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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1256273 No.1256273 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone on /vr/ try out the new 3DS Sega remasters?
They're apparently supposed to be the most faithful ports ever released with the developer M2 taking an obsessive level of care in making them run on the 3DS.
I've been thinking of picking up Sonic and Space Harrier since they look pretty good. Thoughts?

>> No.1256290

I want to buy Space Harrier 3D. Yes, from what I've read, they're awesome ports. SH even has gyroscope use, and apparently the 3D effect is so good it actually helps you on the gameplay too since you can tell the distance of enemies are objects and bullets.

I still haven't bought it yet, but it will be my first digital game purchase ever... I feel a bit weird about it, but I think it will be worth it.

>> No.1256298

>They're apparently supposed to be the most faithful ports ever released
So does that mean it's not based on the fairly recent iOS remake of Sonic 1 with things like extra characters and widescreen and bugfixes and smoother special stages and so on?
That's a hell of a waste if it isn't.

>> No.1256302

Back the fuck up

Space Harrier is on the 3DS? I might just nab that.

>> No.1256306

I've played Sonic and Space Harrier so far (no interest in Altered Beast, but I'll buy Hang-On eventually) - the level of detail M2 put into these games is absurd. Sonic is probably the most accurate emulation of the title to ever be released on any system; and it even has the ability to switch chiptune emulation between Mega Drive 1 and Mega Drive 2. The CRT option uses a pretty mediocre fisheye effect, though, and it looks pretty naff. Less importantly, it adds the spin dash, which is kinda cool.

As for Space Harrier, it's the best home port of the title ever released. It has Gyro support and you can even set it up so that it emulates the sounds of the machinery in the original machine, if you're so inclined. Plus, the 3D effect is a better showcase of the effect than the majority of games on the system - notable exceptions being Starfox and Kid Icarus, both of which share more than a few similarities with Space Harrier.

I agree that it's kind of a waste of all the work put into the Retro Engine port, but with the sheer level of detail and effort thrown in to it, you can't really complain.

>> No.1256309

>it emulates the sounds of the machinery in the original machine

Goddamn. Now I see why Hideki Kamiya was so obsessed with Space Harrier 3D, it's the best version of it next to the original arcade cabinet apparently.

>> No.1256313

They're finally out?

>> No.1256314

Altered Beast, Sonic, Super Hang-On and Space Harrier are out. The rest have yet to be released.

>> No.1256317

>only one I'm even remotely interested in is Streets of Rage
Oh well. Guess my 3DS isn't getting turned on yet.

>> No.1256319

>Streets of Rage
>Not Streets of Rage 2
Why would they do this?

>> No.1256324

They probably want to see how well this one sells before they work on SoR2 and eventually SoR3.

>> No.1256325


It also doesn't make sense to skip it. Yes, I know, SoR2 is better. But SoR1 is still fun.

Also, what other game allows you to call in police backup that has MOTHERFUCKING GRENADE LAUNCHERS. Crime must be out of control in whatever-the-fuck-city SoR takes place in if those are standard issue.

>> No.1256330
File: 6 KB, 320x224, gunstarheroes-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't really complain
Yes I can.
They finally, FINALLY, do something other than just another fucking port or emulation of the original Genesis game, and the same year, THE SAME FUCKING YEAR, we are right back to ports for the five billionth time.
I don't really care how accurate it is, because at this point in time, it is accurate to an inferior version.

Space Harrier sounds rad as hell though. No complaints there, but I wish they'd port Planet Harriers to something already.

Why Sonic 1 and not Sonic 2 or Sonic 3 & Knuckles? (imagine those special stages in 3D for a moment)
Why Altered Beast and not literally anything else?
Why not something like Gunstar Heroes or Dynamite Headdy that occasionally makes use of fancy pseudo-3D effects and would really benefit from this?

>> No.1256332

>Why not something like Gunstar Heroes or Dynamite Headdy
Because those are Treasure properties and these are Sega's ports.

>> No.1256334

>Gunstar Heroes
>Dynamite Headdy

Only published by Sega but developed by Treasure, that's why.

>> No.1256339

I thought SEGA owned the IPs.

POINT OF INTEREST: M2 worked on the Game Gear port of Gunstar Heroes.

>> No.1256348

One of the bad guys from AB was in Punch-It Paul so they gotta port it everywhere they can

>> No.1256370
File: 22 KB, 320x224, Gunstar Heroes (U).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, time to pile on the evidence.

Look at this title screen.
>© 1993 SEGA
>no mention of Treasure at all

>> No.1256373
File: 15 KB, 320x224, Dynamiteheaddytitlescreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Dynamite Headdy.
>© SEGA Enterprises
>computer designed by Treasure

>> No.1256380
File: 1.35 MB, 2406x1500, SMD-GEN-GunstarHeroes-vgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the Gunstar Heroes box
>SEGA logo everywhere
>Treasure logo nowhere to be found, company not even mentioned in passing
>it's like this in all territories
>"Sega, Genesis and Gunstar Heroes are trademarks of SEGA."

>> No.1256383
File: 972 KB, 3366x2100, Dynamite Headdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exact same deal with Dynamite Headdy.

>> No.1256387

As soon as I saw this image, the boss music started in my head

>> No.1256391
File: 2.39 MB, 3215x2161, ps2_segaagesgunstarheroes_jp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Gunstar Heroes Treasure Box, the 25th volume of games in the SEGA Ages 2500 series of releases for the PS2.
Pretty much every other volume was distinctly and unquestionably SEGA properties.

>> No.1256396

And like I mentioned before, the Game Gear version of Gunstar Heroes was not handled by Treasure, but created in-house by M2.

I think SEGA owns the rights to pretty much everything Treasure made up to and including Guardian Heroes.

>> No.1256408

I want to but I don't know what to buy.

Yes I'm a Sonicfag but I also don't think Sonic 1 is worth losing your shit over and making an impulse purchase either.

>> No.1256421

Whats the difference between the international/japan options in Sonic?

>> No.1256425

Probably all the nominal stuff. Clouds have scrolling, landing on spikes after taking a hit won't kill you, etc.

>> No.1256698


Space Harrier 3D is a must if you like the pseudo 3D shooting genre, or if you already like SH, seems to be the definitive version.

>> No.1256712

I've only played the Sonic one and my only complaint is that some objects in the background and foreground are on the same layer as Sonic when they should be a little bit behind and in front. But I suppose they only had so many layers to work with.

>> No.1257761

>Sonic the Hedgehog
>Not Sonic 3
>Not Sonic & Knuckles
>Not both in a combo
>Not Sonic 3 & Knuckles
>Not Sonic 2

>> No.1257776

they'll probably release it later like how they did with android/ios remakes

>> No.1257803

I've picked up every one released except for Altered Beast, plan on getting it as well. M2 did a really good job redrawing everything. Holy shit though, Super Hang On must be one of the hardest games I've played as far as the level of concentration required. I'm playing it on default difficulty and currently trying to beat the Asia course, haven't made it to the 9th checkpoint yet. What's the difference between the sit-down machine and the other one?

>> No.1258374

Are those ever going to come to consoles and PC? Fuck.

>> No.1258724

Next line-up will probably be:
Power Drift
Outrun (Ferrari licencing issue might make it a non-starter, sadly)
Virtua Fighter (20th anniversary and could look glorious in 3D)
Sonic 2
Streets of Rage 2
I reckon we will see one of the following as well: Vectorman, ESWAT (MD version), Kid Chameleon, Ristar

>> No.1259080

>they're doing Galaxy Force

>suggesting After Burner

Why not Galaxy Force 2 and After Burner 2?
I was under the impression that both of those were almost literally just the first game but with tiny improvements and a little extra content.

>> No.1259457

I wanted 3D Golden Axe, shame that might not happen. Might've encouraged them to finally release the arcade version of 3 for a home system. I'd love to see SoR3 without the horrid american butchering, but I don't think we'd ever see it.

Weirdly, I'd love to see Alien Storm, or Alien Syndrome with local play.

>> No.1259472


The Galaxy Force is Galaxy Force 2, complete with themes for each of the 3 cabinets

>> No.1259656

Well okay then, no problems here.

>> No.1259957


>> No.1260008

I'm really hoping they do Golden Axe, but I wonder if they'd pick the Genesis version over the Arcade.

>> No.1260395


Read this if you have the time. Really interesting stuff.

>> No.1262198
File: 42 KB, 400x240, 11180295336_63af25a4dd_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried Sonic 1 Remake on Android and wasn't really impressed. Even though it's running on Taxman's engine, most of the "new" features were available in rom hacks since the mid-2000's. Sonic CD Remake seemed like more of an actual remake. Even though I don't like the game itself that much, it seemed like more of an upgrade and less of a port. I'm thinking Sonic 2 Remake could be the best of the bunch, partially just because it's Sonic 2.

That being said, 3D Sonic the Hedgehog actually looks better than the Taxman remake to me. I especially like that they added in a CRT filter mode like Gens+ and Super GNES have. I agree that M2 seems to be putting a lot of care and effort into these ports, even going as far as to port and rewrite some of the original assembly code for their "Giga Drive" engine.


>> No.1262219

this week Galaxy force 2 is coming out, then shinobi III the next.

>> No.1262326


What I didn't like about Sonic CD Remake is that they removed the timer count reset mechanic when you time travel. I know it goes unnoticed for most people, but I actually liked that in the original.

>> No.1262483
File: 36 KB, 320x224, soniccd timetravel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of the "new" features were available in rom hacks since the mid-2000's
The remake has more than just new characters, save files, and the spin dash.
It runs in true widescreen, uses sprite scaling in places like Robotnik's wrecking ball thing and the special stages, fixes various bugs, has leaderboards, has remastered music, runs at a constant 60fps, and so on.

What I don't like about it is that you still have to see that dumb cutscene of Sonic spinning when you time travel. The only reason that was there in the first place was so the system had time to load a different version of the level and different music off the CD.
There's no need for that now, so they should've at least had the option to turn that off, so you could time travel instantly in a flash of light.

>> No.1262549

I don't even get the "remastered music" thing. The drum samples sound a bit cleaner and the bass sounds a little heavier, but that's about it. I don't even know why they bothered mentioning it to be honest. I was expecting something like the 'Masa's Demo' tracks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWu1iZRyxw4

>> No.1262553

Yeah, the so-called "remastered" tracks are really lousy. They should've just recorded it straight from a model 1 Genesis like they did with the Sonic 1 & 2 soundtrack you linked.

>> No.1262567

>the same but slightly better
I don't understand you people.

>> No.1262587

>slightly better

It's tinny as all hell, dude. You can just barely hear any bass and it basically just sounds like someone put an equalizer over emulated versions of the soundchips.

That high pitched sound the drums constantly make is completely grating

Compared to what it sounds like on the real thing

>> No.1263605

>they should've at least had the option to turn that off, so you could time travel instantly in a flash of light.
Now I want to see what this would look like, even if it was just from video editing.

>> No.1263901


>We also weren’t able to include full screen support or replays.


>> No.1263904



>> No.1263941

That only means that Sega published them and owns the copyright.
There are instances where publishers have outright ommitted the developers names from the entire game if they want to.

>> No.1263975
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>That only means that Sega published them and owns the copyright
...Yeah, that's sort of the entire point.
From the beginning what I was saying was if they're going to do 2D games, they ought to do games that have a lot of pseudo-3D effects like Dynamite Headdy or Gunstar Heroes, and two people immediately replied with "BUT THOSE ARE TREASURE NOT SEGA"
SEGA owns the IPs. That's what I was saying. They could do them as part of this SEGA 3D Classics thing if they wanted.

>> No.1264010

I'm inclined to agree that Sega owns the IP, not Treasure. Note that all of Treasure's non-licensed Genesis games are on Steam through the Genesis/Mega Drive collections, but Treasure had to go through Greenlight to get Ikaruga on Steam.

>> No.1264034
File: 10 KB, 320x224, dynamite-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Note that all of Treasure's non-licensed Genesis games are on Steam through the Genesis/Mega Drive collections
It's not all of them. The McDonald's and YuYu Hakusho games aren't on there, but yeah, pretty much all the other Genesis games on Steam are strictly SEGA developed games.
Similar scenarios are Dynamite Headdy being in Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection, and this thing that I already mentioned: >>1256391

Also, the more I think about the game's levels and shit, the more I realize how amazing a 3D Dynamite Headdy would be. It's almost like it was made for this at parts.

>> No.1264043

Kind of maybe sort of okay not really related but does anybody actually have the Gunstar Heroes Treasure Box seen >>1256391 ? I've always wanted to get it since I heard the ports are really well done and remove all slowdown from all three games but I dunno if it's worth getting a Japanese PS2 or modding my old one over.

>> No.1265304


What about the credits?

>> No.1265315

What about them?

>> No.1265403

If you read the new Ecco interview on the SEGA Blog they talked about Gunstar Heroes. They wanted to do it for the first batch but decided it would be better to get some experience before tackling a game like GH. They said that depending on how these sell they'd like to do it though.

>> No.1265431
File: 7 KB, 320x224, compare-genesis2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah, get hype for 3D box man who dies in 2 seconds.

>> No.1265709

Well, what do the credits say?

Do they mention Treasure or only SEGA?

>> No.1265747

I just hope it has download play.

>> No.1266725

Indeed, they're releasing a number of titles in the west after their success in Japan. They just announced that After Burner 2 is next on the list. I'm not the biggest fan of download purchases, but I figure I may have to just to finally try these games.

>> No.1266739

Do any of these remasters have a save state feature?

>> No.1267445

Ecco and Galaxy Force II are out. Here's a really interesting interview about Ecco.
I know Sonic and Altered Beast do.

>> No.1267652

>I know Sonic and Altered Beast do.

I just bought 3D Sonic the Hedgehog and 3D Space Harrier, and both of them have a save state feature. I must say, these are really quality stuff, the sheer number of small nerd fanservice options amazed me. Nintendo's 3D Classics (which I'm still bitter about, they wasted such a potential) pale in comparison.

>> No.1267964

Yeah, they did a great job with redrawing all of the sprites too. Just checked the SEGA Blog and the Galaxy Force interview is finally up.

>> No.1268062
File: 15 KB, 320x224, 311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I wonder if they'll do Ecco II.
Beautiful fucking game.

>> No.1268408

So anybody try out GFII yet? I enjoyed Space Harrier 3D a bunch (even though I can't figure out how to use gyro controls), and I'm hoping there's some of the same cool shit on GFII. I'm also a little curious about Ecco, but mostly about how it looks in 3D.

>> No.1268484

Is there a reason that the 3ds store has videos of these games, made speficially to view on a 3ds and are yet NOT IN FUCKING 3D?! Seriously, I can't watch a clip on youtube because I wanna see how it'd play, but instead I get a full minute of genesis gameplay. I mean I fucking KNOW what Sonic 1 looks like. I'd like to see if the 3D is any good before you sting me for six bucks.

Is there any enhancements to the game or is it literally spindash + 3D? I hope it's good...But what's the fucking point of the 3DS video demo if it's not in 3D?

>> No.1268513

The 3D is great, probably better than Space Harrier. Ecco looks fucking beautiful as well.
Yeah it's kind of shitty the videos aren't in 3D. The 3D for Sonic is really nice, especially with the pop out setting. There's also the option of playing the Japanese version for additional layers of parallax. If you want a visually impressive 3D game you're better off going with Space Harrier and Galaxy Force II though. I've bought every 3D Classic released and haven't regretted one yet though.

>> No.1268536

GF2 is golden, It is kinda short, but we a;ready knew that.

The 3D is neat as fuck, and it controls great. Also, the settings let you set shoot and accelerate to hold, which is great.

Sometimes it is hard to see things though, because the ship covers the view, but I also have to say that the redrawn graphics, and use of alpha makes the game look frikking amazing.

Finally, I love the fact that I can use widescreen with the moving HUD feature. It makes it so the GUI follows the ship and it feels so good.

No Giro controls, but it has Pro support and if you like you can control the ship with the stylus, but it is kinda so so.

>> No.1268539

I dunno, Altered Beast doesn't seen worth it no matter how accurate or how 3D it is.
It was a decent showcase of arcade-like graphics on the Genesis early on, and "wise fwom yo gwave" is great, but that's where the merits end, imo.

>> No.1268586

It gets a lot of hate but I've played a lot worse games. It's a fun beat em up and it looks great on the 3DS. It's gotten the least amount of play time from me out of the 6 released games but I don't regret it.

>> No.1268590

How are the Circle Pad Pro controls? I haven't bought one yet but if it makes the game better I would.

>> No.1268706

I did realize a bit later that they've at least added Miiverse boards or whatever you call them for Ecco and GFII, so people can post some 3D screenshots for others. That's sold me on GFII (along with this feedback), though I'm still on the fence about Ecco.

>> No.1268820

I do not have one either, but it lets you play by controlling the ship with either, and than controlling the throttle with the other.

They added it more as a homage to the original, which had a stick for the throttle.