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1252575 No.1252575 [Reply] [Original]

Come on you know you need one

>> No.1252647

dat shitty second disk

>> No.1252658
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Its a flaw, but you gotta learn to love it no matter what

>> No.1252710

It's not shitty -- it's just missing a bunch of content. The ending is satisfying and you still get to kick a lot of boss-ass.

>> No.1253542

2nd disk flow chart

>boss fight, 5mins
>cut scene, 30 mins
>boss fight, 2 mins
>cut scene 30 mins
>fight, maybe 1 min
>scene, 10 ins
>long ass hallway, 30 mins of walking in one direction
>fight, 5 mins
>movie, mins
>"free roam" section, as long as you want, but not much to do
>final boss, varies based on skill
>end game credits, Who times these?

Before people sperg out and a bunch of autistic rants start, I'm clearly exaggerating and using sarcasm. The times are not this bad, and I'm missing a lot of the 2nd disks content. The ending is satisfying, rushed but acceptable. The entire games 3deep5me story works with the ending it had. All that said I love this game. I hold out and make the 1st disk last as long as I can, level grinding way past the point of caring. By the time I hit disk2 Fei looks who ever I'm fighting and they explode.

>> No.1253552

I'm thinking of starting it up once I finish Fallout 3:GOTY for the first time.

I've beaten it before, but there was an extended break I took so I wasn't 100% sure on the story, and now ~4 years later I can't remember the story.

Tell me this though: I know the second disc is a let down, but is it only a letdown gameplay wise and not the story? Because I don't want to waste my time if the story shits the bed.

>> No.1253559

The story is told through a shit load of cut scenes, rather than game play at that point. It's not as bad as >>1253542 has it listed out but its close.

You will watch a cuscene that explains the story and why the party is in location X, and what that particular character's thoughts are at the time. You fight a boss or explore a very small area, then another cutsceen. Repeat this for the rest of the disk.

The gameplay shtis the bed, the story stays the same, it just got sped up.

>> No.1253567

The story goes from contained to global on the second disc, sprinkled with smaller operations. It wouldn't really had the same impact if everything was being told through normal gameplay.

>> No.1253576


But it at least makes "sense"? I'm not going to go "fuck this huge plot hole"?

>> No.1253591

this. the scope is huge. it just keeps pulling back. there are still side quests and unlimited battles. but i like that you are pretty strong you dont have to wander around fighting random soldiers every 10 mins. you just walk straight in and fuck shit up, in an RPG sense.

there aren't really plot holes. the end is a literal Deus Ex Machina.

>> No.1253628

The story is patched up nicely, and by the end of the game any plot holes you may have found are filled in.

>> No.1253669

Citan was best Xenogears.

Also best party member (barring Emeralda after she ages and gets a few levels pumped into her)