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File: 25 KB, 600x600, dpad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1259192 No.1259192 [Reply] [Original]

Which controller has the best dpad?

>> No.1259193
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>> No.1259195


>> No.1259204

Besides the PSP and Wii classic controller, I'd say the NES.

>> No.1259205


>> No.1259208

What about genres other than fighters?

>> No.1259212

Well, that's a little redundant, don't you think? Seriously, though. Why can't they repeat past successes? The Neo Geo Pocket Color clickstick, the Saturn dpad, six face buttons, any dpad that isn't on a sony or microsoft system, jesus christ.

I mostly use a PS2 controller because it's versatile, but that gap in the dpad isn't comfortable. The N64 had a great dpad and the thing was barely used. The Gamecube had a few game collections and the dpad on that thing was... well, it was better than Xbox, but that's not saying much. NES, SNES, N64, and Gameboy had perfect dpads, and then we got the Gamecube and DS Lite. I think the PSP has the worst official dpad I've ever used. At least you can sometimes get diagonals on an Xbox controller. I don't get it. Sony made good, if uncomfortable, dpads up until then, but the PSP dpad was a sunken pile of crap. I just don't know how this happens. Stop being creative, just use something that actually works.

>> No.1259217

GBA / First gen DS

>> No.1259219
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>Besides the PSP
your b8in right?

>> No.1259220

>psp dpad worse than xbox
>implying it's bad in the first place

I could not disagree with everything you said more. 0/10, would not talk to you at a party.

>> No.1259224

Is there a keyboard with connected buttons?

>> No.1259287

Nope. That thing is amazing.

>> No.1259290

what are your thumbs manlet sized? the Nintendo D-pads shrunk to nothing

>> No.1259292

The Saturn for sure. Second place has to be the Vita one.

>> No.1259294

what? Explain

>> No.1259295

good controller design, but the dpad has some diagonal issues also I think they made it out of 60 grit sandpaper, its a 9/10 design, 6/10 dpad, Nes and the genesis 6 button are the best.

>> No.1259303

>what are your thumbs manlet sized?
no, im just not a fat obese beast with over sized thumbs.

>> No.1259301

forgot to add the dpad on the saturn 3D controller was really nice, it had nice big bouutons too.

>> No.1259305

dat bouutons

>> No.1259308

me niether bro, im six foot 205 lbs. you know grown ass man size. maybe when you turn 14 you will realize that those dpads are ass. I have never heard anybody love nintendos dpads after the snes. Take some vitamins or something manlet.

>> No.1259312

confirmed 13 year old newfag, knows nothing of classic games, thinks ps2 is classic.

>> No.1259313

>I have never heard anybody love nintendos dpads after the snes
what is Classic controller
>im six foot 205 lbs
And your calling other people a manlet?
Fucking top lel.

>> No.1259315


>> No.1259316

plays on wii....emulated classics....claims to be a gamer, mega top lel

>> No.1259318

Unpopular opinion time:
I really like the PS1 controller d-pad.

>> No.1259319
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>im six foot 205 lbs
>you know grown ass man size
Sure kid

>> No.1259320
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loves tiny dpads stars in BK commercials

>> No.1259323
File: 72 KB, 477x600, america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BK commercials
America confirmed
>im six foot 205 lbs
>you know grown ass man size
>lying on the internet

>> No.1259370

im sorry you eurofags haven't grown since the men revolted and left. Have fun with them tiny hands and tiny wangs

>> No.1259371

have fun dying of heart failure

>> No.1259394

wow those comebacks are awesome! the states aren't anywhere near the leading country in heart problems. I love how any eurofag gets challenged on a statement and runs to the amerifats hurr durr. Seriously your jealously is apparent. Why has nobody else said GBA dpads are awesome?.......................crickets. Your opinion matters as much as your tiny 13 year old boy hands do. Go troll B and GTFO of here. Seriously make a case why those tiny dpads are great, don't hide behind insults. Let's have a serious discourse on classic games, not the emulated classics you play on the Wii that you got for your 9th birthday from grammy. Please let us adults talk that have first hand knowledge and valid opinions about our beloved systems.

>> No.1259401
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>Being this mad over a opinion.
>instantly attack the opinion and poster
>Posts childish retorts
>Gets upset when retorts are just as childish

>don't hide behind insults
You started it

Typical american hostile and stupid.

>> No.1259403

wahh you started it,amerifat stupid hurr durr.

>> No.1259404

Thrilling retort :^)

>> No.1259405

Yeah dude seriously, you ruined the thread go someplace else.

>> No.1259409

just using your retort system.

>> No.1259413
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Another classic

>> No.1259419

>a thread about buttons on a video game controller turns into a cycle of shit talking almost instantly

The Playstation consoles have the best D-pads. They keep it simple and make them actual buttons rather than a weird piece of plastic crap. I hate the Xbox setup. Saturn looks uncomfortable too, but I've only played it once at a friend's house as a kid because I didn't own one. Nintendo consoles have pretty average D-pads, often getting progressively worse in time with their handhelds. The Gameboy Color had pretty good ones. NES has a shitty controller in general, but it's iconic looking at least.

>thinking rectangles are a good idea for something you hold

We had computer mice by then. They truly should've thought that through a little more.

>> No.1259423

Is no 4chan board affected by the newfag disorder? At least his original post was funny about tiny hands for tiny dpads, not insulting. You show your age getting pissed off by derailing a thread over being butthurt. Make your case for the small dpads or leave. Stop trolling.

>> No.1259425

Meh, maybe not technically, but they're close enough and they're identified as D-pads.

>> No.1259424

>The Playstation consoles have the best D-pads. They keep it simple and make them actual buttons rather than a weird piece of plastic crap.
So there technically not D-PADS because they're buttons rather a solid pad?

>> No.1259426

>At least his original post was funny about tiny hands for tiny dpads
You found that comment funny?
You're showing your age son.

>> No.1259428

I lime the NES pad as a whole. It was the first dpad style controller and still one of the better ones, it had nice buttons as well. It was definitely more comfortable than anything else at that time and the way its held the rectangle doesn't matter. Making the sides contoured wasn't really necessary until controllers got bigger with more buttons etc.

>> No.1259429

being buttons makes it awkward for fighters. hitting diagonals with buttons is a joke.

>> No.1259431

give it can you be more butthurt? your age is apparent

>> No.1259432

learn to check for samefag. I'm not him.

>> No.1259434

they are a solid piece in the earlier PS pads later they broke the pad up inside. it is a dpad

>> No.1259435

claiming Im not him....still lurking being butthurt

>> No.1259437

>claiming Im not him
Prove it.

>> No.1259443

GBA dpads sucked everbody knows it

>> No.1259441

Yeah, but some would say using controllers for fighters in general is kind of annoying. I know that's kinda elitist but in my personal experience, I've never found a controller I was comfortable playing a fighter on either. Inputs get messed up and jammed too much because it's always uncomfortable.

Are they? I just have my DS3 out next to me so I don't have a point of reference in plain sight (and I'm too lazy to go get my PS1/2). I thought they might've in the PS1. I don't remember if the PS2 did at all. But the DS3 is still my favorite controller in that case, other than those stupid triggers they put on.

Having buttons like this is way more comfy for 99% of games.

Do you guys honestly care about this argument you're in, or are you just continuing it to not look bad?

>> No.1259446

I'm not that guy. Im asking you to prove your previous statement. Jesus you really are stupid. I understand what the other guy was talking about. Get more sense out of a brick.

Not really

>> No.1259450

>Yeah, but some would say using controllers for fighters in general is kind of annoying.
Very true. Tho being button based is extra annoying
>I've never found a controller I was comfortable playing a fighter on either
As a kid i enjoyed the Dreamcast for fighters tho not used a DC controller in awhile. Might boot it up.

>> No.1259451

The Madcatz SF4 fightpads are good and have excellent dpads.

I cant remember which ones were what dpads on PS. I just remember some being solid and some being split.

Their argument is lame and ruining this thread. One needs to legitimately defend the GBA dpad, the other needs to just let it go.

>> No.1259454

Dreamcast dpads for fighting games.....dem razor edges. Ouch.

>> No.1259478

No agony no bragony

>> No.1259483

Even the ds3 pad is one piece. Take it apart and you will see.

>> No.1259503
File: 44 KB, 316x289, PS1-d-pad-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1259509

This thread was over before it began. Even my tiny girl hands love the Saturn controller.

>> No.1259510

the worst D-Pads ever.
>set too low into the controller
>thumb sinks into the middle
>when moving in a circle motion/left and right/up and down it catches on the thumb

>> No.1259519


Not too sensitive, perfect for fighting games.

>> No.1259526

Is the pad on the Rumblepad 2 and the X360 controller is similar to that?
I love these, but it takes a little practice to get used to them.

The PSX pad was too hard IMO. I played a lot of platformers and I had to stop every 5 minutes or so because my thumb would hurt.

>> No.1259530

Literally never had that happen to me.
>thumb just sets in the middle, floating around waiting to be used.
>finger just glides along the top
>never get caught by smooth plastic
>feels goodman

>> No.1259538
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>> No.1259548
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Just in terms of the plastic bit.
It's a shame that not many games use the diagonal directions on SMS, but pretty cool for Marble Madness

>> No.1259573

the best tjin about master system was that genesis pads worked on it. Awful awful dpad and the master system arcade sticks? Why were the arcade sticks for leftys?

>> No.1259579

Sega Genisis 6 button for me, it doesn't have the superior shape that the second saturn pad had, but the buttons and dpad are awesome. Don't put the Saturn over, remember the first controller it shipped with. It was easily the worszt dpad ever.

>> No.1259581

I haven't read this thread but I'm going to just assume by this point it's boiled down to people arguing over the Saturn pad vs the SNES pad when which of the two you prefer is a personal choice, cross versus circle.

captcha: cross ishnotc

>> No.1259582
File: 210 KB, 1024x768, sega-saturn-controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.1259584

>Why were the arcade sticks for leftys?
They were still being influenced by Atari joysticks.

>> No.1259585

it's circle for fighters and sports and cross for everthing else

>> No.1259589

They couldn't have been, Sega was already ruling the arcade by then. They surely knew how to make arcade sticks.

>> No.1259604


Not that guy, but the OG PSP has the shittiest dpad in history.

I know, because I've had one since launch. 2000 and 3000 are good though.

Also, the DualShock 4 has a really nice dpad.

>> No.1259605

Saturn pad doesn't have shit on the Neo Geo thumbstick. Also 6 face buttons is retarded.

>> No.1259606
File: 6 KB, 225x153, DS d-pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Retro but you did ask.

>> No.1259610

Glorious D-pad

>> No.1259613

that clicky goodness, why'd they have to ruin it later on.

>> No.1259639
File: 4 KB, 527x244, spec_buttons[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 face buttons is retarded.
You're exactly the kind of person I hate

>> No.1259648

>genesis 6 button are the best
But the Saturn controller is basically the exact same thing, just with shoulder buttons.

>> No.1259658
File: 25 KB, 600x362, congo_bongo_5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sega was already ruling the arcade by then
Well I wouldn't quite go THAT far but they did have some hits on their hands. However, most of them used custom controls or flight sticks.

The few that used regular joystick plus buttons were configured for people to use their right or left hand on the joystick. Pic related it's Congo Bongo.

>> No.1259665

>equating a controller top with a cabinet top
No, you're the kind of retard I hate. Your thumb simply cannot service that amount of buttons on the level you can with multiple fingers, and to operate the controller in such a manner where you to can hit the face buttons with your fingers entirely defeats the point of it being a hand-held controller in the first place. Extra inputs are better maps to shoulder and backside buttons. Even four face buttons as opposed to three is really pushing the limits of what it is feasible for your thumb to accomplish all at once.

>> No.1259669

*better mapped

>> No.1259673

>Stubby little sausage thumb detected

>> No.1259675

I fucking DARE you to play a better Eddie in Guilty Gear than me using just your thumb. You only think this because you're biased by the Saturn's nice D-pad and you've never played a game with lots on inputs on the level that operating everything with your thumb becomes readily apparent how limited it is.

>> No.1259681

Or never performed the simple thought experiment for that matter. It is simply logical that you can handle multiple inputs with more dexterity using multiple fingers over just one.

>> No.1259684

>Your thumb simply cannot service that amount of buttons on the level you can with multiple fingers
So you move your thumb a little bit then. What's the issue here? No decent game is going to make you press buttons on opposite ends at the same time.
Look at Ocarina of Time. It used 6 face buttons. Were you ever struggling with the controls in that game?

>> No.1259701

Yeah except this isn't a thread about joysticks it's a thread about Dpads ya Rtard.

>> No.1259704

Ocarina of Time has fairly simple action mechanics. There can be and certainly are good action games that require trickier multiple button inputs at once and putting all your shit on the face buttons instead of spread over to your other fingers doesn't facilitate them. 6 face buttons serve no purpose that more shoulder inputs can't handle better. If we're going to talk about N64 games then Perfect Dark is a perfect (do ho ho) example. It's always a bit slower to use the A and B buttons for item selection and opening while you're moving around with the C-buttons than it could be otherwise. You've got to stop strafing or stop looking to use one of your thumbs or hook your index finger around in an awkward manner to claw at them.

>> No.1259708

I don't believe I mentioned anything about joysticks.

>> No.1259716

>6 face buttons serve no purpose that more shoulder inputs can't handle better
But why not have both?

>You've got to stop strafing or stop looking to use one of your thumbs or hook your index finger around in an awkward manner to claw at them.
The whole stop or claw thing seems to just be inherent to controllers and games with somewhat complex inputs in general.
Even Dark Souls with modern controllers has the same sort of issue. Same with lots of console FPS games. Using two joysticks, the triggers and shoulder buttons, and face buttons just does not work very well. There's nothing you can really do about it.

>> No.1259721

Ohhhh I get it. Your preference is the oh-so-logical left-index finger for hard punch, right-index finger for hard kick, right thumb for all mediums and lights.

Any self respecting fighting game player, if forced to use a control pad, will choose a six button to awkwardly claw over a four button that breaks his brain.

If you learned to play or even just still prefer to play six button fighters with a control pad then I was right all along you're exactly the kind of person I hate.

>> No.1259725

The situation I just described in Perfect Dark would never happen at all if the N64 controller had more shoulder buttons. Being able to do those things at the same time without ever needing to stop moving our looking around is a perfect example of a bonus in favor of finger inputs over telling your thumb to handle everything. More face buttons than 4 are just redundant when other inputs that can involve your other fingers exist.

>> No.1259730

>straw men and no true scotsman bullshit
Learn to argue, seriously. The simple fact is that if you're going to use a controller for a complex fighter then leaving everything up to your thumb is pointlessly limiting.

>> No.1259739

The point is if you're pressing attack buttons with fingers on the same hand as you're operating the directional controls with you're accepting a flawed system

A six button controller is closer to the optimum controller for six button fighting games. Period. No logical fallacies there.

>> No.1259741

How many shoulder buttons / triggers do you think we need? We already have 4 with modern controllers, and even if you had 6 of the damn things, the issues I describe with some modern games would often still exist, and at that point switching between triggers / shoulder buttons would be significantly more cumbersome than moving your thumb slightly to deal with 6 face buttons.

>> No.1259745

>and face buttons
The solution is more backside buttons.

>> No.1259750

I really think more wouldn't hurt. If the controller is designed right to fit in your palms with minimal finger gripping then you've got a good three or four more digits to make use of for pressing things. Why waste them on only two buttons/triggers?

>> No.1259754

>The point is if you're pressing attack buttons with fingers on the same hand as you're operating the directional controls with you're accepting a flawed system
Uh... What?

>A six button controller is closer to the optimum controller for six button fighting games. Period.
Well I've already explained how that's sub-optimal so I guess you're just being belligerent at this point. When this thread is long gone I hope you'll manage to remove yourself from your biases and give this a real solid logical analysis sometime.

>> No.1259758

I cannot see any way that that wouldn't be awkward as hell.
For someone crying about how awkward it is to have to have to move your thumb very slightly, you sure do seem to be overlooking the enormous flaws with your proposal here.

>> No.1259760

Controllers don't need more buttons, games just need to have beter controls.

>> No.1259761

>>The point is if you're pressing attack buttons with fingers on the same hand as you're operating the directional controls with you're accepting a flawed system
This sentence really confused the heck out of me but I guess you're trying to say that, for some reason, we shouldn't put the the other fingers on our left hand to use ever? Even if that were the case (which it isn't), you can still handle six inputs on the right hard with the right combination of face and shoulder/backside buttons FAR more dexterously than leaving it all up to your thumb.

>> No.1259763

But he's right. Games that expect a six-button layout work best with a six-button layout.

>> No.1259769

Well maybe you just have a poor imagination. Imagine how the addition of a single extra pair of shoulder buttons for three on each side would already be a massive step above one-thumb-for-four-buttons setup.

>> No.1259779

Draw me a picture of what you imagine and I'll tell you what's wrong with it.

>> No.1259782

Games that expect a six-button layout with all of the fingers on your hand operating them at once work best with a six-button layout making use of as many of your fingers it can. Hand-held controllers probably can't ever do all your fingers unless someone invents something like the power glove or something, but shoulder buttons for your index and middle finger are surely better than everything on your thumb.

>> No.1259780


>> No.1259784

3 shoulder buttons, 1 index finger to press them. yeah... no.

I play using a ds3, and my index finger sits right between the L/R 1 and L/R 2 buttons. I can access both with one finger. Who the fuck has the middle finger up there too unless they are playing the guitar hero games without the guitar controller?

>> No.1259787

Nah, under the suspicious that you're being retarded on purpose I won't waste my time. Do you have a Classic Controller Pro?

>> No.1259797

>1 index finger to press them.
Use your middle finger. And one-for-three + one-for-three is still a better division of labor than one-for-four + one-for-two.

>> No.1259803

I always held the MegaDrive controller with my thumbs under it and the four fingers on top. This is impossible on the fucked-ass 5th+ gen controllers with their dildo horns, which fuck with Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat controls.

But I don't praise the controls themselves. The games absolutely require too many buttons for their own good. It's arcade board stuff. Still, the four buttons + shoulders layout is brderline unusable.

>> No.1259812

How am I being retarded? You need AT LEAST your ring fingers and pinkies on the controller for holding the damn thing to not be awkward.
A controller designed to be held with just your palms would be bulky and stupid, and you wouldn't have a firm enough grip on the thing, and the ergonomics of the controller would be fucked for anything that utilized face buttons rather than shitloads of triggers or shoulder buttons.

>> No.1259809

>Still, the four buttons + shoulders layout is borderline unusable.
But why? You should really give it more of a chance sometime, you may just find yourself playing better with it after a bit.

>> No.1259815

>But why? You should really give it more of a chance sometime
I've been giving it a chance almost daily since SFIV came out, you know.

>> No.1259819


>> No.1259816

Do you have a Classic Controller Pro?

>> No.1259823

How about a Gamecube controller?

>> No.1259826


>> No.1259827

Okay, you know those huge honking L and R buttons? Imagine if they simply split those up into two.

>> No.1260097

Because it expects you to press hard punch and move with fingers on the same hand for one huge thing. That's not even remotely logical.

>> No.1260150

GameCube doesn't have "huge honking" triggers. At least, not in terms of width. They are about the width of a finger.
Breaking them up in two and having them take up the same amount of space on the controller would be awkward either because you'd be using two sets of fingers and your fingers would be way too close together, or you'd have to switch which trigger you are pressing with your one set of fingers, and either way, it would be less comfortable to use the triggers since they would no longer be the width of finger.
You could add additional triggers that are the same size behind the ones that are there already, but then the back of the controller would be jutting way out, making it less comfortable to hold for games that use mostly just the face buttons.
And if you are using your index, middle, and ring fingers on triggers, then you are holding the controller in your hands using solely your palm and your pinkies, which is crazy uncomfortable.
You can sort of hold it with just your palms, but then the only thing keeping the controller in your hands is some amount of pressure, and even just holding the GameCube controller this way for a few seconds, I can tell that it would be uncomfortable to hold after a while.

>> No.1260167
File: 257 KB, 709x709, 1386626194802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which controller has the best dpad?

Saturn by far. Nintendo crosses don't even rate compared to it.

>> No.1260175

Just because it never happened to you doesn't mean it isn't an issue. Back in school, we had a guy who played Streetfighter on the PS1 and the dpad seriously scratched up his thumb.

They might've improved on it with the Dualshocks later on though.

>> No.1260182

>So you move your thumb a little bit then. What's the issue here?

Please explain how exactly would you do a spinning lariat with Zangief using your thumb only, on a pad with 6 face buttons, without moving your entire hand into an awkward position (which also takes some time). Or a level 3 super on SF Alpha 2.

There is a reason why all Capcom fighters had the possibility to map PPP and KKK hotkeys onto the shoulder buttons.

I can do combos and HP+HK moves better with a controller with 6 face buttons but PPP and KKK moves are completely impossible on them without hotkeys. 4 buttons with 4 shoulder buttons are just much more practical, and I say that despite fucking loving the 6 button setup.

>> No.1260189

>Please explain how exactly would you do a spinning lariat with Zangief
Sorry, I can't even get this far. I never played much Street Fighter. Didn't care for it.

>> No.1260382

Dude... I use my middle finger for L2 and R2. How do you not?

Yes, you could get by on just your index finger, but both fingers fit very comfortably up there (it's even extended outward for the situation) and in putting another finger up there, you can easily hit all of the shoulder buttons whenever you want in any combination on reaction. Having to go back and forth to hit them would be a huge pain in many games.

>> No.1260402

Disagree. Simply Disagree.

And so do many others. I wish people who like this controller would understand that.

>> No.1260602

jesus christ all of you, if your playing fighting games, USE A FUCKING STICK.

There I just solved 90% of the bitching in this thread. Especially from you damn segafags. if you're gripping the d-pad with one had and trying to use the buttons like an arcade controller you should be using a stick anyway. your thumbs will thank you.

>> No.1260670

I used to play the fuck out of my GBA to the point where you had to press down right really hard for it to work

This is probably the only reason why I keep a DS Phat. A shame how the Lite and onwards ruined it, though the 3DS one is actually alright but it's small and placed awkwardly.

I'd have to say that the Vita D-Pad is probably one of the best I've ever used, too, now why the fuck didn't Sony give it to the DS4?

>> No.1261123 [DELETED] 

I win.

>> No.1261129
File: 26 KB, 500x414, Objectively correct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I win

>> No.1261130 [DELETED] 

No, you fucked up

>> No.1261191

>dat pop

>> No.1261223
File: 987 KB, 1200x1061, nintendo-3ds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then they had to go ruin it.
to what end

>> No.1261287
File: 38 KB, 998x597, IMG_20131209_223054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find having two fingers extend like that very uncomfortable. I also hold the controller as if it were an snes controller and the "hand grip" parts rest in that first knuckle that connects to the palm. I keep a very open grip while holding a controller. Pic is how my finger sits between the two buttons and a simple movement up or down will press either of them. If I had more than one hand I would get a better picture.

>> No.1261327

You got some baby hands faggot.

>> No.1261470

Eh, I find the d-pad of the DSi more satisfying.

The clicks are sharper and it feels lighter.

>> No.1261584

the DSi was also clicky but it wasnt as good as DSphat D-pad

>> No.1261630
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>> No.1261637
File: 12 KB, 300x250, 1386661087781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is not a dpad, my good sir.

Pic related though. Same stick, but I can play DDP: Resurrection with it.

>> No.1261645


It's a digital directional pad.

>> No.1261643

I had one of those it fucking broke on me, it was awesome before that though I was pretty disappointed .

>> No.1261646


Yeah, I heard they can be pretty fragile so I'm gentle with mine..

>> No.1261851

Both are dpads, glorious microswitch dpads.

WTF do you think dpad is? it's a directional pad dumbass, and both traditional and the microswitch versions are digital. GTFO of the thread, you obviosly are a complete noob. Confirmed 13 year old know it all.

>> No.1261856

Still Saturn. It's comfy and precise. What more do you want?

>> No.1261903

I fucking hate thinking about Nintendo's shrinking d-pads. I always thought Nintendo was the master of the d-pad; every new generation, theirs were the best (to me).

And then came the GCN, which shrunk the d-pad down way too much. I accidentally hit the wrong direction on that thing so many times. It's simply unusable for anything action-oriented, which is just a shame because in my opinion the GCN controller is otherwise one of the best controllers of all time.

At least Classic Controller/Pro Controller/GamePad brought back the large d-pad, but they've got this strange softness to them that doesn't seem to give enough feedback. The older soft d-pads like N64 or SNES felt better and more natural.

I kinda wish the clicky pads became standard, though. It's the best and most precise feedback; d-pads are digital, so having them click on or off makes perfect sense. Original DS had a fucking good one. I remember switching to Lite and enduring so many cramps in Mario Kart DS. Then I upgraded to DSi XL but the pad is agonizingly tiny and 3DS didn't fix it.

>> No.1261945

I can't believe you like anything on the GCN controller, the tiny unusable dpad, the shoulder buttons that had a fucking 1 inch travel to make contact, a octogon gated 360 degree analog stick? and those buttons, all different sizes and orientation. ...those X and Y kidney beans, WTF? Cube is the worst controller in the history of consoles. I had a Madcatz Micro for cube, that had a dpad that was 200% bigger and 4 standard sized buttons, with normal style shoulder buttons. It's the only system that I ever used a third party controller for.

>> No.1261984

He's probably talking about 2000 considering nobody even remembers the 1000 anymore.

>> No.1262136

Controller? CCPro. PS2 in a close second due to casing overlap being a pretty genius idea.
Handheld? Tie between original GBA and original NDS. Your hands will determine which ends up being more comfy for you.

>> No.1262170

>the shoulder buttons that had a fucking 1 inch travel to make contact

That's because they were analog triggers.
Of course, the only games I can think of that truly made use of them were Smash Bros games for the shield. Maybe Metal Gear does to make up for the face buttons being digital (PS2 versions worked with the analog face buttons).

>> No.1262258

I think need for speed or some other racing game used them as gas and breaking

>> No.1262273



Anyway, we're talking about traditional dpad with a cross shape, while those are more like tiny arcade sticks shaped like analog sticks. Same function, different form factor.


I feel that the Genesis 3 button is slightly more comfy than the Saturn. Only slightly though. 3D pad is pretty comfy though.

>> No.1262353

even if the dude was a bit hostile, I agree that it's a dpad. I think the thread was about best dpads in general, most people have never held the clicky microswitch god tier Neo CD pads or their baby Neo Pocket brethren. Once you do you are converted forever. They are Cadillacs compared to everbody else's pintos. Lack of experiencing or playing on one, shouldn't disqualify it. Ask anyone who has, they will tell you.

>> No.1262360


>> No.1263174

agreed, hands down.

>> No.1263226

I concur.
I picked up a Neo Geo Pocket Color a couple months ago, and I LOVE the 8 way pad. Match of the Millenium is an amazing game on that handheld, and I can't stop playing it. Even with only two face buttons, the mini-stick like feel more then makes up for it.

>> No.1264906

Neo Geo Dpads or nothing, people need to get hip.