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1241394 No.1241394 [Reply] [Original]

>this has 4 separate complete fan translations (and even more incomplete ones)


>> No.1241403

Every time a translation is finished, a (arguably) superior version of the game is released.

>> No.1241405

>2 Super Famicom
>2 PS1

Can't they just reuse the earlier translation and translate the new stuff even if that was the case?

>> No.1241419

Amazing game + there's no real one way to translate Japanese

>> No.1241425

Amazing enough to translate it over anything else, including it's many sequels?

>> No.1241504

And the PSP version of Phantasia (plus Narikiri Dungeon) is also being translated by Absolute-Zero.

I'd link the website, but 4chan says it's spam, for some reason.

>> No.1241787
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You mean it's getting a FIFTH?!

>> No.1241807

>only one of them is accurate and worthwhile

Sure, DeJap has "I BET SHE FUCKS LIKE A TIGER", but seriously.

>> No.1241875
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I hear that games on newer systems can a bit harder to actually code a patch for, while there's a good amount of translation patches that have been made for games on earlier systems. Might have something to do with Phantasia being an easy focus for so many patches.

To be fair, the NDX bundle is the latest, and Absolute Zero wants to combine efforts with Cless to make the best translation for the game possible, since it doesn't appear that there will be a better version of the game being released anytime soon.

Probably some debate on what translation does the game true justice, or people wanting to do their own original spin on things. Probably why Cless has refused to use the Destiny Remake translation wiki as a base for his patch, as from what I've heard, the wiki just doesn't cut it that well to even be a base for an actual translation effort.

>> No.1243267

>Probably some debate on what translation does the game true justice

I don't think Japan praised ToP for its writing.

>> No.1243294

Which version translated Ragnarok to Kangaroo?

>> No.1243309

None of them. It was was the official GBA translation (which brings the total of ToP translations to 5).

>> No.1243312

I have the GBA version. I hear the PS1 version is the best. Too bad I can't read moonrunes. Also what the hell is happening. I was just on Amazon a month ago and Tales of Destiny was 25 bucks. Now it's almost 60 bucks?

That's kind of odd considering Tales of Eternia was over 100 bucks and now is 75.

>> No.1243456
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The version of Phantasia included in the Narikiri Dungeon X bundle is the most up to date version of Phantasia. That said, there's a few translation patches for the PSX version, so if you want to play the game without the issues present in the GBA version, emulate that one, unless you plan to hold off until the translation of the NDX one finishes. As for the other games, prices fluctuate (especially when looking at the condition or completeness of a particular game; picked up a complete, nearly mint condition copy of Eternia PSX last year for $90), and most people find it easier to emulate the early ones, on account of Phantasia PSX not being localized, and Destiny and Eternia being given the usual lack of marketing out here the series has become known for (until Xillia and barring Symphonia, where Nintendo handled the marketing; shame Namco didn't take any notes), resulting in both Destiny PSX and Eternia having been shortprinted. That said, I hear Eternia is easier to find in Europe where the PSP port was given a bigger print or something, but I've heard some of the early prints of it could be a bit buggy. Also, due to the PSP being region free, importing a copy of it is still expensive, again due to the original being shortprinted and Europe knowing we never got the PSP port in the US (heard rumors about us not having gotten other PSP ports like BoF III in the US due to the port not having enough changed from the original for the American branch of Sony's tastes, and I figure if true, it likely applies to Eternia as well, being a more or less direct port and all).

>> No.1243462

Is there even a good localization of this game yet? Was the PSP version good?

>> No.1243489
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Only official localized version we've gotten was the GBA version, which was utter garbage on many points. Think Cless' PSX translation likely has the most localized feeling to it (or at least, it had better, considering he apparently spent over a decade on it).

As for the PSP versions, it depends on which you mean. There was the Full Voice Edition version, which as far as I know mainly just added full voice acting to all the main plot dialogue, while the version bundled with NDX not only has the full voice stuff, but also updates the combat to not have spells and summons interrupt the flow of combat, as well as giving characters a bit more of an air game, or at least from what I've seen. Think it also updated the combat sprites or something as well. It's not localized (and I doubt it will ever be) or fan translated yet though.

>> No.1245051

>confused Ragnarok for kangaroo

I hope whoever was responsible for that egregious error was beaten, hobbled, sodomized, tarred, feathered, flayed, drawn, and quartered.

>> No.1245092

why was the gba version bad? I was thinking of playing it and didn't know exactly what the differences are between versions.

>> No.1245112

get ready to be fucked with slowdown in every orifice

>> No.1245136

Because some rom translators are fucking idiots.

>> No.1245164
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Yeah, It's getting fan translated along with NDX which is a fantastic game.

>> No.1245170

Is this game even worth it I love Tales and have played virtually everything but this, Vesperia, and the JP-only games but fuck

>> No.1245195

Seriously? I never heard of ToP X itself being translated.
Do you know if it is emulable with PPSSPP? My old laptop don't have proper support to OpenGL and my PSP is currently broken.

>> No.1245197
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Both ToP X and NDX were picked up fairly recently, like last week or something.
And yeah, both of them are completely playable from start to finish.

>> No.1245494

Let me tell ya, this game was my shit when i was like 11-13. I had an obsession with completing everything. Got damn close on more than one occasion. I should go back and finish...
Definitely up there as one of my favorite games ever.
I had the GBA version btw. Loved it, but I'd like to try another one. Maybe I'll get a PS for cheap some day.

>> No.1245809


Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Shame that Tales fan translators are terribly slow, I'll probably have learned enough Japanese to play the game without a patch by the time the patch is completed.

>> No.1245817

I've found that I tend to like updated versions of Tales games more than their original versions. However, with Final Fantasy, it's just the opposite despite the ports and remakes improving the games. I just don't know why.

>> No.1246061

Wait, the PSX version is translated? Is it playable on the PSP? Destiny kept crashing.

>> No.1246201

>Destiny kept crashing

On the PSP? That's strange, I finished Destiny a couple weeks ago and had no problems at all. Hell, I even completed the Tower of Druaga two times.

>> No.1246214

>but also updates the combat to not have spells and summons interrupt the flow of combat


they would make new systems for every other game but every time they remade this game they'd keep that shit in.

>> No.1246232

>Romancing SaGa 2 will never be translated
I'd do a script if anyone was willing to do the hacking. There was a group working on it that basically got everything done and just needed a script, but I've never been able to reach them.

>> No.1246246

Who the fuck is that chick with blue/white hair? she wasn't in the version I played...

>> No.1246250
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Rondoline. She was added to the game when ToP X was made in order to connect the events between ToP X and NDX better. Plus she's awesome.

>> No.1246481


You can really see the difference in design from 1995 to 2010, she clashes horribly with the rest of the game's characters.

>> No.1246486
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Yeah, that's how I felt when I first played the game without knowing she's an extra. It's not as noticeable after a while or in NDX.

>> No.1246515
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Because fansubbers are the worst autists.

>> No.1246591
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It sort of bugs me that someone started to attempt translating Destiny Remake then Absolute Zero and Cless reveal their collaboration and convinced him to stop his. 5 Years later theres no updates on it at all and actual effort is put into Tempest being translated for April Fools. I'm still baffled why AbsoluteZero would team up with Cless in the first place. I'm sure his PS1 ToP translation is fantastic now that its finally released but a decade to complete? God damn.

Its not a matter of being able to play it myself (I've completed like 9 times), but not being able to get others to try it due to no english translation. Which is their loss I guess, but still its such a great game so its kind of saddening.

>> No.1246607


>It sort of bugs me that someone started to attempt translating Destiny Remake then Absolute Zero and Cless reveal their collaboration and convinced him to stop his.

This is something I'll never understand about fan translators, stopping just because someone else is already working on something.

>> No.1246630


>I'm sure his PS1 ToP translation is fantastic now that its finally released but a decade to complete?

I prefer Absolute Zero's patch myself.

>> No.1246812


Yeah I don't understand them either. Earlier in the year Todanahito (or however you spell it) translated a hentai manga that he was paid to do (My Mother by Takasugi Kou). The plan was to give the completed manga to the commissioners and after a short while, put it up for free on his site. I see no problem with that model. However, one of the commissioners uploaded it as soon as he got it which caused a shitstorm, everyone, even people who had nothing to do with anything, bitched about it being shared with the world early. People complained about free porn showing up a week or two early. I still can't fully comprehend such stupidity. And then, the translator told a bunch of sites that had it to take it down. He didn't own the work, in fact he was illegally making money from someone else's work, these sites had no loyalty to him, it's not as if they wouldn't be able to post his translations in the future if they didn't comply, but they did, almost every single one of them. Why? I just don't understand it, it seems like a lot of fan translators are whiny cunts.


>5 Years later theres no updates on it at all and actual effort is put into Tempest being translated for April Fools.

Yeah I couldn't believe that. It's not like we're entitled to a Destiny patch or anything and I do appreciate them taking the time out of their lives to translate a game with a fuckload of text for those that can't read it, but why would they put so much work into translating something that almost no one is interested in, and ignore the one that everyone would appreciate?

>> No.1247026
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Terrible framerates in combat, poor quality audio, bad translation, and an atrocious dub (and I usually tolerate dubs as long as the actors try, factoring in when the game came out; even Eternia's dub sounded better than this). Just play the Playstation version with a patch.

Funny thing is that that was the "official" translation. Either the usual translators were on vacation (seeing as how Destiny, Eternia, and Symphonia before it had had decent translations), or they just had no fucking budget and no reason to even try. I don't even know how someone could quality check the translation and say "Yes, this works. Put it on the shelves."

Some people have taken a liking to it, feeling that it gives the spells and summons a feel of importance. But yeah, personally I like how things have been smoothed out spell-wise since Eternia.

As far as I know, the era of Phantasia may not even be the time period she's even from, but I'm not sure. Haven't played NDX.

At least Absolute Zero doesn't seem to take over a decade to release stuff once they put their nose to the grindstone. Hopefully they can help get it done a bit faster. But yeah, I think part of Cless' issue is that he's lazy. last time I checked, he hadn't even made a page on his site for the Destiny DC translation, even though he claimed he'd had progress on it.

Think Thoroughim mentioned some stuff earlier this year about why he chose certain projects to work on and how he thought they turned out or something. Think it was the news post from October 9th on Absolute Zero's site.

>> No.1247651

Okay, I have decided I need to replay this, but not the allegedly crummy GBA version. What's the best version overall, in terms of content?

>> No.1247797


Tales of Phantasia X for the PSP if you can into nihongo. If not then just play the PSX version with one of the fan patches.

>> No.1247896

The one bundled with NDX is generally considered the best, but as it still has a translation in the works that is yet to come out any time soon, the PSX version with either translation is still much, much more acceptable than the shitty GBA port (which a part of me thinks could have been better if they'd held off until the DS, at least as far as the slowdowns in combat and audio quality are concerned, who knows if they would have still butchered the dub and translation).

>> No.1248012

That available via emulator? I have no experience with these things. At all. hell, I've never even hacked a game before or nothin.

>> No.1248038

Think if you have a PSP with custom firmware you can easily put PSP ISOs or whatever on there, but again, it's not english patched yet by any means. PSX version can be easily emulated and has at least two different English patches you can choose from, and while not as fluid as later games or it's later versions, it suffices (I've been playing the PSX version on my PSP; only issues I've noticed is that for some reason some spells seem to have a chance to freeze the game for whatever reason, but if you're playing on a computer it should be too much of a problem, as I'm sure there's some ways to either avoid or get around it or something). That said, you might consider playing the PSP version as a follow up or something, since you should already know most of the story/characterization after playing the PSX version; places like Aselia wiki are usually good about arte translations and such, making the game at least playable from a combat stand point.

You might also research if the NDX version is PPSSPP compatible if you're curious about PSP emulation on computers.

>> No.1248061


To add to this, you can easily find a pre-patched iso of the PSX version with Absolute Zero's patch, not sure about a pre-patched iso with Cless' patch though.

>> No.1248112
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Seconding that. I looked for a prepatched eboot with Cless' translation as I was curious as to how localized it had wound up feeling, but as it hadn't been out long, I couldn't find any. Meanwhile, Absolute Zero's, which has been out a lot longer, is a good deal easier to find a prepatched eboot of, at least if you want to use a PSP to play it.

>> No.1248127


For that guy who was asking about which version of the game to play, I figured I'd share some information about the translation patches.

Absolute Zero's is more accurate to the Japanese, Cless' takes some liberties here and there and item/arte names are more in-line with official translations of other Tales games.

>> No.1248171

Because Namco won't ever bring a definitive version to the states.

If we just had a decent port to something with a good translation, everyone would stop arguing over the fan translations. Well, unless someone wanted to retranslate SNES again anyway. Some of the early SNES game translations don't really accomplish what they set out to do FFIV anyone?

>> No.1248194

Apparently the idea of having both Cless and Thoroughim working together for ToP X+NDX is to get the most concise, localized feeling translation for the game in it's most up to date format.

But yeah, I agree that an actually good official localization on Namco's part of anything but the GBA version (even with a decent translation and dub it would still have some pretty annoying framerate and audio issues) could have done a lot for it. But Namco gonna Namco.