makes more sense that way, though. Why should your party level up after killing a regular mook?

>> No.1278438


>> No.1280738
File: 93 KB, 960x640, 1387332491869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It baffles me
> Chrono Cross is undeservedly hated because REASONS and REASONS and REASONS and REASONS
Man, I am not that guy.
But maybe if 70% of people who know about Cross dislike it, and they dislike it for REASONS, and those REASONS are consistent, then maybe those people have a point.
I mean, do not get me wrong. I loved Cross.
But maybe it's just not a game for everyone.

>> No.1281776

How do I play it on my psp?!
It crashes after the lizard mama boss.
I loved this game years ago.

>> No.1281789
File: 57 KB, 370x522, 1387332491869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fukken saved
fukken cropped
fukken fapped

>> No.1281792

Download the official eboot from the PSN.


Official eboots are always preferable since they are optimized for PSP use.

>> No.1281793

ugh.... that's a d-dude...

>> No.1281837


From /d/. Fappen anyway.

>> No.1281865

>But maybe if 70% of people who know about Cross dislike it

The actual number is much much lower. It's just that Trigger has a very vocal hardcore fanbase that has become exceedingly obsessive over everything regarding the cast and hates everything that isn't Trigger 1.01.

>> No.1281874

More like about 70% of people who played Cross feel rather ambivalent about it. Many people have played it and most have forgotten about it (like I did before this board came up). I'd say that only the hardest core CT fans actively HATE the game, but its hardly something that has a huge raving fanbase.

>> No.1281903

How can someone hate Cross? It's basically The Little Prince: the video game only better

>> No.1281963

>The Little Prince: The Video Game

It's a parable about World War 2 disguised as a children's fairybook?

>> No.1281987

>It's a parable about World War 2

Just because he wrote it during WW2 doesn't mean it's supposed to symbolize it, all of the content is timeless and universal.

>> No.1282086


But anon, all the people on the different planets are world leaders from World War 2, didn't you know that?

>> No.1282127

Hunh, I don't remember that part in the Little Prince where he swaps bodies with a cat man in a flight attendant's dress...

>> No.1282174

The real question is how anyone could honestly think CT is a good game. Garbage story, silent protagonist, very very unlikeable characters, hilariously small game world combining all ages, easiest JRPG ever made most likely, character designs by Akira makes everyone look like every other character he has made, absolutely paper fucking thin battle system, etc.

It has good graphics and great music. Those two qualities are enough to keep it afloat in the eyes of many.

>> No.1282213

>Garbage story
It's on par with many other JRPGs.
>silent protagonist
I really don't understand how this is a detriment.
>very very unlikeable characters
Most subjective thing one could say.
>hilariously small game world combining all ages
Small in what way? The actual overworld map isn't big enough? Or do you feel that there weren't enough areas to explore? If it's the latter, I can say I feel that way about the prehistoric times and dark ages, but that's it.
>easiest JRPG ever made most likely
There's only a handful in the genre that are actually difficult.
>character designs by Akira makes everyone look like every other character he has made
Sounds more like a knock on Toriyama than the game itself.
>absolutely paper fucking thin battle system
This ties in with it being easy. The system has potential, with the double/triple techs and AoE attacks, along with elemental attacks, but the difficulty (or lack thereof) makes it so none of that is truly necessary to win.
What else?

>> No.1282217



>> No.1282240

Very, very unlikeable characters? They weren't the most nuanced rpg party ever, but it seems they would have to be ACTIVELY OFFENSIVE to you in some way to warrant that description. As for their designs, those samey details don't really transfer over to the sprites, anyway.

I know, but there's better in this very thread. Like the ongoing implication that anyone alive gives a shit about the cross vs. trigger debate, that's always a good one.

>> No.1282262

>But anon, all the people on the different planets are world leaders from World War 2, didn't you know that?

Nonsense. Who was the businessman?

It's called metaphors.

>> No.1282271
File: 43 KB, 350x650, Funguy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was a nice cute little game. Nothing you want to play more than once, but enjoyable nonetheless.

>very very unlikeable characters
How can you dislike them? They barely have any character to begin with. Hell, even a tertiary character like Funguy had more development and depth than Marle.

>> No.1282295

He was Winston Churchill. The illustrator even drew him to look like Winston Churchill. The businessman was obsessed with counting, right? Stars, was it? Doesn't matter, one of Churchill's criticizers said that when he surveyed the damage from the Blitz to London, he wasn't counting lives taken, he was counting holes in the buildings.

There's a king on another asteroid, right? Sitting down, cloak of stars over his knees. Stars, cloak over knees - obviously FDR.

You see? It goes on, all of the six asteroids have unflattering protrayals of all the major world leaders involved.

This came up twice during my studies at university, I thought the fact that St-Exupery parodied them was a fairly well-known thing.

>> No.1284289
File: 589 KB, 800x800, 1367706803764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Janice looked this cute ingame, those creepy eyes :(

>> No.1284315

>This is like the people who argue that Bloodlines is better than Castlevania 4. This is a pompous and ridiculous fantasy that would have classified you as a mental patient for the majority of these games' existence.


>> No.1284557
File: 53 KB, 600x800, 593909655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw watching Trigger children stumble through the game crying WHERE IS MY SATURDAY MORNING CARTOON STORYLINE

>> No.1284607

Man, then that just makes otherguy's argument even less relevant.
"Why does everyone hate Chrono Cross?" is only something to complain about if everyone actually hates Chrono Cross.

>> No.1284642

Because it was weird, janky and hard to figure out where as chrono trigger was a simple game based around simpler mechanics. The storyline was confusing and the 3D made the world hard to navigate.

>> No.1284701
File: 53 KB, 640x480, Wow!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Final Fantasy has 14 games in its franchise
>Massive shitflinging and tantrums everywhere

>Chrono has 2 games in its franchise
>The shitflinging and tantrums are much, much worse

>> No.1284707

I assure you that the conflict always originates from a single camp

The conflict between the new vegas/fallout 3 players always originates from the NV players

The conflict between the Trigger/Cross players always originates from the Cross players

There's just something about preferring the slightly more...complex? version of something that makes the person insecure, and determined to inundate you with their preferences, and then condemn you if you don't jump on the bandwagon. It's like they don't want to admit that they are an ordinary person.

>> No.1284734

Cross is one of those few games that were downright magical for me. I played it right after having finished Radical Dreamers, and I finished it maybe 20 times in the course of a year. I wrote hundreds of pages of fanfics about it. Kid was my waifu.

So yeah I really liked it.

>> No.1284740


>The conflict between the Trigger/Cross players always originates from the Cross players

now that's a laugh

>> No.1284936

Because Trigger fans didn't come into this very thread on multiple occasions and attack everyone who was posting peacefully about it.

Sure buddy. Go start a Trigger thread and watch how few shitposts show up from Cross fans - because get this, most Cross fans are ALSO Trigger fans.

>> No.1285296

>tfw you prefer Cross but still like Trigger

>get shit for it anyway

>> No.1285308

>The conflict between the Trigger/Cross players always originates from the Cross players

Nice one Trignigger

>> No.1287515

element mechanics were fucking glorious, fuck the haters

dem tittays things i'd do to her

>> No.1287582

If more sequels did what CC did, they would be actually worth playing

>muh rehash

>> No.1287875
File: 47 KB, 620x210, __631x0_q85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw you prefer Trigger but still love Cross
> get shit from both sides

Hey dude. I still think you're cool.

>> No.1287892

I've never seen a Cross fan actively shit on Trigger's numerous shortcomings unless provoked by a butthurt Trigger fanboy.

>> No.1287915

I played Chrono Trigger first.
I played Radical Dreamers second.
I played Chrono Cross after.

Loved all of them.

>> No.1287951

I want to reproduce like rabbits with her

>> No.1287961
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>> No.1288097

> 134 lbs
> "Puffy"

>> No.1289073

Blame the game.

I think the actual in game menu lists her build as "plumpish".

Somehow Kid isn't "walking skeleton"

>> No.1289098
File: 455 KB, 800x800, 1387702696705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know that motherfucking feel, bro.

Bumping an ancient Chrono thread. I'm happy to see it again.

>> No.1289746

> Blame the game.
I'd rather blame Japan.

>> No.1290793

The battle music is in this game is fucking horrific, and you hear it every 2 seconds. unggh. You pretty much have to mute the game entirely.

>> No.1290797

seconded , i believe there was a hex edit to disable the battle bgm but keep the SFX, it maybe a knowledge lost in time

>> No.1291127

Honestly if the battle music wasn't so offensively bad I would have enjoyed the game much, much more.

>> No.1291128

I did enjoy the game, but I do agree that the battle theme is horrid.

>> No.1291145

>people unironically says Gale is shit

>> No.1291215

Teh fucking complaining is why they never made a new one. It sold great, but what's the point of making a 3rd when the core demographic is going to just complain incessantly?

>> No.1291247

You mean Masato Kato basically pissing off everyone at square is everyone throwing a fit? It's his fault you don't have another new Chrono game after all this time. Go read up on it.

>> No.1291494

I like gale but it's way too hectic for random encounters.

>Go read up on it.


>> No.1292290

what did he do?

>> No.1292509

Doesn't matter, he doesn't work at Square anymore. Anything made without his input will have the fanbase rabidly screaming that it isn't canon. This is why the DS port is so divisive.

>> No.1292604

>Doesn't matter
Nice source!

>Anything made without his input will have the fanbase rabidly screaming that it isn't canon.
Triggertards already scream that when it comes to CC

>> No.1292615

>Nice source

I don't care. He's not going to make another one for financial and legal reasons, so it doesn't matter what shit he flings at this point. There's enough shitflinging with this series as it stands, last thing we need is the developers sinking to that level.

>> No.1292662

Post your most broken element
>eagle eye

>> No.1293375

>still no source
Look at him and laugh guys!

>> No.1293387

Its beter then Chrono Triger

>> No.1293408

OP, I played Trigger when it was first released and although I liked it, I liked Cross a lot more. I replayed both relatively recently, and I still found that I liked Cross way more.

I think the biggest difference was that Trigger's storyline was comparatively boring for me, plus I was surprised at how fast I burned through the game. It felt really short for a Square game.

>> No.1293638

It's not a bad game. Nothing revolutionary either.

I had fun when I played it back in the day, but it's not one of those things I'd play again.

>> No.1293764

>not being able to do basic goddamn math
there are 3 attack strengths.
The percentage by them is the likelyhood of the attack hitting vs missing.
You can go for the straight strong attacks, dealing lots of damage, but more opportunities to miss, or you can start weak and finish strong, because as you attack more the percentages go up. This may do less damage.

NOW for the 1 2 and 3 numbers by your attacks. this does more than let you know which is the weakest and the strongest. If your attack hits, thats the amount of levels you get to use on your element grid

Say for example, you have no elemental grid use at the moment, and you hit with a strong attack? BAM, there are now 3 levels of spells you can use. NOW you can blow it here, or wait for the next turn.
Say you wait, and you use a 2 attack
2+3=5. you can now use lvl 5 spells


>> No.1293774

NOW: there is a magic field. It changes depending on the color of element you use. If its all red, red spells will be stronger and blue will be weak. you can also use a red summon.

Summons can only be used if the field is all one color.

All characters have an innate color. Serge's is white. If the field is all black, he's FUCKED

>> No.1293797

Dude, someone already went into exhaustive detail about the combat system.