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File: 24 KB, 400x208, Master_(Fallout)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1241721 No.1241721[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do you prefer Fallout or Fallout 2, and why?

I enjoy Fallout more because I think the story is much more involving, because of the mysterious elements. Fallout 2 felt like one long quest, with a defined end goal, but Fallout's world felt more like a big mystery, you could tell from the start that something very big was happening and as time went on you got closer and closer to uncovering the truth.

>> No.1243335

I prefer Fallout slightly.Mostly because while it has less content it is more even and I prefer the Master to the Enclave.

>> No.1243350

Nothing could have prepared me for seeing the Master for the first time. The build up to him is fantastic as well.

After that, the Enclave just fell kind of short. They're only humans.

I miss that little blob of hate.

>> No.1243367

1 actually tried to maintain some internal consistency and verisimilitude. It had plenty of dark humour while maintaining an overall serious tone.

2 on the other hand didn't take itself seriously at all... and yet it was entertaining as hell. The whole game was like one big running gag that the player was in on.

Ultimately I'd say that 1 is better-crafted in terms of story and world but 2 is just more fun.

>> No.1243382
File: 581 KB, 2000x1289, mad-max-vault-dweller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I like Fallout 1 for the better atmosphere and story, but Fallout 2 is just more fun to play in it's world.

>> No.1243383

What really bothered me about Fallout 1 was that MANY, MANY npc's didn't have anything unique to say.

for instance, in the bandit camp. you talk to a female bandit and ask her out. and she replies with something like "I cannot process your message at this moment" (paraphrasing).. the thing is that many other npcs say the exact same thing. just ruined the game for me.

FO2 has some of that too, but only near the end (NCR and San Francisco- with their nameless npc's), but that's already the end of the game (just 2 towns out of like 20) so it's forgiveable because you can tell they ran out of time

>> No.1243402

Fallout is to Fallout 2 what Evil Dead is to Evil Dead 2.

>> No.1243419
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I'd say pic related makes up for it.

Jokes aside, I think that FO1 is deeper and darker and FO2 is just more entertaining.
On repeated playthroughs I find that I have more stuff to do in FO2 and more paths to explore while FO1 feels more shallow in that regard, but Master makes for a better villain than Richardson/Horrigan does, and the plot is overall a bit more sewn together.

I guess you could just mention that FO1 has you talk to Harry and FO2 has you troll the Enclave online.

Also, Fallout 1 at least doesn't scare the shit out of you with Hakunin dreams.

>> No.1243427

Fallout had a better story and a better atmosphere.

Fallout 2 was fuckin' hilarious, was less restrictive and was overall more fun.

Basically ever Fallout is pretty awesome. Even 3 was okay as a mindless RPG ripoff, even if that missed the point of Fallout.

But BoS never happened. We do not speak of it.

>> No.1243431

>troll the Enclave online
haha, I loved that. In the Restoration Project mod, doing that actually has consequences.


>> No.1243440

>First time playing through Fallout 2
>Got GECK, full speed ahead to Arroyo
>It's pitch black, sound is all the way up, I'm half-asleep
I didn't sleep at all that night. That fucking image still gives me nightmares.

>> No.1243446

Fallout 2 isn't really worth replaying now that I'm not 13 anymore and don't find sex and violence enough to make something worth my time.

Fallout 1 has a coherent story, a consistent atmosphere, a clear character progression where all the weapons and items are useful at some point, and isn't padded with junk (you can beat it in a day). Way better game overall.

>> No.1243450

2 strikes me as darker and more serious; there's more attention to humans and the real collapse of society after the catastrophe. The game opens with the protagonist hailing from a society that's pathetically regressed back to the stone age, and slavery, organized crime, the drug trade are more tangible evils than the green scaly mutants FO1 revolves around.

I like 2 more, partly because of that, but mostly because it's just a bigger game. Putting aside the plot it's just Fallout 1 with far more stuff.

>> No.1243458

How is 2 more violent than 1?

>> No.1243470

Fallout 1 is my preferred one. Very contained and connected to itself, everything feels related and there's nothing extra to detract from the overall game.

That's not to say Fallout 2 is amazing for its breadth of content, it's just not quite the same though. F2 is great for those that loved F1 but wanted a lot more to play around with. Sometimes it feels like a mod team got carried away though with all the stuff, some of it doesn't mesh that well.

>> No.1243476

I remember seeing him pop up the first time, it's one of the few parts of my life I've ever felt utter shock and terror and busted out laughing.

>> No.1243478

2 was off the rails at some points. There was blatant humor.
>The Monty Python Bridge event
>The Star Trek time travelling event
>The Maltese Falcon
>Flavor text from NPC's in cities
That's just off the top of my head.

>> No.1243482

For me, it was just the utter silence around the whole thing. It was so creepy, I don't understand how anyone could laugh at that.

>> No.1243486

Oh wait, I was thinking of the time he showed up in a dream randomly in the overworld. Yeah, after the GECK is a little different.

>> No.1243487

post a pic please?

>> No.1243506

I played them both for the first time recently and I have to say that fallout 2 is a far better game to me. Fallout 1 has a brilliant first half and a terrible second half. Fallout 2 is like the good half of Fallout 1 multiplied by 4. The beginning of Fallout 2 is shit though

>> No.1243510
File: 276 KB, 483x243, hakunin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I first played that game when I was 12 or so and my older brothers' favourite prank was subjecting me to internet screamers that got me into a habit of covering my eyes before clicking on links and then peeking to see if it's clear.

That fucking dream sequence had me jump out of my chair and cry

I did finally beat it, covering my eyes when the screen started fading to black.
Ripping people to shreds didn't faze me, but shaman was scary business.

I also ran away crying from the room when Mortal Kombat 3's Kabal did his fatality on me

Pic related.
It wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't wearing all that tribal skull shit.
He's a really nice guy when he isn't making you crap your pants.

>> No.1243516

Oh, and on the subject of Fallout jump scares, imagine if this
was actually reachable in a real game.

>> No.1243525
File: 22 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one in particular.

>> No.1243529

Fuck me, if I have to run through the Temple of Trials one more fucking time...

>> No.1243530
File: 158 KB, 209x193, 1379442500661.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I first played that game when I was 12
I actually didn't play Fallout until I was in college. One of my friends had brought up the the subject that Fallout 3 was being made by Bethesda and asked what we thought about it. I and the rest of my classmates said we'd never even heard of the series.

The very next day, he shows up to class with 20 burnt CD's of Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics so all four of us could have copies.

>mon visage quand we spent the next couple of weeks playing the hell out of the games during lectures.

>> No.1243531

Wow, what a bro.

>> No.1243581

I assume he's baiting.

>> No.1243625

what was kabal's fatality? I forgot
how disappointed were you when you played fallout 3?

>> No.1243629


he takes off his mask

>> No.1243631

>how disappointed were you when you played fallout 3?
Very, but mostly because the game just doesn't fit in with the rest of the games at all and it's very boring. New Vegas was much better and I actually liked it quite a bit, so it's the real Fallout 3 as far as I'm concerned. I don't care for the change from turn based combat to real time and the changes to SPECIAL, but I can deal with those.

>> No.1243682

Tactics. I just can not get along at all with the Fallout 1 & 2 interface, I'm sorry, it's just too fucking clunky and unintuitive, it puts me off any time I try it.

It's a shame too, because I'd love to play the games otherwise.

>> No.1243873

It's actually a pretty nice game once you get past the interface. Besides, you can pause at any time or even play it turn-based to get used to it. It takes some getting used to though, I agree.

And remember to have a second doctor in the team. I got Stitch blinded in the last mission due to a shotgun shot at point blank range to the face, but I was lucky I had tagged my main character with Doctor in the beginning.

>> No.1243884

Fallout. It is the most internally consistent one in the series. This is the most important thing to me about Fallout.

Pop culture references are not as numerous as in the rest of the series and blend into the game well( Mad Max attire, Dogmeat, weapons etc).

Game mechanics, when they work, are closer to PnP than in the later instalments. This is something that I adore.

I wish Troika had had the money/time to develop their post-apocalyptic game, it could have been as great of a follow-up to Fallout as it was for Wasteland.

>> No.1243887

I have to say that you haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg if you find FO/FO2 UI too clunky to make it unplayable.

A Roy Batty caption about bad UIs just crossed my mind.

>> No.1243910

I could never get into 3 and New Vegas. Because of the switch to a more FPS mechanic it changes everything. Where in 1 and 2 you can switch you stats (not skill you STATS) around and the game would be fun in it's own way. Like if you drop you Int to a 1. I remember playing a charismatic (since your stat reflects how many people you can bring) smart adventurer in 2 and half fun. New Vegas tried to make other stats useable but I still felt that a few of the stats were too fucking useless.

>> No.1243973
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Yeah, Stitch was actually pretty useful, I tended to make him major in being a Doc and a Merchant. That said, I tend to spend some points in being a Doc on my main, because it can't hurt to have.

Then there was that sniper girl, who wasn't particularly good for anything, so I finally figured I'd dump her off somewhere.

Really, I much more prefer playing Tactics in real time, than in turn based, because I seriously could not handle the UI in Fallout 1 & 2, which frustrates me, because they seem like fun games.

Say, have you ever tried to play the game in a "quasi-solo" manner? As in, you do the missions, but you only use your main for combat, everyone else in the party is just there to carry your loot, handle driving, healing, bartering and field skills (lockpicking and explosives, stuff like that).

At the end, my party consisted of a 16 year old girl firing an M2HB from the hip (max STR min CHR because there's no roleplaying in FO:T anyway), and a bunch of dudes with sniper rifles just standing back at the sidelines.

Damn, now I wanna play Tactics again. I recall my installation would refuse to read my CD at all, so I had to get a crack for mine, anyone else had problems like that?

Tell it.

I thought 3 was damn fun when it came out, even though in hindsight, everything but a few sidequests were pretty full fucking retarded. I mean, I enjoy it when I do play it, but the mainquest is a special kind of retarded.

Fallout New Vegas was a considerable step up, if only because I'm a /k/ommando at heart, it added so many weapons and ammo, including some of my favorites, like the Browning Hi-Power and the Smith & Wesson M29.

>> No.1244001
File: 175 KB, 720x480, dwelly the vault dweller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any point raising stats over 100% in Fallout 2? And holy shit where's a good place to trade/get good armor? Every merchant I meet only has shitty metal armor and about 500 caps. Sulik, Vic and Cassidy have been overloaded with booty for days now.

>> No.1244010

I was really just talking about how the switch to FPS really fucked over the way the game is handled. Where in 1 and 2 moving stats around was enjoyable because sometimes something new might come from it. However in 3 and New Vegas just felt like a Oblivion FPS. Where outside maybe a dialog here or a small change here the game always played the same. At least more of the same compare to 1 and 2.

>> No.1244036
File: 119 KB, 640x480, 45-70rifle3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was really just talking about how the switch to FPS really fucked over the way the game is handled.
I guess it's pretty different.

>Where in 1 and 2 moving stats around was enjoyable because sometimes something new might come from it.
I'm not quite sure what that is, what do you mean by "moving stats" ?

>However in 3 and New Vegas just felt like a Oblivion FPS.
I don't find that to be inherently bad as a concept, but if you mean by all of Oblivions shortcomings and flaws (the stiff world, the repetitive gameplay, the godawful voice acting, the dumbass plot...), I love the idea of an FPS that's about exploring a world, and where you level up, search for treasure, and shoot guns. I think New Vegas did things much better than 3, for one thing, your skill levels and stats could affect outcomes of conversations (for example, you could successfully perform brain surgery on Caesar just by having 9 or higher in Luck), or you could try to solve situations peacefully (not that I didn't look for an excuse to to expend .45-70 Wadcutters).

>Where outside maybe a dialog here or a small change here the game always played the same. At least more of the same compare to 1 and 2.
How do you mean?

>> No.1244056

Some quests require skills of ~120, Redding casino is a steady supply of early-game gold, iirc Combat Armor appears in NCR, Power Armor in SF.
Also check Toxic Caves.

>> No.1244062

>Is there any point raising stats over 100% in Fallout 2?
For weapons, definitely.
For non-combat skills, there are some situations where >100% will help offset skill check penalties, but in general 100% is as high as you'll ever need in any skill.

Metal armor is about the best you can buy outside of San Fran and maybe the NCR. If you don't want to take an early and dangerous trip to San Fran, try a pre-war depot or base. There's a suit of combat armor mk2 in the Toxic Caves near Klamath, although you need a decent repair score (yours looks sufficient) and an electronic lock pick.

>> No.1244071

>electronic lock pick
I have 100 lock pick, do I still need to find an electronic lock pick?

>> No.1244073

Yeah, I believe it's actually required in this one case

>> No.1244076

Oh, and you can find an electronic lockpick in Eldridge's basement

>> No.1244102

APA is in Navarro, it's always the first thing I get.

>> No.1244101

I honestly wasn't disappointed with 3. Its a slightly better Oblivion with guns, and its not like we were going to get a real Fallout 3 ever anyway. It doesn't really shit on the setting more than tactics did. And New Vegas is a better Fallout game than Fallout 2 is. So there was a plus side in the license revival.

>> No.1244120

That sucks, but thanks anyway. I'm pretty much getting one shotted by anyone decent at this stage so I really need to buff my defense.

>> No.1244130

Oh shit, I didn't even realize that place had a basement. Is there anyway to get the stuff out of that one desk behind the dog without making eldrige hostile? I fucking want that book but I still have quests for the man so I can't kill him yet.

>> No.1244146

F1. Quality > quantity. Both are great.

>> No.1244185

>get to shady sands
>dialogue is absolutely shit, quests are extremely primitive

>> No.1244380

I'm this guy >>1243873

To be honest I only beat the game once, after having uninstalled it when I came accross the turrets in that vault mission.

It would be pretty interesting to see an actual solo run (even speedrun?) Baldur's Gate style, but I think I would give up as soon as my main kicked the bucket for the 20th time in the first couple missions.

Also, fuck the Reavers. Fuck them to hell.

>> No.1244381

and then you pick a character with decent intelligence score.

I know I was stupefied myself when I realized just how much more do INT>=7 characters have to do in the Fallout world.

If I recall correctly you can go there during the day when Eldridge is doing his duty as a shopkeeper. Dogs will howl and Eldridge will be like SHUT THE FUCK UP BLOODY HOUNDS but nothing should happen and you should be able to loot to your heart's content.

>> No.1244484

Of course, you suffer no penalty for simply murdering Eldridge, and taking his tasty, tasty inventory.

You'd think you would get in some trouble for murdering a guy to take his stuff, but no.

You don't get in trouble for killing Tubby either.

(The main reason I always got Sulik no matter what when I was 12 playing the game. So I could make a bee-line there, aggro him, and then easily kill him because Sulik kicks his fucking ass on his own, and it's faster if you help.)

Otherwise it's just ridiculously tedious and expensive to get decent equipment otherwise.

>> No.1244493

Flick is my priority kill in the Den just because it stops children from stealing. About the only thing you might want to keep him around for is that he supposedly respawns Cat's Paws for the New Reno quest.

Decent equipment isn't that hard to come by if you just follow quests. Once you get into Vault City you can just explore and kill raider parties and they yield cool stuff like Assault Rifles, Combat Shotguns, FN FALs and Power Fists.

>> No.1244684

Both are 10/10 in their own ways

the Master is one of the GOAT villains in video games

it's sadly very rare for villains to be arguably correct

>> No.1244907

>just how much more do INT>=7 characters have to do in the Fallout world
That actually remains true even in New Vegas, a high INT score is a great boon to a character even if they're a Melee/Small Guns thug to the core, if only for the Skill Point boost it gives aside.

>> No.1244984

eh, 3 and NV completely killed the concept of SPECIAL, actually in basically every gamebryo game every character feels exactly the same

>> No.1245029

Which is pretty much all Bethesda's fault, Gamebryo in itself isn't a terrible engine, it's just that at Bethesda, they don't know that it's wrong to staff criminally incompetent programmers, and that's why their games are buggy as shit with fairly bland gameplay mechanics.

>> No.1245068

Yeah Bethesda really fucked up Fallout. Which is a shame because I actually quite liked their earlier stuff, Morrowind and Oblivion are both some of my favorite fantasy RPGs. Fallout 3 just seemed lazy. Also simple. Also incompetently made. I had a lot of fun with it for my first playthrough though, so maybe I'm just over dramatizing

>> No.1245074

of all the things to fault bethesda for, can making buggy wrpgs be one of them?

i'm not saying it's acceptable, but it's not like there aren't a load of (otherwise good) buggy wrpgs.

>> No.1245079

>it's not like there aren't a load of (otherwise good) buggy wrpgs.

Like, I don't know, Fallout 1 and 2?

>> No.1245096

List of good wrpgs that are not buggy as shit would be significantly shorter than buggy ones. It seems like nearly all wrpgs have fan patches larger than game itself, in active development ~15 years after the game was released. And if a good wrpg does not have a fan patch, chances are it's only because modding difficulty.

>> No.1245157

Yeah. There's a codepatch for Morrowind now, that pretty much fixes all the programming and creeping memory errors of that game, all of them.

Game hasn't crashed on me ONCE, and I've done long, extensive runs with characters. It feels nice to finally be able to enjoy Morrowind without the lingering fear of crashing.

Also, the quick-cast option actually makes playing a caster class not a clunkfuck in combat.

>> No.1245172

>creeping memory errors
could you elaborate please?

>> No.1245192

The longer you played, the bigger your savefile got, slowly but surely, the game became less stable on that savefile, you'd experience more crashes and lag the more you played.

With the codepatch, it fixes so much of that shit (and if you read the list of the shit they fixed, it's fucking UNBELIEVABLE that Bethesda could overlook some of the stuff they had to fix), you can play hundreds of hours and the game wont bog down and crash on you.

It's seriously relieving to me.

>> No.1245272

Mariposa is so fucking hard
I'm basically done with everything except for the Brotherhood missions
I played naively this time, so I fell for every convincing trick and didn't seek out anything without being informed of it's existence, now I'm like level 11 and have nothing to do but get to Mariposa. And I don't know what the fuck to do. It's so god damn hard. Robots just kill me immediately. Mutant's lasers take 30 out of my 60 health a shot

>> No.1246014
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Figured I'd ask here instead of making a new thread.

I want to do a low INT run for Fallout 2. How high can my INT be to still get the retard dialogue? Would it be possible to play an idiot who can suddenly become intelligent through mentats and such?

>> No.1246019
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Basically I want an idiot build with the option of understanding what is going on so I don't miss out on the finer details of the story. Is that at all possible with a low int run?

>> No.1246021

I always loved the map setup of 1.

Everything felt like it has some purpose to where it's put.

When I first booted the game up as a kid and the only direction I had was to go east to find a vault there was this amazing thrill I got when instead I stumbled across a totally different place midway.

>> No.1246025


>Is that at all possible with a low int run?

No, the whole point of a low int run is that you miss out on the finer details of the story because nobody will give you the time of day as you gurr and rarrgh and drool over their shoes mid dialogue.

>> No.1246028

3. Yes, though be aware that some NPCs will get a bad reaction from you talking to them like an idiot and might not talk to you again when you smarten up, so be careful - this might lock you out of some sidequests or rewards for them.

That makes it sound like it's gonna be your first FO2 playthrough - and I'd say playing a dumbo is a wholly different game and you'd be better off already having beaten it before with a "normal" character. Without heavy use of Mentats - and knowledge when and where to do that - your default option will gravitate towards smashing your way through people, so "finer points of the story" will get lost somewhere.

Notably, dumb characters have the endgame streamlined for them because you can go to the final area of the game while bypassing many quests that you would otherwise need to do. Intentionally dumbing down a character with drugs is a common speedrun technique for that reason.

>> No.1246046

I've started several different playthroughs, but haven't finished any of them. I suppose I should wait to do a low INT run until I've actually seen the end sequence.

>> No.1246159

Flick doesn't respawn cats paws more than once, and that quest is hardly worth the aggravation of those little bastards stealing your shit. Kill him and Tubby immediately, then Metzger when you're better equipped.

>> No.1246910

How I did it was get caught on purpose. Then they take me to the main guy and use a corner to force everyone to come to me. Turbo plasma rifle plus a few drugs makes the place pretty easy. Then just wear the robes of that one guy you kill (think the disguise works if not just run fast) and destroy the base.

>> No.1246916

i literally reopened this thread a minute after someone replied to me, isn't that weird? Yeah I'm already on level 4 so it's fine I had to buckle down and do a little savescumming. Can you get captured in any other way than the talking head supermutant in the Watershed?

>> No.1246921

I was able to talk to one of the mutants outside of the base. It helps if you have the robes from the cathedral beforehand.

>> No.1246949

I wholeheartedly disagree.

Play Morrowind and each character feels very unique and different, even Oblivion had that to some extent

It was just an issue of design by Bethesda

>> No.1246957
File: 15 KB, 640x480, the_d_doesnt_like_this_shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stallonean school
>shoots the rat

>> No.1246961

For story and atmosphere I like 1 better
For free roaming and variety and what not I like 2 better
It's all in what mood I'm in when I want to play overhead games like that.

>> No.1247151

Thinking in beating fallout 1 again, is there any kind of port that improves gameplay?

>> No.1247181

What do you mean by improving the gameplay? There is a high resolution + bugfix mod called FIXT, but I'm not sure if it affects the UI the same way as RP improves Fallout 2 (scroll wheel support most importantly)

>> No.1247183


>> No.1247194

Like gzdoom adding opengl, real 3D and freelook support to doom
In this case it would be better interface, window mode and maybe better AI, and if possible manage the helping NPC's like you did in fallout 2.

>> No.1247209

there's no such thing as a FO sourceport, only a few mods to improve playability (see above anon)

>> No.1247225

I said "port" because most of the time you need to change or replace the exe to do any modification to the game.

>> No.1250112

>Tfw you will never read cat's paw

>> No.1250119

is it porn? it's a porny sounding name, but the game never tells you jack

>> No.1250137

We will TEAR OURSELVES APART fighting each other.

IMHO the best would be Fallout with Fallout 2's melee attacks, inventory system and level cap.

Does a mod like that exist?

>> No.1250478

Fans are trying to port it to 2's engine. I think it's almost finished so you might want to wait for that.

>> No.1250536

There's an in-game joke about it being "read for the articles". There's also a rather valid reason for the #5 issue being glued together with sperm. There's also a valid reason for it being given to you in Vault City when you go donate to their sperm bank.

>> No.1251686

>I came here asking if there was any port like that

>> No.1251782

You can donate sperm? Do you need to meet a certain requirement? I might have not had enough INT for that.

>> No.1251958
File: 94 KB, 741x479, harold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just can not get along at all with the Fallout 1 & 2 interface
You do realise that all functions have hotkeys?

>> No.1251961


>> No.1251968
File: 660 KB, 1440x1080, 1365848743240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try Fallout 2 for the first time today
>Tag Melee, Speech Lockpick
>Put points in Percep, Int, Charisma, and Luck
>Dinky little spear misses 4+ times in a row on a 50% chance to hit target
>Die due to Scorpion stinging me

Am I doing something wrong here?

>> No.1251985

You just need to learn Fallout 2 percentages. They are actually rather like Diablo 2 percentages.

95% = 75%
75% = 25%
50% = once in a blue moon.

>> No.1251993

T-Thanks Fallout

>> No.1252005

Temple of Trials exists solely to fuck over otherwise viable characters. Start again, put enough points into Agility so you can use hit and run tactics.

>> No.1252007

Can I drop 10 in agility and change it later?

>> No.1252065

show us your character screen

anon pls

>> No.1252085

Actually, does the hit % show absolute final value or are there further hidden checks?
For example % might be for hit/miss (skill roll), but on hit target might dodge (AC roll)?

>> No.1252149

The displayed chance to hit is the final chance to hit.

>> No.1252151

I remade the character since I forgot to save, I just want to have points in Charisma Luck and Int

>> No.1252169

Well it's not a terrible character. I think you just got unlucky with the scorpions.

You could just run past all the enemies if you really don't want to fight. You'll only miss out on a few hundred XP.

>> No.1252174

Will it impact me much at all?

>> No.1252178


Oh god, this screenshot suddenly reminded me of when I first played this game with a friend back in ~1999-2000

We tried for SO LONG to cross the trees and rocks and reach the bottom of this zone. It took us like 40 minutes before realizing you can enter the temple. Not my proudest moment. It took even less time to figure out how to unlock the first door...

>> No.1252187

What, the lost XP?
Nah, you can get that much from a random encounter or two.

>> No.1252261

Fallout 1
Witouth doubt.
Im not even gonna replay it because my first gameplay (almost adicted to it) was just fucking great playing always a the good guy. Whent I just got the power armor and rape every mutant so hard on Mariposa base with RPG all the way through the Lt. Besides Fallout 1 is shortest than 2, it has better dark atmosphere, (The glow, chatedral, Boneyard) you really feel so lone and lost with a struggle quest on you shoulders. Also the final was a little bit unexpected.

Fallout 2 it's just like a plus if you are not already tired of quest and rats.

>my waifu.

>> No.1252270

In F1, What's the most fun weapon type (skill) for LK10 Jinxed?

>> No.1252290

I like 2 more than one, but I always feel as if after the Brotherhood of Steel mission where you infiltrate the enclave base, it becomes easy.

>Get power armor
>Loot their base for everything
>Steal the blueprints
>Steal that other thing that was in the quest
>Steal anything else you may need
>Go back to Brotherhood
>Finish Quest
>Level up tons
>Get access to BoS bases, steal their shit
>Sell it
>Have all the money you will ever need
>Have all the weapons you will ever need
>Have everything you will need.

I mean, after that mission the game is just easy.

>> No.1252328

That mission is supposed to be one of the last things you do before you win the game.

>> No.1252352

I just started playing 2 yesterday thanks to another thread that was on here a few days ago.

Being this is my first playthrough with the series in general, did I fuck up by playing 2 first? Or as I was reading that a group of the anons believe that the 1st is the stronger one in the series is it better that I started with 2?

>> No.1252361

You can play either one first.
There are some callbacks to 1 that you might miss if you play 2 first but nothing major. It's a self-contained game.

There are some minor improvements in 2's UI, though, and their absence might be a bit frustrating if you play 1 afterwards.

>> No.1252365

F1 is more serious and has less content; some people believe F2 is too lolrandom, but for me both are enjoyable.
There are no major spoilers in F2, and there are no sudden plot twists in F1 to spoiler anyway.

>> No.1252370


Fallout 2 has:
>slightly improved barter system
>the ability to trade up to 99,999 caps instead of 999
>no 'ask about' option, which was almost entirely useless anyway
>some tweaks to how AC and DR work

It's minor, but noticeable. Gun properties seem different to me - the one-handed gun that uses rifle ammo is goddamn GODLY for early-to-mid game Fallout 1, but sucks ass in 2. I have no proof of this last statement, but that's how it seems.

>> No.1252372

Guns are weaker in Fallout 2 and enemies have more HP.

>> No.1252378

Yeah, ok, that's what I thought. Either that or AC and DR work much better in 2.

Oh, and also:

>vaporized/liquified/flash-fried enemies in 2 are much much MUCH easier to loot than in 1

>> No.1252385

The .223 pistol is, AFAIK, the same in both games, and is absolutely brutal against all but the most heavily armored targets.

In 2 the only thing that bumps it from the King of the Pistols throne is the addition of the gauss pistol, which is just flat out better, albeit with far rarer/costlier ammo.

>> No.1252390

Patently untrue. At 95% you really can expect to hit 19/20 shots, since the whole system is based on what would later become d20.

Thanks, uncle Monte!

>> No.1252397

For male characters only, obviously: Once you become a citizen, go to the Vault in Vault City and have a talk with Phyllis and have a talk about why people all look the same and she'll explain you things about how Vault City monitors its population. Offer to donate. Ask for a magazine to help you out and you get a free Cat's Paw.

Not sure if there are requirements. When I play Fallout I just don't want to miss out on most of the bonus dialogue, and for that, I set Intelligence at minimum 7.

>> No.1252392

>"Where are all the children?"
>"This is a planned community."
>"Oh, I thought it was because I was maybe playing the European version of Fallout 2."

>> No.1252395

No you can't change it later. Learn to sneak. Press 1 and walk. (if you put always run on, hold shift before clicking) Most of the items are just a bunch of healing powders, which you wont need if you limit combat and just go for the exit. I usually make a character with around 8AP. This way you can attack and move far enough away so that the enemies waste their move trying to get to you, instead of actually hitting you.

>> No.1252445



It's one of the first things I did when I played the game for the first time, before I even found V13.

>> No.1252450

I believe there is an INT requirement for donating sperm, as well as a CHA requirement to ask Phyllis out on a date.

>> No.1252491

That could be it. I remember asking her out on a date but not donating sperm.

>> No.1254210

Is pickpocketing way harder in F1 than F2 or is that undocumented feature of FIXT?
I even tried cheating up 200% skill and still get caught on every second item in raiders camp.
I only finished F1 once or twice, years ago, but in F2, with or without RP, I very rarely get caught at ~100% skill.

>> No.1254238

Also do raiders drop leather armor without FIXT mod? Because that ruins any and all economics as soon as you wipe them out.
> I'll take all ammo, stimpacks and weightless shit you have for these armor suits, keep the change.

>> No.1254883

fallout 1 more memorable story and places

>> No.1254895

1 - int
10 - str

Not playing super retardmode with only fist


>> No.1256897

should i feel bad if i cant take out decker

i have 10 action points but it feels like his guards have 2000

>> No.1256926

Decker is rather difficult if you try to fight him head-on early in the game.

If you murdered Tubby and/or Flick you should have some Psycho, or enough money to buy some. Use some Psycho before fighting Decker and try to draw his guards into a narrow space where you aren't being shot by half a dozen people at once.

>> No.1256930

Yes that would be the best thing to do.

Just like any game weird bullshit builds are not for the first playthrough.

>> No.1257038

What the fuck are you saying? Are you talking about Metzger?

>> No.1257073

>What the fuck are you saying? Are you talking about Metzger?
Yeah, I got my shit mixed up

>> No.1257082

some of the tactics still seem to apply though

>> No.1257185


second one was full of cutesy nerd porn pop-culture references, much like WoW

ruined it for me

also, in other regards, it was largely "more of the same"

so the first one was better

>> No.1258041

that was probably the hardest fight in the game, harder than the mother deathclaw at least

>> No.1258090

i finally figured it out

just stole everything from kane then planted dynamite on him

>> No.1258535

Should I get the power armor before taking on Mariposa? Also; fuck I just beat the Regulators and then my game crashed, that fight takes like 30 minutes cause of the numbers of npcs like wtf, again?

>> No.1258726

Probably, yeah. No reason not to, especially since you should be buddy-buddying with the Brotherhood of Steel by that point. They can even send you some backup if you are nice enough. The backup is fucking useless as it only stays outside the Military Base, and the mutants outside of it aren't hard to dispatch or just bypass.

>> No.1258940


also always get it hardened

>> No.1258963

Fallout 1 had a better story and environment IMO. Lots of mystery. Only thing I didn't like was the count down for the main quest. Fallout 2 lacking that made that made the main quest more fun because I could take my time and really explore. It also was a less serious game. You felt like a badass that just clowned around killing shit left and right.

>> No.1259179

Fallout 1 has an overall story and arc. Not to mention it truly feels like a wasteland with how little there is out there. The difficulty curve is also pretty good. Makes super mutants feel like the worst thing you could ever run into.

Fallout 2's main quest is a little too simple and not too interesting, but even in its buggy and unfinished state, where it excels are the little moments, which can be quite long and well thought out. Sometimes I feel like the comedy goes a bit too far, but maybe it was warranted after making one of the most depressing games of all time with Fallout 1.

>> No.1260471

Get PA and harden it. As for the regulators. Just put super speed on in the options. I fucking hate that fight for how long it is. But by then I have the plasma rifle so I can one shot most of them.

>> No.1262689
File: 158 KB, 1288x824, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is my Fallout character build, very beginning and very end of the game. Unfortunately I never get to use the Sniper perk in that game. Fallout 2 I always finish around level 30.

Fallout introduced all the major concepts and iconography that the series is know for. It is also much darker and more compact than the sequel.

Fallout 2, however, adds so much more content. More quests, locations, characters, challenge, weapons and themes being explored. I would have to say that it is a richer experience.

Both are great however, easily my top 3 material.

>> No.1262797


Well obviously depends what level you are. You're kind of surrounded in an enclosed space, so you're going to be absorbing a lot of damage. Try getting Psycho from the drug dealer in the eastern area of the Hub, it'll increase your damage resistance by a lot, anything more than 2 doses of it tends to be wasted iirc.

BTW it's possible you're getting your head beat in by Kane, the guy in the leather jacket. He definitely must be one of the nastiest melee characters in the game. In fact, aside from the Deathclaws, I can't think of anybody worse. It would probably be tough for many mid level characters to fight him up close while being simultaeously picked off by Decker and the henchmen, so I wouldn't feel too bad about it.

>> No.1262805

yeah i actually beat him now though,

hell i even beat the game

now im on fallout 2 but i just cant it at all

>> No.1262813


To my recollection you can also infiltrate the Mariposa base by wearing purple cathedral robes. Probably you would need some skill in speech or charisma or something to bluff your way past guards. There's no reason not to get some power armor though, especially since you can randomly encounter mutant patrols on the world map as you near the military base, the patrols tend to have a minigunner or two which can make short work of you.

BTW, there's Per's "Nearly Ultimate Fallout Guide" floating around the internet. When I needed tips it invariably had quite a few good ones. He's also done a guide for Fallout 2.

>> No.1262817

i just cant like it at all, is what im saying

>> No.1262854


For what it's worth, Temple of Trials and Arroyo are my least favorite segments of any Fallout game. Klamath is also a bit dreary with its rat dungeon and its arguably overpowered Geckos. For me the fun factor only started to lift when I got to The Den. I wouldn't worry though, I mean it's not your sacred duty as a gamer to like Fallout 2. If you want to ease the first areas of the game just make a character that's great at unarmed, but who can switch to small guns a little later.

>> No.1262873

Fallout 1 is better because of the more serious atmosphere and because the time limit gives a sense of urgency.

>> No.1263557

I'm in the military base now. Is there any way to arm a grenade and drop it, for destroying force fields?

>> No.1263617

No, you need dynamite or plastic explosives if you want a timed detonation.

You can just stand back from the emitter and chuck grenades at it, though.

>> No.1263949

Try a repair check on the (yellow only) force fields as well, you don't even need high repair.

>> No.1264005

Too bad they removed the 2nd time limit in every later version of the game.

>> No.1264023

Can be restored with FIXT. And iirc hiring water merchants make the second limit shorter.
Too bad current version of FIXT (6.4) is more broken than original game. Anyone has latest patch for v5?

>> No.1265358

What are some of the more fun builds you have used? Ive agile diplomats that talk through the game (rather easy imo) and 1 point in intelligence retards that have an unexplained gift for energy weapons and repairing stuff.

>> No.1265365

Luck 1 with Jinxed for utter randomness and Luck 10 just for special encounters, little perks and the fights get crazy too given the amount of criticals that benefit you, boosting your damage through you and your enemies getting critical misses

Otherwise playing a Throwing specialist might actually be a handicap because then you scrounge up for every shitty Throwing Knife and Frag Grenade you can find and you really have to scavenge a lot to get anywhere

>> No.1265384

I found a mod for fallout 2 that sets you up to play as mad max. The skills, items, stats and everything you start with are way over powered though. It's fun storming the wasteland as a leather clad harbinger of death.

>> No.1265880

So uh, is something supposed to happen in Gecko after I activated the repair bot and gave it all the appropriate commands? It just goes to every part of the reactor then nothing happens.

>> No.1265941

>military base
>clear out 2nd floor barracks
>see unarmed supermutant
>talk to him
>he initializes combat
>critical hit, 88 damage in fucking hardened power armor
>have to do it again

>> No.1266036

the last step is to turn the valve or to install the orb thingy. make sure to add one of those at the end of the procedure.

>> No.1266147

The Fuck? What level are you and what are your stats looking like?

>> No.1266187


That's the 'beauty' of Fallout. Sometimes, you'll just get a really, really bad roll against you and die. Not a damn thing you can do about it.

>> No.1266201

Rule #1 of old RPGs: save often and don't just use one save.

>> No.1266210

Its been a long time, but I don't remember any unarmed mutant that decked me out like that. Both on the mini gun storming character and the brass knuckle brawling character.

>> No.1266224


But it does happen. Speaking from personal experience of having the Master blow my hardened power armor-clad body into meaty chunks of beefaroni with over 800 points of damage because I had a bad defense roll. It's very rare(unless you're hardcore enough to go through the game with 1 luck, I would imagine), but it can happen.

>> No.1266225

Critical hits in Fallout can ignore armor completely or even instantly kill you.

>> No.1266227


Apologies for double posting, but to further clarify: this happened with the EZ-mode character build(Gifted trait, 10 AGI, 7 LCK, all others at least 6). Plus, what this anon >>1266225 said.

>> No.1266232

I normally put at least 6 points into luck. I guess I just...got lucky and never had a stupidly strong crit hit me.

>> No.1266246


Well, as I said, it's very rare for it to happen, so it's not all that surprising that you never experienced it for yourself.

Also, you can get an extra point in your luck by talking to the tarot card reader in Adytum. Just keep having him/her read the cards until you get the Fool(shouldn't take more than four reads).

>> No.1266353

You need to install a vital part and the option for that to happen, AFAIK, doesn't show up unless you've chosen the correct route for the robot to handle.
Hint: Once you've landed your spaceship on that which is no longer a planet by today's standards, start coming back home.

If you're good at talking you can convince one of the ghouls to do it for you if you're still stumped.

>> No.1266692

Couldn't say more, Master wins in every sector. Win of F2 was because it didn't really lose it's spirit, but just gave a postapo world a new look. Sequel which is at the same level or better is pretty rare and almost impossible to find in nowadays games. Stll, Fallout 1 - true classic. It saddens me a little bit that even though Fallout is great and amazing RPG, but never got high reviews in the past.

>> No.1266931

First time Fallout 2 player here.
Should I play vanilla first or install RP mod?

>> No.1266947

I never tried it actually, but I think unofficial patch on which RP is based would be best - bugfixes without extra content.

>> No.1266990

You can actually get two extra points due to a certain loophole. Basically you need to set up a situation in which he pulls out the Fool twice. To do this you have to get his divinations while preserving a certain dialogue option, which will have him pull a Fool one more time.

>> No.1267167 [DELETED] 


Play the original with the latest unofficial patch for bug fixes. You should experience the real game first without any extra content made by a third party.

As much as I admire the hard work that went into making the RP I have to say that the added content is, for the most part, extremely poorly designed, .
I did not yet play the latest release which is supposed to be a great improvement, but the extra locations never were very interesting in the first place - most of them were cut out for a reason.

>> No.1267179


Play the original with the latest unofficial patch for bug fixes. For your first time, you should experience the real game without any extra content made by a third party.

As much as I admire the hard work that went into making the RP I have to say that the added content is, for the most part, extremely poorly designed.
I did not yet play the latest release which is supposed to be a great improvement, but the extra locations were never very interesting in the first place.

>> No.1267296


I DID get the part from that guy in Vault City, I think it just didn't show up in my inventory and the game allowed me to program the bot and all.

>> No.1267331

Just thought I'd swing by this thread to say that Good Old Games has FO1, 2 and Tactics available for free right now.

>> No.1267536

Yup, I checked a few times and it just isn't in my inventory, I think I actually inserted it in the computer but somehow it doesn't do anything.

>> No.1267638

Thanks for this thread full of spoilers. I understand it is implied by discussion, but that picture hooked me, and then by the time I realized it was a god tier immersion spoiler it was too late

>> No.1267661

shit man, the master reveal is one of the best i've ever seen in video games. like someone said way up top, NOTHING prepared you for that.

>> No.1268119
File: 793 KB, 1063x1417, Vault Dweller, I ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fallout 1 is the original and a classic.
The world and atmosphere are consistend, interesting and unique.

Fallout 2 is great as far as obvious cash-in sequels go but nothing beyond that.
It lacks the atmosphere of it's predecessor, the places and people aren't interesting, the humour is out of place and they shoved in way too much "cool" stuff that's completely out of place.
The story is just a mediocre reboot of the first game's plot.
Horrigan was a terrible end boss.

Not really. It's more like Mad Max 2 (F1) and 3 (F2).

>> No.1268164

I felt like Horrigan was a good end boss. He just wasn't the same type of boss as the master.

When I went through fallout 2 I admit it was no where as serious as fallout 1 was. For me it was a way to enjoy the fallout game play/mechanics in an environment that was borderline "free roam". I rarely had a issue with combat, the humor while not matching the setting made me laugh, and I liked popping into each location and just screwing around with the people and having no risks. I was like a god in combat armor. So along my whimsical adventure Horrigan was the only person that I felt a challenge from. He was not this mysterious threat, just a big mother fucker that slapped my shit around.

To sum it up, Fallout 1 was the awesome experience where I was sucked in and felt like they really built up the master's character. Fallout 2 felt like I was playing "GTA: wasteland edition". I did what I wanted, when I wanted. I had no real opposition and it was not till >>1243525 this scene that I actually felt compelled to work towards the main quest, at which point the game provided this big imposing character that both scared me but allowed me to be cocky and say "I'm bringing that fucker down."

>> No.1268202
File: 249 KB, 800x600, 5KTnr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good character stats for fallout 2 for maximum lore exposure? Why or why not? It's a bit different from my FO1 character but I hope it's still good enough.

Although, I could have sworn my endurance was 5...

>> No.1268203

Is Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics worth playing? gog has them for free and I want to know if they're worth my time?

I will point out that archaic gameplay mechanics can really kill a game for me even if the story is a masterpiece...

>> No.1268220

Fallout 1 is a great game.
Fallout 2 is an ok cash-grab sequel.
Fallout Tactics is a tactics knock-off in the same universe.

They are for more playable than Baldur's Gate in my opinion.
Turn-based combat is easy and if it takes too long for you, the speed can be adjusted in the options.

It's kinda stupid to complain about archaic gameplay on /vr/ of all places though.

>> No.1268224

Endurance 5 is no different from 4.
They have the same HP gain.

Character looks ok. No idea what you tagged science for though.

>> No.1268227

If you want a fun story and ENJOY this type of game then you should pick it up. If you liked diablo1/2 or baldur's game then you may like this as well.

Seeing as how you don't like "archaic" gameplay normally I would suggest you avoid them just so you don't come back saying these games are bad because you don't like how they play. Because they are free right not though you are not really at a loss if you get them. So I would say try it out, if you don't like it move on, delete the files and laugh about how you didn't have to pay for them

Out of curiosity why are you on /vr/ if you don't like old gameplay?

>> No.1268235

As far as point and click rpg UI and gameplay mechanics go, Fallout 2 is one of my favourites. Hint: memorize the hotkeys, especially skilldex.
> AI-controlled followers instead of full party combat control
> RNG everything, including bullshit instakill crits
I am masochistic and enjoy both, but some people hate that.

>> No.1268236


"Jinxed and Luck actually have very little to do with each other. From my understanding, Jinxed basically takes all misses and makes it so they have a 50% chance of being critical misses instead.

So rather than offsetting jinxed with high luck, you should instead offset it with high skills."

>> No.1268239

cause my friends called me a heathen for asking if they were worth playing so I figured I'd try elsewhere to ask. I will give them a shot at the very least

>> No.1268240

I though luck effected 'errything

>> No.1268238

I know, but doesn't luck affect hit chance? Or is it only for crits?

>> No.1268245

And also there is crit table roll, so LK10 might "only" lose ammo when LK1 gets weapon exploding and crippling arm.

>> No.1268246

Well they are free so you are not out the normal $10 they go for. If you don't like them you don't like them. This type of game is defiantly not for everyone.

>> No.1268254


Jinxed is great for unarmed characters btw.
The worst that can happen is that you lose a turn.

>> No.1268267

You can also break your own limb. Or at least unarmed enemies can.

>> No.1268272


Does science influence what dialogue choices you get or is that only INT?

>> No.1268281

There are some very rare extra dialogues that require science and give bonus exp, also Skynet.

>> No.1268465

how much speech do you need to talk through everything? I think you also need 7 intelligence too right?

>> No.1268497

>tfw fallout new vegas ruined nightkin

>> No.1268520

I forget the exact numbers but I had at least 70 speech, and 7 or 8 intelligence. If you search for a fallout "speech build" you should eventually find what the "perfect" value is.

>> No.1268525

I had a 100 speech in Fallout 1. Had to save scum a little bit doing the Master encounter because sometimes I couldn't convince him that his plan was a failure. I'm thinking 120 would be enough but you never know with this game.
How so? I think Fallout 3 ruined a lot more than NV ever could.

>> No.1268537

Like previous posts have pointed out the random rolls for everything make it hard to set an exact number. I'm not going to lie, I save scumed a few times with the diplomat as well. I viewed loosing the speech check the same as getting my head bashed in with a super sledge, seeing as how that would most likely happen if I failed in the first place.

>> No.1268692

I just got Fallout 1,2 and Tactics of GOG. Anything I should know before I start playing? I've never played a Fallout before

>> No.1268748

Save often, use multiple slots, take your time. There is a time limit on the games but just play to get the hang of it, don't shoot for completion. Leave that until you have a good idea of what you're doing.

>> No.1268789

>Download fallout 2 on GOG
>Install game
>Double click desktop icon
>fallout2.exe cannot be started

What do?

>> No.1268795

did you try running in compatibility mode? Its always just starred up for me so Im just going off a guess here.

>> No.1268813

I got it working. I checked the box to run the program as an administrator.

>> No.1269025 [SPOILER] 
File: 191 KB, 1920x960, welp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a time limit on the games
Strictly speaking true, but in Fallout 2 it's 13 in-game years, which you will not reach even if you visit every location and complete every quest in the game. The Hakunin dream sequences are a plot device to maintain urgency, but have no effect on how quickly you complete the main quest.

>> No.1269030

Not to mention if you play that long you'll probably run into one of the game-destroying bugs.

>> No.1269049

Like what?

>> No.1269079

Well, it can avoided if you know about it beforehand, but from what I remember too many items on a map (from, say, carrying an arsenal in your car trunk) can corrupt maps and ruin your game.

This may have been fixed by the unofficial patch, though.

>> No.1269091

Oh. I need to find out what this item limit is. I tend to only keep unique items in the car and other useful to have but not required at all times type items.

>> No.1269167

It shouldn't be a problem if you're not a hoarder/compulsive looter

>> No.1269205

I've always been a hoarder with full trunk (because merchants have no money I bought all weightless items) and never encountered any inventory/items bugs, so ymmv.

>> No.1269326

Just in case anyone is interested. Gog.com is giving away fallout 1, 2 and tactics for free until tomorrow

>> No.1269849

For everyone's interest just in case:


>> No.1269889

Would you recommend 1 or 2 to someone new to the franchise?

>> No.1269939

Start with 1 and work your way up. They're all good games, even the unmentionable ones.

>> No.1269951

Just downloaded. Now I have all 3 games from both steam and GOG. Does anyone know if there's any sort of difference between the two sets of versions? I wouldn't expect there to be but I suppose its possible. I always prefer GOG's version of games anyways if only that GOG always has those nice looking circular icons for my desktop while steam has the shitty looking icons for older games if they have any icons at all that is.

>> No.1269972

Also I guess there is the fact that GOG lets you play its games as much as you want without internet. Sometimes, I just want to play my games when I'm on vacation in the countryside and I don't have access to fucking wi-fi all the goddamn time Steam.

>> No.1270007
File: 12 KB, 115x90, Chem_Fruit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. F2 improved upon everything F1 introduced. Still, both are great games. Miles ahead of what you can experience with the Bethesda Oblivion clones on the market today. Let's not even discuss BoS. As for the original series, I prefer FT most of all. F2 had the best story but I feel FT had the gameplay.

>> No.1270082

How do I into tactics gameplay? It's too complicated

>> No.1270096

How is Tactics?

Just picked it up off GOG.

>> No.1270109

Its like RTS meets Fallout gameplay. there are those that hate the game, and those that love it more than any game in the series. The story is really short and not as engaging as the first and 2nd fallout's were. If you want an RTS like experience, while you juggle between a couple of characters you will enjoy it.

There is more to the game then slapping on the best armor and biggest gun you find. You want your team to be balanced, and cover each others strengths and weaknesses. You need to spread out your team, during missions, but keep them close enough to work together. It sounds weird to say you need to use "team work" when its just you controlling a handful of BoS members.

>> No.1270108

It's literally Fallout but with multiple characters

Just pump small guns (big/energy later), give everyone the longest range weapon you can find, and set overwatch to 25% or 50%. Clump up and walk around murdering anything that gets in range.

>> No.1270114


If real time is too fast for you just put it in turn based so you have more time to think and plan your actions.

In any case, the first mission doesn't allow for too many tactics (like deploying a sniper on higher ground or tactically placing explosives) since no one can hit the broad side of a barn or know much from explosives aside from calling them "the boom booms".

Only in the next missions will you get the exp you need to truly do things in a more intelligent manner than just running up to guys and shooting them in the face at point blank range.

>> No.1270119

I should have added that point to >>1270109

You start out with a misfit group, but you want to specialize people quickly. In past playthroughs I have found that "jack of all trades" character ends up getting stomped much quicker than some one who specializes in a skill set. Your snipers should never be put into close combat, your melee guys should never have a gun pointed on them etc.

>> No.1270123


Well, what are you having trouble with?
Any particular gameplay element or just the whole strategy thing in general?

Some general advice could be
-Take it slow
-Find a good distance between teammates. You want decent visibility coupled with the ability have your guys support each other. Ideally without being so close that a single grenade berks several people at once.
-Position people so they can make the best use of their weapons

Something to note is that these kinds of games are usually pretty underwhelming early on, when your guys are completely fucking useless in general, and the possibility for interesting tactics are slim.

It usually starts picking up after a mission or two when more weapons become avaliable and stats get increased.

>> No.1270168

I just found the entire combat system very easily overwhelming, even in turn-based. Although >>1270108 >>1270109 >>1270114 >>1270119 gave me some killer advice and I'll try again, thanks /vr/ I love you

>> No.1270181

>Fallout is to Fallout 2 what Evil Dead is to Evil Dead 2.
I think a better comparison might be Fallout 1 is to Fallout 2, as Portal 1 is to Portal 2.

Both are pretty fun games, however the first one gave you this bleak atmosphere, and peppered it with light humour.
The second had an already established atmosphere and decided to make it slightly more ridiculous, going more for entertainment as opposed to satisfaction.

>> No.1270182

Sorry, that should be lightly peppered it with humor.
The humour was a bit dark in that game.

>> No.1270192

Fallout 2, for two simple reasons
2) Being a lesbian porn star wrestler. And come to think of it, this is the only RPG I know which lets you do that.

>> No.1270308

Don't forget being raped by a supermutant arm-wrestler.
And literally shotgun wedding.

>> No.1270343

>tfw Lou just critted me for 103, "busting through" my hardened power armor
i love vr

>> No.1270624
File: 126 KB, 657x405, how.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone on /vr/ help me?

>> No.1270641

What am I looking at here?

>> No.1270649

last door to get to the Master

>> No.1270690

hmm... I normally get "caught" and taken to the Master so I never go through that. Then run away. Though, I don't know if the robe can be used to sneak by. I had high speech, so maybe that's why I was able to do it that way.

>> No.1270720

You mean raped as in, thoroughly defeated? Or do you actually mean rape?

>> No.1270726

you agreed to the conditions beforehand

>> No.1270753
File: 2 KB, 80x55, FO2_Ballgag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get to keep a memento of that night.

>> No.1270767

Fallout didn't care. You got raped raped. Doesn't Myron (try to) rape you if you are a low intelligence female?

>> No.1270796

I have Vree's autopsy, and the master just says "This proves nothing!" and kills me. Please help I'm not a combat character and my entire run was built around this pls :(

>> No.1270804

Keep trying, convincing the Master is chancy.

>> No.1270808

just because you agree doesn't mean it's not rape

>> No.1270823

Straight from the fallout wiki

The Master's Destruction

One of the main objectives in Fallout is to destroy the Master. The Vault Dweller has three options to choose from. He or she can either kill the Master through combat (an extremely difficult task), convince him to abandon his plan, or bypass the Master entirely by manually setting off a nuclear device, located on the fourth floor of the vault in which the Master lives. If the player encounters the Master, he or she also has the option of joining forces with the Master instead, which results in a non-canonical ending.

>> No.1270832

Also if you do end up fighting one of the Master's most prominent weaknesses is his vulnerability to pulse grenades. His hit points will drop dramatically with each successful throw.
Another method involves abusing the limited range of his Gatling lasers, which means that there is a window further away in the long hallway from where the player can fire him with sniper rifle without him being able to retaliate. It is also very easy to defeat any approaching nightkin one by one

>> No.1270850

How can it be rape when you consented to it

>> No.1270861

well, its like accepting death as part of a deal. Technically, it's still murder. I know, it's not fair. Dueling would be so cool in this day.

>> No.1271027

That's not a good comparison. Killing people is almost always illegal. Sex is usually only illegal when consent is absent (unless you're living in some backwards hellhole).

>> No.1271605

Except in this situation its not rape because you said "If I win... If you win..." You consented to it. That makes it a legal act. Killing consent or not is almost always illegal. You didn't get raped you lost and got fucked by a super mutant. I bet you are one of those people that supports women who call holding hands 3 months ago "rape"

>> No.1273012

I know this is rather unrelated to the main question, but does anyone knows how to fix the "unable to intialize input devices" bug the gog fallout 1 & 2 have?

I got fallout 2 + tactics for free on gog (got fo1 some time back), but i can't play fo2. My fallout 1 used to work, but when i reinstalled it, it had the same bug as fo2.

>> No.1274970

Try renaming ddraw.dll

>> No.1274992

There are two conversation lines that let you convince him. In the first one you show him the disk, he says it's a clever forgery, and you are like YOU ARE LYING! In the other route you have him ask one of his female mutants. Try that last one.

You have to have sufficiently high Lockpick. Electronic Lockpick, if you have it, helps.

If you want to get in front of The Master it's easiest to have Morpheus' take you there.

>> No.1274994

Also, it can't hurt to take some Mentats before the convo.

>> No.1277872


>> No.1277910


Hmm, I think that's actually the door to the nuke room. As another guy said you need high lockpick to get in. In fact a lot of the locks in the cathedral/master's vault need a high lockpick score. Also I think you need a good science score or something to activate the nuke, can't really remember though so don't hold me to that.


Heh, this is why I never do a non-combat character. If you shoot and miss you get another shot, whereas if you fail a speech check or something you get fucked. Well, not all the time, but this is one of those times I guess. At least it's not like pickpocket where the entire town tries to lynch you the moment somebody sees your hand where it shouldn't be.

>> No.1278236

You literally get (butt)raped by a supermutant.

>> No.1278351

Then he laid him down for some sweet anal intrusion awww yeah

>> No.1279178

The reason for that was because it was literally a cash-in sequel.Interplay's attitude made Tim Cain and two other guys leave and set up Troika. When they left all the areas were given to people and were all designed separately with not much thought put into coherence which is why the game is a theme park.

>> No.1279182

I haven't played much of it but it seems like watered down JA2 in the Fallout setting.

>> No.1279617

Playing Fallout 1 seriously for the first time in my life. Im so glad i gotr past my initial heavy boredom for it. At the hub now doing quests! One thing that baffles me is how everyone's going around calling me a child killer fuckin' baby rapist.

What are they talking about?! The only things I've wasted in the game are rats and scorpions! Somethings gone wrong here because i've been tarnished with this brush for nothing. Reminds me of the British Justice system, guilty until proven innocent. (and even if you have been proven innocent, people will assume you got off)

Can i remove this bullshit? I feel like a lot of the game's doors are now closed to me FOR NOTHING.

I dont know how much use posting here will be, this thread is almost dead, but making a new thread is just shitposting (it should be a bannable offence)

>> No.1279630


Maybe you accidentally killed a particularly ugly, rat-like baby. Beyond that it sounds like a bug.

And same here about playing it seriously, i've been meaning to play it for fucking ages but didn't get around to it until recently. Really happy that i did.

>> No.1279728

Just boguht the holodisk from Miss Stapleton but necropolis doesn't show on the map.
I've used the disk and if I try to use it again it says download aborted but necropolis still doesn't show on the map, is it a bug or am I just doing something wrong?

>> No.1279787

It should be on there.

Show us a pic of your world map.

>> No.1279807
File: 265 KB, 3036x1872, fallout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1280098

Look at the character start screen. It sold tell you ask the stuff you have killed.