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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1250253 No.1250253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What did you name your characters growing up?

Most of the time I would name my characters their actual names, but sometimes I would name Link "Big Daddy" in OoT and it was always a good laugh.

With Pokemon, I'd always name the main character Gary and the rival would be Ash, just because I felt bad for Gary and didn't think he was a complete asshole.

>> No.1250256

Wolf Man
Yerf Dawg

>> No.1250261

Sir Fuckington

I was a bad kid.

>> No.1250262
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>sister's friend had crush on guy named Chad
>she changed Locke's name to Chad in FF3(US)
>when I played, I did the same thing

>> No.1250278
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Growing up it was Sword because I like the character from image related. Weird ass name for a protag now that I think about it. My brother thought his sword was doing all of the talking for the longest time.

Pokemon Gold rival was ??? because I was answering the question.

>> No.1250290


>> No.1250319

Artanis until it wouldn't fit any longer. Then artwk because of a smash of the keyboard.

>> No.1250329

Paul after my dad.

>> No.1250335

i'd always name link "slave"

idk why

>> No.1250336

I usually used my name but it always got cut off because a lot of games couldn't handle 7 fucking letters back then.

I remember naming the female in Final Fantasy Adventure after my mom.

>> No.1250363

In Zelda and other adventure games my real name, I guess.

Today I give everything stupid or some kind of silly name, like in Pokemon, it's more fun that way when your team consists of Dr. Potato, Owlie the Owl, X43328 who I pretend is a robot bird, Dale Cooper, Fire guy and worm.
Or in an adventure game I name the protagonist after some lame singer of the opposite gender. Usually I just type the first thing that comes into mind or check out a news feed and choose the first thing I see and try to pretend it's actually them.

>> No.1250410


>> No.1250435

For games where the main characters have names I just went with default

For characters without names it was always Hero. I was once called a genius when I mentioned this, and it's been the high point of my life ever since

>> No.1250446

>Pokemon Gold rival was ??? because I was answering the question
Me too

>> No.1250469
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I use default when applicable though in Yellow I used Ash, and in another run later just used Yellow. Blue was Gary, then later it was Blue.

In Zelda I named Link "Jim". I guess I thought it was funny for a hero to be named Jim. Later on I used the appropriate Link name.

In Silver I used my real name for Gold. Named my rival
"Interceptor" because I knew that if he was anything like the rival from Yellow, he was going to pop up at the worst time right before I actually get somewhere.

I played FF IX before VII. When I played VII I named Cloud "Zidane", Barret was "Steiner", Tifa was Dagger, and you can pretty much guess from there. Oh and since I knew about Aerith's death already I named her "Sheath".

>> No.1250476
File: 19 KB, 640x480, Ben_(Full_Throttle).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Zelda, I always named my first play through after myself, name in picture, and then when I went back to complete the game I named him Link. On subsequent games Ganon or the main villain's name, depending.

>> No.1250502

I always named the main character after myself and still do when I'm replaying retro games. On stuff I didn't play during my childhood though, I keep the default name since it's not really a part of me.

I remember when I was really young, my friends and I would get into arguments about who has "rights" to which FF character.

>> No.1250505
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>Go back and replay your old saves
>Female protag is named after you ex-gf
>Other characters are named after friends you've lost contact with over the years

>> No.1250508

I named the characters after myself and friends, except in FF titles. As I moved on, it started to get awkward to have my name match the protagonists (particularly where romance was involved--not /vr/, but Persona 3 was my breaking point in this regard) so I went with default names, or began to name characters based on other properties.

Except in Zelda. LoZ always gets my name on the save file. It's tradition at this point, and most Zelda games don't have much romance in them.

>> No.1250547

My name (or Jon if Jonathan didn't fit) and family/friends. On games where I have control over gender I tend to be female strangely enough and make male family/friends magic users and the females more of the physical type. Don't know why but been doing it since Dragon Quest 3 (played it on the NES when it came out) and been doing it ever since.

>> No.1250798

If the size allows it, I still use Gotrilliten (it's a name I used for a character in a DBZ game me and my friend used to act out all the time when we were kids, but I always really liked the name).

If not, I would just stick to what the characters name was supposed to be.

Often times now, if there are multiple characters I can name, I will make some theme. For example, my last run of Final Fantasy, I gave my characters dwarf-esque names like "Grak, Hurk, Shra, and Lark''

>> No.1250801

My Pokemon theme names go a lot better. I swear...

>> No.1250804
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O-okay anon...

th-that's cool...

>> No.1250821

>tfw you give the heroine your crush's name
>tfw she'll never even know
>tfw staying at an inn is the closet you'll get to sleeping with her

>> No.1250828

Always gone with the default name if possible.
If it wasn't, i'd try to come up with a name that seemed vaguely fitting for the setting.

Zelda was an exception, though, as i always ended up naming him Lonk.
Still do.

>> No.1250830

Default names

These days Jigaboo

>> No.1250836

Am i the only one that named the partners on X RPG game with an original name instead of using my friends names?

>> No.1250843
File: 58 KB, 650x842, 1367724562527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>forever beta

>> No.1250850

Just finished mother 2. Started mother 3, happy family!
>name kids with names i'd pick if i were a father, my bro name and such
>name dog after my dog
>name father with my own name
>name wife with my gf name..
>send screen to my gf "look how cute!"
>"oooh you are so cute, they look happy!!!"

>> No.1250858

Isn't it from avgn?

>> No.1250865

random letters and numbers

because I just did not give a shit

>> No.1250887

Default for almost everything.

I tended to nickname my pokemon (especially once I discovered that most of them had a cooler-sounding japanese name)

Savefiles I tended to just use the first, usually short, random word that popped into my head.

>> No.1250912

Pokemon main was always Dick
Rival was always Faggot
What? I was like, 8.

>> No.1250917

oh god
oh god oh god oh god don't tell him

>> No.1250959

my original OOT save file was M9896744

>> No.1250969

I know that feel.

>> No.1250991

It used to always be my name. Now I name my characters Jonas Wolfe. Jonas, for the character from Claw of the Conciliator, and Wolfe for Gene Wolfe.

>> No.1251891

i still call all my characters 'cock' in any zelda game

>> No.1252026

I named Link Luchador in Majora's Mask because it fit the mask theme and somehow barely fit in the character limit.

>> No.1252250


>> No.1252258

If you name him Zelda it immediately skips to 2nd quest, in case you lost your file and you didn't want to play 1st quest.

>> No.1252278

>name a file in Pokemon Blue after my name
>it's okay
>restart with the name of "Ash"
>becomes my best file
>don't want it to be named Ash but I couldn't delete it after all that accomplishment

Horrific times.

>> No.1252303

In my first Pokemon Red game, I named Gary Lance because there was a kid in school named Lance and I hated him.

Then I got to the elite 4 and was confused.

>> No.1252304


>> No.1252320

Fucking this by accident.

>Big block of text
Furiously pressing A
>More text
>Still going
>This person right here is named ___________
>Auto confirm after character limit is reached.

Not necessarily the main character though.

>> No.1252318


I never renamed Gary, personally. I liked to project myself into games at that young age, so I felt I was going through the anime as is, but with me instead of Ash.

>> No.1252326

I always name silent protagonists after myself, every single time. It didn't even occur to me that people would do otherwise, I never really understood it (and still don't).

I guess it originated with the family sharing the console, so my Dad's files would always be his initials, and I would always just put in my name. I can't play a Zelda game with my name as "Link", it just feels all kinds of wrong.

>> No.1252353

An old gf gave me her older brothers final fantasy cart for the nes back in 2000. The first time i played the characters names were


I miss ya both, Dave. I saw him recently and offered it back but he didn't care.

>> No.1252363
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I'll just greentext this story to get it over with faster.

>be 11 years old
>love my dog
>name my dog in harvest moon after my real dog
>parents carelessly let dog run wild at night, gets lost, I searched for him for over an hour in the dark and only discovered his intestines on the railroad
>absolutely soul-crushed
>fast-forward a couple of months
>urge to play harvest moon again

Miss you, Rex

>> No.1252447
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>> No.1252623

I have the same feel bro.

>> No.1252630


>> No.1252635

I can relate. I had an old save of EarthBound from elementary school with the characters named after myself, a girl I liked, and two other friends. Pretty sure I had it up until high school when I let a friend borrow it, and he hit his SNES with his foot on accident, which caused all of my saves to become erased...

Oh well, I've lost contact with all of those people since then. That's life, I suppose.

>> No.1252691

I had the same experience, both retro and non-retro.
>Be 17 years old
>Playing MGS3D and took a picture of my cat's fur
>Loved the cat to death since I grew up with him
>He had an enlarged heart
>4/9/13 he died
>My soul was crushed very hard
>Play MGS3D
>Doing an entire run with his camo

I miss you, Clyde.

Now for the retro story.
>Be 10
>Playing Pokemon Yellow on Emulators
>Captured Mewtwo and named it after one of the cats
>She was getting old
>12/3/05 she died
>Loaded the save a week later
>Tears roll down my eyes

I miss you too, Melly.

>> No.1252697

On both Golden Suns I named them like me. Shit got confusing on The Lost Age when Agatio & Kars were searching for Isaac's party

>> No.1252718
File: 167 KB, 960x544, mgs3 salute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doing an entire run with his camo

That's touching.

>> No.1252947

This can only end well

>> No.1252956

Can you explain for the autistic people who don't understand social intricacies? I take it that means his girlfriend is going to leave him?

>> No.1252990


named the family in Mother 3 after himself, his girlfriend, and names he'd like to have for his kids. Presumably because he thought it would be light-hearted and cute.

spoilers, seriously
in Mother 3 the wife is killed by dinosaurs, the husband becomes a broken man, one of the sons is kidnapped by pig men, and the other son sets out on his own to search for answers

and then at the end the protagonist son has to fight his brother, who dies in his arms

and then the world is destroyed

>> No.1253018

My first Animal Crossing town was named "my ass"
I would log on, and Gaston would say "HOW ABOUT YOU DO SOME WORK IN MY ASS FOR A CHANGE"

>> No.1256134
File: 161 KB, 447x700, tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was younger I would always name the character after me because I was a huge narcissist. I stopped that now.

If there are random character that have no name now, I usually name them after me or my friends like >>1250505 >>1250508 and >>1250508 mentioned.
If it's an MMORPG or something, I make up a name.

>have hound dog named Hank
>playing Secret of Evermore
>child me: "Oh boy! I can go on a adventure with my dog in a game! This is great!"
>name dog Hank ingame
>good times were had, good game
>over time he had numerous seizures and medicine stopped having an effect on him
>one day he had over 21 seizures before I lost count
>we had to put him down
time goes by
>sell game collection last year
>load up Evermore to make sure it worked
>save file with Hank
>see this thread with stories

>> No.1256157

> Elimination mode?
Is this a special Zelda hack? Sounds interesting if so.

I named characters name I thought sounded nice. It became a litmus test for if I really like a name or not! If I liked it I'd use it in other stuff later, if I got tired of seeing it I'd never use it again.

>> No.1257626

I always try to go default names, or, failing that, I'll name them after heroes in other games.

Pokemon names are usually normalish names that none of my friends have, like Marisa or Josh.

>> No.1257734 [DELETED] 

>having a gf
go away normalfag

>> No.1259172

Elimination mode is just how you delete saved games. It's always been there.

>> No.1259202 [DELETED] 

I still do this with when I play any game that let's me rename groups of people. Last game I played that I did this on was XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Might do it again if I get Enemy Within.

>> No.1259242

It is the mode you use to delete saves. Both NES Zelda games had them.

>> No.1259453
File: 37 KB, 268x265, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open Final Fantasy party screen

>> No.1259463
File: 38 KB, 320x480, get out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally I wouldn't be so upset about posts like these, but I'm incredibly hungover and this made me mad as fuck.

>> No.1259486

usually Titters, or the classic 'poo'

>> No.1259501

also my netflix ID
>recommended for poo
>top 10 for poo
>hey poo, showshowshow season two is on netflix!


>> No.1259513

>be 22
>friend comes over, looks at my MD games
>nigga is that micro machines?
>always kept it but haven't played it since childhood
>we play it
>all the character names are "phaggot" "lesbo" "dik" "hippie"
>custom tracks shaped like dicks
>still funny

>> No.1259535

>replay FF5
>halfway through GF kills herself
>can't play anymore because named a character after her

>> No.1259541

not /vr/ but,

Did this for a windwaker file a while back.
"I gotta pee"

"I gotta pee please wait!"
"Oceans endless oceans.... I gotta pee... Is this what you dream of?"
"Hey! nobody uses this stone but me and- i gotta pee"
"I gotta pee... hold out your hands."
"Quickly I gotta pee, pull out your sea chart!"


>> No.1259547


FFV only lets you name Bartz. Are you talking about another FF, or did she give Bartz a female name?

>> No.1259554

She named Bartz after herself, yeah.

>> No.1259570
File: 25 KB, 620x465, obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm, earlier you said you named a character after her, then you say SHE named bartz after herself? hmmmm next time you try and make people feel sorry for you get your story straight faggot :) now stick a gun in your mouth and join her bitch

>> No.1259597

Just an FYI

This guy >>1259570

Is not the same person as me (>>1259547)

>> No.1259615

After seeing Vampire Hunter D in the nineties, I name all Castlevania characters just "D". I'm not even into anime, it just fits.

>> No.1259638

Apparently you've never played a game with someone, autist.

>> No.1259659


This, so much of this.

>Look at my old FFVII saves. My name for Cloud, Tifa with my ex-gf's name, Barret and others with friends and parents' names.

...I'll have a drink for a moment