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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 238 KB, 782x814, MM10-MegaMan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1211160 No.1211160[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1211175

2 > 3 > 1 > 9 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 10 > 7 > 8

>> No.1211173


8 =Rockman and Forte,

Not played:
5, 6,

>> No.1211178

Yeah, forgot about R&F. I'd put it on equal footing with 5.

>> No.1211224


I'm sure this thread will have some proper discussion going on and no shitposting over disagreements whatsoever. As they usually do.

>> No.1211238


>> No.1211290

In general, I'm surprised to see 3 rated so highly overall. I admit that it looks and sounds amazing, even moreso than the huge leap that was 2, but I think it's rather boring in terms of stage design and weapons (a lot of them just fire something forward with small quirks). I'd be interested to know why others seem to hold it in such high regard.

Why's 8 so high for you?

>> No.1211297

You're not missing much by not playing 5. I'd definitely recommend 6, however. It's far from the best, but the weapons are pretty fun and varied.

>> No.1211308

I like the idea of the doc robot stages. Harder versions of previous themes, sort of with a destroyed look to them. It sort of added a feeling that you're revisiting somewhere and seeing what effect you had on the place and how it evolved over time.

>> No.1211330

>MM9 rated so high
>MM10 mentioned
>MM9 and 10 are not /vr/ aside from BUT MUH OLD NINTENDER GAMES

>> No.1211336


The first definition of the word retro is "made in a style of old". We've had TONS of threads discussing MM9 and 10 that never got deleted

>> No.1211341

I have to respectfully disagree with the mods on the definition of retro. While a generational cutoff is necessary to keep the board on topic, retro should also include games made in the style of and with similar limitations to older games. 9 and 10 are most definitely in that mold.

>> No.1211352

Awwwyes, another person who knows what's up, not just in terms of what "retro" is but for knowing that 4 is a damned good game. Fun difficulty level, great graphics and music, the first/best/only good "IT WAS DR. WILY ALL ALONG!" plot, and a nice mix of weapons.

>> No.1211353
File: 198 KB, 539x360, Roll_Megaman8_ending2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why's 8 so high for you?

Favorite weapons and level designs. I could probably do the jet sled segments blindfolded by now. Also, the art style and silly voice acting (and FMVs obviously) give off a strong Saturday morning cartoon vibe which never fails to brings a smile to my face. Also, you can finally swim and shoot secondary weapons with the megabuster at the same time!

>> No.1211370

4 is also the only good interation in the series of the charge buster. The only one in which it's balanced, useful in some cases, not mandatory, not overpowered, not useless.

>> No.1211376
File: 26 KB, 500x375, megaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let it be.

>> No.1211380


Why are all of you rating 9 so high? Just cause of the challenge or?

>> No.1211381

Yeah, the series got a little too wrapped up with the charge shot. The X series got more out of that mechanic. I think part of the reason I like 9 so much is that it had the same kind of challenge as 4 while making its (awesome) weapons even more valuable due to a lack of charge shots.

>> No.1211387

For me, it's the challenge, music, fun Robot Master designs, awesome weapons, and, I admit, the return to the 8-bit style graphics. MM8 left a bad taste in my mouth.

>> No.1211393

>Why are all of you rating 9 so high?

It's like 2 but even more refined.

>> No.1211398
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>> No.1211413

First real challenging Mega Man in my opinion since Four or Five.

Two isn't very good though. IN terms of challenge it lacks anything outside Quick Man's stage and Dr. Wily 2. It doesn't have very much depth in terms of gameplay either. Sure it was the instigator for what the series would become but it lacks the memorability of Mega Man 3, the quality of challenge that 4 brought, or the variety in weapon designed that was notable for five and six.

So saying it's a refined version of a subpar game isn't saying much.

>> No.1211419
File: 14 KB, 512x480, MM4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.) Mega Man 2
The definitive Mega Man game. Best music and most memorable robot masters. Also included a difficulty setting that changed the game from being one of the easiest Mega Man games to one of the hardest. Not only the best Mega Man game ever, but also one of the greatest video games of all-time.

2.) Mega Man
Extremely well-designed, but also legendary for being the game that started it all. There's just something special about beating Dr. Wily and that Yellow Devil on the NES cartridge.

3.) Mega Man 4
First game in the NES series to include both the Charge Shot and Power Slide. It also featured kick-ass robots like Pharaoh Man and Skull Man.

4.) Mega Man 3
Who could ever forget Gemini Man or Snake Man? Mega Man 3 can be a punishing game, but in all the right ways. I would argue some of the enemies are annoying, though.

5.) Mega Man 5
It has that colorful Capcom look and style. I would rank it higher, but things got a little crazy in those last fortresses stages.

6.) Mega Man 6
Not a bad game by far, but the least in the series in my opinion. Features some lame robot masters and annoying level design.

>> No.1211423
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>Two isn't very good though.

>> No.1211427


Never really saw the appeal of 9. 10 on the otherhand...

>> No.1211435

>muh Wily's Castle Theme

Please stop with this shit. Mega Man 2 is the worst in the fucking series. Mega Man 3 is superior to 2 in every was possible.

>> No.1211437

2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 1 > 7 > 8 > 9 > 10

>> No.1211439

>posting a tumblr whore as a response on /vr/

Yeah you should stop posting and play more video games and form your own opinion instead of cumcuzzling people on youtube and screw attack and sucking down their opinions like it's gospel.

>> No.1211440

That's consistent. I think 10 and 3 have a lot of things in common. Couldn't put my finger on it precisely, but when I played 10 it just reminded me of 3 a lot.

>> No.1211441

Power slide was introduced in 3.
2>3>1>all others. I Never liked the charge shot

>> No.1211446
File: 1015 KB, 4420x3980, lera reaction image 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mega Man 2 is the worst in the fucking series.

>> No.1211449
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>Mega Man 2 is the worst in the fucking series

>> No.1211457
File: 76 KB, 556x855, 1383395290980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, another one of these threads!

3 > 4 > 5(GB) > 2 > 5 > 6 > 7 > MM&B > 1 > 9 > 10 > 8

>> No.1211469

As the OP, I was tempted to give an honorable mention to MMV, but I wanted the conversation to stay to the main series. V is awesome for having original enemies and for daring to not have Wily as the final boss.

>> No.1211480

>people ranking 4 so high

4 is my least favorite of the NES. I'd sooner play 5 over it.

>that glacial lifebar fill up
>those terrible robot masters
>that ugly green charge shot

>> No.1211482
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>> No.1211484

i guess since I have now beaten all 6 mega man NES games, I can really say which goes in what order. I also feel that if you haven't completed said game in the series, can you REALLY voice an honest opinion?

2 will always be muh favurit
6 (bite me)

I've yet to play 7, 8, 9 or 10, but will soon, i hope.

>> No.1211498
File: 803 KB, 1024x647, Straw Poll MegaMan 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega Man 4 won a recent straw poll here on /vr/ from a couple months ago

>> No.1211501
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>> No.1211504

Lmao. Well just for the record, I wasn't saying it's the best or my favorite. Just pointing out how popular the game is here on /vr/. I'm shocked it beat out MM2, though. I always thought 2 was the most popular.

>> No.1211510

Same here. I'm genuinely surprised that both 4 and 3 beat 2, even though >>1211457 is how I rank the games.

>> No.1211514


Not trying to hate, but I'll never understand why 7 is so popular. The level design just felt so empty to me, and the only parts of the game that did catch my eye were ones that were simple rehashes of old level ideas.

>> No.1211515
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>> No.1211519
File: 9 KB, 256x224, Mmww_title[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What went wrong?

Never played it myself. But I know its poorly received.


Looking at that the game looks slow. Is there slowdown? Plus the pace feels slower. The sound engine is just horrifyingly bad too.

I'm not one of those people who go "it sucks because it didn't make full use of the new system". Who cares. If it has a greater color palette, and removes things like slowdown, sprite flickering then I'm happy. I'm not crazy about the MM7 Mega Man sprite though.

>> No.1211521

that's less than 100 people by far

>> No.1211525

The main problems I have with it is that some of the music is off key from the NES originals and it does run slower. I can deal with the slowness, but the off key music in some stages just hurts.

>> No.1211526
File: 26 KB, 480x360, wily wars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is there slowdown (in the Wily Wars)

Oh, you poor child. You don't know.

Skip to 1:30

>> No.1211530

Well, that certainly cuts down on Yellow Devil Mk II's difficulty.

>> No.1211532

75 votes are shown. Add in the few extra votes not shown below and you have at least over 80 votes. That's not less than 100 votes "by far."

>> No.1211538


I've never played it, and didn't even knew it existed until like maybe 4 years ago. Just going by the vids it seems to play slower. I just wanted to make sure it was the game itself and not the emulator/video. Presumably this and the music might be fixable with romhacking.

I get why the music is bad. A lot of MD games had bad music. Something about bad dev kits, and only a few devs figuring out how to make good music on it.

But the slowness and slowdown? Don't get that. Lots of MD games were much faster with more things going on.

>> No.1211542

4 > 2 > All the others

>> No.1211550
File: 361 KB, 640x480, Zorne-zornesbombe[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How I would make Mega Man HD.

>Graphics like Rosenkreuzstilette (see image)
>Music like Anamanaguchi - NES soundboard combined with rock instruments. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvrsLKR_pL8
>Bonuses like Boss Rush mode, etc

I know SF HD took forever (and it wasn't even that good). I don't think MM games have THAT much animation in them do they? Especially the NES ones. I can't see it taking THAT long.

>> No.1211558
File: 196 KB, 300x450, 597140-alpacacino_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that sound

Fucking disgusting. Stay away from my Megaman.

>> No.1211561

10 > 9 > 2 > 3 > 1 > 4 > 7 > 8 > 6 > 5

It wasn't until 9 and 10 that I think they really managed to make outstanding games with no real drawbacks. The early Mega Mans, while fantastic, had some important flaws.

1 = Glitchy footholders with no patterns that you could fall through if you jumped on them as they were firing. They ruined those sections of the game.

2 = The worst Wily Machine in the entire series. The first half of it is ridiculously easy, and the second is literally impossible to do without taking damage unless you use the Crash Bomb trick. The only strategy is to shoot as fast as possible.

3 = Slowdown instead of sprite flicker. Obviously rushed, the game after the eight robot masters are defeated is a huge downgrade. Wily Castle, after the Doc Robots, is insultingly easy.

4 = Not really outstanding in any category, but solid. A bit too easy. I don't like the charge shot very much but that's bias on my part.

5 = Awful. Very easy and all of the robot master fights are bad. They all have this same kind of easy jumping pattern.

6 = They ruined the controls. You can't jump-cancel out of a slide and turning around makes you pause for a split moment. I have no idea why they did it.

7 = Sprites are too big, gameplay feels slower and clunkier. Other than that it's pretty good and has some of my favorite boss fights. Love the Wily Capsule.

8 = Looks great, and I even like the cheesy voice overs. But way, way too easy.

9 = No big flaws. Just a solid game from beginning to end and with high difficulty to boot.

10 = Same as 9, except it has a much, much better challenge mode. Mega Man 10's Hard Mode is one of the most well-made action games I've ever played. Improves on everything.

Mega Man and Bass? I really like it, even if Bass is a broken character and there are a lot of bullshit parts. I'd put it higher than 3 but less than 2.

>> No.1211564

I'd say go with a combo of 2A03+FDS+MMC5+VRC6 soundchips.

>> No.1211567

>Fucking disgusting. Stay away from my Megaman.

The style would fit MM very, very well. A mixture of both old and new. Would love to see someone do arrangements in that style for MM tracks.

>> No.1211570

Nice post.

>> No.1211576


>implying MM2-3 in that style wouldn't be the best things ever


>> No.1211581

That's why I can't stand it, it sounds like that garbage.

>> No.1211584

>like that garbage.

You're in a MM thread and you're bashing MM music?

>> No.1211589


That's not MM music. It's Anamanaguchi.

Just go straight chiptunes. I too hate the sound of other instruments mixed with the chiptunes. It just sounds too messy.

Personally, I think straight up Mega Man songs sound better than Anamanaguchi. Sounds cleaner.


>> No.1211592

SSH should do the music


>> No.1211594

3 and 4 are so much better than the rest that there's not even a point in listing the others. I mean, sure you can appreciate 2 despite the horrible slippery controls and the regressed throwbacks 9 and 10, but they aren't the peak of the series.

>> No.1211597


I just don't think 3 is as good as a lot of people think.

See >>1211561

The slowdown is awful. Certain bosses are basically fought in slow motion.

And the game quality takes a nose dive once the Doc Robots show up. And the Wily Castle is way easier than the rest of the game.

9 and 10 don't really have flaws like that.

>> No.1211604

>Glitchy footholders with no patterns that you could fall through if you jumped on them as they were firing.
Uhhhhg. I started playing NES games recently and have been using progress in MM1 as a yardstick for my increasing skill. Then I get to these things.

>> No.1211608


They're bullshit. Just get past them any way you can.

The rest of the game is good. Just...fuck 'em, they don't indicate your skill because that's how broken they are.

>> No.1211632

God tier: 2,3, 9
High tier: 4, 6, 7("famicom" remake)
Mid tier: 5, 10, 8"famicom" remake)
Low tier: 1, 7, 8

>> No.1211635

>4 not in god tier

>> No.1211636

It doesn't deserve High.

>> No.1211638

>7("famicom" remake)
>8"famicom" remake)

Where would you get those?

>> No.1211641

>1 = Glitchy footholders with no patterns that you could fall through if you jumped on them as they were firing. They ruined those sections of the game.

What are you talking about nigga?

>> No.1211642

/vr/ disagrees with you




>> No.1211643

Those platforms with eyes at the end of Ice Man's stage are called Foot Holders.

>> No.1211647


>> No.1211651

I plowed through them with the mag beam only to find out Iceman's bane was not fire. On my last guy naturally.

>> No.1211774
File: 11 KB, 1160x950, ha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally.

>> No.1211793

RM4MI > 6 > 9 > V > 2 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 1 > 8 > 7 >>>>>>> MM&B

Haven't played 10 so can't judge it.

>> No.1212009

9 > 6 > 10 > 2 > MM&B > 1 > 4 > 7 > 8 > 3 >5

I still enjoy all of them.

>> No.1212012


So aparently that's "Rockman Minus infinit"

What in the hell is that?

>> No.1212015

>All these hipsters turning on 2

>> No.1212018


The best ROMHack ever.

>> No.1212032


It's just got problems man.

I considered it my favorite until 9 and 10 came out.

>> No.1212041

Don't worry, it's still everyone's favorite on soundtrack alone.

>> No.1212045

Of all of them, 2 is the best. As a game, 3 is better, but 2 has the better artwork.

9 or 10 don't count because they are merely PSWii60 games that just LOOK like NES games, thus not retro. If 9 were an NES game, it would be the best.

>> No.1212050

So we can talk about games made in 2014 that look and sound like older games, but are not developed for older consoles?

There's just too much Capcom dick-riding in /vr/, understandable since that was the only time Capcom was ever relevant. Just like Nintendo.

>> No.1212063
File: 28 KB, 350x350, handel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How edgy of you to say such a thing.

>> No.1212071


Ya fucked up son

>> No.1212230

How so? For including 2 so high or for not including it higher?

I think it's a solid game that's still fun to this day. It really helped to gel exactly what a Mega Man game should be in terms of design, play, and aesthetics. However, the wonky selection of items and weapons and a few badly designed bosses (the fucking wall capsules and the only-one-weapon-works Wily) keep it from being my favorite.

I've got to admit, I tend to put weapon selection and the quality of the music pretty high in how I think of Mega Man games. Those are the things that really make the games fun for me, since it's pretty much a given that the controls are already spot-on. That shit was nailed down by 2, and only really faltered during system changes.

>> No.1212243

>liking 9 and 10
>hating 8

Proof that gamers are blinded by nostalgia and cannot accept change even a little bit.

>> No.1212251

>retro should also include games made in the style of and with similar limitations to older games
There already is a board for this, so no.

>> No.1212261

>all that 6 love

Today is a good day.

Megaman 8 was alright but it was heavily weighed down by its shoddy voice acting (some of it is bad in a good way, like Dr. Light, but Megman's voice is grating) and things like the Jump-Jump sequence. Not the worst game, but there are chokepoints that make the game unenjoyable until you're past it.

I'd be interested in seeing another game use the SNES or PS1-style graphics, so long as the level design was of the same quality as the first six games.

There's a board specifically for retro games? What is it?

>> No.1212271

It's boring and slow. The weapons aren't very exciting, the soundtrack is just okay. The cutscenes and voice acting could be ignorable if it weren't for the awful and endless things that MM shouts during play. "POWER SHOT!" "Time to get serious!" SHUT THE FUCK UP!

I also dislike the very polished, un-outlined look of everything. I honestly kinda like the look of MM7 and would have preferred to see that touched up a bit.

>> No.1212276


Yeah! Fuck everything and just give me another MM2 and I'll be good. Innovation doesn't mean good.

>> No.1212291

1: Garbage. Slide-y controls, horrible weapons and robot masters.
2: Controls fixed and some OK weapons and masters. Fun Wily stages.
3: Maybe the best masters but the weapons are very eh.
4: Cool weapons and OK masters. Wily stages are damn boring.
5: Tore up from the floor up with boring shit.
6: No slide jump is annoying but I like most everything else.
7: Just a completely lost game that has no idea what it wants to do.
8: Annoying voice actors, fun levels, OK masters, cool weapons.
9: Mega Man 2-2 which is pretty good.
10: Ain't played. Didn't wanna give capcom more money for another rehash.

>> No.1212436

>There are people actually dumb enough to think like this

And this is why Capcom doesn't make Mega Man anymore.

>> No.1212549

I believe he means another title with the quality of MM2. Also, my point was that I'd be interested in a new Megaman Classic game with newer graphics, so long as it doesn't sacrifice gameplay to get there. In fact, I'd really like seeing a new Megaman game that uses a graphics style similar to Powered Up if they made the proportions a little more realistic.

>> No.1212551

>Didn't wanna give capcom more money for another rehash.


>> No.1212552


To me, it was more of a mix of 4 and 5. Something about the odd vibe and strange levels of 4, with the bright and happy from 5.

>> No.1212565


I think 7 is pretty fun, and I'm one of the (apparently) few who really likes the way it looks. Cloud Man's stage is one of my series favorites, the music is great IMO especially parts like Wily Stage 1. I like a lot of the weapons. 7 is super derivative and nothing new, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun anyway.

>> No.1212593


I played mega man 8 one time ever and for a short duration, I can't really place it because of my lack of experience with it

>> No.1212594

4>2>3>6>1>Everything not on the list>5>7

>> No.1212598

This. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.1212602


>> No.1212603
File: 7 KB, 365x247, 1384843879764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah, 4 is my personal favorite.

>> No.1212923

1- A fun retro challenge. Feels broken and clunky, especially at the wiley stages, but still entertaining

2-Probably the smoothest and most accessible, kinda all blends together though

3- probably the best of the NES games- challenging, has variety, and fun Robot Masters and stages.

4- More of the same, but with added challenge, almost to the point of annoyance though.

5- I know it's hated around here, but it's my personal favorite. I love the bright, poppy, and gimmicky stages, and bosses that feel good to flawless with the buster. It's a nice change of pace.

6- My least favorite on the NES. Kind of running out of steam and the Robot Masters and the whole game pretty much is uninspired. Graphics are fucking awesome though.

7- Not as bad as people make it out to be. A solid game although a jarring change.

8- wut

9-LOVE it. Perfect music, stages, challenge, robot masters. It's an absolute love letter to Mega Man fans.

10- Not quite as good as 9, but still right below it. A lot of it is kinda unmemorable but still a fun time.

>> No.1213578



34 votes so far. 4 in the lead.

>> No.1214130

finally, someone who agrees

captcha :attracted

>> No.1214136


You are now in love with this song.

>> No.1214138


>> No.1214141

Slowdown?, in my Genesis? no way!

>> No.1214146
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>3 in third

>> No.1214149
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>6 in second

>> No.1214153
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Legends > Legends 2 > Tron Bonne

>> No.1214156

its only memorable because of how easy it was for a 4yr old to reach Dr. Wily.

No one remembers the hard NES games because they had no replayablity. The easy one did because they allowed you to actually win. That doesn't make them epic.

I played MM4-6 before ever getting my hands on the first 3 and let me tell you... MM1 and 2 are neanderthals compared to the latter in both quality and gameplay.

>> No.1214161
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>> No.1214176

>Implying MM1 is easy
>Implying its glitches make it horrible

>> No.1214183

2 game me a hard enough time.

The first three are harder than the second three, in my opinion, so I don't think your argument holds water.