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1233525 No.1233525[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just finished RE3 for the first time. I didn't like it as much as RE1 or 2. The boss battles weren't as fun, I didn't care for some of the puzzles (although I will credit Capcom for making the puzzles a bit more interactive than "grab this piece and put it in this hole").

Nemesis also kinda wore on my nerves. He was cool when you first saw him in the police station (especially when you learn that unlike Mr. X, he will actively follow you through the game) but after a while, he was more annoying than he was scary. I also don't know if this had to do with the fact that he just looks stupid until his last couple of mutations or what. The fact that he was carrying a rocket launcher for much of the game made me laugh more than anything.

Carlos was the best damn part about this game. Thank God he didn't die.

Also, that was the worst ranking I've ever gotten on a first run. Probably somewhat due to the fact that I was playing on hard mode. Normally I do a normal playthrough first, but this game only has hard and easy mode. And my pride wouldn't allow me to do easy mode.

So yeah. RE thread or survival horror thread. Whatever topic gets posts, really. /vr/ is slow, so we don't have to be so picky about staying on the main topic here.

>> No.1233532

did carlos tap jill?
did /vr/ ever found the original jill live action actress for re1?

>> No.1233541


You mean Inezh?

I don't know anything more about her, and a quick google says the rest of the internet is just as clueless as I am, aside from the fact that she doesn't like mosquito bites.

>> No.1233561

RE3 hard mode isn't even that hard. You could probably do better on your next go now that you know what to expect.

I kinda like Nemmy actually, he's a pretty neat design. One of the more original Tyrants, together with Morpheus from Dead Aim.

With RE3 I was mostly just bothered by some of the inconsistencies that the story had compared to RE2. Where the hell did all that junk on the front yard of the RPD disappeared to in RE2?

>did carlos tap jill?
I wish they would've built on this in the sequels.

>> No.1233565


Actually, maybe they did find her. This is confusing because I've seen like 3 names show up.


>> No.1233580

>I wish they would've built on this in the sequels.

It's funny, because this romance actually would have developed better than that whole Leon/Ada garbage, due to the fact that aside from Carlos' flirting (which he only did one time), neither one of them fall for each other instantly.

I like Leon a lot, but that was some bullshit.

>I met you like two hours ago.
>I'm in love!

>> No.1233609


Completely agree. Replayed RE1 and 2. Those games held up. 3? Yikes. It was pretty awful and stupid.

>> No.1233741

OP here. Though I do have to admit, Mercenaries is hella-fun.

>> No.1233749

carlos was a fag, he should have died.

>> No.1233817

Agree. Never finished. Veronica is better.

>> No.1234096

I heard some bad things about Veronica (mostly in regards to the storyline, for various reasons, but I'm cool with it, seeing as this is RE, and RE frequently gets stupid)

How's the gameplay?

>> No.1234101

Absolutely normal RE controls.

>> No.1234134

Well I know that much. I was asking about the design of the puzzles, bosses, etc

>> No.1234141

The puzzles aren't all that but the bosses are pretty good. CV is overall mediocre compared to other RE games and has some glaring faults that make you groan. For instance, one room with a service elevator. You see it from multiple angles, you are alone in that room, there is no way to access it, and as soon as you can reach it it's suddenly full of zombies.

Also, protip, grab and keep the knife in the first room. You can actually use it against a later boss fought during a snowstorm to great effect.

>> No.1234317

>Also, protip, grab and keep the knife in the first room.

Please tell me they un-nerfed the knife. One of my least favorite things about 2 was how they took it down a notch.

>> No.1234359

>female protag
>having a male love interest
even in point and kick adventures that's extremely rare
the female always has to be open for a possible (imaginery) relationship with the player. a male protag can successfully romance a girl, as the player can identify with the protag.
the only game that comes to my mind, where the female protag successfully romanced a man (and even married) ist parasite steve 2.

i hope this doesn't escalate into a typical /v/-anita-shitstorm, just my observations

i liked that RE3's controlls were the most fluid ones by that time, and the puzzles were nice, but i once i left the police station, i had the least fun. the game wasn't bad, just got uninteresting.

also loading times between screens + tank controlls got head chopped of by some hunters in mercenary mode

>> No.1234365

It was only nerfed in 2. 3 and CV had it as a usable weapon (but CV gives you lots of ammo so it's not a big deal)

>> No.1234383

>parasite steve 2

I can't tell if you were trying to type Parasite Eve or if you were really referencing Steve Burnside. I chuckled either way. And your observations aren't off base, either.

>i had the least fun. the game wasn't bad, just got uninteresting.

I'm not the biggest fan of RE3 either but I kinda find that interesting because this is where the game takes off. Well, at least it is before Nemesis gets annoying.

Speaking of controls, is there a reliable way to pull off the dodge?

>> No.1234410

it's ages that i played it, and i remember that i could pull it of only if i played it daily. dodging with R2 button, when dogs attacked was easy, dodging nemesis rockets when they flew over two screens with loading seconds was a matter of pure luck, or basement dwelling endless practice i played on easy mode because of this

>> No.1234434
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I beat 3 for the first time not to long ago. I thought it was pretty great, tbh. Sure, it's not RE or RE2.. but it's unique in it's own way.

Resident Evil Remake is my favorite game

>> No.1234443
File: 10 KB, 408x286, on second thought.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So, uh...why did Wesker have this picture on his desk?

>> No.1234447

Because he was the C.O?

>> No.1234460

>Speaking of controls, is there a reliable way to pull off the dodge?

Yes there is. There are two ways :
-you have to press the L1 button right as an enemy is about to hit you
-while aiming with L1, press X right as you're about to get hit

The timing is pretty hard to get, in a similar fashion, it's harder to pull off then the critical hits in Onimusha series or the dodge in Resident Evil Dead Aim. But once you get the hang of it, I can tell you you will master the game. Once I mastered the dodge, I was able to beat the Jap version of the game on easy, knife only.

RE3 is my favourite RE in the series. For the longest time it was a tie between 1, 3 and REmake. But after replaying them all yet again recently (in my life I must have played 1 2 and 3 more than 50 times each) I again realized how 3 was a masterpiece.

You see, the main difference is that RE1 and 2 get old really fast. After playing them 10 times each, it's all the same. On the other hand, RE3 has a lot of semi-random events which makes it last much longer. Also RE3 is the most action based, it has the smoothest controls, the most weapons and they kick ass too, you have freedom in which ammo you want to make for even more extra replay value... Also, while in term of design and layout RE2 was RE1 all over again (RE2 applied EXACTLY the same principle : mansion with the same fucking number of keys, underground/court, mansion again for the last key with tougher enemies, underground/court again and lab). Not only 3 was finally totally different but it was a lot more linear (there is only one instance of heavy backtracking), and that linearility just goes so well with its action orientation giving the game that incredibly big replay value once the sake of fun gameplay alone.
And RE3 does all of this while staying survival horror too which is the cherry on top of the cake. While 1 was the 'haunted house' B movie, 3 does the zombie apocalypse in town just perfectly. 2 doesn't know where it stands.

>> No.1234469

You should play the PC port(s). It has NO loading times at all during camera angles, and for extra smoothness you can skip doors if you feel like it.

>> No.1234482

Also, another thing that I REALLY like about RE3 is that, contrary to 2, they respected RE1's boss gameplay much more.

In RE1, only TWO bosses are mandatory to kill : the 2nd time you fight Yawn and the the Tyrant in the lab. Now, the Tyrant in the lab is pretty easy and can be killed under 15 Beretta bullets so that hardly counts.

In RE3, it's the same. Only 2 bosses are mandatory to kill : Nemesis at the Clock Tower after he takes down the chopper, and Nemesis last boss fight. Now, the last boss fight can be ended solely with the big laser in the room. Shooting Nemesis during that fight only makes it easier for the laser to hit him, but it's not mandatory.

Every other boss fight can be smart-ed out. For the first Yawn, you can just grab the item at the back of the room and leave. For the plant 42, you can at least skip half of it with the j-volt puzzle and as Jill if you're lucky, you skip the whole fight. The giant spider in the underground cave? You can just knife the spiderwebs covering the other door and leave, EVEN better, if you stand in front of the spiderwebs, wait for the spider to spit at you and dodge it, the spider's spits will take care of the webs covering the backdoor! You can just repeat until you can open the door. That was so smart of RE1's designer to design the spider to be able to do that.

Now RE3 is all the same, the first worm encounter you can just trigger the 2 buttons for the ladder to come down (if you do it REALLY quickly it won't even be able to hit you), the 2nd worm fight can be waited out, etc

Now, why does this matter ? It's a survival horror, while action is part of it it is always good to have a 2nd option. That, and if you have to kill every boss, the game either has to give you TONS of bullets (like in RE2) or you might just don't even have enough to kill a boss (like in fucking RE:CV). In RE1 and 3, even if you don't have enough ammo, or at least not on you at that moment, you often have another option if you smart it out

>> No.1235812


As much as I like RE2 (still a lot better than 3 in my opinion) I'll give you that. For RE2 being a police station, it does feel very "mansion" like, especially with you ending up in an underground lab...again.

RE3 was a nice change of pace in that it was various locations in a city.

Good point on the boss design, though I still prefer 2's alternate methods of fighting (and as much as I dislike the worm, being able to wait it out so it can shock to death is really cool).

I don't think the randomization makes things as fresh. At least they didn't for me, but this is entirely anecdotal. Most of the time when I went through portions, it was the same enemies over and over. I rarely got the "randomizer" to kick in during RE3. As far as puzzles, it's kinda neat that they did that because it means you can't just float on memory on later playthroughs.

>> No.1237357
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>> No.1237467

> though I still prefer 2's alternate methods of fighting

What do you mean?

>> No.1237474


I meant to type 1 but hit 2 because I'm retarded.

I was specifically referring to cases like being able to run away from the giant spider in 1.

>> No.1237478

Yeah I agree, 1 was much better in that regard. It's fucking genious. I only found out about how you could get the Spider to shoot down her own webs a few years ago when I was playing the game knife only. I was blown away by how genius the design of the game is.

>> No.1240528 [DELETED] 

What was special about RE1 Wesker? I only played it once (Chris, Jill's story is glitched at the fireplace room), I don't think he had that much screen time compared to, say, Nickolai from RE3... I quite liked Nickolai. Also, the thing that killed him can't be Nemesis, there were claw marks on the walls after his death, although he seemed to be strangled...

Couple of things about RE3 since I have it installed (PC port), there's a zombie in a room, can be seen through a window in the alley that leads to the sales office, anyone got there? How did the gravedigger follow Jill to the graveyard, or was a different one? In the water sampling room, there's an x-ray device with a small card slot where you can use a key in it, then a peep can be heard, however, the security door's "Water check" still reads "error". Not to be fussed, but...

One last thing, there's a picture of a monster that finally an appearance in RE4, in the disposal chamber, picture provided. There's another clue of "Biohazard 4", to be exact, in RE3.

In RE3 Jill's diaries, she mentions that she visited him in his house, night... and that there's nothing between them happened. If i have to guess, it's because his concerns about Claire. And maybe, she had something for him after that, but the whole visit ended quickly.

You practically killed Nemesis at the disposal (acid) chamber. The last Nemesis was a meddled gene pool of guinea pigs and the dead factory's dead employees.

>> No.1240631 [DELETED] 

What was special about RE1 Wesker? I only played it once (Chris, Jill's story is glitched at the fireplace room), I don't think he had that much screen time compared to, say, Nickolai from RE3... I quite liked Nickolai. Also, the thing that killed him can't be Nemesis, there were claw marks on the walls after his death, although he seemed to be strangled...

Couple of things about RE3 since I have it installed (PC port), there's a zombie in a room, can be seen through a window in the alley that leads to the sales office, anyone got there? How did the gravedigger follow Jill to the graveyard, or was a different one? In the water sampling room, there's an x-ray device with a small card slot where you can use a key in it, then a peep can be heard, however, the security door's "Water check" still reads "error". Not to be fussed, but...

One last thing, there's a picture of a monster that ultimately made an appearance in RE4, in the disposal chamber, picture provided. There's another clue of RE4, a picture that says "Biohazard 4" with RE2 logo near the restaurant's front door.

In RE3 Jill's diaries, she mentions that she visited him in his house, night... and that there's nothing between them happened. If i have to guess, it's because his concerns about Claire. And maybe, she had something for him after that, but the whole visit ended quickly.

You practically killed Nemesis at the disposal (acid) chamber. The last Nemesis was a meddled gene pool of guinea pigs and the dead factory's dead employees. I almost felt pity for him at that fight; his contorted body and lower pitched voice...

>> No.1240634 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 960x576, AcidChamber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was special about RE1 Wesker? I only played it once (Chris, Jill's story is glitched at the fireplace room), I

don't think he had that much screen time compared to, say, Nickolai from RE3... I quite liked Nickolai. Also, the

thing that killed him can't be Nemesis, there were claw marks on the walls after his death, although he seemed to

be strangled...

Couple of things about RE3 since I have it installed (PC port), there's a zombie in a room, can be seen through a

window in the alley that leads to the sales office, anyone got there? How did the gravedigger follow Jill to the

graveyard, or was a different one? In the water sampling room, there's an x-ray device with a small card slot

where you can use a key in it, then a peep can be heard, however, the security door's "Water check" still reads

"error". Not to be fussed, but...

One last thing, there's a picture of a monster that ultimately made an appearance in RE4, in the disposal chamber,

picture provided. There's another clue of RE4, a picture that says "Biohazard 4" with RE2 logo near the

restaurant's front door.

In RE3 Jill's diaries, she mentions that she visited him in his house, night... and that there's nothing between them

happened. If i have to guess, it's because his concerns about Claire. And maybe, she had something for him after

that, but the whole visit ended quickly.

You practically killed Nemesis at the disposal (acid) chamber. The last Nemesis was a meddled gene pool of

guinea pigs and the dead factory's dead employees. I almost felt pity for him at that fight; his contorted body and

lower pitched voice...

>> No.1240637
File: 76 KB, 960x576, AcidChamber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was special about RE1 Wesker? I only played it once (Chris, Jill's story is glitched at the fireplace room), I don't think he had that much screen time compared to, say, Nikolai. I quite liked Nikolai. Also, the thing that killed him can't be Nemesis, there were claw marks on the walls after his death, although he seemed to be strangled...

Couple of things about RE3 since I have it installed (PC port), there's a zombie in a room, can be seen through a window in the alley that leads to the sales office, anyone got there? How did the gravedigger follow Jill to the graveyard, or was a different one? In the water sampling room, there's an x-ray device with a small card slot where you can use a key in it, then a peep can be heard, however, the security door's "Water check" still reads "error". Not to be fussed, but...

One last thing, there's a picture of a monster that ultimately made an appearance in RE4, in the disposal chamber, picture provided. There's another clue of RE4, a picture that says "Biohazard 4" with RE2 logo near the restaurant's front door.

In RE3 Jill's diaries, she mentions that she visited him in his house, night... and that there's nothing between them happened. If i have to guess, it's because his concerns about Claire. And maybe, she had something for him after that, but the whole visit ended quickly.

You practically killed Nemesis at the disposal (acid) chamber. The last Nemesis was a meddled gene pool of guinea pigs and the dead factory's dead employees. I almost felt pity for him at that fight; his contorted body and lower pitched voice...

>> No.1240648

What's "special" about Wesker is at the same time everything and nothing. Nothing in the same that it was nothing new as a whole, the archetype of the bad guy in every cliché b-movie that is going to explain his evil plot to the main characters instead of killing them instantly. Everything in the sense that it was the first time I saw such a cliché character in a video game.

Nicholai now is just Wesker all over again. At first he prenteds to be friendly but you except something's up. Then he double crosses you, explains his plot and tries to kill you. It's just Wesker all over again.

>Couple of things about RE3 since I have it installed (PC port), there's a zombie in a room, can be seen through a window in the alley that leads to the sales office, anyone got there?

Nope you can't go there. It also happens in the alley to leads to the pharmacy (or is that the one you mean ?).

>How did the gravedigger follow Jill to the graveyard, or was a different one?

Remember when you get back into the parking area (near the bus with crows outside) and the floor collapses, 2 big boxes come out of a car trunk and you can decide to get back up or fall down the hole that the collapsed floor made? Well, if you go down the hole you will end up in sewers and briefly see the gravedigger flee, implying that he is the one causing all the collapse but also showing him use the sewers to navigate below the town. Why it is after Jill though, is another question.... but at least it's explained how.

>> No.1240721

Yes, the pharmacy.

I've never seen the gravedigger flee, but I think I can see it dead before climbing up. I'll check it out later.

>> No.1240793

Wait now I remember, you're right you SEE it lying there the first time. it's the 2nd time you get into the sewers that you see it flee from far away, when you use the sewers in the park after the hospital. So that 2 moments that shows it using the sewers to navigate through the town.

>> No.1240813

>Jill's story is glitched at the fireplace room
You mean the game freezes in the beginning when they find what they ope isn't chris's blood?

>> No.1240862

Closest save is just after the second sewer encounter, I'll see it later since I'm replaying for a better score anyway.

I remember two glitches, I think this is the first one, the second one occurs in the fireplace room.

>> No.1240892

For score in RE3, what matters is time, number of saves, and uses of sprays. Don't use sprays and only save once.

>> No.1242072

He has a soft spot for boyish women.

>> No.1245067

That's why I could never A-rank RE3. The campaign is about as long as two RE2 scenarios. Has Hideki Kamiya ever given his reasons for disliking RE3?

>> No.1245227
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Someones needs to sift through some old Wendy Rice pornos to confirm.

>> No.1245262

>Albert Wesker was in Baywatch

why is this making me laugh so much

>> No.1245268
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>> No.1245274

2cute4me, though not as cute as Rebecca.

Didn't Mikami go on to say that he wish he hadn't hired armatures? I don't really know if I wanted RE1 to be any other way. RE1 is so bad it's good territory and I think it helps give the game its own specific flavor in the series.

The rest of the games feel like B-movies, but not quite "MST3K" tier B-movies.

>> No.1245842

I have the notion of RE3 being shorter than one RE2 scenario... I think it is the diversity of RE2's places. They made them really memorable.

>> No.1245926

Chris MccCulloch also voiced the main character of another Survival Horror : The Note on PSX (released only in japan and europe)

Nah I'd say RE3 is just as short as one B scenario of RE2. So it's just as short as a single REAL playthrough of RE2. RE2 just appears longer because you have to do the same thing 4 times.

>> No.1246308

>I think it is the diversity of RE2's places. They made them really memorable.
Really? Despite the fact that most of RE2 took place in the same police station and the other two main locations (the sewer and the lab) were essentially remade from RE1. RE3 had way more variety of locations, since you actually get to explore parts of the city.

>> No.1246323

and the police station looks and is laid out just like a mansion.

Seriously RE2 is just RE1 all over again. You even get to use the same number of keys before leaving the mansion for the first time, then you come back to it with the last key to unlock the same number of doors... You even get to use the same number of symbols (4) to exit both mansions.

And they ditch RE1.5 because "it was too much like the original"....

>> No.1246324
File: 183 KB, 450x600, armature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can understand that, armatures don't usually have much acting talent. It's all makeup really.

>> No.1246426

>And they ditch RE1.5 because "it was too much like the original"....
Honestly, RE1.5 was going to be a disappointment in the way it was shaping up to be. I don't blame Kamiya for scrapping it and starting from scratch.

>> No.1246429


Why is Racoon City covered in exploding barrels?

Why are all the streets so damn narrow?

Why does it look like New York?

Why is The Last Escape such a bad game?

>> No.1246434

Maybe it's RE3's fast pace, narrow alleys, or the soundtrack that mostly focused on a militaristic theme. And you don't spend much time in the city's buildings, take the clock tower for instance, all it was a signal for the helicopter and a path to the hospital and park. Or maybe it's just me.

>> No.1246441

>Seriously RE2 is just RE1 all over again.

Which is good. It's the perfection of the RE formula.

The series got into problems after that since they clearly had NO idea what to do, but the previous games sold so much so they had to make sequels.

>Nemesis/The Last Escape

Clearly a "we have no idea what we're doing" games. The scenarios are so stupid. None of the characters should have returned. I think every game should have been fresh protagonists.

For 3, it was too silly and over the top to take seriously.

>Dead Aim

Cash grab with re-used resources. Why not?


Uneeded prequel. A sign of desperation.


This was good. But it also showed that they didn't know what to do with the series. So just go back and remake the original?

>> No.1246496

Maybe by that time when RE3 was developed, there was already rumors about RE0

>> No.1246562

>The series got into problems after that since they clearly had NO idea what to do

That's because they was only going to be 2 games, but lol RE2 5 million copies sold keep the series going.

>> No.1246585

Well I disagree with that. RE3 had a great scenario, it was to "zombie apocalypse in cities" movies what RE1 was to a kind of b-movies, which is the perfect logical follow up. The story is fine, it's kinda lazy with his Wesker 2.0 (Nicholai) and but except from that it's fine. In terms of gamepaly it also was a the perfect follow up by sticking with the formula while adding quite a lot of elements but just enough.

Dead Aim is great too, it's the 2nd most underrated RE game after Survivor. This time it copies american action blockbuster movies like Die Hard and does a great job at that. This kind of stroy also fits the more action oriented gameplay well, and Dead Aim mixes the action of handgun games with survival horror perfectly. I even like to think Dead Aim belongs to a kind of "action survival horror" of which only very few titles belong, like Cold Fear.

Now Code Veronica is terrible in every single aspect, don't even get me started.

RE0 is like RE2. It's the same thing again, except this time, once too much. That I agree with though the story is unnecessary and i'd go as far as say really bad since it retcons stuffs from RE1. had RE0 come out earlier, during the N64 era like it was first planned out, the "been there, done that" pill would have been swallowed much more easily.

>> No.1246637
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RE3 is my favorite of the franchise. I grew up with the playstation and found the mixture of action, puzzles and nemesis to be the best overall package. The first game has the best location and atmosphere. The second game has better gameplay than the first but less atmosphere and is the easiest of the three. The 3rd game has the best gameplay and escaping the city beings you through some pretty great locations.

Also Jill > Clair

>> No.1246642

RE3 had a lot of interesting things in it as far as the universe goes though. The most memorable of which is the US Army's involvement in the whole affair, since you find a squad of Delta Force dead in one of the last rooms in the game, and several dead BOW's as well.

>> No.1246647

>Uneeded prequel. A sign of desperation.
It was just Capcom's way of throwing Nintendo a bone, considering it was originally designed as an N64 game back when the series was still PS-centric, the plot is pretty negligible and it was developed by one Capcom's b teams instead of the usual Resident Evil staff. What Capcom didn't count on was for Mikami to suddenly abandon Sony and support Nintendo exclusively.

In retrospect, Mikami probably overestimated the popularity of Resident Evil brand. It was one of the earliest big hits on the PlayStation, but only because there weren't that many good games on the system back then.

>> No.1246669

>retcons stuffs from RE1

I really never understood what exactly it retconned. I mean look just look at how much Billy had to save Rebecca throughout the game, 3 times? She was still very much a scared rookie in RE1, she barely did anything but tag along Billy, a military trained fighter. You never see her fire her weapon in a cutscene either. It was a learning experience at best for her.

Or is this about something else? The magic elevator behind the train wreckage? How Marcus spread the virus in the mansion?

>> No.1246746

Well it retconned how long the Bravo Team was there before Alpha came to rescue (made it one day instead of several hours, which makes less sense) and where exactly they were. I consider Marcus' involvement a retcon as well from the original accident which imo was better (more simple, more suitable with the b-movie plot), even though it was done in such a way that it's not exactly a retcon (everybody thinking it was an accident but in fact it was not...). However I believe that retcons the involvment that the bad guy in Dead Aim has in the outbreak of RE1 (but in any case, linking Dead Aim's story to RE1's somehow is the only bad and stupid thing about Dead Aim's story)

Rebecca's personality was completely changed imo. She tries to act a lot tougher in 0 than in 1, she's treated like a baby who can't even defend herself in 1. In REmake Mikami didn't invent change her personality so that it fits 0's even though he had to know about what they were doing, the only link from REmake to 0 is a file.

The magic elevator isn't a retcon but it's stupid. Well first it seems out of place... Secondly, it implies that the RE2 lab is beneath the forest/mountain area while in RE2 it's always felt like it was beneath the city; even though they made it plausible thanks to the fact that you use a small train to get there in RE2.... so it "might" be there...

In all honesty it just felt like they desperatly tried to connet everything, and it's executed in a very poor way. But that's far from the most stupid thing in 0.

However, if you focus on gameplay, atmosphere/graphics/music, 0 is okay. Not great, just okay.

A prequel of 1 could have been so much better. Instead of desperaly willing to connect everything and to add plot twist connceting it to 1 like that, and if they didn't stick to the mansion/underground/lab formula only, it could have been good. Just image playing as the whole Alpha Team in the forest around the mansion...

>> No.1246790

I still have no clear idea why would they change her face, couldn't they model the one in RE3 into the new REs?

>> No.1246792

A lot of the retcons in the Resident Evil series were really the results of localization teams taken liberty with the plot in the early games.

>> No.1246793

I think the problem is that each new director is forced to use old RE characters even though they don't wan to. Their 'artistic ego' wants them to make their own thing, which is why they do their own thing with the returning characters they are forced to use... That's my explanation any way.

>> No.1249845

>Capcom didn't count on was for Mikami to suddenly abandon Sony and support Nintendo exclusively.

Why was that? Rather silly and weird.

>> No.1249858

>RE3 had a lot of interesting things in it as far as the universe goes though. The most memorable of which is the US Army's involvement in the whole affair, since you find a squad of Delta Force dead in one of the last rooms in the game, and several dead BOW's as well.

That confused me. What was the explanation for that?

>> No.1249870
File: 180 KB, 549x1159, october162002a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikami had a fallout with Sony at the time due to how crappy the PS2 development tools and wanted to spite them by developing for the competition instead. He chose Nintendo over Microsoft since he wasn't convinced that the Xbox would succeed.

>> No.1250774

Soldiers of the same uniform can be found dead in the hospital's waiting room... I think the US Army had plans of their own. Since they can be found in both the hospital and dead factory, I think they were after some cure "charts"(you can read about it in a dead doctor's diary in the hospital, whom killer is probably Nicholai), and after guinea pigs' data from the dead factory. It took me a research to put things together.


>> No.1250791

Every game in the series gives you so much ammo you never need to worry about it.