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1221902 No.1221902[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Link's Awakening was such a big game for me when I was younger. It's plot twist BLEW MY MIND. The whole game you were thinking "Something's off about this whole world" and more and more they slowly reveal that it's literally not real. It's a dream. But not like "It was a dream all along", but more like "Link got sucked into some cosmic whale-beasts dream-world, and the only way to escape is to wake up the sleeping whale".
So I was a little bit confused when I found out the game was called "Dream Island" in Japan. Has anyone played the Japanese version & the American version? Is there a severe difference in the way the story unfolds? I mean, I really think it's weird for them to just give it away like that. That's like calling the Sixth Sense Ghost Psychologist . Sure, there was evidence pointing at it the whole time but do you really wanna just give it away like that?

>> No.1221904

Dream Island can be interpreted in more than one way.

>> No.1221910

Well I can't think of any other way to interpret that but maybe it's because I know already.
Still, it's way more blatant than "Link's Awakening". Sure, the english title suggests Link waking up at the end, but it could also be in reference to Link's Awakening in life, his realization of what he must do. Or it could be his awakening of the wind fish which you know you're doing pretty early on in the game before they start to reveal that the island is his dream.

>> No.1221912


I think Link's Awakening is a bit more subtle while also being open to interpretation from the start.

>> No.1221921

Do you also think Kirby's Dreamland was a dream?

Link's Awakening isn't subtle at all. I should dickslap you for being so stupid.

>> No.1221928

I was a little kid when I played it, in fact it was my first Zelda, so it caught me off guard and it blew my mind. It's a great plot twist, even to this day, since really all the Zelda worlds are weird in some other way, so you don't see that coming.

>> No.1221929

Kirby lives in Dreamland so yeah. But I have this whole crazy theory about Kirby I don't even wanna get into right now.
And yes, Link's Awakening is subtle. The game starts off with the mother fucker waking up on an island, it could be in reference to that. He has to wake a fish, it could be in reference to that. It's way more subtle than just saying "Dream Island". That has zero other ways of interpreting it, unless maybe an island of his dreams come true but why would that be a nightmare filled island populated by enigmatic strangers. Wouldn't his dream island be with Zelda? Not some random new person.

>> No.1221949


Yeah, basically >>1221929. It could be a literal awakening or awakening metaphorically, unlocking some new part of Link. Dream Island is a bit more to the punch. It's not worth getting angry over.

>> No.1221954

Way to spoil the plot you cunt.

>> No.1221959

There's a statute of limitations on spoilers. Also, it's your own fault for reading past "It's plot twist blew my mind". Why did you think I wasn't going to talk about it? Assuming you actually just got it spoiled for yourself and your not just some asshat saying "spoilers" for the sake of it.

>> No.1221964 [SPOILER] 
File: 26 KB, 1280x994, sad trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm just an asshat saying "spoilers" for the sake of it.

>> No.1222250

How much time is required in order to be ok to spoil things?

>> No.1222254

Probably like....2 years, if that. Probably more like 1. After that, its "read threads at your own peril" if you want to avoid spoilers.

Link's Awakening is more than 20 years old.

>> No.1222370

A couple of years is no time. I'd say more like 5 to 10 years is ok.

>> No.1222424

If it can be on this board, we are long since past it.

>> No.1222456

It's never "okay", honestly.

People get around to doing things at different time periods. Not everyone has all the time to play/read/watch what you already have. This includes works that are decades old.

>> No.1222520
File: 3 KB, 160x144, Photo05.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marin is one of my favorite zelda girls ever. Their relationship was so nice.

>> No.1222627

You could say she's Link's dream girl.

>> No.1222631

I never played LA, if i play the gbc update will i get the same experience?

>> No.1222634

No, you'll get an updated experience.

>> No.1222636

Only Zelda game to give me feels. It just hit me hard that these people are fake and going to disapear. It felt so unfair.


That's so sad. In the "best" ending she becomes a seagull? What the hell, that's depressing as hell.

>> No.1222641


She wished to be the little gull.

>> No.1222652

D Ream Island
Dick Ream Island

right next to Pen Island.

>> No.1222834
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>> No.1222837
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ffs the japanese title translates to something like "island of dreams"

>> No.1222894

I like the theory that Marin was always a seagull in the real world who got caught up in the Wind Fish's dream where she was manifested into a human.

>> No.1222907


The only thing you'd be missing is a glitch that allows you to sequencebreak. This glitch was fixed in the DX version, but if you're playing for the first time you wouldn't want to use this glitch anyway.

The main thing Zelda DX adds is the photographer who occasionally shows up and takes your picture, and the added dungeon. The dungeon is optional too, so if you don't like it, just don't go there.

>> No.1222921

You could see it as a Dream Island, like an the perfect island.

I'm sure this is an issue with translation more than anything. I don't know Moon Speak so I can't really speak with any authority on the subject.

>> No.1222927

Psssst. Hey. Hey.

The gods kill Enkidu because he and Gilgamesh were killing too many of their monsters. Gilgamesh goes nuts and goes on a quest to try to bring him back to life.

>> No.1222928


Was this the screen skipping thing in the easten part of the map? I've played through LA every other year or so since its release and it's probably my favorite LoZ, but I've never delved into what the internet's had so share about it.

>> No.1222986

>Was this the screen skipping thing in the easten part of the map?
No, you can do it anywhere in the game. Dungeons, overworld, anywhere you can make the screen scroll.

Basically it works by opening the map screen while the game is scrolling from one screen to the next. Link will stay in the same place (the opposite edge of the screen) as the ground scrolls beneath him.

Vid related:

>> No.1223002

But this is a retro games board, and a lot of people are just now playing these games for the first time. It's a dick move to drop a bunch of untagged spoilers, then go "lol wullitz yer fault fer not playin' it when it wuz noo"

Seriously, not everyone on this board is in their thirties.

>> No.1223005

If anyone kept reading after "it's plot twist blew my mind" it's their own damn fault.

>> No.1223009

That's a nice and all but doesn't cover every situation in which people spoil

>> No.1223017
File: 255 KB, 636x477, ouuo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, I do have a vague recollection of that. Thanks.

This game brings back so many bittersweet memories and feelings, I guess it's time to curl up under a blanket with some mulled wine and replay it for Christmas.

>> No.1223020

Oh so this is just "lets get angry about spoilers in general" general?
No. It's a Link's Awakening thread.

>> No.1223023

No, I was just answering his question about spoilers.

>> No.1223045

I love how OP spoilered The Sixth Sense, but not one of the best plots in the entire Zelda series.

Fucking hell OP, you're such a cunt.

>> No.1223052

a) The spoiling of the sixth sense was much more blunt
b) I highly doubt anyone was actually spoiled by this post who had serious intentions about playing this game. If they really cared about not getting spoiled they wouldn't have read the post. It's not like he just leapt into it.

>> No.1223054

There is no amount of time that makes it okay. Not everyone consumes a piece of media within a few years after its been out, especially as these games get older and younger people go back and play them. Anyone who says "HURR, IT'S OKAY TO SPOIL VIDEO GAMES AFTER X AMOUNT OF YEARS, IT'S YOUR FAULT YOU DIDN'T PLAY IT XDDD" is a fucking moron who should have their brains removed and studied so we can figure out what undiscovered disease is making them so fucking retarded.

>> No.1223058

>not like he just leapt into it.
It's in the third fucking sentence

>> No.1223059

That's two sentences to preface what we are talking about. Seriously, does nobody have the self control to say "I just wont continue reading, they are talking about something I haven't played yet, and they are talking about it's plot twist too"

>> No.1223061

And what's more it's not how the third sentence starts, there was plenty of lead up suggesting "Hey, I'm about to say the twist".
>The whole game you were thinking
>More and more they slowly reveal
You keep reading after that and what do you think is going to happen?

>> No.1223069

>it's your fault for not having enough self-control to not read the post I should have spoilered because I spoiled the entire fucking game!
No, you cunt, it's not anyone who happens across this thread's fault, it's the OP's. Spoilers exist on 4chan for a fucking reason, fucking use them. And they wouldn't exist on this board if the people with functioning brains that made it sat around thinking "You know, if someone hasn't played this game by now, it's their own fault! No spoiler tags!"

You know what most reasonable people do? They see the black bars of a spoiler tag and go "Oh, I shouldn't read that". They assume most people have the common courtesy not to spoil something casually in the main post. He could have been more vague or danced around the plot twist, the first two sentences leading up to it are no excuse. There is no fucking excuse for this horrible fucking thread. This board is such a piece of fucking shit, it's fucking mindblowing.

And just because you're a child and I know you'll try hitting me with "HURRR U R JUST MAD U HAVEN'T PLAYED THE GAME", Link's Awakening is probably my favorite Zelda game, and the plot is a huge factor in that. Now anyone just casually browsing /vr/ not being super cautious about spoilers who reads this thread because there's no spoiler tags in the OP (except for the Sixth fucking Sense) is going to have one of the biggest parts of this game ruined for them. They're never going to have that moment of revelation in the Southern Shrine, or experience the feelings of knowing all the people you've gotten to know along the way, like Marin, will disappear forever if you complete your quest, all because some dumbass can't use spoilers properly.

>> No.1223084

>I know you're a child
I love when people post this. They've just reached this point where they only argument they have is "You're just an asshole!".
You're over-exaggerating so hard it's insane.
If this board is such a piece of shit than just leave but don't be that guy who just freaks out in every thread, writes a expletive-laden rant all-the-while claiming that I am in fact the immature child, and then ends up saying how this board sucks and you're too good for it.
There were people talking about the game ever so briefly before this shit just piled in. The thread is shit? No shit. You derailed it by going on about spoilers. But please, do insist it is my fault. I made you do it.
In fact this thread still had some good posts going until this shit. So just stop. If you love the game so much just talk about it. Don't get upset because of some hypothetical person whose life is ruined because he won't experience Link's Awakening properly.
Did you play LA on a GBC or later in life? The big reason this plot twist was such a shock was you literally had no other input about the game, except other people you actually knew in person who played it. That's not the day and age we live in anymore. If someone was going to play this game chances are if they were going to do some research it'll have gotten spoiled and if it wouldn't have it would have been due to their own ability to restrain themselves and not tread into dangerous territory.

>> No.1223096

Oh god, what have you arguing sadacts done to my /vr/ ?

This place was supposed to be a haven, YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE CHOSEN ONE!

God, if i was a mod, this place would be cleaned up so fast it would make your balls slap up your arse cheeks.

>> No.1223104


It literally says "Dreaming Island" with no room to interpret it as "Island that is so beautiful it's like a dream".

>> No.1223109


>> No.1223421

Personal responsibility comes into play though. If you see a thread about a game you haven't played, but want to play, then hide it.

>> No.1223449

>Link's Awakening isn't subtle at all.

I remember thinking as a kid it was a reference to how he woke up on an island at the start of the game, on the beach. Like, the game starts there, Link's awakening, on the beach.

Now to answer OP's question, maybe it's some sort of japense thing... Resident Evil Dead Aim in Japan is called Resident Evil: Heroes never die; which totally spoils the end as you think the character is dead, the credits roll, and after that he's shown alive

>> No.1223474

Maybe how people on the internet say "You shouldn't go online" if you see spoilers, the Japanese say "You shouldn't have read the title of the game" and expect you to buy games based on their creators alone.

>> No.1223746

Just dropped into this thread to state that I genuinely believe Link's Awakening is the single best video game ever made. I mean, it has everything, action, minigames, RPG elements, rock tough puzzles, a great story, humour, hidden secrets, blah blah and the best graphics ever displayed on a postage stamp sized LCD matrix. It's a towering achievement. Sometimes I think about it and a little bit of pee comes out.

>> No.1224086
File: 58 KB, 500x417, 1335912064046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the original Gameboy ending I think they just show her with angel wings or something. I'm not sure if it even explicitly implies that she becomes a seagull as opposed to colored version.

>> No.1224206 [DELETED] 


>It's plot twist BLEW MY MIND.

It was a pretty cool plot twist. I sometimes wonder if the title of the game was changed just so people wouldn't suspect it (the Japanese version is called Dream Island).

>> No.1224259
File: 27 KB, 314x276, marin_zelda_credits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the original Gameboy ending I think they just show her with angel wings or something.

Yup, although I only played the DX version.

>> No.1224271
File: 81 KB, 528x396, 1384602132336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just dropped into this thread to state that I genuinely believe Link's Awakening is the single best video game ever made. I mean, it has everything, action, minigames, RPG elements, rock tough puzzles, a great story, humour, hidden secrets, blah blah and the best graphics ever displayed on a postage stamp sized LCD matrix. It's a towering achievement. Sometimes I think about it and a little bit of pee comes out.

I think you're right.

>> No.1224283

OP, did you feel the same way the first time you beat Super Mario Bros 2?

Speaking of which, if all of SMB2 was a dream, then why did Nintendo even bother trying to work Shyguys and Snifits and whatnot into canon?

>> No.1224286

>why did Nintendo even bother trying to work Shyguys and Snifits and whatnot into canon?

Money and it was a twist at the end. Most people who played it never got to the ending.

>> No.1224289

OP here, never beat SMB2 but I knew the ending anyway. Personally I could never get into that game. I hate to say "It's not a mario game" but that is more or less how I feel about it. That doesn't mean it's bad though.

>> No.1224291

really? I mean, it's an absurdly easy game, and Wart is an absurdly easy end boss.

>> No.1224319
File: 18 KB, 691x597, 1380765550907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Link's awakening blew my mind as a kid. Game took me something like 50 something hours to complete because I would backtrack and spend hours looking for enemies to fight. The combat felt so responsive and intuitive, with so many different enemies that you had to stay on your toes at all times.

Once I finally reached the end and learned it was all a dream, I sat there, mouth agape as I could not believe it. I immediately replayed the game and even the second time around the ending was still jarring, yet it made the journey that much better since I knew what was waiting for me at the end. The chain chomp mission to this day is one of my favorites as it seems so simple on paper yet it rewards you for your persistence.

Damn, I love Link's Awakening.

>> No.1224324
File: 243 KB, 1024x768, The-wizard-of-oz-Wallpaper-the-wizard-of-oz-3934564-1024-768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of you watched wizard of oz?

>> No.1224338


>> No.1224343

Nice strawman, matey.

>> No.1224345

hahaha what a twist

>> No.1224348

In all seriousness, what are people who haven't played the game doing in a thread about the game. Also, it's not like this isn't one of the most well known Zelda twist.

>> No.1224385

Lets not restart that argument.

>> No.1224418
File: 64 KB, 630x540, 1375347788897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for the < age 10 kids whose imbecile parents buy them iPhones and Tablets and will inevitably get classic twists like this ruined for them. Link's Awakening is a really well-rounded game that's always fun to play, and it's a shame. It was also my first Zelda game.

At least the Aeris twist in FF7 was early in the game.

>> No.1224446

Are you suggesting that angry birds does not possess the same narrative potential as Link's Awakening? They made Angry Birds in space, you know.

>> No.1224458

Why are the birds angry anyway? They look like a bunch of assholes to me. Ruining all those buildings and killing innocent pigs...

>> No.1224460

They're angry you're not buying their playsets and toys, anon. Why haven't you? You're only making them angrier.

>> No.1224464

I'd rather buy non-viral merchandise, so I hope they enjoy being angry.

>> No.1224468


Those birds are billionaires already. You can all just calm your shit.

>> No.1224805

Play via emulator, and apply this patch


Best of both worlds.

>> No.1225458

Angry Birds has the deepest lore.

>> No.1225460

>It's never "okay", honestly.
i totally agree man
there are SO many games
it's hard to get around to all of the good ones
it doesn't take any effort at all to just put stuff in spoilers
i don't understand why anyone would even argue otherwise, why would anyone have the compulsion to do something that will make someone else not be able to enjoy something?

>> No.1225606
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Okay I actually didn't know that one!

>> No.1225610

Man, this Zelda game and Majora's Mask are two of the best, thematically speaking. They were both wonderful mysteries, really the only times in the series that you didn't entirely know what the endgame was going to entail. I'd love to see another Zelda game like this, where Link isn't just playing the "hero of destiny", collecting macguffins and beating Ganon just because.

>> No.1225628

Because there was only one Doki Doki Panic game.

>> No.1225660 [DELETED] 

itt everyone is jelly

>> No.1225667

Because Shyguys and Snifits are cool.

>> No.1225668
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>> No.1225680

sweet game but no offense you need to trim those nails my buddy

>> No.1225706

3 weeks ago I bought this game, Megaman 2, and Castlevania. I beat Megaman 2 in normal and hard, and Castlevania in a few days, but I still have 2 dungeons left of Links Awakening.
It is my first Zelda, and I am trying to beat it with no walkthrough.
I usually find myself wasting time for some dumb reason, it took me like 40 minutes to realize you could hurt the Mario shyguys from behind, since they move reflecting my move, I thought I had to make them move so that they would push the blocks I could not push.

Much later I wasted a lot of time because I thought I had to trade the fishing hook to the town fisherman, and not the one under the bridge (that I had not discovered yet)

I am doing one dungeon per day I don't work more or less.

>> No.1225709


thats what pissed me off about twilight princess. so much build-up to something new and different, but then HEY THIS HAS TO BE OOT 2, PUT GANON IN QUICK EVEN THOUGH HE HAS NO RELEVANCE TO THE STORY! HE HAS TO BE THERE BECAUSE HE'S GANON.

>> No.1225712

Speaking of Link's Awakening.

On the cart I've used this childhood I have an odd glitch now. Game can't be played anymore because the ONLY thing that shows up is Link, there is no other graphic all the rest is blank white. Yet if you guess where you are you can still interact with things etc it would make the ultimate blind run.

Any idea what could cause such a glitch?

>> No.1225762


as if those kids will even be playing classic zelda

most teenagers nowadays probably had twilight princess as their first zelda. the 10 year olds of today will be playing the ds games and skyward sword.