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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1214581 No.1214581 [Reply] [Original]

Now is the time, /vr/

The time has come to settle what is arguably the most vicious console war in video game history; the war between the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive and the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.

While /v/ is turning to shit over the current gen console wars, why not have our own little console war thread here on /vr/, as if it were actually the early-mid 90s? Which system did you grow up with? Which do you prefer? What were/are your favorite games on each system? What are some standout memories with each system? And which is the better system overall?

To get everyone in the mood, here's some commercials from the era, to put everyone in the right frame of mind.



So, /vr/, it's time to settle this once and for all. Did Genesis do what Nintendon't? Or did Nintendo have the better system?

Discussion of other systems like the TurboGrafx 16/TurboGrafx CD is also welcome.

>> No.1214598

Genesia had better hardware but I prefer the SNES library, sound, and graphics
Also the Nintendo d pad is perfect and SNES has a superior face button layout

>> No.1214604
File: 2.65 MB, 3460x2440, Sega-Genesis-6But-Cont[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also the Nintendo d pad is perfect and SNES has a superior face button layout
I enjoyed the Genesis 6-button controller far more than the SNES controller. A 6-button layout is also superior to a 4-button layout. The best thing the SNES controller had going for it was the shoulder buttons, otherwise the Sega controllers had it beat.

Pic related. The D-Pad on this thing is fantastic, and laid the groundwork for what is arguably the best D-Pad of all time, the Saturn pad.

>> No.1214619

Except it didn't launch with 6 buttons and few games made use of them. Disc d pads are less precise than standard ones and only exist to be different

>> No.1214626

>Disc d pads are less precise than standard ones and only exist to be different
Confirmed for having never played with the controller I posted. That D-Pad is far more precise than the SNES D-Pad could ever dream of being, if for no other reason than diagonals are much easier to push, and also harder to push by accident at the same time.

As for it not launching with 6 buttons, that's very true, and I would agree that the SNES controller probably does best the 3-button controller. However, after the 6-button ones came out, there was no contest.

>> No.1214631

Except it didn't launch with 6 buttons and few games made use of them. Disc d pads are less precise than standard ones and only exist to be different

>> No.1214642

SNES had a couple amazing games (SMW2, SM, and Chrono Trigger), but Genesis had more good games overall. Not to mention Sonic 2 and 3&K are much better platformers than SMW and the DKC games, and that's not even factoring in all the other great platformers on the system like Ristar, Sparkster, Dynamite Headdy, etc.

Genesis had better action games, fighters played better on it, its shmup library completely dwarfs that of the SNES, it had more platformers, it had more and better run 'n guns, it had the better Konami games (Hard Corps and Bloodlines > Alien Wars and SCIV, hands-down), it had more and better beat 'em ups, etc. The only place it was lacking was RPGs, and even then, the RPGs it did have were often fantastic, like the Phantasy Star series and the Shining Force games.

Genesis all day erry day.

>> No.1214652

I actually own a genesis. Not sure where you get the impression Ive never used it. The d-pad is less precise for me because it's easier to hit diagonals by mistake. I wish there no patenting and cooyright issues so everyone could just use nintendo's design. 2D games on XBLA are wasted because of it

>> No.1214659

If you like Action games WAY better get a Genesis
If you lile adventure games WAY better get a SNES

If you like techno style synth music WAY better get a Genesis
If you like realistic sounding instruments and samples WAY better get a Genesis

If you like you graphics rendered fast WAY better get a Genesis
If you like your graphics to be deep WAY better get a SNES

Really though, get both. Even exclusively SHMUP players have some good reason to have a SNES. Even exclusively RPG players have some good reasons to have a Genesis.

>> No.1214667

>The d-pad is less precise for me because it's easier to hit diagonals by mistake.
That's where I get the impression you've never used it, because it is one of the most precise D-Pads ever made. The Xbox 360's D-Pad isn't shit because of its shape (as evidenced by the fact that Sega had already pioneered the shape and its D-Pads worked flawlessly), it's shit because it's poorly designed/built.

"Both" is such a cop-out answer. Only one console can bet the best overall. Even though RPGs are a huge weakness for the Genesis, it beats the SNES in pretty much every other category.

>> No.1214684
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Genesis has better action games/arcade style games. SNES has better RPGs. Though you can find a few good games of either style on both systems.

Hardware-wise they're both about the same. SNES generally has better graphics and sound (though Genesis could do some nifty music as well) but slowdown is very common in games. SNES also had more success with games that came later in the generation. While Sega floundered with failed (but not entirely terrible) peripherals, Nintendo just added enhancement chips into the cartridges themselves which added quite a bit of fidelity the games that used them. It was a cheaper and more convenient alternative for customers than going the peripheral route.

Controller-wise it's complete personal preference but there's a reason why the SNES style of controller has endured so long: It's fucking good. The 3 button Genesis controller is okay but the 6 button one is great. But not a whole lot of games use it to its full potential.

As with most consoles, it depends on the kind of games you like. Though now is a good time to go with a Sega Genesis because the SNES market is completely ridiculous right now.

I made fun of Sega back in the day but damn did I ever want a Genesis to play Sonic and shit. I thought it looked so cool. GENESIS CAN'T EVEN DO MODE 7 AND CAN ONLY DISPLAY 61 COLORS AT ONCE

>> No.1214708

>any of the sonic games better than SMW or DKC
I should smack you.

>> No.1214716

>loved RPGs as a kid
>had a Genesis
>collected every RPG I could find in the store for the console
>didn't care for the SNES, because there was like zero info on it where I lived and everyone had Sega consoles
>later found the SNES had a fuck-huge amount of RPGs when I got Internet

Such was life in Brazil. At least I ended up with a really nice collection of Genesis RPGs. But damn, if only I knew...

>> No.1214720

Nintendos first party games blow anything the Genesis had out of the water, not to mention the SNES had amazing third party support too. If you can't see this you're being blinded by nostalgia. I say this having grown up with a SMS and Genesis.

>> No.1214739

Nintendo had better games, but SFII had better gameplay on the Genesis. A lot of fast-paced titles played better on the Genesis.

>> No.1214745

SFII did better on Turbografx 16.

>> No.1214758

Armored Armadillo would certainly have been nice to see on the genesis. And though I prefer SNES' sound overall, I think genesis would fit MMX's style of music better. I've felt this way about several SNES games. I've also pwished for crash with N64 graphics

>> No.1214770

Owned a Super Nintendo since 1993. I still like the Final Fantasy games, Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2, and Super Mario World 2.

I bought a Genesis a few years back and its pretty killer. Love the FM synth music and the shooters. Genesis RPGs are way under-rated too.

>> No.1214785

SMW is one of the most overrated games of all time.

This is one of the last normal stages in SMW:

And this is the 4th level of Sonic 2:

Sonic 2, Sonic 3&K, and Yoshi's Island are the best platformers of that gen hands-down. SMW isn't even in the top 5.

>Nintendos first party games blow anything the Genesis had out of the water
Sonic 2 and 3&K > SMW and the DKCs
Landstalker > ALttP
Super Metroid and Yoshi's Island were the only truly superb first-party titles on SNES.

The Genesis also had huge third party support (maybe even more than the SNES), it was just largely supported by companies that weren't/aren't as mainstream (outside of EA, they produced a ton of great games for the system).

>> No.1214793

>Mentions the best console of that generation as an afterthought.
Seriously? The PCE had better Sega games than the Genesis and by the time Nintendo decided to join the party we'd already been playing CD games for over a year.

Also, given that they still make the Neo Geo, that's worth mentioning to.

At least Genesis did what Nintendon't, which was at release a console within 3 years of the competition.

>> No.1214798

The PCE is fucking awesome, it just wasn't nearly as huge and didn't have anywhere near as fierce of a rivalry with other systems as the rivalry between Sega and Nintendo. But yeah, this is a console war thread for all consoles of that gen, so PC Engine definitely deserves some love. Arguably had the best graphics and sound of the gen.

>> No.1214801

>Not to mention Sonic 2 and 3&K are much better platformers than SMW and the DKC games
I don't even know how to properly respond to this. Arguing with people like you is like talking to a crazy person

>> No.1214802

>best graphics

lolwut? It can display more colors at once than the Genesis and....that's about it.

>> No.1214810

Just because it's been so established that they're good games by people who grew up with the SNES doesn't make it any more valid. The later 16-bit Sonics had better physics, level design, and gameplay than the DKC games, and were easily better than a game like SMW.

>> No.1214812

Right. The more complex the level the better.
Chemical Plant would have been way better if it was a labyrinth with dead ends, right?

>> No.1214818

Nah, it's pretty good as it stands with its multiple branching paths and routes, which can be switched between at multiple points by jumping from one tube to another to completely change your route through the level without skipping a beat.

Labyrinths with dead ends don't work in platformers. SMW already made that incredibly apparent with Forest of Illusion.

>> No.1214826

The physics in sonic are terrible, unless you're holding right and letting the game shoot you around wherever. Moving normally is awful, it feels like you're sliding around on ice, and precise platforming is impossible.
Needlessly complex levels aren't better. Sure, sonic games have bigger levels with more paths, but you're still mostly holding right until you hit a wall or something, then fumbling your way around on platforms until you get to the next section to hold right though. It doesn't feel nearly as skillful to play as smw.
"Gameplay" is a pretty nebulous term, but smw definitely plays better. Movements are precise, items like the cape take skill to use, the levels and enemies are varied and have to be approached differently, and the bosses are more interesting to fight.

And it goes without saying that smw has better graphics and music too. Not to mention more levels and secrets.

>> No.1214830

I don't think you've played forest of illusion, and I don't think you honestly believe that non-linear level design is superior to linear level design by default. I think you're being dishonest with yourself to satisfy a desire to be too cool for a popular game

>> No.1214835

>its multiple branching paths and routes, which can be switched between at multiple points by jumping from one tube to another to completely change your route through the level without skipping a beat.
I fail to see what makes this better, especially when you're doing the exact same things no matter which "path" you take. It's even worse because those "paths" aren't picked with any rhyme or reason, you just get funneled into one or another depending on how you happen to be moving.

>> No.1214832

Super Mario World is pretty boss, and I'd probably rather play it than Sonic, but better graphics than Sonic? You best be joking, nigga. Music isn't so clear cut, either.

>> No.1214843
File: 33 KB, 353x398, klk8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is so much wrong in this post I don't even know where to begin.

Movement in Sonic (speaking mostly for 2 and 3&K, since those are the ones I have the most experience with) is fantastic. The reason you find moving around normally "awful" or you think it feels like you're "sliding around on ice" is because, unlike SMW, the Sonic games have a little something called momentum, which plays a huge factor in their platforming. You know, the thing that made Mario 1 and 3 such great games, which was completely removed from World?

Precise platforming is very possible. Sonic games are built much more around replayability than Mario games; you are meant to play through the games more than once. Your first time through the game, you may be "fumbling around" because you don't know where to go, but as you experiment with different paths and figure out a good route through the level, you begin using the spin dash and slopes to your advantage to always be in a constant state of speed. Mario can't even compare to the amount of skill it takes to complete Sonic levels efficiently. What you are equating to bad level design is, in fact, your unfamiliarity with the levels and the mechanics of Sonic games.

Movement in the Sonics is very precise, and using the spin dash effectively or even simple things like jumping at the right time to keep your momentum through an entire level takes far more skill than pressing right rhythmically to infinitely fly in SMW (which also conveniently allows you to skip around 80% of the entire fucking game).

SMW has about 3 different boss types that are repeated with slight variants. Nearly every boss in a Sonic game is unique.

>> No.1214846
File: 33 KB, 353x398, klk6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As for better graphics and music, again, you're dead wrong. Sonic 2 and 3&K are doing much more advanced things graphically than SMW, even through the speed at which they play. The music in Sonic is also better, covering a wide variety in its tracks and producing tons of catchy tunes, instead of SMW's music, which is all just multiple arrangements of a single melody.

The only part of your post you are right about is that SMW has more levels; unfortunately, the vast majority of those levels are nowhere near as interesting as the levels found in a Sonic game. Quality > quantity.

>> No.1214852

Untrue. The upper path is always the most desirable in a Sonic game, with very few exceptions. Accessing the upper path usually entails something like having enough momentum to be launched high enough up a slope to reach a platform, which you won't have if you haven't been playing well enough to build up that much speed. You only get "funneled" into whatever path matches how well you're playing.

>> No.1214856

Sorry. But this is a 16bit thread. PCE is 8bit.

>> No.1214865

8 bit processor, 16 bit graphics.
So yes, it does fit in here.

>> No.1214886

I could put a 16bit gfx card in my i7, it doesn't make it a 16bit machine.

>> No.1214891


This. The best Sonic doesn't even come close to being as good as the worst Mario game.

>> No.1214893


Christ, Brazil sounds like such a shit hole. At least you have gorgeous women...

>> No.1214914

So many ignorant Nintendo fanboys, I see this place hasn't changed much.

Pretty sure even Sonic 2006 is better than the CD-i Mario and Zelda games.
This so much. There's no competition, SEGA had to put that much more effort in to their games to be noticed at a time when Nintendo had a near monopoly on the industry. The Genesis trilogy of Sonic is probably the best platformers of the 16-bit era; the level design, art direction, gameplay, technical innovation, and especially the music.

>> No.1214920

>Landstalker> ALttp
Is that why Landstalker is still argued by many to be the best game of all time?

>> No.1214930

>sonic 2006
>mainline entry in the series developed by sonic team

>mario and zelda cd-i
>created by obscure 3rd party developers as the result of clever legal tricks

Not comparable

>> No.1214969

stopped reading when somebody said Sonic is better than any platformer ever. i mean, even other genesis platformers were better than Sonic, let alone SNES ones

If you go slow and explore in Sonic, you get nowhere fast. If you go fast you'll probably just hit a spike or some dumb shit and have wasted your time.

>> No.1214979

But like so many other people in the thread have said, that's not the point. Once you play the game a hundred times and learn all the paths through the levels, you can try to get through as fast as possible without stopping. Just like how smw isn't fun until you get skilled with the cape and can fly through every level.
By expecting the game to be good the first time through, you're playing it wrong.

>> No.1214976

>stopped reading when somebody said Sonic is better than any platformer ever
You must still be reading then, since that hasn't been said anywhere in the thread.

>i mean, even other genesis platformers were better than Sonic
There were plenty of other great platformers on Genesis, though personally I don't think any of them top Sonic 2. You're welcome to name them, though.

>If you go slow and explore in Sonic, you get nowhere fast
If you're observant and take note as you explore, you'll know how to get through the level faster the next time you play it.

>If you go fast you'll probably just hit a spike or some dumb shit and have wasted your time
If you hit a spike it's because you're bad at the game or didn't react fast enough. This bullshit about how Sonic games have bullshit enemy/trap placement because people were raised on slow games like Mario has to end.

>> No.1214986

>Just like how smw isn't fun until you get skilled with the cape and can fly through every level
Personally I think SMW would be an infinitely better game if the cape were completely removed, or if, at the very least, flight were removed and you could only glide.

>By expecting the game to be good the first time through, you're playing it wrong.
I'd word it more like "By expecting to get through the game extremely smoothly without having developed any skill at it, you're setting yourself up for disappointment". Sonic is much more of an arcade-like experience than Mario in that respect; it's meant for multiple playthroughs, and you're meant to get better at the game each time you play.

>> No.1215001

he's obviously not serious with any of that

>> No.1215043

I can't enjoy sonic 2 and 3 because the special stages break the flow if the game and I can't make myself not do them. Funny because I enjoyed my first playthrough

>> No.1215052

I found them a lot worse in Sonic 1. The Sonic 2 special stage was pretty fun for me, and since it's on rails, it doesn't really slow things down like Blow Sphere can when you're hunting for spheres. I know what you mean though, I generally avoid special stages and just try and finish the level as quickly as possible when I play, unless I'm specifically going for all emeralds.

>> No.1215050

I owned a SNES as a kid but I am going to have to go with the Genesis for this one, best run n guns, best shmups, best action games. Nintendo has never made anything as good as the Super Shinobi on the SNES.

>> No.1215207

>Except it didn't launch with 6 buttons and few games made use of them
>The 3 button Genesis controller is okay but the 6 button one is great. But not a whole lot of games use it to its full potential.
Not really the topic at hand, but what are some games that made significant use of the 6 button controller?
I know both Ranger-X and Comix Zone used it pretty extensively, to the point that with a 3 button controller the games are bullshit hard thanks to much more limited control.

>> No.1215217
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I'm not saying that other guy is right, I mean, I ain't ever even played Landstaker, but come on man, argumentum ad populum? Step your game up.

>Arguably had the best graphics and sound of the gen

>> No.1215221
File: 22 KB, 640x480, futurama_fry_looking_squint_1465[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1215225

Play Landstalker, man. It's fucking amazing.

>> No.1215228

Is that the awkward isometric one?

>> No.1215232

Actually most games supported 6 button and don't you dare talk shit about the Genesis d-pad, absolute best d-pad ever in my opinion.

>> No.1215236

>Is that the I'm a SNES fanboy and have never heard of the game before this thread and before checking google images and ignorantly picking one thing from the first image result to shit on


>> No.1215235

BlackThorne was much better with the 6 button as well.

Its a shame the 32x version is actually vastly superior to the rest, its annoying to emulate.

>> No.1215238

Yeah, there's no way I might have played Landstalker or anything. It certainly wouldn't be on any of the Sega collections released on every console since the PS2.

>> No.1215245

Are you serious? The Genesis is my favorite console ever and Landstalker seriously is the most awkward isometric game out there. It's a game where the controls are never sure whether it wants, say, "up" to go up-right or up-left and just kind of decides for you depending which direction you were going last. I've honestly never played a game more disorienting because of it. Wish someone would patch it or something, because it'd be great if not for that.

>> No.1215252

I'm entirely serious. Landstalker is much, much better than ALttP. It is one of many, many video games on both the Genesis and SNES that are.

>> No.1215261

The controls are a bit awkward, but they don't take long to get used to. I'm not sure what you're talking about with the game changing which direction you go relative to the direction you were going last.

>> No.1215268

Boot up Landstalker and then press up. Nigel might go up-left or up-right. So, right now after pressting up, he's going up-left for me. Then your mind just starts to think, "Okay, I can get used to this". Then you want to down-left and in most isometric games that control this way, that would be the left direction. So you press left. Nigel then proceeds to go...up-left. Again. Then you press down, and now he goes down-left and your mind is just turned completely upside-down and assumes that because now he's going down-left that when you press right he's going to go up-right. Nope, he'll still go down-right.

The game feels like it's designed to be controlled with purely the diagonal keys but that's incredibly uncomfortable and unlike games that have this control scheme like, say, Sonic 3D Blast and Super Mario RPG, pressing up actually makes the character go up and don't cause your head to spin. If Nigel could go in all eight directions there'd be no confusion and the game would be fine. Hell, I might even be able to play the game if pressing a normal direction simply didn't even do anything, but the way the controls function is just too awkward for me. I can't do it. I've tried I don't know how many times until I just go back to Alundra.

>> No.1215271

Games that only use 3 buttons sega controller is the best too that 3 button one is damn comfy. I only use the 6 button controller for games that need it because I like the 3 button one so much.

now I know for a fact you don't because the xbox dpad is not on a floating point like the Sega dpads you can push down 4 directions at once which is impossible on a sega dpad because it floats on an axis in the middle

>> No.1215290

I never even noticed that, but you are right. It's designed for your direction to be changed by using diagonals, which works really well with Genesis D-Pads because they dip in the center so you can just rock your thumb around without having to lift your thumb and press another direction. Are you playing it on a Genesis, or through an emulator?

>> No.1215294

I own it, and when emulated it's with a PS2-to-USB Saturn controller. Trust me, I love the Sega d-pad. I just don't find controlling a game strictly by using the diagonals a comfortable experience.

>> No.1215297

>The physics in sonic are terrible
And this is where I stopped reading.
Sonic has probably the best and most intuitive (because they are fairly accurate to what you'd expect from real life) physics of any 2D platformer of the time, and I'd say it's still a serious contender to this day. Later Sonic games still can't seem to get it quite right, even with much better tech at their disposal.
The slope of the ground, the speed you're moving, whether you are rolled up into a ball or not, whether you are in the air or not, whether you are in water or not, etc. all of that shit is taken into account in calculating acceleration, deceleration, friction, jump height, jump direction, and so on, so you can do stuff that simply isn't possibly in most 2D platformers, like jump off of an upward slope at high speed to go really fucking high.

>> No.1215305


Even the little bumps on the ground in Emerald Hill or Aquatic Ruin drastically change your jumps depending on which point on the bump you're standing. It's possible to launch yourself really fucking high just from what would be flat ground in any other platformer, just by paying attention to the bumps on the ground.

>> No.1215342

how is it much, much better

>> No.1215345

Better story, better puzzles, platforming

>> No.1215348

>And this is where I stopped reading.
Oh man, I should have kept reading. Some of this stuff is solid gold.
>items like the cape take skill to use
>the bosses are more interesting to fight
>smw has better graphics and music
>Not to mention more (...) secrets
I like Super Mario World a LOT, but no dude. Just no.

>> No.1215352

>I like Super Mario World a LOT
Why? So many better platformers exist during that gen it's not even funny.

>> No.1215351

>but no dude. Just no.
really solid argument you got there :^)

>> No.1215356

Some things are readily apparent to people who have actually played both games. There's not really anything to argue about, the statements he's quoting are just objectively wrong.

>> No.1215359
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>an opinion is objectively wrong
The sonic fanbase, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.1215363

The cape objectively takes less skill to use than efficiently maneuvering through a level in the Sonic series without moving speed.

There is a larger variety of bosses in a Sonic game than in SMW.

The Sonic series uses more advanced graphical techniques and backgrounds have more depth than in SMW.

The secrets thing I'm unsure of, but all of the above are objectively true statements.

>> No.1215365

*without losing speed

>> No.1215367

>Genesis controller/dpad was good
you are fucking trolling. The genesis pad was the bane of my genesis gaming. The huge buttons would stick all the time and the dpad was unforgivably wonky. The genesis pad was an absolute travesty.

>> No.1215374
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>> No.1215380

It was objectively good. You just needed to get used to it.

>> No.1215381

lol. Shit sandwiches.

>> No.1215390

Have you even played Mario World? It has a billion secrets. Ive played through the sonic trilogy a few times and haven't noticed one unless you count sort of hidden rings/1ups

>> No.1215387

the buttons only stuck on yours because you spilled shit on it like the little retard you are.

>> No.1215392

lol at all the trolling in this thread

genesis was awesome, but the SNES was far ahead in graphics, sound and # of quality games

>> No.1215393

>the dpad was unforgivably wonky
You sound like the morons that hate on the 360's dpad. It's SUPPOSED to be like that. If you have a problem with it, you need to git gud

>> No.1215395

the 360 dpad is bad though because you can push it down in the middle hitting all 4 directions at once. Sega never did that retarded shit

>> No.1215396

>inb4 someone calls this b8
b-b-but muh blast processing

>> No.1215398

and how is that a bad thing?

>> No.1215402

>SNES was far ahead in graphics
It produced prettier still images, but Genesis games looked much better in motion. You know, what actually matters when you are playing a video game.

This is largely subjective, I prefer Genesis sound.

># of quality games
There were a few great first party games and a lot of JRPGs ranging from okay to god-tier. Genesis had a larger variety of games that much better covered a wider spectrum of genres, and there was a much larger amount of great games to choose from.

>> No.1215409

>hurr what is an analog stick
you're beyond saving

>> No.1215407

Fighting games with it sucks ass, it messes up so much because the whole thing gets pressed down when you are only trying to do circles to do a throw with zangief or something. Spinning pile drivers on Genesis or Saturn street fighters are easy, SNES not so easy, 360 Dpad god damn it I just can't do it! Unless its SF4 that game is way too forgiving

>> No.1215412 [DELETED] 

Wow. Just look at all of the stupid in this thread.

Why is it seem that 90% of /vr/ Nintendo fanboys treat these threads like the comments on a retarded Youtube video game channel?

>> No.1215418

Wow. Just look at all of the stupid in this thread.

Why does it seem that 90% of /vr/ Nintendo fanboys treat these threads like the comments on a retarded Youtube video game channel?

>> No.1215415

Because Nintendo is more accessible/popular and thus attracts more idiots.

>> No.1215416
File: 10 KB, 225x153, shangtsung_yoursoulismine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, /vr/, it's time to settle this once and for all. Did Genesis do what Nintendon't? Or did Nintendo have the better system?
It's been settled for a long fucking time.

Super Famicom won by a huge margin. PC Engine was in a respectable second place, and the Mega Drive was a distant third. Also of note is that the PC Engine CD addon was the only successful CD based game console until the Playstation.

>North America
SNES wins by a very slim margin, but really it's a tie between SNES and Genesis. Early on the Genesis gained ground due to an early launch and with Sonic, but the bungling of the Sega CD and 32X and the arrival of excellent late era SNES games balanced the sales out. TurboGrafx-16 comes in a very distant third place. No CD addons were popular in this period.

>Europe and other PAL Territories
Mega Drive by a huge margin. Sega already had dominance of the console market in the 3rd Generation with the Master System and that transitioned into the 4th Generation with the Mega Drive. The SNES seemed to have gotten shafted by having a large amount of it's library never making it over there and major clock speed problems in many games because of shitty programing not correcting for the change from NTSC 60hz to PAL 50hz, though some Mega Drive games had similar problems. The PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 was never officially released though it seems some companies imported them into the territories.

According to worldwide sales, the Super Famicom/SNES is the winner (49.1 million units). It's massive dominance in Japan and good performance in North America heavily outweigh it's poor performance in the smaller PAL markets. The Mega Drive/Genesis comes in second (40 million units) for good performance in North America and it's outstanding one in PAL territories. PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16 is in thrid (10 million units) because it only did well in Japan, with it's PAL presence being non-existant and North American performance poor.


>> No.1215419
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(I didn't mention Neo Geo because it really had no console presence anywhere. It's far better just to consider it another arcade archetecture)

Nintendoes what Sega does.

Fighting over this is childish. This console war bullshit and the mistakes made would come back to haunt all three companies (well, technically the PC Engine was a joint NEC/Hudson Soft project) in the coming generation. With Nintendo's fallout with Sony over the canceled CD addon for the SNES, Sony would utterly thrash all of them. Sega would never recover from it's blunders with the Sega CD and 32X and eventually quit the console business, Hudson Soft and NEC dropped out even sooner than Sega, and Nintendo would spend the next two generations in second or thrid place, only keeping dominace of the handheld market until the 7th generation.

TL;DR: All of the consoles from the 4th Generation were excellent systems. Just play them all and enjoy that you can torrent and emulate just about anything you want from that era.

Real /vr/troopers own all three systems.

>> No.1215420

>sales data
Completely irrelevant. We're talking about which was the better system, not which was more financially successful.

>> No.1215425

>you can emulate everything and play all of it now, so making a distinction between these very different systems and arguing the pros and cons of each is childish!
Anon pls. Only one system can be the best.

>> No.1215432

Best Run n Guns
Robocop vs Terminator
Mega Turrican
Contra Hardcorps
Gunstar Heroes
Midnight Resistance
Air Buster

Best Shmups
Trouble Shooter
Bio Hazard Battle
Fire Shark
Zero Wing
THUNDERFORCE 3 shits all over thunderspirits
Thunderforce 4
Forgotten Worlds

Best action platformers

Shinobi 3 a lot better to most people but not as old school and tight as Revenge
Alisia Dragoon
El Viento
Mystic Defender
Castlevania Bloodlines
Splatterhouse 2 and 3
Rolling Thunder 2 and 3
Xmen 2

Dynamite Heddy
Rocket Knight Adventure

Best beat em ups
Streets of Rage 1 and 2
Alien Storm
Golden Axe 1 and 2

Plus genesis has some awesome unique titles.
Gain Ground
General Chaos
Herzog Zwei

>> No.1215442
File: 29 KB, 832x224, comparison thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arguments inbound!

>items like the cape take skill to use
Getting a running start and intermittently hitting left to beat every outdoor stage with no effort is not skillful in the slightest.

>the bosses are more interesting to fight
I'm not going to claim Sonic's bosses are amazing, but most were certainly a hell of a lot better than:
- a wheel of dinosaurs that just stand there on platforms and occasionally shoot a fireball your way
- a ghost that floats around and does absolutely nothing to hurt you, throw blocks at it 3 times (with a lengthy waiting period between each hit) to win
- a dude and some fake dudes that come out of pipes and you have to jump on the real one
And all of the bosses I just mentioned are repeated, some of them multiple times, with basically no changes.
The bosses I didn't mention (discounting the final boss which is pretty solid) aren't much better either.

>smw has better graphics and music
Presentation is SMW's weakest point. Aside from adding backgrounds it doesn't look significantly better than its NES predecessor, and the samples used for the music are pretty crap.
I refuse to believe you can actually look at this image and think the game in the middle looks better than the game on the right.

>Not to mention more (...) secrets
This one isn't so black and white. I'd say that both are the sort of game you replay 20 years later and still find new stuff every now and then, just, personally, for me this happens much more with Sonic.

>> No.1215447

Sales numbers are the only objective way to tell what the best system was.

>> No.1215449

No, they are the only objective way to tell what the most financially successful system was.

>> No.1215454

You're an idiot child. the 360 controller isn't that good at emulation the analog can not replace digital controls its got too much dead zone.

>> No.1215471 [DELETED] 
File: 452 KB, 2000x613, Green_Hill_zone_again_by_romulo1995[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even need to use Sonic 2, you could just as easily use Sonic 1 (which came out before SMW in all regions) to drive home the graphical differences. The background in Green Hill Zone and all the depth and layers it had was completely mindblowing back then, and it still looks fantastic even now. Compared to SMW's largely static and blocky backgrounds, it's no contest.

>> No.1215475
File: 452 KB, 2000x613, Green_Hill_zone_again_by_romulo1995[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even need to use Sonic 2, you could just as easily use Sonic 1 to drive home the graphical differences. The background in Green Hill Zone and all the depth and layers it had was completely mindblowing back then, and it still looks fantastic even now. Compared to SMW's largely static and blocky backgrounds, it's no contest.

>> No.1215492

You forgot to include Alien Soldier among the run and gun games, and Air Buster I'm pretty sure is a shmup, not a run and gun.
As for the shmups you've listed, you're missing some essentials:
>Gynoug/Wings of Wor
>M.U.S.H.A./Musha Aleste
>Elemental Master
>Twinkle Tale
>Undead Line
>other stuff I'm too lazy to think of or list

I picked Sonic 2 because it's the middle game and I was talking about Sonic as a whole, so it just seemed right to do.
I'm sure I could have found a prettier screenshot from 3&K if I really wanted.

>> No.1215496

Understandable, I was just making the point that the graphical superiority of Sonic was visible right from the get-go, and it didn't take the series until Sonic 2 to outdo SMW (it outdid it in its first game, which was released much closer to SMW).

>> No.1215501

>Not really the topic at hand, but what are some games that made significant use of the 6 button controller?
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Street Fighter 2

that's all that's coming to mind off the top of my head

>> No.1215526

sorry, but the genesis pad was a pos. second only to the fucking jaguar pad.
The 6button genesis pad was only slightly better, but it still felt chinsy compared to a snes pad. Nintendo's pads always felt solid and durable.

The genesis pads rattled after a few chucks and the buttons had no rebound whatsoever.

>> No.1215529

I left out a lot of things I just ran off what i could remember. I have most of those games too but they just slipped my mind haha all worthy of the list though. Air buster is a shmup I meant to put that there but I thought of it after then scrolled to the wrong place good catch anon. I was going to put MUSHA first but everyone knows about it then I just let it slip my mind haha.
Also a point I would like to add is that a lot of awesome genesis games were released before the SNES and Sonic so they never really had a reason to push the hardware as hard as they did later in the systems life. Most people who compare the two systems seem to forget that. A lot of genesis games in the early days didn't have to compete with anything so it had the best graphics for its time period. Most of the old school games played like NES games with graphical upgrades they were all as tight and hard as old school castlevania and megaman, I like the genesis because its got that old school difficulty. Graphics wise though once the genesis had something really to compete with I think its on par with the SNES without any enhancement chips. RPGs and ones that don't have a ton of fast moving objects on screen will always look better on SNES, the genesis just had the raw horsepower to have equally impressive graphics in the form of having faster action and more objects on screen without much slowdown.

I was lucky enough to play all 3 16 bit machines when I was growing up I had a NES and eventually SNES while my friend had TG16 and Genesis. I have all 3 now of course but I think the genesis is my favorite now nothing beats dem shmups.

>> No.1215817

I like the console that wasn't known for constant, crippling, slowdown.

>> No.1215845

>popular game

SMW came with every fucking super nintendo using their decade-old chief mascot. It sold 20 million. Sega decided to pull a Mario-killer directly out of it's ass with no pack-in and no established collateral other than its at the time semi-competent marketing team and it STILL made 75% of World's sales.

>> No.1215846

>Not really the topic at hand, but what are some games that made significant use of the 6 button controller?

The Lost Vikings. 6 button controller is pretty much made for it.,

>> No.1215859

>talking about Genesis
>nobody mentions Warsong, Vectorman, or Ecco

>talking about SNES
>nobody mentions Terramangia, Ogre Battle, or Harvest Moon

>> No.1215884

I owned both in my childhood. I'll say it this way. Genesis had more good games overall and Super Nintendo had more masterpieces. I'll give SNES the slight edge.

>> No.1215970

Sega's gamepad is arranged like an arcade cabinet, but I don't find that layout comortable for a controller. They forget that a controller uses the thumb as a primary input finger, while an actual arcade machine would have you using all your fingers.

>> No.1216096

How do you even get something that wrong? Have you even played the game?

Anyway, I found Vectorman thoroughly mediocre and the Ecco games, while really cool and inventive, could be pretty hit or miss.

Terranigma, Ogre Battle, and Harvest Moon are all amazing games though.

>> No.1216116

No, I have played SMW multiple times (mostly to try and figure out what so many people see in it), and Forest of Illusion is exactly what was described; a labyrinth full of dead ends. Only one exit will lead you on the right path out of the level, otherwise you have to play the level again. This is completely different from Sonic, where all paths will bring you to the end of the level, but some will get you there faster than others. Sonic's level design is also not nonlinear in the slightest; branching paths that bring you to the same end point is not the same as nonlinearity. You still complete each level in the same order every playthrough. SMW has a bit more freedom in that respect, but it also ends up trivializing much of the game once you know where the secret exits are, as you can skip 80% of it.

I first played SMW when it came out on GBA, because I grew up with a Genesis as a kid. My first system was an NES and SMB3 is one of my favorite games of all time, so I thought I would love it, and was very surprised when I discovered how thoroughly mediocre it was. To this day I do not understand how so many people so blindly laud Super Mario World.

>> No.1218563


>> No.1218583

I think you're confusing "Level" with "world".

Or your entire knowledge of Super Mario World comes from watching Game Grumps episodes.

>> No.1218601

I always prefered Nintendo consoles over Sega consoles but that didn't stopped me from admiring and enjoying the great games which were released for Sega. And that's because I never gave a shit about console wars and the same goes for almost all my friends and schoolmates I was hanging around with. Not /vr/ but the only console I blindly hated for a while was X-box because "It was a Microsoft's console and Microsoft's place was only at computers."

>> No.1218664

>"It was a Microsoft's console and Microsoft's place was only at computers."

It was, and as a result now, they're killing console AND PC gaming simultaneously because of it, but that's neither here nor there.

>> No.1218909

What the fuck is Game Grumps?

You have to take the right exit out of the level, or else you have to go into the level again until you find it. What about that don't you understand? Have you even played the game?