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1212319 No.1212319[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who was your favorite character?

What was your favorite battle?

What was your favorite class/skill setup?

>> No.1212326


Pic related, always felt bad for him and thought what he was fighting for was right.

The one where you had to open the flood gates, when I was younger I would have characters stand in front of the incoming water blast and laugh at them disappearing.


Monk was favorite because it could do EVERYTHING and I was a big fan of mp switch/move mp up

>> No.1212329
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Woops Now pic related

>> No.1212334
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What abilities would Link have?

>> No.1212347

Been a long time.
1) I rem I liked gafgarion even tho he was a bad guy.
2) most memorable fight was on rooftop with those female dancers.
3) fav class was dragoon

>> No.1212350
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>> No.1212363
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I love Dragoons, but this picture does raise a good question.

>> No.1212372
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>> No.1212387
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>> No.1212404
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Delicious Agrias

>> No.1212419
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>> No.1212439
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>> No.1212442

There isn't a single character I don't love.

Against Elmdor, i played like 2 hours until i stole all the Genji equipment.
Also the one on one battle against Wiegraf.

Can't decide, everytime I play I choose a different setup

>> No.1212446
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>> No.1212453

>fav class was dragoon
>not Lancer

Fuck you and the WotL version

>> No.1212472
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Didn't they call it Dragoon in all of the other Final Fantasy games as well though?

>> No.1212476

I'm at 300h with Tactics Ogre LUCT and when I'm done with that, I'll tackle FFT in the WOTL version again.

There are no brakes on the SRPG train.

>> No.1212557
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Anyone else have any art to share?

>> No.1212621

I actually played both versions
Its been so long I forgot the name change. The psp version is better and I played the ps1 version when it first cameout

>> No.1212648

I always liked Agrias and Gafgarion. Great memories first time playing the game and those first 2 chapters learning the game. I liked the battle on the bridge in chapter 2 when you bump into Delita and the princess, someone already mentioning opening the sleuth which was a great fight. One of my favourite character setups was when I made Rad a thief with equip spear and dragoon secondary. A knight dual wield with 2 rune swords and draw out was bretty good

>> No.1212691

> Including images from FFT in the picute
> Not drawyourswordramza.jpg

Do you even lucavi?

>> No.1212718


>not recognizing that WotL had the better written script.

I realize /vr/ is nostalgic by nature but WotL was simply better localization.

>> No.1212721

Worker 8 was my homie when I was a tween...but when i replayed it after I didn't find him as awesome.

I never felt Cloud really belonged in this game and never really used him.

I love the roster and stats in this game...but they should have let me have like 10 more slots in the roster. I never used monsters in this game because i didn't want to kick out other characters.

>> No.1212724


>that image

My fucking sides.

>> No.1212726

Anyone play through 1.3? Shit is really rough. All the neat content is in the last chapter, but I stopped there and haven't picked it up in a while. It's quite unbalanced which makes it 'difficult'

>> No.1212809
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I just downloaded it actually, what is different besides the increased difficulty?

>> No.1212824

Equipment got a complete overhaul, a couple of classes too such as Wizard, Priest, Archers (now known as Marksmen) and Calculator (turned into AOE debuffings called Sages with interesting equipment options). New monsters and unique characters.

Quite a lot of content changes really, shame about the difficulty.

>> No.1212825

Cloud was really cool, but his class sucked really hard. Seriously, fuck those charge times...

>> No.1212832


Not only slow ass charge times but you couldn't target people, only spaces. Not to mention how tedious him and the Materia Blade were to get in the first place. The combination of all those things make him a novelty at best.

>> No.1212836

Does this game has different endings depending on your choices?

>> No.1212928


No. Your choices don't affect anything really besides the objectives of battles. For example, in the battle with Argus, if you pick "We have to save him!" you lose the battle if he gets KO'd but if you pick "It's none of our business." then you can still win even if he gets KO'd. But it doesn't do anything besides that so you don't get anything from picking the harder, nobler option.

>> No.1213019

I thought it affected your team's bravery?

>> No.1213045

dat geomancer

>> No.1213060

I haven't played this game since it came out, and not for very long. Should I play the original version, or the PSP port?

>> No.1213071

Battle with Gafgarion where Ramza is separated by the door from the rest of the party. I had Ramza set as Thief. Gafgarion would easily defeat my Ramza in a one-on-one battle. I had but one chance: Steal: Weapon. 3% success rate. I use it and it lands on the first try. Gafgarion is reduced to slapping me with his limp wrists and Ramza easily defeats him. Easily my favourite battle, so damn satisfying.

>> No.1213097

psp port w/lag and widescreen fix. Its the definitive version.

>> No.1213101

Most people here will tell you to play the original, but I don't think its as much of an obvious choice.
If you're playing the psp version in such a way that you can patch out the slowdown, and don't mind ye olde english, I'd go with it just for the extra stuff and the fact that the translation lines up with traditional final fantasy names.

>> No.1213106


The lag fix is absolutely necessary. I can't believe I played the whole game without it. It's so slow it's glacial on the PSP version and for no reason too

>> No.1213108

I think the actual reason for multiplayer, but
>having friends
>being on 4chan
Pick one.

>> No.1213112
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It does but it is very minor, and yes battle choices affect bravery.
Is wrong.

>> No.1213117
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That's pretty awesome hahah

>> No.1213123


What about the main character? Can I personalize his class however I want or is it already set and it changes with the plot?

>> No.1213135

>Who was your favorite character?
Ramza because he was a selfless hero doing the right thing when everyone else was corrupt

>What was your favorite battle?

>What was your favorite class/skill setup?
Summoner with Math Skill

>> No.1213149

It's a bit too... flowery, but yeah.
The original translation was a goddamn hatchet job.

>> No.1213151

Can someone tell me why Delita is hyped up to be a grand manipulator when all he did was fool a confused teenage girl and went with the flow?

>> No.1213156
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You can change him to whatever you want, the only difference is his appearance is preset regardless of class where as generic characters will look different when they change.

>> No.1213159

He also tricked Goltana into thinking he was the sole survivor of a bunch of knights who were slaughtered and that he found out who the traitor was, if you remember they did have an innocent man killed as a patsy.

>> No.1213162

Advance or Original?

>> No.1213163

>In the subsequent chapters, it is revealed that Delita is manipulating both sides of the war as well as the Church and Ramza, so that he could reduce them to powerlessness and create a political vacuum for himself to fill. He eventually succeeds, although unaware of Ramza and the Lucavi's activities, and marries Princess Ovelia to ascend to the throne of Ivalice.

>> No.1213165

Too bad he dies a hollow shell of a man while Ramza escapes to have sweet, sweet incest sex with his little sister.

>> No.1213167

At the risk of sounding like a 14 year old
Dark Knight outfit>final outfit>squire outfit

>> No.1213170

Favourite character is Delita. He's a very tragic figure. In the end he winds up with the power he always wanted but lost everything else he cared about.

>> No.1213173

He was working with the church at that point, and it was their idea.

Except he doesn't actively do anything. He goes along with the church's plot for 90% of the game and only seizes power thanks to the Lucavi and Ramza, which he had nothing to do with.

>> No.1213174
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At risk of the same I agree with you.

>> No.1213176
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He was working for the church and it was their idea, but he was still the one who had to put on the show and lie and bluff his way through a bunch of politics and backstabbing. I am not saying he is a grand manipulator of everything, just that he did have to do more than just charm a girl.

>> No.1213181

Following simple directions isn't anything noteworthy.

>> No.1213183

>Except he doesn't actively do anything.
What are you even talking about?
Manipulators get other people to do things. That's why they're called manipulators.

>> No.1213187
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>"Did you get your end in all of this, Ramza? I... I got this."

>> No.1213198
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Please go into a local politicians office and tell them a big story, turning them against each other.

There I just gave you simple directions, I am sure it will be very easy for you.

>> No.1213203

Is there a prepatched ISO out there?

>> No.1213205

The church obviously had everything laid out ahead of time. It's never implied that a lackey like Delita had any input in the schemes he carried out.

>> No.1213212

To this day I have played few games that hand you such a hilariously unbalanced character like TG Cid.
>all holy knight skills for debuffs
>all dark knight skills for infinite hp
>comes with auto-haste
>has skills from a character you get AFTER him
I mean Agrias was mai waifu, but I hardly need worse-cid taking up a space.

>> No.1213217

Uh, it's more than implied, the game pretty much tells you to your face that Delita is manipulating people to his own ends.

What exactly do you need to see, Delita in a black hooded cloak conspiring with people in a dark alley?

>> No.1213221

He shouldn't get credit for it because all he's doing is following the church's scheme. He could be replaced with any other pawn and the results would be nearly identical.

>> No.1213223

>Benching Agrias
What a poser. My lady Agrias is all I needed.

>> No.1213224

Yeah I honestly wish they didn't make him that way, but then again you can have some pretty broken/ immortal characters by the point you get him anyways. I think it was just used to speed you through the rest.

>> No.1213225

I grinded her up to Dark Knight in the psp version so I could have my fallen paladin waifu. I was...not pleased. The skills all pretty much sucked and I ended up horribly overleveled for the rest of the game.

>> No.1213228
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Algus Please

>> No.1213238

did you even play the damn game

>> No.1213254

Of course. There's only one thing that would change in the grand scheme of things if Delita had been replaced with another church member that didn't have a desire to rule, and it happens near the end of the game.

>> No.1213393

Beowulf. I fucking loved the idea of an oracle with a sword. I srsly had 3 people with yin-yang magic because I loved the visual effects from them.

One of the randoms where you fight like 8 Lancers. During my solo playthrough I also had Ramza as a Lancer and i took 7 hours out of the day to line up everyone to use the Jump skill. No one was on the board. I wish I took a picture...

Monk/Two Swords
Archer/Break Skills
Hey why does the final boss take max damage from Lich but nothing else? In another file I had, I just spam summon Lich with every character and it didn't last long. The final battle wasn't as difficult as it should have been anyway. Does that 1.3 thing beef it up?

>> No.1213419

>Who was your favorite character?
Agrias. No contest.
>What was your favorite battle?
First Dorter fight. Used to be my bane. Now it is my bitch.
>What was your favorite class/skill setup?
Black Mage/Draw Sword ... for the sheer humor of the facts.

>> No.1213495

Go play the Journey of the Five hack and find out. He's a main character in it. Along with Solid Snake, Dante and Cloud.

>> No.1213503

It's pretty crap. Should of picked up something like LFT or CCP.

>> No.1213504

@ >>1212334

>> No.1214114


>> No.1214165
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>> No.1214235
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I honestly have no clue, sorry.

>> No.1214247

Cloud was pretty cool...

>> No.1214394
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I would do terrible things to the monk.

>> No.1214432
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I'm playing this on my vita atm and loving it.

Fav char is definitely the Summoner, fuckin shit up with Bahamut.

Don't really have a fav battle yet...

Least fav char is probably the Chemist once you get a good ways into the game.

>> No.1214448

Because Lich does damage based on a percentage of their life. With Altima, there's a lot of HP, so Lich ends up doing massive damage if it hits.

>> No.1214472

Summons in this game were truly badass.

>> No.1214474

Y-You mean really fucked up stuff like tickling her tummy?

>> No.1214479

Consensual in the missionary position after we are married.

>> No.1214497

You monster!

>> No.1214614

She looks 12.

>> No.1214698

It also affects dialogue, if you give a shit about that

>> No.1214709

Thoughts on 1.3? Personally I couldn't handle that shit, 3strategy5me honestly
>hard as hell to get decent JP
>enemies are tossing shit like Holy in the first battle of Ch 2
>you're basically forced to be a tactical genius or plan your party really fucking well
>couldn't deal

>> No.1215295

Is there any patch that goes back to 4:3 ratio but keeps the stretching? Cause the screen after you apply that ffhacktics' unstretch.live patch is tiny.

>> No.1215307

never finished FFT, but I just wanted to hop in and say that it was my favourite challenging line in any game script, ever

"Die in obscurity!"

>> No.1215383

Who said it?

>> No.1215457

There's 2 versions of patch 1.3: the good one from


and the shitty one from insane difficulty. The shitty one is the one that makes a bunch of stupid changes and adds stupid shit. Don't play that version. Instead play the ffhacktics version. Hard type punishes you for leveling too much while easy type doesn't. Other than that, the patch makes enemies have smarter move sets, more JP so they have more abilities learned, better/level friendly equipment and they scale to your party's level. The bosses and mini-bosses are all buffed to hell, for the most part you can't just instantly kill bosses because they're just too tough. The hacktics version is crazy hard still, but not pants on head retarded. Even nerfs Orlandu down to a more human state.

Ya even with easy type installed, you can't overlevel too much otherwise the enemy will rape your face for not having good enough gear. Hard type was just ridiculous though, I don't really recommend it to anyone.

Meliadoul. First time I ran into her I was genuinely surprised at the fact that she realizes she's wrong and joins you instead of going full out evil.. Close second would be Ramza, selfless hero thing.

The random battle where you start surrounded by a bajillion ninjas.

Bard/Time Mage + Monk/Dancer x2 + Mime x2


Lancer/White Mage with a Feather Cloak + shield and Abandon/Defense UP/Move HP-UP. Regen, protect, shell, Re-raise with near invulnerability + move hpup + jump. Good times, good times.

>> No.1215538
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>Lancer/White Mage with a Feather Cloak + shield and Abandon/Defense UP/Move HP-UP. Regen, protect, shell, Re-raise with near invulnerability + move hpup + jump. Good times, good times.

Are you me? I made this exact same character, would use it in co-op on wotl with my friend as well.

Also who was Meliadoul talking about when you would get her flavor text? I remember her saying something about love.

>> No.1215545

These were both really good and I'd recommend them both before 1.3 if you're looking for something to change how the game plays and not a story hack.

LFT is really faithful to the original game in a lot of ways so it'll feel familiar for a lot of it, just better balanced. That's not to say there isn't some silly shit in there still. I'm looking at you Non Charge support skill.

CCP is a total clusterfuck. You get all kinds of crazy classes like bullfighters, housewives, butlers and some interesting twists on old classics like red mages or the magic knight and alchemist from FF5. There are also new monsters and all new items. Like every single item has been replaced and a lot of them are references to other games that even use sprites from those games. One that stood out to me was the "Necklace of J" from Symphony of the Night.

>> No.1215597

Widescreen fix?

>> No.1215609

This has always bother me... How do people in Ivalice breath with their mouth closed?

>> No.1215627

Stop being so nosy.

>> No.1215724

Bumping thread for an explanation.

>> No.1215880

What don't you understand? The aspect ratio of the game is wrong, since the PSP has a 16;9 screen and the PSX only supported 4:3, so the image is stretched. Still, not a big deal like the slowdown issue. Patching that is a must.

>> No.1215914


As a teen, I thought Izlude was awesome, despite his lack of characterization. Something about his dialog in the library stuck with me.

Now that I'm older, Delita is my favorite.

Fort Zeakden. I loved the climax of chapter 1, and finally getting my shot at Algus felt damn nice.

>Class/skill setup
Ramza as a squire with black magic sub. Wearing mostly mage gear. Lancer reaction ability, Attack Up, and Move +3.

>> No.1215917

Also, keep in mind that Ramza's Squire class is actually different from the ones that other characters get. He gets access to new abilities in each chapter, and his stat growth is much higher in that class than other Squires.

>> No.1215921

Yeah, he was working for the church for most of the game because their plan was to depower Larg and Goltana's sides and seize power, but Delita threw Ramza at the church, knowing he'd take them down, leaving Delita on top. He wasn't some master schemer like Light Yagami or anything, but he made everyone think he was a pawn in the game, when he had rigged it in his favor.

Actually, there's something I'm not clear on. Did Delita ever know about the Lucavi?

>> No.1215925

It was early on. I think Ramza or Delita said it to the thieves that you fight in the first battle that you have control over.

>> No.1215943
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I always felt bad for Izlude, fucking dad of his pfffft.

>> No.1217014

Is there any chance in hell we could go back to the grandiose serious style of WotL in the future?

>> No.1217127
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>favorite character
I think they're all pretty fucking good but notable favorites would be Wiegraf Folles, Marquis Elmdore, Ramza before he becomes incapable of anything but ALMA oneliners, or Delita. Agrias is top tier waifu material as well.

Wiegraf was just a really cool character, if the circumstances were different(not having to kill Milleuda for example) he could have maybe joined with you

Elmdore is mostly just memorable for me because the first time I played the game I busted my ass to get past Belias/Velius and then I wasn't fast enough to beat him and his assassins so I had to start the game over. Marquis Elmdore has also just become my handle in general for a lot of online stuff since my best buddy, whose favorite game is FFT goes by Commander Folles

My favorite battle is probably the obvious Wiegraf/Ramza 1v1, the music and atmosphere are just really good, Dycedarg was great too because of Zalbag shenanigans, although it felt a bit underwhelmind, but then zombie Zalbag was good too, those two fights really made me feel for the guy even if he was a bit of a dick

Two Sword/Monk/Auto-Potion is a favorite of mine just for playing through the game and experiencing it but that's kinda cheese so I try to mix it up each time

Play Tactics Ogre, FFT's big brother
Let Us Cling Together got a PSP remake much like WOTL's a few years back and it's fantastic

I'd love to see FFT in TO's style of branching story paths

>> No.1217135
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I'll dump some random screens in the meantime

>> No.1217139
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>> No.1217172
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I always use Wiegraf as a handle as well, I honestly wished Ramza and/or Delita would have joined sides with him and they could have overthrown the corrupt together. Pick up more Npc's as a resistance group and become like Robin Hood.

>> No.1217174
File: 212 KB, 1024x768, Tactics-final-fantasy-tactics-4560030-1024-768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I don't have that many screens but I have other stuff

>> No.1217178


>Play Tactics Ogre, FFT's big brother

Can you personalize your character however you want in this one?

>> No.1217181
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I wish, I really truly do.

Zalbag really got shit on and you can't help but feel bad for him, a case of too little too late unfortunately. Would have made another cool party member.

>> No.1217203
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No, but the story has different branches and both the main character and cast develop differently, and after you beat the game you can travel anywhere in the storyline and redo branches to get each plot instead of starting over each time

From a gameplay perspective however, yes you can customize however you want since it has a job system sorta like FFT's

Well he was kind of a dick earlier in the game, he ordered Algus to shoot Delita's sister despite promising he wouldn't, and he told Ramza he was no brother to him and sent him away when he tried to expose Cardinal Delacroix being evil

But then later they did a good job of making him likable again, my only issue is that his death was very odd because Dyce just transforms, lasers him, and that's the end of that. All Ramza even says afterwards is "And so House Beoulve is no more"

>> No.1217218
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Yeah it was underwhelming in my opinion as well, I think he just grew as a person to realize his family wasn't the glorious holy realm protectors they were made out to be and wanted to be like his big brother. The sister part was fucked though.

>> No.1217219
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>> No.1217220

>Play Tactics Ogre
It has been in my backlog for a long time. Might as well just play it already. Is that franchise dead like FFT and Vandal Hearts too or does it still have a future?

>> No.1217226
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There hasn't really been a new game in a while, but I guess if you're new to it there's a few games in the series to enjoy for a bit

>> No.1217230

I'd be great if they made a new FFT with the art style of WotL's cutscenes.

>> No.1217237
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>> No.1217239

The question was more like if every sequel is worse than the previous one like in the aforementioned franchises or if it keeps some of its quality, which I guess it's the case, judging for your post. In any case, I'm off to get the PSP one.

>> No.1217252

Not who you are asking, but I would say they stay pretty consistent.

>> No.1217256
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The WotL cutscenes were so great
Ovelia's Worries is my favorite song in the game and the way they synced it up with Delita's speech was beautiful

>> No.1217257
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Admittedly I haven't played any of them outside of the PSP remake of LUCT, but I've heard that the other games are pretty decent, like Knights of Lodis on GBA

>> No.1217260

Sweet. I'm hyped to play them now. Thanks to both of you.

>> No.1217270

They truly were. They give me hope in Squeenix recovering their lost magic some day.

>> No.1217302
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So have you ever watched or read Berserk? I have begun to notice some real similarities between this game and that series and I am curious if I am the only one?

>> No.1217324

There are similarities, yeah, but only regarding Ramza going on a secret demon hunt.

>> No.1217342

The behelit and zodiac stones are similar in function, the relationship between Ramza and Delita is similar (though not exact) to guts and griffin, the character of Caska could easily be Agrias. I don't know maybe I just see it.

>> No.1217371

Is there any way to get the slowdown fix working on an emulator? This livepatch thing doesn't seem to work with PPSSPP, unless I'm just doing it wrong.

>> No.1217375

It runs off of CFW plugin menu so unless the emulator has that then I don't see how it could work

>> No.1217387

That's kind of what I figured. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to play it on my actual PSP.

>> No.1217396

I can see the first 2 to some extent, yeah, but this?
>Caska could easily be Agrias
Just no.

>> No.1217546

>Play Tactics Ogre, FFT's big brother

You mean younger considering FFT is superior in every single way.

>> No.1217550

No, he means older. As in, Tactics Ogre came first, then FFT. FFT is the younger brother by age.

I can't believe I have to explain this concept to someone.

>> No.1217551

Big brother as in it's the older series that FFT drew inspiration from and is made by the same people

>> No.1217552


People don't use the terms "big brother" like that. TO is worse, so it's obviously the bratty little brother that annoys everyone at best and the retarded cousin at worst.

>> No.1217558

We both just used it like that. Your analogy is strange and wrong. We're discussing chronology, you're discussing weird family metaphors.

>> No.1217563
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Third person in this conversation, I also think you are the only one who uses it that way. Chronology is how that saying is used.

>> No.1217562

TO is the big brother, that while was surpassed by his little brother for a while, his wiseness allowed him to persevere while his little bro fell into darkness.

>> No.1217564

On top of that, worse is entirely subjective. I actively enjoyed both games and had criticisms of both.

You didn't like TO as much as FFT and that's fine, but that doesn't mean that the opposite isn't true for some people, as your opinion isn't the default opinion for everyone.

>> No.1217567

You do realize you can analyze games objectively, right? Especially two in the same genre that are so similar to begin with.

Once you apply a little critical thinking and stop worrying about how much fun you had with one or the other, you'll be able to really judge a game for what it's worth.

>> No.1217573

Doesn't change the fact that worse is just one persons opinion.

>> No.1217580

Yes, I can analyze games objectively. I can also recognise where both games hold value. I am not willing to commit that either game is objectively better than the other.

What I'm saying more than anything else is that one persons objectivity, is another persons bias. I enjoyed both for what they were and enjoyed both equally. That doesn't mean either was flawless, they just had different strengths.

>> No.1217583

how about some quantifications there? average time to finish, total unit, total enemy, possible outcomes, number of levels, optional quests, average time conversations held between missions,

>> No.1217586

Other than the branching story paths, everything TO does is done better in FFT.

Stop hiding behind things like "opinions" and man up.

>> No.1217591

I disagree.

>> No.1217758

I'm waiting to hear your argument.

>> No.1217794


>Math Skill

This. It takes patience to work it up, but when they get there, you can wipe out half the enemy party with holy on their first turn some maps. Or do other useful shit and not have to be anywhere near the target to do it.

>> No.1217845

How about yours

>> No.1217880

>avoiding arguments

>> No.1217883

I'm not even the one you're arguing with

>> No.1217908

>bretty gud until Orlandu. Then practically worthless

>fav character
I would say Delita, but..
Probably Zalbag. He was practically brainwashed by his brother but I feel like, in general, he only wanted the best for the people/family.

I always liked the battle against Balk for some reason. But near the end where you fight Vormav, Rofel, and.. Kletian (I think?). It seems like it should be such a tough battle, but Orlandu gets it over in one fucking move. To this day, I still have no idea what any of the enemies moves are. Its one of my favs simply because it is so damn easy.

>fav class/setup


wizard/summoner/auto potion/blade grasp/teleport
for magic. Or
ninja/thief/equip shield/blade grasp/move+3 (shield = aegis)

basically, any character with blade grasp is immune to physical attacks (with high enough brave). I can't move on with the game before fighting Velius without everybody having blade grasp for some reason

>> No.1217938


Your argument is basically "FFT is the better game - here is a list of supporting evidence: fuck all"

My argument is "both games have merit, and they do better on some things, and fuck up others in equal measure"

it's a stupid argument to be having, and I genuinely think you're about twelve years old at this point

>> No.1217943

Go do the triple temple knight fight in 1.3 and then come back here and say how easy it is. Sometimes, I still cry myself to sleep thinking about it.

>> No.1217956

But the combat and maps in in luct are garbage. No matter how hard I try I just can't get into a game where every map feels copy pasted. And I fucking love TBS ganes, and I want to like this game because I keep hearing how good the story is... but the gameplay is unbearable. And then there was the "oh god please kill me" PSX version's gameplay.

>> No.1217961

Or better yet, don't touch 1.3 with your worst enemy's dick because it is a foul abomination of a hack that no one should play. There are plenty of other better and legitimately FUN hacks of FFT out there. Playing 1.3 is the video game equivalent of passing a kidney stone except you have less to show for it at the end of the day.
And inb4 "shut up you just suck at the game". I'm plenty good at the game. That hack is just a fucking terrible mess designed by some egomaniacal cunt that thinks the definition of fun is jamming barbed wire up his urethra.

>> No.1217965

You're probably played the wrong version. see >>1215457

>> No.1217972

Later versions greatly toned down the batshit difficulty to something much more fair but still challenging.

I do agree however, any enemy with Item was a fucking chore to take care of due to the AI having infinite phoenix downs.

>> No.1217973


Whereas I disagree - I thought the maps were pretty damned good. There was genuine weight in being able to hold chokepoints against your enemies, and the sheer number of troops and variety of skills meant you could tailor make your army for maps.

I'm not saying I hate FFT by saying I like TO, but I like what TO does, and I like what FFT does, and I recognise that both have different things to offer. FFT offered a smaller cast and focussed more on one on ones, while TO focusses on larger battles and by necessity, positioning your tankier units to protect your weaker could mean the difference between life and death.

If i were to pinpoint a major difference between TO and FFT, asides from cast size, I'd say it's movement more than anything else that differentiates them. FFTs movement is far more fluid, and with sufficient effort natural terrain can be subverted with ease. Not really the case in TO (excepting perhaps, gryphons), so positioning matters a lot more in TO.

>> No.1217983


Probably the greatest thing I ever saw on the internet was that someone on the Something awful LP forums was LPing 1.3, and cheated to get all classes available to him from the start, no change to levels or anything, and the game just flat out broke him. It was amazing to watch.

>> No.1217987


>> No.1217989


>> No.1217993

blergh needs an account

>> No.1217996

I'd played one of the older versions from ffhacktics and I kept up on the newer changes when it went over to insanedifficulty and from what I could tell it only became a bigger shitfest there. No disrespect intended to >>1215457 but even the old version is a completely fucking pants on head retarded. Is it playable? Technically. Is it beatable? Sure, if you don't mind restarting the same battle 50 fucking times and praying for a series of 60%-80% attacks and skills to miss so you have some fucking hope of success.
I'm sorry anons but I just can't see how any of that is supposed to be fun. Spending hours upon hours trying to pull out some kind of victory from chapter 1 battles only to find out you've already completely fucked yourself by being level 6 at Slums at Dorter is too many shades of ridiculous. I'd rather go play pretty much anything else instead. I can't imagine the kinds of masochism required to ENJOY any iteration of 1.3.

>> No.1218000

That thread was incredible. The words 'glorious clusterfuck' don't begin to describe it. Shit only got more hilarious when Archael deigned to GRACE us with his presence. What a fucking cunt.

>> No.1218002

I'm not >>1215457 and I echo your 1.3 pain, but the way I'd heard it from friends active in the fft hacking scene is that 1.3"easy"type (ie, the non insane difficulty version) is objectively the best version of FFT release, they keep a lot of the class balancing, item balancing, new encounters etc, but don't fuck with the fights too much, and they also imported the PSP re-release script to run on the PSX.

Yeah sorry dude. For what it's worth, it's worth $10 for the LP forums alone.

I just about laughed my head off at all the people asking what the fuck was wrong with him.

>> No.1218014

>if you don't mind restarting the same battle 50 fucking times and praying for a series of 60%-80% attacks and skills to miss so you have some fucking hope of success.
I never had that problem. Sure I had to swap my jobs and subjobs around and equipment a whole lot. I had to change my tactics and my strategies to win, but I never went into a fight and after trying it a few times, come to the conclusion that my hope of beating it relied on reloading and/or luck. Some of the fights were brutal (triple knights and both Elmdor fights, fuck that loser) but it never came down to luck, just some prior knowledge, planning ahead and some Lancers. And Thief Mustadio. Thief Mustadio and Lancers solve problems.

In any case, it still sounds like you never played easy type, it fixes the issues with overleveling for the most part. You don't need to finish chapter 2 at lvl 15 to stand a chance, but you don't want to be level 30 either. Stuff always is a level or two above you except for bosses, instead of 3-4 levels above you like in the original 1.3 - which I admit is complete bullshit. My first attempt at the mod was with monk/squire ramza, bard/time mage of same sign as ramza, dancer and 2 mimes of best compatibility sign with ramza. I simply couldn't get past Balk because my team wasn't versatile enough (I couldn't counter powerful enemies on small maps) and I was simply too high level and was getting annihilated. In both of my easy type playthroughs, I've never felt overleveled, though I've been cautious to avoid random battles.

>> No.1218020

Well I'll just have to take your word for it that there exists a version of it that isn't complete shit. After all the time I wasted on it before I have no desire to try it again. I'd rather go spend some time having genuine fun with Laggy Fantasy Tactics, Celdia's Complete Patch, Call of Power or any of the other smaller and more entertaining patches there are out there. Anything but 1.3.

>> No.1218319

There's actually a newer LP for 1.3 on SA done by someone who's... well, pretty good at it, although he still cheats for JP because grinding for JP is one of the worst FFT design decisions ever.

Archael makes an appearance in that thread. He actually mellowed quite a bit since his early days as a massive cunt.

That thread spawned a "Content" version of 1.3, which is basically an "easier mode" which removes level scaling and a lot of annoying difficulty things in regular 1.3 like enemies being able to use Elixir freely (wtf).

Unfortunately it hasn't been updated to match the latest version.

But yeah, if you want fun patches, play LFT or CCP. 1.3 is for people who memorized the BMG by heart. You need some serious knowledge of esoteric knowledge like the AI rules in FFT to get enjoyment out of it.

>> No.1218391

The Content version only happened because he made such an ass out of himself on SA in a matter of hours that he knew he needed to do something as way of an apology before the SA crew ruined his life so he put it together as a peace offering. It doesn't get updated because he doesn't give a fuck about Content now that the heat is off of him from SA. He slunk away after that and was rapidly forgotten by the masses.

>> No.1218402

Do SA goons really ruin people's life over silly things like "this FFT mod is too hard?" I know they ruin the lives of people who like anime girls because they're more puritan than actual historical Puritans, but this seems like a stretch.

>> No.1218441

was this game hard? on my first playthrough i breezed through the game. died couple of times but was pretty smooth sailing. games have gotten too easy most people not prepared for any type of challenge.

>> No.1218461

Vanilla FFT or 1.3? Vanilla is considered really easy except for a handful of difficulty spikes (Dorter, Riovanes Castle and Balk 2).

1.3 is considered Nightmare mode.

>> No.1218550

It's not hard, but it's challenging. Which is most that what you can say about your average SRPG.

>> No.1218704
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Idk what the battle is called, it's against a priest standing on a church and you can jump up ridiculously high if you have ignore height, and then tackle him so he falls to his death.

>> No.1218718

The one Holy Knight Delita joins as a guest?

>> No.1218832
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>> No.1218847
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>Who was your favorite character?

A tie. I loved all the scenes with the older brothers, really enjoyed the dialoge.

>What was your favorite battle?

The roof battle's. 1st for the one where the thieves have the dudes father and he hid the zodiac stone in the chimny. 2nd the roof battle with the assasins. That was the point when new classes came into play and was always an "oh shit" moment. pic related, mfw insta death from those chics.

>What was your favorite class/skill setup?

Geomancer. Totaly Geomancer, masybe with a bit of samurai mixed in.

>> No.1218849
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Or maybe this.. remember it being bigger..

>> No.1218851

yeah, fuck dorter. when i first rented the game i literally restarted 3 times because i kept getting my ass whooped on dorter.

it's why i hate fft, it's more about manipulating the class system then any kind of strategy inside of the actual battles.

>> No.1218886

anyone try the GBA FFT sequels? I never played it because they made it kiddie friendly. FFT had political intrigue, assasinations, and serious plotlines and characters. FFT on gameboy is about harry potter going to a magical world..ugh

>> No.1218903

What the fuck are you talking about? You precisely do need to apply strategy and good positioning in Dorter to win. Just get good.

The GBA one is not that bad, even though the setting is completely different and it's just some sort of Interminable Story ripoff instead of an actual setting, which sucks hard. I liked some of the changes, like the ability level up system, but the Judge crap was a pain in the ass. Still, the story and the characters become slightly interesting later on. The DS one is just appalling though, they dumbed it down even more and they even removed features like the dead bodies lying around. It was so terrible I dropped it.

>> No.1218927

FFTA is plotless outside of boss battles and the intro.
The game revolves around self contained quests, with a few references to the main characters that could be easily ignored. It's ok.

>> No.1218931

Well you just showed how much you didn't play it by not knowing what it's about
It's about some kids who wind up in a dream version of Ivalice, your main character wants to bring them back to reality and sets about slaughtering the eldritch abominations that keep the world order to destroy it, while they are all living their dreams and would rather stay there
The game is more focused on the buttload of quests anyways and just the general gameplay

As for the sequel, it's again about a kid(just one this time) getting sucked into Ivalice, but it's the real Ivalice this time. He joins a clan and travels around looking for a way home and eventually you stumble onto a group of assassins trying to summon a gigantic archdemon monster thing that was sealed away long ago (sound familiar?).

Basically they're much more focused on the gameplay than the story, still worth playing IMO

>> No.1218940

>it's the real Ivalice this time.
>Cartoony lizards, bunnies, moggles and giant chickens
No, it fucking isn't.

>> No.1218945

It's Ivalice shortly after FFXII, FFT's Ivalice is much further in the timeline

>> No.1218949

Then it's the Ivalice from XII, not the real one.

>> No.1218957

Except it is the 'real' Ivalice, every game with Ivalice in it is from the same continuity except for FFTA, in which the 'real world' is a way fucking later modern ivalice, while the book world is fake

You can say that it's the FFXII Ivalice to show what it's like since that's different from the FFT appearance, but it is all the same place.

>> No.1218970

I never played much of either XII nor A2, cause I hate them a lot for lots of different reasons, but that seems like total bullshit to me. Where are all those different races in the actual T Ivalice then? Not to mention the world does look nothing alike. If you mean XII and A2 are based off the original Ivalice, sure, but they are definitely not the same goddamned places.

>> No.1218974

FFT makes mention of Moogles having been wiped out by the great flood

FFT isn't the entirety of Ivalice, it's a portion
Here's a map for comparison, I don't think it's 100% correct but I haven't checked
Also FFTA2 is further southwest because Goug is in that game in the Northeastern continent

Also keep in mind that these are radically different times, FFXII/A2 take place LOOOOONG before FFT

Give this a read if you want

>> No.1218978
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forgot the pic

>> No.1218981

>Ivalice is referred to as a kingdom in which the story of Final Fantasy Tactics takes place.
>Ivalice is a region consisting of three continents
>Ivalice is again a geographical region and not a kingdom.

>Maps are completely different
So yeah, they are completely different things. Thanks for confirming it.

>> No.1218986

That's what I'm saying
It's all one big place called Ivalice, but the games take place in radically different time periods and areas, it's more of just the overall world that Matsuno uses for his games, he doesn't try to connect them together for the most part outside of a few references here and there, so if you like FFT and not the others you don't have to worry that they're ruining it or some shit, but if you enjoy all of the Ivalice games then it's just a nice thing to know that they're all connected a bit

No harm, no foul

>> No.1219020

You forgot to point out how the main character you play as in FFTA is the major villain of the story.

>> No.1219024

I figured that pointing out his quest to destroy the dream world while all of his friends don't want him to was enough

Oh and he has a pizza sword

>> No.1219082

Should i really care about Brave/Faith? does it really makes a difference?

>> No.1219123

Assuming you're playing the original: Brave affects the % chance of your Reaction skills activating [when applicable.] Faith affects magic, both outgoing and incoming. Damage and hit% are multiplied by [Faith/100] of each character, so lower Faith means you both deal and receive less damage from magic as well as your non-damaging spells having a lower chance to hit, but in turn they also hit you less often. Higher Faith, higher damage and higher hit%. It's a bit of a double-edged sword that way.

Also, too high of Faith [86+ I think] or too low of Brave [I have no idea because I've never seen it happen] can cause a generic unit to leave the party to either find God or out of sheer cowardice and they don't come back. Ramza of course is immune to this effect. Not sure about non-generics once they join up though.

>> No.1219128

tl;dr version: Brave - Not really. Faith - only for magic.
and Faith affects magic healing the same way as damage.

>> No.1219163

i liked Agrias a lot
favorite class/skill was Red Chocobo, choco meteor was fucking boss

>> No.1220329

>what are border changes, tectonic shifts and different map projections

>> No.1220561

>border changes
Irrelevant because the shape of the continents are completely different.

>tectonic shifts
Things that happen over the course of thousands of thousands of years, not in a couple.

>and different map projections
No matter how basic your map is compared to the actual landscape, it'll at least look similar. Those 2 maps are completely different.

>> No.1221343

Do you not see that the 2 maps are connected, not being shown as the same thing

>> No.1221414

As already mentioned brave affects reaction abilities. Your brave is directly applied as the % of the reaction ability working; at 95 brave your reaction abilities will fire 95% of the time, assuming the other conditions are met.

It also affects katana, knight sword and bare handed damage. At 50 brave you're only dealing 50% of the max potential damage you could be doing with one of those attacks. So boosting brave is definitely worth it for any character that will be making use of those weapons or a reaction ability.

>> No.1221442

>Brave - Not really.
Bitch a 100Brv character with Hamedo or Blade Grasp is damn near untouchable.

>> No.1222705

>No matter how basic your map is compared to the actual landscape, it'll at least look similar.

Haha no, different projections can wildly distort landscapes. The bay under the Y in Yvalice on the left for example could very well be the same as on the right, stretched out with different emphasis on the coastline's features.

There's also no indication how stable the continents are. Only 1200 years before FFT, a whole kingdom sunk. The landscape also changed enough to completely bury a highly advanced civilization.

>> No.1222941

The official stance by Square Enix maybe be that the Ivalice in FFT and all the other games like FF12 and FFTA are connected, but I always felt that it involved way too much retconning for that.

>> No.1222947

Is them being in radically different time periods and having an ingame event in FFT explaining the absence of a few things not enough for you people

>> No.1223369


I felt that too, i think it's mostly a tonal thing. and how the supernatural elements are dealt with. Both series are high fantasy, but the supernatural is obscured in a an almost lovecraftian way.

>> No.1223397

I have the physical copy of WotL. Is there any way for me to fix these slowdowns without having to use dark magic on my PSP and have the FBI shoot me in the brain?

>> No.1223445

Pretty sure the plugin is compatible with the UMD.

>> No.1223447

How do I get it?

>> No.1223456

Go here, follow the instructions.

>> No.1223460

>LivePatch requires a PSP running custom firmware. If you don't know if you are
running custom firmware, you probably are not, and must do so. Installing
custom firmware is beyond the scope of this README, so please find instructions
to do so elsewhere first.

Welp, I'm fucked.

>> No.1223491

Getting custom firmware on a PSP is simple as hell. It's mostly copy-pasting.